PRE- LOGIC: Theta orients objects in space and time. AXIOM: In life experience space becomes beingness. FORMULA I: Permitting the preclear to discover with certainty where people and things are not in the present, past and future recovers sufficient orientation to establish his knowledge and certainty of where he is and they are; the application of this is accomplished by negative orientation of beingness, havingness and doingness on each of eight dynamics in the present, past and future.
AXIOM: In life experience energy becomes doingness. AXIOM: Compulsive position precedes compulsive thinking. AXIOM: That which changes the preclear in space can evaluate for him. FORMULA II: Permit the preclear to discover that he handles bodies and allow him to handle bodies in mock- ups and actuality; and remedy his thirst for attention which he has received by contagion from bodies.
PRE- LOGIC: Theta creates space and time and objects to locate in them. DEFINITION: Space is a viewpoint of dimension.
AXIOM: Energy derives from imposition of space between terminals and a reduction and expansion of that space.
FORMULA III: Permit the preclear to regain his ability to create space and impose it upon terminals, to remove it from between terminals and to regain his security concerning the stability of MEST space.
AXIOM: In life experience matter becomes havingness.
OBSERVATION: To a thetan ANYTHING is better than nothing.
OBSERVATION: Any preclear is suffering from problems of too little havingness any any reduction of his existing energy, if not replaced, will cause him to drop in tone.
FORMULA IV: The remedy of problems of havingness is accomplished by creating an abundance of all things.
As the preclear has rendered automatic his desires and ability to create and destroy, and thus has placed havingness beyond his control, the Auditor should place in the control of the preclear his automaticities of havingness and unhavingness and permit him, on his own self- determinism, to balance his havingness.
AXIOM: Space exists by reason of anchor points.
DEFINITION: An anchor point is any particle or mass or terminal.
AXIOM: Energy is derived from mass by fixing two terminals in proximity in space.
AXIOM: Self- determinism is related to the ability to impose space between terminals.
AXIOM: Cause is a potential source of flow.
AXIOM: Effect is a potential receipt of flow.
AXIOM: Communication is the duplication at the receipt point of that which emanated at a cause point.
AXIOM: Wrongness in terms of flow is inflow.
FORMULA V: The thetan is rehabilitated as to energy and terminals by remedying his postulates about outflow and inflow and drills relating to the outflow and inflow of energy according to the above axioms.
DEFINITION: A symbol is an idea fixed in energy and mobile in space.
FORMULA VI: The thetan who has been moved about by symbols is strengthened by mocking up and moving about and fixing in space ideas which have formerly moved him.
AXIOM: The MEST universe is a game consisting of barriers.
DEFINITION: A barrier is space, energy, object, obstacles, or time.
FORMULA VII: Problems of barriers or their lack are resolved by contacting and penetrating, creating and destroying, validating and neglecting barriers by changing them or substituting others for them, by fixing and unfixing attention upon their somethingness and nothingness.
FUNDAMENTAL: The basic action of existence is duplication.
LOGIC: All operating principles of life may be derived from duplication.
AXIOM: Communication is as exact as it approaches duplication.
AXIOM: Unwillingness to be cause is monitored by unwillingness to be duplicated.
AXIOM: Unwillingness to be an effect is monitored by unwillingness to duplicate.
AXIOM: An inability to remain in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness to duplicate.
AXIOM: An enforced fixation in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness to duplicate.
AXIOM: Inability to duplicate on any dynamic is the primary degeneration of the thetan.
AXIOM: Perception depends upon duplication.
AXIOM: Communication depends upon duplication.
AXIOM: In the MEST universe, the single crime is duplication.
FORMULA VIII: The primary ability and willingness of the thetan to duplicate must be rehabilitated by handling desires, enforcements and inhibitions relating to it on all dynamics.
The Creation of Human Ability