5203C03 HCL-2 Introduction to Scientology: Outline of Therapy HPC-2 Use light tech to get to a heavy incident, then run it out using thought, emotion, and effort processing. The goal is to be able to run Fac One. The mind is an entity. So is the physical universe. Thought is beingness. It has no wavelength; it is a true static. There is no limit of capacity; no limit of time. It can record the physical universe and use it against itself. It can animate and control the physical universe. It is not in the physical universe since it has not the properties of the physical universe. It is like a mirror in which a room is reflected: there is no real room there. Thought can pick up energy and matter in space and time and mobilize it. Thought takes the laws it has learned and turns it against the physical universe, like a mirror. The brain is to translate thought into action. The mind looks at this. The brain does not contain purpose. Thus the mind is necessary. It stores past recordings of the physical universe. It is the purpose or beingness that can exist without a body to handle the physical universe. It is hard to accomplish things in the physical universe without a body. The mind stores pictures of energy. It can project an image into the physical universe and cause an effect. Pictures have effort in them in addition to perceptions. The mind continuously makes conclusions from old pictures to estimate the future, according to its purposes. It tells answers and puts them into action. It also stores conclusions -- another bundle of old pictures. On top of this is the purpose and beingness of the person that is making him do this. Steps the mind takes: 1. It has a thought to be. 2. Takes pictures. 3. Combines these. 4. Records efforts. 5. It takes pieces of the physical universe and combines these to make a body. 6. The body can then do things in the physical universe. The mind's purposes: 1. to be 2. to conquer the physical universe. Thus we have three echelons: 1. The physical universe 2. Thought 3. Who told you to survive? The physical universe is characterized by motion, which is matter changing in space, this being the definition of time. This gives you MEST. Physics has a problem with a circular definition of space and time, in that these are defined against each other. Physics' view of the universe is that it consists mainly of motion. This is an incomplete view. Thought is a static of unlimited capabilities that has no wavelength, no space or time. It is impinged upon a physical universe that has matter, energy, space, and time. The mission of thought is survival in the physical universe, and in order to do this, it is effecting a conquest of the physical universe. Mysticism is in the second echelon. The fundamental of physics is not complex, but the use of it can be complex. Similarly with the human mind. The mind is neither in nor out of the MEST universe. At any rate, it is not in the physical universe. The mind has an effect on the body: one reason the body is sub-optimal is because of the mind's considerations about it. The E-meter, while it does not measure the mind, measures the physiological effect of the mind's operation. The third echelon is anything and everything that might lie north of the above. It would answer the question, "Who told you to survive? You get into questions like, "Why is nothing nothing? If nothing is nothing, then it's motion." In handling these echelons, one must go on a gradient, getting to the top of one problem before starting on the next one. We must finish one before two and two before we get into three. People effectively commit suicide by starting on echelon three from the bottom of one. You have to handle your aberrations first; otherwise you lose your marbles. In scientology, we try to find an effective way to handle facsimiles and memory. You can eliminate them or you can file them accurately. A truly self-determined person is unlikely to be affected by facsimiles. In fact, only one incident was strong enough to do this: Fac One. A person is as sane as he can handle memories and plan for the future.