A lecture given on 29 September 1950
Demonstration of Standard Procedure
In Standard Procedure, one can shift rapidly over to straight memory and back to the engram again. But if you are running an engram and you do shift over to straight memory while you are running it, make sure you go back to the engram again because not doing so would be the same crime of failing to reduce an engram.
Sooner or later nearly every professional auditor is accused of being telepathic. People watch him audit and all of a sudden he will say, "Did somebody say ‘Get out’?" and the preclear will say, "No, they said ‘Get out of here." ’ What he has done is simply observe the physiological action of the toes. If the preclear is in an engram, the toes will wiggle. If he is in the vicinity of a grief discharge, he will gasp rather heavily. It may be shut off by control circuitry or any number of things, but the- auditor knows there is a grief discharge there if the preclear starts breathing stentoriously. And if the preclear has just skidded out of the engram and is riding above it on a bouncer but trying to go on with the engram anyway, his toes will stop wiggling. This is standard.
Very often there is another sign. A person, when he goes into his own valence in the prenatal area, most commonly goes into a curled- up ball or a suggestion of it. If the preclear starts bringing his knees up, that is a tendency to start into one. Also, a preclear who is in the prenatal area usually has a tendency to roll over on his side, and when he flies out of his own valence and into another one he quite normally has a tendency to lie over on his back. So, if your preclear is running rather rolled up like a ball and all of a sudden rolls over on his back, you can tell that he has skidded out of his own valence.
The one exception to this is when running conception, particularly the sperm sequence, the preclear lies out straight. He has a tendency to wiggle his feet, only he hasn’t got muscles in order to do this wiggling, and it is a very frustrating experience to him. It is actually a sideways swimming motion. This isn’t something that one just dreams up and tells him he is supposed to feel. When he gets there he will feel it or he won’t, as the case may be.
- LRH:
- All right, Sue, let’s see what we can do here. How do you feel?
- PC:
- Fine.
- LRH:
- Who’s dead? (snap!) Just a question to start the ball rolling here.
- PC:
- I was about to say everybody (laughs)
- LRH:
- Everybody is dead?
- PC:
- I don’t know why.
- LRH:
- You started to say everybody was dead? Hmm.
- PC:
- (laughing) I don’t know what prompted it.
- LRH:
- All right. How old are you?
- PC:
- I don’t know.
- LRH:
- Do you get a number flash with that?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- No? Well, I’m going to do a very grave thing. I’m not going to give you an inventory first, just in the interest of speeding up the demonstration. Would you close your eyes. Any time in the future that I say to you the word canceled, it will cancel out what I have said to you while you are lying here on the couch. Okay?
- PC:
- Okay.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s go back to dinner last night.
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right. Where are you sitting there?
- PC:
- Sat at a counter.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. What are you doing there at the counter?
- PC:
- Just eating and reading my book.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. What’s the book look like?
- PC:
- It has a red couer on it. Language and Thought in Action by Hayakawa.
- LRH:
- Let’s look at the face of the book, the page you’re reading, the exact page you’re reading there, and let’s taste what you are eating, simultaneously.
- PC:
- Corned beef and cabbage.
- LRH:
- Well, let’s taste it. Take a mouthful of it.
- PC:
- Tastes good.
- LRH:
- All right, tastes good. Now, what sounds are there around there while you’re eating your corned beef and cabbage?
- PC:
- Drinking coffee on my right side.
- LRH:
- Somebody is drinking coffee on your right side. Okay.
- PC:
- Yeah, making noise.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s go back to the first time you saw a motion picture.
- PC:
- Oh, that was a long time ago.
- LRH:
- All right. Well, let’s just return to it.
- PC:
- First motion picture I saw was an outdoor movie.
- LRH:
- Well, let’s take a look at it.
- PC:
- A western.
- LRH:
- It’s a western? All right, where are you sitting there?
- PC:
- On a wooden bench.
- LRH:
- How does it feel?
- PC:
- Uncomfortable.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. Is there any sound with this?
- PC:
- No, silent.
- LRH:
- It’s a silent. Let’s look at a subtitle.
- PC:
- I couldn’t read too well.
- LRH:
- Couldn’t read too well. Who was reading it to you?
- PC:
- Nobody.
- LRH:
- Nobody? Nobody reading it to you. That’s a sad state.
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- All right. Now let’s take a look at the actor there. Take a look at the actor. (pause) Let’s take a look at him. Feel that bench under you and take a look at the actor.
- PC:
- No, it was the villain that bothered me.
- LRH:
- Oh, it’s the villain. Let’s take a look at the villain. Any music playing while this was going on?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s take a look at the villain. What’s he doing?
- PC:
- Disturbing the girl.
- LRH:
- Doing what?
- PC:
- Disturbing the girl.
- LRH:
- Yeah? What’s he doing to her?
- PC:
- Trying to drag her with him.
- LRH:
- Trying to drag her away, huh? What’s he look like?
- PC:
- Oh, he has one of those handlebar mustaches.
- LRH:
- Okay. Now who comes in on this scene? Anybody come in on this scene? Or am I anticipating the movie plot? (pause) Anybody come in on this scene?
- PC:
- Yeah, the cowboy does.
- LRH:
- Oh, the cowboy. Now what does the cowboy look like?
- PC:
- Well, I wasn’t too much interested in looks then.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. All right, let’s see if we can take a look at this cowboy now.
- PC:
- He has his hat pushed back.
- LRH:
- Yeah. Has he got a gun on?
- PC:
- Right.
- LRH:
- Kind of inevitable.
- PC:
- Hm- hm.
- LRH:
- All right. Now, let’s go back to the time when you got your first doll. Is that earlier?
- PC:
- Oh, I don’t like that one.
- LRH:
- Well, let’s go back to the time you got it, anyway.
- PC:
- All right.
- LRH:
- All right. What about this doll?
- PC:
- I pushed its eyes in.
- LRH:
- Yeah?
- PC:
- Uh- huh, and I was spanked.
- LRH:
- How old are you there, taking a look at this doll for the first time?
- PC:
- I don’t know.
- LRH:
- All right. Can we get back to a time there when you’re lying in a crib?
- PC:
- Oh, no!
- LRH:
- Well, let’s go back to a time somebody is burping you.
- PC:
- Oh, no!
- LRH:
- Oh, let’s go back to a time somebody is burping you. (pause) Maybe you can return to a moment somebody’s burping you.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- See if you can return to it. (pause) How does it feel to be burped?
- PC:
- (pause) No.
- LRH:
- Well, let’s return to a moment there somebody’s giving you a bottle.
- PC:
- (pause) No.
- LRH:
- Just return to a moment somebodyb giving you a bottle there.
