This refers to objective events which can be measured




Tone 4

Motion toward, by swift approach Full control of autonomic cortex, both cranio- sacral and thoracolumbar systems of auto- nomic functioning at optimum under direction of cortex; muscle tone excellent; reactions excellent; energy level high 3.5


Motion toward, approaching well, Moderate control of autonomic by cortex; cranio- sacral function- thoracolumbar slightly depressed; muscle tone good; reactions good; energy level moderate
  Motion toward,
slow approach
Autonomic functioning independent of cortex; cranio- sacral func- tioning well, slight activity in thoracolumbar muscle tone fair; energy level fair

Tone 3

No motion,
Autonomic independent of cortex; cranio- sacral functioning well, but no activity in thoracolum- bar; muscle tone, reaction time and energy level poor


Motion away,
recede slowly
Autonomic begins to take over control; cranio- sacral inhibi- ted, thoracolumbar up; slight restlessness, heightened activity, wavering attention
  Motion away,
Recede quickly
Increased activity thoracolumbar cranio- sacral more suppressed; increased restlessness, wavering of attention, inability to concentrate

Tone 2

Motion toward,,
slow attack
Increased activity of thoraco- lumbar inhibition of cranio- sacral; irritability; increased heart action, spasmodic contrac- tions of gastro- intestinal tract, respiration increased


  Motion toward,
violent attack
Full autonomic mobilization for violent attack; complete inhi- bition of cranio- sacral, tho- racolumbar in full action; res- piration and pulse fast and deep; stasis of gastro- intes- tinal tract; blood to periphe- ral vascular system
  Motion away,
slow retreat
Autonomic settles down to chronic rage reaction, inhibi- tion of cranio- sacral; imper- fect gastro- intestinal action; increased peripheral vascular circulation, increased pulse and respiration
Tone 1 Motion away,
violent flee
Autonomic mobilization for full flight reaction; laxity of gastrointestinal tract; all blood to peripheral vascular system, especially muscles for rapid flight; breathing and pulse rapid and shallow
0.5 Slight motion
agitation in one
Autonomic mobilized for cry for help, grief; cranio- sacral on full; thoracolumbar inhibited; Suffer deep, sobbing breathing; pulse hard and irregular; discharge of tears and other bodily secretions
  No motion,
Shock reaction; thoracolumbar inhibited; cranio- sacral full on gradually decreasing as organism approaches death; breathing shallow and irregular; pulse thready; blood pooled in internal organs; muscles limp, lacking tone; pallor
Tone 0 In any particular situation two or three of the above patterns will predominate. Usually the behavior and physiological patterns will be involved in any suppressor action. The speed at which the organism descends the tone scale varies widely. It may be arrested at any point, it may stay withn one level for a long period of time before descending, or it may proceed so rapidly that the individual is unconscious almost before he realizes a suppressor is acting.

Notes on the Lectures 1950