Path: rQ!rQdQ!remarQ73!!!WCG!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Grady Ward Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,,alt.scientology Subject: IR Revisions part 2 Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:51:22 -0500 Organization: bART Internet Services Lines: 539 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Trace: 920907994 19922 (8 Mar 1999 15:46:34 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Mar 1999 15:46:34 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I) X-Accept-Language: en Xref: rQ alt.religion.scientology:548500 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 FEBRUARY 1974R REVISED 25 APRIL 1991 Remimeo Expanded Dianetics Auditors C/Ses M7/M4 starrate Clay Demo INTROSPECTION RD ADDITIONAL ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY STEP An additional step to the rundown has been found necessary, especially in the case of a psychotic. This is the Responsibility Step. It consists of doing ARC Breaks Long Duration Triple/Quad and 2WC Recent Actions, taking up the best reading overt and running Responsibility on it (i.e., What about could you be responsible for?). If no major increase in responsibility, take up another reading overt and run Responsibility on that. Do this until there is a significant increase in responsibility. Follow this with running all reading evil purposes brought up during the Introspection steps of the RD with R3RA (omit on Clears and OTs). If the pc was found to R/S during the RD, the C/S would program him for R/S handling-either Expanded Dianetics or NED for OTs. Additionally, the C/S would note areas of low responsibility and order O/W run on those areas. PROGRAMING DATA In the case of a psycho it is necessary to tailor the Introspection RD steps to the pc, instead of following it as a rote sequence at the risk of running unreading items on the pc. On any pc this is deadly. In a psycho it is pure dynamite. To do this the C/S would order the subjects of the RD steps assessed, then handled in order of largest reads. The auditor's TR 1 and metering must be such that he can make a meter read. The RD could be made to fail on this point by missing hot subjects. THE CLEARED CANNIBAL FACTOR When you clear a cannibal what do you have? Experientially you have a cannibal. His experiential track is such that he's been a cannibal for ages. That's how he's handled life and people around him, that's what he knows how to do. This person is unaware of his responsibilities to other dynamics and is unfamiliar with proper behavior and responsible actions towards others. In the case of an SP, he has been busy destroying others for so long that when he's somewhat cleaned up on this he does not know what else to do or how to act. It's rather pathetic, actually. ISOLATION With someone in a psychotic break, it is necessary to isolate the person for him to destimulate and to protect him and others from possible damage. While in 611 isolation the person receives the Introspection RD done flawlessly on a shortsession basis, gradiently winning and gaining confidence. Between sessions the muzzled rule is in force. No one speaks to the person or in his hearing. There comes a point where the C/S must decide to release the person from isolation. To do this the C/S must know that the person can take responsibility for his actions as regards others, as well as toward himself. C/S ACTION-CLEARED CANNIBAL STEP The C/S's action is a direct comm line to the person by notes. The person is provided with paper and pen to reply. The C/S must determine the person's responsibility level. Example: "Dear Joe, What can you guarantee me if you are let out of isolation?" If the person's reply shows continued irresponsibility toward other dynamics or fixation on one dynamic to the exclusion of others damaged, the C/S must inform the person of his continued isolation and why. Example: "Dear Joe, I'm sorry but no go on coming out of isolation yet. Your actions threatened the survival of hundreds of people indirectly and six families directly by burning down their houses. You are unaware of the effects this could have had and still only concerned about your own welfare. You must hate the human race quite a bit." The C/S has drawn a conclusion based on the information he has and lets the person know where he stands. He does not reintrovert the pc by asking him, "Why did you burn down those houses?" He draws an accurate conclusion and indicates it. This will elicit a protest from the person and bring about an involvement in the dynamics concerned. It also serves to bring about an awareness of consequences. Example: "But . . . but . . . I never meant to threaten others' survival. I just wanted to burn down the houses because I like