Path: rQ!rQdQ!remarQ73!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Karin Spaink Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,,alt.scientology Subject: Power Processes Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 17:06:30 -0500 Organization: bART Internet Services Lines: 966 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: 920908903 20701 (8 Mar 1999 16:01:43 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Mar 1999 16:01:43 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I) X-Accept-Language: en Xref: rQ alt.religion.scientology:548509 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY, AD 15 [1965] By Hand Saint Hill Only SCIENTOLOGY VII Confidential Issue Qualificatians Division Only (Star-rated Checkout) THE POWER PROCESSES There are three Power Processes being run at this time. They are known as the Source, Existence, and the Conditions Process. I - Source Definition: SOURCE: that from which something comes or develops; place of origin; cause. Source Process Commands 1. Tell me a source. 2. Tell me about it. 3. Tell me a no source. 4. Tell me about it. Flattening the Source Process The Source Process is ended when the preclear exper- iences brightness and solidity changes in the auditing room. The preclear will comment that the room is brighter and more solid. Source Process Clearing of Commands 1. Clear the word "source" and the word "no source" by having the preclear look up the definition in the dictionary. 2. Clear the command, "Tell me a source." 3. Clear the command, "Tell me a no source." 4. Clear the command, "Tell me about it." THEORY OF THE SOURCE PROCESS The Source Process is used to get a preclear not only to answer the auditing command and tel1 where it is coming from, but also to handle the preclear on the entire scale from NO SOURCE to TOTAL SOURCE to AWARENESS OF SOURCES. The No-Source Case One of the lowest levels of cases is the case who has never caused anything and who does not recognize that anyone else can cause things. This case is one of totally fixed attention units, all of which are completely fixated on some- thing which is not there, but which is meaningful and male- volent; therefore, this case has sought the refuge of the non-existence of source to avail this something. To such a case there is no existence, and no conditions. Recognizing no source, this preclear, therefore, has no auditor, is not himself there either, and of course, has never done anything. Preclears in this state can quite easily admit to having done most anything because in actuality they have not ever done anything. Further cases at NO SOURCE have no awareness of any emotion or sensation although they can exhibit physically the manifestations of emotion and sensation, but their awareness of doing so is nil or at the most a slight curio- sity that their bodies are reacting in an odd manner. Every- thing is pointless to such a case as there is NO SOURCE and therefore no way to effect any changes. Such a case is self- invalidative, irresponsible, and speaks in total generalities, such reflecting the no source of causation. This person, too, is haunted by ghosts, delusions, and false beings all of which are phenomena of no source. The individual is quite theety- weety. The perception of such a case as the NO SOURCE case is that the environment is either rather dark or transparent. An auditor to get reality concerning how the world looks to such a case should look at the reflection of a room as mirrored in a window. The Total Source Case Up scale to a degree from the NO SOURCE case is the TOTAL SOURCE CASE, the case which is pretending to be total source when obviously the person is not. Here we have the megalomaniac, the self-assertive case, the pathological braggart, and the guilt case. Such cases think they cause everything or pretend to cause everything or think they have caused things they haven't or pretend to cause things which they haven't. Such cases are continuously making false assign- ments or cause. Such cases tend in two directions - because they are "cause of everything", they are guilty for all that has happened or is happening or because they are "cause of everything", they are in a state of fighting everyone else in their environment as fancied threats to their own false cause. In the latter case, falls the paranoid who is certain that he is being "done-in" because he is so important that the "FBI is after him". Such a case, if he recognizes other source at all, recognizes it only as a threat to him or as a bad causa- tion which only he can right. Usually such cases as the TOTAL SOURCE case flip-flops between the two extremes in his considerations - "he is either a guilty, horrible, blameworthy creature" or "he is a genius, a fantastic being whom others are trying to get at". In auditing such a case as the TOTAL SOURCE case, the auditor for this preclear does not exist either, as such a preclear can admit of no other