Path: rQ!rQdQ!remarQ73!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Helena Kobrin Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,,alt.scientology Subject: NOTs part 7 Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:25:24 -0500 Organization: bART Internet Services Lines: 502 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Trace: 920906436 19163 (8 Mar 1999 15:20:36 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Mar 1999 15:20:36 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I) X-Accept-Language: en Xref: rQ alt.religion.scientology:548489 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 JANUARY 1980 NED for OTs Series 51 C O N F I D E N T I A L AUDIT BTs CONCEPTUALLY (References: HCOB 26 Sep 78 I WORD CLEARING AND INFORMATION FOR PRE-PTS ON NED FOR OTs HCOB 12 Jan 80 ACKNOWLEDGING THE "ME" ANSWER HCOB 27 Oct 79 VALENCE TECHNIQUE ADDITION HCOB 17 Sep 78 I VALENCES.) (This HCOB adds to HCOB 26 Sep 78, Issue I, WORD CLEARING AND INFORMATION FOR PRE-OTs ON NED FOR OTS, and is to be used in the indoctrination of Pre-OTs on NED for OTs.) When a Pre-OT looks at a BT and gets too laggardly,the BT often turns on a picture. The NOTs Pre-OT could think this picture was the What. It never is. The Whate BT is simpIy making a picture. Answers come through as concepts, not pictures. The rule is: THE PRE-OT IGNORES THE PICTURE AND DOES THE ACTION IN CONCEPTS. In NOTs one is not dealing with pictures, one is dealing with the basic of pictures. Pctures are a red herring - wrong target. L. RON HUBBARD® FOUNDER LRH:dm:kjm Copyright (c) 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LIMITED DISTRIBUTION ACS Auditors ACS C/Ses HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 MAY 1980 NED for OTs Series 52 C O N F I D E N T I A L URGENT - IMPORTANT NOTs WHAT/WHO L & N STEP (References: HCOB 27 Oct 79, NOTs Series 47, VALENCE TECHNIQUE ADDITION HCOB 12 Jan 80, NOTs Series 49, ACKNOWLEDGING THE ME ANSWER.) (This HCOB contains important revisions and additional instructions regarding the NOTS What/Who L & N Step, and modifies NOTs Series 47 and 49. It does not other- wise cancel or change the rest of the NOTs Valence Technique, nor does it change the rest of the NOTs procedures or Rundown. This issue must be thoroughly word cleared and star-rated along with the referenced issues by NOT auditors and C/Ses to qualify them to use the NOTs What/Who L & N Step.) THE RIGHT ITEM, ON THE WHAT L & N STEP In NOTs Series 47 and 49 it is stated that you take "the first reading item" (regardless of its read). In experience I have found this not always to be true. One can get some small falls on several items before the real item is hit. Sometimes it requires an ack to get an F/N, but the real item always F/Ns. (E-meter Note: If one were to use other than an operational Mark VI, one could be mislead by the meter. I have noticed that what is a small fall (sF) on an operational Mark VI, is a fall (F) on another meter. This is not good, as the auditor seeing a fall F), could think he has the item, when it is really a small fall. The exaggerated read makes one think wrong items have read when these only gave a small fall. Also, the Mark V tends to just F/N, and gives on the problem of trying to read through an F/N. The Mark V is not sensitive enough. Thus it is essential that an operational Mark VI is used. The sizes of reads referred to here are at the correct Sensitivity setting of one third dial drop on can squeeze per EM-5R. The Sensitivity must not be higher than this during the What/Who L & N Steps.) The statements in NOTs Series 47 and 49 under Step 3 (Acknowledgement) are correct and the only change here is in the statement that you take "the first reading item", plus a clarification of size of read. The right What? L & N Step reads are a lot of small falls preceding the right item. THE REAL ITEM ALWAYS F/Ns (even if it sometimes requires an ack to get it to F/N). THE "WHO" STEP (Early in the NOTs Rundown, and sometimes later in the Rundown, the being blows easily. Often before all the Valence Technique steps have been done, frequently blowing on inspection. There is the phenomenon (described in earlier NOTs issues) of the cyclic aspect of handling more difficult-to-blow BTs and clusters, followed by a series of easy/rapid blows. Later in the Rundown, after the more available and easier-to-blow BTs and clusters have gone, those remaining tend to be in worse shape as beings. You are then more frequently going to encounter the following phenomenon.) The being seldom gets much of a read and seldom a blow on the first right answer to the Who? question. It gives an answer, the right answer ("Me"), in many cases and there's no real read. What one does then is ack encouragingly and asks it to repeat the answer ("Me"). Thus encouraged, a BD F/N and blow on the repeated answer occurs. PIN-POINTING ATTENTION It is essential that the NOTs PreOT limits his/her attention to the BT/cluster being addressed. You can get a mish-mash if their attention goes onto something else. I have developed TR 8-Q (HCOB 22 Apr 80) which is an exercise in pin-pointing attention as well as asking a question. Requiring a NOTs PreOT to do TR 8-Q will remedy this. REPAIR LISTS FOR L & N There are two repair lists for L & N errors that are shorter than