Recently I developed a technique called "Unburdening" which seems to have considerable possibilities. I have not had sufficient opportunity to test thoroughly its potentialities or to locate it properly on the tone scale. I give it here for your information and would greatly appreciate hearing about whatever results you achieve with it.
Ordinarily the last engram on a case can be run providing it has not acquired too many locks. Further, any engram seems to depend, for its inaccessibility, on the locks it has accumulated.
The auditor occasionally finds it necessary to run an engram even though he cannot get all the perceptics which are contained in that engram. It would be valuable if he could obtain all the perceptics and reduce or erase them. Unburdening would be a technique designed to assist the auditor in running out all the perceptics.
The engram, in this technique, is run until everything in it which can be contacted is reduced. Then the auditor lock scans the preclear from the moment of the engram up to present time through all the locks of that engram. The auditor has the locks scanned one or more times, working with the file clerk. Then the auditor, using again standard procedure for engrams, runs that engram once more or twice more or until any additional material has been reduced. Then he has the preclear scan all the locks of that engram again. Then he once more runs the engram.
It is the charge in the locks which seals in the engram. By discharging the locks, through the technique of lock scanning, more and more perceptics should show up in the engram. Unburdening, then, would be the technique of thoroughly bringing to view everything contained in an engram by scanning its locks. Alternate running of the engram and scanning its locks should bring about a maximal release of entheta.
The practicality of this technique is certain. The extent of its usefulness has not been thoroughly explored.
It is completely assured that a physical pain engram underlies all misemotion and that when misemotion is run from a secondary, a physical pain engram is commonly exposed to view. Indeed, the preclear may dive into the physical pain engram and start running it while the auditor is still attempting to get a discharge from the secondary. It also happens that when an auditor is trying to run an engram his preclear may suddenly run into the misemotion of a secondary (which should then be run).
It also occurs commonly that the preclear, when the auditor is trying to run an engram, will soar up into the locks of that engram. This is the result, usually, of a bouncer in the engram. But bouncer or no bouncer, the locks are there and they are important. Thus, when an engram is reduced, the locks may be run, after which more perceptics may be found.