source or if the auditor does exist, the auditor is only to this preclear a source of dis- traction or a source of bad cause. If he is in propitiation to the auditor, it will be those "above the auditor" who are the source of bad cause. What the auditor must recognize and know about both the NO SOURCE case and the TOTAL SOURCE case and the various har- monics of such as dramatized on various dynamics is that neither case can as-is either because there is no source at all or because source is mis-assigned. As-isness can only occur with the proper assignment of source or authorship. Since the ability to perceive source is the key to solving problems, such people have enormous numbers or problems, but never seem to describe the real problem; thus they seem quite baffling. Definitions: ATTENTION UNIT: A theta energy quantity of awareness existing in the mind in varying quantity from person to person. FIXED ATTENTION UNITS: Attention units which are caught somewhere down tne time track in one incident or another in the form of entheta. GENERALITY: A general or nonspecific statement which is applicable to all and used in Scientology to connotate a statement made in an effort to either hide cause or to overwhelm another person with the all-inclus1ve. MEGALOMANIAC: A person who has delusions of grandeur, wealth, power, etc. DELUSION: A belief in something which is contrary to fact or reality resulting from deception, mis- conception, or misassignment. PARANOID: A person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially, persecution. II - EXISTENCE Definition: EXISTENCE: An existing state or fact of being; life; living; continuance of being; an occurrence; specific manifestation. Existence Process Commands 1. What is? 2. What isn't. Flattening the Existence Process The Existence Process is ended when the preclear gets into present time. Some preclears are "stuck in present time". In such cases they will begin answering in present time and then cycle back on the time track and back into present time, many times repeating the cycle from present to past to present to past to present, each time going less far into the past until they are finally "in present time" for many commands. Existence Process Clearing of Commands 1. Clear the word "is" and clear the word "Isn't" by having the preclear look up the definition in the dictionary. 2. Clear the question, "What is?" 3. Clear the question, "What isn't?" THEORY OF THE EXISTENCE PROCESS The Existence Process is used to unburden the engram the preclear is stuck in so the preclear can appear to come to present time. This process handles obsessive pretence, chronic alter-is, and dub-in, both in present time and an the track or objective dub-in and subjective dub-in. With the Source Process, the auditor improved the pre- clear's ability to be aware of the sources of things. Now with the Existence Process, the auditor is to improve the pre-clear's ability to be aware of the existence of the actual and the non-existence of the inactual. This process removes the extraneous incidents off the engram in which the preclear is stuck so that the preclear apparently comes to present time. Definitions: PRETENCE: A claim, profession, or alle- gation which is falsely made or assumed or stated. AS - ISNESS: This is the basic state- ment of Reality in Scientology and one of its major contri- butions. Instead of puzzling as to WHO made the universe or WHAT made it, the Scientologist simply perceives that it IS. However, if you attempt to erase an "engram that didn't happen" (dub-in) or get relief by running a problem that never existed, there is no case gain. Why? Because one can only confront or erase what IS, not an alteration of what IS. To AS - IS something is to look at it AS it IS really, with- out decoration, excuse, embellishment, dub-in, lies, twists, and all that. The alterations prevent the erasure of the actual IS - NESS of the existence or the past or a problem, etc. One has to confront the truth of it without twists to erase it. A preclean who twists things, looks at birds when they are chickens, was "punished every day" when none touched him, can not erase any part of the bank. Thus, one sees no TA or improvement. The pc is working on fantasy or reputational excuses and isn't AS - ISing. This must be cured before a preclear can make any real gains, The way to handle it is by getting the preclear to gradually came to looking at things as they are. When the preclear can do this, he or she can now "AS - IS", which is to say, erase bank by looking at This is the purpose of the Existence Process. The pc does not have to understand why it works to have it work. It just works. ALTER - IS: To introduce a change, and therefore time and persistence into an AS - IS - NESS to obtain persistency. An Introduction of an alter - is is, therefore, the addition of a lie to the real which causes it to persist and not to blow or as-is. OBJECTIVE DUB-IN: The manifestation of putting, unknowingly, perceptions which do not in actual fact exist, in the environment. SUBJECTIVE DUB-IN: The manifestation of putting, unknowingly, perceptions which do not in actual fact exist, into incidents on the time track. III - CONDITIONS Definition: CONDITIONS: Anything called for as a re- quirement bedsore the performance, completion, or effectiveness of something else; provision, stipulation. Anything essen- tial to the existence or occurrence of something else; any- thing that modifies or restricts the nature, existence, or occurrence of something else; external circumstances or fac- tors. Manner or state of being. Proper or healthy state. Conditions Process Commands 1. Tell me an existing condition. 