- PC:
- I was never a baby.
- LRH:
- Never a baby. All right, lets return to the moment there now when you get a tricycle. Do you ever get a tricycle?
- PC:
- Oh, no!
- LRH:
- No, never got a tricycle. How about a wagon?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Let’s return to the first time you knew a little boy who had a wagon.
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right, lets return and take a look at him.
- PC:
- (deep breath) Oh, that was Tommy.
- LRH:
- Yeah?
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- And what’s Tommy doing?
- PC:
- Ha, letting the kids ride in the wagon.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. What’s happening with this wagon?
- PC:
- We’re just riding down a hill.
- LRH:
- How does the wagon sound going down the hill? (pause) How’s the wind in your face?
- PC:
- I like it.
- LRH:
- You like it?
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- Does he make any noise?
- PC:
- Oh no, we’re just laughing.
- LRH:
- Oh, you’re laughing. All right. Now let’s see if we can get back a little bit earlier than this. Let’s go back to your second birthday. (pause) Second birthday.
- PC:
- Two.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s see if we can find any place on the track where there’s a candle— two or three candles in a cake.
- PC:
- Oh, no!
- LRH:
- Well, let’s just see if we can, just on an off chance there might be one.
- PC:
- There wasn’t.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s see if we can go back to the first time you ever got taken outside in a baby buggy. (pause) Baby buggy, let’s take a look at this baby buggy.
- PC:
- (pause) No.
- LRH:
- No?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- No baby buggies?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- No? No baby buggies. Let’s take the first time you ever dropped out of a hammock.
- PC:
- Oh, yes!
- LRH:
- All right, let’s take the first time you ever dropped out of a hammock.
- PC:
- It hurt!
- LRH:
- All right. How do you fall?
- PC:
- Just wound ouer.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. Did it hurt very much?
- PC:
- Fell on my stomach.
- LRH:
- Hurt very much?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. Who picks you up?
- PC:
- I did.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. Who else is there?
- PC:
- No one. I can’t see....
- LRH:
- What have you got on, rompers?
- PC:
- No!
- LRH:
- No? A little dress?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right. Did you feel any of that pain?
- PC:
- (sighs) It always hits me in the stomach.
- LRH:
- Huh?
- PC:
- Hit me in the stomach.
- LRH:
- Hm. Did you feel the pain? (pause) Let’s go back through it again. Let’s fall off that thing. Are you watching yourself fall off of it, or are you right there.
- PC:
- Oh, no!
- LRH:
- All right, let’s fall off it. Let’s fall off it.
- PC:
- It doesn’t feel good.
- LRH:
- Well, let’s do it again. Let’s go back to the moment you’re on the swing. Swing making any noise?
- PC:
- It isn’t a swing; it’s a hammock.
- LRH:
- Oh, its a hammock? All right, on the hammock.
- PC:
- Yeah.
- LRH:
- Now, let’s pick it up at the moment you fell off. Let’s get the sensation of falling there.
- PC:
- (pause) scratched my arm.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s go over it again.
- PC:
- (pause) Doesn’t hurt.
- LRH:
- Can’t you feel the pain? All right, let’s get back on the hammock again. Was the hammock swung too far when you fell off it?
- PC:
- Oh, I was swinging it.
- LRH:
- All right, there you go. Now, let’s go to the moment where you fall off. How did it feel this time?
- PC:
- (sighs) Bang.
- LRH:
- Bang.
- PC:
- Right on my stomach.
- LRH:
- All right, how does it feel?
- PC:
- My arms.
- LRH:
- You got the pain out of it now?
- PC:
- It’s way down deep.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. All right, let’s go back to the moment you are swinging in the hammock.
- PC:
- But I like that.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s swing it.
- PC:
- Hm.
- LRH:
- Swinging in the hammock.
- PC:
- Hm- hm.
- LRH:
- All right, back and forth. All right, let’s pick it up the moment you fall out.
- PC:
- (pause) Ah, that makes me feel like bawling.
- LRH:
- Oh, yeah? All right. Was the pain very much there?
- PC:
- It was more surprise, I think. It didn’t hurt too much.
- LRH:
- Oh. Do you get a somatic as you go through this? (pause) Got a somatic?
- PC:
- Right here in my stomach.
- LRH:
- Okay. Let’s go back to the moment you’re swinging in the hammock.
- PC:
- (pause) But I’d rather stay there swinging. I like that.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s swing. Let’s swing. Now, the somatic strip will move up to the moment you fall— boom.
- PC:
- (pause) But I’m hurt again. Nobody is coming to me.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. (pause) All right, let’s go over it again. Let’s swing in the hammock, swing in the hammock, swing in the hammock. There you are, swing in the hammock. Now, let’s pick it up the moment you fall out— boom. How do you feel?
- PC:
- That’s it, I’m hurt.
- LRH:
- Yeah?
- PC:
- Nobody comes near.
- LRH:
- How does this feel? How is the somatic on this, this time?
- PC:
- It’s just down here.
- LRH:
- Did it hurt very much? Is the somatic lighter than it was?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Oh, it is lighter than it was. Okay. Let’s roll it again. (pause) Swing, swing, swing, and out of the hammock— boom. All right, did you feel it that time? How did it feel that time?
- PC:
- Trouble is, I’m still swinging. I can’t stop!
- LRH:
- (laughs) All right. The somatic strip will go through the swinging, go through the swinging, then come up to the moment you start to fall, and then off you go— boom— now.
- PC:
- (sadly) I scraped my arm.
- LRH:
- Do you feel that scrape on your arm?
- PC:
- Yeah.
- LRH:
- Makes you feel sad?
- PC:
- Because nobody comes.
- LRH:
- Got a somatic on it now?
- PC:
- Yeah. On my arm.
- LRH:
- Oh, you got a somatic on your arm now?
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- Okay. Let’s return back to the moment you are swinging in the hammock. Let’s swing, swing, swing, let’s swing in the hammock, swing in the hammock, before you fall. All right. Now, all of a sudden, off the hammock you go— boom. How is the somatic?
- PC:
- (takes a deep breath) I just walk away now.
- LRH:
- Just walk away. You got any pain on it now?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- What do you think about this incident?
- PC:
- Oh, at the time I was hurt.
- LRH:
- Well, how do you feel about this incident now?
- PC:
- Oh, it doesn’t bother me.
- LRH:
- Doesn’t bother you now.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Still got a somatic as we go through it?
- PC:
- No. Not even in the stomach.
- LRH:
- Uh- huh, all right. Now, how about going back to a time somebody dropped you, the first time anybody dropped you.
- PC:
- Dropped me? (pause)
- LRH:
- Let’s contact all of this.
