Anything in the bank that occurs several times will not erase unless it's the earliest time it occured. This is known as the basic on the "chain". A number of similar things, early to late in different points of time make a chain.
When you have the earliest erased, the rest erases easily. However, when the earliest one is erased the next to last is the new "basic" and must be erased in it's turn. And so on. As this goes on, the items of the chain eventually begin to "blow" (erase) very easily.
Therefore, if Items cease to erase easily, you have not properly handled the Item just before it. And may not have handled the same item in the earlier run.
Even if you get reads out of a later run than the one you are supposed to be in, you will find the later one still reads when you get to it properly and will then erase nicely.
The real sneaker in the R6 bank is "the person himself at the time". This we call "the thetan" in the Item. Each Item has an impression of the being as he was at the moment of the item long ago. If one does not spot this each time, it will not erase and mass builds up as we go along. This means look at or locate yourself as a thetan at the time of the incident. It is not the light. It is right where you are in the auditing chair, but of course, ages past. Spot means "glance at". q = Greek letter theta. q-n is a trick way of saying theta-n. If, as you read this, you can glance at the wall, you can spot, It reads well.
One then has to get the earliest moment of one's own beingness in the bank and "spot" it.
Then one has to spot it for each Item one runs.
One "spots the thetan" and the Item or (in the Objects) the Items, at the same time. This is a bit of a trick. It is "simultaneous spotting". Spotting the thetan in a called (verbal) Item can be done at the same time as the Item is called.
Ordinarily, one calls or spots the Item a few times and then also calls and spots the thetan.
The thetan can also then be spotted without calling or spotting the item. The right way is the way you get the most reads.
Soon one begins to be expert at it, but then one must be expert at it with Item 1, Part 1, Run 1 or it builds up.
One had a tiny bit of mass on him right at the start, as he was protesting. This is (slight as it is) enough to tie down the chain by leaving it with a basic.
So "spot the thetan" each time. Spotting the environment at the time is also possible.
Find a quiet place in which to audit. Audit an hour or two at a time, preferably the same time each day. A day you don't audit is a session lost. Trying to make up a session is useless. Audit daily. When you don't you lose sessions. It isn't how much you get done in a session, it's the getting on, bit by bit, that comes. It's like digging a long ditch. What you don't dig isn't dug.
The bank contains less than was first thought but it contains enough. In three or four months you will have make it if you do a good job on each Item. And don't fool about with the bank. It goes into restimulation if you stir it up.
And don't decide a lot of things. Your ability to postulate is increasing and you can decide a run is "flat" or doesn't need to be run and have it behave that way. But it will still be there to knock you down.
The only way one can get ill, or in trouble, is not auditing, in trying to "correct" the Items given, or, in not following instructions.
What doesn't make Items read properly:
What makes Items read properly:
(List 7 run as an assessment for ARC Break will run easily. Locate and indicate the by-passed charge as it shows up. If you are not a classed auditor, get this done in a Qual Division that has a classed auditor either on or through the Clearing Course. If you really bog down, Auditing by List 7 will give you the relief sought.)
The first (earliest) bit in the bank is not an Item but a light.
It appears to the left front of the face, some distance away (look ahead and to the left a bit and you spot it).
It is the source of unconsciousness and produces it when contacted.
There is a light before each Run, in the middle of each 7' s GPM (every 4 pairs), at the start of Basic End %orch, at the start of Confusion GPM, and at the start of the Objects and at the end of each type of Item in the Objects (every 8 Items). Each time you feel groggy, it's a light doing it. Each major change, thea, is preceded by the light. Mark these in on your platens if they are not there. Flatten each one by spotting it, and it and thetan.
Anaten (unconsciousness) can be spotted away.
It is part of the light. When the light went on, the thetan went anaten. Instead of a Solo Auditor going anaten in his session, it is only necessary to spot the anaten in the thetan when running the light.
When you spot a light or object or combination of objects, you should get a read on the needle. By spotting the same thing again, you get another read. By spotting it again, you get another read. And so you continue to spot it, time after time, until no more reads occur by reason of spotting.
You repeat verbal items aloud, getting a read each time you repeat until it has no more reads. Verbal items are found in the "7's". "Basic End Words" aad "Confusion GPM".
