Path: rQ!rQdQ!remarQ73!remarQ-uK!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Vorlon I Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,,alt.scientology Subject: Helatrobus part 2 Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 16:56:59 -0500 Organization: bART Internet Services Lines: 656 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: 920908331 19922 (8 Mar 1999 15:52:11 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Mar 1999 15:52:11 GMT X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I) X-Accept-Language: en Xref: rQ alt.religion.scientology:548504 You'll find out the pc has never had any visio. These implants are marvelous to run because the pc has never had any visio, has never seen anything, has never heard anything, has no sonic, has no visio, has no tactile, no kinesthetic, nothing; and he's been in this state ever since anybody has ever tried to run an engram on him. Now, this has been the bane of everybody's existence. You run him halfway through a bank or a quarter of the way through the first bank, and all of a sudden he's got dim visio. You run him all the way through a couple of banks and boy, he's got visio. You run him through three banks and he's got kinesthesia. You can hear these crazy -- he can get one of these crazy theta poles wobbling. He can feel it wobble. See, and he'll come up to full sonic on this. Quite remarkable. We've sweated for years, all kinds of trickery to turn on the perceptics of a pc. Well, it's in the Helatrobus Implants right on the button. You run them, you got it. Well, you can use the scenery of the implant to orient the pc and tell whether or not you've missed items. In fact there's a lot of trickery involved in this. See? As far as the auditor is concerned, he can get pretty slippy. Now, I don't ask you to get this slippy, but on certain flights of stairs, apparently, there are electric switches on the walls that tell you what goal the next bank is turned to. That's pretty good, isn't it? It's not in English, but the pc understood the language when he went through. Pc told him, "Well, I know it's undoubtedly the right goal because it's marked up there on the wall." The way you turn over the switch over to the goal, "to be happy." Apparently this shifted all the relays and everything that was going on in the squawk boxes by just shifting one lever. I like to think that one of the operators accidentally threw the activation switch one day while setting up one of the series of goals. I like to think that happened. Anyhow -- because actually the controls were on the landings and stairs. Pretty tricky. Now, all of this is very good news and it's very good news from several quarters. One, the Helatrobus Implants are incredible. It's unbelievable. Man in the street can run them, however. You just find "to forget" on the top oppterms and just go along with your 3N patter. Give him the thing. You don't have to write it all out for him. You shouldn't write somebody's whole bank out for him. He should have to think it out that much to keep him in the incident. You understand? You can give him the number and so forth, and you just tell him how to do this. He maybe even have had to go home and read his dictionary and study to find out what "-ably" was, and so forth. But he doesn't know anything more about it than that. And he'll run this thing, and he'll run just about so long, and all of a sudden he'll start telling you that this was a long time ago. And that this was this, and this was that and he'll really start holding forth on the subject. In other words, it runs as gently as that. It requires no education. But the incredibility of it keeps it from being believed or usurped and used for evil purposes until we can control it. You'd be surprised the degree that we use incredulity as a protective security mechanism in Scientology. Just never forget that. Because it's a marvelous one, it's a marvelous one. "Oh, that Scientology, it's balderdash! Those people believe -- that cult believes..." and so forth. I very often feel like just patting those horses' heads just very smoothly and nicely and neatly and saying, "Good show, brother, good show. Thank you." Because they're operating as a security screen far more effective than any security screen any of us could devise. You realize that the psychiatrist has just now found birth and prenatals. He's been chewing away on birth and prenatals for some time now and he'll eventually graduate up to it, but what's to stop some Russian from putting these -- one of these banks on a tape recorder and playing it off to somebody? What's to stop them? They don't think they'll go nuts. The only thing that will stop them is because, "Well, those Scientologists, they have some ridiculous beliefs." And that actually will protect us right up, straight up to the point when we don't need any protection, which point will happen suddenly. So don't always revile this type of an attitude. Recognize that it has its uses. It wasn't designed that way but it does have its uses. You realize that we might very well be under the gun of some government or we might be here, we might be there. We might be... Or there might be barbed wire around Saint Hill here until you couldn't get a mouse through or an English rabbit. You know, guards all over the place. "Hup 2, 3, 4. Blah-blah-raharh-grrr-grrr -- all this stuff -- I'll just show -- halt where you are -- hush, hush," see? Can you imagine what that would do to you? Supposing -- I just heard today that somebody more or less didn't talk to the public about implants. Well, all right. The factor of incredulity tends to slow them down a little bit. They're afraid somebody will get in their faces. But remember this, they're putting themselves on a withhold. I almost classified the line plots. Then I said, "No, I won't put anybody on that much of a withhold on this stuff, because it's too tough. It would be too tough on them." We'll just continue to depend upon incredulity. Now, that factor doesn't keep you from auditing a pc, however. You don't have to tell the pc anything. Ian is auditing a pc in here that never heard from nothing and she ran down through the bank "to forget" gorgeously. Feels fine. Feels wonderful. Doesn't even know where she is. Didn't know at the time, so what's the difference? You don't have to totally educate the pc except maybe in word endings or something like that in order to run them cold. Take the milkman out here, sit him down, get "to forget" to fire, get "forgotten," get "nix forgotten." He says, "What's this 'nix'? " "Well, that's just what you say at this stage." And you say, "All right. Now give me number 3 there on the paper I gave you. You have to fill in the 'forgotten' after it." And he says, "What's that mean?" "Well, that's -- doesn't matter what it means. Say it." All right. That's fine. That rocket reads beautifully, and so forth. There we go on 3N. Just roll it. See? Keep rolling it. This guy goes on and he says these things, says, "Ssss-ssss-ssss." He ends up at the other end of the line. You say, "Now, we have to find what the next goal is," you know. "Goal?" "Yes, yes. Now, who or what would 'to forget' oppose? Just keep telling me." "Oh well, you want it that way." And he goes on and he gives it to you, whatever it is -- "remember," and so on. You say, "That fires. That's -- that's it." He says, "You know, I've got a feeling that is it." Take him right on down. I don't think you could run him halfway through the first implant but what he says, "Now, wait a minute now. This happened a long time ago. Now, I know you're going to argue with me, but it's sort of like this; I get an idea I was living on this planet, see? And that's funny because, you know..." So you see, that incredulity might deny you some pcs and may give you some catcalls but it doesn't actually keep you from auditing anyone. You understand? You don't have to sell them on whole track before you audit them on whole track now because they're sitting right there, man. They're right there. They've been there ever since. And it flies. And your job as an auditor is just to do a technically perfect job on the thing. The only rough spot in auditing all these is auditing a goal you have that you haven't had run, that is about to be run on you. Things tend to go kind of solid. But fortunately, there was quite a lot of variation in these goal patterns and you don't follow that. It would be quite strange to have three banks simultaneous between auditor and pc. That's a lucky break, isn't it? They change the thing often enough to keep it from being too restimulative while auditing. All right. This, then, gives the auditor a little bit of pause. The only place you really run into this is "to forget." Therefore, one of the first duties an auditor has is to get the bank "to forget" run out very cleanly indeed and he'll feel fine because the second bank doesn't much restimulate while you are auditing the thing. I've audited one of these recently on a bank that wasn't run out, and I felt like I was getting me 'ead knocked off, and knew what it was and knew why. And it was uncomfortable. But that was remediable because the bank, to be restimulative to that degree, must be very ripe and ready to be run almost at once anyway, don't you see? So it's coming straight up and it will be run. That's the only liability there is to this stuff. Now, the fact that they can all be audited out very rapidly gives you no alibi whatsoever not to get them audited out. You haven't got any excuse at all not to audit them out. Now, the only excuse you -- pardon me, you do have one excuse not to audit them out: if you don't have them. Now, how many people have got these? Well it's the wildest kind of a guess, but I think we're up to about 5 percent don't. Don't have the Helatrobus Implants or it's over their heads. It's a very small percentage. And we've certainly moved up in percentage because everybody under the sun, moon and stars we've been grabbing hold of have got these, but we do have our 5 percent. Used to be a far, far greater percentage, don't you see, so we've closed it down to that degree. Now, what do you do with that 5 percent? You are going to have a certain amount of trouble with some of the 95 percent because they've only got the second implant, see, or something like that. I could anticipate running into some trouble of that character, but that isn't any trouble because they audit just like the first implant, except they have a different pattern. Until you get that pattern in your hands, just dog it off somehow or another and do the job. What about this remaining 5 percent? What can you do for those fellows? They fall into two categories based on the mechanics of the time track. They fall into categories that do have the implants but cannot approach them and those that don't have and so they aren't there to be approached. There's no implants to be run. That is to say, there's implants on the case, but they are not the Helatrobus Implants. And that fellow to some slight degree is slightly out of luck, because he's got implants that are just as vicious as the Helatrobus Implants one way or the other but they aren't the same pattern; they don't have patterns of that character; you can't handle them in the same way and he's under that much liability and so forth. That's sort of bad luck. Bad luck. Well, how did this fellow escape them? Well, he didn't escape them by being tough and hairy-chested, you know, and not being picked up and all that sort of thing. No, he escaped them because he's from another galaxy. He ain't not native to this 'ere galaxy. You may find somebody who is native to this galaxy who never went through it. He was in so lousy a condition they ignored him, or something of the sort. I think you'll find that very rare, if it exists at all. Now we have to take up the possibility -- not the possibility, we have to look at the factor. We have to look at the factor of the fact that this is a rim system that we are in right now. This is Sun 12 and it is a rim, tiny, microscopic, terribly insignificant little bunch of apace dust. Not to do it down particularly but compared to other systems, galaxies, confederations and that sort of things and other possessions of confederations and so forth, this is nothing. That's why it's left alone. But it stands pretty well alone. It's peculiarly isolated. This is also true of most of the stars out in this end of this wheel. You know the galaxy is a big wheel and the galaxy has a hub and it has a rim and we are very close to the rim. You look down into the southern horizon, you notice the stars in the southern hemisphere look terribly big and terribly bright. Well, it isn't that they are so much terribly bigger than other stars. That's just the end of the galaxy that you are looking at. That's the end. There's just that many between us and no more this galaxy, see? It's very close, and people wishing to get rid of troublesome characters, captives, anybody you can think of... You know, around city dumps, you know, they always have trouble around cities because people start using certain areas of the city for dumps, you know? And they take -- use it as a dumping ground for the ice cube and for other thing: unwanted beings, unwanted people, unwanted personnel. Like you overthrow the old regime, you see, and you throw them through a good, stiff implant that mixes them up so they can't tell north from west and you throw them into an ice cube capsule of some kind or another. And what do you do with them? Well, the primary threat to a system is the strength of a thetan. That's the primary threat in the view of some very aberrated character. He thinks the main danger in the planet, or main danger in the system or the galaxy, or so forth, is a free thetan. The possibility also that a person in -- who is acting as a doll, or something like that, can exteriorize from where he is and go home, pick up another body and come back and raise the devil with him. In other words, these people are -- have overts so they try to protect themselves from the vengeance of a free thetan and they compound the possibility and the potentiality of this particular universe as a trap, and they make these people very thoroughly trapped. Well, they dump them. They dump them pretty well far from home. They try to -- don't even try to -- they don't dump them close in, they dump them way out. Well, Helatrobus threw any people that it implanted as far as possible. Oh, some of them were -- wandered back, and some of them stayed around, and some of them didn't get badly affected and reported back and that sort of thing, but they also dumped people pretty far out. So this particular system got dumping, and the Marcab Confederacy and some of the other stars around here just got a terrific concentration of people being dumped from the center of the hub, you know. They don't want to go over to the next galaxy, so they just take it out to the edge of the city, you know. All right. And this is close enough to other galaxies that ambitious characters over there trying to get rid of people out of their galaxies and systems, and so forth, would also use these rim stars. Now you get down toward the center of this galaxy and the possibility of finding somebody without the Helatrobus Implants, of finding any foreign implant system, will probably be totally negligible. Probably nonextant, you see? But out here you got a mixed bag and we don't know what they did in the next galaxy. See? Now, science fiction writers following the cue of some chap, I've forgotten his name now, Einstein, Beinstein, something like that, who said that MC squared over C wouldn't go, man, and that the speed of light could not be excessive. And actually I was looking up some speed tables the other day, and a trillion light years per day is not full throttle on a space wagon. So there's traffic between galaxies and there's traffic between islands of galaxies and other islands of galaxies. Interesting. Has a lot -- you say, well, this is science fiction. No. No, no. No. The only part of science fiction there are, is the mistakes the science fiction writers have made while writing about their own past. They've made a lot of errors there. The truth of the case is that it's -- it has a lot to do with you as an auditor, suddenly. Not that you have to embrace science fiction, but you have to look at this possibility. You've got to face up to the isness of the thing. Man's greatest trouble in solving his own problems, see, he didn't have enough on the ball to face up to the isness of existence. And the reasons for that are very plain, short, succinctly stated. That case which evinces the greatest unreality about things is that case most subject to bank solidification in an effort to remember. That's a technical statement I just made and has a lot to do with your engram running. It's directly proportional His effort to remember increases the solidity of his bank, which is painful to him, which then brings about his statement concerning unreality. See, that's proportional. The amount of unreality evinced by a case, then, is proportional to the amount of solidity caused in his time track by his efforts to remember. If his bank goes solid every time he tries to remember something this becomes painful, so then he counters this by saying it is unreal. This fellow that tells you, "I don't believe in past lives" is saying, "My time track goes solid when I try to remember." And it has an awful lot to do with you as an auditor, because that case that evinces great unreality must be given very gentle handling and you cannot run an engram on that case. Not only -- you must not run an engram on that case, because the bank will go solid. Now, you could take almost anybody here and run them through an engram once. Let's take a late-on-the-chain engram. We could run them through the engram once. We'd get away with it. We can run them through twice; we can get away with it. This is not a basic on a chain, see? We run it three times, it starts to get kind of solid. And we run it four times and by golly that's getting awful solid. And we run that engram five times and rrah-hrrw. It's getting tough, man. And we run it six times, we'll just freeze him in it. It takes three to ten days for the thing to key out and go soft again -- which it will do. Now, that's true of anybody here. I'm talking about something late on a chain, you understand? Those engrams have always given us trouble. They've always been sticky, and it even says in Book One, don't run them. You have to brush them off enough sometimes. You can always take a case through them once, you know, to get back early. By the time you've taken them through two, three times you wish you hadn't. The bank's going solid. Well now, this case of tremendous unreality goes solid on one pass. You practically can't examine the bank. It's practically as much as your life's worth to even date this character. If you could perfectly and accurately date without any flaw in your auditing, yes, it would soften up the bank, but if you're clumsy in dating and you date this fellow without any great reality anyhow, the little errors you make will throw him off enough to beef up the bank and he gets a greater unreality than before. There is a coordination between unreality and solidity which is reversed. The greater solidity, the more unreality the person will advertise. Even though the engram gets very real to him when it gets solid, general bank solidification and so forth brings about unreality. Why is this? Because the basic mechanism of the time track has the liability of making the thetan go solid. How does a thetan cease to be Clear and start going solid? How does he become solid? Probably by making a time track in the first place, of course. And the more this track is jammed, and the less he has to do with it, of course the less is as-ised about it. Well, that's just general time track. Now, what about implants? Why do we specialize in implants? It's because an implant is the product of an ARC break plus solidification. If you wanted to run old ARC Break Straightwire -- "Recall an ARC break. Recall an ARC break" -- you would find the guy sitting eventually 3-D in an implant. This guy sees a theta trap. That's a warning to him that he's not wanted around here, and it causes an ARC break. And all these traps and such devices and so forth and betrayals are basically ARC breaks. Now, the method a thetan uses to handle an ARC break is to bring about an unreality, which he usually does with a "not-is," don't you see? And it becomes the common denominator of the bank then to have an unreal bank because if it gets real it hurts too much. So your effort to persuade him that this is real, that he is looking at, of course does him a tremendous disservice because it hurts like the mischief. The only safeguard he has against being caught in a solid bank, you see, and being upset by a solid bank, is by saying it is not real and not permitting you to find anything real on it. Now, that type of case is going to give you some trouble, because you will try to prove to the case the reality of what you're doing. And because what you are doing is real, you can do that very easily and it just results in a total overwhelm of the case. You can all too easily prove that what you are doing is real. So when somebody starts telling you about how unreal it all is, if you're running the Helatrobus Implants you go right on running them, man, because that will do the most for him that can be done, you see. The most that can be done for the case is get those implants run -- real or unreal. But you can't find those implants and he says it's terribly unreal and all is unreal and everything is unreal and you can't find "forgotten" and "nix forgotten" and so forth, and you just can't get any place like this, brother, you watch it! One of two things is true. You either have your paws on somebody who is not a native of this universe -- I mean this galaxy. He's a native of an adjourning -- adjoining galaxy, and you don't know the pattern of his implants; or you've got on your hands somebody who has been so implanted so often that just the thought of five minutes ago gives him a headache. Why does it give him a headache? Because he thinks of five minutes ago and the action of remembering causes solidification of the bank which causes pressure to come in and he got a headache. So his only protection against this is to make you unreal and not-is it. His last weapon on the bank is to not-is and in the absence of his not-is he damn near dies. You see? What do you do with him? Well, this is not -- I haven't time to give you all the data on some of the material I've been unearthing with regard to this, but I've been developing quite a bit of little odds and ends of technology concerning the time track and its automatic nature and its state of manufacture and that sort of thing. I just realized just this afternoon that we have a straightwire process that does an awful lot for this case. We're making him remember and the track is going less solid. I'll be developing quite a few -- I'll tell you just to -- not to leave you on the hook. There is an involuntary intention. I've discovered an involuntary intention. You have involuntary muscles and you've got habit patterns and training patterns and all this sort of nonsense. Well, add to -- up that in a thetan to an involuntary intention. He wants to open the door and so he just bluh opens the door, see. See, he involuntarily opens the door. In other words, he just opens the door. My father used to answer telephones this way. Plunk. You know. And telephone rings; plunk, you know. Telephone appears, you know, off the hook, and so forth. Actually you've intended it up there. You got the idea? It's been intended into a new position. Well, that's an involuntary intention, and apparently it's the same mechanism that increa -- creates the time track. It's an involuntary create. You see? So that's an involuntary intention and it belongs to this set of thetan muscles -- if you'll forgive me -- which operate without intention, without knowing intention, but have a sub-awareness intention. And a thetan can do this. He doesn't have to have a bank, machinery or anything else. He just simply can do it. Well, that forms the time track. Now, solidification of the track is caused by combat of the postulate "be solid." You see? Everybody wants you to be solid. You don't want to be solid. That makes enough fight right there to solidify something. Well, it goes worse than that. The solidification mechanism is composited by remembering, naturally, and you as an auditor are actually handling, when you handle the time track, the involuntary intention of the thetan. That's what the time track is: It's an involuntary intention to create. It just responds automatically. And you say go here, go there, do this, do that. And he has pictures. Where do pictures come from? Well, they come from this involuntary intention. You're just handling that mechanism. Well, you can handle that mechanism, directly. You can handle the mechanism directly. And if you could get a case unbailed enough -- this is actually the plot -- you get a case unbailed enough and go early enough on the time track, and you can actually snip the whole track, see. It just rolls up like it's just nowhere now. See. It's the existence of the time track that makes memory impossible. But it is the obsession to remember which makes the time track -- involuntary intention -- take place in the first place, see? So any goal like "to remember" raises hell with solidification. Or any implant that louses up -- and they all do -- a thetan's memory or sense of time, result in the solidification of the time track by taking over the involuntary create that brings about the time track. See that? So you say, "What --" you say to the pc, "What instinctive action has been regretted?" I don't care what fancy wording -- just as long as it adds up to that sense. In other words, what involuntary action have you engaged in which you then choked off and made an enemy out of? See? What instinctive action was regretted? What instinctive action have you disliked? You know, anything you wanted to go at it, you've got a straightwire process, which actually runs implants. It runs Chem at the rate of a snail racing madly alongside of the quarterhorse of doing the Helatrobus Implants, but you nevertheless -- there is a door open. In other words, the door is not slammed tight in these fellows' faces, even if they are not native to this uni -- this particular galaxy and even if their sense of reality is so great that all this could happen. And I'll develop a few of those processes and oddly enough I don't think the patterns are innumerable. I think possibly maybe five or six different case patterns. Maybe more than that, but if you come up against one of them as an auditor, and you decide the only thing you can do is just run engram after engram after engram. Watch it man, because you're going to get a solidification of the track and you're going to get that pc in trouble. So don't go in for this engram after engram after engram, you see. Hit them lightly with a feather. Now, if you are lucky enough to be able to get a basic like 360 trillion years ago and it's an overt and it's basic on a ch -- oh, you're in man. You can handle that, because of course that will erase, and so forth. But how about this fellow who is very unreal? You going to get a 360 trillion incident when he can't get breakfast? You're sure not, you see. In other words, it's all done with the feather. You run into the case that hasn't got the Helatrobua Implants, you handle with a feather, huh? Don't go charging and barging around. Open that case up gently and I'll try to give you some straightwire processes and things like this, that gradually, gradually pet the shadow of the cat. Okay? Well, there's a lot of stuff turning up on this, that and the other thing. It's all very interesting. It mostly comes under the heading of phenomena and data and that sort of thing. And I've recently been understand -- been studying the power, activities and habits of an Operating Thetan, just from an intellectual basis but with some view of reality, which I really haven't had on this too well before. I find we have here a fairly complex being and a very, very formidable one. His ethical level and that sort of thing, deteriorating, was what got him into trouble in the first place. So when you put him back together again, of course, his ethical level will have to be put back together again too. Otherwise, he'd just get into trouble and get everybody else in trouble. But the point I'm making here is that the state of OT is so far above anything we have ever dreamed of, that I say our breakthrough -- our break-through along this line is tremendous. So tremendous that we had better start getting our house in order. Not to protect ourselves from OTs, that isn't the point. But it means that a political breakthrough is -- puh. You have any trouble eating breakfast? See, we would be shooting mice with an elephant gun, don't you see? And we're not about to attack anybody or do anything bad like that. But we might have a few heart-to-heart talks. So actually, I have had to be plotting up in front of us a bit politically about where did we go and how do we relate to, and I find some very interesting data. Probably some of you have past connections of one kind or another when you suddenly say, "Huh, I wonder how I forgot that?" You probably have to go take care of these things. But the basic thing is that this planet is peculiarly susceptible to be a rehabilitation base and so forth at this part of the universe, and I think that can be sold to even most of the confederations. I don't think we have to sell it to much of anybody else; I don't think they'll be in a position to argue. They've only got atom bombs. We've got OTs. Okay. Thank you very much.