- PC:
- I wasn’t dropped.
- LRH:
- Now, the somatic strip will go back to a moment when you were a little baby and you were dropped. (long pause) Somatic strip contact the moment you dropped? The file clerk will give us a moment you dropped. Now, the somatic strip will contact the moment you hit. The file clerk will give us the moment you dropped. The file clerk will give us the moment you dropped. Now the somatic strip will contact just before you hit, sweep straight through, and boom. Now, have you got a somatic?
- PC:
- No, I just seem to be floating in space.
- LRH:
- All right. Do you have a somatic of any kind?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Haven’t got a somatic of any kind, huh? The file clerk will give us the time your mother is giving you a bottle. The file clerk will give us a time your mother is giving a bottle.
- PC:
- Don’t talk about that.
- LRH:
- Let’s see if we can’t contact it. (long pause) Contact it? Let’s contact a moment somebody is singing you a song, and you are a little baby. Somebody is singing you a song. Let’s contact a moment somebody is singing you a song, all right? Rocking you back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Can you contact that, hm? (pause) Can you contact that?
- PC:
- It’s just a strange feeling.
- LRH:
- What’s the feeling?
- PC:
- Of imagining being a baby.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm, all right. What do you see there? What’s your visio as you’re lying there being a baby? (pause) Hm?
- PC:
- I guess there was a crib.
- LRH:
- Well, take a look at it.
- PC:
- I saw the crib before.
- LRH:
- Let’s take a look at it. (pause) Let’s take a look at it. Now, who comes up to the crib? Pick it up there at a moment somebody comes up to the crib. (pause) Somebody walks up to the crib. Let’s take a look at them. (long pause) Let’s take a look at them.
- PC:
- (sighs) I can’t see her. (long pause) All I can see as . . .
- LRH:
- What do you see?
- PC:
- Just holding on to the side of the crib.
- LRH:
- You’re holding on? Who else is there? Is somebody else there?
- PC:
- (pause) Ears are ringing.
- LRH:
- Hm?
- PC:
- My ears are ringing.
- LRH:
- Ears ringing as you are lying there in the crib?
- PC:
- Yeah.
- LRH:
- How do you feel lying there in the crib?
- PC:
- Oh, I’m sitting.
- LRH:
- You’re sitting in the crib.
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- And who comes in the room? Let’s pick it up there at a moment when somebody comes in the room.
- PC:
- A man.
- LRH:
- All right, what does he look like? (pause) What does the man look like? Just take a look at him. You can see him, can’t you? (pause) Hm?
- PC:
- He just stands and looks at me.
- LRH:
- He just stands and looks at you? Hm- hm. What does he say to you? Let’s contact the moment when he says something to you. Does he speak to you? What does he look like?
- PC:
- He has got black hair and brown eyes.
- LRH:
- What does he say?
- PC:
- He’s got black hair and brown eyes.
- LRH:
- Yeah. Is he good- looking?
- PC:
- (long pause) He has a white shirt on. He’s not handsome but he’s not bad looking.
- LRH:
- Not bad looking. All right, you see what he looks like? All right. Now, let’s go to a moment when a woman comes in. Let’s go to a moment when a woman enters. (pause) Contact a moment there when a woman enters?
- PC:
- Well, I just want to put my hands out.
- LRH:
- Yeah, and what does the woman do? (long pause) Well, what does she do? Put your hands out to her, what does she do? (long pause) What does she do?
- PC:
- I can’t imagine me as a baby.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s take a look at her. Let’s take a look at this woman. I’m not asking you to imagine it. Just be there for a moment and take a look at this woman. What does she do when you put your hands out to her? What does she do when you put your hands out to her?
- PC:
- Well, she picked me up.
- LRH:
- Yeah? What does she say to you when she picks you up? (pc sighs) Have you still got a visio on her?
- PC:
- She’s pretty.
- LRH:
- Sheb very pretty, huh? What color is her hair?
- PC:
- Curly brown.
- LRH:
- Curly brown hair. What kind of clothes is she wearing? (pause) What kind of clothes is she wearing?
- PC:
- Blue dress, it’s got a white trimming around the neck.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm, white trim around the neck. Is she pretty?
- PC:
- Yes!
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. How is her voice? (pause) How is her voice? (long pause) What does her voice sound like?
- PC:
- Well, she’s happy- looking.
- LRH:
- Sheb what?
- PC:
- Happy.
- LRH:
- Yeah, she’s happy- looking. All right, now what does her voice sound like?
- PC:
- I don’t understand it.
- LRH:
- What’s she saying? What language? A different language?
- PC:
- Yes!
- LRH:
- Well, what language is it? Try to repeat some of it. (pause) Let’s go over what shed saying and just repeat it, syllable by syllable. (pause) All right, just repeat the words after she is saying them. All right, pick up the first word she says. How does it sound? Go to the moment of the first word she says. How does it sound?( pc laughs) What is it?
- PC:
- Babushka.
- LRH:
- "Babushka." (pc laughing again) All right. What’s the next word she says? (pause) What’s the nest word she says?
- PC:
- Oh, there’s hurting. What is it?
- LRH:
- Hm? What’s hurting? What’s hurting?
- PC:
- I mean, what’s up there?
- LRH:
- What’s up where? What’s the matter? What’s she saying? Go over the word "Babushka."
- PC:
- Babushka.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Babushka.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s take a look at her. What does she look like? What does she look like when she says that?
- PC:
- Eyes wide open.
- LRH:
- Yeah.
- PC:
- Smile on her face.
- LRH:
- Smile. And what’s the next word she says? (pause) Just repeat the phonetics. Hard to repeat? (pause) Hm? (pause) What are the words? You know what they are.
- PC:
- (mutters)
- LRH:
- Well, imitate the next phrase, just imitate the next word. Just imitate its phonetics. (pause) Can you imitate its phonetics? Does she say any words again? Is the man still there? Do you see the man? (pause) Huh?
- PC:
- It was just that . . .
- LRH:
- Just what?
- PC:
- He was standing there, and she picked . . .
- LRH:
- Picks you up and what happens? What happens when she picks you up? What does he say? Does he say anything?
- PC:
- I can’t hear anything he says.
- LRH:
- All right. What’s the furniture in the room like? (pause) What’s the furniture in the room like? Let’s take a look at the furniture in this room.
- PC:
- Just looking around and seeing it.
- LRH:
- All right. Now, what does the furniture look like? song pause) What does the furniture look like? Has it got frills on it, fringes?