fires. Gosh. . . I didn't mean it. I don't hate the human race. . . Oh! I really don't hate the human race." Cognition. The person's auditing is continued between these exchanges. The auditor may have to clean up some ARC breaks as the protest is coming off. Skillfully done, that's all the auditor should have to clean up, except maybe some more O/Ws. When it is obvious the person is out of his psychosis and up to the responsibility of living with others his isolation is ended. SUMMARY Handling the C/Sing and auditing on this RD requires a real understanding of New Era Dianetics and Expanded Dianetics basics and the utmost precision of application. Its results are nothing short of miraculous. I hope this will be of further assistance to you. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by CS-4 Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations 612 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MARCH 1974 Remimeo Expanded Dianetics Auditors C/Ses M7/M4 Star-rate Clay Demo INTROSPECTION RD SECOND ADDITION INFORMATION TO C/ Ses FIXATED ATTENTION Ref: The Creation of Human Ability, R2-39 and R2-23 Sometimes the C/S runs into the case whose attention is solidly fixed on something. When attention is fixed we have an unawareness of other things than the object of fixation and a lessening of self-determinism to a point of other determinism. Example: The pc is always bringing up cars. He has trouble with cars, has ARC breaks about cars, W/Hs about cars, commits overts on cars. It worries him all the time, is a constant problem. The fixated attention case appears not to as-is and is usually stuck on the track in the "quiet" portion of an incident. Ahead of it and behind it is extreme randomity. This is not easily confronted so is not-ised. The solution is to get the pc to exercise his attention, putting it here and there. INTROVERSION AND ATTENTION The pc whose attention is fixated manifests it in several ways. He will be continuously introverted on the area, will bring it up often in session but it doesn't seem to blow. It also shows up in correspondence to the C/S, frequent originations at Examiner, a fixed vague stare, all evidence of introversion. The pc may not originate it. ANATOMY AND REMEDY This fixation shows up as a problem but it is usually a hidden standard, a special problem the pc thinks must be resolved before auditing can be seen to have worked. Hence the NCG (no case gain) aspect. It is always an old problem of long duration. The remedy basically involves getting the terminal connected with the area of fixation located and having the pc put his attention on the terminal and take his attention off the terminal. THE PROCESS STEP 1-Determine exactly what the pc has attention fixed on, by folder inspection or 2WC for a BD F/N item. 613 STEP 2-Get the area translated into a terminal. This will read well and have a high degree of pc interest. STEP 3-Fit the terminal in the commands: "Put your attention on (termi- ~~2-" "Take your attention off (terminal)." Clear and run it alternate repetitive to the EP of pc's attention no longer fixed on the area, F/N Cog VGIs. This is called Attention Subjective Repetitive. STEP 4-Select two objects. Best are a red pen and a blue pen. Two bowling pins will also do. Place them three to four feet apart at a distance of three to four feet from the pc. Place them on white paper for visibility. STEP 5-Name the objects and fit them in the commands: "Put your attention on the red pen." "Put your attention on the blue pen." Clear the commands and run them alternate repetitive to the EP of pc in control of his attention, F/N Cog VGIs. This is called Attention Objective Repetitive. ALTERNATE STEP S-Name the objects and fit them in the following commands: "Decide to put your attention on the red pen. Tell me when you've done so." "Put your attention on it." Then "Decide to put your attention on the blue pen. Tell me when you've done so." "Put your attention on it." Run this alternate repetitive until the pc is doing the decision step each time, then you can drop out the "Tell me when you've done so." Run it to the EP of pc in control of his attention, F/N Cog VGIs. This is called Attention Objective Decision Repetitive. NOTE: With both these objective attention processes the pc may swear you are hypnotizing him or something. The process actually runs out hypnotism. The pc will come through a band of robotism and come out the other end IN CONTROL OF HIS OWN ATTENTION. VITAL PROCESS DATA It would never be okay to run Attention Subjective Repetitive on a significance (a no-mass thing). It must be run on a terminal. This is a ONE-SHOT PROCESS, depending for its effectiveness on the correctness of the first item selected. This item is usually unmistakable in