But you silently spot lights, objects, combinations of objects repeatedly (same one) until you have no more reads.
You should get as many falls, etc. from spotting a light as you do from calling an Item.
Spotting the thetan follows the same rules. You spot repeatedly until there are no more reads on the needle by reason of spotting the thetan (self) at that instant and place.
You don't have to see the light to spot it or see the thetan or see the object or objects. You only need to spot the place where they are with the idea of what should be there.
Of course, seen at first or not, continued spotting makes it blow.
In order to save paper bulk, continue down your piece of foolscap paper from session to session, dating each new session start
__________________________________________________________ |JOE BLOGGS RUN PART 8.5.65 | | | |Page 1A | | | | Light.............................................. | | .............................................. | | Pair 1 (1).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | (2).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | Pair 2 (1).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | (2).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | |9.5.66 | | Pair 3 (1).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | (2).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | Pair 4 (1).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | | (2).......................................... | | .......................................... | | .......................................... | |10.5.66 | |________________________________________________________|
Use both sides of your foolscap paper, but use separate Auditor Reports for each session, of course.
Any comments that need to be written down must be put on another sheet of paper. Only the actual reads, including any buttons that are used, and any cognitions, should be written on your foolscap paper. Do not write the name of the items, only the pair number and item number.
Leave some space on your foolscap paper when you complete an item, so that if the next item does not read, you then have sufficient space to go back and add more in if necessary to the previous item.
Do not write anything on the platen.
When you return your auditor's reports and worksheets always use paper clips. Never use a stapler on this course.
Each student must supply himself with foolscap paper.
The platen is then laid aside the foolscap paper and you repeat the number on the actual foolscap paper. Across the top of the foolscap paper is written the student's name, the name of the part being run, the number of the run, and the date.
The reads on the Items are mitten on the foolscap paper alongside the number of the Item.
To keep from cramping your reads and have enough paper on all parts, just tate Legal (foolscap) size paper and use the items consecutively numbers and go down the page as far as necessary to record all reads, then leave a space and write the next number. It is too hard to keep the numbers even on the platen and worksheet.
_______________ _______________ ________________
| page1 | | page1a | | page1b |
| | | | | |
|1............ | |1............ | |3............. |
|2............ | | ............ | | ............. |
|3............ | | ............ | |4............. |
|4............ | |2............ | | ............. |
|5............ | | ............ | |5............. |
|______________| |______________| |_______________|
Number work sheet by page number of platen + consecutive letter. Page 1 of platen becomes Page 1A+ B + C of worksheet. Label each worksheet well.
The apparent pattern of the bank is as follows.
(Earliest) Part A - The "7's" Part B - The Basic End Words Run 1 Part C - The Confusion GPM Part D - The Objects - hollow Part E - The Objects - solid Part A - The "7' s" Part B - The Basic End Words Run 2 Part C - The Confusion GPM Part D - The Objects - hollow Part E - The Objects - solid Part A - The "7' s" Part B - The Basic End Words Run 3 Part C - The Confusion GPM Part D - The Objects - hollow Part E - The Objects - solid Part A - The "7s" Part B - The Basic End Words Run 4 Part C - The Confusion GPM Part D - The Objects - hollow Part E - The Objects - solid etc. for 10 "runs", total.
There are five PARTS. These occur in a row. This row of 5 parts is called a RUN.
The first, earliest, of these is the "7's".
The second, just above the "7's" is the Basic End Words.
The third, just above the Basic End Words, is the Confusion GPM.
The fourth, just above the Confusion GPM, is the Objects -- hollow.
The fifth, just above the Objects - hollow is the Objects - solid.
After a RUN of A, B, C, D, and E we begin again with the "7's" for the next RUN. The parts go as they do in the first RUN. (" 7 s", then Basic End Words, then Confusion GPM, then the Objects - hollow, then the Objects - solid.)
Therefore, the trick is always to run only the earliest run available and not get into later runs.
The bank has 10 runs or 50 parts.
None of these use a GPM Line Plot.
They only contain what is give on the platen you are issued.
The proper way to run it all is to get on with it. After 10 runs, you may have to go from Run 1 to Ran 10 all over again anyway, to get any final bits. So your first running of the whole 10 rans may not be your final run.