- PC:
- It’s a feather bed. (laughs)
- LRH:
- Oh, its a feather bed. Okay. Are these your parents? Take a look at them. (pause) Hm? Are these your parents? (pause) Let’s take a look at the woman again. Take a look at her. Now, you know what she looks like; now, you can remember. What does she look like? Who is she? Who is the woman? Your parents? (pause) Your parents? (pause) Is that who it is? (pause) You know. You know. (pause) What about them? Are they?
- PC:
- She’s dancing around the room with me in her arms.
- LRH:
- Oh, you’re cheating on us here. You’re enjoying this too much.
- PC:
- (laughs) No, I’m not.
- LRH:
- Is it fun? Hm?
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- May I ask you a question?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- How old were you when your parents left?
- PC:
- (deep breath; pause)
- LRH:
- How old were you?
- PC:
- I want to say 2.
- LRH:
- You wanted to say 2? You mean you don’t remember your parents?
- PC:
- No- o- o- o!
- LRH:
- You’ve never seen them before?
- PC:
- If they are, don’t take them from me, please don’t.
- LRH:
- Is this the first time you’ve seen these people? (pause) Hm?
- PC:
- Yes. I was never even a baby before.
- LRH:
- Let’s come on up to the moment when they leave you, up to the moment when they leave you.
- PC:
- (tearfully) But why did they?
- LRH:
- All right, let’s come up to the moment when they leave you. The moment when you leave them.
- PC:
- I didn’t leave them.
- LRH:
- What happened? (pause) What happened?
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- Come on up to the moment when they go away. Come on up to the moment when they go away. You can; you’re right there. Let’s take a look at them. What do they say to you? Do they say anything to you when they go away? (pause) Let’s take a look at them. (long pause) Right to the moment they’re leaving you. Your somatic strip can go to the last moment you see them, the last moment you see them, the last moment you see them. Now take a look at them. Take a look at them. What do they say to you? What are you seeing there? What do you see now? Tell me. You can tell me. You can tell me.
- PC:
- All I see is a horrible nun.
- LRH:
- A nun? You see a nun? What happens? Go to the last moment you saw your parents, the last moment you saw your parents. (pause) The last moment you saw them. The somatic strip is right there. Now take a look at them. Take a look at them.
- PC:
- No, at least . . .
- LRH:
- Take a look at them, the last moment you saw them. What’s happening? What’s happening?
- PC:
- I’m lost. I don’t know.
- LRH:
- Hm? Your somatic strip is right there at the last moment. Give me a yes or no on this: Are your parents dead? What was flashed?
- PC:
- I was going to say no.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s contact the moment they’re leaving.
- PC:
- (makes a small noise)
- LRH:
- What’s the last moment you see them? Your somatic strip is right there. The last moment you see them. How old? (snap!)
- PC:
- (groans)
- LRH:
- How old? How old? You know. How old? What was the number that flashed?
- PC:
- (sigh) Two, but if it’s 2, it’s so I’ll never forget them.
- LRH:
- You what?
- PC:
- I’ll never forget them.
- LRH:
- Who told you that? Give me a yes or no on this: Did somebody tell you to forget them? (snap!)
- PC:
- Yes!
- LRH:
- Who said "Forget them"? (pause) All right, the words in which you were told to forget them will flash into your mind: one- two- three- four- five (snap!). (pause) Give me a yes or no on this: words in English? (snap!)
- PC:
- All I get is "Take her away."
- LRH:
- Go over that again.
- PC:
- Take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Oh. (moan)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, I won’t!
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t!
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "Take her away." Go over the phrase again. "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away. No, no. (heavy grief)
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away take her awa( convulsive sobbing) No, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- (crying loudly)
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- (sobbing)
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase again.
- PC:
- Take her away. No. Oh— oh— no, no, no, no. (sobbing)
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away, take her— no!
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase again, "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her— take her away I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go. (pleading and sobbing)
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- (crying)
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take— oh— it hurts. "Don’t, don’t, don’t.
- LRH:
- Let’s go over the words "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take— take— no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over the word "No" now.
- PC:
- No, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No!
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No- o. (crying hard)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Go over the word "No." Go over the word "No" again.
- PC:
- No, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No— oh— oh, no, no, no, no, no, no- o- o, don’t go, no. (sobbing very heavily)
- LRH:
- (almost a whisper) Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, it— no....
- LRH:
- Go over it again. (pc still crying hard) Go over the words "No, don’t." Go over "Don’t."
- PC:
- Don t. Oh, no, no, no, no, no— oh— oh.... (sobbing)
- LRH:
- Go over "No" again, please. Go over the word "No" again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Na— na— no....
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Don’t, don’t."
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t, don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t, oh, don’t, don’t, don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t— don’t. (more heavy sobbing)
- LRH:
- Go over the word "Don’t."
- PC:
- (sobbing)
- LRH:
- very softly) "Don’t, don’t."
- PC:
- Don’t, do- o- n’t, no, no.
- LRH:
- "No, no"? Go over the word "No."
- PC:
- No, no, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- All right, go over the words "Take her away." Go over "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take— t
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Take her away." Go over the words "Take her away." Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take- o- o- oh, no. Don’ttake her, don’t take her, don’ttake her, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t take her, don’t take her, no. (more heavy grief
- LRH:
- Go over "Don’t take her." (pcsobbing) Go over it again. Go over "Don’t take her." Go over "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t- no....
- LRH:
- Go over "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t.
- LRH:
- (uerysoftly) "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her, don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t take her, don’t."
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, don’t take her. Don’t take her. Don’t take her. Don’t take her. Don’t- don’t, don’t take her. No - ohoh -oh- oh -oh....
- LRH:
- Go over "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t- no, don’t. (sobbing) No, don’t.
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her. Don’t take her. Don’t! (very vehemently) Don’t take her. (heavy grief)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh....
- LRH:
- Go over it again. "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Ooooh -o- o- o- oh
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Oh, no (still crying hard)
- LRH:
- "We’ve got to take her." Go over that. Go over the phrase. Go over the phrase "We’ve got to take her."
- PC:
- (stops crying) We’ve got to take her.
- LRH:
- Go over that phrase.
- PC:
- We’ve got to take her.
- LRH:
- Just go over the phrase.
- PC:
- We’ve got to take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- We’ve got to take her.
- LRH:
- Is that phrase there?
- PC:
- Oh....
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take- take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh.... No, no, no, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over the word "No" again.
- PC:
- No, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No!
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No!
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- (crying)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. No.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no, no, n- n- n- no, no, no, no, no- no- no- no- no- no- no- no. (sobbing)
- LRH:
- All right, let’s contact the first moment they say "Don’t take her away." Who’s talking when they say "Don’t take her away"? (pc sobbing throughout) Who’s talking? Who’s talking? Who’s talking? A woman? Is a woman talking? Is a woman talking?
