THINGS AN AUDITOR MUST NOT DOA lecture given on 14 July 1950Value of the Auditor’s Code This lecture covers things that an auditor must not do. The main one is that he must not invalidate the preclear’s sense of reality or his confidence in his own data. Even if the preclear says it’s dub- in, the auditor must not agree with him. He may yet be running perfectly valid engrams out of an engram that said, "It’s invalid." An auditor must never ally himself with any of the dramatic personnel in the preclear’s engram bank. If the preclear starts to say, "Well, after all, Mother had her engrams too," the auditor must refrain from saying, "Yes, that’s right, she had her engrams too," because the person is not talking very rationally if he is having a bad time of it. If the auditor suddenly agrees with the statement that mother was not guilty, he is actually siding with the person’s engrams, which may throw the person into a very deep apathy from which the auditor will have great difficulty pulling him. So, if one does anything, be mad at them. This encourages the preclear’s anger. The next thing that an auditor must not do is put his hands on the sperm sequence without running it out or finding why it isn’t run out. I did some correlation on this recently and found that an unrun sperm sequence had marked a difficult point in every case where it had been touched. This interesting datum suddenly arrived from a lot of information. I have run it out from time to time quite as a matter of course, and in some cases it was so much like a dream to the patient that I did not pay much attention to it. But when this occurred, the case went into a difficult period soon afterwards. Further, the only preclears I know who have become very anxious and upset and eager to get more therapy, or who became very irrational about therapy suddenly after being rational about it before, are those who have had conception touched but not run out. So, if an auditor gets the preclear into conception, he must run it out as the sperm and as the ovum as well as running out any and all engrams which precede it, because some engrams apparently precede the sperm and ovum sequences. It is not up to us to judge at this time, little as we know of structure and the recording mechanism of cells, whether or not these are valid. If they are there, their validity seems to be very good. The chances of getting objective reality on this matter, however, are not very good, but it is going to be done. It has to be set up as a specific project to validate one small section of the engram bank, at which point we will learn rather rapidly what the objective reality is. But regardless of objective reality, if there is pain there, and if the preclear maintains that it is prior to conception, the auditor should by all means run it out. The formula that things which will not lift are preceded by engrams which have not been erased might be equally valid in this sequence, since it led us all the way from late life operations back down through the engram bank. It is difficult to tell, working in that area, whether one is getting preconception or postconception material. Very often the engrams are all tangled up with conception. In such cases in the past, I have, when I found preconception incidents, considered that probably we had a displacement on the time track or the sense of time was out due to the very smallness of the organism. The cell, after all, recording as a zygote, is not much bigger than those cells which, dividing, created the sperm. There are eight generations in the testes from the initial cell to the sperm. So, there is a separate chain of mytosis in that sequence which comes down the line. These cells are present and are dividing many days before fertilization. In the case of the ovum, the ovum may be there for some time before fertilization takes place. So, don’t be surprised at an early engram which comes in before conception. If one finds pain and words in the engram bank, run them out, or find something earlier to erase so that they can be run out. But, in this area, what one is running into are little choppy engrams, and by telling the person to go back to the earliest moment of pain or unconsciousness one erases them. What such engrams say, what they do, or what their aberrative effect is, is unimportant unless one is doing research on them. One runs out something that is early and erases it, taking note of the fact that one is early on the track. One keeps doing this, erasing half a dozen engrams in the early part of the track. One has no clue, in most cases, that one is anywhere near conception. If one keeps asking for the earliest moment of pain or unconsciousness, one day he will turn up with the sperm sequence, which can then be run out. If the preclear thinks he’s a sperm, okay, so he’s a sperm, run it out. And every once in a while, if he thinks he’s an ovum, run off the ovum. The way one does an erasure is to say to the preclear, "Let us go to the earliest moment of pain or unconsciousness which can now be reached. The somatic strip will go to the first part of this engram, the first phrase will flash into your mind, let’s roll it." These engrams normally look like plain coitus engrams or another part of the fight chain. In the early part of the track it is most difficult to tell the exact time of the engram. An age flash is no good at this part of the track, but if one finds a sequence in the basic area where the preclear is a sperm and then maybe he is an ovum, or a little bit further ahead he has pain because of cell division, one should run these things as engrams. In the normal course of erasing a case to clear, one would pick up this material. On a closer inspection of it, it seems possible that some of these might have been preconception engrams. Simply get the earliest engrams and keep running them, and if he suddenly comes up with the datum that this is before conception, don’t immediately challenge his data, because that would invalidate it and be a very serious breach of the Auditor’s Code. As far as I was concerned it was a dream, because it was so often accompanied by one, such as 10,000 angels flying down to attend a fish fry, or, "Here I am, a great eagle flying up above this huge cliff and down below are these countless millions of people. But I have made it, I have triumphed, I have succeeded." That is a sperm dream. Naturally this is not an engram, but lying right under that dream there is an engram. Nobody’s case ever improved in Dianetics by running