Do not evaluate for the preclear.
Do not invalidate or correct the preclears data.
Use the processes which improve the preclears case.
Keep all appointments once made.
Do not process a preclear after 10: 00 p. m.
Do not process a preclear who is improperly fed or who has not received enough rest.
Do not permit a frequent change of auditors.
Do not sympathize with the preclear.
Never permit the preclear to end the session on his own independent decision.
Never walk off from the preclear during a session.
Never get angry with the preclear.
Always reduce every communication lag encountered by continued use of the same question or process.
Always continue a process as long as it produces change, and no longer.
Be willing to grant beingness to the preclear.
Never mix the processes of Scientology with those of various other practices.
Maintain two- way communication with the preclear.
Never use Scientology to obtain personal and unusual favors or unusual compliance from the preclear for the auditors own personal profit.
Estimate the current case of your preclear with reality and do not process another imagined case.
Do not explain, justify or make excuses for any auditor mistakes whether real or imagined.