DERIVATION OF LAWS - PART IIA lecture given on 17 July 1950Relation of Facts Firstly, I will take up an update on procedure. One no longer counts to a patient, one simply tells the patient to close his eyes. As far as any artificial state of reverie is concerned, there is no such thing unless everybody wide awake is in reverie. Counting has the single advantage of occasionally fixing the attention of somebody upon the auditor, but it has the disadvantage of sometimes restimulating an operation. And it has the distinct disadvantage of sometimes throwing people into a hypnotic trance, which we certainly don’t want. So just knock out counting entirely. All one does is tell a person to close his eyes; that is reverie. A mistake was made by assigning it a name, therefore it became some special condition, and we have even gotten an airmail special delivery letter saying, "I can’t induce reverie in my wife." I don’t know what state the wife must be in that he can’t wake her up to a point where she will talk to him. If a person starts running on the time track by himself, by auto, you know that he has control mechanisms and control circuitry. If after you have him out of reverie he goes around running off his engrams himself, you have control circuitry. Anybody who starts telling you how he wants to run his own case by autosuggestion has built- in circuitry. Anybody who tells you that he has already been back to birth and has found out that birth was there, all by himself, is a case of control circuitry. The case which has dub- in, with prenatal visio, who starts describing the furniture of the room and what Mama is wearing and so on, will be found to have control circuitry. The reason control circuitry can do this is that another "I" has been set up in the bank with engramic commands and has actually taken over part of the analyzer. Most engrams just run up against the analyzer and hold it in a distorted position, but control circuitry interposes between the file clerk and "I" and throws in data which isn’t true. A control circuit is the activating circuit behind such things as lie factories. Lie factories don’t turn on unless they contain control mechanisms with them, "You’ve got to lie. You’ve got to tell people tales," and so on. It is demon circuitry, but on top of this there has to be a control circuit. Control circuitry is covered rather inadequately in the Handbook, and should be stressed much more heavily. Another factor is that the sperm sequence and the ovum sequence together make conception. Conception is not necessarily basic- basic. There is gathering evidence that some of the coitus chains which look as if they were postconception are possibly preconception. Don’t be startled. After all, a cell is a cell and can record. That the zygote, which is just a few cells, records has been ascertained with objective reality by getting tapes on Mama and tapes on Baby (as an adult) before he was born. Conception occasionally won’t erase, and in such a case you probably should try to get earlier sequences both on the sperm and on the ovum. Of course, that a cell records is easily validated in biology, as is the amount of learning which a cell can do. Many experiments in the most "Authoritative" quarters have validated cellular recording, recall and learning. It so happens that according to the findings of a doctor in New England which appeared in a recent Scientific American magazine, the zygote was found to be, 60 hours after conception, only two- celled. Very little medical information is at hand on fertilization, but this gentleman was a gynecologist, and whenever he was going to perform a hysterectomy, the removal of all female organs, he would request the patient to have intercourse so that he could get data on this. And he got a lot of information that hadn’t been available up to that time. So, there is the zygote, 60 hours after conception, obviously recording, and this can be found in engrams. It doesn’t stretch one’s credulity very much to go back and find the sperm recording, or to find the ovum recording. They are each only one cell. Furthermore, it doesn’t stretch one’s credulity too much to consider that there are more or less eight generations before we get the sperm. The memory or personal identity of cell A is still the personal identity of cell A’. And when this cell divides, cell A" still has its personal memory and as far as it is concerned is cell A. Cells think completely in identities, they don’t differentiate even as living entities. So, A" divides and we get A"". And that is still the memory of cell A. So, the sperm has various generations, and there is no reason why painful experiences couldn’t happen to that cell. Similarly, when the ovary spills forth the ovum, there is no reason why that burst forth is not occasionally painful, although somebody was running a sperm sequence recently where he had a happy sperm. The reason it was called a sperm dream is because there is often a lot of weird fantasy connected with it, but just behind that there is an actual experience. One lets the person talk about the dream, but then one must run out the underlying experience. All this is not very incredible. What is incredible is the theory that a baby right at birth becomes possessed of a human soul and that at that precise moment his myelin sheathing starts to form and continues for a few months after birth. To assume that the nervous system could not record until it had myelin sheathing was unfounded. It is simply superstition because it can’t be borne out, and no tests prove it. For instance, I know by my own observation that a baby about 5 days old can experience restimulation of an engram. I knew that a particular baby had an engram that contained the words "Damn you," and that the engram was quite painful to the child. It had been a fall and somebody had sworn at the moment of the fall. So, I said over the baby in a loud tone of voice, "Cabbages and kings!" No reaction. "Dogs and cats!" No reaction. "Damn you!" Instantaneous reaction. I went down the list and named some other words, swear words, various words. But whenever the words "Damn you" were said, there was an instantaneous reaction on the part of the baby. It would shudder and cover its eyes with its arms. It was a very peculiar reflex action at just 5 days old. So the baby was definitely reacting at that time to the exact words which were contained in one engram of which I knew. Furthermore, completely aside from this, as far as objective reality on prenatals is concerned, there are enough tapes that have been run and enough validation done to fill books. I am going to give you this bombing technique now for the sperm sequence. We take the preclear back down the track to a moment of pleasant sexual experience. We can get this because we don’t ask him to tell us anything about it. We merely say, "Just tell me whether or not it’s there." So he lies there without telling us anything about it and we settle him into the incident and when he seems to be, by his facial expression, in the incident and to some degree re- experiencing it, we tell him, "Return to your own conception." And he will go right into that area in enough cases to make this a very valuable technique. And then, if the sperm and ovum sequences won’t lift, we go earlier on the track and see if we can’t get an earlier painful experience. These incidents are not always painful, by a long ways. But when either the sperm or the ovum sequences are painful, it is terrifically aberrative if there is also word content in it. Another factor is that sometimes by sending someone all the way back down the track one may wind up in somebody’s death. Don’t then challenge the preclear, because this has happened often enough to make it a common phenomenon. So, if you run him back and all of a sudden he is in the year 1823 and he is describing lying there dying, let him tell you about it. It is evidently not aberrative, but it is quite interesting to him. Let him explore it, and then bring him forward to conception and run that. I have never found any pain on these things, nor have I ever found any reason to brand them with the name delusion, because the perceptics are too good. Delusory perceptics have a habit of changing. Run through the incident once and it is one way. Run through the incident again and it’s another way. Its reality is bad. But when you run into one of these old death sequences, just pick it up as curiosa. It is not on the sperm plasm line. That is what is so fantastic about it. So, not being registered on protoplasm all the way back, it is something else. But it is up to the preclear If he wants to die in 1776 charging up Breed’s Hill, okay. If the auditor hammered him about it, it would disturb his own concept of reality. So leave it alone. However, if I buy this thing it means that there is something like reincarnation of the human soul. And I am trying, in Dianetics, to keep these things from being wished off on us. Firstly birth got wished off on us, and then prenatals and conception together with the sperm and ovum sequences, and now, please don’t give us transmigration of the human soul! That would be too much. But in view of the fact that these things are not aberrative back of this short time prior to conception, don’t worry about them. You might amuse yourself sometime if somebody can go back into it, to sit there very interestedly, keeping the Auditor’s Code, and sending him back down the track. You will probably get him back into the early days of the Roman Republic. I have gotten a couple of patients back that far. I ran one person back and he was having a dreadful time because he was tongue- tied, he just couldn’t seem to manage words in the area. At first I couldn’t understand what was wrong with him until all of a sudden it occurred to me that his own language wasn’t coming through and he was out of contact with this one. He was trying to describe very haltingly where he was and we finally figured out that he was somewhere in the middle of Carthage! Research will have to be done on this. The other thing is to shoot a person forward a few years into the future. He won’t like that. Usually the person will try to be very noncommittal about it. You will find him eating by himself, and walking by himself, and he doesn’t know anything and he won’t tell you anything. But, once in a while you will find somebody who is quite lucid on the subject. When you do, take down the data. When you are dealing with human thought, you have to take into consideration that clairvoyance, clairaudience, mysticism, Australian magic crystal healing, Aesculapian convulsions, astrology, and so on, are all inside the field of human thought. Each one may have some tiny scrap of purchase on reality for which they depend for their grip upon the human mind and human customs. For instance, there may be ten billion facts in the field of astrology and there may be one little datum there which is true. The Department of Agriculture issued a fantastic bulletin on the subject of the moon’s influence upon crops, which stated that if crops were planted at various phases of the moon they had a better chance than when planted at other phases. They had no explanation for it, but here would be a little datum on which you could say immediately, "Well then, man’s whole destiny is affected by the condition and conjunction of the stars." Whether or not that is true is one of these things that is unprovable, like the existence of p . . ralrles. So, keep an open mind on man’s thoughts and activities. He has thought enough loopy thoughts to fill up many thousands of square miles of library, but he has also somewhere in those thousands of square miles of library observed things which aren’t in the common ken. There is a lot of information. One could not suddenly say, "We have discovered that matter is connected with human aberrations, therefore there is no human soul," because the two things won’t equate, they are not related facts. In the first place we haven’t discovered that matter was, we have discovered perhaps that life energy subdivides into thought and matter and that life energy through thought makes the matter sentient and the sentience of matter can form up chemicals and materials. There is no good explanation for this. We are dealing with fundamentals. What is life energy? What is thought? We aren’t even clear on whether or not everybody thinks the same thoughts. We suddenly sail off into the realm of metaphysics, or over into mysticism and we are clear out into the blue again. What we have done is to collect a flock of white chips which we know go together, and by using these white chips we have a science. That is what all sciences are. They are white chips which have been assembled out of the pink, blue and orange chips, and there are plenty of pink, blue and orange chips all around the horizon in Dianetics. But we have got a lot of white chips, and we can do a lot of good with these white chips. We can cure psychosomatic illnesses and wipe out human aberration and bring man up to a higher optimum. That’s enough white chips for a little while, but not for very long. Right now I am really tugging at the leash on life energy and chemistry. I want to see a nice program get forward on these things so we can find out more. I don’t say that in five years we will be able to shake God by his right hand, but I do say that in five years we ought to have at least a 5 hour clear. I hope to have a 25 hour, or a 50 hour clear within a year. We ran a series of three experiments recently which proved that the engram can be nailed down by drugs and can be made instantaneously accessible so that a person can go right to it and run off the content of any engram, but it doesn’t lift. This drug not only makes it accessible but it glues down the pain and unconsciousness so that it won’t come off. You can go into such an incident, even basic- basic, and go over and over and over it, but there are no yawns, no deintensification, nothing. It glues the whole thing down. Then a chemical was found that would selectively affect an engram as different from the rest of the memory system, which was not affected. If anything, IQ rose slightly and demon circuits were kicked up (which could be expected if one kicked up IQ because that is all part of the analyzer), but the engram was nailed down. This puts chemical assistance just a very short time off. But don’t sit around and count on it, just get in there and run engrams. Running Dianetics with some degree of sentience is quite easy. I have never found an unbreakable case. People have told me about very difficult cases, but these cases will break, and they do break rather easily. |