Always run the earliest Item first, flatten it and go on to next item. Complete the part. Go to first Item in next part, etc.
One calls the Item and marks it's reads until one no longer gets reads. Then one calls the next Item and marks it's reads, until it no longer reads. Then one can call the first item of the pair again and second Item, calling them as a pair until they no longer read. The reads obtained on an item by calling as a pair are put under the appropriate item number. All the reads for any one item are recorded in the same place on the worksheet regardless of when the item is called. (Such as calling as a pair or in rerunning). Space should be left after each item so that reads can be added when calling the pair or in the case of having to go back and get more charge off an item.
Whenever you move the Tone Arm down mark on your worksheet (BD -- ) and put the new T.A. position in the Blank Space, e.g. (B.D. 3.0).
If an item does not read the moment it is called, then you have left the Item just before it charged. So call the earlier Item again and get the read or reads off it, makingsure you don't go into a later run. Then call the item that didn't read the first time and you will find it instantly reads.
When you leave an item to go back to a previous one, pat a / on the item you leave and a - at the item you go back to. If you go back more than one item, put a / for as many items as you go back. I.e. if you go back three items, you put /// on the item left and - on each item gone back over. Each item must be called in turn up to the place where you went back from.
NOTE: This can easily be overdone (getting all reads off earlier items) as you can put yourself into later runs, so moderation in this goes a long way.
But never ignore the fact that a new item didn't read the first time it was called. It always means you didn't get all reads off the Item immediately before, or that yon failed to spot the thetan at the moment NEVER go past a non-reading item.
When running Clearing Course material, you find you get a certain amount of reads on an Item (correct 'run' type reads are Fs, LFs, sBDs, BDs) then the following Item in the same session will get approximately the same amount of reads - if not and you get only a few reads, thea go back to the previous Item that read well and you will find there is more charge on it. After that the next Item will read with approximately the same number of reads as the previous one.
One doesn't muck about with concepts or other maunderings. The Item is the Item and cognitions do or don't appear. The Item is the thing and calling it is what makes it read.
If the Items go on reading don't try to suppress them. Items read big and many times. You may get as many as 25 or more large reads on every Item. The main thing is to dear (get all the charge off) each ITem for the run you are in. Be sure to keep in the correct run. Remember, d you get bored with so many reads to take the boredom off as a button. You can just throw away reads because you get tired of seeing it read. Your purpose is to clean each ITem, not make yourself interested or happy or entertained. A lot of it is just hard, slogging work. If you clean them up as you go, all will be well.
You can sometimes erase an Item and have it then read as a lock or a lock Item. Test it for a lock if it reads too long.
If you find you are getting small reads, i e. ticks, small falls, check to see if there is any charge left on the previous item, and check to see if you are in the correct run. Falls and blowdowns are expected on each Item, not just small reads. Don't go on calling the item if you are getting small reads. Find the outness and correct it. Keep Auditor's Reports for each session.
Don't try to run the same Item out of all runs at one time. Just proceed frombottom up, run by run, in order, Item by Item, prat by part. Take care to stay in the correct run.
It is now a proved fact that none of the Basic Bank will erase on a preclear until all the lower grades are properly established on a preclear and then the Basic Bank confronted in it's exactness, item by item in sequence and in it's exact relationship to the rest of the Bank.
Know then that:
PAIN Pain (pn)
occurs only when you left something charged behind you.
SICKNESS Sickness is part of the somatic.
It runs out.
FLATTEN Flatten every Item
ERASURE You are not seeking Release
from the bank at this leveL You are erasing. Therefore "the bank has
blown" is nonsense - one has blown from the bank, so get back in it
and ran it. Total erasure is the aim.
NO READ No read on anew item is
always followed by long falls and blowdowns. Never by-pass an Item
just because it didn't read. Sure passport to upset is to leave Items
alive and go on or to skip an Item because it didn't read. They all
will read.
RERUN If you start
getting pain or sickness, you got into a Later run or you by-passed
some charge and must rerun the earlier area you just did. Something
is still alive. If in doubt, re-ran the lot from the stat of the
part. Erase thoroughly. But if it is a later run, get back into the
correct one.
NEGLECT If you ran upwards getting
no reads at all on several Items and still go on, you will become
quite upset. Do not go past non-reading items. Find out what is wrong
immediately and remedy it.