a truly fixated case. PROGRAMING Attention Subjective and Objective Repetitive fits in sequence on the Introspection RD between Steps 6L and 7. If the terminal connected with the area of fixed attention could not be located then the area could not be addressed with Attention Subjective Repetitive, but in some other manner. It is unlikely that no terminal could be found on a truly fixated attention case. ISOLATION When a person is released from isolation after terminated handling of a psychotic break it is usual to welcome them back and restore any lost ARC for them from the group, if needed, with an announcement in the OODs. The person would be interviewed as to whether he wanted to stay or go and what his intentions were. 614 Formal notification would be made that the person was back in good graces and he would be allowed to make up for any damage done, but not forced to do so. In the case of a crew member, it would be expected he would be assigned to the RPF where there was one, and told to make good. ADDITIONAL CLEARED CANNIBAL STEP There is an additional tool for use by the C/S in raising the pc's responsibility. The C/S sends to the pc HCOB 21 Jan. AD 10 JUSTIFICATION with a note asking the pc to please read the HCOB then tell the C/S if it has any application. This would be done as the first of the series of C/S notes and pc replies on the Cleared Cannibal Step. If the C/S receives any "rant and rave" in reply he would order it Dated and Located as the pc would be answering out of an incident. Regardless, the Justification HCOB would have to be followed by O/Ws as the pc has W/Hs there to be restimmed and not running out the O/Ws could cause the TA to skyrocket. C/SING ON PSYCHOS C/Sing and auditing psychos is a very precise and even touchy business. There must be no mistakes and you cannot be heavy-handed on them. They are at the lowest point on the Effect Scale and therefore delicate at best and easily overwhelmed. It is also policy that a C/S takes it easy on auditors handling psychos. They are very hard to audit and difficult to control. So don't berate the auditor. If they get any kind of a result, three cheers. INTEGRITY It has always been a rule that actions of one RD are not mixed in with another action or used randomly outside of the RD. Recently I found that a technique from the Introspection RD was used to indicate bypassed charge or something when handling ruds. This is very wrong. This happened in the field as an isolated instance but is worth mentioning. The integrity of any RD must be maintained or its effectiveness is reduced. When parts of a RD are used at random by a C/S it actually starts the pc on a RD that is left incomplete. So don't extract bits of this RD and use them on other actions. You would do yourself and the pc a disservice. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by CS-4 615 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 APRIL 1974R REVISED 25 APRIL 1991 Remimeo Expanded Dianetics Auditors C/Ses INTROSPECTION RD-THIRD ADDITION Adds to HCOB 23 Jan. 74RB ADDITIONAL INTROSPECTION RD STEPS (The additional Introspection Rundown Steps have been added to HCOB 23 Jan. 74RB, THE TECHNICAL BREAKTHROUGH OF 1973t THE INTROSPECTION RD, as steps 14E-14I and 23A-23G.) The Introspection Rundown has as its dominant Flow, Flow 0. This follows from basic O/W theory where the person goes down the dwindling spiral to a point where he can only restrain himself and do himself in. CAUTION REGARDING EVIL PURPOSES Do not run unreading items, miss reads or run wrong items as it will wind the pc up in the soup. A common error on R3RAing evil purposes culled from the W/Ses has shown up that C/Ses must be alert for. This is taking up infinitive phrases like "to go to the store" that appear to be evil purposes but in actual fact are statements of future actions or conditions, not intentions. Example: Pc says, "I was doing fine then Joe came along and caused me to cave in." "To cave in" is not an evil purpose as stated. It wasn't the pc's intention. Not valid. Example: Pc says, "I was trying to hold on to the rope and he forced me to fall off the cliff." "To fall off the cliff" was not the pc's intention but a statement of an action. Not valid. Example: Pc says, "I wanted to make them wrong and got sick." "To make them wrong" was the intention, is valid and runnable. Have you got the idea? If there is any question in your mind, clear the word "intention," then go over a grammar text and sort out what an infinitive and infinitive phrase are and how they're used. You'll save the pc and yourself a lot of difficulty if you do this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by CS-4 Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations 625 L. RON HUBBARD® FOUNDER