"A graduated series or scheme of rank or order." "A graded series of tests or of performances used in rating individual intelligence or achievement."

Websters Seventh New Collegiate

The term "gradient scale" can be applied to anything, and means a scale of condition graduated from zero to infinity. Depending on the direction in which the scale is graduated, there could be an infinity of wrongness or an infinity of rightness.

Absolutes are considered unobtainable.

The difference between one point on these scales and another point could be as different or as wide as the entire range of the scale itself, or it could be so tiny as to need the most minute discernment for its establishment.

Life in its highest state (top of the scale) is understanding. Life in its lower states is in a lower level of understanding.

Understanding is composed of Affinity, Reality and Communication. This triangle tells us that the co- existent relationship between affinity, reality and communication is such that none can be decreased without decreasing the other two. Of the three, COMMUNICATION is by far the most important. Affinity and reality exist to further communication. Under the heading of affinity we have, for instance, all the varied emotions which go from apathy at 0.1 through grief, fear, anger, antagonism, boredom, enthusiasm, exhilaration and serenity IN THAT ORDER. It is affinity and this rising scale of the characteristics of emotion which give us the Tone Scale.

The characteristics and potentiality of the top of the scale or near the top are unbounded creation, outflow, certainty, certainty of awareness, going- awayness, explosion, holding apart, spreading apart, letting go, reaching, goals of a causative nature, widening space, freedom from time, separateness, differentiation, givingness of sensation, vaporizingness, glowingness, lightness, whiteness, desolidifyingness, total awareness, total understanding, total ARC.

The bottom of the scale and the vicinity around it includes death, inflow, certainty (of unawareness), coming- backness, implosion, letting- come- together, pulling together, holding together, with- drawing, effect goals (ambition to be an effect rather than a cause), contracting space, no time or infinite time in a moment, connectingness, identification, identity, receivingness of sensation, condensation, blackness, solidification, no awareness, no understanding, no ARC.

The various characteristics or intentions are observable for any dynamic and any universe.

Between these two extremes is the mean of action where complete freedom to do any of these things of the top or bottom of the scale is exercised. Therefore, somewhere between 3.5 on the Tone Scale and 36.5, there is action.

Wherever you find an individual on any of the following scales, that is his level of ARC. As a person goes up scale in auditing, he goes up scale on gradients of ARC.