- PC:
- (sobbing) Oh— oh— oh— oh
- LRH:
- Where is the woman lying, if it’s a woman? Is it a woman or a man?
- PC:
- (sobbing) Oh— oh....
- LRH:
- What’s your visio on this? What do you see through this?
- PC:
- (sobbing) Oh— oh....
- LRH:
- What’s your visio? Is anybody in bed? Is anybody in bed?
- PC:
- I don’t know.
- LRH:
- Just take a look. Is somebody in bed? Is it inside?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Is it inside? Inside a house? Is it inside a house?
- PC:
- No, it was in bed. It was . . .
- LRH:
- It was in a bed? Or wasn’t?
- PC:
- It was.
- LRH:
- All right. Who is lying in bed? Who is lying in the bed? Let’s look.
- PC:
- (groans)
- LRH:
- Let’s look.
- PC:
- (sobs)
- LRH:
- Let’s look. Who is lying in the bed? Are you lying in the bed?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Where are you?
- PC:
- (sobbing)
- LRH:
- Who has got you? Is somebody carrying you? (pause) You know. Is somebody carrying you? (pause) Hm? What’s the person in the bed saying? What’s the person in the bed saying?
- PC:
- She— oh.
- LRH:
- What’s the person in the bed saying? (pc groans) What’s the person in the bed saying? Hm? What does the person in the bed say? Do you see somebody in the bed?
- PC:
- She just keeps tossing back and forth.
- LRH:
- And what’s she saying while she tosses back and forth? Are you outside yourself here? Can you see yourself in somebody else’s arms or see yourself with somebody else there?
- PC:
- I’m looking at her.
- LRH:
- Oh, are you in somebody’s arms? Hm?
- PC:
- But I can’t see who they are.
- LRH:
- Oh, they are behind you? (pause) All right, let’s take a look at her. What’s she saying as she tosses back and forth? What kind of a noise is she making?
- PC:
- (coughs) All I hear is "Don’t go away, don’t go away, don’t go away.
- LRH:
- What’s she saying again, "Don’t go away"? Does she just say that over and over?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- And what’s she doing there?
- PC:
- Going back and forth and back and forth.
- LRH:
- Yeah.
- PC:
- Don t go away. Don’t go away. Don’t go away.
- LRH:
- How big are you in comparison to that bed? Is the bed very big? (pause) Is the bed very big? Very small? How does the bed look to you?
- PC:
- Four- poster bed.
- LRH:
- Does it look big or small to you?
- PC:
- It’s big.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. Does it look bigger than most beds?
- PC:
- No, it just looks like the average bed. It has a flounce around it.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm.
- PC:
- There is a holy picture on the wall.
- LRH:
- Yeah, and who is in the bed? (pause) You know who is in this bed. Who is saying "Don’t take her away"? (pause) Go over the words "Don’t take her."
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her. Don’t take her. Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her.
- LRH:
- (very softly) Go over it again.
- PC:
- (pause; coughs)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Go over the words "Don’t take her." Go over the words "No, no, no."
- PC:
- No, no.
- LRH:
- Who is saying "No, no, no"?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Who is saying "No, no"?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Who is saying "No, no"? Who is saying the no? Take a look at the person saying "No."
- PC:
- She’s got her face up against the wall.
- LRH:
- And what is she saying?
- PC:
- No, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Is she talking in English?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- In what language is she using the phrase? (pause) What’s "no" in Russian? (pause) What’s "no" in Russian? (pause) What’s "no" in Russian? (pause) "No" in Russian will flash into your mind when I count from one to five: one- two- three- four- five (snap. l). (pause) What flashed into your mind?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- "No"?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Are you getting sonic on this? (pause) Huh? Do you get a sonic on what shed saying? Do you? Do you get a sonic on what she is saying? Can you hear her?
- PC:
- (softly) Hm, hm, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "No, no, no" again.
- PC:
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No, no, no, no. (coughs)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Is she coughing? Is she coughing? Can you hear her cough?
- PC:
- (pause) No, but I can see her so plainly. (pause) No, no, no.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- What’s Russian for "no"? What’s Russian for "no"?
- PC:
- I don’t know!
- LRH:
- You don’t know?
- PC:
- No- o....
- LRH:
- Go over the word "Nyet."
- PC:
- Nyet, nyet
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet, nyet, nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet, nyet
- LRH:
- "Nyet."
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Go over the word "Nyet."
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet. O- oh
- LRH:
- Go over the word "Nyet."
- PC:
- O- o- h....
- LRH:
- Got a somatic?
- PC:
- Oh....
- LRH:
- Do you see her on the bed?
- PC:
- (moans)
- LRH:
- Hm? Go over the word "Nyet."
- PC:
- Um- m....
- LRH:
- Are you hurt in this?
- PC:
- Oh, ooh, my head. Oh, my head.
- LRH:
- Yeah. Can you see her there on the bed?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Is she holding her head?
- PC:
- Oh- h— oh- h....
- LRH:
- Hm? Go over the word "Nyet."
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh— oh— oh.... Oh.... (pause)
- LRH:
- Let’s go over "Nyet" again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Nyet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again. How do you say "Take her away" in Russian? (pause) When I count from one to five, it will flash into your mind: one- two- three- four- five (snap!). How do you say "Take her away" in Russian? You know what it is.
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- You know what the phrase is. You know what the phrase is. "Take her away." In Russian, what would it be? When I count from one to five, the first word of it will flash into your mind, this first syllable will flash into your mind: one- two- three- four five (snap!).
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Did you get any flash at all?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Any words occur to you at all?
- PC:
- All I get is a thumping, thumping, thumping!
- LRH:
- Ah, a thumping sound?
- PC:
- Oh, her hair is plaited.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm. What’s she doing?
- PC:
- She’s just moaning.
- LRH:
- Just moaning?
- PC:
- With her face up against the wall.
- LRH:
- And how is she moaning? Imitate her moan.
- PC:
- Um- um. . uh. . . uh. . .
- LRH:
- Imitate her moaning.
- PC:
- Um- um- um.
- LRH:
- All right, go to the moment they take you away from her. Go to the moment they take you out the door. Go to the moment they take you out the door. All right, you’re right there. What’s she saying now? (pc breathing heavily) What’s she saying now? Go to the moment they take you out the door. Is somebody carrying you? (pause)
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Is somebody carrying you? (pause) Who says "Be quiet" there? Who says "Be quiet"? Go over the words "Be quiet."
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Something else is trying to say something.
- LRH:
- Go over that "Be quiet."
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh- h. It hurts. "Be quiet."
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet (pause; sniffling)
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "Be quiet."
