A lecture given on 7 July 1950

Definitions, Differences, Relationships

A valence and a demon circuit are not the same thing. A valence is a carbon copy of another human being. It follows the mannerisms of that other human being, his goals and other things that are not even part of engrams. It starts out, "You’re just like me," and then the analytical mind sets itself up very brightly and makes a fine carbon copy in the engram bank with other commands, and mixes things up. For instance, Mama died of cancer of the skin, so the person contracts dermatitis. It does a good tailor- made job on these things, but it is a carbon copy.

The demon circuit is something very different: It works something like this: We have a microphone set up which leads back to the corner where it has a speaker. Then there is another microphone set up farther back, and it leads to another speaker which leads to another microphone, and so on. As far as some portion of the analytical mind is concerned that is the way it looks and that portion of the analytical mind is backing it up. It is doing a computation in one place and relaying it to another, and it eventually comes in and says something to "I." It is figured out. The so- called stream of consciousness is a demon circuit— an automatic computation. In a mind which is running well there is no stream of consciousness.

Let’s say that the engram chops off a piece of the computing mechanism and isolates it from the rest of the mind. The basic command originating the compartmentation of this computing mechanism is "You’ve got to control yourself and I’m going to tell you how."

So that is set up. Now, this part of the analytical mind is no longer only operating on the command "Survive," it is also operating engramically on some basic urge and dynamic such as, "You’ve got to control yourself and I am going to tell you how; now listen to me." It is just as though a person has had added to his head a new computing machine.

Valences are very simple. For instance, we have five potential people. These people have personalities, these people have resonances in the mind; these are five "I’s." If a person goes completely psychotic he becomes one of these people wholly, instead of himself. In a light neurosis he can become vaguely these people. When he is sane these people can still be there on a mimicry basis, but "I" is now very much in command and control. That is a valence.

A demon circuit is a portion of the computing mind. It is a computational portion of the mind which is equipped to direct the mind. It is another computer, you might say, and another director system in the mind which has nothing to do with the person and nothing to do with valence, although the origin of this circuit may be one of the valences, and the two operate together. One is laid in by a command. That command happens to be part of the personality. The personality is not existing by virtue of that command, but the demon circuit is. This personality exists by virtue of the fact that the person is in engrams and has been present during illnesses, and this personality smokes cigars, likes loud checked vests, and does this and that. When the individual is in that valence he likes these things.

Perhaps one of the things this personality happened to say was "You’ve got to control yourself." When the person is not in that personality he is being directed by a circuit all by itself which is saying, "You’ve got to control yourself," and which is seeking by that to overpower "I." It is a part of the computing mechanism. So, by virtue of that circuit, it thinks up things to control a person with. It thinks up things to say to a person so a person will control himself, and it thinks up commands which are not contained in the engrams, but which are computed.

A demon circuit is a portion of the analytical mind which has been compartmented off by the force and pain of a command, and which now operates as a computing mechanism not under the control of "I" but dictating to "I" and doing things that "I" has no direct control over but which influence "I" in "I’s" attempts to function and control the body. It can compute on any data that comes along. The demon circuit has access to the standard banks. The engram doesn’t, it is just a record. The demon circuit can all of a sudden throw a circuit through to the standard banks. It can think. An engram can’t think, it just states.

A demon circuit couldn’t exist unless it were laid in during an engram, and an engram couldn’t have been formed without also having a valence, but they are independent.

It so happens that when the person goes into a particular valence, he will use part of that demon circuitry as the dramatization, because that is part of the valence personality. But the demon circuit is just sitting there doing whatever it said. These demon circuits are very numerous in almost all minds.

The valence is one carbon copy of a human being, one mimicry circuit.

The character who was the valence, let’s say it was Grandpa, was always saying, "I want to get drunk. I’ve got to get drunk. You get drunk with me," which is a small species of a demon circuit, and the person will have this urge to get drunk. That is one command, but he may have said elsewhere, "You’ve got to control yourself," and the person gets two circuits off the same valence. Grandpa might have had a whole set of dramatizations, and several of these dramatizations may have set up circuitry. So now the mind is being dictated to by the mind.

