A lecture given on 14 July 1950

The Most Aberrative Engram

A remarkable cross- reference turned up last night when I suddenly found out, through reviewing many cases, that the most aberrative engram is the sperm sequence.

We have only had a few people slump badly. On checking what these cases had in common, it was that the sperm sequence had been clipped but had not been fully run.

The sequence then, because it permeates the entire cellular structure, certainly the nervous system, would seem to be a rather wicked one. It seems that whatever content it may have is about twice as intense as anything else.

A sperm sequence does have the inability sometimes to reduce. Occasionally one gets a sperm sequence in which several words are still left after it has been run many times.

In trying to run this, it is sometimes necessary to pick up another engram and come back to it. But don’t forget to come back to it. Let us say we still have the word "come" sticking up in the sperm sequence. This word is probably cross- filed in some weird fashion up the bank somewhere and is being repressed later. I have resolved several cases in this fashion. Normally, before we were giving it the stress that we are giving it now, we used to run out this sperm sequence as a matter of course, "Ho, hum, well, it’s probably there all right. He seems to be feeling the pain and so on, so we will let him run it anyway"; but once in a while because of this frame of mind we would leave it and we would get a case slump, invariably.

In view of the fact that the ovum is around for several days before fertilization, and that the sperm is going through a sequence of generation which has many steps and subdivisions of cells before they finally become the sperm (which is a cell which will not subdivide because the cytoplasm is missing), the possibility of engrams occurring before this time is not slight.

There could be 10, 15, 20 engrams prior to conception, and it is these things we have got to take cognizance of. I have run out quite a few. As a matter of fact, as a point in question, in one preclear I ran out a series of incidents that had to do with different women. This sounded quite incomprehensible to me but there was a very rough somatic on the first one. A prostitute had expressed her deep chagrin with a hard kick, and the whole cellular recording immediately after that kick was turned on. The person seemed to be exhibiting some somatics on it so I ran them, fortunately. I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t.

I checked back over a couple of cases which were badly held up at the time and found that in both those cases conception was not reduced. In one of them I know that there were two preconception incidents to which no one had paid any heed. So, conception and incidents before conception are not only possible, but when discovered will be found to be the most deeply aberrative sequences in the bank.

Once in a while an auditor is going to find a patient who is going to run off what he terms his last death. One preclear is currently talking about back in 1924 when he died at the age of 74, and he insists this is there. He gets a full visio on it and there he is, very, very old. There is also a feeling of grief and sinking.

So, we have got to keep an open mind about these things. This is the same computation which ran down that prenatals existed. The rule being followed was that if an engram will not lift there is something ahead of it, and this led straight on down to what we have to take into consideration now.

On every person who has been cleared in Dianetics this sequence has occurred, and in some of them two or three earlier sequences have been run out, which leads inevitably to the fact that if a sperm sequence won’t lift, there is something earlier.

This postulates several possibilities which need investigation. Correlated with the rest of the data, valence difficulty may appear in the early conception sequences. That is something to remember and follow through.

If one gets a sperm sequence that won’t lift, one can experimentally try the phrase "Let’s go earlier," and if one gets a sperm sequence, reduce it. Because in checking back through cases that have halted or slowed down suddenly in their operation I have found that the sperm sequence was run and not reduced.

In Bethesda Naval Hospital I worked on a couple of people in the fall of 1949, and one of these gentlemen gave me the most remarkable tale I ever heard in my life. He went on back, and I suppose he would have wound up as a cave man if I had let him keep on going. His material had no somatics on it, beside an occasional little emotional shakeup, but he was going back and getting killed and he was being born and he was riding it on all the way through. I left him in the Roman Republic! Fortunately the physical pain connected with this was zero.

After thinking about it later, it appeared to me very, very interesting that there is something in each one of us which extends all the way back to the dawn of time. There is no reason why there shouldn’t be recordings on that protoplasm. The only trouble is that people keep registering death, and I am absolutely certain that in the past it has not been a practice to breed children from a dead man!

As a consequence, are we knocking on the door of the human soul? Or are we knocking on the door of delusion? It is one or the other.

If these earlier sequences are to be accepted— and many of them are as brilliantly clear or much clearer than incidents that come later— then we are working with something like transmigration.

One case I worked on recently was not a dub- in. He was wide open, had all his recalls, everything he ran off was good. I was knocking engrams out of him as easily and fast as snapping one’s fingers. Then I said, "Let’s go all the way back to the earliest moment of pain or discomfort."

And he said, "I’m sitting here on a mule looking at a castle. It isn’t a mule, it’s a donkey."

"And what happens then?"

"Well, this guy in a suit of mail comes by and he knocks me off and kills me."

It is a good thing not to have a thoroughly gnostic attitude when one is dealing with life. What we actually know about life is very slight. As a matter of fact, what we know about the human mind at present could probably be encompassed in one book!

We must have an open mind, not of the type Robert Moore Williams described, but we must be alert to things that might happen a little bit beyond our present knowledge.

The computation is in existence that the earlier one goes, the thinner the unconsciousness, and if anything hangs up it is because something is earlier.

If that computation follows out, then some of the early coitus incidents being run may be preconception without our realizing it.

An auditor must ensure when he handles a conception sequence that he reduces it, because the failure to reduce conception was found to be the common denominator of each case which has proven difficult in Dianetics.

The test is whether or not an incident will lift. The liftability of the last late painful incident is less than one earlier. So, as we go early thev are easier and easier to lift. This is what got us into the prenatal area and down into basic- basic. I have produced results in a great number of people that did a full erasure without having to bother with these extensions, but in each one of these preclears sooner or later I would discover something odd about the early material in the case.

For instance, I would think I had something like conception out of the case. Conception wouldn’t appear until I had run what seemed to be the first fight or something like that. And then I would start coming up the bank and find myself back running conception again, occasionally finding it necessary to run an incident or two, but coitus would seem to be sitting nowhere.

There might well have been in each case preconception incidents. And here we have observer trouble. It is very hard to observe what one is looking at, sometimes. On further observation it may develop that preconception incidents are not only credible but are common.

An auditor might not know when he runs across them. He keeps asking a person for the earliest coitus on the chain and the preclear finally gives it to him. On one case I ran this coitus out of the individual, and it reduced and erased. I went up the track, picked up some more material, came back down the track— just checking early as one does when one is undertaking an erasure— and I found the same coitus. But this time it had a different somatic. That puzzled me for a little while until I said, "Well now, this could be postulated on the fact that we might be running first the sperm then the ovum in the same act."

I had to leave it at that. But subsequent to that I took a review of all this material, because I had never seen this happen before. One would have to be very late to have an incident come up like that, and one wouldn’t have gotten rid of it in the first place. Here was the incident unmistakably erased, including yawns off it, and so on. And we went back a few days later and there was the same incident.

In coordinating this material in my mind I ran across enough incidents of this kind to say, "Well, it may be that whenever this has turned up we were just running the duo. But keep your eyes open on it."

The material in the early part of the track has a habit of just blowing out if one really erases it. I have searched for some of this material afterwards and located enough of it in the standard bank where it was recorded as non- erasable memory to bring me to the conclusion that it was recorded.

Sometimes time is very slow in the basic area. There are several generations of cells before the sperm finally appears in the male. As far as we know, the female line doesn’t run all the way back.

Around the vicinity of conception, one will very often find some of the wildest dreams and hallucinations. One of them was thousands of angels flying down to attend a fish fry!

So, when one gets one’s hands on a conception, run it, and theoretically it should erase, but not always. Sometimes there’s no pain on it. One should still run it a few times, then go earlier and see if one can pick up a twin to the coitus erased before.

What pointed this up was that the process of biochemistry called for in fertilization of the ovum may have some bearing upon the existence of the sudden manifestation of cancer in the body.

There are two types of cancer. One has to do with a catalyst for cellular division. Let’s say we had a cancer germ cell somewhere lost in the body and something suddenly triggers it and it begins to divide asexually, and makes the embryo, and it continues to subdivide and is actually creating embryos. It is a remarkably vicious thing. The other kind of cancer is where the cells in the vicinity of the cancerous cell are called upon to grow.

These two kinds of cancer could be compared immediately to the sperm during fertilization, and may call for a certain body chemistry if this engram was in restimulation. This is just a postulate, to be abandoned if found to be unworkable.

But the cellular change might be called for by certain body chemistry, providing the conception engram came into restimulation, setting up a body chemistry situation which would cause cellular division because that is what conception calls for.

On the other one, mytosis— the division of cells— sometimes causes an engram. If that engram came into restimulation, we might have there the body chemistry which catalyzes the growth of cells. Following along this track I was able to narrow down the range of cancer to two experiments which if performed should keep in or throw out current theories.

It is not good auditing to assume perforce just because one has an erasure that nothing existed earlier. The general law is the fact that in the early part of the case there are many engrams which will erase which are not appended one after the other. If that is true then conception could erase, and there might still be a little bit of earlier data.

We might be dealing with an accidental right there at the beginning of the track. Sometimes we clip it out very nicely, at which moment the case proceeds beautifully, and sometimes it is taken out badly if at all, and the case doesn’t keep on going. An auditor must keep in mind that there is the possibility of an accidental like this, because some cases do go badly and some cases do go right. The bad ones will resolve, but at what cost of sweat!

This subject is nothing new, but it is definitely something that may speed things up.