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- All right, give me a yes or no on this: English?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Russian?
- PC:
- I don’t know what it is. "Be quiet. "
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Be quiet" again.
- PC:
- Be quiet
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet
- LRH:
- (whispers) "Be quiet."
- PC:
- Be quiet
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be— be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet. (coughing)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- (coughs again)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- No. Um- m- m— be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Be quiet.
- LRH:
- Who says "Be quiet" there?
- PC:
- Be quiet, be quiet, be . . .
- LRH:
- Who says "Be quiet" there? (pause) Who says "Be quiet"? Who says "Be quiet" there? Does anybody say "Don’t talk"? Give me a yes or no on this: Anybody say "Don’t talk"? (snaps)
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk." (gradually louder)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Oh— oh . . . Don’t . . .
- LRH:
- Go over "They never let me talk."
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. (in grief)
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "They never let me talk."
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. They never let me talk. Never. Never, never, never.
- LRH:
- Go over that again, "Never."
- PC:
- Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, neuer— no.... (crying hard)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. "They never let me talk." Go over that.
- PC:
- They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never, never let me talk." (crying)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk." Oh— oh— oh— oh....
- LRH:
- Who is saying that? Who is saying that?
- PC:
- Oh— oh— oh.... Oh....
- LRH:
- Who is saying that?
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- Was he the person on the bed?
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- What’s the person on the bed saying?
- PC:
- Oh, oh.
- LRH:
- Doyou see this person on the bed still?
- PC:
- Oh, oh, oh.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "They never let me talk." Go over "They never let me talk."
- PC:
- They never let me talk. They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- They never let me talk.
- LRH:
- Go over that "I mustn’t tell."
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I. mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Go over it again. I mustn’t tell.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh— oh— oh....
- LRH:
- Go over it again. I mustn’t tell.
- PC:
- (groaning)
- LRH:
- Go over it again. I mustn’t tell.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I mustn’t tell. I mustn’t tell.
- LRH:
- Next phrase.
- PC:
- I can’t tell. (starting to speak breathlessly)
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I can’t tell. I can’t tell. I can’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I can’t tell.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I can’t tell. I can’t tell. I can’t tell. I— I— I. . .
- LRH:
- Go over "I can’t tell."
- PC:
- I can’t tell. I can’t tell. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t tell. I can’t." Oh— oh— oh— oh— oh....
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "I can’t tell."
- PC:
- Oh— oh— oh— oh— oh, I’m so cold.
- LRH:
- Go over that again.
- PC:
- Oh, I’m cold. I’m cold. I’m cold. I’m cold. I’m cold.
- LRH:
- Go to the moment they bury her. Go to the moment they bury her. What do they tell you? Who says "Don’t cry"? Who says "Don’t cry"? Go over the words "Don’t cry."
- PC:
- Don’t— don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Who’s saying it? Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Who is saying "Don’t cry"?
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Is your mother saying it? Is your mother saying it?
- PC:
- Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Is your mother saying it?
- PC:
- Don’t cry.
- LRH:
- Is your mother saying "Don’t cry"? Do you get a visio on somebody there? Who’s speaking?
- PC:
- I see the coffin in the ground.
- LRH:
- You see a coffin?
- PC:
- In the ground.
- LRH:
- Being lowered in the ground?
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- Does anybody say "You will forget her"?
- PC:
- (groans)
- LRH:
- Huh? Anybody say "You’ll forget her"? (pause) Go over the phrase "You will forget her." Go over the phrase "You will forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll— y- you’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You...
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase again, "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget - ouch. "You’ll forget her. You’ll— you’ll forget her. You’ll . . .
- LRH:
- What’s the matter? Who’s saying this? Is this at the funeral? Is it at the funeral?
- PC:
- (sigh)
- LRH:
- Let’s go over the phrase "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- "You— you’ll— oh . . .
- LRH:
- Any other phrase that tries to come into your mind. Any other phrase. "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll forget her."
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- You’ll forget her. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Tell me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Tell me, tell me.
- LRH:
- "Tell me you’ll forget her"?
- PC:
- Tell me, tell me, oh.... Tell me. Tell me you ... Tell me....
- LRH:
- Go over this phrase again, "Tell me you’ll forget her."
- PC:
- Don’t, don’t. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll . . .
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Tell me you it forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her.
- LRH:
- Go over that again.
- PC:
- Tell me you it forget her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Tell me you it forget her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Tell...
- LRH:
- Who’s speaking? Who’s speaking there? Go over "Tell me you’ll forget her."
- PC:
- Tell me you it forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her.
- LRH:
- Look at the person that’s speaking.
- PC:
- Tell me you it forget her. Tell me you’ll forget her.
- LRH:
- What’s your visio here?
- PC:
- Tell me you al forget her.
- LRH:
- What’s your visio? Hm? Do you see anybody?
- PC:
- No, I don’t, I don’t.
- LRH:
- Are you in the dark?
- PC:
- It’s gray.
- LRH:
- Is it in a cemetery?
- PC:
- Oh, I don’t know where it is but . . .
- LRH:
- Is it in a cemetery? Who is there? Who is talking?
- PC:
- (pause; moans)
- LRH:
- Who is talking? Look at the person who is saying "Tell me you’ll forget her," or anything like that. Look at the person who is saying this. Let’s go over the phrase "She’s too young to remember."
- PC:
- She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remem ber. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remem ber. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. Uh— oh— oh —oh
- LRH:
- Go over this, "She’s too young to remember."
- PC:
- She s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too . . .
- LRH:
- Do you see anybody saying that? Do you see anybody?
- PC:
- I don’t like them.
- LRH:
- You don’t like them? What are they doing? What does this person look like that you don’t like?
- PC:
- It’s a priest.
- LRH:
- A priest. And what’s the priest doing?
- PC:
- He’s standing there.
- LRH:
- And what’s happening? (pause) What’s happening? What’s happening? Tell me. Tell me. Go over "She’s too young to remember."
- PC:
- She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember.
- LRH:
- Is this what the priest is saying?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Is there a coffin there?
- PC:
- No, just people.
- LRH:
- Just people. And what’s the priest saying?
- PC:
- She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember. She’s too young to remember.
- LRH:
- Who says "You’ll forget her"? Go over the phrase "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll— you’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. " I’m cold.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her."
- LRH:
- Who’s talking?
- PC:
- You’ll forget her."
- LRH:
- Who is saying this?
- PC:
- Oh, there are so many voices.
- LRH:
- And what are the voices saying? Let’s go over "You’ll forget her."
- PC:
- You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her. You’ll forget her."
