The original scale

4.0Desire 1.5Enforce .5 Inhibit

Was expanded in 1952 to

Curiosity Desire Enforce Inhibit

In 1959 I found another vital point on this scale which gives us a new case entrance point -

Curiosity Desire Enforce Inhibit Unknown

(Suspecting also that "Wait" fits between Unknown and Inhibit)

To Make these agree in intention, they would become

Interest Desire Enforce Inhibit Unknow

This scale also is found to invert - similar to the Dynamics, and below sanity on any subject. Thus:

Unknow Inhibit Enforce Desire Interest

These points, particularly on the inverted scale, going down, are lowered by failure. Each lower step is an explanation to justify having failed with the upper level.

One seeks to not know something and fails. One then seeks to inhibit i t a n d f a i l s . Therefore one seeks to enforce it and fails. Thus one explains by desiring it and fails. And not really being able to have it, shows thereafter an obsessive interest in it.

The above inversion is of course all reactive.

A later expansion of the scale gives us:

K Know U Unknow


C Curious D Desire E Enforce IInhibit O Absence of (" No....") F Falsify

Standard Tech Use

The old DEI cycle gives us an important tool used in today’s standard technology for Level III, the handling of ARC Breaks. An "ARCU - CDEI" assessment uses:

A Affinity R Reality C Communication U Understanding

In conjunction with

C Curious about ....... D Desired ....... E Enforced ....... I Inhibited .......

This is part of the Level III tech of R (Routine= 3H.)

It works like a bomb.