A 1982 SOLO COURSE PACK - 6 of 7 ************************************************** SOLO AUDITOR'S COURSE PACK CONTENTS [full contents in part 1] Part 6/7 061. HCOB 22 APR 80 ASSESSMENT DRILLS 062. BTB 20 AUG 70R r. 19 Aug 74 TWO COMPLETE DIFFERENCES 063. HCOB 1 AUG 68 THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING 064. HCOB 22 AUG 66 FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES 065. HCOB 14 SEP 71R r. 19 Jul 78 DIANETIC LIST ERRORS 066. HCOB 20 APR 72 PRODUCT PURPOSE AND WHY AND WC ERROR CORRECTION 067. HCOB 19 NOV 78 L & N LISTS - THE ITEM "ME" 068. HCOB 11 APR 77 LIST ERRORS, CORRECTION OF 069. HCOB 17 MAR 74 TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS 070. HCOB 28 MAY 70 CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF 071. HCOB 23 SEP 68 VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING 072. BTB 7 NOV 72R r. 28 Jul 74 L&N LISTS 073. HCOB 29 SEP 68R r. 31 MAY 80 LIST CORRECTION - THE SHORT L4 [Note that some items appear again in a later section of the checksheet and are only included once in this pack] ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 061. HCOB 22 APR 80 ASSESSMENT DRILLS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 April 1980 Remimeo Auditors Surveyors Examiners Ethics Officers ASSESSMENT DRILLS Ref: HCOB 6 Dec 73 C/S Series 90 THE PRIMARY FAILURE HCOB 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24 METERING READING ITEMS HCOB 15 Oct 73 C/S Series 87 NULLING AND F/NING PREPARED LISTS HCOB 22 Jul 78 ASSESSMENT TRs THE BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS (Note: It is required that anyone doing the following drills shall have done a TR course, an Upper Indoc course and the drills of the E-Meter Drill Book.) According to HCOB 6 Dec 73, the make or break point of an auditor was his ability to get reads on a prepared list. This depended upon (a) His TR 1 and (b) His metering. In 1978 this was further studied and in HCOB 22 Jul 78 ASSESSMENT TRs, it was found that correct voice pitches had everything to do with assessment. I have just developed drills which improve this ability to make lists read and to improve an auditor's auditing in general. These drills will also be found to have great value to people who do surveys, to Examiners and to Ethics Officers. E-METER To begin, an auditor should review his E-Meter drills and practice E-Meter Drill 27 on page 52 of the Book of E-Meter Drills, E-Meter Drill CR0000-4 and, if found necessary, E-Meter Drill CR0000-3. It is called to attention that E-Meter Drill 5 of the Book of E-Meter Drills has been replaced with E-Meter Drill 5RA and is not done, should be done. This E-Meter Drill 5RA is the only change in the original book. Further, it applies to the Mark VI just as well as it applied to the Mark V for which the book was written - the controls and actions of the Mark V and Mark VI are practically identical, though the Mark VI moves up to higher level cases. Being able to see and read and operate an E-Meter has everything to do with getting reads off a prepared list. Where an auditor misses it is simply that he has not adequately done the drills in the Book of E-Meter Drills and has not practiced up to a point of full, easy familiarity with the E-Meter. The point of being able to make lists read is pointless unless the auditor can set up, handle and read an E-Meter. But the skill is easily acquired. ASSESSMENT TRAINING DRILLS The following drills have the letter "Q" after them to mean that they are used for QUESTIONS. The Q is followed by a number to show that they are drilled in that sequence. In these Q drills, the practice of twinning and any other TR tech normal to TRs is followed. TR 1-Q1 NUMBER: TR 1-Q1 NAME: Pitch of the Question. POSITION: Coach sitting at the keyboard of a piano or organ or any usable instrument, student standing beside instrument. PURPOSE: To establish the pitch differences of statements and questions. DATA TRAINING PROCEDURE: If the student is a girl, the coach asks her to say "Apple" as a statement. The coach then strikes the C above middle C (as given in the data above) and then the G above middle C. If the student is a man, the coach asks him to say "Apple" as a statement and then strikes middle C and then the F below middle C. This is repeated - saying "apple" and striking the two notes until the pitch of a statement can be duplicated by the student. In the event, the student has a voice pitch at variance with these notes, other notes can be found and used by the coach so long as the higher note is first and the second note is four or five whole notes below the first note. It must sound like a statement with the higher, then lower note.) Once the student has grasped this and can duplicate it, have the student use other two syllable words (or single syllable words preceded by an article), using these notes of the statement. Then, using these two notes, have the student make up sentences as statements, the bulk of the sentence said at the pitch of the higher note, but the end of the sentence at the pitch of the lower note. Once the student has this down and can easily do it and it sounds natural and he is satisfied that it does, go on to the question step. The coach has the student say "apple" as a question. Then the coach (for a male student) strikes the F below middle C and then middle C. For a woman the coach strikes the A above middle C and then the D an octave above middle C. (In case this does not agree with the voice pitch of the student, the coach must work it out providing only that the upper note is three or four whole notes above the lower note. It must sound natural and must sound like a question.) The coach has the student say "apple" as a question and then strikes the lower and higher note until the student can duplicate it. Now take other two syllable words (or single syllable words preceded by an article) and have the student say these as a question, following each one with the two instrument notes, lower to higher. When the student can do this, is satisfied that it sounds natural and doesn't have to think about dolling it, go on to the next step. Here the student makes up banal questions. The first part of the question is said at the lower note and the last part is said at the higher note. At each question, the coach strikes the lower note and then the upper note. When this sounds natural and the student does not have to think to do it and is satisfied with it, the drill is ended. END PHENOMENA: A person who can state statements and questions that sound like statements or questions. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, April 1980, while doing the script for the soon to be produced training film "Tone 40 Assessment". TR 1-Q2 NUMBER: TR 1-Q2 NAME: Walkabout Questions. POSITION: There is no coach. Two students separate and walk around their neighborhood and then meet and compare notes. The object is to detect personal habits in questioning. PURPOSE: To enlighten the student as to his own communication habits and people's reactions to his questions. COMMANDS: The most common everyday social questions such as "How's it going?" "Do you like the weather?", etc. appropriate to the activities and circumstances of the person. Only one or two questions to a separate person. The questions must be banal, social and ordinary but they must be questions. TRAINING STRESS: The two students agree on the areas they will cover next time they will meet again. They then go over individually, not together. The student pauses next to people encoun-tered and asks a social question, and notes the reaction of the person asked. In this drill the student does not necessarily try to use TR 1-Q1 but is just himself, speaking as he would normally speak. The students then meet and compare notes and discuss what they have discovered about themselves on the subject of asking questions. If they have not learned or observed anything, the drill must be repeated. END PHENOMENA: A person who has detected any habits he has in handling pitch of voice in asking questions so that he can cure these in subsequent drills. HISTORY: Recommended by L. Ron Hubbard in February 1978, in the pilot for HCOB 22 Jul 78 ASSESSMENT TRs. Developed into a TR in April 1980, by L. Ron Hubbard. TR 1-Q3 NUMBER: TR 1-Q3 NAME: Single Word Question. POSITION: Student and coach facing each other with a table in between them. The E-Meter is not used. The Book of E-Meter Drills used by student and another copy by coach. PURPOSE: To be able to ask questions using a single word read from a list. COMMANDS: The coach uses the usual TR directions of start, flunk, that's it. The student uses single words from the prepared lists of the Book of E-Meter Drills, pages 66 to 72 of the Appendix. TRAINING STRESS: To get the student to use the pitch of his voice to deliver a question consisting of a single word. It must sound like a question per TR 1-Q1 and use similar pitch's to TR 1-Q1. The student is flunked for out TR-l, for keeping his eyes glued to the list, for sounding unnatural. The student is also flunked for slow or comm laggy delivery or pauses. The coach designates the list to be used, changes lists. When the student can do this easily, a second part of the drill is entered and the coach begins to use the PC Origination List on Page 58 so as to interrupt the student and make him combine his questions with TR 4. In this case the student acknowledges appropriately, uses "I will repeat the Question." and does so. END PHENOMENA: The ability to ask single word questions that will be responded to as questions and to be able to handle pc origins while doing so. HISTORY: Developed in April 1980, by L. Ron Hubbard. TR 1-Q4 NUMBER: TR 1-Q4 NAME: Whole Sentence Questions. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other across a table. The E-Meter is set up and used. Copies of the Book of E-Meter Drills are used. PURPOSE: To train the student to ask whole questions that sound like questions, read an E-Meter and handle a session at the same time. COMMANDS: The usual coach commands of TR drills. The Prepared Lists of the Appendix of the Book of E-Meter Drills; the questions in these drills are reworded so that the item occurs as the last word; Example: List 2, pg 65 or the Book of E-Meter Drills states that the Assessment Question is "which tree do you like best?". This is converted, for each question, to "Do you like ?"; Prepared List 4 is converted to "Do you dislike ?"; etc. A whole sentence is used in every case. TRAINING STRESS: The usual TR commands are used by the coach. E-Meter Drill #5RA must be used to start. Any TR errors or Metering errors may be flunked, but special attention is paid to the student's ability to ask a question that sounds like a question in accordance to TR 1-Q1 and that sounds natural. The drill has three parts. In the first part, although the coach is on the meter, the ability to ask the question is concentrated upon. The second part concentrates upon the student's ability to look at the written question and then ask the coach directly without undue comm lag or hesitation. The third part is to do the first two parts and read the meter (in accordance with E-Meter Drills 27 and CR0000-4 which may have to be reviewed if flubby) and to keep session admin, all smoothly and accurately. If a question arises about meter accuracy, a third person who can read a meter or a video tape is employed to ensure that the student is actually not missing or dubbing in reads. END PHENOMENA: A person who can do all the necessary actions of asking questions from a prepared list and run a session smoothly without errors or confusion's and be confident he can. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April 1980. TR 8-Q NUMBER: TR 8-Q NAME: TONE 40 ASSESSMENT POSITION: Same as TR 8 where the student is in one chair racing another chair on which sits an ashtray, the coach sitting beside the student in a third chair. A square four-cornered ashtray is used. PURPOSE: To deliver the THOUGHT of a question into an exact position, wide or narrow at decision, that is a question, with or without words. COMMANDS: For the first part of the drill: Are you an ashtray? Are you made of glass? Are you sitting there? Second part of drill: same questions silently. Third part of drill: Are you a corner? to each corner of the ashtray, verbal and with intention at the same time. Fourth part of drill: Any applicable question, verbal and with intention at the same time put broad and narrow at choice into the ashtray, exact parts of it and the surroundings. TRAINING STRESS: The coach uses usual TR coaching commands. There are four stages to the drill. The first stage is to land a verbal command into the ashtray. The second stage is to put the question with full intention silently into the ashtray. The third stage is to put verbal command and silent intention at the same time into exact parts of the ashtrays The fourth stage is to put any applicable question both verbally and with intention into any narrow or any broad portion of the ashtray or its surrounds at choice and at will. At the conclusion of the whole drill imagine the ashtray saying "Yes,yes,yes,yes" in an avalanche of yeses to balance the flow (in actual life, people, pcs and meters do respond and return the flow). END PHENOMENA: The ability to land a question with full intention into an exact target area, broad or narrow, at will and effectively, whether verbally or silently. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April 1980, as an extension of all earlier work on intention and Tone 40, as now applied to questions and assessments. TR 4/8-Q1 NUMBER: TR 4/8-Q1 (TR 4 for Pc Origin, TR 8 Intention + Q for Question, 1 for first part.) NAME: Tone 40 Assessment Prepared List Session Drill. POSITION: Student and coach sitting across from each other at a table, E-Meter set up and in use, session admin, using prepared lists. PURPOSE: To train a student to do all the actions necessary to a full, smooth, accurate session using prepared lists and to do Tone 40 Assessment of them. COMMANDS: Coach commands are the usual TR commands of start, flunk, that's it. For the student, all commands relating to starting a session, giving an R factor, assessing a prepared list, keeping -the admin, indicating any item round and ending a session. The Book of E-Meter Drills for Prepared Lists as in TR 1-Q4. Origins for coach as per pages 58, 59 and 60 of that book. "Squeeze the cans", "Take a deep breath and let it out", "This is the session", "We are going to assess a prepared list" (assessment), "Your item is " (indicate any F/N) "End of Assessment" "End of Session". TRAINING STRESS: Permit the student to continue to his first error, then have him drill and correct that error and continue. Finally, to conclude, let the student go through the entire sequence of the drill beginning to end three times without error or flunk for a final pass. It is expected that the student will not flub any TRs or metering or session patter. metering may be finally verified by a third student or video. All assessing must be in proper tone 40 with full intention exactly placed. The student must not wait to see if the meter read but catch the read of the last question as he starts the next one. His vision may shift from list to pc but at all times must embrace list, meter and pc. (This drill also would be the one used for tape or video passes as it includes all elements of metering and TRs.) END PHENOMENA: A person who can do a flawless and productive assessment session, Tone 40. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, April 1980. TR 4/8-Q2 NUMBER: TR 4/8-Q2 NAME: Listing and Nulling Tone 40 Assessment. POSITION: Same as TR 4/8-Q1. PURPOSE: To teach a student to do the action of Listing and Nulling with all metering and admin, using Tone 40 Assessment. COMMANDS: The usual coach TR commands. Two copies of the Book of E-Meter Drills. A prepared list is chosen by the coach and both use the same prepared list. The student reads the question and asks it and the coach reads the replies from the same list but in his own copy. The student must write down the answers in a proper session worksheet and note and write down any reads. (An F/N terminates the listing if it occurs.) The coach need not use the whole list of replies but only half a dozen chosen at random. The sequence of commands is the same as TR 4/8-Q1 except that the R factor is "We are going to list a question." And, if no item F/Ns and no significant read has occurred, the additional action of nulling the list is undertaken with the command, "I will now assess the list." TRAINING STRESS: The laws of Listing and Nulling HCOB l Aug 68 apply in full as these are very important laws and ignoring them can result in severe ARC breaks not so much in this drill but in actual sessions. The coach may also require suppress and invalidate buttons be put in on the whole list. All errors, omissions, hesitations and lapses from Tone 40 on the part of the student are flunked. Coach similarly to TR 4/8-Q1. Pass when the student can do it flawlessly three consecutive times. (This drill may be used for internship tapes and videos for assessing and metering passes.) END PHENOMENA: A person able to do a flawless L & N list as the session or as part of a session, with all TRs in, with perfect metering and proper admin and using Tone 40 in his listing and assessing. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in April, 1980. SUMMARY The purpose of these drills is to train the student to ask questions that will get answers and to assess prepared lists that will get accurate reads. If a student dolling these drills has difficulty it will be traced to false data, misunderstood words or not having passed earlier TRs including Upper Indoc or his metering drills as contained in the Book of E-Meter Drills. If a satisfactory result is not obtained, the faults in the above items should be located and remedied and these drills repeated. If any earlier omissions are found and repaired and if these drills are honestly done, heightened success as an auditor (or a surveyor or examiner or ethics officer) is assured. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright © 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 062. BTB 20 AUG 70R r. 19 Aug 74 TWO COMPLETE DIFFERENCES BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 20 AUGUST 1970R REVISED & REISSUED 19 AUGUST 1974 AS BTB (REVISION IN ITALICS) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1970 SAME TITLE All Cksheets Class III and above TWO COMPLETE DIFFERENCES ASSESSMENT LISTING AND NULLING ASSESSMENT IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT FROM LISTING AND NULLING. LISTING AND NULLING IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT FROM ASSESSMENT. Please get these differences very clearly. They are completely different actions. They are even years apart in development. They have nothing to do with each other. ASSESSMENT Assessment is an action done from a prepared list. A PREPARED list. The list is prepared by the Auditor or the C/S or it is an HCOB of prepared lists. It is done by someone other than the PC. The prepared list for an Assessment is not made up by the preclear. Assessment is done exactly per the Book of E-Meter Drills, Number 24. Assessment is NOT done by the Laws of Listing and Nulling. Assessment has nothing to do with S & Ds, Remedy A or Remedy B (which are Listing and Nulling actions). Assessment is not auditing. It is simply trying to locate something to audit. You say the words on the prepared list right to the PC's bank, bang, bang, marking the reads, and go through the list of reading items until you are left with one reading item. That is the item. To get a clue as to what happened, the C/S prepares a list, and the Auditor starts assessing with the list already written out, The Auditor calls out each item and notes its read as follows: lions X Big Game SF Cats X Felines SF Tigers X Bearers X Trucks X Elephants X Killing Camping X Three items are now reading after the first assessment . The Auditor continues to assess the reading items on the list by elimination down to ONE item. On the second assessment the list looks like this: lions X Big Game SF X Cats X Felines SF X Tigers X Bearers X Trucks X Elephants X Killing F LFBD Camping X Now the item left in is "Killing". It is circled. That is the item. The C/S now knows where the charge lies. This item is prepchecked or done on an L1 as a subject or otherwise handled as directed by the C/S. Sometimes some items will read three or four times, but the action is the same. The Auditor assesses the reading items by elimination down to one item. And that is all there is to it. If the item "killing" also had an F/N, the item would not be handled further as the charge will have blown. LISTING AND NULLING Listing and Nulling is an action whereby the PC gives items in answer to the Auditor's listing question-It is the Preclear who lists. Listing and Nulling is listed by the preclear. This is done precisely per the Laws of Listing and Nulling. (HCOB 1 August 1968). There is no Listing and Nulling drill in the Book of E-Meter Drills. The Auditor asks the listing question, if it reads he asks the PC the question, the PC answers, item, item, item, item. The Auditor writes the items down as the PC gives them noting the read or no read as the PC gives the item. The Auditor then nulls the list per the Laws of Listing and Nulling. In Listing and Nulling, there should be ONLY ONE reading item on the list after nulling. You don't go over and over the reading items by a process of elimination. You may extend the list if more than one item is reading on nulling. In its finest form, Listing and Nulling is done to LFBD F/N. The Auditor says the listing question to the PC, checks whether it read and notes the reads per Number 6 of the Laws of Listing and Nulling. Ideally, the following would happens. The Auditor checks the question "Who got shot?" It gets a long fall, so it is reading well. Auditor writes the read beside the question. Then the Auditor gives the PC the question with good TR 8, and PC gives items. The Auditor writes the PC's items down, noting whether the item read and the read as the PC gives it. The first reads therefore is always the read the item gave as the PC said it. "Who got shot?" LF Me X Joe X Bearers Elephants X Tigers The Buffalo X IND. The White Hunter LFBD F/N Bearers F X Elephants F X Tigers F X The Buffalo X X --- EXT The Dog X X IND The White Hunter LFBD LFBD F/N "The White Hunter will BD F/N because it is the item. The Auditor gives the item to the PC. The PC will have Cogs and VGIs. It might happen that the PC tells the Auditor that this is the item, at which point the Auditor would pleasantly say "thank you. 'The White Hunter' is your item." of he could just smile and say "Thank you", in acknowledgment. But the point is that he would never chop the PC's Cog or enforce his presence on the PC while this is happening. GOOD TRs ARE VITAL. And this is the way you do Listing and Nulling. You get an LFBD F/N while Listing or while Nulling, if you're a flubless Auditor. It is the finest hand that gets it while Listing and never has to get to the Nulling stage. However, both are excellent. A list that has to be nulled to cm LFBD item is acceptable, but not worthy of praise. There is of course one other place where you could get an LFBD F/N in Listing and Nulling - which is while checking the listing question for read before listing. You could get an F/N on checking the question, and the PC could start cogging and blow the whole subject. When that happens, the subject has blown. Don't do anything more with it. Indicate the F/N and let the PC have his Cog and VGIs. Listing and Nulling is so simple. Have perfect TRs, know the Laws of Listing and Nulling, and do it as shown above. Any Auditor who consistently cannot get an LFBD F/N while Listing and Nulling should retrain on Listing and Nulling. It is more than likely he'll find he has bought some one else's misunderstoods or considerations on the subject. As a matter of fact, Listing and Nulling is a breeze and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Prepared from LRH lectures, C/Ses and HCOBs by CS-4 Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JR:mh Copyright © 1970, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 063. HCOB 1 AUG 68 THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo CLASS III, SOLO Vl & Vll, ACADEMY AND SHSBC REQUIRED REVIEWED FOR SOLO AND Vll (Compiled from earlier HCOBs and TAPES of the early 60's to give the exact stable data) THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING (Star Rate. No attestations allowed, clay and demos required) The following laws are the ONLY important rules of listing and nulling. If an auditor doesn't know these he will mess up pcs thoroughly and awfully. An auditor who doesn't know and can't apply these is not a Level III auditor. LAWS 1. The definition of a complete list is a list which has only one reading item on list. 2. A TA rising means the list is being overlisted (too long). 3. A list can be underlisted in which case nothing can be found on nulling. 4. If after a session the TA is still high or goes up, a wrong item has been found. 5. If pc says it is a wrong item it is a wrong item. 6. The question must be checked and must read as a question before it is listed. An item listed from a non-reading question will give you a "Dead Horse" (no item). 7. If the item is on the list and nothing read on nulling, the item is suppressed or invalidated. 8. On a suppressed list, it must be nulled with suppressed. "On .......has anything been suppressed." 9. On an item that is suppressed or invalidated the read will transfer exactly from the item to the button and when the button is gotten in the item will again read. 10. An item from an overlisted list is often suppressed. 11. On occasion when you pass the item in nulling, all subsequent items will read to a point where everything on list will then read. In this case take the first which read on first nulling. 12. An underlisted and overlisted list will ARC break the pc and he may refuse to be audited until list is corrected, and may become furious with auditor and will remain so till it is corrected. 13. Listing and nulling or any auditing at all beyond an ARC Br without handling the ARC Break first such as correcting the list or otherwise locating it will put a pc into a "sad effect". 14. A pc whose attention is on something else won't list easily. (List and null only with the rudiments in on the pc.) 15. An auditor whose TRs are out has difficulty in listing and nulling and in finding items. 16. Listing and nulling errors in presence of Auditor's Code violations can unstabilize a pc. 17. The lack of a specific listing question or an incorrect non-standard listing question which doesn't really call for item will give you more than one item reading on a list. 18. You cease listing and nulling actions when a floating needle appears. 19. Always give a pc his item and circle it plainly on the list. 20. Listing and nulling are highly precise auditing actions and if not done exactly by the laws may bring about a down tone and slow case gain, but if done correctly exactly by the laws and with good auditing in general will produce the highest gains attainable. NOTE: There are no variations or exceptions to the above. (Does not alter 5A Power procedure.) A failure to know and apply this bulletin will result in the assignment of very low conditions as these laws, if not known or followed, can halt case gain. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.s.cden Copyright © 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 064. HCOB 22 AUG 66 FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 AUGUST 1966 Remimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES In sessions where the process being run on a pc involves a listing question (including S & D), please note that after the listing question has been thoroughly cleared with the preclear and then given to the pc that the process is being run. Should it happen, then, that while the pc is actually listing off the question (and has not gone momentarily out of session), the needle floats, this is the flat point or end phenomenon of the process and the whole subject and all further steps of it are dropped at once. Whatever charge was on the listing question has blown, either with or without the preclear being analytically aware of it. To continue the process beyond this point is Out Tech by the process being overrun and is also a violation of our basic Fast Flow System. Please note that whether there is a second leg to the process or not, like fitting an item found off a list into a bracket of commands, has no bearing on the fact that the process is flat. If the needle floats while the pc is in session listing off a question, then there is no charge left on that question and there will be no item to tit into the second leg of the process. The process has served its purpose. With training as immaculately precise as it is and auditors' comm cycles becoming effortlessly superlative, the gradients of our technology are so fine that the results of each process on each level will be achieved faster and faster. Sometimes the velocity of the processing is such that the end phenomenon will occur on the process without the preclear being aware of what has happened. Ending the process at this point then gives the preclear the chance to move into the velocity of the process. Please then acknowledge the power of our technology and keep winning. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:lb-r.cden Copyright ©1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 065. HCOB 14 SEP 71R r. 19 Jul 78 DIANETIC LIST ERRORS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971R REVISED 19 JULY 1978 (Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Also Dn Text C/S Series 59R DIANETIC LIST ERRORS It can happen that a Dianetic list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can act as a list under the meaning of the Laws of Listing and Nulling as per HCOB 1 August 68. The most violent session ARC Brks occur because of list errors under the meaning of listing and nulling. Other session ARC Brks even under withholds are not as violent as those occurring because of listing errors. Therefore when a violent or even a "total-apathy-won't-answer" session upset has occurred in Dianetics, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the laws of listing and nulling and that he conceives such an error to have been made. The repair action is to assess the prepared list which corrects listing errors. This is L4BRA - HCOB 15 Dec 68 amended to 18 March 71. It is used "On Dianetics lists " as the start of each of its questions when employed for this purpose. When a pc has not done well on Dianetics and when no other reason can be found the C/S should suspect some listing error and order an L4BRA to be done "On Dianetic lists " at the start of each question. Each read obtained on the list is carried earlier similar to F/N as per HCOB 14 Mar 71 "F/N Everything" or, preferably the list is found in the folder and properly handled in accordance with what read on L4BRA. Dianetic lists can be carried to an item that blows down and F/Ns. This does not mean the item found is now wholly clean. Even though it F/Ned it will in most cases need to be run on secondaries and/or engrams (R3RA Quad) for erasure and full Dianetic end phenomena. (Ref: New Era Dianetics Series 1 through 18.) A C/S must be alert to the fact that: (a) Extreme upsets and deep apathies are almost always list errors. (b) That a Dianetic list can be conceived to be a formal list and can behave that way. (c) L4BRA is the correction list used in such cases. (d) Laws of Listing and Nulling HCOB 1 August 1968 can sometimes apply to Dianetic lists. Very few Dianetic lists behave this way but when they do they must be handled as above. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.lfg Copyright © 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 066. HCOB 20 APR 72 PRODUCT PURPOSE AND WHY AND WC ERROR CORRECTION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 APRIL 1972 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 78 PRODUCT PURPOSE AND WHY AND WC ERROR CORRECTION Where untrained Auditors are finding Whys for a Danger Formula, or post purposes or post products as called for in the Est O System you will get a certain amount of error and case disturbance. Such upsets also come from word clearing by incompetent persons. The C/S should look for these especially when such campaigns are in progress. He should suspect them as a possibility when a case bogs. A C/S must be sure all such papers and worksheets get into pc's folders. A common repair action is to 1. Do an assessment for type of charge. 2. Handle the charge found by the assessment done. 3. Fly all the reading items found on such assessments by 2wc or direct handling. 4. Suspect LISTING ERRORS on any Why or purpose or product found even though no list exists and reconstruct the list and L4B and handle it. 5. Handle word clearing of any type in or out of session with a Word Clear Correction List done in session by an Auditor. 6. When word clearing is too heavy on the pc or doesn't clean up suspect he has been thrown into implants which are mostly words or the words in some engram. As Implants are actually just engrams, handle it with an L3B. LISTING Any item found out of session or by a non-auditor is suspect of being a Listing and Nulling (L&N) error even though no list was made. TODAY A CORRECT L&N ITEM MUST BD AND F/N. So treat such items as you would list errors and try to reconstruct the list and either confirm the item or locate the real item (may have been invalidated and suppressed) or extend the list and get the real item. The real item will BD F/N. One can establish what the situation is with a post purpose, a Why or a product or any other such item by doing an L4B. SELF AUDITING The commonest reason for self auditing is a wrong or unfound L&N item. People can go around and self list or self audit trying to get at the right Why or product or purpose after an error has been made. REACTION NOTHING PRODUCES AS MUCH CASE UPSET AS A WRONG LIST ITEM OR A WRONG LIST. Even, rarely, a DIANETIC LIST can produce wrong list reactions. Ask the pc for his somatics and he blows up or goes into apathy. Or blows. Or attacks the auditor. ALL of the more violent or bad reactions on the part of the pc come from out lists. Nothing else produces such d sharp deterioration in a case or even illness. OUT LISTS Therefore when one gets a sharp change in a case (like lowered tone, violence, blows, "determination to go on in spite of the supervisor", long notes from pcs, self C/ Sing, etc., etc., the C/S SUSPECTS AN OUT LIST. This outness can occur in regular sessions even when the item was said to BD F/N. It can occur in "Coffee shop" (out of session auditing of someone), or by Est Os or poorly trained or untrained staff members or even in life. PTS When such actions as finding items by non-auditors are done on PTS people the situation can be bad, so one also suspects the person to be PTS to someone or something. "PTS" does not communicate well in an assessment question so one says, "Someone or something is hostile to you" and "You are connected to someone or something that doesn't agree with Dianetics or Scientology." The main things to know when doing such repairs are (a) that such situations as wrong lists or upset people can occur in an org where untrained people are also using meters and (b) THAT IT IS UP TO THE C/S TO SUSPECT DETECT AND GET THEM HANDLED IN REGULAR SESSION. Do not ignore the possible bad influence. As the good outweighs the bad in such cases, it is not a correct answer to forbid such actions. It is a correct answer to require all such actions and worksheets become part of the folder. One can also persuade the D of T or Qual to get in the people doing such actions. And do not ignore the effect such actions can have on cases and do not neglect to include them in C/Ses before going on with the regular program. They can all be repaired. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 067. HCOB 19 NOV 78 L & N LISTS - THE ITEM "ME" HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 NOVEMBER 1978 Auditors Class IV and above C/Ses Class IV and above URGENT - IMPORTANT L & N LISTS - THE ITEM "ME" RULE: THE ITEM "ME" MUST BE ACCEPTED ON ANY S & D LIST. RULE: THE ITEM "ME" MUST NEVER BE REPRESENTED. The item "Me" on an L & N list must be accepted as the item, as it is basically the only right item there could be for an identity or valence list. The item "Me" often appears on S & D lists, or similar L & N lists which ask for an identity or valence. If it is not accepted, or if it is represented, it will really mess up the case. (This includes the pronouns, "myself," and "I") The right thing to do when the pc gives this item, is to accept it as the item for the list. and do not continue that list or take any further action with that item. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dm.clb Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 068. HCOB 11 APR 77 LIST ERRORS, CORRECTION OF HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1977 Remimeo Level III Level IV Snr Class IV Snr SHSBC All Cl IV Auditors LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF It has been found that the correction of lists, a very vital piece of tech, has been a source of confusion in the field as it apparently has never been written up in an issue. It really is simple if you know your Laws of L & N. VERIFYING A LIST The correct procedure for verifying/correcting past L & Ns is to check the items as to whether or not they are correct. Then do an L4BRA on each list where the item is found to be incorrect. You would have to orient the pc to the listing question and the item. You do not direct the question to see if it read. And don't just do an L4BRA and then not find the right item for the pc as part of the handling (unless the question proves to be uncharged or some such). NULLING A LIST One nulls a list when he doesn't get a BD F/N item on listing. The Laws of L & N strictly apply. An L4BRA would be used if the action bogs with still no item found. One would also null lists the pc made where no item had been found such as a 2WC which turned into a listing action with the pc giving off items or a list the pc somehow made while not on a meter. In these cases there is no item to verify with the pc as correct. Just cull the items into a list, work out with the pc what the question was if it's not already noted, and null the list. RECONSTRUCTING A LIST Sometimes you just don't have the list and can't get it or it's an old Why Finding or PTS interview for which there are no worksheets. In this case you get from the pc what the question was and then get him to give you the items that were already on the list as the item probably was already on the list and you don't want the pc to get into newly listing the question in PT and then getting into an overlisting situation. Just get him to give you the items he had already put on the list and more often than not you will get a BD F/N item. If you don't get the item that way then you can extend the list. SELF-LISTING Watch it on these as every random stray thought a person has about "why this or that" does not mean it's a self-list. But do look for it on a person who is manifesting the horrendous BPC an out list can generate, who is introspected or has been trying to figure out who is doing him in after just having seen the Ethics Officer. Just don't get into trying to make a list out of some non-standard listing question that won't give you an item. And actually the usual reason for self-listing is a prior wrong L & N item or an item not found. People will self-list to try to find the right item. So find and correct the earlier out list. LIST CORRECTION BLOW-UP When you are going along correcting lists and suddenly you get a big pc blow-up and it is not resolving on the list you are correcting you had better quickly realize that you probably are not correcting the list that is out and you'd better find out which list it is. There is usually an earlier out list to be found, if the list you are correcting does not resolve the upset. LISTS NOT READING When you start getting key lists such as Grades III and IV not reading and no items found it's time for that auditor to get a thorough overhaul on his metering, eyesight and to get off all his MUs on L & N. You also could be setting the pc up for a self-listing situation as he has been given the listing question but no item has been found. So be very sure the question did not read even with Suppress and Inval and TRs were in before getting off a key L & N process. USE OF L4BRA The prepared list L4BRA corrects L & N lists. It can be run on old lists, current lists, general listing. When a pc is ill after a listing and nulling session or up to 3 days after, always suspect that a listing action done on the pc had an error in it and get those lists corrected. Sometimes it is obvious what the error was per the Laws of Listing and Nulling. For example there could be two reading items left on the list in which case you would know to extend the list as it has been underlisted. If this didn't go, then an L4BRA would be done on the list. HANDLING AN L4BRA You handle reading questions on the L4BRA by the directions under the question that read. You don't just 2WC these questions. For example say question 4 read on the L4BRA, "Is a list incomplete? SF." You then ask the pc, "What list is incomplete?" Locate it and get it completed to a BD F/N item. You don't just 2WC "incomplete lists" to an F/N and leave it at that. By the way the L4BRA is missing a line which is "Was it the first item on the list?" This is being added as it's quite common that it is the first item and is most often missed. DO IT RIGHT An out list can create more concentrated hell with a pc than any other single auditing error. So it's imperative that listing errors get properly corrected. The best thing to do is to have the Laws of Listing and Nulling drilled line by line and down cold and just do it right in the first place. Then you will also see at once where old lists violated these laws and you will not be yourself doing lists that have to be corrected later. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by CS-4/5 LRH:JE:dr Copyright ©1977 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 069. HCOB 17 MAR 74 TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 MARCH 1974 Remimeo TWC CHECKSHEETS TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS Two Way Comm is not an art. It is a science which has exact rules. Foremost in the rules is: DON'T USE A LISTING QUESTION IN TWO WAY COMM. By a "listing question" is meant any question which directly or indirectly calls for items in the pc's answer. Use of "who", "what", "which" instantly turns a TWC into a listing question. Listing questions are governed by the rules of Listing and Nulling. If you use a listing question accidentally in TWC you can get the same bad reactions from a pc that you would get on a wrongly done list. The reason for pc upsets in TWC is hidden as it is not apparently a listing process, rarely gets the correction a bad list would get. Asking "who" or "what" or "which" during a TWC after the main question can also turn it into a Listing and Nulling process. TWC questions MUST be limited to feelings, reactions, significance's. They must NEVER ask for terminals or locations. EXAMPLE: "Who upset you?" in TWC causes the pc to give items. This is a LIST. "What are you upset about?" does the same thing. "Which town were you happiest in?" is also a LISTING question NOT a TWC question. Any of these results in the pc giving items. They are not then nulled or correctly indicated. The pc can get VERY upset just as he would with a wrong list. Yet the session is not a "listing session" so never gets corrected. EXAMPLE: "How are you doing lately?" is an example of a correct TWC question. It gets off charge and gets no list items. "Are you better these days than you used to be?" "How have you been since the last session?" "What happened" is different than "What illness", "What person", "What town" which are listing questions. REPAIR When other things fail to locate the upset of a pc look into TWC processes in the folder and treat them as L&N processes where the pc has answered with items. The relief is magical. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: ntm.rd Copyright ©1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 070. HCOB 28 MAY 70 CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 MAY 1970 Remimeo CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF The various lists designed to find by-passed charge and repair a faulty auditing action or life situation should be used heavily and thoroughly. There are many such lists - Green Form, LIB, L4, etc. They are available in HCO B form and are themselves corrected and re-issued from time to time. They can be found in HCO B 5 July AD 13 and others. There are FOUR WAYS TO USE these prepared lists. 1. The auditor starts at the top and takes up each read until he gets one to F/N. In this case the auditor does not do "Itsa earlier Itsa". He just cleans each read. 2. The auditor starts from the top and on each read cleans it and does Itsa earlier Itsa to F/N or to a clean no-read and goes on. 3. The auditor assesses the list down until he gets a heavy read and cleans that, using Itsa Earlier Itsa. Then he can go on to the next heavy read, cleans that. Etc. to F/N. In this case he can get several F/Ns on the same list. 4. The whole list is rapidly assessed over and over until one item stays in and that is given to the pc. UPSET PC When a pc is very upset and misemotional the action in 4. above is the only one to use as it is the safest. On a very upset or antagonistic pc don't engage in any chatter, just grab a list and assess it, and indicate the By-Passed Charge. The results are usually magical. REPAIR Repairing a case fully, as done in Qual or in an HGC where the person has led an out-rud life Method 3 above is the one to use. Various and assorted lists can be employed. SETTING UP The best way to set up a case for auditing a major action is to Repair it. This can be necessary before the person is ever audited at all on any major action such as Dianetics or grades. Such an action can go on and on and should. The action is to bleed the list of all possible use, using 3. This is a new discovery I have made. AUDITING REPAIR Auditing repair usually uses methods I or (for pcs upset from lists) 4. ERROR IN USING LISTS The major error in using prepared lists is not to really get full use out of the list. In using lists don't be in a great hurry or do a superficial job. The list is for the pc, not a statistic. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm.ka.rd Copyright ©1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 071. HCOB 23 SEP 68 VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING Rudiments (ARC Bks, PTPs, M/W/Hs) are usually not necessary in correcting a list as a wrong list usually is the ARC Bk and PTP. To correct a list ask the pc or pre-OT: I) "Is it an incomplete list?" If it is, extend it and find the item. (2) "Was it the first item on the list?" If so, indicate item to pc or pre-. (3) "Was it an unnecessary action?" (dead horse). If so, indicate it. (4) "Had you not answered the listing question?" If so, re-clear question and if it reads list it. The 4 basic reasons for a wrong list are here:-( 1) It was the first item. (2) It is not a complete list. (3) The question didn't read (which causes a dead horse). (4) The pc didn't answer the question. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :jp Copyright © 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 072. BTB 7 NOV 72R r. 28 Jul 74 L&N LISTS BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue III Revised & Reissued 28 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue III SAME TITLE Remimeo Auditor Admin Series 18R L&N LISTS An L&N List (Listing and Nulling List) is a list of Items given by a pc in response to a Listing Question and written down by the Auditor in the exact sequence that they are given to him by the preclear. An L&N List is always done on a separate sheet. It's best to do an L&N List on faint-lined paper. The pc's name and date are put on the top of the sheet. The listing question is written out, usually before the start of session. When the listing question is checked the read is marked by the question (sF, F, LF, LFBD). If Suppress or Inval is used that is also noted. As each item is given by the pc the reads are marked - sF, F, LF, LFBD. This is done AS YOU LIST. If the item does not read you mark it with an X. TA is noted periodically as the pc lists, and especially when the TA rises. The LFBD F/N item is circled. If indicated to the pc it is marked IND. When extending a list a line is drawn from where it has been extended with the date. Example: Item Joe X Shoes sF Socks X ________________Ext 24.2.72 Sky X Wax X Pigs etc. etc.. L&N Lists are never stapled to the W/S but are paper-clipped under the session reports. CORRECTING L&N LISTS Old lists are NOT TO BE COPIED. They are to be corrected in their original form but using a different colored pen to show what has been done - always date new uses of these lists also using the same color pen as used for renulling or addition to them. When a list is pulled forward to correct it, a sheet of paper is left at that date giving the data of the Listing Question and the date it is pulled forward to, so it can be easily located. The corrected lists are left with the session reports of the session in which they were corrected. A note in red is made in the F/S of this correction. R3RING AN L&N ITEM If an L&N Item is later R3Red it should be so noted on the list by adding: "R3R TRIPLED (date)". References: HCO B 30 Sept 68 "Lists" HCO B 19 Sept 68 "Old Lists" HCO B 7 May 69 "Summary of How to Write an Auditor's Report" BTB 20 Aug 70R "Two Complete Differences Assessment - Listing and Nulling" Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd Copyright © 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 073. HCOB 29 SEP 68R r. 31 MAY 80 LIST CORRECTION - THE SHORT L4 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1968R REVISED & REISSUED 31 MAY 1980 (Changes not in Script) Class III and above LIST CORRECTION - THE SHORT L4 (Only valid for a list recently done) This list is the shorter version of the standard L4BRA. Its use is for sorting out the error in a current listing and nulling action or on a recently done L&N list. It contains the most common errors that foul up L&N actions. Its virtue is in its brevity which itself can increase results by pinpointing the error quickly, thus enabling the auditor to handle it quickly. Assess the list M5. If the situation does not resolve completely use an L4BRA. 1. WAS IT THE FIRST ITEM ON THE LIST? (Indicate and give pc his item.) 2. WAS THE LIST INCOMPLETE? (Complete the list and give the pc his item.) 3. WAS THE ITEM BYPASSED? (Locate which one.) 4. WAS THE ITEM SUPPRESSED? (If so, the list may have to be nulled with Suppress, the nulling question being "On (item) has anything been suppressed?". Rehab the item by getting the Suppress button in on the item if necessary and clean it up and give it to the pc again.) 5. WAS THE ITEM INVALIDATED? (If so, the list may have to be nulled with Invalidate, the nulling question being "On (item) has anything been invalidated?". Rehab the item by getting the Invalidate button in on the item if necessary and clean it up and give it to the pc again.) 6. WAS THE QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, check for MUs on the question. If question still meaningless indicate it to the pc.) 7. WAS THE LIST OVERLISTED? (If so, indicate the list was overlisted. Get the item by nulling the list with Suppress, the nulling question being "On has anything been suppressed?" for each item on the overlong list. Give the pc his item.) 8. WERE ITEMS THOUGHT OF THAT WEREN'T PUT DOWN? (Add them to the list. Renull the whole list and give the pc his item.) 9. WAS IT LISTED OUT OF SESSION? (Reconstruct the list from recall and add the items to the list. Get the item and give it to the pc.) 10. WAS THE ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (Find out what the item was and give it to the pc correctly.) 11. WAS THE ITEM NOT GIVEN TO YOU? (Find what the item is, clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the pc.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:jp:de:bk Copyright ©1968, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ========================