BY-PASSEDCHARGE; Use L7 on yourself if you don't
quietly find reasons for pain or upset.
READS Write down, using
the code, every read you get after the Item that it occurred on.
Write "no" for Item that didn't read afire read, even when it then
reads. Example: "No LFsBDFFFsBD".
RELEASE You'll go Release a lot of
times. Ignore it. We are erasing in R6. Release can be ignored becaus
the R6 bank is vanishing. Not true of Lower Grades.
TA UP The TA goes up
between sessions. IT cleans up and goes down on beginning rudiments
or on the first couple of Items or both.
REPEATER TECHNIQUE;The Items are flattened by
repeater technique. Just repeat them until they no laager read. Get
your own reaction off. Repeat again Repeat to no read. Beware of
session Suppress and Invalidate.
PART B Is nouns. Be careful of
first one because it is used in the sense of a noun. Don't run it
otherwise than as a pure noun.
READS It is not unusual
for an Item not to read at first call. Read the one just before it
again. Try the Item once more. If still no read, call several just
before it. Then call it again. It will read. Items read many times in
most cases. Don't leave anything reading behind you. Sometimes you
will find a pair you just left are still very alive. Flatten them.
Mark ALL reads or lack of them.
WOODEN FACE;A wooden feeling in the face is caused by
pulling later items that are also pulled in out of arrangement. If
you pull in from later bank (runs) X and Y you will not get a wooden
feeling in your face. But if you pull them in Y X you will.
F = 1" to 2" fall (needle left to right motion)
LF = long fall 2" or more
sF = small fall 1/2 to 1"
ht = heat experienced
pn = pain
som = somatic
sen = sensation
corr = correct
supp = suppress
inval = invalidate
no rd = no read
sBD = small blowdown of TA..2 div. or .1 (right to left
(needle sticks over to right -- TA does not necessarily
have to be moved.)
BD = 1/4 division blow down of TA or more (right to left
(TA has to be moved)
Div = division of tone arm
TA = tone arm of meter, scale of
anaten = analytical attenuation (going unconscious)
These parts are silent.
There are no words in them, only objects.
They run in a pattern.
The position of the objects relative to the thetan are:
| * Left Side
q THETAN * In front of face | q THETAN
| * Right Side
* Left Side | * Left Side
q THETAN * In front of face |Behind Head * q THETAN * Front
* Right Side | * Right Side
The Objects appear about an arm's length away.
On coming in or going away, the location is the same.
For 1 Object. it appears a few feet in front of one's face.
For 2 Objects, tbey appear to right and left of one at same height as the front one.
For 3 Objects, they appear combined as 1 and 2 Objects positions (in front face and to right and left).
For 4 Objects, they appear as the 3 plus one behind the head about the same distance back as the one in front is.
They move.
Learn to perceive the number given all in the same instant, doing the action of going away or coming in. Spot the thetan at the same moment.
Seek to perceive the object or objects, don't call them. Perceive them as going away or as coming in, as given.
If the mass stacks up, you are missing spotting the thetan. Go back and spot it. (yourself at the time). It is an easy run. If you grind ac it too hard you will get into the same run repeating as a later run.
If you have pain, you have missed a read. Or you went inta a later run. If you have severe pains, you've gotten into a later run.
If your eyes burn, you have invalidated something.
About the only thing that can make you ill on the Clearing Course is your own error, losing your place on the plot, skipping or re-running.
Between sessions, little can happen you cannot repair.
But, at the start of a session, you may pick up, in error, something you have already run, or skip and pick up late. (i.e. you have done 133, you start at 129 the next session. More seriously, you have not done 141 to 144, bat begin the next session at 145.)
If you skip 4 items and do a light, you wi11 surely become ill. By illness is meant, "colds", "flu", "dysentry"', etc.
To prevent becoming ill, be very careful of your place, very careful to pick up where you left off, very careful not to skip. And you will do very well.
If you do become physically ill, down in bed, it is almost certain you missed items and did a skip.
And further, you must have been PTS at the time (connected to an SP).
No Clearing Course auditing may take place during pregnancy.
If pregnancy occurs, send your folder to the Clearing Course Supervisor who will keep it until after the birth of the baby.
LRH: je: jd: td: al
Copyright (c) 1967