2. Tell me how you handled it. Flattening the Conditions Process The Conditions Process is ended when the preclear has a revivification or the engram in which they are stuck on the time track. It is preceded at times by anaten or a secondary engram (misemotional) or both, Conditions Process Clearing of Commands 1. Clear the words, "existing" and "condition" by having the preclear look up the definition in the dictionary. 2. Clear the command, "Tell me an existing condition." 3. Clear the wod "handled" by having the preclear look up the definition in the dictionary. 4. Clear the command, "Tell me how you handled THEORY OF THE CONDITIONS PROCESS The Conditions Process handles the engram the preclear is stuck in and knocks apart the stuck point an the time track It is aimed at the preclear who is out of present time, but who is fighting a back track enemy as though it was in present time, and who is, therefore, solving a problem in present time which has ceased to exist in life. Because of this, the pre- clear is hostile, covert, and antagonistic. The case of the continuing overts in present time is resolved with the Conditions Process. All of this case's continual overts in present time are efforts to solve the engram in which the preclear is stuck. The Conditions Process results in a revivification of this engram in which the preclear is stuck and thereby frees the individual on the time track so he can now really be in present time. While the preclear will recall or remember many inci- dents, and while he seems to be in many, he is, in actual fact only in ONE and has been there for a long time with other incidents piling up on it. The pc will eventually REVIVIFY (relive) the actual engram briefly and come for the first time to present time. That is the end of the process. A secondary (misemotional incident) has to have an engram (a moment of pain and unconsciousness) under it to be a secondary and remain in place. That 1s why it is called a "secondary". A preclear commonly goes through the secondary (misemotiona1) charge hours or a couple of auditing days be- fore he revivifies. Thus the appearance of a secondary is a sign that one is approaching THE engram. One does not run the secondary or engram as an auditor. One just goes on running the Conditions Process commands. It is a severe goof to stop or change processes just because the pc has hit a secondary or the key engram. One runs the pro- cess exactly. When the pc revivifies a few more commands usually gets him into PT and ends tne process. It is a severe goof to overrun or underrun the process. End Words Sometimes persons who couldn't run R-6 well have had end words fly off for a while when audited on one or another of the Power Processes. This soon ceases and the pc runs quite normally. It's just their R-6 auditing coming off. However, the major symptom of overrunning the process is that the pc, his "Time Track" blown by a revivification, begins to audit off real end words much like R-6-EW. If a pc has revivified and the process is overrun it can become quite severe in reaction as the pc will stck into the R-6 bank! However, a preclear can be overrun for several days without being smashed. But don't do it. Further Definitions PRESENT TIME: The time which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment existing in now, as in "preclear came up to present time", meaning the preclear be- came aware of the existing matter, energy, space, and time of now. The point on anyone's time track where his physical body (if alive) may be found. "Now". STUCK IN PRESENT TIME: The condition of a person being incapable of moving on the time track into the past. In actuality the preclear is in some incident which forces him to be in the apparent present. REVIVIFICATION: The bringing back to life of an engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclean. It is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He re-lives that moment briefly. He does no". merely reecall or remember it. AN ENGRAM: A mental image picture of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied threat to survival; it is a recording in the mind of some- thing which actually happened to the preclear in the past which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental image picture called an engram. ANATEN: A composite of two words, "analytical attenua- tion", or partial or complete dilution or weakening of the functions of the analytical mind. The preclear goes "unconscious" for a moment in the session. A SECONDARY: A secondary engram is a mental image picture of a moment in the past containing misemotion - anger, fear, grief, apathy - where loss either is threatened or accomplished. However, a secondary can not exist unless an engram underlies it. TIME TRACK: The consecutive mental image pictures recording the consecutive moments of "now" through which the individual has lived. It consists of locks, secondaries, and engrams. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:msh:cs Copyright (c) 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED GRADE V POWER PROCESSES ALL FLOWS PR PR 1 Fl. 1. What has another done to you? 2. What problem was he/she trying to solve? 3. What hasn't another said to you? 4. What problem was he/she trying to solve? F2. 1. What have you done to another? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to another? 4. What problem were you trying to solve? F3. 1. What has another done to another or others? 2. What problem were they trying to solve? 3. What hasn't another said to another or others? 4. What problem were they trying to solve? F0. 1. What have you done to yourself? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to yourself? 4. What problem were you trying to solve? PR PR 2 Give me some practices, opinions or beliefs you have been connected to, whether you left them or not. Run reading items. Fl. 1. What condition have you encountered in/with ______________? 2. How have you handled it? F2. 1. What condition has another encountered in/with ______________? 2. Now has he/she handled it? F3. 1. What condition have others encountered in/with ______________? 2. How have they handled at? F0. 1. What condition have you encountered with your- self because of ______________? 2. How have you handled it? PR PR 3 For those overwhelmed by a clearing practice. Fl. 1. What condition have you encountered in Sciento- logy (or auditing, clearing, educting, Eductivism EST, or Dianetics)? 2. How have you handled it? F2. 1. What condition has another encountered in Scientology (or auditing, clearing, educting, Eductivism, EST or Dianetics)? 2. How has he/she handled it? F3. 1. What condition have others encountered in Scientology (auditing, clearing, educting, Eductivism, EST or Dianetics)? 2. How have they handled it? F0. 1. What condition have you encountered in your- self because of Scientology (auditing, clearing, educting, Eductivism, EST or Dianetics)? 2. How have you handled it? PR PR 4 Fl. 1. Tell me a source. 2. Tell me about it. 3. Tell me a no-source. 4. Tell me about it. F2. 1. Tell me a source for another. 2. Tell me about it. 3. Tell me a no-source for another. 4. Tell me about it. F3. 1. Tell me a source for others. 2. Tell me about it. 3. Tell me a no-source for others. 4. Tell me about it. F0. 1. Tell me about yourself as a source. 2. Tell me about it. 3. Tell me about yourself as a no-source. 4. Tell me about it. PR PR 5 Fl. 1. What is? 2. What isn't? F2. 1. What is for another? 2. What isn't for another? F3. 1. What is for others? 2. What isn't for others? F0. 1. What is for yourself? 2. What isn't far yourself? PR PR 6 Fl. 1. Tell me an existing condition. 2. Tell me how you have handled it. F2. 1. Tell me an existing condition for another. 2. Tell me how he/she has handled it. F3. 1. Tell me an existing condition for others. 2. Tell me how they have handled it. F0. 1. Tell me an existing condition in yourself. 2. Tell me how you have handled it. GRADE VA POWER PLUS PROCESSES ALL FLOWS 1B L & N to first B.D. Item. What person have you known? Run terminal in following processes. F1. 1. What has _________ done for you? 2. What problem was he/she trying to solve? 3. What hasn't __________ said to you? 4. What problem was he/she trying to solve? F2. 1. What have you done to _________ ? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to ________ ? 4. What problem were you trying to solve? F3. 1. What has __________ done to others? 2. What problem was he/she trying to solve? 3. What hasn't __________ said to others? 4. What problem was he/she trying to salve? F3A. 1. What have others done to __________ ? 2. What problem were they trying to solve? 3. What haven't others said to ________ ? 4. What problem were they trying to solve? F0. 1. What have you done to yourself because of _______? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to yourself because of __________? 4. What problem were you trying to solve? 1C L & N to first B.D. Item. What place have you known? Run the place found in the following processes. Fl. 1. What has another done to you in _________? 2. What problem was he/she trying to solve? 3. What hasn't another said to you in _________? 