BIRTHA lecture given on 27 June 1950A Trying Experience Birth is a rather trying experience on a child, and an experience which brings about a condition of great weariness because of its excessive length and high emotional content in most cases. It can continue for 50 hours. The first contractions are not considered terribly important by the child, but as they go on they get worse and worse and they become very important. They become very painful until in the last half hour of birth before the head emerges, it is somewhat like being in a cotton press or jute mill. Now it so happens in birth that a woman who is sexually frustrated doesn’t develop very well in the pelvic region,. sometimes it is much too narrow and a lot of difficulty ensues. At this moment a doctor, when he doesn’t order a Caesarian, usually starts in with instruments. Then you get a real picnic in birth. The practicing theory in the last 20 or 30 years has been to get the woman as frightened as possible then anesthetize her utterly so her muscles wouldn’t work and she couldn’t push down anything, get her into a complete nightmare state, then scream at her to "push," and harangue her for not cooperating and so forth. This is standard at birth. Birth is a very engramic period, extremely so. As a consequence, headaches from birth are very common. The doctor often says, "Hold still now. Now push. Now push down. Now push down. All right, it’s coming now. It’s coming. It’ll be here in an instant now." It is things like this which pull the person down the time track into birth, and it is very common to find people latched up in birth. I know I wouldn’t like to be born again. Then as soon as the child’s head comes out, usually his eyes are facing a strategically located blazing white light, square in the ceiling. This is to render him conscious of the fact, no doubt, that this is the world. If you want to give somebody a bad cold, give him a sudden light flash in the face. It will very often work on a person as a restimulator, and very shortly afterwards he will start to sneeze or blow his nose. The next greeting that he gets is somebody grabbing him by the ankles, usually, swishing him up into the air with a great deal of energy, and spatting him very securely upon the rump with lots of conversation in the meantime. The person has just been pushed through hell, returned back and pushed through again, and now somebody spanks him. Then they lay him down and put things in his eyes with lots of chatter like, "Now, hold still, hold still. Oh, that’s a good baby." Then somebody always comes along and says, "My, what a beautiful baby," or, "Aren’t you lucky," which puts a manic on the end of birth. This makes up a pretty standard birth. Then they take the baby and put him in a room with a lot of other squalling infants to din his ears in. The nurse comes by, and people stand around, and for about three to five days the baby has a headache. In short, there are about four or five days of material. Fortunately this material will come up in chunks, and even the longest run on birth normally won’t take over an hour and a half, right through from beginning to end. But you can count on birth, whether it is accessible or not, being at the very least quite a trying experience. It produces a headache which is often severe and which is variable, because as the baby’s head starts to emerge, first there is the headache which just covers the crown of the head, and down; then there is the headache which covers the forehead as a band; then there is the headache which covers the lower part of the jaw and back of the neck; then there is the headache which merely chokes the child and ruins the back of his neck. Next his shoulders are squeezed as they come through, and so on. Bursitis can set in about this time. Now if the doctor has placed his instruments "expertly," he can give the baby a very fine traumatic condition of the gums and jaw, so that the baby will have tooth trouble for the rest of his life. If the doctor is very "clever" at it he can say at that moment, "Don’t be anxious, now hold still. Now I’m pulling him down. Here he is. Hold still, Baby. Now, we just get another grip here, just get another grip here. Damn it, Nurse, I told you to get that sterilizer out. Now there’s no reason to be nervous, Madam, there’s no reason to be nervous. Now hold still for a minute. Now push, now push once more." About this time, if it is a fairly normal birth, the baby is extremely tired— and the patient at this point will start to get tired. A baby goes to sleep about two minutes after he has been born, in most cases, and this weariness will settle over the patient if you try to erase the engram. Or, if you clip birth, the person will be extremely tired for days afterwards. I clipped a birth one time and for two and a half months the patient was exhausted, because we couldn’t get back to it again. And finally we got things squared around and got it up, and I don’t think the patient has been tired since. But chronic weariness is something that comes directly from birth. Conjunctivitis is something else that stems from it. Sinusitis, too, is very common in birth. The reason that people often get colds after taking a warm shower and then stepping out into cold air, is because it is a restimulator of birth when the baby moved from a warm, dark interior to a cool, light exterior, with his nose and throat full of mucus. And that is actually the source of the common cold in its psychosomatic aspect. There is all sorts of material back of birth, but birth can lay down the injury on which these things can feast. A person knows what a headache is— it is "Oh, poor little boy, you’ve got a headache." So now he knows what a headache is— it means getting born. You will find most normal births difficult enough to lift. But now we get into births which are not as normal. These produce some quite remarkable psychic conditions in people. The cord very often gets around a child’s neck so that he is born in a strangled condition, unconscious from lack of oxygen. The cord is not giving him oxygen and he can’t breathe the air. The doctor once in a while will say, "Well, the baby’s dead," and other "helpful" remarks will occur at this time which give the child a horror of strangling. In one case, a woman who was sure her husband was going to strangle her at any moment was found to have had in birth a cord around her neck, with a holder, and the doctor as an ally. But the doctor was just like (according to her reactive mind) her husband. So her husband restimulated birth, and restimuluted a strangulation. Because of an antagonist in her case who was also restimulated by the husband, she achieved the remarkable judgment that her husband at any moment was going to strangle her. She was terrified of strangling, and if he touched her throat it would upset her considerably. Another aspect of birth is the Caesarean. One might think offhand that one would not discover very much that was upsetting to the child in a Caesarean. But remember that most Caesareans are given only after natural labor has been attempted and has failed, so that the child now and then has his head wedged in the pelvis for some hours. Only then do they cut the woman open in order to retrieve the child. To do this they have to give her a general anesthetic, so we get an operation on top of the thing, and it is a very nasty traumatic experience. They never give the Caesarean in time to cancel out the effects of a labor. Another aspect of birth is the false labor. You may think you have found birth, and all of a sudden it will turn out not to be birth. There are labor pains, contractions and so forth, with Mama screaming and sure that she is going to die. Finally she gets so nervous and tensed up that she can’t deliver and they wheel her out of the delivery room. Then it may be three or four days before that birth is accomplished, during which the baby may be out of position and all sorts of things may be wrong with the child; so it is a rather nasty period. Women in the past have not reacted too well to birth, yet I have reason to believe that birth in a natural sense where a woman has very few engrams may be a fairly easy experience. Birth is very much impeded by fright on the mother’s part. When you hear, while you are diagnosing somebody, that he had a very difficult birth, you peg Mama. Mama is a loop. It will work out one for one. I have found no exceptions to this. If you get a blocked second dynamic, 1 know that there is a nasty birth around someplace, although you can still find women who are too small to give birth and who are not nervous and who aren’t particularly loopy. Nevertheless, it is true that blocks on the second dynamic cut down various fluid flows in the body including glandular excretions. The body does not construct itself along lines to give birth. You get very narrow- hipped women and other very undesirable things. Here is the blocked second dynamic very definitely at work. If the second dynamic is blocked, Mama is going to abreact somewhat. So you probably have a loopy prenatal background too if you have got a bad birth. The next thing that you will run into in birth is that it is an engram in common with the child. Mother and child have the same engram. Postpartum psychosis may be rare, but postpartum neurosis is the standard thing in America. This is the child that gave her all the pain. This is the mama that I heard screaming. Between the two of them it is a setup that the devil himself would not have countenanced. Then there may also be the condition of the doctor saying to the baby, "Now you’ll forget this in a little while. Okay, little Baby, hold still. You’ll forget all about this in a little while. Things aren’t so bad. Things aren’t so bad," while the child is lying there knocked to pieces with his head all swollen up. He actually has what in an adult human being would be called concussion and skull fracture. Of course, because he is limber he can take it, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hurt. "You will forget all about this in a little while," the doctor says. "Now hold still." You will find Mama, after that, occasionally using this phrase to the child which keeps the child nicely restimulated. She doesn’t know where she got these phrases. Now take a doctor who doesn’t know, who can’t be sure, who is being hammered by the husband in the area asking, "Will they be all right? Will they be all right?" "I don’t know. I can’t be sure. This sure is a mess here. You never can tell about these things," and so on— the doubtful doctor. He really gives you a case, because you will pick this up later and just from that source alone you can have "I don’t know, I’m not sure" chronically in restimulation. The doctor loses his self- confidence most in a case that he believes contains some possibility of death for the mother or child, and becomes very unsure. So here is a tough birth with a tough computation laid on top of it. There is more than one person walking around today who is a "don’t know and can’t be sure" case straight from the doctor at birth. So, birth is a very interesting experience any way you want to look at it when you are lifting it as an engram. You will find that most sinusitis, a lot of bursitis, quite a bit of arthritis, stomach pains (because the stomach is very badly clenched on the final ejection during delivery, and because of instruments which are clamped against the stomach), tooth trouble, eye conjunctivitis, and several other conditions stem mostly from birth. If you can get up birth alone, you will produce such a marked difference in the case that the preclear will hardly know he is the same man as far as his psychosomatic illnesses are concerned. Birth is quite a target. I would love to have some kind of a mechanical aid which would help with diagnosis. Rather than ask the patient, if one could just start running off types of incidents and watch for a reaction on something like an EEG, that would be one way to do it. The best way we have now is simply by flash answers and checking over the case and getting a diagnosis on it and so forth. This covers birth very generally. The first few times you handle birth in a case you will know more about it than I can tell you. And once you have gone through your own birth, you will have a vast appreciation for the experience. |