GUK AND FREEWHEELINGA lecture given on 29 September 1950This data is released as a record of researches and results noted. It cannot be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medication. Note on freewheeling. On 28 June 1951, in a lecture, "The Completed Auditor," to the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors, LRH gave a Final Report on Freewheeling. In this lecture he said that freewheeling does not benefit cases, and does not reduce engrams. The Chemical Assist We have a very interesting subject which has considerably reduced the amount of time of Dianetic processing, and that is the chemical assist. Furthermore, this technique proofs the preclear against many mistakes. I read a paper about the chemical assist which said that it was dangerous to work. I don’t know who the author of this was, but it doesn’t happen to be true. The chemical assist has a dianetically technical name. It’s called Guk, after the material that the marines use to clean out their rifles. Somebody suggested that it be called Guk because it promoted garrulity, achieved personal unity and got knowledge out of the preclean But however bad a gag this was, it is called Guk and that is its technical name. The history of Guk should be known to you. For a long time we had been scouting for the one- shot clear, whereby a person walks in, you take a hypodermic syringe and shoot it in his arm, he goes up against the ceiling and comes down clear. And we had been talking about this for some time as something feasible. Around 15 July 1950 a chemical engineer (the ex- director of research at the Bloch Chemical Company) told us about an atropine derivative that might be used. Up to that time I wasn’t sure that the reactive mind and the analytical mind could be influenced independently of each other. If this could be done, then it would demonstrate that they were in two different compartments and that they were two different things and could be considered so as far as operation was concerned— that it wasn’t just the analytical mind all balled up that we also called the reactive mind, and that the reactive mind was one bin which could be emptied. I knew that the reactive mind had one perceptic that the analytical mind did not have and that was pain. The biochemical manifestation of the reactive mind is that it contains physical pain, unconsciousness and highly charged negative emotion. However, as far as perceptics are concerned, it contains pain, which is one perceptic more than the analytical mind has. But what is the biochemistry of pain? Along about 1931, 1932, I was wondering what life force was and whether or not we couldn’t conduit it, run it through electric wires and maybe pump up a dead person. These were wild thoughts, but perhaps life force was really a force. I have since found out that you can enormously influence it in the field of biochemistry (bioelectrical fields and so on). What these things are nobody knows, but the biochemistry of pain has been of great interest to me. It so happens that none of the soporifics are of any use in Dianetics. We thought that perhaps because these things came from plants maybe plants didn’t agree with animal organisms and that possibly there was some essential difference between these two things. I finally decided that maybe you could take bacteria and process it in such a way that it would develop some chemical that could be given to a human being which would get rid of engrams. Then one fine day a doctor from Bloch Chemical came up with the idea about one of these atropine derivatives. Of course, it is a plant— a herb. Nevertheless he insisted that we make a test of this because, according to him, it banished psychosomatic ills and had a long catalog of panaceas reputedly good for man and beast. Actually it does not do any of these things but it read convincingly when we looked it over. We shot it into three volunteers and I ran these three people and, lo and behold, their analytical minds had not been altered— they still thought the way they thought and they felt pretty good and so on. But the instant I took them down the track the engram bank was found to be glued down tight. You could take any one of these cases, each one of which was in the progress of an erasure, into the basic area and run a basic area engram, and you could go over it and over it and over it and no unconsciousness would come off— nothing would come off it. The somatic would turn on but it would not go away. It didn’t matter what you ran on the case. I went all the way up and down their time tracks trying to get something to reduce or erase, but this atropine had fastened down the engrams. This was the first clue that these might be two minds instead of just one. We promulgated this information and a lady who does cancer research got an ambitious project together. She took three or four people and started to fill them full of everything which she knew influenced the nervous system in any slightest degree. This was the way Edison fixed up his storage batteries. And this was the way he found a "cure" for uremia. He took 97 pans full of uric acid crystals and finally filled them with all the fluids in his laboratory until one was found to dissolve the crystals. Actually he found two or three and those are the ones that are used by medicine today. This is a shotgun type of research, and that is the way this lady was going about it. Only she didn’t feel that she had time to be selective, so she simply took