the L4BRA, and both of these can be used in NOTs. They are: HCOB 23 Sep 68 "Violation of the Laws of Listing and Nulling", and HCOB 29 Sep 68 "List Correction" (Tech Vol XI, pages 44, 45), and either of these may be used, resorting to the longer L4BRA when necessary. The usual thing to do though would be to recognize what was wrong from the reads noted in W/Ss (or lack of F/N on the What? item), and handle accordingly and as given in earlier NOTs issues. FES-ING FESers and C/Ses must know the materials given in NOTs Series 47, 49 and this issue and must inspect worksheets to see whether correct (or wrong) items have been found, and whether the BT or cluster was blown. C/Ses must do this on every session, and FESers when they are looking for errors on a case. Any previous instances of failure to get the right item, or failure to handle a being to a blow can then be taken up in subsequent sessions and properly handled as described in this issue. If the BT/cluster is still around it will read when the PreOT's attention is directed to that position (area) and oriented to the item given in that session. (Remember that it now may be Suppressed or Invalidated, and that the being probably has a Wrong Item and an Incomplete List.) If the error can be found and corrected immediately, do so (such as simply completing the list to correct item, and completing the steps on that being to blow), or, do one of the L & N Repair assessments to find what is wrong and then correct it and handle the being to blow. AUDITOR AND C/S QUALIFICATIONS The requirements for an auditor or C/S to use this NOTs L & N technique as given in NOTs Series 47 and 49 are very important and it is a High Crime to violate these. ONLY auditors and C/Ses who can L & N successfully may be permitted to use this technique, and then only after they have completed the stated requirements in NOTs 47, 49, the referenced materials and this issue. Until then, they may only use the other NOTs techniques, but not the L & N Step. PROGRAMMING THE WHAT/WHO L & N STEP Note that in NOTs SerieS 47, page 3, under "Warning" it is stated: " will be necessary to use this technique of listing for the item, at some point on any case being audited on NED for OTs,...". PreOTs being started on NOTs should not be put onto this technique at the beginning of the NOTs Advance Program, no until the PreOT is well advanced through the Program. The other NOTs techniques are fully adequate and very successful and most of the NOTs 26R Program can be done before resorting to the NOTs L & N technique. Only shift to the L & N procedure when the PreOT is well advanced through the Program and encounters the phenomenon described in NOTs 47, page 1. Early in the NOTs Program the case is fat with charge that will slough off easily and with the use of NOTs techniques other than the listing technique given in NOTs Series 47. On a case that has been prematurely started on the L & N Step, prefer to use the earlier NOTs techniques and do not overwork the L & N Step until the case is ready for it, (this doesn't mean that one would stop the L & N technique altogether on such a case). When the case is ready for the NOTs What/Who L & N Step, and provided the auditor and C/S are qualified to run it, then the case is indoctrinated on the procedure and begun (per NOTs 47, 49 and this issue). If all the NOTs auditors and C/Ses are not fully qualified, then the PreOT could be reassigned when ready for the L & N Step. In general most cases will follow the steps as laid out on NOTs 26R and 27, as this is the research/developmental sequence of NOTs and most cases will follow the same sequence and pattern and phenomena. NOTs trainees should also follow this same sequence and only train on the later techniques after they have had experience and wins on auditing the earlier NOTs Program steps with the earlier techniques. Those are very easy to do, very rewarding and will enable the new NOTs auditor to gain familiarity and confidence. L. RON HUBBARD® FOUNDER as assisted by Senior C/S Int LRH:dm:kjm Copyright (c) 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LIMITED DISTRIBUTION Advanced Courses Specialist Checksheet ACS Auditors ACS C/Ses HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 FEBRUARY 1981 NED for OTs Series 54 C O N F I D E N T I A L CLARIFICATION ON ACKNOWLEDGING IN THE VALENCE TECHNIQUE (Ref: NOTs Series 7, VALENCES) It is very important that you have the Pre-OT acknowledge the answer the BT or cluster gives to the "What are you?" question (see NOTs Series 7). Even if you got an F/N on the answer, you still acknowledge and you will broaden the F/N. We ask "Who are you?" to he same spot and we don't feed them the answer. They sometimes comm lag, (don't get impatient with the comm lag), sometimes it's a few seconds comm lag, and then you get the answer. You may have to repeat the question (see NOTs Series 7). The "Me" answer will normally LFBD, and if that LFBD isn't very marked, you make sure you do the next step of acknowledging the "Me" answer. In any event you could still acknowledge, but if the LFBD was pronounced the probability is that he's gone. The auditor having the Pre-OT acknowledge the "Me" answer can guarantee a blow. Now is this acknowledgement produces another read then we know it guaranteed a blow. Sometimes you get another LFBD on the acknowledgement step, and sometimes you get a broadening of the F/N. CAUTIONS Sometimes, quite often in fact, this short-circuits. You ask: "What are you?" and the guy says "Me" and blows. And sometimes you are patiently trying to go through all these steps and you get a series of blows. A blow or a series of blows can occur at any ime during NOTs. You don't then continue the steps of this Technique, as that BT or cluster has gone! Sometimes a series of blows or an automatic blow will go into a Persistant F/N or a Floating Tone Arm and in either instance you would end off the session. Also you can get repetitive blows if a case is running pretty clean, and you can get blows without BDs. There isn't much left on the charge and it isn't registering on the meter to amount to anything. On "Hello and OK" you sometimes get a blow. The BT or cluster doesn't answer up and run "Hellos and OKs" repetitively to get it into comm. Rarely, it will suddenly blow, and it would then be senseless to go on trying to run "Hello and OK", or anything else, as that one has gone. Some auditors have been known to ask a pc if it blew, during the Valence Technique steps. Even nag the Pre-OT, "Did it blow?", "Has it gone?", "Still around?". This could be due to the auditor's unfamiliarity with his meter, and not recognizing a blow when he sees it occur on the meter. Or, possibly some may have confused another technique, Date/Locate, with this technique. You of course always Date to blow, and Locate to blow, and the auditor could get the idea that he should carry over Date/Locate technique into Valence Technique. It is very poor practice to ask the Pre-OT if it blew during NOTs Valence Technique. You could cause the BT or cluster to submerge or be suppressed, or you could invalidate a blow that did occur. This doesn't mean that you can't ever ask if it blew. You could ask if it is "still around?" and a read would confirm that it is. But this type of question is asking for a missingness . It is no longer there. There's a large percentage of pcs that never see the blow, and it isn't something to see, because it's a missingness. This type of question can be difficult for the Pre-OT to answer as there is now nothing there for him to perceive as it has gone. If the meter BD'd and F/Ned on the "Me" step, it would be idiocy to then ask if it blew, of course it did! But if your meter didn't tell you it blew, you could be in a quandary and have to solve that problem. But you wouldn't interrupt the Valence Technique to ask if it blew, and you wouldn't get into nagging the Pre-OT. You just follow on through with your steps, and particularly if you had the Pre-OT ack the "Me" answer, then you got your blow alright. So this concern about whether the BT blew is misplaced. These points are stated so that the auditor will understand what he is doing, why he is doing it, and what manifestations he can expect to occur, because these manifestations will occur. This technique is a very positive series of steps, and they go in that sequence. If these steps are done as given, you will get the result, and if departed from or if there is an error, you can definitely expect to get that manifestation too, i.e. too broad an attention span and you will get restim. It is necessary that the auditor and C/S understand these points as this is not a technique that can be done rotely or robotically. L. RON HUBBARD® FOUNDER as assisted by Senior C/S Int Assisted by Snr C/S Int Assistant Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA BDCS:LRH:MM:kjm Copyright (c) 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LIMITED DISTRIBUTION Advanced Courses Specialist Checksheet ACS Auditors ACS C/Ses HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JANUARY 1982 NED for OTs Series 55 C O N F I D E N T I A L VARYING THE AREAS Session by session and item by item, when spotting something to list, it is best to work a different area than the last item. This is true when there still seem to be more in the last area worked. Example: one session, top of head; next session, even though head is slightly massy although one has blown, work, let's say, an area in the back where one is spotted. Then, that listed, handled and blown, one can go back to the head. The operating rule that seems best is not to work the same area twice in succession. One also must be sure to work behind as well as in front and from different angles from in front and behind. By continuing to work from the front only, on and on, builds up an imbalance that can increase duress. One also must remember to not always work close in: from time to time check out areas that are as much as many feet from the body. When one has worked one, two or three areas, one is likely to get a persistent F/N, very wide, and that is the time to lay off for now, end session and begin again later - in a few hours or next day. If you keep plugging on after a good win, you are actually overrunning a persistent F/N and it clears up by simply indicating that. Forcing forward past a good win can give you a temporary pack up; so you actually make less progress than you would have if you short-sessioned as you are supposed to. L. RON HUBBARD® FOUNDER LRH:dm:kjm Copyright (c) 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED