A 1982 SOLO COURSE PACK - 7 of 7 ************************************************** SOLO AUDITOR'S COURSE PACK CONTENTS [full contents in part 1] Part 7/7 074. HCOB 15 DEC 68RA r. 11 Apr 77 L4BRA 075. HCOB 26 APR 71 TRs AND COGNITION'S 076. HCOB 26 APR 71 SOLO COGNITION'S 077. HCOB 30 APR 71 AUDITING COMM CYCLE 078. HCOB 5 DEC 79 ...THE COMM CYCLE ... IN SOLO AUDITING 079. HCOB 22 JUL 71R r. 8 Mar 82 SOLO AUDITOR ADMIN 080. HCOB 9 JUL 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION 081. HCOB 6 DEC 79R r. 22 SEP 80 SOLO AUDITOR DRILLS 082. NEW SOLO AUDITORS COURSE Part B 083. HCOB 30 SEP 81R r. 30 Jan 82 STD. C/S INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SOLO... 084. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 0 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 0 085. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 1 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 1 086. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 2 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 2 087. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 3R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 3R 088. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 4 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 4 089. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 5 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 5 090. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 6 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 6 091. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 7 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 7 092. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 8 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 8 093. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 9 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 9 094. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 10 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 10 095. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 11 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 11 096. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 12R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 12R [Note that some items appear again in a later section of the checksheet and are only included once in this pack] ************************************************** 074. HCOB 15 DEC 68RA r. 11 Apr 77 L4BRA HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1968RA (Amends HCO Bulletin of 9 January 1968 List L4A) (ITEM 6 CORRECTED 12 FEBRUARY 1969) (Amended 8 August l970) (Amended 18 March 1971) (Revised 2 June 72) (Re-revised 11 April 1977) (revisions in this type style) Remimeo L4BRA FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS ASSESS THE WHOLE LIST (METHOD 5) THEN TAKE biggest reads or BDs and handle. Then clean up the list. PC'S NAME:_____________________________________DATE:_______________ AUDITOR: ______________________________________ 0. WAS IT THE FIRST ITEM ON THE LIST? (Indicate and give pc his item.) 1. DID YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE LISTING QUESTION? (If it reads, find out what question, clear the question noting whether it reads, if so, list it, find the item and give it to the pc.) 2. WAS THE LIST UNNECESSARY? (If it reads, indicate BPC and indicate that it was an unnecessary action.) 2A. DID THE QUESTION HAVE NO CHARGE ON IT? (Indicate) 2B. WERE YOU ASHAMED TO CAUSE AN UPSET? (L1C after list corrected.) 2C. WERE YOU AMAZED TO REACT THAT WAY? (Same as 2B.) 2D. THE QUESTION HAD ALREADY BEEN LISTED BEFORE. (Indicate, rehab.) 2E. YOU HAD NO INTEREST IN THE QUESTION? (Indicate that the auditor missed that it didn't read.) 3. WAS THE ACTION DONE UNDER PROTEST? (If it reads, handle by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 4. IS A LIST INCOMPLETE? (If reads, find out what list and complete it, give the pc his item.) 5. HAS A LIST BEEN LISTED TOO LONG? (If so, find what list and get the item from it by nulling with Suppress, the nulling question being: "On has anything been suppressed?" for each item on the overlong list. Give the pc his item.) 6. HAS THE WRONG ITEM BEEN TAKEN OFF A LIST? (If this reads, put in Suppress and Invalidated on the list and null as in 5 above and find the right item and give to the pc.) 7. HAS A RIGHT ITEM BEEN DENIED YOU? (If this reads, find out what it was and clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the pc.) 8. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PUSHED OFF ON YOU YOU DIDN'T WANT? (If so, find it and get in Suppress and Invalidate on it and tell pc it wasn't his item and continue the original action to find the correct item.) 9. HAD AN ITEM NOT BEEN GIVEN YOU? (If reads, handle as in 7.) 10. HAVE YOU INVALIDATED A CORRECT ITEM FOUND? (If so, rehab the item and find out why the pc invalidated it or if somebody else did it, clean it up and give it to pc again.) 11. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF ITEMS THAT YOU DID NOT PUT ON THE LIST? (If so, add them to the correct list. Renull the whole list and give the pc the item ) 12. HAVE YOU BEEN LISTING TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? (If so, find out what question and try to write a list from recall and get an item and give it to the pc.) 13. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE'S ITEM? (If so, indicate to the pc this was not his item. Don't try to find whose it was.) 14. HAS YOUR ITEM BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE? (If so, find if possible what item it was and give it to the pc. Don't try to identify the "somebody else.") 14A. WERE EARLIER LISTING ERRORS RESTIMULATED? (Indicate and correct earlier lists then check the current.) 14B. HAD THIS LIST ALREADY BEEN HANDLED? (Indicate. ) 15. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BYPASSED ON LISTING? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc, rehab back.) 16. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BYPASSED ON THE QUESTION ONLY? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc and rehab back.) 17. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR WHILE LISTING? (If so, rehab. If Ext Rundown not given, note for C/S.) 18. HAS IT BEEN AN OVERT TO PUT AN ITEM ON A LIST? (If so, find out what item and why.) 19. HAVE YOU WITHHELD AN ITEM FROM A LIST? (If so, get it and add it to the list if that list available. If not put item in the report ) 20. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? (If so, get it, if discreditable ask "Who nearly found out?") 21. HAS AN ITEM BEEN BYPASSED? (Locate which one.) 22. WAS A LISTING QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, find out which one and indicate to the pc.) 23. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ABANDONED? (If so, locate it and get it back for the pc and give it to him.) 24. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PROTESTED? (If so, locate it and get the Protest button in on it.) 25. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ASSERTED? (If so, locate it and get in the Assert button on it.) 26. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUGGESTED TO YOU BY ANOTHER? (If so, get it named and the Protest and Refusal off.) 27. HAS AN ITEM BEEN VOLUNTEERED BY YOU AND NOT ACCEPTED? (If so, get off the charge and give it to the pc, or if he then changes his mind on it, go on with the listing operation.) 28. HAS THE ITEM ALREADY BEEN GIVEN? (If so, get it back and give it again.) 29. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FOUND PREVIOUSLY? (If so, find what it was again and give it to the pc once more.) 30. HAS AN ITEM NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? (If so, work it over with buttons until pc understands it or accepts rejects it and go on with listing.) 30A. WAS THE LISTING QUESTION NOT UNDERSTOOD? (Get defined and check for read. It may be unreading. If so, indicate that an uncharged question was listed because it read on a misunderstood.) 30B. WAS A WORD IN THE QUESTION NOT UNDERSTOOD? (Same as 30A.) 31. WAS AN ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (If so, find out what the item was and give it to the pc correctly.) 31A DID THE AUDITOR SUGGEST ITEMS TO YOU THAT WERE NOT YOURS? (Indicate as illegal to do so. Correct the list removing these.) 32. WAS NULLING CARRIED ON PAST THE FOUND ITEM? (If so, go back to it and get in Suppress and Protest.) 33. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FORCED ON YOU? (If so, get off the Reject and Suppress and get the listing action completed to the right item if possible.) 34. HAS AN ITEM BEEN EVALUATED? (If so, get off the Disagreement and Protest.) 35. HAD EARLIER LISTING BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate when and indicate the bypassed charge. Find and correct the earlier out list. ) 36. HAS AN EARLIER WRONG ITEM BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, find when and indicate the bypassed charge. Find and correct the earlier out list.) 37. HAS AN EARLIER ARC BREAK BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate and indicate the fact by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 38. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK BECAUSE OF BEING MADE TO DO THIS? (If so, indicate it to the pc. Handle the ARC break. Correct the list if it's a list ARC break.) 39. HAS THE LIST CORRECTION BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, rehab.) 39A WAS THE LIST DONE WHILE YOU ALREADY HAD AN ARC BRK, PTP OR W/H? 39B. COULDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING DONE? 39C. COULDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE AUDITOR? 39D. DIDN'T THE AUDITOR ACKNOWLEDGE YOU? 40. IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BYPASSED CHARGE? (If so, find what and indicate it to pc.) 41. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? (If so, indicate it to pc.) 42. HAS THE UPSET BEEN HANDLED? (If so, indicate it to the pc.) 43. HAS A LIST PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, find which one and rehab.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by CS-4/5 LRH:JE:ldm.rw.dz.rr.nt.dr Copyright © 1968. 1972. 1976. 1977 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 075. HCOB 26 APR 71 TRs AND COGNITION'S HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1971 Issue I Remimeo Dn Checksheet Scn Grades Checksheet Qual Cramming HGC Auditors TRs AND COGNITION'S In the presence of rough TRs cognition's do not occur. Cognition's are the milestones of case gain. Rough TRs, rough metering, Out Code and a distractive auditor then make no case gain. When an auditor has smooth, usual TRs, does his metering expertly and without attracting the pc's attention, when he follows the Auditor's Code (particularly regarding Evaluation and Invalidation) and when he is interested, not interesting as an auditor, the pc cognites and makes case gains. Further, according to the axioms, a bank straightens out by AS-ISING its content. If the pc's attention is distracted to the auditor and meter his attention is not on his bank so AS-ISING cannot occur. The definition of In Session is INTERESTED IN OWN CASE AND WILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR. When this definition describes the session in progress, then of course the pc will be able to AS-IS and will cognite. By "The Original Thesis", the auditor plus the pc is greater than the pc's bank. When the auditor plus the bank are both overwhelming the pc then the bank seems greater than the pc. It is this situation which gives a pc a low Tone Arm. An auditor who can't be heard, doesn't ack, doesn't give the pc the next command, fails to handle origins simply has OUT-TRs. The auditor who is trying to be interesting to the pc, who over-acks, who laughs loudly, is putting the pc's attention onto himself. So the pc's attention, not being on his bank, doesn't as-is or cognite. The auditor whose metering by-passes F/Ns or calls F/Ns at wrong points, or who tells the pc "That reads" "That blew down" etc., or who any other way uses the meter distractingly (the pc knows when he is being under or over run and knows when he is being mismetered), is of course violating the definition of IN-SESSION. The pc's attention goes to the meter, not his bank, so he doesn't AS-IS or cognite. Auditor Invalidation and Evaluation is just plain villainy. It interferes with pc cognition's. Other Code breaks are similarly distractive. A PERFECT SESSION If you understand the exact definition of IN-SESSION, if you understand the pc's necessity to have his attention on his bank so as to AS-IS it and work out what is really going on in a session that brings about a cognition (as-ising aberration with a realization about life), you will then be able to spot all the things in TRs, metering and the Code that would prevent case gain. Once you see that out-TRs, mis-metering and Code breaks would PREVENT the IN-SESSION definition you will see what would impede a pc from AS-ISing and Cogniting When you have this figured out you will then be able to see clearly what are IN-TRs, CORRECT METERING and CORRECT CODE APPLICATION. There can be an infinity of wrongnesses. There are only a few rightnesses. Recognition of Right TRs, right Metering and right Code use depend only on (a) Understanding the principles in this HCOB, and (b) Their practice so as to establish habit. This mastered, one's pcs will get cognition's and case gain and swear by "their auditor" ! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 076. HCOB 26 APR 71 SOLO COGNITION'S HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1971 ISSUE II ALL AD COURSES Include this and HCO B 26 Apr 7t1 Issue I in Solo Course Packs and on Checksheets. SOLO COGNITION'S In HCO B 26 April 1971 Issue I, the definitions and conditions in an audited session are described. The definition of In-Session also applies to Solo Auditing. If the solo auditor is so all-thumbs with his papers, meters, platens that they distract him from his own bank he is not likely to as-is or cognite. Recently, on Flag, we have taken failed IIIs and put them back through a full heavy re-train on R6EW and then pushed them back up the line with good success. When a solo auditor is also a rabbit (runs from everything including his bank) he has no chance to overcome it if he is all thumbs with his tools. Requiring arduous, perfect drills on Solo metering and auditing actions at R6EW level should occur before the pc sees any materials. He must first and foremost be a Solo Auditor, familiar with his meters and papers to such a degree that they do not in any way distract him. Only then can you add a bank to the scene. A poor solo auditor does not cognite as his attention is on the tools not his bank. Where the Solo auditor fails, he has not learned his tools. The remedy is to make him learn them. The bridge between II and III is sometimes a hard one. It may be that an HDC course is vital before the pre- can make this bridge. The Solo Auditor who "attests" rather than confront his bank probably never learned to use his auditing tools in the first place. Then, adding the bank as something to confront results in confusion. Cognition's in Solo Auditing depend upon the ability to use the tools of auditing so well, they serve no distraction in Solo Session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:mes Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 077. HCOB 30 APR 71 AUDITING COMM CYCLE HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 APRIL 1971 Remimeo HDC Checksht Cse Sup Checksht Class 0 Checksht Cramming AUDITING COMM CYCLE (Reference HCO B 26 Apr 71 TRs AND COGNITION'S) The following AUDITING comm cycle is taken from SHSBC tapes. An auditor runs the session. He gives the pc the session action without pulling the pc's attention heavily on the auditor. He does not leave the pc inactive or floundering without anything to do. He does not leave the pc to make a session out of it. The auditor makes the session. He doesn't wait for the pc to run down like a clock or just sit there while the TA soars after an F/N. The auditor runs the session. He knows what to do for everything that can happen. And this is the Auditing Comm cycle that is always in use. 1. Is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence) 2. Auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect). 3. Pc looks to bank for answer (Itsa maker line). 4. Pc receives answer from bank. 5. Pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect). 6. Auditor acknowledges pc. 7. Auditor sees that pc received ack (attention). 8. New cycle beginning with (1). L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 078. HCOB 5 DEC 79 ...THE COMM CYCLE ... IN SOLO AUDITING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 DECEMBER 1979 (Cancels and replaces BTB 1.2.1971 IV Rev. & Reiss. 2.7.74 as BTB THE COMM CYCLE IN SOLO AUDITING.) Remimeo AOs ONLY Solo Auditor Course THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COMM CYCLE IN REGULAR AUDITING AND CYCLES OF ACTION IN SOLO AUDITING References: HCOB 26 Apr 71 I TRs AND COGNITION'S HCOB 26 Apr 71 II SOLO COGNITION'S HCOB 30 Apr 71 AUDITING COMM CYCLE There is a difference between regular auditing (where the auditor and pc are two separate persons), and Solo auditing. One does not have to be skilled in Auditor's TRs 0-IV in order to be a good Solo auditor . A Solo auditor's skills are covered in HCOB 26 Apr 71 II, SOLO COGNITION'S. TRs 0-IV and the Auditing Comm Cycle apply to regular auditing where the auditor and pc are two separate people. The idea that a Solo auditor would have to mock himself up as "the auditor" and mock himself up as "the pc" is erroneous. Nor does the Solo auditor have to try to be two different. people, nor does Solo auditing consists of "talking to oneself". In order to understand Solo auditing better, read and demonstrate each of the following definitions until you understand each of them: Auditing Comm Cycle: "This is the auditing comm cycle that is always in use: 1) is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence); 2) auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect), 3) pc looks to bank for answer (itsa maker line, 4) pc receives answer from bank, 5) pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect), 6) auditor acknowledges pc, 7) auditor sees that pc received ack (attention), 8) new cycle beginning with (1)" (HCOB 30 Apr 71 AUDITING COMM CYCLE) Auditing Cycle: The basic of auditing is an auditing cycle which operates as an attention director. Call it restimulator if you want, but it's an attention director, eliciting a response from the pc to as-is that area and who knows he has done so when he receives from the practitioner an acknowledgment that it has occurred. That i~ the auditing cycle. " (SH Spec 189, 6209C18) 2. "There are basically two communication cycles between the auditor and the pc that make up the auditing cycle. They are cause, distance, effect with the auditor at cause and the pc at effect, and cause, distance, effect, with the pc at cause and the auditor at effect . These are completely distinct one from the other. " (HCOB 23 May 71R IV, Rev . 4 .12 . 74 Basic Auditing Series 4R COMMUNICATION CYCLES WITHIN THE AUDITING CYCLE ) Communication Cycle: 1. "A cycle of communication and two-way communication are actually two different things. A cycle of communication is not a two-way communication in its entirety. In a cycle of communication we have Joe as the originator of a communication addressed to Bill. We find Bill receiving it and then Bill originating an answer or acknowledgment back to Joe and thus ends the cycle." (DIANETICS 55! page 82) . "A communication cycle consists of just cause, distance, effect with intention, attention, duplication and understanding. " (HCOB 23 May 71R IV, Rev. 4 .12.74 Basic Auditing Series 4R COMMUNICATION CYCLES WITHIN THE AUDITING CYCLE) Cycle of Action: l. "The sequence that an action goes through, where in the action is started, is continued for as long as is required and then is completed as planned." (Scientology Abridged Dictionary ) (The definitions above are taken from the Technical Dictionary.) In Solo auditing the Auditing Question or Auditing Command is provided in the materials. The Solo auditor has to ensure that he understands the Auditing Question or Auditing Command, gets the answer to the question or carries out the command, and recognizes that he has done so and completes that cycle. Solo auditing mainly consists of carrying out cycles of action. This is easy to do as these are given in the materials, and it consists of doing what the materials say to do. VERBALIZATION The Solo auditor does not verbalize questions or commands in solo auditing. It is done on a thought or intention level. There is a solo auditing action in which the Solo auditor calls items verbally, but otherwise solo auditing is not verbalized. METER ERROR In Solo auditing the meter, worksheets and materials must be arranged so that the solo auditor can read the meter at the same time as he reads the question or item in the materials. This is because the question or item will read on the meter when the solo auditor reads the question or item in the materials. One should not ignore the meter read when first reading the question or item in the materials. This is especially true when checking reads on Ruds, or doing a BPC Assessment, as the read might not repeat. The initial read when the question or item is first read and understood by the Solo auditor is taken. This is because the read occurs when the Solo auditor thinks the question or concept of the item. Another meter error could occur if the Solo auditor didn't understand the question or item. You could get a reaction because the question or item was misunderstood. And if the question or item is misunderstood, then you wouldn't be able to audit it. Therefore it is very important that the Solo auditor knows to clear the meanings of words in auditing commands and items. SOLO DRILLS The Solo Drills are designed to familiarize the Solo auditor with the tools of Solo auditing, and to become skilled so that when the time comes to start Solo auditing, he can put his full attention on the auditing and thus be fully in session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:DM:dr Copyright © 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 079. HCOB 22 JUL 71R r. 8 Mar 82 SOLO AUDITOR ADMIN HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1971R ISSUE II REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1981 CORRECTED & REISSUED 8 MARCH 1982 (Cancels & replaces HCOB 12 Apr 70, SOLO AUDITOR ADMIN, deleting references to Fast Flow.) (This bulletin has been revised to update and align it with HCOB 9 July 80, Solo Series #1, CHECK LIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION.) (Revisions Not in Script) (Reissued 8 March 82 to delete "Confidential" on the issue as there is nothing confidential in this issue.) All Solo Auditors Solo Auditor Course Checksheet R6EW Course Checksheet CC and Courses SOLO AUDITOR ADMIN Ref: HCOB 9 Jul 1980, Solo Series #1, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION The simple invariable procedure for Solo Auditor admin is now thoroughly covered in HCOB 9 Jul 1980, Solo Series #1, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION. The following advices supplement that issue and are for use by Solo Auditors on any level of Advanced Courses. 1. Always provide yourself with a safe auditing environment. 2. All the steps of Solo Series #1 are to be done in each Solo session. 3. Meter trim checks are done per HCOB 11 May 69R, Rev. 8.7.78, METER TRIM CHECK. 4. Start each session with "Start of Session" and end it with "End of Session". 5. Keep a proper record of what is done during the session on your worksheets. 6. Lock Solo folder away in a safe place when not auditing. Think about something else and get on with living. 7, Keep Standard Tech in, report daily, follow the correct routing lines, KEEP EXCELLENT SECURITY. 8. When complete on a Level, report to the examiner with all your materials and folder. Turn these in to the examiner. You will be further routed from there. Good luck! L RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:RTCU:dz:kjm:bk Copyright © 1971, 1981, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 080. HCOB 9 JUL 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JULY 1980 Solo Auditor Checksheet Solo Course Supervisor Solo Series #1 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION (Ref: HCOB 26 Apr 71 II, SOLO COGNITION'S) The following checklist is based on refinements in Solo procedure developed to enable a Solo Auditor to be able to set up for a session, and be able to audit without distractions during the session. Drill this checklist until you can do it easily and rapidly. (NOTE: As use of a Mark VI E-Meter is recommended for Solo auditing, checklist items #12, 13 and 34 are included to cover Mark VI operation.) l. Choose a room to audit where you won't be interrupted. 2. Hang an "In-session" sign on the door. 3. Set up the card table (auditing table) and chair. 4. Set up the Mark VI on the table. 5. Place a paper stack of legal length paper on the right back corner of the table (parallel with the meter and back edge Or the table). 6. Place a couple of sheets of paper alongside the meter in an easy writing position (to use as worksheets). 7. Put two ball-points on the table within easy reach (one of these is a spare). 8. Place a pocket stapler on the paper stack. 9. Place correction lists and materials on the table behind the meter, parallel with the far edge of the table. 10. Sit down. 11. Check the meter charge by turning the knob to "Test". 12. If it is not charged, plug in the charging lead to the meter and mains. Note that the charging light comes on showing that current is flowing. 13. Press the date button (below the clock dial) to get the date. 14. Write the date and year across the top center of the worksheet. 15. Make a small vertical bar down from the center of the date to divide the worksheet into two columns (the bar should be about 2 inches long). 16. Turn the meter on (if not already on). 17. Make sure the can jack is disconnected. 18. Put the TA at 2.0 exactly. 19. Put the needle on "Set" with the Trim knob. 20. Write the Trim check on the worksheet (2.0 = 2.0) at the top of column l of the worksheet. 21. Note the time on the worksheet, under "2.0 = 2.0" and to the left (time includes A for AM., P for PM.). 22. Push in the can jack. 23. Take up the cans. (Separated, insulator in left can top.) 24. With your knuckle and without letting go of the cans, move the TA up until the needle is at "Set". 25. Write the two can TA read in the right edge of the column (opposite the time) with a (2) after it (e.g. 2.5(2)). 26. Put the right hand can together with the left hand can to make it a one hand electrode. 27. Grasp the one hand electrode so your hand area is equal on both cans. 28. Put an insulator (such as a sheet of plastic) on your left knee. 29. Put your left hand holding the cans on your left knee (knuckles down, cans up). 30. With the TA put the needle at "Set". 31. Write the one hand electrode TA read on the worksheet (in the right edge of column), with a (l) after it (e.g. 3.4(1)). 32. Squeeze the cans for Sensitivity setting, and adjust it until the needle goes from "Set" to approximately the left hand line of "Test" on can squeeze. 33. Write down the Sensitivity setting on the worksheet just below the time (e.g. Sens-3.8). 34. Press the button to set the TA counter at zero, and write down 0 TA just under the TA read for one hand electrode. 35. Metabolism test: Take a deep breath and let it out through your mouth. Write down the Metabolism test in the left side of the column (about opposite 0 TA), in inches, e.g. "Metab l", which would mean that the Metabolism test gave a one inch fall (and the Metabolism test should be at least a one inch fall in order to audit). The Solo Auditor is now set up to audit and would begin with "Start of Session", written S of S on the worksheet under the Metabolism test and "0 TA" notations. ___________ The rest of this checklist gives the procedure for ending off a Solo session. 36. Write the time at the left side of the column (time includes A for AM., P for PM.). 37. Write the TA counter reading at the right edge of column, e.g. 1.3 TA (which means 1.3 divisions of TA action). 38. Write the TA read for one hand electrode in the right edge of the column (e.g. 2.9(1)). 39. Take the cans apart and get a two can read, by adjusting the TA so the needle comes to "Set" using your knuckle (as in #24). 40. Write the two can TA read in the right edge of the column under the one hand electrode read (e.g. 41. Unplug your can Jack. 42. Bring the needle to set using the TA. (Note that the TA counter reading is taken before going back to two cans, or you would get a false TA action count.) 43. Note the Trim check in the worksheet. (It should be 2.0 - 2.0, as before. But whatever the TA read is note it, as it would show that the Trim had gone o~ during the session, giving false TA reads.) The Trim check 18 written in the center of the worksheet column. 44. Turn the meter off and write "M off" under the Trim check (otherwise you could leave the meter on and come back to a flat meter). 45. End of with "End of Session" and write E of S at the bottom of the worksheet column. 46. If you used more than one sheet of worksheet paper, staple them together. 47. Put the worksheets in your Solo folder. (The latest session always goes on top.) 48. Put the folder in an envelope flash marked for Advanced Courses. 49. Take down the "In-session" sign. 50. Get an after session exam and put it in your folder. 51. Send the folder to the Case Supervisor (or store it securely if the C/S has okayed you to run several sessions between submissions). _______________ Drill this checklist to accurate rapidity. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright ©1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 081. HCOB 6 DEC 79R r. 22 SEP 80 SOLO AUDITOR DRILLS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 DECEMBER 1979R REVISED 22 SEPTEMBER 1980 (Cancels and replaces BTB 12 Dec 71R, Rev. 12.3.72, Reiss 25.7.74 as BTB "Solo TRs 1-4 Revised", and BTB 12 Dec 71R, Amended & Reiss as BTB 28.6.75, III, "Solo Meter Drills".) Remimeo AOs Solo Auditors Course ONLY Auditors SOLO AUDITOR DRILLS (Reference: The Book of E-Meter Drills HCOB 9 Jul 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION. ) These Solo Auditor Drills replace what was formerly called "Solo Auditors TRs", which tended to train a Solo auditor into the idea of "talking to himself" or verbalizing everything in Solo auditing and that is incorrect. These drills are to train a Solo auditor to be able to do the Solo auditing actions he will encounter on Solo levels. These do not teach one to be able to audit pcs, nor do they try to teach Auditor's TRs, (If you want to learn to be an auditor, take the Auditor's Hard TRs Course and Academy and SHSBC training.) If done thoroughly and until you can do each drill easily, you will be able to Solo audit very successfully. These Solo Drills are done with a meter, worksheets, auditing table and Solo can set-up as these would be in a Solo session. SOLO AUDITOR DRILL 1 NAME: SOLO CAN DRILL PURPOSE: To train a Solo auditor to take Tone Arm readings with two cans and with Solo can, and do a proper can squeeze on a one-hand electrode. POSITION: Solo auditor seated at an auditing table with meter, cans and a copy of HCOB 9 Jul 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION and HCOB 14 Jul 70 SOLO CANS. The coach sits beside the student. TRAINING STRESS: HCOB 9 Jul 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION and HCOB 14 Jul 70 SOLO CANS are used as references. The coach has the student set up the meter, measure his TA reading with two cans and note it on the worksheets per HCOB 14 Jul 70 SOLO CANS. The coach then has the student change over to a Solo can set up and adjust TA and note it on the worksheet. (TA notations are to be done as shown in HCOB 14 Jul 70 to differentiate between 2 can and Solo can readings.) The coach has the student do this part of the drill until the student can do it easily and rapidly. The coach then has the student squeeze the can for sensitivity setting, and adjust the sensitivity knob until the needle goes from "set" to the left hand line of "Test" on can squeeze. Do this drill until the student can do it easily and without flub. SOLO AUDITOR DRILL 2 NAME: SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION PURPOSE: To train a Solo auditor to be able to set up for, and end off a Solo session. POSITION: Coach and student beside a card table (auditing table) with a chair, legal length paper, Mark VI E-Meter, cans, two ball-points, pocket stapler, correction lists and materials and an insulator (such as a sheet of plastic) handy. TRAINING STRESS: HCOB 9 Jul 80 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION is used as a reference. The coach has the student set up a solo session exactly per HCOB 9 Jul 80. Steps 1-51 of the checklist are drilled until the student can easily and rapidly set up a solo session, and end off a solo session. (NOTE: The student Solo auditor is to set up the materials for the session and use these in the remaining drills.) SOLO AUDITOR DRILL 3 NAME: SOLO METERING PURPOSE: To train a Solo auditor to read written material and note whether the meter read. POSITION: The student Solo auditor seated at a table set up for a Solo session, with a copy of Book of E-Meter Drills. The coach is seated beside the student where the coach can also see the meter and worksheet. TRAINING STRESS: The student Solo auditor sets up the meter and Solo can and keeps a worksheet as in Solo Drill 1. Then turns to one of the Prepared Assessment Lists in the back of the Book of E-Meter Drills. He then places the list where he can see the list and the needle. He places a blank piece of paper over the list covering everything but the first item on the list. The Solo auditor then reads the first item on the list and notices if the meter reads on the item. He continues down the list moving the blank piece of paper as he goes. When a read occurs, the Solo auditor informs the coach of the item that read and what the read was. He then writes the item and it's read on the worksheet. He also notes the time and TA position. The coach verifies that the student has done all of this correctly. Then the coach has the student continue doing the drill. Various assessment lists are used in this manner until the student can perform the actions of reading written material and noting if it reads and recording this on a worksheet. The coach's job is to encourage the student and keep him at it until he can do it easily. SOLO AUDITOR DRILL 4 NAME: CLEARING WORDS PURPOSE: To train the Solo auditor to clear the meanings of words in auditing questions or commands. POSITION: The student Solo auditor seated at a Solo auditing session set-up (per Solo Drill 2), and the coach seated beside the student so that the coach can also see the meter and worksheets. A copy of HCOB 13 Oct 79 CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING is placed on the table where the student Solo auditor can read it, and see the meter needle. TRAINING STRESS: The student Solo auditor is to read the HCOB and note when the meter reads, find and clear the misunderstood word to F/N and keep worksheets. The Solo can and Solo session set-up is used. The coach ensures that the student Solo auditor does all of these actions. After this HCOB is word cleared, another bulletin is used (it doesn't matter which bulletin). This drill is done until the Solo auditor can do it easily, and keep worksheets and operate the meter. (Although the student may be fumbly at first, the coach helps the student and encourages him until the student has mastered it.) SOLO AUDITOR DRILL 5 NAME: SOLO CYCLE OF ACTION PURPOSE: To train a Solo auditor in carrying out cycles of action in Solo auditing to completion of that cycle, and to end cycle on it. POSITION: The Solo auditor seated at a table set up for a Solo session with the coach seated beside him. The student has a copy of the Book of E-Meter Drills opened to E~-20. TRAINING STRESS: The student Solo auditor uses the list of questions given in EM-20. (The word "your" in the questions is changed to "my", and the word "you" is changed to "I".) The student Solo auditor writes the question down on the worksheet, changing the wording as above, and notes whether the question read on the meter. Then he silently answers the question and writes down the answer. Then he acknowledges that that cycle is complete. The coach then verifies that the student did each step and whether the student is satisfied that he has done so. This drill is passed when the student can carry out this cycle without being distracted or Q & Aing, does complete the cycle started and ends the cycle. (The questions, answers and acknowledgments are done silently and conceptually, not verbalized.) _____________ The student Solo auditor now does the following Solo E-Meter drills. The Solo session set-up, Solo cans are all used as in preceding drills, and the student writes on a worksheet. This is to keep familiarizing the Solo auditor with the tools he will be using in Solo auditing. The student must have completed the regular drills per the Book of E-Meter Drills before attempting these drills. If the student Solo auditor has difficulty with a drill done Solo, he should return to the appropriate Solo Auditor drill, or to the regular meter drill until he can do it easily. The numbers within the drills are the numbers from the Book of E-Meter Drills. The Solo E-Meter Drills are done silently. Drills 1 to 7 are exactly as given in the Book of E-Meter Drills and are not repeated here as a Solo action. Also use HCOB 14 Jul 70 SOLO CANS for proper use of Solo cans. SOLO E-METER DRILL 8: As for EM-8 except that student has the bulletin on the table beside the meter. He holds the electrodes (Solo cans) himself and observes the meter while reading the bulletin. SOLO E-METER DRILL 9: As for