Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead. Sussex


Qual                                                 (Corrections in this type style)
All Auditors
E-Meter Check-sheets


     The following corrections are to be made in E-METER ESSENTIALS:


     Page 9 Section 10:

     Delete: "no matter what the preclear says."

     Add: "until the EP of that process is reached."

     The whole section now reads: "If the Tone Arm shows motion, continue the process, until the EP of that process is reached."

     Page 10. Section 12:

     Delete: "is a breach of the Auditor's Code Clause 13. Also to continue a process that is producing no Tone Arm motion is a breach of the same Clause . "

     Add: "will leave the pc with By-Passed Charge. The process should be continued to the EP of that process."

     The whole section now reads: "To change a process while the Tone Arm shows good motion will leave the pc with By-Passed Charge. The process should be continued to the EP of that process."


     Page 13, Section 5:

     Delete: "Have the preclear hold the electrodes comfortably in his hands. Have him tighten his hands and then relax them, still holding the cans. The needle should drop exactly one-third of a dial. Adjust the sensitivity knob by asking the preclear to squeeze the cans again and observing the needle fall."

     The whole section is substituted with the following: "The exact setting of the sensitivity knob is done as follows: Have the preclear hold the electrodes (cans) in his hands with the cans in contact with the cups of his palms and all his fingers and both thumbs in a comfortable grip. Set the sensitivity at 5 and adjust the position of the needle to set. Have the preclear squeeze the cans with an even gradual pressure, not a sudden hard squeeze. Watch the distance the needle drops. If the distance the needle fell is less than one-third of a dial drop, raise the sensitivity some and get another can squeeze, continuing this procedure till you've got the sensitivity setting that gives you one third dial drop on the can squeeze. If the can squeeze gave you more than one-third dial drop at Sens. 5, lower the sensitivity setting a bit, test
another can squeeze, continuing this procedure till you get one-third of a dial drop.

     In other words, keep adjusting your sensitivity lower or higher according to whether the drop is more or less than one-third of a dial drop, until you get the correct sensitivity setting."

     Page 13. Section 7:

     Delete: "Adjust the knob to a still needle that will yet move on needed responses . "

     Add: "Adjust the sensitivity knob to get a third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, or as close to that as you can."

     The whole section now reads: "In short, adjust the sensitivity knob to get a third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, or as close to that as you can."


     Page 14. Section 4:

     Delete: "A fall always happens with rapidity, within a second or two."

     Add: "A fall always happens at the exact end of the question asked."

     The whole section now reads: "A falling needle (3) makes a dip to the right as you face the meter. A fall may consist of half a division (about one-eighth of an inch) or may consist of fifteen dials (the whole meter face dropped fifteen times). It is still a fall. A fall always happens at the exact end of the question asked. It is also called a drop, a dip and a register. It denotes that a disagreement with life on which the preclear has greater or lesser reality has met the question asked."

     Page 15. Section 9:

     Delete: "upon the question being asked. A fall can be in two stages or more providing they take place within a second or two after the question."

     Add: "at the end of the last word of the question asked."

     The whole section now reads: "A fall follows at once at the end of the last word of the question asked."


     Page 15. Section 17:

     Delete: "we must assume that that is it and we use it."

     Add: "it can be further explored with the suppress and invalidate buttons to see if it develops into a sF, F. or BD, which then can be used."

     The whole section now reads: "Change of characteristic occurs when we hit on something in the preclear's bank. It occurs only when and each time that we ask that exact question. As the question or item alone changes the needle pattern, it can be further explored with the suppress and invalidate buttons to see if it develops into a sF, F. or BD, which then can be used."

     Page 15. Section 18:

     Delete: "usually" .
     Add: "may".

     The whole section now reads: "A question that stops a rising needle is a change of characteristic question and like a fall means we have struck something. Further exploration may develop it into a fall."

     Page 16. Section 21:

     Delete: "within one tenth to one half of a second after you have asked a question of the preclear."

     Add: "An instant read is defined as that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor."

     The whole section now reads: "It is not much used but must be known as it may have to be used sooner or later when we can't get falls.

     "The only needle reactions in which you should be interested are those which occur INSTANTLY. An instant read is defined as that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor."


     Page 17, Section 35, ROCK SLAM (7):

     Delete: "This originally meant (and still does) that you are on the rock chain."

     Add: "A Rock Slam means a hidden Evil Intention on the subject or question under discussion or auditing."

     The whole section now reads: "In assessing or running you occasionally get a Rock Slam. A Rock Slam means a hidden Evil Intention on the subject or question under discussion or auditing."