- LRH:
- Are there a lot of people there?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Let’s go back to the last time you see her. Go back to the last time you see her. What’s she doing there? (pause) What’s she doing there?
- PC:
- (sniffing)
- LRH:
- What’s she doing there?
- PC:
- She’s ...
- LRH:
- Go back to the last time she says good- bye to you. Go back to the last time she says good- bye to you. The last moment she says good- bye. (pause) Does she say good- bye to you? Hm? (pause) Let’s go over the phrase "Good- bye."
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Good- bye.
- LRH:
- Go over it again. Do you get a visio on this?
- PC:
- Good- bye. Good- bye. Good- bye.
- LRH:
- What visio do you get on this?
- PC:
- (pause; grunts)
- LRH:
- What visio do you get on that word "good- bye"?
- PC:
- Good- bye. Oh, it hurts in my head— oh.
- LRH:
- What’s happening there, as you look at her? Do you see somebody with that "good- bye"? Are you sick too, there, at that point? (pc moans) What’s the matter?
- PC:
- Oh— oh— my head, my head, my head, my head, my head. Oh— oh— oh— my head— oh— oh— oh
- LRH:
- Go over the words "My head."
- PC:
- My head. My head, my head, my head, my head, my head, my head, my head.
- LRH:
- Is that your mother talking? Is your mother saying "My head"?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- Well, go over the line.
- PC:
- My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head. My head.
- LRH:
- Go over it again, "My head."
- PC:
- My head.
- LRH:
- Is your mother sick? Take a look at your mother. Take a look at your mother.
- PC:
- Oh— oh— oh.
- LRH:
- Take a look at your mother. What does she look like? Where are you when you look at her?
- PC:
- They are holding me down.
- LRH:
- Holding you, what?
- PC:
- Down.
- LRH:
- Down where?
- PC:
- To her.
- LRH:
- Oh, yeah? And what are you saying to her? Can you see yourself? Are you outside yourself here?
- PC:
- No, no. No.
- LRH:
- You’re inside yourself? Hm?
- PC:
- I can see her put her arms up.
- LRH:
- Yeah, and what happens when she puts her arms up? What does she say when she puts her arms up?
- PC:
- They’re holding me this way. Down, down.
- LRH:
- And what happens? And what occurs? What does she say to you? What does she say to you? What does she say? You can tell me. You can tell me. You can tell me.
- PC:
- (sigh)
- LRH:
- What does she say? Please tell me.
- PC:
- Oh— oh....
- LRH:
- Does your head ache? Does your head ache? (pause) Go over the line "She’ll forget me."
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’ll forget me. She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She it forget me
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Does she say this?
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Does she say this?
- PC:
- She’ll forget me.
- LRH:
- Hm?
- PC:
- No. No. No. No.
- LRH:
- What does she say? (pause) Do they say they are going to take you away? Who says something like "Control yourself" here? Go over the words "Control yourself."
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. I won’t, I won’t. I won’t, I won’t. I won’t, I won’t. I won’t, I won’t. I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t. " (pc’s volume increasing to near shout as she says each phrase)
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Control yourself" again. Give me a yes or no on this: I s t h i s i n English? (snap!)
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right, go over the words "Control yourself."
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Who is saying that? (pause) Look at the person who is saying it. What does this person look like? Please tell me. (pause) Please tell me. What does this person look like? Please answer me. What does this person look like? (pause) What do you see? Go over the words "Control yourself" again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Control yourself. Oh— oh— oh— oh
- LRH:
- Go over the words Control yourself again.
- PC:
- Control yourself. Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Who is saying it?
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Can you tell me who’s saying it?
- PC:
- Control yourself.
- LRH:
- Can you see anybody saying it? Hm? Please answer me. Can you see somebody saying it? Hm? Can you see somebody there, huh? Please tell me. All right, go over the words Don’t talk.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t talk. Don’t talk. Don’t talk.
- LRH:
- Go over Don’t tell me.
- PC:
- Don’t tell me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t tell me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t tell me.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Don’t take her away."
- PC:
- Don’t . . . "
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Don’t take her away."
- PC:
- Don’t— don’t take her away. "
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Don’t take her away. Don’t take her away. Don’t take her away. Don’t take her away. Don’t take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Take her away."
- PC:
- Take her away"?
- LRH:
- Yeah.
- PC:
- Take her away
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take— take— take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Take— oh— take her away. Take her away. Take her away. Take her away.
- LRH:
- Can you get a visio as anybody says that?
- PC:
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- LRH:
- Do you get any visio at all?
- PC:
- It’s just gray, just gray, just gray, just gray. (groan)
- LRH:
- Go over the words "Just gray."
- PC:
- Just gray, just gray, just gray, just gray, just gray. Gray, gray.
- LRH:
- Go to the moment she dies. The somatic strip will go to the moment she dies. Take a look at her as she dies. Take a look at her as she dies. What do you see? Please tell me. What do you see? What do you see? Please talk to me.
- PC:
- I don’t see.
- LRH:
- All right, go to the moment she dies. The somatic strip will go to the moment she dies. The somatic strip will go to the moment she dies.
- PC:
- No. (pause) Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me.
- LRH:
- Go to the moment they bury her.
- PC:
- (moans)
- LRH:
- The moment they bury her. Go to the moment they bury her. What do you see? (pause) What do you see? (pause) All right. Give me yes or no on this: Is this in English? (snaps) Is this in English? (snap!)
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right. Go over the words "I won’t tell you."
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you I won’t tell you I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Who is talking? Who is talking? You know who is talking. Do you get a sonic on this?
- PC:
- I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me.
- LRH:
- Let’s go over "I won’t tell you."
- PC:
- I won’t tell you
- LRH:
- Let’s go over "Get out."
- PC:
- Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. No. No.
- LRH:
- Go over the phrase "Get out."
- PC:
- Get out.
- LRH:
- Who’s talking? Who says "Get out"?
- PC:
- Get out.
- LRH:
- Can you see who’s talking?
- PC:
- No, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.
- LRH:
- Can’t what?
- PC:
- I can’t.
- LRH:
- Can’t what?
- PC:
- I can’t.
- LRH:
- Go over "I can’t" again.
- PC:
- I can’t. I can’t. I can’t— oh."
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I can’t
- LRH:
- How old? (snap!)
- PC:
- I can too. I can too. I can too. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. "
- LRH:
- Return to the moment your mother is giving you a bottle— the moment she is giving you a bottle. Earlier— the moment she is giving you a bottle.
- PC:
- Oh, don’t ask.
