OT VIII AND ABOVE Section VIII OT and above. OT Course Section VIII and "There are perhaps 15 levels above above at Advanced Organi- OT VII fully developed but existing zations when issued. only in unissued note form, pending (Not yet released.) more people’s full attainment of OT VI and VII." L. Ron Hubbard OT I THROUGH OT VII OT Course Sections I- VII OT I through VII. at Advanced Organizations.

CLEAR Ability to be at cause over mental Clearing Course at matter, energy, space and time on Advanced Organizations. the 1st Dynamic. (Survival for self.)

Grade VI WHOLE TRACK RELEASE Return of powers to act on own By auditing self on Grade determinism - Freedom from VI materials at dramatization. Advanced Organizations.

SOLO AUDITOR Ability to Solo Audit. Solo Auditor’s Course training given at Advanced Organizations.

SOLO SET- UPS Fully prepared for Solo Auditing. Given at Saint Hill or Advanced Organization HGCs as designated by C/ S.

Grade VA POWER PLUS RELEASE Recovery of knowledge. Given by Class VII and above auditors at all Saint Hill Organizations.

Grade V Ability to handle power. POWER RELEASE Given by Class VII and above auditors at all Saint Hill Organizations.

EXPANDED DIANETICS Freedom from cruel impulses and COMPLETION chronic unwanted conditions. Able Audited and C/ Sed by Hub- to act without restraint. bard Graduate Dianetic Specialists at Hubbard


Guidance Centers or as student on Expanded Dianetics Course, or as authorized.

Expanded Grade IV ABILITY RELEASE Moving out of fixed conditions and Hubbard Guidance Centers gaining ability to do new things. or as student on Academy or Saint Hill Courses, or as authorized.

Expanded Grade III FREEDOM RELEASE Freedom from the upsets of the past Hubbard Guidance Centers and ability to face the future. or as student on Academy or Saint Hill Courses, or as authorized.

Expanded Grade II RELIEF RELEASE Relief from hostilities and Hubbard Guidance Centers sufferings of life. or as student on Academy or Saint Hill Courses, or as authorized.

Expanded Grade I PROBLEMS RELEASE Ability to recognize the source of Hubbard Guidance Centers problems and make them vanish. or as student on Academy or Saint Hill Courses, or as authorized.

Expanded Grade 0 COMMUNICATIONS RELEASE Ability to communicate freely with Hubbard Guidance Centers anyone on any subject. or as student on Academy or Saint Hill Courses, or as authorized.

DIANETIC CASE COMPLETION A well and happy human being. Hubbard Guidance Centers, Dianetic Counseling Groups, Mission Auditors, or as student on HSDC, Academy or Saint Hill Courses.

Expanded ARC Straightwire RECALL RELEASE Knows he/ she won’t get any worse. Hubbard Guidance Centers or as student on Level 0 or higher Academy or Saint Hill Courses.

DRUG RUNDOWN Freedom from harmful effects of COMPLETION drugs, alcohol and medicine and


Hubbard Guidance Centers, free from need to take them. Dianetic Counseling Groups, Mission Auditors, or as student on HSDC, Academy or Saint Hill Courses.

LIFE REPAIR Awareness of truth and the way to COMPLETION personal freedom. Hubbard Guidance Centers or as authorized.

GROUP PROCESSING COMPLETION Awareness that change is available. Given in Scientology Churches and Missions.



Abbreviated from Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates, February 1975 Edition, available on request from Hubbard Scientology Organizations or Missions listed in back pages.