4. What problem was he/she trying to solve? F2. 1. What have you done to another in _________? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to another in _________? 4. What problem were you trying to solve. F3. 1. What has another done to another in _________? 2. What problem were they trying to solve? 3. What hasn't another said to others in _________? 4. What problem were they trying to solve? F0. 1. What have you done to yourself in _________? 2. What problem were you trying to solve? 3. What haven't you said to yourself in _________? 4. What problem were you trying to solve? 1D L & N to first B.D. Item. What subject would you like to know more about? Run the subject found in the same processes as given in 1C (places), Quad Flow. THE POWER PROCESSES L. Ron Hubbard POWER PROCESS 1 (a) What overt have you committed? (b) What problem were you trying to solve? (c) What haven't you said? (d) What problem were you trying to solve? Run the above when there is no TA action on PrPr 4 or when the PC is committing present time overts. A continuing overt Case is committing overts as a solution. Continue the process until a floating needle or there is no more TA action. Then go on to PrPr 4 (source). POWER PROCESS 2 (a) "Give me some practices, opinions, or beliefs you have been connected to whether you left them or not". Run to the first blowdown item. (b) Then take the blowdown item plus the two items up and two items down from it and assess those five items to one. (c) Run on the item; 1. What condition have you encountered in ____________? 2. How have you handled it? Run until good indicators, major win, or F.N. POWER PROCESS 3 (a) What condition have you encountered in Scientology (or auditing or dianetics)? (b) How have you handled it? Run to a major cognition, goad indicators, or F.N. Power processes 1, 2, and 3 are corrective processes and are used when the P.C. is not running well on Pr Pr 4, 5, or 6. Power Process 2 is used when the pc brings up end words on PrPr5 and is collapsed into his bank by former practices. PrPr 3 is used when the pc has been destroyed by auditing or the organ- ization. POWER PROCESS 4 (a) Tell me a source. (b) Tell me about it. (c) Tell me a no source. (d) Tell me about it. The words source, no source and the phrases should be cleared with a dictionary before runninc the process. The end phenomena of this process in that the colors in the room seem brighter and the walls more solid. Run to this point or to F.N. POWER PROCESS 5 (a) What is? (b) What isn't? Clear the words with a dictionary with pc on the cans. Run to a floating needle or 3 consecutive answers in present time. If pc gives dichotomies (i.e., good-bad etc.), go immediately to PrPr 2. POWER PROCESS 6 (a) Tell me an existing condition. (b) Tell me how you've handled it. Run to a revivification of the incident that the pc is dramatising or to a floating needle. HCOB 06JUN66 - 1AA 5A PROPOSED CONFIDENTIAL HCO BULLETIN OF 6-6-66 PROCESS 1AA The commands of the process 1AA are as follows:- What have you done? What problem were you trying to solve? What haven't you said? What problem were you trying to solve? PROPOSED HCO BULLETIN OF 6.6.66 (CONFIDENTIAL) POWER PLUS RELEASE - 5A PROCESSES This consists of three processes - 1B, 1C and 1D. There are two steps to each process: 1. Listing question for 1B "What person have you known?" Listing question for 1C "What place have you known?" Listing question for 1D "What subject would you like to know more about?" Continue list until there is at least one BD item. Do not run an item that has not blown down as the pc gave it. 2. Using the terminal found on list: run: What have you done to . .......... ? What problem were you trying to solve? What haven't you said to ......... ? What problem were you trying to solve? When running places and subjects, the commands one and three are changed to What have you done in ........... ? What haven't you said in ........ ? End phenomena of each process is a floating needle. HCOB 11SEP68 - DATA ON PR PRs HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Class VII Class VIII HCO BULLETIN OF 11 SEPTEMBER 1968 Confidential DATA ON PR PRs NEVER NEVER run or Rehab Pr Prs on a person after they are Clear. You will always mess up a case if you do. It's dangerous. On VA, letting pc Itsa instead or getting FN on the additional steps is a goof. You take the first BD and handle it with No. 2 HCOB 6.6.66. Do not let the pc list on and on. It happens that first BD on listing is the item on VA but on a rework during a Rehab they don't. They have to be nulled. HCOB on Laws of Listing must be followed. On clearing commands on VA you clear only the audit- ing commands. The HCOB 6.6.66, No. 2, commands are only cleared once on 1B. If you cleared them again for 1C and 1D, pc would suppress the question or the list. It pc gets ill after VA is complete, you should go over BA to get correct items, as the ones found are probably not correct. VA is best run in one go. It is possible when a Pr Pr is left unflat at end of session for the end phenomena to occur between sessions. It should always be checked next session. In running Power HIGH TA MEANS OVERRUN. When pc's TA goes up between sessions, you must bring it down with ruds or even GF if ruds don't bring it down. You will always find an ARC Break, PTP, M/W/H, Overt, Life Overrun, Self Auditing - something. Could even be a coffee shop session. Locate it. Get TA down. The rule is: DON'T START POWER OR ANY POWER PROCESS OR ANY GRADE PROCESS with the TA risen since last session or break. GET IT DOWN FIRST. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp Founder Copyright (c) 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HCOB 21FEB70 - END PHENOMEMA AND F/NS IN POWER HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS 0FFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex AOs SHs Power Pack Class VIII HCO BULLETIN OF 21 FEBRUARY 1970 Checksheet Class VII Checksheet CONFIDENTIAL END PHENOMENA AND F/NS IN POWER (Your attention is called to HCO B 20 February 70, "Floating Needles and End Phenomena.") When I hear of Power being run - Pr Pr 4, 5 6 and the three steps of VA in ten minutes or so on a pc I wonder who is kidding. The purpose of Power is not to see how many pcs one can audit in an hour but TO GIVE LASTING GAINS TO THE PC. In the first place, the case has to be set up or Power. All Dn Triples must have been run and the pc must have gone whole track. Without Whole Track, don't expect Power or any- thing else to last. All Scn triples must have been successfully run. Any and all preparatory actions to make the case sure of full gains and all psycho-somatic illnesses must have been handled by auditing. Given these requisites, one comes to Power. Each Power process has its own End Phenomena - Pr Pr 4, 5 and 6. You don't audit Power to just an F/N. You audit it to: 1. F/N. 2. The End Phenomena for that Power Process. 3. VGIs. The old saw "All auditors talk too much" was never truer than in Power. The first F/N you see on the process in Power finds the pc still introverted (looking inward). If you just carry on - maybe one more command or so - you will see the pc hit the end phenomena and extrovert. Then VGIs will come in. The F/N will broaden widely and really float. Now tell him his needle is float1ng if you 1ike. Rut don't use "I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating" to chop off the end phenomena! Speed and Result Somewhere somebody got the idea that a "really good auditor can go from 0 to IV in 15 minutes" and "Pr Pr 4 to VA IC in 20 minutes." Speed has nothing to do with it. As long as you don't have a pc waiting for commands, speed is a worthless commodity in auditing. One audits for results. The results of Pr Pr 4, 5 and 6 are the End Phenonena. Each of these 3 processes has its own particular end pnenomena and if that isn't obtained YOU HAVE NOT DELIVERED POWER. I re-researched all this very recently and these end phenomena occur shortly after the first appearance of the F/N. And when they occur you get a really wide float and a very happy pc. The pc may or may not say what happened but he sure will extrovert (look outward) sometimes with awe. Well, awe is not VGIs. What you really see is relief and then VGIs. So let him get his end phenomena. If you don't you leave a bit of charge there, by-passed, which can result in an ARC Break later with Scientology. ARC Breaks are by-passed charge. And did you know that the first beginnings of an F/N are often an ARC Break coming off the incident or bank? The pc goes rapidly uptone as the F/N widens. So don't sell the team out. Run Power: 1. F/N. 2. End Phenomena. 3. VGIs L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:jz Copyright (c) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HCOB 21SEP70 - LP-1 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1970 Issue II Non Remimeo SH's & AO's Only For Class VII and Class VIII Only Add to Checksheets and Power Pack LP-1 This is a Power Process correction list for Power Processes 1 to 6. It is not used for Power Plus. Use only where Power Processes 1 to 6 have bogged badly. This list is NOT necessarily done to a Floating Needle but to get the case moving on Power. It should NOT be used extensively so that the EPs of the Power Processes occur while doing the list. 1. Anything cut short? 2. Something distract you? 3. Distracted by Auditor? 4. Gone exterior? 5. Flattened out of session? 6. Awareness changes out of session? 7. Cognited out of session? 8. Loss of gain? 9. Some one enturbulate you? 10. Something else wrong? 11. ARC Break? (Or upset by anything?) 12. PTP? (Or problem?) 13. Anything been missed? 14. Over run? 15. Unnecessary action? Training and Services Aide for L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:JR:rr Copyright 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED