Date: 19 Jun 1999 00:15:38 -0000 Subject: FZ Bible 3/7 SOLO COURSE PACK Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <13afba876cfa349b99f46d2eefff02fb@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 1896 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:772491 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST A 1982 SOLO COURSE PACK - 3 of 7 ************************************************** SOLO AUDITOR'S COURSE PACK CONTENTS [full contents in part 1] Part 3/7 023. HCOB 5 APR 80 Q & A, THE REAL DEFINITION 024. HCOPL 17 APR 70 AN AUDITOR AND "THE MIND'S PROTECTION" 025. HCOB 14 SEP 71R r. 3 Feb 75 SOLO AUDITORS RIGHTS 026. HCOB 7 MAR 75 EXT AND ENDING SESSION 027. HCOB 10 APR 72 PREOTS DON'T C/S 028. HCOB 11 SEP 70 SOLO ASSISTS 029. HCOB 11 AUG 78 MODEL SESSION 030. HCOB 11 AUG 78 RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER 031. HCOB 12 FEB 62 HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS 032. HCOB 15 AUG 69 FLYING RUDS 033. HCOB 6 SEP 68 CHECKING FOR FALSE READS 034. HCOB 27 MAY 70R r. 3 Dec 78 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS 035. HCOB 14 MAR 71R r. 25 Jul 73 F/N EVERYTHING 036. HCOB 11 MAY 69R r. 8 Jul 78 METER TRIM CHECK [Note that some items appear again in a later section of the checksheet and are only included once in this pack] ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 023. HCOB 5 APR 80 Q & A, THE REAL DEFINITION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1980 TR Courses Q & A, THE REAL DEFINITION There are several definitions for the term "Q & A". In Scientologese it is often used to mean "indecisive", not making up one's mind. Q stands for "Question". A stands for "Answer". In "perfect duplication" the answer to a Question would be the Question. The real definition as it applies to TRs is "The Question proceeding from the last Answer." Example: Question: How are you? Answer: I'm fine. Question: How fine? Answer: My stomach hurts. Question: When did your stomach begin hurting? Answer: About four. Question: Where were you at four? etc., etc. The above example is a grievous auditing fault. As each question is based on the last answer, it is called "Q and A". It could also be called "Q based on last A". It never completes any cycle. It tangles pcs up. It violates TR 3. Don't do it. I trust the above handles any confusion on this subject. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:dr Copyright © 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 024. HCOPL 17 APR 70 AN AUDITOR AND "THE MIND'S PROTECTION" HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 APRIL 1970 Issue II Remimeo All Auditors All Students Level 0 Checksheet AN AUDITOR AND "THE MIND'S PROTECTION" No Auditor should audit with the fear that he will do some irreparable damage if he makes an error. "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" provides the answer to the question, "What happens if I make a mistake?" The following extracts are from "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health", Book 3, Chapter I, "The Mind's Protection": "The mind is a self protecting mechanism. Short of the use of drugs as in narco-synthesis, shock, hypnotism or surgery, no mistake can be made by an Auditor which cannot be remedied either by himself or by another Auditor." "Any case, no matter how serious, no matter how unskilled the auditor, is better opened than left closed." L RON HUBBARD LRH:nt.ei.rd Copyright (c) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 025. HCOB 14 SEP 71R r. 3 Feb 75 SOLO AUDITORS RIGHTS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971R ISSUE V REVISED 3 FEBRUARY 1975 Adv. Course C/S Solo Auditors Solo Course Check Sheet Solo C/S Series No. 1R SOLO AUDITORS RIGHTS (Revised extracts from HCOB 23 August 1971 C/S Series No. 1, "Auditors Rights" and revision in signature. Cancels earlier issue of HCOB 14 Sept 71 Issue V, same title.) AUDITOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR C/Ses The responsibility of a Solo Auditor who receives a Case Supervisor direction (C/ S) of what to audit is NOT discharged of his responsibility as an Auditor. THE SOLO AUDITOR HAS A SERIES OF RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE PART OF EVERY C/S HE GETS TO AUDIT. ACCEPTING A C/S When the Solo Auditor gets a C/S to do and he thinks it is not the correct thing to do, he has the right to return it to the C/S with the reason why and require another one he can agree to. The Auditor does not have the right to start doing a C/S and change it during the session except as noted below STALE DATED C/S A C/S that is a week or two old can be dynamite. This is called a "Stale Dated C/S" meaning it is too old to be valid. It should have been done sooner. The pc of last week when the C/S was written may have been well and happily employed but a week later may have headaches and reprimand from the body. The Solo Auditor who sees his C/S is old and sees the pc has Bad Indicators is justified in demanding a fresh C/S giving his reasons why. Use fresh C/Ses. ENDING THE SESSION When the C/S he has is proving unworkable during the session, the Solo Auditor has a right to end the session and send the folder to the C/S. Ending the session is totally up to the Auditor. If the Auditor just doesn't complete an action that was producing TA and could be completes it is of course a flunk. Such a case is just not running a basic incident the one more time through that would bring the TA down and give a proper end phenomena. This and similar actions would be an Auditor error. The judgment here is whether or not the Auditor's action is justified in ending the session. Even though he may have made an error, the Auditor cannot be blamed for the ending off of the session as that is totally up to him. He can be given a flunk for the error. AUDITING OVER OUT RUDS Auditing a pc or pre- on something else whose ruds are out is a MAJOR AUDITING ERROR. Even if the C/S omits "Fly a Rud" or "Fly Ruds" this does not justify the Auditor from auditing the pc over out ruds. The Solo Auditor can do one of two things: He can fly all ruds or he can return the folder and request ruds be flown. INABILITY TO FLY RUDS If an Auditor cannot get a rud to F/N, cannot get any rud to F/N, he is to end the session and send the folder to the C/S. This is an expected action. It is understood the Auditor would use Suppress and False in trying to fly ruds. SESSIONS FAR APART When a pc has not had a session for some time, or when a pc gets sessions days apart RUDS MUST BE FLOWN. Otherwise the pc will get audited over out-ruds. This can develop mental mass. Optimum session scheduling is a whole Advanced Course done in a block of sessions close together. This prevents the world from throwing the pc's ruds out between sessions. Giving sessions far apart barely keeps up with life. The auditing time is absorbed in patching life up. Rapid gain gets above life's annoyances and keeps the pc there. UNREADING ITEMS When an item the Solo Auditor has been told to run doesn't read on the meter, even when the Auditor puts in Suppress and Invalidate on it, the Auditor MUST NOT do anything with the item no matter what the C/S said. It is expected he will see if it reads and use Suppress and Invalidate on it. And if it still doesn't read he will be expected NOT to run it. HIGH TA When the Auditor sees the TA is high on 2 cans (out of normal range) at session start yet the C/S says to "Fly a Rud" the AUDITOR MUST NOT TRY TO FLY A RUD. Trying to bring a TA down with ARC brks or ruds is very hard on a pc as ARC Breaks aren't the reason TAs go up. Seeing a high TA at start the Solo Auditor does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S. THINGS DONE TWICE By carelessness the same process can be called for twice and done twice or even more. A Folder Summary inside the front cover must exist and must be kept up. Never neglect entering a session and what was run on the Folder Summary (FS). COPYS Don't copy worksheets from notes. Keep all admin neat and in the original form. Copying makes errors possible. RUDS GOING OUT When the ruds go out during the session the Solo Auditor recognizes the following; Pc Critical = W/H from Auditor Pc Antagonistic = BPC in Session No TA = Problem Tired = Failed Purpose or No Sleep Sad = ARC Break Soaring TA = Overrun or Protest Dope Off = By-Passed F/N or Not Enough Sleep No Interest = Out ruds or No Interest in the First Place A Solo Auditor who isn't sure what it is but runs into trouble with the pc is smart to end off the session quickly, writs down the full observation and get it to the C/S. The Solo Auditor who is an old hand and knows what he is looking at as per above scale (and the C/S the C/S would give) handles it promptly. Pc Critical = W/H = pull the W/H. Pc antagonistic = BPC = assess proper list (such as L1C) and handle. No TA (or case gain) = Problem = locate the problem. Tired = no sleep or failed purpose = check which it is and handle. Sad = ARC Brk = locate and handle, Itsa earlier Itsa. Soaring TA = O/R or Protest = find which and handle. Such an O/R is usually by rehab. Dope off = Lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on sleep, or Rehab F/N. No Interest = no interest in first place or out ruds = check for interest or put in ruds. Ruds won't fly = some other error = send to C/S. The Solo Auditor has no business trying to do the C/S given when it collides with and isn't designed to handle any of the above. FALSE REPORTS The vilest trick that can be played on his pc is for a Solo Auditor to falsify an auditing report. It may be thought to be "good Public Relations" (good PR) for the auditor with the C/S. Actually it buries an error and puts the pc at risk. INTEGRITY is a hallmark of Dianetics and Scientology. Just because psychiatrists were dishonest is no reason for Auditors to be. The results are there to be gotten. False reports like false attests recoil and badly on both the Auditor and pc. "WHAT HE DID WRONG" A Solo Auditor has a right to know what he did wrong in the session that went wrong. Most often a sour session occurs only when the rules and data in this HCOB have been violated. But an Auditor's TRs can go out or his handling of the process is in error. Not only does an Auditor have the right to be told what was wrong but he must be given the exact HCOB, date and title, that he violated. Never take a verbal or written correction that is not in an HCOB or tape. Don't be party to a "hidden data line" that doesn't exist . "You ruined the pc!" is not a valid statement. "You violated HCOB______page ..." is the charge. No Auditor may be disciplined for asking "May I please have the tape or HCOB that was violated so I can read it or go to Cramming." If it isn't on a tape, a book or an HCOB IT IS NOT TRUE and no Auditor has to accept any criticism that is not based on the actual source data. "If it isn't written it isn't true" is the best defense and the best way to improve your tech. These are the rights of the Solo Auditor with relation to a C/S. They are all technical rights based on sound principles. A Solo Auditor should know them and use them. If a Solo Auditor stands on these rights and gets beaten down he should put all the facts before his nearest OTL or SO ship as something would be very wrong somewhere. Solo Auditing is a happy business - when it is done right. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright © 1971, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 026. HCOB 7 MAR 75 EXT AND ENDING SESSION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MARCH 1975 Remimeo EXT AND ENDING SESSION When a pc exteriorizes on a good win in session or if the pc has a big win, usually followed by a persistent F/N, the usual action is to end session. When ending session in these circumstances the Auditor must not do any other action, but smoothly end session. This includes asking Say or Ask, running Havingness or anything other than smoothly ending session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 027. HCOB 10 APR 72 PREOTS DON'T C/S HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 APRIL 1972 A/Courses (Cancels HCO B 31 July 71 Issue II Corrected "Solo C/Sing") URGENT C/S Series 75 Solo C/S Series 13 PREOTS DON'T C/S HCO 13 31 July 71 Issue Il Corrected required PreOTs to C/S their folders for the next session. I did not write this HCO B. Research has proven that a Solo PreOT who is required by any C/S to write a C/S for his next session can be put into that next session action. This C/Sing for himself his own next session violates the "continued session rule" wherein an auditor does not "finish" a session by telling the pc "the process will be continued in the next session". This puts the pc into continued sessions and in Solo can put the PreOT from Solo auditing to self auditing. There is a vast difference between the two. Solo auditing occurs in session with a meter. Self auditing is out of session wondering and chewing on bank. A Solo PreOT must NOT self audit. He ends the session he has done when he ends session on his worksheet. He then goes to Examiner and gets his exam. The Examiner sends the completed Exam form to Solo Admin who puts it in the folder. The Solo C/S, then, from his study of the folder, does the next C/S for the PreOT in proper C/S form. This is a diagonal 2 green stripes on the left-hand corner of the sheet, the PreOTs name and date in black. The C/S itself is in black pen. The PreOT takes this C/S and does it in his next session. In rare instances when the PreOT is going really well, the C/S permits him to do several sessions. The C/S can tell from Exam forms that all is well. This MUST carry a notice 'Come in at once to the D of P if you cease to audit or run into trouble. Do this C/ S in the next several sessions. Come in for a new C/S the moment you feel this C/S is complete and are ready for a new C/S." When no Exam forms come in the Solo D of P chases the pc up. If a Solo Exam form is bad the Examiner must mark it "Urgent Attn Solo C/S." IN RED. Solo Admin must alert the D of P who chases up the pc. Tab is kept on ALL Solo pcs on lines by the D of P and if one falls off lines the fact must be visible to the Solo D of P who keeps a board on sessions with all PreOTs' names on it! The above is the correct C/Sing line. The worst features of a PreOT doing his own C/Sing are 1. He is not a trained C/S. 2. Sudden ideas pop up he wants to handle instead of going on and he gets into another action when he should keep going. 3. A PreOT can "rabbit" (run away from the bank) by proposing a C/S that does not make him confront it. 4. And last but far from least, a "C/S" by a PreOT is an invitation to the Solo Case Supervisor to Q and A with it. (Q and A means to just repeat whatever another says as a lazy way out.) _____________ Pc + Auditor is greater than bank. In Solo Auditing C/S + PreOT is greater than bank. _____________ PreOTs do NOT C/S their own folders ! _____________ THE PREOT DOES KEEP UP HIS SESSION SUMMARY EACH SESSION. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: mes.rd Copyright ©1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 028. HCOB 11 SEP 70 SOLO ASSISTS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 SEPTEMBER 1970 SHs AOs Only Solo C/S Hat Adv Cses Super SOLO ASSISTS It is absolutely forbidden to assign 2-way comm actions as "Solo." Example: An out-point lists an assessment list, listing for items, 2WC on case etc. PROGRESS AND ADVANCE ACTIONS may not be assigned by a Solo C/S to be done Solo. A Solo auditor may not do these actions. Dianetics R3R may not be attempted in Solo auditing. The reasons for this are too obvious to be given stress. I have never seen a Solo auditor do anything but louse himself up on these actions. Here and there somebody might have gotten away with it. But I have seen too many cases loused up this way to condone it as anything but squirrel Solo. A Solo auditor can fly ruds and engage in a BPC L1 or L7 WHILE AUDITING PROPER SOLO ACTIONS, and he can of course do the standard Solo actions for the grade. But doing L7, L1B etc. as general REPAIR actions is for the dickey birds. There ARE NO SOLO REPAIR OR PROGRESS OR RETURN OR ADVANCE PROGRAMS. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: rr Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 029. HCOB 11 AUG 78 MODEL SESSION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 AUGUST 1978 Issue II Remimeo All Auditors (Cancels BTB 18 Nov 68R, MODEL SESSION) MODEL SESSION (Note: If a Dianetic or Level 0, I, II auditor is not trained in flying rudiments he would have to get a Level III (or above) auditor to fly the pc's ruds before starting the major action of the session.) 1. Setting Up for the Session Prior to the session the auditor is to make sure the room and session are set up, to ensure a smooth session with no interruptions or distractions. Use HCOB 4 December 1977, "Checklist for Setting Up Sessions and An E-Meter," getting in every point of the checklist. The pc is seated in the chair furthest from the door. From the time he is asked to pick up the cans he remains on the meter until the end of the session. When it is established there is no reason not to begin the session the auditor starts the session. 2. Start of Session The auditor says: "This is the session." (Tone 40) If the needle is floating and the pc has VGIs, the auditor goes directly into the major action of the session. If not, the auditor must fly a rud. 3. Rudiments Rudiments are handled per HCOB 11 August 1978, Issue I, "Rudiments, Defini-tions and Patter." (If the TA is high or low at session start, or if the auditor cannot get a rud to fly, he ends off and sends the pc folder to the C/S. A Class IV auditor (or above) may do a Green Form or another type of correction list.) When the pc has F/N, VGIs the auditor goes into the major action of the session. 4. Major Action of the Session a) R-Factor to the pc. The auditor informs the pc what is going to be done in the session with: "Now we are going to handle ." b) Clearing commands. The commands of the process are cleared per HCOB 9 August 1978 Issue Il, "Clearing Commands." c) The process. The auditor runs the process or completes the C/S instructions for the session to end phenomena. In Dianetics, the end phenomena would be: F/N, erasure of the chain, cognition, postulate (if not voiced in the cognition) and VGIs. In Scientology processes, the end phenomena is: F/N, cognition, VGIs. The Power Processes have their own EP. 5. Havingness When Havingness is indicated or included in the C/S instructions, the auditor runs approximately 10 to 12 commands of the pc's Havingness Process to where the pc is bright, F/Ning and in PT. (Note: Havingness is never run to obscure or hide the fact of failure to F/N the main process or an auditing or Confessional question.) (Ref: HCOB 7 August 78, "Havingness, Finding & Running The Pc's Havingness Process.") 6. End of Session a) When the auditor is ready to end the session he gives the R-Factor that he will be ending the session. b) Then he asks: "Is there anything you would care to say or ask before I end this session?" Pc answers. Auditor acknowledges and notes down the answer. c) If the pc asks a question, answer it if you can or acknowledge and say, "I will note that down for the C/S." d) Auditor ends the session with: "End of session." (Tone 40.) (Note: The phrase "That's it" is incorrect for the purpose of ending a session and is not used. The correct phrase is "End of Session.") _____________ Immediately after the end of session the auditor or a Page takes the pc to the pc Examiner. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 030. HCOB 11 AUG 78 RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 AUGUST 1978 Issue I Remimeo All Auditors RUDIMENTS DEFINITIONS AND PATTER (Ref: HCOB 15 Aug 69, FLYING RUDS) (NOTE: This Bulletin in no way summarizes all the data there is to be known about ARC breaks, PTPs and missed withholds, or handling rudiments. There is a wealth of technology and data on these subjects contained throughout the Technical Volumes and in Scientology books which the student auditor will need as he progresses up the levels.) A rudiment is that which is used to get the pc in shape to be audited in that session. For auditing to take place at all the pc must be in session which means: 1. Willing to talk to the auditor 2. Interested in own case. That is all you want to accomplish with rudiments. You want to set up the case to run by getting the rudiments in, not use the rudiments to run the case. ARC breaks, present time problems and withholds all keep a session from occur-ring. It is elementary auditing knowledge that auditing over the top of an ARC break can reduce a graph, hang the pc up in sessions or worsen his case, and that in the presence of PTPs, overts and missed withholds (a restimulated undisclosed overt) no gains can occur. Thus these are the rudiments we are most concerned with getting in at the beginning of a session so that auditing with gains can occur. GETTING THE F/N If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release. If a rud doesn't F/N then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning. Thus we have the procedure and the rule: IF A RUD READS YOU ALWAYS TAKE IT EARLIER SIMILAR UNTIL IT F/Ns. The question used is: "Is there an earlier similar (ARC break) or (problem) or (missed withhold)?" If at the beginning of a session the rudiments are in (the needle is floating and the pc is VGls), the auditor goes directly into the major actions of the session. If not, the auditor must fly a rud or ruds, as ordered by the C/S. ARC BREAKS ARC: A word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to Understanding. ARC BREAK: A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, communication or understanding. While the earlier similar rule fully applies to ARC breaks, there is an additional action taken in handling ARC breaks that enables the pc to spot precisely what happened that resulted in the upset. An ARC break is called that - an "A-R-C break" - instead of an upset because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind. You never audit over the top of an ARC break. and you never audit an ARC break itself; they cannot be audited. But they can be assessed to locate which of the basic elements of ARC the charge is on. Thus to handle an ARC break you assess affinity, reality, communication and understanding to find which of these points the break occurred on. Having determined that, you assess the item found (A or R or C or U) against the Expanded CDEI Scale (curious. desired, enforced, inhibited, no and refused). Ref: HCOB 13 Oct 59. DEI EXPANDED SCALE, Scientology 0-8. The Book of Basics. and HCOB 18 Sep 67, corrected 4.4.74, SCALES. With this assessment the actual bypassed charge can be located and indicated even more accurately, thus enabling the pc to blow it. The assessment is done on every ARC break as you go earlier similar until the rudiment is in with F/N and VGls. The first rudiment question is: 1. "Do you have an ARC break ?" 2. If there is an ARC break, get the data on it briefly. 3. Find out by assessment which point the ARC break occurred on: "Was that a break in Affinity ? Reality ? Communication ? Understanding ?" You assess it once and get the read (or the largest read) on, say, communication. 4. Check it with the pc: "Was that a break in (communication)? If he says no, rehandle. If yes, let him tell you about it if he wishes. Then give it to him by indicating it, i.e. "I'd like to indicate that was a break in communication." PROVIDED THE RIGHT ITEM HAS BEEN GOTTEN, the pc will brighten up, even if ever so slightly, on the very first assessment. NOTE: On Step 4 the pc may originate: "Yes, I guess it was communication but to me it's really more like a break in reality," for example. The wise auditor then acknowledges and indicates it was a break in "reality.'' 5. Taking the item found in Step 4 above, assess it against the CDEI Scale: "Was it: Curious about (communication) ? Desired " ? Enforced " ? Inhibited " ? No " ? Refused " ?" 6. As in Steps 3 and 4 above, assess it once. get the item and check it with the pc: "Was it (desired) communication?" If no, rehandle. If yes, indicate it. 7. If no F/N at this point you follow it earlier with the question: "Is there an earlier similar ARC break?" 8. Get the earlier similar ARC break, get in ARCU, CDEINR, indicate. If no F/ N, repeat Step 7, continuing to go earlier, always using ARCU, CDEINR until you get an F/N. When you get the F/N and VGls you have it. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM PROBLEM: A conflict arising from two opposing intentions. It's one thing versus another thing; an intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM: ... A special problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which the pc has his attention fixed. .. Any set of circumstances that so engages the attention of the preclear that he feels he should be doing something about it instead of being audited. A violation of "in session-ness" occurs when the pc's attention is fixed on some concern that is "right now" in the physical universe. The pc's attention is "over there" not on his case. If the auditor overlooks and doesn't handle the PTP then the pc is never in session, grows agitated, ARC breaks. And no gains are made because he is not in session. The second rudiment question is: 1. "Do you have a present time problem?" 2. If there is a PTP, have the pc tell you about it. 3. If no F/N take it earlier with the question: "Is there an earlier similar problem?" 4. Get the earlier problem and if no F/N, follow it earlier similar, earlier similar, earlier similar to F/N. MISSED WITHHOLDS OVERT ACT: An intentionally committed harmful act committed in an effort to solve a problem. ... an act of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics. That thing which you do which you aren't willing to have happen to you. WITHHOLD: An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act. Something the pc did that he isn't talking about. MISSED WITHHOLD: An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not. The pc with a missed withhold will not be honestly "willing to talk to the auditor" and, therefore, not in session until the missed withhold is pulled. Missing a withhold or not getting all of it is the sole source of an ARC break. A missed withhold is observable by any of the following: pc not making progress, pc critical of, nattery or angry at the auditor, refusing to talk to the auditor, not desirous of being audited, boiling off, exhausted, foggy at session end, dropped havingness, telling others the auditor is no good, demanding redress of wrongs, critical of Scientology or organi-zations or people of Scientology, lack of auditing results, dissemination failures. (Ref: HCOB 3 May 62, ARC BREAKS, MISSED WITHHOLDS.) The auditor must not overlook any manifestations of a missed withhold. Thus, if the pc has a missed withhold you get it, get all of it using the system described below, and use the same system on each earlier similar missed withhold until you get the F/N. The third rudiment question is: 1. "Has a withhold been missed?" 2. If you get a missed withhold, find out: (a) What was it? (b) When was it? (c) Is that all of the withhold? (d) WHO missed it? (e) What did (he/she) do to make you wonder whether or not (he/she) knew? (f) Who else missed it? (Repeat (e) above). Get another and another who missed it, using the Suppress button as neces-sary, and repeating (e) above. 3. Clean it to F/N, or if no F/N take it earlier similar with the question: "Is there an earlier similar missed withhold?" 4. Handle each earlier similar missed withhold you get per Step 2 above, until you get an F/N. SUPPRESS If a rudiment doesn't read and is not F/Ning, put in the Suppress button, using: "On the question 'Do you have an ARC break?' has anything been suppressed?" If it reads, take it and ask ARCU, CDEINR, earlier similar, etc. Use Suppress in the same way for non-reading PTP and missed withhold rudiments. FALSE If the pc protests, comments. or seems bewildered put in the False button. The question used is: "Has anyone said you had a_____when you didn't have one?" Get who, what, when and take it earlier, if necessary, to F/N. END PHENOMENA In ruds when you've got your F/N and that charge has moved off, indicate it. Don't push the pc on for some other "EP." When the pc F/Ns with VGls, you've got it. HIGH OR LOW TA Never try to fly ruds on a high or low TA. Seeing a high or low TA at session start, the Dianetic or Scientology auditor up to Class II does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S for a higher classed auditor to handle. The C/S will order the required correction list to be done by an auditor Class III or above. REFERENCES: HCOB 15 Aug 69 FLYING RUDS HCOB 13 Oct 59 DEI EXPANDED SCALE HCOB 18 Sep 67 SCALES HCOB 7 Sep 64II ALL LEVELS, PTPS, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKS HCOB 12 Feb 62 HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS & MISSED WITHHOLDS HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM HCOB 14 Mar 71R F/N EVERYTHING HCOB 23 Aug 71 C/S Series I AUDITOR'S RIGHTS HCOB 21 Mar 74 END PHENOMENA HCOB 22 Feb 62 WITHHOLDS, MISSED & PARTIAL HCOB 3 May 62 ARC BREAKS, MISSED WITHHOLDS The above issues give further data on rudiments, ARC breaks, PTPs and missed withholds. Note, however, that this is not a complete list of references on the subject. There is much additional data to be found in the Technical Volumes. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 031. HCOB 12 FEB 62 HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 FEBRUARY 1962 Sthil CenOCon Franchise HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS I have finally reduced clearing withholds to a rote formula which contains all the basic elements necessary to obtain a high case gain without missing any withholds. These steps now become THE way to clear a withhold or missed withhold. AUDITOR OBJECTIVE The Auditor's object is to get the pc to look so that the pc can tell the auditor. The auditor's objective is not to get the pc to tell the auditor. If the pc is in session the pc will talk to the auditor. If the pc is not in session, the pc won't tell the auditor a withhold. I never have any trouble getting the pc to tell me a withhold. I sometimes have trouble getting the pc to find out about a withhold so the pc can tell it to me. If the pc will not tell the auditor a withhold (and the pc knows it) the remedy is rudiments. I always assume, and correctly, that if the pc knows about it the pc will tell me. My job is to get the pc to find out so the pc has something to tell me. The chief auditor blunder in pulling withholds stems from the auditor assuming the pc already knows when the pc does not. If used exactly, this system will let the pc find out and let the pc get all the charge off of a withhold as well as tell the auditor all about it. Missing a withhold or not getting all of it is the sole source of ARC break. Get a reality on this now. All trouble you have or have ever had or will ever have with ARC breaky pcs stems only and wholly from having restimulated a withhold and yet having failed to pull it. The pc never forgives this. This system steers you around the rock of missed withholds and their bombastic consequences. WITHHOLD SYSTEM This system has five parts: 0. The Difficulty being handled. 1. What the withhold is. 2. When the withhold occurred. 3. All of the withhold. 4. Who should have known about it. Numbers (2) (3) and (4) are repeated over and over, each time testing (1) until (1) no longer reacts. (2) (3) and (4) clear (1). (1) straightens out in part (0). (0) is cleaned up by finding many (1)'s and (1) is straightened up by running (2) (3) and (4) many times. These steps are called (0) Difficulty, (1) What (2) When (3) All (4) Who. The auditor must memorize these as What, When, All and Who. The order is never varied. The questions are asked one after the other. None of them are repetitive questions. USE A MARK IV The whole operation is done on a Mark IV. Use no other meter as other meters may read right electronically without reading mental reactions well enough. Do this whole system and all questions at sensitivity 16. THE QUESTIONS 0. The suitable question concerning the Difficulty the pc is having. Meter reads. 1. What. "What are you withholding about ...............?" (the Difficulty) (or as given in future issues). Meter reads. Pc answers with a w/h, large or small. 2. When. "When did that occur?" or "When did that happen?" or "What was the time of that?" Meter reads. Auditor can date in a generality or precisely on meter. A generality is best at first, a precise dating on the meter is used later in this sequence on the same w/h. 3. All. "Is that all of that?" Meter reads. Pc answers. 4. Who. "Who should have known about that?" or "Who didn't find out about that?" Meter reads. Pc answers. Now test (1) with the same question that got a read the first time. (The question for (1) is never varied on the same w/h.) If needle still reads ask (2) again, then (3), then (4), getting as much data as possible on each. Then test (1) again. (1) is only tested, never worked over except by using (2), (3) and (4). Continue this rotation until (I) clears on needle and thus no longer reacts on a test. Treat every withhold you find (or have found) in this fashion always. SUMMARY You are looking at a preview of PREPARATORY TO CLEARING. "Prepclearing" for short. Abandon all further reference to security checking or sec checking. The task of the auditor in Prepclearing is to prepare a pc's rudiments so that they can't go out during 3D Criss Cross. The value of Prepclearing in case gain, is greater than any previous Class I or Class II auditing. We have just risen well above Security Checking in ease of auditing and in case gains. You will shortly have the ten Prepclearing lists which give you the (0) and (1) questions. Meanwhile, treat every withhold you find in the above fashion for the sake of the preclear, for your sake as an auditor and for the sake of the good name of Scientology. (Note: To practice with this system, take a withhold a pc has given several times to you or you and other auditors. Treat the question that originally got it as (I) and clean it as above in this system. You will be amazed.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:sf.cden Copyright ©1962 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 032. HCOB 15 AUG 69 FLYING RUDS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 AUGUST 1969 Remimeo Class VIII Chksht Cse Supervisors Class VIIIs FLYING RUDS To clarify how to fly ruds: If a rud reads, you get the data and then ask for earlier until you get an F/N. If a rud doesn't read, put in Suppress and recheck. If it gets any comment, natter or protest or bewilderment, put in False and clean it. To fly all ruds you ask for an ARC Brk, if no read, put in Suppress If it reads take it, do ARCU CDEI Earlier ARCU CDEI Earlier until you get an F/N. Then do the same with PTP. Then with MW/Hs. If in starting a rud does not read or F/N even if Suppress is put in go to the next rud until you get one that does read. Follow it earlier to F/N. Then F/N the 2 that didn't read. INCORRECT To get a rud reading with or without Suppress and then fail to follow it earlier and to continue to call it and take only reads is incorrect. CORRECT If a rud reads you always follow it earlier until it F/Ns. You do NOT continue to test it with a meter and do NOT leave it just because it fails to read again. If a rud reads you clean it with earlier, earlier, earlier to F/N. If a rud reads and the read is false you clean false. _____________ There are TWO actions possible in flying ruds. 1. The rud is not out. If it didn't read you check suppress. If it read but is in any way protested you clean false. 2. The rud is out. You get the data, you follow it earlier earlier until it F/Ns. You do not continue to check it for reads. GREEN FORM This applies also to handling ruds on the Green Form. ARC BREAK If there is an ARC Break you get it, use ARCU and CDEI, indicate, then if no F/N you follow it earlier, get ARCU CDEI, indicate, if no F/N you get an earlier one on and on, always with ARCU CDEI until you get an F/N. PTP If you get a PTP you follow it earlier earlier earlier until you get an F/N. MISSED WITHHOLD If you get a withhold you find out WHO missed it, then another and another using Suppress. If protest you put in false. You will find these W/Hs also go earlier like any other chain but they don't have to. MIXING METHODS If you get a rud read and the pc gives you one you don't then check the read again. You get more until you get an F/N. To get a rud answered and then check suppress and its read is mixing l and 2 above. FALSE "Has anyone said you had awhen you didn't have one?" is the answer to pro-tested ruds. _____________ Any VIII should be able to fly any rud at will. The above clarifies HCOB and Tape data on this subject. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: Idm.ei.rd Copyright © 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 033. HCOB 6 SEP 68 CHECKING FOR FALSE READS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII CHECKING FOR FALSE READS When you check for earlier auditor false reads on a GF or rudiment type read: When follow-up of the read seems to bog down, get nowhere and when pc has no answers. When the pc protests, seems ARC Broken by the read or seems resigned. When the pc starts to explain how the thing has been run before. When there is protest or inval. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 034. HCOB 27 MAY 70R r. 3 Dec 78 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1970R REVISED 3 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo (Revisions in this type style) UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS Reference: HCOB 3 Dec 78 UNREADING FLOWS Never list a listing question that doesn't read. Never prepcheck an item that doesn't read. These rules hold good for all lists, all items, all flows, including Dianetics. A "tick" or a "stop" is not a read. Reads are small falls or falls or long falls or long fall blowdown (of TA). A preclear's case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing a list that doesn't read or prepchecking an item that doesn't read or running an item or flow that doesn't read. On a list, this is the sort of thing that happens: The list is "Who or what would fly kites?" The C/S has said to "List this to a BD F/ N item." So the auditor does list it without checking the read at all. The list can go on 99 pages with the pc protesting, getting upset. This is called a "Dead horse list" because it gave no item. The reason it didn't was that the list question itself didn't read. One does an L4BRA on the pc to correct the situation and gets "unnecessary action." On a list that is getting no item you don't extend. You correctly use L4BRA or any subsequent issue of it. If you extend a "dead horse list" you just make things worse. Use an L4BRA and it will set it right. This weird thing can also happen. C/S says to list "Who or what would kill buffaloes?" The auditor does, gets a BD F/N item "A hunter." The C/S also says to list as a second action "Who or what would feel tough?" The auditor fails to test the question for read and lists it. Had he tested it, the list would not have read. But the list comes up with an item, "A mean hunter." It has stirred up charge from the first question and the item "A mean hunter" is a wrong item as it is a misworded variation of the first list's item! Now we have an unnecessary action and a wrong item. We do an L4BRA and the pc is still upset as maybe only one or the other of the two errors read. In a Dianetic "list" one is not doing a listing action. One is only trying to find a somatic or sensation, etc. that will run. The item must read well. Or it won't produce a chain to run. In actual fact the Dn list Q does usually read but one doesn't bother to test it. But an item or flow that doesn't read will produce no chain, no basic and the pc will jump around the track trying but just jamming up his bank. _____________ The moral of this story is: ALWAYS TEST A LISTING QUESTION BEFORE LETTING THE PC LIST. ALWAYS MARK THE READ IT GAVE (SF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET . ALWAYS TEST AN ITEM FOR READ BEFORE PREPCHECKING AND ALWAYS CHECK AN ITEM AND FLOW BEFORE RUNNING RECALLS OR ENGRAMS . ALWAYS MARK THE READ AN ITEM GAVE (SF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. CHARGE The whole subject of "charge" is based on this. "Charge" is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. "Charge" shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible reality on it. A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a meter. It would be charged but below the pc's reality. So it won't read. THINGS THAT DON'T READ WON'T RUN. The Case Supervisor always counts on the AUDITOR to test questions and items and flows for read before running them. The auditor, when a question or item or flow doesn't read, can and should always put in "Suppress" and "Invalidate." "On this (question) (item) (flow), has anything been suppressed?" "On this (question) (item) (flow), has anything been invalidated?" If either one read, the question or item or flow will also read. The Case Supervisor also counts on the AUDITOR to use Suppress and Invalidate on a question or item or flow. If after this there is still no read on the question or item or flow, that's it. Don't use it, don't list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ka.rd.jk Copyright © 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 035. HCOB 14 MAR 71R r. 25 Jul 73 F/N EVERYTHING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 MARCH 1971 R CORRECTED & REISSUED 25 JULY 1973 (Only change being word "by" in para 4 changed to "but".) Remimeo All Levels F/N EVERYTHING Whenever an auditor gets a read on an item from Ruds or a prepared list (L1B, L3A, L4B, etc., etc.) IT MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. To fail to do so is to leave the pc with by-passed charge. When a pc has had several reads on various lists which were none of them carried to F/N, it can occur that he will become upset or depressed without any other apparent reason. As one has DONE the lists without F/Ning each item, one now has the mystery of what is wrong? The error is reading items from Ruds or prepared lists cleaned to no read but not carried to F/N. This action (amongst many such refinements) is what makes Flag auditing so smooth and indeed makes it Flag Auditing. When an auditor first tries this he may well think it is impossible. Yet it is simplicity itself. If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release. What has been found as a read on a prepared list would F/N if it were the basic lock. So if it doesn't F/N, then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning. So the RULE: NEVER WALK OFF FROM A READING ITEM ON A RUDIMENT OR A PREPARED REPAIR LIST BEFORE YOU CARRY IT DOWN (EARLIER SIMILAR) TO AN F/N. Example: ARC Brk reads. Pc says what it is, Auditor does ARCU CDEI. If no F/ N, Auditor asks for an earlier similar ARC Brk, gets it, ARCU CDEI, etc. until he gets an F/N. Example: PTP reads. Carry it E/S (earlier similar) until a PTP F/Ns. Example: L4B: Has an item been denied you? Reads. Answered. No F/N. Is there an earlier similar denied item? Answered. F/N. Go on to next reading item on the list. Example: GF assessed once through for reads. The next C/S must take every item on it that read, by 2wc or other process, to an F/N. So there is a much more general rule: EVERY ITEM THAT READS MUST F/N. In Dianetics you get the F/N when you run E/S secondaries or engrams to an erasure, F/N, Cog, VGIs. In Rudiments, every out rud you get a read on is run E/S to F/N. On a prepared list you take each read to an F/N or E/S to F/N. On an LX list you run each flow chain to an F/N. On GF you get by whatever process an F/N. On Listing by the Laws of Listing and Nulling, your eventual item listed must F/N. So another rule: EVERY MAJOR AND MINOR ACTION MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. There are NO exceptions. Any exception leaves by-passed charge on the pc. Also, every F/N is indicated at the conclusion of the action when cog is obtained. You take too soon an F/N (first twitch) you cut the cognition and leave by-passed charge (a withheld cognition). _____________ I could take any folder and simply write out the ruds and prepared list reading items and then audit the pc and carry each one to F/N and correct every list so disclosed and wind up with a very shining, cool calm pc. So "Have reading items been left charged?" would be a key question on a case. _____________ Using lists or ruds on high or low TAs that are not meant for high or low TAs will get you reading items that won't F/N. So, another rule: NEVER TRY TO FLY RUDS OR DO L1B ON A HIGH OR LOW TA. One can talk the TA down (see HCO B on Talking the TA Down). Or one can assess L4B. About the only prepared lists one can assess are the new Hi-Lo TA HCO B 13 Mar 71 and possibly a GF+40 once through for biggest read. The biggest read will have a blowdown on it and can possibly be brought to F/N. If this occurs then one also handles all other items that read. _____________ The most frequent errors in all this are: Not taking a read earlier similar but just checking it and leaving it as "clean". Not using suppress and false on items. And of course leaving a pc thinking things are still charged by failing to indicate the F/N. Indicating an F/N before Cog. Not going back through the folder to handle ruds and items that read but were called "clean" or were simply abandoned. A pc audited under tension of poor TRs has a hard time and does not F/N sometimes, inviting overrun. The rules then to happy pcs are: GOOD TRs. F/N EVERYTHING FOUND ON RUDS AND LISTS. AUDIT WITH TA IN NORMAL RANGE OR REPAIR IT SO IT IS IN NORMAL RANGE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ======================== 036. HCOB 11 MAY 69R r. 8 Jul 78 METER TRIM CHECK HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor. East. Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY 1969R REVISED 8 JULY 1978 (Revisions in this type style) (Replaces HCOB of 27 July 1966 same name ) Remimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual Hats Dianetic Course (Tech Div) (Qual Div) METER TRIM CHECK E-Meters can go out of trim during a session because of temperature changes. Thus even if the meter is properly calibrated and reads at 2.0 with a 5,000 ohm resistor across the leads and 3.0 with 12 500 ohms by the end of the session a pc can be apparently reading below 2.0 because the meter is off trim. The following meter procedure is therefore to be followed AT THE END OF EACH SESSION (AFTER GIVING "END OF SESSION."): 1. DON'T MOVE THE TRIM KNOB 2. PULL OUT THE JACK PLUG 3. MOVE THE TA UNTIL THE NEEDLE IS ON 'SET' AT THE SENSITIVITY YOU WERE USING IN THE SESSION 4. RECORD THE TA POSITION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM AS: "Trim check - TA = ...." 5. IF YOUR METER IS KNOWN TO BE OUT OF CALIBRATION (as in para 2 above) RECORD ALSO: "Calibration error ..... on meter = 2.0 actual" at the bottom of the form. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1969 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ========================