The demon circuit is set up with "I’ve got to get drunk, and you’ve got to get drunk with me," and it will take a portion of the analyzer and use the analytical mode of the analyzer to make him constantly rationalize that he has got to get drunk. And it will explain to him why he has to get drunk with very good reasons. It is an engram which has turned "rational."

A demon circuit is not accessible to "I."

Demon circuitry mostly commands or underrates ability of some sort. It has a high command value which is a thinking command value. It exists just as though there was another human being standing next to the person who had as his mania, "You’ve got to control yourself." And this person has by certain virtues the power of life and death over this individual. He has got to obey him. That is a demon circuit and it’s a rough deal.

A valence is a specific human being, it’s Grandpa or Grandma.

An example of a demon circuit I found once was a make- believe demon that somebody in the prenatal bank had and joked about at parties, "I’ve got this little devil that sits on my shoulder and he tells me what to do. He tells me when I’m bad and when I’m good and, damn it, he sure is critical!" The person actually thought of it as his conscience! It- would say things like, "Oh, you shouldn’t have gone out with that girl, that was bad," and other criticisms. It originated as a joke at a party, but unfortunately Mama wore very tight corsets and drank very bad gin. That is a demon circuit. It didn’t have a valence, but it had a name; the person called it Bosco and it was restimulated by Christian Science.

There are usually only a few that are important. Phrases such as "I’m not going to let you know, I won’t tell you" can set up demon circuits. So the person now starts rationalizing why he can’t tell you. That is a very low order of circuit. However, there are high- powered demon circuits which have control value. The person whose demon circuit tells him when he is bad and when he is good doesn’t have to obey it. But the demon circuit which says, "You’ve got to do exactly as I tell you, you have no recourse. You must do it. Damn you, I’ll kill you if you don’t do what I tell you," is a different proposition.

Another one said, "I’ve always got to tell you what to write and when to write it. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be able to write a thing. Now, damn it, listen to me." It was a big argument in which these words appeared, and this thing was sitting there all by itself. It wasn’t

Papa telling Mama what to write. According to this person, he was walking around in the everyday world saying, "I have the most marvelous mechanism. You know, I never think when I sit down to a typewriter."

This thing told stories for him word for word. The person would sit down and sometimes the engram containing it wouldn’t be in restimulation, if he hadn’t used it for a while, but if he thought about writing for a couple of days this thing would finally kick in again and all of a sudden he would have a full audio circuit which made up words.

Interestingly enough, his best writing was not the dictated materials. They were strictly potboilers. Once in a while this whole thing would key out and he could put his whole ability and interest on writing and really make the grade. But when this thing was going, it turned out trash.

A demon circuit has access to the standard banks, and it can also get all wound around between the standard banks and "I, " and it can get in front of the file clerk and "I."

This becomes very important to the auditor. He asks this person for a flash answer and gets "Yes" and "No" and "I guess so," or he may get pictures or handwriting or something of the sort flashing into his visio pattern, and perhaps after a short while the auditor gets from this patient the fact that he is being handed these things by a white- gloved lady’s hand, or the message is being delivered in a model train!

The number of manifestations are practically countless on how all of this occurs. A person may get engrams via one of these demon circuits, such as, "You just sit here and read the words and look at the pictures and you’ll be all right. Now, I’m going to take care of you, honey. You’ll be all right. Now, you just sit here and read the words and look at the pictures."

So, the person would get a flash answer in terms of pictures from a child’s storybook. But supermanufacture of these pictures occurred, more than there ever were in storybooks. The engram had occurred when he was very ill. His parents were fighting and an ally, a nurse, had been taking care of him and had made him sit up and had comforted him about the fact that the parents were fighting, "You stay right here" (a nice holder), "and you just read the words, and look at the pictures."

We put him into reverie and what do we get? We get the words and we get the pictures, except the words are little kids’ storybook words and they are in large print. Once in a while if he couldn’t make out a word, he would get a picture of it.

This is not the file clerk. The file clerk comes through as an immediate impression— straight, clean and correct.

The demon circuit comes through almost as fast, but with what error, and with what wonderful mechanisms. The demon circuit, for instance, won’t stay constant. The person will go to the movies and see a film that has to do with an advertising office, and that portion of the computer says, "Gee, you know, that’s a good idea," and the next thing you get is flash answers in the form of advertising copy, magazines, full spread ads and so forth. This is all original. It is not copied work. The analytical mind is capable of enormous potentiality in terms of imagination. Someone who has no visio may yet get demon circuitry in full color.

This manifestation also occurs in boil- offs, but then we call them dreams, and they don’t mean very much. The further they are from the actual source of the dream, the wider they are from the actuality of paralleling the dream. If there is a very thick coat of unconsciousness, we may get this dream floating in about all roads lead to Rome, or something of the sort, and the person will see this great radial impression of roads, or trains going through tunnels. It is simply a boil- off and one merely lets it boil.

What you do with a demon circuit is very specific. It is your first important target in therapy if you discover a demon circuit, or a file clerk which isn’t operating.

Then circuitry becomes of vast importance to you, because you must be able to work with a file clerk in good shape, so you had better knock out that circuit. You find this circuit merely by asking the patient who commanded other people, who wanted things done by other people, and so forth. You may not get all the circuits, but you eventually will stumble across enough of them so that the file clerk can come through, since you have got to clear off circuits on a lot of people.

There may be literally dozens of engrams on the track in which attention units are held. You take him back to the moment of that dramatization. Get him to remember a specific incident. When you take a person back on a straight memory basis you spot the character. of his parents, of his grandparents, and the other people around him, and you will soon find who it was that was terribly apathetic, who it was that was very dictatorial, and you try to spot by straight memory some sort of a dramatization that didn’t hurt him but was really a lock.

After that, if you take the patient back to the moment of this dramatization, you will very often get a full play- off. For instance, take a standard kind of fight between Mama and Papa. You get that fight, you get the wording in that fight, and you can look it over and see the commands and the assertions which would set up a demon circuit. These are not very hard to spot.

The most important of them is "control yourself," because as you as the auditor are trying to put this person through his paces, the species of "control yourself" is going to block you because he is going to have to run out the engrams himself. One of the demon circuit commands may be "I’ve got to handle this myself, I always have to handle this myself. I’ve got to think of this myself," or "I’ve got to think up some sort of a story about this to tell him because something terrible has happened and here’s the story." That sort of circuitry is quite important to you, but the most common is simply "control yourself."

The person has an unhappy situation of having a circuit which is stronger than "I" if thoroughly restimulated, and if it is a very severe, much repeated and much restimulated command, you have got a potential psychotic, given of course a rather weak "I" to begin with.

You can put a person back to any lock or any moment of grief that you wish, where he himself was not injured, and you can do this with perfect safety. You won’t upset him. But put him back into a moment of pain or unconsciousness and you may restimulate full- play the real honest to goodness engram.

By trying to put him into this dramatization, you may uncover the fact that he is so thoroughly stuck on the track that you can’t do much with him and it is at this moment that you should start in to free him on the track. You are going to find many people with excellent demon circuits in operation will move rather freely on the track, but a large amount of them are caught up in the engrams themselves.

So, what you want is to free the person on the track if you can’t get to this dramatization. Use pleasure moments to stabilize him, to try to call in attention units, to try to get him moving, to try to overcome an engramic fear of returning and with various mechanisms get him working. But recover the dramatization with all of this, and recover some of the other people’s dramatizations around this person. Find out what people say in his vicinity, and you may recover the principal demon circuits and their wording. When you have recovered this, you may find by test that his file clerk and somatic strip are now working very adequately. You are getting straight replies most of the time, and there is nothing freakish or strange about the way this case is gomg.