- LRH:
- How does she look when she gives you a bottle, hm? Let’s take a look at her giving you a bottle. How does she look? Let’s contact that crib again. (pause) All right. Let’s go to the moment you are sitting there in the crib. Let’s pick up the same scene you had before. The moment you’re sitting there in the crib. All right, let’s reach up. How does the crib smell? Hm, how does the crib smell? Hm? How does it smell there? Where is your mother? Pick it up at the moment your mother comes in. Is this your mother? Let’s take a look at her. Pick it up there at the moment that you hold your arms up to her and she’s coming into the room.
- PC:
- She says, "I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her."
- LRH:
- Go over this, "I want to keep her."
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I. want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. Oh, oh, oh. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her. I want to keep her.
- LRH:
- All right, let’s go over the phrase "She’s just like me."
- PC:
- She’s just like me. She’s just like me. She’s just like me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’s just like me. She’s just like me. She’s just like me. She’s just like me."
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’s just like me. She’s just like me. She’s just like me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’s just like me.
- LRH:
- Go over it again.
- PC:
- She’s just like me. She ‘s just like me. She’s just like me.
- LRH:
- What’s your visio on this now? What’s your visio on this? Who is speaking on that "She’s just like me"?
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- Who is speaking there, on "She’s just like me," hm? Who is speaking? Who is speaking? Take a look at her. (pause) All right, shift into your own valence. Go on, get into yourself now. Feel this person’s arms around you. Feel this person’s arms around you. Feel this person’s arms around you. Feel the arms around you. Now, look around the room. What do you see around the room? What do you see? What do you see around the room? Hm? What do you see around the room? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. What do you see around the room? (pc sighs) What do you see? What do you see around the room? The somatic strip will now go back to the moment when your mother picked you up in her arms. You were sitting in the crib and your mother picked you up in her arms. You got that? Hm? Contact the moment when it happened. Contact the moment when it happened.
- PC:
- I don’t ever want to leave.
- LRH:
- (laughs) Hm- hm, I know. What does she look like? Huh? Tell me. It’ll be more fun for you if you tell me.
- PC:
- I Iike it best when she was there on the hillside.
- LRH:
- Oh, yeah? Oh, you see her on the hillside there?
- PC:
- Hm- hm.
- LRH:
- Have you ever seen her before?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s take a look at her. You can remember how she looks there. Let’s take a look at her. Now you can remember seeing her here. You can see her when you want to see her.
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- Now let’s take a look at your father. All right, let’s take a look at your father. Let’s pick up a scene there of your father.
- PC:
- That’s when she’s standing there....
- LRH:
- What does he say?
- PC:
- She had a great big smile and was saying, "I’ve got a secret I can’t tell. I’ve got a secret I can’t tell. I’ve got a secret I can’t tell."
- LRH:
- (chuckles) What’s shed saying? Now, what’s she doing?
- PC:
- Standing there saying, "I’ve got a secret I can’t tell."
- LRH:
- (laughing) Yeah.
- PC:
- Uh- huh.
- LRH:
- Who is she saying this to? Go over that phrase again, "I’ve got a secret I can’t tell."
- PC:
- I’ve got a secret I can’t tell. "
- LRH:
- Okay. Go over that again.
- PC:
- I’ve got a secret I can’t tell. "
- LRH:
- All right. Go over it again.
- PC:
- I’ve got a secret I can’t tell. "
- LRH:
- And what did she say then? That’s the secret, huh? All right. Is there a man with her there?
- PC:
- He doesn’t come this time.
- LRH:
- All right. Let’s go back to the time he does come. Let’s return to the moment he does come. Okay? The somatic strip will go back to a moment he does come. (pause) Okay, will you come up to present time now?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- All the way up to present time. All the way up to present time. Present time.
- PC:
- I don’t want to.
- LRH:
- (laughing) Yeah. I know. Come up to present time. How old are you? (snap!)
- PC:
- Huh ?
- LRH:
- How old are you? (snap!)
- PC:
- I don’t know.
- LRH:
- All right, come on up to present time. What’s the date? (snap!)
- PC:
- Date?
- LRH:
- Hm- hm.
- PC:
- Oh.
- LRH:
- What’s the date? (snap!)
- PC:
- Twenty- eighth.
- LRH:
- Twenty- eighth of what?
- PC:
- Oh, of September.
- LRH:
- Ah, twenty- eighth of September. What year?
- PC:
- 1950. Anybody knows that.
- LRH:
- (laughing) All right. What’s the date again?
- PC:
- Twenty- eighth of September.
- LRH:
- All right. What year?
- PC:
- Fifty.
- LRH:
- All right, open your eyes. Canceled. (snap!) Five- four- three- two- one (snap!). Do you remember what you saw?
- PC:
- But why don’t they tell me?
- LRH:
- Tell you what?
- PC:
- Why don’t they tell me where they went?
- LRH:
- Where who went, honey? Your parents?
- PC:
- Yes.
- LRH:
- I don’t know. I don’t know. Who should have told you?
- PC:
- Well, why do they keep it a secret?
- LRH:
- Is it a secret?
- PC:
- Well, they won’t tell me.
- LRH:
- Nobody has told you?
- PC:
- No.
- LRH:
- Do you know where your grandparents are?
- PC:
- No, nothing.
- LRH:
- Who raised you?
- PC:
- People.
- LRH:
- Yeah? You mean you haven’t any parents?
- PC:
- No, I haven’t any mother or father.
- LRH:
- Is this the first time you ever saw them? (pause) All right, were these your mother and father that you saw tonight?
- PC:
- It must be; it’s the second time I ever saw them.
- LRH:
- The second time? When did you see them the first time?
- PC:
- One night in auditing.
- LRH:
- Oh, yeah? Oh, you’ve been in auditing before?
- PC:
- Just about 14 hours, I think.
- LRH:
- Oh, really? I didn’t know this. All right. You saw them before.
- PC:
- That’s if that’s my father.
- LRH:
- That’s if they are your mother and father.
- PC:
- That’s what bothers me, but I never saw them before.
- LRH:
- Hm- hm.
- PC:
- Not even in imagination when I tried to.
- LRH:
- Oh. But you’ve seen two people now.
- PC:
- That’s it, but who are they and why won’t they tell me? I mean that’s what I want to know.
- LRH:
- Oh, okay. You have got an auditor then?
- PC:
- No, he walked off and never said anything.
- LRH:
- Oh, I see. All right, I tell you what you do. You get somebody to take you back across the time track. Do you know your name?
- PC:
- No, nothing.
- LRH:
- All right. Just tell your somatic strip to go to a time there when your name was mentioned, back to the time before they left. You will find out all about it. Somebody will have to keep slugging at that grief charge. That’s going to take about eight to ten hours of work. Okay? Thank you very much.
I hope that what we have covered here these last few evenings may assist you materially.
May you never be the same again.