EM-9 except that student auditor holds Solo cans and reads bulletin. Considerable emphasis is on correct positioning of the meter, worksheets, and reading material early in this drill. The student should experiment with these positions for optimum placement so as to see the meter at the same time as reading and to avoid session distractions. SOLO E-METER DRILL 10: As for EM-10. Additional notes as for previous drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 11: As for EM-11 with student holding Solo cans and reading silently from origination sheet. E-METER DRILL 12: Omitted as a Solo drill. E-METER DRILL 13: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 14: As for EM-14 but with student holding Solo cans and reading bulletin. SOLO E-METER DRILL 15: As for EM-15 but the student holding the Solo cans and reading origination's to himself and thinking the meaning of the origination conceptually. Coach asks: "What did the needle do while reading the line?" etc., as in the basic drill. In this drill the student learns that the meter read will occur when he reads the line and gets the concept, and trains the student to be able to read a line and note the meter reaction or lack of it, at the same time. Not read the line and then look at the meter later. It also trains the student that if he has his attention locked on the meter and doesn't actually think the meaning of the line, the meter won't read. SOLO E-METER DRILL 16: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 17: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 18: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 19: As for EM-19, but with the student Solo auditor holding the solo cans and the coach seated beside him, observing. The drill is done silently. The coach is to keep the student at it and asks commands as per EM-19 until the student can do it easily and with certainty. SOLO E-METER DRILL 20: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 21: As for EM-21 but student auditor holding Solo cans. In this drill done Solo the student auditor will of course already know what he was thinking when the meter read. However, the drill is done as given to show the Solo student auditor that his thought will again produce the same read when he again thinks the same thought. It also illustrates the necessity for the Solo auditor to keep his attention on the reading item or subject in order to keep that item reading and further, when the thought is repeated it shows how the read on that thought will diminish and vanish as the charge is reduced by re-spotting the original thought. Therefore in the Solo drill there is a second step where the student is required to repeatedly think the same thought until the read no longer occurs and to note the reads on a worksheet as they occur. As this is an auditing technique used in certain Solo levels when discharging items the drill must be well done and continued to a high level of competence. SOLO E-METER DRILL 22: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 23: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 24: As for EM-24 but the student holding Solo cans and does the assessments on himself. (Only use the assessments given in the Book of E-Meter Drills.) SOLO E-METER DRILL 25: Omitted as a Solo drill. SOLO E-METER DRILL 26: As for EM-26 but student holding Solo cans. SOLO E-METER DRILL 27: Omitted as a Solo drill. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER As assisted by Snr C/S Int LRH:DM:dr:kjm Copyright © 1979, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 082. NEW SOLO AUDITORS COURSE Part B This course does not have a true checksheet. There are no additional course materials. Instead it consists of solo auditing the Solo Assists as instructed by the C/S using the materials in part A above as reference for how to solo audit. The following HCOB, which is used by the C/S, includes all the solo assist C/Ses. ======================== 083. HCOB 30 SEP 81R r. 30 Jan 82 STD. C/S INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SOLO... HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 SEPTEMBER 1981R REVISED 30 JANUARY 1982 (Cancels BTB 12 Dec 71R VI Rev. & Reiss. 11.9.74 STANDARD C/S INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SOLO STUDENT AUDITOR and its Attachments.) (Standard C/Ses for the Solo Student Auditor have been updated as Attachments to this HCOB and include the use of the CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION, HCOB 9 July 1980, Solo Series #1. Method 5 Assessment and Lock Scanning have been deleted from the Solo Student C/Ses as these procedures, as such, are not used by the Solo Auditor.) (Re-revised to add Solo Student C/Ses that, will give CASE WINS as well as practice solo sessions.) (Revisions Not in Script) Limited Distribution SHes, AOs & FSO Solo C/Ses & Solo Supervisors STANDARD C/S INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SOLO STUDENT AUDITOR REF. HCOB 30 JAN 82 C/SING SOLO STUDENT AUDITORS This bulletin, with its Attachments, is for use in conjunction with the auditing section of The New Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (HCO PL 28 January 82 Issue II). The standard C/Ses on the Attachments, while primarily training actions, are also designed to start the Solo Student Auditor on his solo auditing at the correct gradient. The Solo C/S is not limited to these Solo Student C/Ses. Solo Student Auditors will make good gains from these actions. The main emphasis, however, must be on their use as training actions for the student as a Solo auditor, to ensure he is using the exact and correct session procedure, keeping proper session admin and doing a competent job of basic auditing. They provide him with a foolproof gradient for "getting his feet wet" when he begins to solo audit, while giving him experience in running a standard Solo session by the book. The C/Ses are issued to the student auditor one C/S at a time, and each C/S is checked out on the student before he does the action. Should the student auditor flub any action, he is crammed on the materials and drills covering that action before he audits further. Each action is repeated until the student can do it successfully with no flubs. It is the responsibility of the Solo Student Auditor, the Solo Supervisor and the Solo C/S to ensure the actions are not skimped. The success of the Solo Auditor on advanced levels will depend upon the certainty and competence he achieves on these student auditor actions. The Solo Student C/Ses from No. 8 on, are designed to give the Solo Student Auditor both increased confidence and CASE WINS! A supply of these Standard C/Ses should be mimeoed in quantity and made available to the Solo Case Supervisor. The mimeoed C/S that applies is then selected and given to the Solo Student Auditor as his actual C/S for each session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:bk Copyright © 1981, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 084. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 0 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 0 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 0 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 0 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ DOING A WORKSHEET (No auditing, just a proper worksheet.) Ref. HCOB 9 Jul 80, Solo series No. 1, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION . 1. Do a proper worksheet. No auditing. Just get on the meter and do it all correctly ( HCOB 9.7.80 Steps 1 - 51 ). ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 085. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 1 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 1 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 1 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 1 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ ARC BREAK RUD 0. Do steps 1-35 of HCOB 9 Jul 80, Solo series No.1, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION. 1. Fly the ARC Break Rud. Use ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs. Use False and Suppress if necessary. 2. If no current ARC Break, spot a time you did have an ARC Break. Use ARCU CDEINR on that time and take it E/S to F/N. 3. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No.1. 4. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam, and put exam in your folder. 5. Hand your folder in to the Supervisor. ___________________________ (Case Supervisor) ======================== 086. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 2 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 2 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 2 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 2 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ PTP RUD 0. Set up for the session , per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No . 1, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP A SOLO SESSION. 1. Fly the PTP Rud. Use itsa E/S itsa to F/N VGIs. Use False and Suppress if necessary. 2. If no current PTP, look for a time you did have a PTP. Take that to F/N VGIs using itsa E/S itsa. 3. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 4 . Report to PC Examiner for after session exam, and put the exam in your folder. 5. Hand your folder in to the Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 087. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 3R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 3R HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 3R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 3R NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ WITHHOLD RUD 0. Set up for session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Fly the withhold Rud ( per HCOB 11 Aug 78 Issue 1 ) " HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED ? " 2. If you get a read, find out : (a) What was it ? (b) When was it ? (c) Is that ALL of the withhold ? (d) Who missed it ? (e) What did he/she do that made you wonder whether or not he/she knew ? (f) Who else missed it ? Repeat (e) above. Get another and another who missed it, using the Suppress button as needed, and repeating (e) as above. 3. Clean it to F/N, or if no F/N, take it earlier similar with the question: " IS THERE AN EARLIER SIMILAR MISSED WITHHOLD ? " 4. Handle each earlier missed withhold you get per step 2 above until you get an F/N. 5. If no current missed withhold ( in step 1 above ), find a time when you did have a missed withhold and handle per steps 2,3 and 4 above. 6. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 7. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put exam in your folder . 8. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 088. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 4 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 4 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 4 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 4 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ OVERTS 0. Set up for session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Fly Overts as a rudiment using the question: " HAVE I COMMITTED AN OVERT ? " Use itsa E/S itsa to F/N VGIs. 2. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 3. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam, and put exam in your folder. 4. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 089. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 5 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 5 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 5 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 5 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ ALL RUDS 0. Set up the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series 1. 1. Fly all Ruds ( ARC Break, PTP, W/H ) Use False and Suppress if necessary. Get an F/N on each, even if nothing on it. 2. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series 1. 3. Report to Examiner for after session exam, put the exam in your folder. 4. Hand your folder in to the Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 090. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 6 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 6 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 6 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 6 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ L1C METHOD 3 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1 1. Do an L1C Method 3. Use the prefix " Recently ? " Use False and Suppress if necessary. Take each item that reads to F/N GIs or VGIs using itsa E/S itsa. NOTE: If you can't F/N a reading item, end off at that point and return your folder to the C/S for further instructions. 2. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 3. Report to the PC Examiner for after session exam and put the exam in your folder. 4. Hand your folder in to the Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 091. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 7 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 7 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 7 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 7 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ L1C METHOD 5 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1 1. Do an L1C Method 5. Use the prefix "Recently ... ?" Use False and Suppress if necessary. Take each item that reads to F/N GIs or VGIs using itsa E/S itsa. NOTE: If you can't F/N a reading item, end off at that point and return your folder to the C/S for further instructions. 2. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 3. Report to the PC Examiner for after session exam and put the exam in your folder. 4. Hand your folder in to the Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 092. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 8 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 8 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 8 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 8 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ WORD CLEARING ( You will need a Technical Dictionary as well as a good English one. ) 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Fly a rud if no F/N. 2. On each of the following words, do these steps: (a) Look up the definition of the word. (b) Use the word in sentences until you understand it conceptually and get an F/ N. If there is a word in the definition that you don't understand, clear that word by looking up it's definition and using that word in sentences to conceptual understanding and F/N. Then return to the previous definition that you were clearing. (c) Take each word to F/N. If no F/N, there could be an earlier misunderstood word. If so, clear the earlier word to F/N per (a) and (b) above, then return to F/N the word you were on. (d) On any word that has more than one meaning, clear the first definition and use the word in sentences to F/N . Then clear the next definition and use the word in sentences to F/N. Do this for each definition or meaning of the word. 3. "IS THERE ANY WORD ON THE LIST THAT I DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND?" If so, clear it per steps 2 (a) and (b) above. 4. "IS THERE ANY OTHER WORD I HAVE ENCOUNTERED IN STUDYING DIANETICS OR SCIENTOLOGY THAT I DID NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND?" If so, clear it per step 2 (a) and (b) above. 5. Complete session admin per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 6. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put exam in your folder . 7. Hand in your folder to the Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ATTACHMENT 8B: CONCEPTUAL _____________ AUDITING _____________ UNDERSTANDING _____________ RUDIMENTS _____________ DEFINITION _____________ ARC BREAK _____________ THETAN _____________ PTP _____________ MIND _____________ MISSED WITHHOLD_____________ ANALYTICAL MIND ___________ OVERT _____________ REACTIVE MIND _____________ MOTIVATOR _____________ BANK _____________ RELEASE _____________ BODY _____________ CLEAR _____________ DIANETICS _____________ SCIENTOLOGY _____________ OPERATING THETAN___________ GAINS _____________ FLOATING NEEDLE ___________ KEY - IN _____________ DIMENSION POINT ___________ KEY - OUT _____________ BE _____________ DO _____________ ERASURE _____________ HAVE _____________ LOCK _____________ GOAL _____________ SECONDARY _____________ BARRIER _____________ ENGRAM _____________ FREEDOM _____________ FACSIMILE _____________ OPPONENT _____________ MOCK UP _____________ ALLY _____________ RIDGE _____________ MATTER _____________ FLOW _____________ ENERGY _____________ OUTFLOW _____________ SPACE _____________ INFLOW _____________ TIME _____________ CIRCUIT _____________ FORM _____________ MACHINE _____________ LOCATION _____________ P.T.S _____________ THETA _____________ S.P. _____________ ENTHETA _____________ SOMATIC _____________ GAME _____________ PSYCHOSOMATIC _____________ POSTULATE _____________ PAIN _____________ CONSIDERATION _____________ SENSATION _____________ PERCEPTION _____________ VALENCE _____________ KNOWINGNESS _____________ IDENTITY _____________ STATIC _____________ VIEWPOINT _____________ PRE - OT _____________ ======================== 093. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 9 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 9 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 9 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 9 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ RUDS OF LONG DURATION The handling of these rudiments, is the same as given in HCOB 11.8.78 RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER. The questions given below, are to find the out rud of long duration. ) 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. "IS THERE AN ARC BREAK THAT I HAVE HAD FOR A LONG TIME?" (If reading, handle to F/N per the above bulletin. Use False and Suppress if necessary.) 2. "IS THERE A PROBLEM THAT I HAVE HAD FOR A LONG TIME?" (If reading, handle to F/N per the above bulletin. Use False and Suppress if necessary.) 3. "IS THERE A WITHHOLD THAT I HAVE HAD FOR A LONG TIME?" (If reading, handle to F/N per the above bulletin. Use False and Suppress if necessary.) 4. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 5. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put the exam in your folder. 6. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 094. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 10 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 10 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 10 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 10 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ REPAIR SESSION 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Do an L1C using the prefix "IN AUDITING" Method 3 assessment and handling. Take each reading line to F/N or E/S to F/N. 2. When you have done the L1C once through, assess it again from the beginning, handling each reading line. Do this as many times as needed until you have a big win or the list F/Ns on a new assessment. 3. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 4. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put the exam in your folder. 5. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== 095. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 11 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 11 HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 11 SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 11 NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ REHAB SESSION (Ref: HCOB 30.6.65, RELEASE REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASES AND THETAN EXTERIORS ) 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Locate an earlier win or release point. 2. Loosely locate the session or time it occurred. 3. Get in Suppress button on the session or time by asking: "ON THAT SESSION WAS ANYTHING SUPPRESSED?" or "AT THAT TIME WAS ANYTHING SUPPRESSED?" 4. Get in Invalidation button by asking: "ON THAT SESSION WAS ANYTHING INVALIDATED?" or "AT THAT TIME WAS ANYTHING INVALIDATED?" 5. Get "WHAT WAS UNACKNOWLEDGED?" 6. Indicate anything found in 3, 4 or 5 as By - Passed charge. 7. Find the KEY - IN that was KEYED - OUT at the moment of release. (The person went release because something keyed out at that time or during the session.) 8. When THIS ( 7 above ) is found and recognized by the PC, the PC will get a resurgence of their release state. 9. If this does not happen, find what keyed in that ended the release state and repeat steps ( 2 ) to ( 8 ) on it . End off when the earlier release has been rehabilitated accompanied by an F/N. 10. Unless you had a big win or persistent F/N on the above, repeat steps (1) to (9) until you are on a win or persistent F/N. 11. Complete session admin per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 12. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put exam in 13. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. ___________________________ ( Case supervisor ) ======================== 096. HCOB 30 SEP 81R ATTACHMENT 12R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 12R HCOB 30.9.81 R Rev. 30.1.82 ATTACHMENT 12R SOLO STUDENT C/S NO. 12R NAME:________________________ DATE: _______________ _______________________ ( Session Grade ) C/S COMMENTS:_____________________________________________________ SELF ANALYSIS 0. Set up for the session, per steps 1 - 35 of Solo series No. 1. 1. Fly a rud if no F/N. 2. Take a copy of SELF ANALYSIS, turn to page 118, list 5. Begin to assess the list and the lists after it until you get a reading question. 3. Recall the answer to the question. If no F/N, do E/S to an earlier similar incident. Continue until you get an F/N. 4. Continue with list assessing. (You will probably find the the needle will stop F/Ning.) 5. Take the next reading question you find. 6. Recall the answer to the question. If no F/N, handle as in (3) above. 7. Continue to assess the questions, and handle as in (6). When you have an F/N that does not stop, you will have achieved a PERSISTENT F/N. Note that you also had a win. 8. Complete session admin, per steps 36 - 49 of Solo series No. 1. 9. Report to PC Examiner for after session exam and put exam in your folder. 10. Hand your folder in to your Supervisor. NOTE TO C/S: A sensitivity set too high or an inability to concentrate on a NEW question, will give the Pre an F/N that won't die at once when he starts this C/S. This is really a drill on how one kills a persistent F/N by putting attention on new subjects. It is the one you can't kill that way which the persistent F/N. While no real trouble is expected, this puts the Pre more in control of his meter, a necessary thing on some upper levels. WARNING: It may take a few repeats or sessions of this C/S to get a persistent F/N going on some PCs. ___________________________ ( Case Supervisor ) ======================== (end of Solo Pack)