5506C06 ASMC-15 What Scientology is Doing We need a better social order. When an organization says it's above reproach or an individual claims he's untouchable, chaos ensues. The control and direction of man depends upon the good will and good state of man, not upon iron bars, cells, shock machines. A society is as sick as it has sick members. The way to make a society well, however, isn't just to cure the sick only. If the members of the society were sufficiently well, they'd have no problem pulling the fallen out of the mud. This depends on the condition of man, not on a few specialists. When it becomes a specialty, man is dead, because the best of man comes into being when he can aid his needy fellows. When men are made to feel they have no right to assist their fellows, the society is sick. In creating an organization, LRH doesn't want to merely replace one despotic system with another one, using the existing comm lines: This is what happens in a revolution. No nation is ever overthrown; they are just substituted for. If scientology did this, they could probably create an organization powerful enough to overrun all in its path. But then this would just have to be overthrown. Scientology possesses great potential for good or evil, depending on how it is relayed. Poorly relayed, used just for gain, it could be very destructive. LRH has already had three offers by persons in places of power to hand over a great deal of information and stop talking. Helping the insane is usually an effort to reverse whatever self-determinism they have left. A person who is psychotic has at one time decided to die; he has not subsequently decided to live. They abandon the body, unable to let go and unwilling to reassume responsibility. The longer you stop a being that wants to die from dying, the worse off he gets. The truly insane should not have therapy, but space, sunlight, minimal restraints, quiet, food. This gives the individual a chance to change his mind and decide to live again. Exhaustion and insanity are almost synonymous. A person who is sane, who wants to live, who is willing to take responsibility for doing something about his condition, can be in much worse shape than an insane person, but he will be auditable and will get better because he wants to live. Insanity is a death wish of great magnitude; sanity returns when a person decides to live. Psychosomatic illness is overrated, being universally present as unwanted sensation or absence of sensation; it's not illness. It comes about when someone is called upon to prove something and fails. Some processes for this: 1. What have you got that would prove it? (not about anything specific) or 1.a What will (disability) get you into? b What will (disability) get you out of? then, when flat: 2. What can you prove with it? [the disability]. Here we run into the computation that any sensation is better than no sensation and that he should have something to get sympathy and avoid guilt. But the thetan is to be able to invent a whole new category of ills before he'll give up one he's got. [Hence, "Invent something worse than (illness)."] Death was invented on the whole track as a substitute for insanity, which was being so irresponsible that punishment was pointless. You could get anyone to change his mind about wanting to die if you could get into comm with him. "I want you to come into possession of all that you know, and I want you to use that knowledge with security. And any mission I have here on this planet at this time will be successful at that time when what I have just said has been accomplished."