Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Central Orgs

      Attach to this HCOB, HCOB 17 April AD 13 A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN.

      Correct HCOB 17 April 1963 as follows:

      Omit introductory paragraphs and Points of Interest. Substitute the text of this HCO Bulletin.

      In the pattern, change "Beings (People) (Those) who never goal" to BEINGS WHO NEVER GOAL.

      Change "A Being (someone) who never goals." to A BEING WHO IS NEVER GOALING.

      Omit "(Someone)" wherever it appears in the pattern.

      Change "Fervent Believers in Goaling" to ANY FERVENT BELIEVERS IN GOALING.

      Change "No Goalishness" to NO BEING GOALISHNESS for the BE form of goal.

      Change "Some Bad Condition Dependent on next goal" to THE NEXT GOAL PLUS NO or NOT PLUS THIS GOAL.

      In the example "To Create" change oppterm "Creationishness" to CREATINGISHNESS and make other pattern changes as indicated above.


      This goal pattern (HCO Bulletin of 17 April 1963 as changed) was in use in an aircraft-type set between 315 trillion years ago and 216 trillion years ago and less, and is the pattern which precedes the Helatrobus Implants in this galaxy. It remains to be seen if all preclears have it.

      The goals were given with one or more goals in a series, usually one, and that goal was To Create. The preclear possibly has this goal several times during this period.

      It was given in the mocked-up fuselage of an aircraft with the thetan fixed before an aircraft door. (There are also two or more aircraft fuselages used in the Helatrobus Implants, but the preclear moved through them, was not fixed in them.) The date is the way to tell the pattern. The Helatrobus Implants existed only between 52 trillion and 38 trillion years ago, the total life span of the Helatrobus government. If the goal is found to lie earlier, between 315 trillion and 216 trillion or later, up to 52 trillion years ago, then it is probably this pattern.

      The goal items were laid in with explosions.


      This same pattern, but given in an amusement park with a single tunnel, a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel, was used between about 319 trillion years ago to about 256 trillion trillion years ago, a long span.

      The symbol of a Gorilla was always present in the place the goal was given. Sometimes a large gorilla, black, was seen elsewhere than the park. A mechanical or a live gorilla was always seen in the park.

      This activity was conducted by the Hoipolloi, a group of operators in meat body societies. They were typical carnival people. They let out concessions for these implant "Amusement Parks." A pink-striped white shirt with sleeve garters was the uniform of the Hoipolloi. Such a figure often rode on the roller coaster cars. Monkeys were also used on the cars. Elephants sometimes formed part of the equipment.

      The Hoipolloi or Gorilla goals were laid in with fantastic motion. Blasts of raw electricity and explosions were both used to lay the items in.

      The series is always five goals. These are very simple goals, no long words. To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, To be Solid, To Create, To Find, To be Visible, To be Sexual (not To have Sex as some pcs give it), To be Invisible, To Postulate and a very few more were used, always five goals in a series. The series usually started with To be Dead, but To End, To Sleep and To be Asleep must also be investigated as the first goal of each series.

      The pattern in HCOB 17 Apr. AD 13 is correct for all of these goals, as changed in this HCO Bulletin.


      From about 256 trillion trillion years ago to about 370 trillion trillion years ago the GPMs are the Bear Goals.

      These use the same pattern, similar amusement park arrangements, the same type of goals as the Gorilla Goals.

      The only real difference is that instead of a mechanical gorilla a mechanical or live bear was used, and the motion was even more violent.

      There is, however, a change of pattern in the Bear Goals in that TWO RIs were added. These come as a pair just below "The Vast Value of Goaling." They are oppterm "Any worries about being _________ or goaling" opposed by terminal "A worried goaler." Aside from this addition, the pattern is the same as the Gorilla Goals.

      Mostly raw electric sprays are used in the Bear Goals to drive in the items.

      The Bear Goals were handled by a group called, I think, "The Brothers of the Bear" and were the ancestors of the Hoipolloi.


      From about 390 trillion trillion years to 370 trillion trillion years ago, the Black Thetan goals were given.

      These were given in a glade surrounded by the stone heads of "black thetans" who spat white energy at the trapped thetan. The trapped thetan was motionless.

      The pattern is the earliest "To" form of GPM now known.

      There were six RIs per goal, consisting of:

      There were from 15 to 18 goals in the series, all of a simple nature such as To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, etc.

      The full series will be published at a later date hut is easily reconstructed, always following the same pattern of six.


      From somewhere around 110,000 trillion trillion years ago or earlier to 390 trillion trillion years ago, the most difficult GPMs on the track were given. These contain four RIs per set, positive-negative in dichotomy, (example: Wake, Never Wake, Sleep, Never Sleep), the four given five times for every one picture shown. This makes 20 firings per picture.

      But the first picture is invisible and the thetan afterwards is not expected to find then the first twenty firings of RIs (four in a row, repeated five times). This makes a "vacuum" for a picture and groups the bank. This type of implant is probably the source of vacuums in the reactive mind.

      The remaining pictures vary during different periods of the sequence, but consist usually of a scene of a cave, a railway, an airplane, a view of a sun and planets. The first "picture" making the total number of five is invisible and is no picture.

      The pictures have a moving object in each (except the invisible one) which backs up halfway through the series.

      The trick is to get the RIs out of the invisible picture, particularly the basic first four.

      The RIs also fire right left, then left right so that the "Never" RI the next time has swapped sides. They go positive, negative, then, with swapped sides, positive negative.

      They are simple aberrative words. Start, Never Start, End, Never End are always the first firings, followed by Begin, Never Begin, Stop, Never Stop for the second whole series of firings. The same four run through all five pictures. Then the next four go through all five, etc.

      There are many words used.

      Early in the series 3-dimensional sets were used, late in the series only 2-dimensional pictures were employed.


      There may be earlier GPM-type implants but the Goal idea does not go back earlier evidently than 390 trillion trillion years -- in the "Black Thetan" Implants. Earlier material is only positive, negative and dichotomies according to present data. But the earlier ones are more aberrative to the pc.



      The trick is to run a full series through on any of these as found, no matter how late it is in the period, then find the first time the series was given the pc and run the complete series. Then get the next earlier type of series and do the same thing.

      Your pc may not have been in the areas where these patterns were used and may have different types of implants. If so, make sure first that the implant you have found does not contain one of these patterns before going to the hard labor of trying to make one up with the pc.


      Between 38 trillion years ago and present time a lot of off-beat implants can be found. They sometimes have only pictures, sometimes only items, sometimes items and pictures both. They are usually short, often have no goal in them, only positive -- negative commands, and are not hard to work out. The pc can usually get them easily if they're on his assessed R3R chain.



      In a complex GPM pattern almost anything can be made to fire until the exact RI is found. Then no RR is left.

      Wrong RIs leave white mass and eventually crumple up the engram. Missed RIs leave black strips or patches. Partially discharged RIs leave gray patches. Restimulated but not run RIs turn everything black in the picture.

      Scan a pc through RIs you don't suspect and it all goes black.

      Get a wrong date or wrong duration and the pc has no visio or pictures that don't belong there.



      This is a rapid resume of principal GPMs on the track. Where the pattern applies it must be done exactly as given.

      (Note: All trillions used are US trillions which are 1,000 million.)
