The reality scale refers to the individuals hold on reality and his agreement with others on what reality is. Reality breaks are actually disagreements on reality, usually resulting only from a different viewpoint and not from actual differences in reality itself. The communication scale refers to the individuals ability to communicate with other people.
Tone 4 |
SEARCH FOR DIFFERENT VIEW POINTS and changes in reality in order to broaden own reality - complete flexibility in understan- ding, relating and eval- uating different realities | ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE COMPLETELY, witholding nothing; ability to create and construct through conversation |
3.5 |
ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND, , RELATE AND EVALUATE REALITY, regardless of change or difference in viewpoint, moderate flexibility in realities brought to view without eager search for new ones | SWIFT EXCHANGE of deepseated deeply felt beliefs and ideas |
ATTEMPTS TO RECONCILE with conflicting reality | TENTATIVE EXPRESSION of OWN reality limited number of personal beliefs and - limited flexibility of ideas | |
Tone 3 |
AWARENESS OF POSSIBLE VALIDITY of different reality (viewpoint) without relating it to own reality | CASUAL EXCHANGE of superficial chatter |
2.5 |
INDIFFERENCE TO CONFLIC- TING REALITY - "Maybe -"argue about it" attitude - dismissal of communication - not trying to get percep- tics clear | INDIFFERENCE TO COMMUNICA- TION of others - "Lets not who cares? attitude if toward environment, |
REFUSAL TO MATCH TWO REALITIES, rejection conflicting reality"So what?" attitude | REFUSAL TO ACCEPT COMMUNI- CATION of other person (or of environment) - turning to other sources of communication |
VERBAL DOUBT - defence own reality, attempts to undermine others situation | INDIRECT POT- SHOOTING, nagging, nasty cracks, in- validating other person or | |
1.5 |
DESTRUCTION OF OPPOSING REALITY, wrecking or changing it, knocking props from other persons reality - "Youre wrong"! attitude. If reality is environmental, destruc- tion is accomplished only through change | SHUTTING OFF OTHER persons communication, destruction out of it - "Shut up!" "Drop it!" |
DOUBT OF OPPOSING REALITY, , non- verbal disbelief refusal to accept con- flicting reality with- out trying to fight back | STUBBORN SILENCE, sulking, refusal to communicate further, rejection of attempted communication by others | |
Tone 1 |
DOUBT OF OWN REALITY- insecurity; attempts to gain reassurance; if reality is environmental appeasement of gods or elements | LYING to avoid real commu- cation; can take the form of pretended agreement, - flattery or verbal appeasements; or simply a false picture of persons feelings and ideas; false facade, artificial personality |
0.5 |
SHAME, anxiety, strong doubt of own reality with consequent inability to act within it, must be told what to do if person is to act at all, afraid to act himself since he has no way to assess consequences | EVASIVENESS to avoid com- munication; hiding persons own thoughts and feelings superficial communication built on accepted standards without relation to persons real feelings; or schizoid secrecy |
COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL from, conflicting reality refusal to test own reality against conflicting one; Locked in own rigid reality - psychotic | INABILITY TO COMMUNICATE; completely unresponsive | |
Tone 0 |
Notes on the Lectures 1950