The person still has circuitry, but he is operating fairly well. You can work with him, and the test is simply this: You say to this person in reverie, "The file clerk will give us the engram needed to resolve the case," or if he doesn’t understand too well, "the experience necessary to resolve the case. The somatic strip will go to the first phrase in that incident. When I count from one to five and snap my fingers, that phrase will flash into your mind. One- two- three- four- five (snap./)."

Get the first phrase of that incident and run it off all the way down the line. That is the way a case ought to work, and that is what you are going to get if you try, and if you pay attention to knocking out the demon circuitry.

If the case stalls down anywhere along the line, it may be that you have kicked into fuller action one of these circuits. You must now go over the case just as you began it, by taking the person wide awake and trying to get some memory on the subject, trying to find out who might have said this sort of thing that is now worrying him, trying to find out what a standard dramatization is, and one may come into view that you wouldn’t have gotten before, on straight memory. Now you put him into reverie again, you return him to the dramatization and you try to recover it. You get what you can and you will get the identity of some type of circuitry.

You will get this dramatization which is carrying in the lock what is actually in the engram, because aberrees say the same things over and over and over.

A case is not stalled because a person is unhappy or because he has ] developed a pain in his leg. A case is only stalled when the file clerk and the l somatic strip won’t work with you.

The reason they won’t work with you is the restimulation of something which inhibits their working with you, and that thing is usually circuitry. It also may be because you have broken the Auditor’s Code and you have established a feeling of danger as far as you are concerned with him. Thereafter he is afraid.

The best thing you could do in that instance is to try to knock out that breach of the Code.

Here is the situation then, and you should get this very, very well, because the file clerk must be able to give you data, give you the engram. You must be able to get on a flash answer, "How many engrams like this come before it in the bank (snap!)?"


Now you check back, and you find it is three. If he says, "No, none," that little amount of circuitry might just be enough to throw the answers off a trifle, but still won’t stall the case down. You have already learned that this file clerk is a little bit impeded, not enough for you to go charging around in the case and upset it, but certainly enough for you to have caution with regards to obeying it.

Be on the lookout at that moment for circuitry, because you are going to find it. You won’t know what its identity is, but you should be able to say to the file clerk, "The file clerk will now give us the next engram which we need to resolve this case. The somatic strip will go to the first part of this engram. When I count from one to five, the first phrase of the engram will flash into your mind. One- two- three- four- five (snap./)."

He says, "Don’t touch me."

Your case is under control and working well, getting up engrams and resolving. That is the way a case ought to work, and if the case isn’t working that way, then you have to shoot at circuitry the way I have described and get it out of the road.

That can sometimes be a rather clumsy job because you may get into engrams in this case and this is the main reason I give you precautions about how you walk back engrams to get to earlier ones. When you are searching through a case for a demon circuit, you have got to remember these things. You have got to get early, and you have got to reduce what you get hold of. If the file clerk gives it to you it will reduce and you can get this patient into the basic area, get him working, get him erasing, and the case will start going along very well without you having to worry too much about valences. If he is running his own somatics in the basic area, again you won’t have to worry about valences. If he is in somebody else’s valence in present time, or postbirth in engrams, yet you can run him in his own valence in the basic area, valences are not going to worry you; but if you take him back to basic- basic and he only seems to be able to run somebody else’s somatics, you have to find out the valence he is in and knock this valence out by getting out whatever it is that commands him into that valence. Do this on straight memory: "Who used to tell you you were like your grandmother?" and so on. "Could your father and mother when fighting ever have said to each other, ‘You’re just like your mother, ’ or ‘You’re just like your father’?"


You will find, oddly enough, that the mind will sometimes add this up very accurately. Father says to Mother, "You’re just like your mother," and the person becomes like Grandma. It actually identifies with the proper person, and that is what you shoot for if you can’t get the person to run his own somatics.

Get what commanded him into that valence. If the file clerk is not working, you get the circuit which is interposed between the file clerk and which is interpreting for you. Suppose, for instance, you have asked the file clerk, "How many days is this after conception?"

The file clerk has said, "Six."

You say, "Now, how many engrams are there before this?"


"How many times does this occur in the whole bank?"

He says, "Six."

At that moment you suspect that you are being interpreted and you don’t shoot for six.

A demon circuit can be out of sight by appearing from somebody, like a doctor, that the person has no conscious recollection of. Somebody, for instance, at birth can lay in a demon circuit. But these are the rarer circuits. Even though doctors at birth constantly say to Mama, "Control yourself," the phrase may not be often repeated in the bank or restimulated by the same voice solidly enough to make a good, solid interposing circuit.

Usually, as an auditor, because you are awake you can get by such a command. Remember that your altitude can overcome some of this circuitry. All you want is the file clerk and the somatic strip operating. That is your only test. They can be operating rather poorly, and still be satisfied. But if they start operating badly and you say to the person, "Now, the somatic strip is going to go to a bouncer in this incident," and the person says, "I don’t know," he is saying that out of the engram. That is a denyer. Or you say, "The somatic strip will now go to a holder," and he says, "Get out"; that is a bouncer and right there you know you are operating against a self- control mechanism which is very heavy.

Dub- in, as far as I can tell at this time, is exclusively this control mechanism at work. If you have dub- in, shoot for circuitry. This is about as simple an operating procedure as you can get on it at this time, because I’m telling you specifically what to do and when you have got to do it. If the file clerk won’t give you the engrams you need, and the somatic strip won’t give you the first part of the engrams, the denyers, the bouncers and so forth, you have got circuitry at work and you should start shooting for it. It is usually "Control yourself" or "I’ve got to do this myself," or "Nobody can help me, I’ve got to do this myself."

"Control yourself" circuits are a common aberration in this society and the one thing which you must overcome. This is at the base of the altitude computation. If people complain, "My auditor doesn’t have enough altitude to audit me," right that minute spot that preclear because there is circuitry. If he says, "My auditor doesn’t know what he’s doing, he has got me all fouled up on the track," it is possibly true. But if he says, "My auditor doesn’t have enough altitude to handle me, I run auto all the time," there is something that makes him run on auto and that is a demon circuit.

If any patient says, "I can run off my own engrams. I would rather run off my own engrams. Now if you would tell me how to do it, I’ll go home and do it myself," or if he lies there and insists that you just listen to him as he runs off these engrams, you are facing heavy circuitry, and his running off those engrams and doing it himself are going to do him nothing but harm.

The patient who is chronically in restimulation, who is running off these things in present time and thinking about engrams all the time, is not running well because circuitry is there which is throwing him off.

The only test that you have to have is: Does the file clerk give you the engrams that you are supposed to get— engrams which will reduce? Does the somatic strip go where you ask it to go? Does it run on through? If those conditions exist, even if only 60 percent of the time, you have still got a working case.

The moment this doesn’t happen, the case is stalled. If you haven’t broken the Auditor’s Code, and if nobody else has broken the Auditor’s C- ode on this patient, you have got circuitry which you must find and knock out.

A lie factory such as, "I’ve got to lie to him, he’d kill me if he really found out the truth," or a true demon circuit sitting outside "I" saying, "You’ve got to lie to him. Don’t you tell any of the neighbors anything about what happened," can be gotten with straight memory, by asking questions like, "Who used to advise you to lie?" Or by reversing it, "Who used to ask you to tell the truth?" "Who used to criticize you for imagining things?" "Who used to invalidate your data?" "Who used to tell you to lie?" "Who told anybody in your family to lie?" "Who got in trouble for not lying?" Just keep running it down and you will probably find a dramatization. If you don’t, you have to shoot for it in some other fashion.

The formula is: By finding the actual wording which lays the demon circuit into the mind you can reach the basic cause of the circuit and blow it out, and it will not thereafter operate.

It’s nothing very peculiar, it is just a statement in the engram, and you have got to run the whole engram and get the earliest time it appears in the bank. It will erase or reduce if you find it there, even if it is a lie factory which makes lie factories to make more lie factories. But the test is, does his file clerk and somatic strip work perfectly? If they do, he’s not telling you lies. If they don’t, he might well be.

If the incidents are incredible, 10, 15 train wrecks in the prenatal area or something ridiculous, and the person springs material at you, he gets prenatal visio and all sorts of strange things, know that you have got a lie factory running. Find out the approximate wording of that lie factory and it will spring, and find out the approximate wording of the "You’ve got to control yourself" mechanism, and it will spring as well. Demon circuits will erase when you discover their basic wording. This is important, because the lie factory is making a lie factory and you are just fighting through fog and gauze.

Find the dramatization and you have got it. Remember that the person dramatizes his own engrams. What advice does he give the children? And if you really get up against it with a patient, take his spouse or somebody that knows him very intimately and send them back down the track to a moment when this person was dramatizing. Pick up that material and you have got the person’s lie factory. Now, take that on repeater technique and just charge it right down the bank, slam him into it and out will go the lie factory.

The only reason you get the dramatization is so that you can get the wording which is probably in the engram. Shoot for that wording and it will get right at the cause of the demon circuit by repeater technique.

Your test is "The file clerk will give me the next engram which we require in order to resolve this case." You get it, with the somatic strip put at the front of it, and you run the engram.

Try to find out what the demon circuit is by listening to it for a while. For instance, if it is a mocker circuit, which one of the parents mocked the other? Which grandparent mocked who? Get it on straight memory, and you can get the locks.

The dramatization you are trying to reach will contain the wording which is in the engram, so that now you can shoot for the engram with repeater technique. You may find it the hundred and twenty- fifth time it was uttered in the bank; you may have to track it all the way back on just that phrase earlier, earlier, earlier, until you eventually come to a part of the bank where you can reduce it.

You are working closely with the file clerk. To make an analogy of this, you are working with somebody who is quite sane and rational, except that demon circuitry has gotten in between. Supposing you are helping me hunt for a lost object and suddenly somebody jumps in between us and starts saying, "You lost it down over that way," you and I can’t converse anymore because this fellow is giving me a lot of phony directions.

The somatic strip would be like an arrow, or pointer. The body will swing this pointer at your orders. The somatic strip will go to definite phrases along the line.

I have never seen any phony somatics although I have seen somatics belonging to the wrong valence. When a person is out of valence no somatics occur at all. That is both circuitry and valence trouble. So, if a person hasn’t got any somatics, start looking for valences.

The demon circuit is not your turn- on on somatics. Somatics, sonic and so forth get turned off by computation for one, such as, "I can’t hear, I can’t see, I can’t feel, I have no pain, I don’t know the feeling of pain"— straight engrams. Those are computational turn- offs. Then there is a mechanical turn- off which is being out of valence. If a person is in Mama’s valence, he will run Mama’s somatics or he will run no somatics. If he is in Papa’s valence, he will run Papa’s somatics; or if he is over in Grandpa’s valence and Grandpa had a wooden leg, he will run Grandpa’s wooden leg. As you swing him through these valences he will do these things. He is running on the somatics of the carbon copy which are also command dictated.

If circuitry is interposed, this doesn’t mean a person is worse off or crazy, it is simply that a circuit has dropped in between him and exactly what the data is. He has got the data. Ask him and he will give you most anything. Sometimes a circuit will give you three or five, or maybe six or ten different dates. You ask him for a date on one engram and he will say it is one date and the next time you ask him he says another date. Demon circuits are crazy. They are not consistent.

You are working with the file clerk and you are commanding the somatic strip. Understand this operating procedure and what you can expect from a case, how it should work, and how to patch it up when it doesn’t work.