     Page 17, Section 36:

     Delete: "A Rock Slam is a crazy, irregular, unequal, jerky motion of the needle, narrow as one inch or as wide as three inches happening several times a second. The needle 'goes crazy', slamming back and forth, narrowly, widely, over on the left, over on the right, in a mad war dance or as if it were frantically trying to escape. It means hot terminal or hot anything in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall."

     The entire section is replaced with: "A Rock Slam is a crazy, irregular, left-right slashing motion of the needle. It repeats left and right slashes unevenly and savagely, faster than the eye easily follows. The needle is frantic. The width of a Rock Slam (R/S) depends largely on sensitivity setting. It goes from one-fourth inch to whole dial. But it slams back and forth. It means hot item in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall or it means that you have left rings on the pc's hands or have a loose connection in the leads or meter. If the latter two items verify as not present you are looking at a Rock Slam in the pc."


     Page 17, Section 41:

     Delete: "It means an idle, uninfluenced motion, no matter what you say about the goal or terminal. It isn't just null, it's uninfluenced by anything (except body reactions)."

     The entire section is replaced by: "It means the same as a Floating Needle, which is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle, back and forth, back and forth, without change in the width of the swing except perhaps to widen as the pc gets off the last small bits of charge. Note that it can get so wide that you have to shift the Tone Arm back and forth, back and forth, to keep the needle on the dial in which case you have a floating tone arm."

     Page 18 Section 44:

     Delete: "It doesn't happen until a person is well above release, so don't worry about it until you see it."

     The whole section is replaced with: "It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the Tone Arm, at a release point, or on the erasure of a Dianetic chain."

     Page 18. Section 46:

     Delete: "A Free Needle means, when it's used as a term, 'The preclear is getting awful close to clear.'"

     The whole section is replaced with: "A Free Needle or Floating Needle is one of the parts of the End Phenomena for any process or action."


     Page 21. Section 3:

     Delete: "(b) it's in a past life and he doesn't consciously know about it (since the meter precedes preclear consciousness)."

     The entire line is replaced with: "(b) there's an earlier similar overt or withhold . "

     Page 22. Section 5:

     Delete: "In the case of a past life possibility you add, 'In this lifetime' to your security question. As you repeat that, if the misdeed was in a past life, the fall will vanish."

     The whole section is replaced with: "In the case of (b) when there's an earlier similar overt or withhold, you must ask for it and get it."

     Page 22. Section 7:

     Delete: "always (as in all Rudiments) ask the question again as this might not be all of it."

     Add: "you get all the data and handle it earlier similar withhold as necessary to an F/N."

     The whole section now reads: "If the preclear tells you a withhold, you get all the data and handle it earlier similar withhold as necessary to an F/N."

     Page 22. Section 9:

     Delete: "On a security check sheet, follow up every change of characteristic before you go on."

     Add: "On a security check, follow up every change of characteristic, if it is instant, before you go on."
The whole section now reads: "On a security check, follow up every change of characteristic, if it is instant, before you go on. Change of characteristic, if it amounts to anything, will develop into a fall."

     Page 22, Section 10:

     Delete. "(or it's a past life)".

     Add: "or there's an earlier similar overt or withhold"

     The whole section now reads: "If the preclear hasn't told all or there's an earlier similar overt or withhold, the meter won't clear."

     Page 22, Section 14:

     No deletions.

     Add: "except when it's a false read which can be checked for."

     The whole section now reads: "Grim experience of a decade has taught me that it's (a) or (b) and never 'I moved the needle myself' or 'I feel nervous just generally'. The E-Meter is right even when it seems to make the preclear wrong, except when it's a false read which can be checked for."


     Page 25, Section 7:

     Delete: "if that doesn't stop it, squirt some lighter fluid into the Tone Arm 'bearing' from the meter face side."

     Add: "including the Mark V until February 1979".

     The entire section now reads: "One exception: The British and American Hubbard Electrometer early models including the Mark V until February 1979 had a 'carbon pot' which is to say the Tone Arm was in 'pure carbon bearings', if you could call it that. A speck of dust can get in the 'pot' and cause the needle to rock slam whether connected to the preclear or not. Pull the lead wire jack (disconnecting cans) and if the slam continues, it's the 'pot' that's wrong. Work the Tone Arm vigorously for a short while. If that doesn't stop it, turn it in to be repaired. Later models of the British and American Hubbard Electrometer have 'wire wound pots' and this doesn't happen . "


Copyright © 1979
by L. Ron Hubbard