all of these pills and started shoving them down people’s throats in the most alarming doses. Certainly something happened to engrams. It was very, very strange. She found out that you could tell the file clerk to give you somatics and the somatic strip to erase them, and the person would run engrams automatically while he was walking around! These were considerable discoveries, and I had the strange job of going back and trying to find out what it was in all of this mass of pills that eased up the engram bank. The way she was doing it, it did not ease up the engram bank very much, but it did produce an effect. Her technique also had to do with a prayer to the file clerk, and two preclears who were run with this particular technique demonstrated definite psychotic tendencies afterwards. So the technique needed modification, but she had made a very Sne and definite contribution. In selecting these things out I found that there were several ingredients in her dosages that actively suppressed engrams, and these were working against those which loosened them up. So this was quite a separation job amongst this vast array of chemicals. The first premise of getting something that was of an animal tissue to affect the human body was evidently correct, because what worked out as the two most effective ingredients were glutamic acids and B1. Then there was B12, B6 which puts B1 into action further, and then, of course, vitamin C and some niacin. And that is the current state of the technique. Glutamic acid and B1, given in sufficient quantity, seem to be able to counteract the biochemistry of pain and dissolve it. The dosage to do that is called Dose C in the Foundation packet right now. Dose C is 30 grains of glutamic acid (they are 7/- grain tablets and they look like horse pills); then there is 200 milligrams of B1, together with around 0.5 milligrams of B12. I am not prescribing this, by the way; I am merely telling you about a piece of research. In using this there is an additional ingredient that can be added to it with no danger whatsoever, and that is minerals. There are a lot of these tablets, such as Nutrilite, which have what is called a plant base. They are made of alfalfa which is raised out of soil heavily impregnated with minerals, and so one gets quite a mineral bomb out of it including calcium. I suspect that overdosage of glutamic acid and B1 upsets the calcium balance, so more calcium is needed in the system; and you should use a couple of these plant food tablets along with each one of these bomb doses on C if you want to be on the safe side, to eliminate the possibility of losing the calcium out of one’s teeth or some other area. Dose A is very interesting. A, B and C have nothing to do with vitamins; they are merely designations. In Dose A there happens to be a large slug of vitamin A— 25,000 units; 200 milligrams of vitamin Be; a tablet (standard tablet size, it doesn’t matter what it is) of B6; and another tablet of B12 (it doesn’t matter what its strength is; we haven’t established it). Then there is a standard dose of vitamin E. It doesn’t matter how much; you evidently can’t overdose on vitamin E. Dose A is not given very often. Then there are 30 grains of glutamic acid and 100 milligrams of niacin, which is very important. The sunburn somatics do not erase unless there is niacin in the A dose. Before chemical researchers knew about engrams, they assigned to niacin the capability of setting the skin on fire and having some kind of a reaction. What they were doing was turning on sunburn somatics, and they thought that if you overdosed with niacin this would happen. What actually happened was that when you overdosed with niacin the file clerk would hand out a sunburn somatic and it would reduce. Enough niacin, evidently, used enough times, will cause a person eventually to get rid of all of his sunburn and then niacin will no longer have that effect. So niacin was very badly libeled. They say an overdose will cause a flush. It is a very strange flush that starts at one place on the body and stops exactly at another, which is a typical niacin somatic. Then all of a sudden the back of the legs will start to burn. So don’t be startled if after an A dose you feel like somebody has turned a blowtorch on you. Fifty milligrams of vitamin C completes A dose. There is also a Triple A dose. I don’t know what happened to the Double A dose, but the Triple A dose contains 80 grains of glutamic acid and 20 milligrams of Benzedrine. ’ By this time you are really getting a double handful of pills! At the Foundation these doses are usually handed out under prescription by the medical director, but this material in single packages sells across the drugstore counter except for the Benzedrine. If you are going to mix it together in compounds however, and particularly if you are going to administer it to anybody, you want to check with a medical doctor to make sure it is all right. It is professional courtesy. A Triple A dose administered to a person who is relatively inaccessible produces a considerable effect upon him. He is liable to straighten up and sail right for a short time so that you can work him. The Triple A dose is an emergency dose which is given when the person is so badly stuck on the track that he is resisting the rest of the material; but the ordinary course of Dianetic Guk procedure is to hand out an A dose just before the session. You can expect it to be a long session too. That is intensive Guk processing. Intensive Guk processing and Guk processing are the same except that in intensive Guk processing you process the preclear for six, eight, ten or twelve hours. It is merely the duration of time that is meant by intensive. You give a person an A dose a few minutes before you start to run him. After you have been running him half an hour give him another A dose; after you run him another half hour give him another A dose; then after you run another half hour give him another A dose. Then let him run two hours and give him a C dose; two hours— C dose; two hours— C dose; four hours— C dose; and from there on out you give him C doses every four hours. I don’t care whether you give it to him for ten days or ten months. Actually most of the somatics get worn out in a few weeks on anybody who will do one of these freewheels, ‘ to the point where he doesn’t have enough left to warrant much more freewheeling under Guk. However, as long as he is on Guk he should be taking one of these C doses every four hours, day and night. And first thing in the morning, on each successive day after you start the processing, give him an A dose. So he starts out with an A dose instead of the C dose that should be given at that time. This will pretty well take care of physical pain. It makes engrams a lot easier to run and brings unconsciousness off the case much faster. Quite in addition to that, sometimes you can run a physical pain engram well up the bank and get a reduction on it that you wouldn’t ever get before. Sometimes you start running a preclear under Guk and engrams will start coming up . . n cnalns I must stress, however, that it is not in itself an automatic clearing mechanism. People get confused about Guk. They think it is something like a medicine- show bottle of snakeroot oil. It is not. It doesn’t banish all the ills of man and beast in 24 hours. It is a chemical assist, and you should let that word assist, all by itself, be the clue as to how you use it. You give it to a person when you are auditing that person and it makes your auditing more effective and safer, but don’t depart one iota from Standard Procedure. Reduce every engram you contact. It is Standard Procedure, and it is so much so now that in the Foundation they don’t standard process without Guk. In other words, Standard Procedure includes Guk. That is because it is so much faster and you are burning up the time of a professional auditor. For instance, a couple of the cases used in recent demonstrations would have resolved very much faster if they had been on Guk. The way you use it is exactly like Standard Procedure. If you want to audit a person for hours and hours and hours, that is intensive Guk processing. If you start a person on Guk you should prepare to run him at least a Standard Procedure period of two hours. After that put him on freewheeling and run him consecutive days on Standard Procedure, each time a couple of hours. What is important is to keep up your processing. Between these periods he is going to be on freewheeling. This is new. It does not knock out Standard Procedure. Freewheeling was originally called "automatic running" but the word is so close to "autorunning," which is very bad, that we changed the name of it. A person who is stuck on the time track cannot freewheel and he should be freed on the time track by Standard Procedure and only by Standard Procedure. In other words, put him in reverie, run him back down the track, go through full- dress- parade processing and get him moving on the track. Then you bring him up to present time, give him the canceler, and put him back on freewheeling. Don’t start shotgunning this case just because he is on freewheeling by making him repeat all sorts of phrases in present time, because you will drag him back down the track and he will go walking off someplace while he is actually caught in an engram somewhere, and Guk won’t knock out the engram for him. "I" is kept in present time on freewheeling, the file clerk is handing out somatics and the somatic strip is sweeping them. In Standard Procedure, the bulk of "I" is down the track with the somatic strip, working with things handed out by the file clerk. That is the difference between freewheeling and Standard Procedure. And one mustn’t do anything to knock "I" out of present time when a person is freewheeling or start making him run engrams over and over, because you will drag "I" out of present time. If you haven’t started anybody on freewheeling or haven’t had this done to you, you are going to be enormously surprised. I guinea- pigged on this. I walked into a very mysterious atmosphere of big secrets one night. (I had to talk for some time to wipe away the idea that such a thing should be kept secret.) The next thing I knew I was having these pills shoveled into my throat. For a long time now I have had somewhere in the neighborhood of three- quarters of my engram bank erased, and I didn’t think there was very much left on the track, but to my surprise there were sunburns and all sorts of things. I started to freewheel, and suddenly there was a pain in one part of the body, and I no more than started to wonder what could have hit me between the eyes when there was an awful pain somewhere else, and then there was a pain in my stomach, and then my teeth hurt; then I got red all over and felt bad about the whole thing, and then that was gone. I wondered what was happening to me. I wasn’t worried. These engrams weren’t restimulating so as to worry me. What was happening was the somatics were running off one right after the other and they. were actually erasing. It is an amazing thing but you don’t get the same somatic twice. It is hard to realize that one has been hurt as many times as he has. What was happening was that in the previous processing through which I had gone, little scraps of engrams had been left. The somatic strip hadn’t been moved up all the way to the front of this or that engram, and there would be some little somatic left which would flick on and erase almost immediately. I would be walking down the street and all of a sudden would have the feeling of getting a black eye. I was running on this when I gave a lecture, and I stopped a moment at the desk and flinched most horribly. Everybody looked at me and wondered what was happening because I hadn’t let anything out about Guk yet. The fact of the matter was that somebody had just kicked me in the stomach. I was so curious about this that afterwards I tried to remember some time when somebody had kicked me in the stomach, and all of a sudden I remembered a childhood fight. It is quite amazing when you start to add up the number of times a fellow has been hit, kicked, has fallen, has hit his shins, and so on. All this material runs out under Guk if the person will freewheel. If he won’t freewheel he is stuck on the track, and you start him on the track with Standard Procedure as covered earlier. That is the safest way to do it. There is another method which is much less safe but which can be practiced, and that is to say to the preclear, "Are you moving? (snap./)" He gives you a flash answer, yes or no, and if he says no, you say, "Holder? (snap./)" He says, "No." You say, "Denyer? (snap./)" "No." "Bouncer? (snap!)" "Yes." "When I count from one to five, give me a bouncer. One- two- three- fourfive (snap./)." And he reacts physically. There is plenty in store for him under freewheeling, because the somatics that he is furnishing (which, of course, are his own somatics, but they are to some extent dubbed in from the out- of- valence character he is being) will go on and on and tomorrow they will be just a little bit stronger. He is working into his own valence somewhat. Then maybe three, four, five days later, he has worked thoroughly enough back into his own valence so that he is running his own somatics and he will start running them with a vengeance; and then he won’t consider anything as a somatic unless it hits him hard. The difference is that a person who is out of valence will run these very faintly at first, but they will grow stronger. I have not yet found anyone getting in trouble because he was freewheeling while going about through the society. I have seen people very amused sometimes by it, but I haven’t heard of anyone falling under an automobile wheel or something of the sort. Old Man Necessity Level’ will take care of that. I have seen people, when they were perfectly safe sitting in a living room, all of a sudden roll up in a fetal position and fall off a chair. It looks silly and it is something that I wouldn’t advise anyone to do in good company, but it will happen once every few cases when they are running in freewheeling. What happens evidently is that the perceptics, the unconsciousness, the emotion, are still on this engram, but the somatic is being pulled out from underneath it. This doesn’t make the engram hard to locate. Some people may protest that they use their somatics to know whether or not they are really in the engram, but this sort of thing shouldn’t be. They are using the somatic as validating material. You will find out that once they don’t have the pain there to knock them out of valence, they will still have unconsciousness and so on, and this thing will go away rather rapidly. For example, I was running a preclear who had never had birth touched before and for some reason, after we had run four or five incidents in the basic area, the file clerk handed up birth. He was a screamer, and we started through this engram with the volume all the way up. My poor ears! I thought, "The somatic on this must be horrible!" We started back through it again and all of a sudden there was no engram. It was gone. I tried to find out if he had bounced or if it was denied suddenly, but no, it was right there. He was suddenly in his own valence. It was the first time he had ever been there, and he found it very strange. It was as if he was living in a new house, and he lay there at the end of this birth engram feeling very comfortable about the whole thing. He was very hard to persuade to continue. He had never been this comfortable before in his life! I managed to get him back through it again and got about two yawns off it and that was the end of that birth somatic. I didn’t know it at the time I was running him but he had been doing a freewheel for about eight days and then had been taken off and run in Standard Procedure and not put back on freewheeling. And during the freewheel the birth somatic had been knocked out. I then went up and down the bank and found several of these engrams that no longer had any somatic under them. That is an example of what usually happens in freewheeling. So Standard Procedure is shortened by freewheeling, but a person will not freewheel to clear. This is not a panacea for all our ills. He will freewheel out of existence scores, even hundreds, of somatics, so that when he is going up the track on an erasure they don’t