anything which was imaginary. Take a patient and run innumerable engrams which are fully imaginary and the patient will not get better, he will actually get worse. Patients get better when one simply keeps rolling out the earliest engram on the track, regardless of content. If his mother is being raped by the Sphinx, roll it. The only real damage that one can do is to avoid the rolling of it. Go for it with this technique of stabilizing the preclear in an emotional incident by putting him in a moment of sexual pleasure. He need not tell the auditor anything about it, what he is doing, where he is, or who he is with. One can merely say, "Are you there?" "Yes." "All right. You know all about this. You needn’t tell me anything about it, but let’s go over it and let’s re- experience it." Get him to do this two or three times, and sometimes he will wind up there, and when he does, and the auditor gets conception to run, he will have the preclear down in the basic area where he wants him to be. If it is found to be stuck and the words won’t come up on it, ask the file clerk for what it requires to resolve this sequence. If the file clerk isn’t working too well, one simply pushes him a little bit earlier, and he is liable to pick up an engram. The best way to solve circuits is to get unconsciousness off the bottom of the case, and then later engrams could safely be touched. So it is a good try. The sperm sequence is, of course, a very early sequence in a case and it is very worthwhile to be in that area. That is the area one is trying to get into. There is where the erasure starts. There is no reason to sweat backwards all the way down the bank if there is a neat way of skipping the whole bank and getting into the sperm sequence. Standard procedure is to get as early in the case as possible and start erasing as soon as possible. That is the first and last goal of an auditor who is clearing a preclear. Don’t worry whether the incidents are imaginary or not. If one has what one knows to be bad circuitry problems in a case, the file clerk is not giving up the engrams that will resolve the case. If one is getting prenatal visio, and so forth, one is liable to be running incidents which are partly imaginary. But don’t worry about evaluating it. A person knows when his case has been cleaned out whether or not something is imaginary or real. There are two ways of repairing this damage. One is to shoot for the circuitry that causes him to believe everything is unreal, and the other is just by straight memory, rehabilitating his sense of yesterday’s reality. I resolved a case recently simply by asking the file clerk, "Give us the incident which will resolve the remaining content of this sequence," and he promptly shuffled me a couple of engrams. Whether they occurred five years before conception or eight years after it I wouldn’t have known, but when I went right back to the sperm sequence,- out it went and on came the lady’s sonic in full. Working in the basic area, a person usually will shift into his own valence unless he has a serious problem in circuitry, or is seriously latched up on the track somewhere up the line in somebody’s death— a coffin case. Get him early and quite often one can run this material and find in it much that affects his sonic and other perceptics computatiorially. He can settle into his own valence at this point, because things are erasing. One tries to coax the person into his own valence, and into feeling other perceptics. If the auditor says, "Shift into your own valence now," he’s liable to go into Papa’s. He might be a Junior case. So, what the auditor does is to coax his perceptics into being. "Let’s see if we can hear some of these sounds. Let’s see if we can feel the moisture. Let’s see if we can get a little more tactile." And in that way the auditor shifts the preclear actively into his own valence, if he doesn’t reply on the blunt command "Get into your own valence." If the auditor can get a person into any emotional situation in the lock area of a case and run him through that emotional situation until he turns on the preclear’s emotion, he can tell him to go back to the first time this emotion was felt, and not only with the sexual experience with the sperm dream, but also with other emotions. He may get into the fight sequence first and he might get early into most anything because the dramatization is lying there as a lock on top of the engram. If the auditor can find the dramatization and run it until it matches the emotional content of the engram, he will be able to run out an engram that he would not otherwise have picked up. Locks are conscious level incidents which approximate engrams. A tailor- made engram out of somebody else’s bank could sometimes get into the auditor’s bank, or even just a listener’s bank. He should not at this moment say, "Oh, the whole thing must be imagination because here I am running somebody else’s engram. That’s terrible, everybody must have dub- in." That is a wrong conclusion. That’s a lock. Run it as a lock and as one is running it very innocently one simply whips the person into the engram on which it is sitting. What has happened is that the auditor or listener has had impinged upon him a brand- new lock on this one engram, and it won’t sit in his bank unless it has an engram to sit on which might be visible as a lock but hidden as an engram. There comes a time in a case when one has erased the bank prenatally. There are still more engrams on this case, perhaps 40, 50, 60, but he has completed the main erasure. The preclear, by this time, feels fine. Sometimes he is very difficult to interest in completing his therapy. He has gone over the hump as far his mental health is concerned. He has no somatics, he has enormous energy, he is feeling good. So, the auditor will find himself sometimes in the position of wanting somebody to be cleared but the preclear is no longer anxious about this. If he gets the preclear working but the preclear isn’t finding anything but has still got engrams, certain things are wrong. One of the ways the auditor can handle this is with single word repeater. 1 There will be some word in the English language which is going to be contained in one of his engrams, so the auditor simply takes a dictionary and starts in with A, picking up these various words and covering the dictionary with the preclear on repeater technique. And the preclear will start turning up engrams. Of course by this time anything in his case will erase, just as anything in the case in its intermediate stage will reduce after basic- basic and a few other engrams are erased at the bottom. After the auditor has obtained an overall superficial erasure, anything will erase. It doesn’t have to be done in sequence, one can go to any part of the bank one wants to and run through the words once, then start through them again and they will erase with yawns. It doesn’t take very long. One can run 15, 20 engrams out of a person one right after the other, but try to find them in a person who is no longer interested and they now have insufficient force because the following equation is taking place: The less engrams the person has, the more activity and the more strength his attention units have. As a consequence, his mind is able to buck these things. The auditor has something working on his side, and every time he takes an engram out he has some more of it working for him. In the last end of the case if one has done a good job, one can ask, "Who used to tell you to control yourself?" "Ha- ha- ha, my father." Or the person will say, "Why, the time I was run over by the truck, ha! Yeah, boy, was that cop mad," yet in this incident he had been unconscious for two days with a brain concussion. He becomes very hard to handle in reverie. The auditor is working with the file clerk face to face, and the file clerk has so much self- determinism he doesn’t take much to guiding. He knows what to do. This is real self- control. For instance, when a person gets up along this level, with a little bit of practice he can start regulating his pulse rate. A lot of basic engrams can be tangled up with the sperm sequence. Very often they will be all twisted up and overlaying or lying under it. In some cases this is so remarkable and so twisted that the auditor keeps trying to run the sperm engram, but each time he tries for it, he gets another engram that erases. Standard procedure a couple of years back was to ram the preclear back into the time he was conceived, somehow, and one knew he would pick up a new engram. One just kept doing it and peeling engrams off. In this way one nevertheless was able to work the case and get results. An auditor can do the following: "Let’s go to the beginning of track. All right, let’s go to the time you were a sperm. Now let’s go forward to the first moment of pain." And he can keep doing this with a preclear, taking him to the beginning of track and then going forward to the first moment of pain, until the preclear is finally peeled back to the moment when he can get something around basic- basic and run it. Then there is the emotional bounce method which is a process of settling the patient in any emotional incident when he was dramatizing the emotion, or when he was observing it being dramatized, and then taking him from there back to the earliest moment in the bank which contains this emotion. This can be done with any emotion, but it’s peculiarly apt with sex because it often ends up with the sperm sequence. Erase that and the case makes fast progress. It is phenomenal with the valences and demon circuitry and other things that have been suddenly consolidated, how many basic- basics are being erased. The proportion has gone way up, and knocking out some of these dub- in circuits is going to bring the average time of clear way down. A phrase one must watch is "against me." One can find this as a part of the engram bank. It is the phrase which causes paranoia. There are many things which can be said in a roundabout way about Rorschach and other such tests, but there is one that coordinates them and that is the phrase "against me." Any time one has "against me" in a case, it moves the engram bank up against "I" and makes a rather nasty situation. Such people are very unhappy. This paranoia, which of course is pathological and everybody knows it’s pathological, happens to be the phrase "against me." When one runs into such a case, one knows he has a classification of paranoia, or somebody who feels that the world is against him, and one should just run "against me" as repeater. It will be found in the bank. In this way, the case can generally be deintensified somewhat. The auditor in this case could have asked for whether or not either of Mama’s parents were around because it is a certainty that one of them had "The whole world is against me." The phrase out of that mouth might have been much more aberrative than the phrase out of the mouth of Mama, because Mama got it someplace, and she had a mama, and she had a papa. So, the odds are very much in favor of the grandparents of the preclear having said the words. An auditor, by knowing his Dianetics, and by putting to work what he has learned, by using it, by practicing, by observing what it does, by paying attention to a few of these admonitions, can produce excellent results with Dianetics. It takes experience. This lecture started with some information about the Auditor’s Code and I’m going to finish it with some more information about the Auditor’s Code. The Auditor’s Code is not there because it is a good idea or because we must all be knights errant. It is there to protect the auditor as much as it is to protect the preclear The auditor can cause himself an enormous amount of work by becoming impatient, by becoming angry, by departing from what is considered to be a course of decent human conduct toward the preclear And he can add up for himself scores of hours of extra work. So, the data should be held to himself. He should never by any slightest movement or show appear to question the truth or accuracy of data which the preclear is giving him. He should never assign the word "imagination" to anything the preclear is doing or saying. The factors which most aberrate people in this society are the phrases which destroy reality, such as, "That’s just your imagination. You didn’t see it. You’re wrong," and phrases which tell a person that he must control himself, and the idea that pleasure is sinful. This trio flowing down the time line is inherited in the form of disturbed lives, crammed asylums and a criminal populace which, according to the figures of Hoover, shouldn’t happen. Therefore, the auditor must not break the Auditor’s Code, because he may severely injure the mental health of the patient he is auditing. He may also cause himself a great deal of trouble and have to go to much more effort to bring this person’s case back into line than he would care to go to. So, it is not just a nice idea that the Auditor’s Code should be there. |