get much in his road; all he does is run out perceptics and unconsciousness. It is of no benefit to give a person a lot of Guk and start him freewheeling, then go off and leave him and not give him any standard processing. The gain on that would be so slight as to be negligible. What you are doing is a chemical assist, and freewheeling is an assist to Standard. Procedure. It softens up the engram bank. The exact formula for starting a person to freewheel goes as follows: The preclear is in present time, eyes open. Install the canceler. Then say to him, "The file clerk will furnish somatics. The somatic strip will continue to erase these somatics one after the other until no somatics remain on the case." That is all it is, and please don’t expand this. When you want this preclear to go into Standard Procedure be absolutely sure that before you start you say, "Come up to present time. Canceled (snap./)," so that the somatic strip will come up to present time and the freewheeling will turn off; because a person can freewheel and run another engram— he can do two of these things at once— and he can also get flash answers on other subjects. The attention units will divide up like that; so stop him from freewheeling. Now you can run Standard Procedure. Put him in reverie with the words "Now lie down; shut your eyes. Any time in the future that I say the word canceled, whatever I’ve said to you while you were lying here will be canceled. The file clerk will now give us the engram necessary to resolve the case. The somatic strip will go to the beginning of the engram. When I count from one to five the first words of the engram will flash into your mind. One- two- three- four- five (snap./)." And he will, if he is running like he ought to, pick up engrams and you can erase them. Run him on Standard Procedure reducing everything you run into exactly as it says in Bulletin No. 1, ‘ and then when you are finished with that process bring him up to present time and say, "Canceled (snap./)," and have him sit up. Install a new canceler and then say to him, "The file clerk will . . ." and so on. That is the sum total of this all- out process. If a person stops freewheeling, you can ask him if he is moving and whether it is a holder or a bouncer and so forth. But be very careful of it in this respect— and this is a warning which should have a skull and crossbones symbol on it: If you are running a heavy circuitry case, a case which has lots of "Control yourself," a case which is doing auto or who can hypnotize himself— any one of these heavy circuitry cases— you can give him all the Guk you want to, but hit for that circuitry. Whenever you get a heavy circuitry case that won’t run very well in Standard Procedure, start heading toward knocking out the circuitry. The beauty of it is that when a person is on Guk, engrams a little distance up the bank will occasionally erase or reduce when they really shouldn’t. For instance, when you run him in Standard Procedure and get up to an engram 21/ 2 months after conception and start to run it, it sticks, and you have to start earlier on the case and find engrams there. However, on the administration of Guk you will discover, often enough to make it very well worth your while to look, that when you hit one of these engrams 21/ 2 months after conception (or some other engram that isn’t supposed to erase, particularly in the prenatal area) it will reduce, and it may erase, and you may get unconsciousness off it. In fact I have seen some people running under Guk who got unconsciousness off any part of the bank they touched. And that is extremely important because that unconsciousness nails down engrams. The Guk does not erase the unconsciousness but it will knock out the pain, and this permits the unconsciousness to come off. Unconsciousness seems to be a type of by- product of pain, but it must be somewhat different because this particular brand of Guk doesn’t dissolve it. When you go into a case that is very heavy with circuitry and is doing autocontrol, be careful of this case where Guk is concerned. And when you start the preclear freewheeling, be uery careful of this case. Make sure that you make it your first order of business to knock out that control circuitry if you can possibly find it. Get this person into a more stable state. By Straightwire find the dramatization, then get that dramatization as early as possible in the bank and erase it. If you keep this person freewheeling, he will do the following; he can’t resist it. There is a sort of internal auditor that is saying to him all the time, "Now, you’ll have to control yourself. You’ll have to do it yourself. You’ll have to do it yourself. You have to do what you’re told, you know," and so on. When the person starts freewheeling he will feel this somatic and that somatic, and for a short while it will be all right. Then all of a sudden he will say, "Hmmm, I wonder what that engram is all about? Let’s see, that’s a pain in the ear. Oh, yes, I bet that’s the time that boy hit me and said, ‘You darn fool. ’ Yes, I’m sure it is. ‘You darn fool. You darn fool. You dam fool. You darn fool," ’ and down the track he goes right into the engram and gets stuck on the track. But he isn’t satisfied with that, because the second his attention units go into this engram they are absorbed and he is, for a moment, unconscious. So he comes up out of this engram, forgets he was running "You dam fool" and says, "Letb see, what else was I running? Oh, yes, ‘You talk too much, ’ that was it. ‘You talk too much, you talk too much," ’ and he goes down into that engram. Then his attention units turn off and he glances off that one and goes into another engram and another and another and another, all over the track. When you see people do this, the cause of it is circuitry, and you should get the circuitry dramatizations and work out the "Control yourself" and "You have to do it yourself" and so forth in Standard Procedure. This is not fatal. I have seen people in the most remarkably snarled- up conditions because of this autorunning and they have managed to live through it. So when you start a person freewheeling, check them over once in a while and find out if they are trying to run engrams all by themselves. Freewheeling is not running engrams by oneself. The somatic strip and the file clerk will work very handsomely and "I" doesn’t pay any attention to them at all. He can ignore them and they will still go on running out somatics for him. If you haven’t seen this and you haven’t done it, you have got some amazing experiences in store for you. Right now we are trying to find out what will dissolve unconsciousness and what will knock out painful emotion. There may be, somewhere in the amino acids or maybe even in choline or some such product, something which makes it possible for all of these engrams to erase leaving only the perceptics, which would of course automatically refile in the standard memory bank. If that is possible, then we will have a freewheeling clear. He might have to run six months in order to accomplish this because it would be very slow, but theoretically he could run himself clear. However, the standard formula as it exists now only knocks out pain. It does not touch unconsciousness and it does not touch the perceptics or emotion, although it will do the following: Sometimes when a person is busily knocking out an engram, all of a sudden he will start to yawn. The unconsciousness will come off in yawns although he will not be tired at all. This is because unconsciousness is assisted off the case when the pain is taken out from underneath it. The future of the chemical assist is very broad. Lacking the knowledge of engrams, chemical research in the past is, as far as our purposes are concerned, relatively invalid. The whole field of chemistry and pharmacology is wide open. So far soporifics have been tested and rejected as being of any assistance in Dianetics. That whole block of sedatives like scopolamine, opium, phenobarbital and so on are of no assistance in Dianetics and have been moved out. They are called hypnotics. Actually they are not; they are a sort of analgesic, although the true analgesics are really hypnotics. Atropine and all its derivatives are evidently of no value, although they haven’t been investigated thoroughly. Now we have everything left from common table salt down to the last complex molecule of whatever- it- is to investigate. Right now the investigation is narrowed down to the known amino acids; and perhaps in the mineral base of plant food there may be an assist. Maybe some heavy dosages of minerals may help. Evidently what is occurring at this nutritional level is that the cells are being furnished with food they need in order to jettison pain. There is some relationship between food, nutrition and pain. I don’t know what it is. Once upon a time man might have been a self- clearing organism. There is one other caution on this chemical assist: Don’t expect your preclear to live on sandwiches and coffee and take all these relatively expensive foods in their pure state and still do a good freewheel and handle himself well under Guk, because he won’t. From cursory findings, any of this should be supplemented by a high protein diet with minimal carbohydrate. These findings only have a series of about ten behind them and are not definite, but we do know from observation of this series that when the person is on a bad diet, Guk doesn’t do him very much good. It is not one of these things that you can measure easily. However, don’t expect a person to starve and live on Guk, because the Guk will simply be absorbed in nutrition; and you don’t want it for nutrition; you evidently want it for super- feed material. It may be that this whole Guk program will boil down to the fact that we are fooling the cells into believing that all is plenitude, sweetness and light in the world and that no further combat uses exist for engrams. This is possible. But however it is, the cells do knock out the pain. One of these days we are going to have time enough to go back and find out what the chemistry of pain is. We don’t know yet and until we do we can only hit at the problem a la Edison and the saucers experiment. There is going to be a tremendous amount discovered on this in the next four or five months; but I am sure from the work I have already done and seen in this field that, no matter how much the chemical formula of Guk changes, the Standard Procedure- freewheel alternation will be the standard procedure for these chemical assists. Guk may turn out to be baking soda and vinegar, but the formula as above works. That formula is being worked upon steadily and is being improved constantly. The important points are these:
Don’t be frightened by the mention of the word pain in connection with this, because actually I have found people very cheerful about having their heads knocked in while they were running freewheeling in Guk. A |