Subject: FZ Bible - Level 4 Coursepack [4/7] Repost [x2] Date: 27 Nov 1999 01:57:05 -0000 From: (The Tech Lion) Organization: FreeZone Bible Association Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST Academy Level IV Coursepack: Part 4 of 7 *************************************** Thanksgiving time is here. We at FZ Bible Association would like to give thanks to Ron for leaving us a bounty of Tech. And celebrate by disseminating it freely to all. In that spirit we bring you the Level 4 coursepack, from the late 80's. Happy Turkey Day, -Tech Lion ******************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heretics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judaism form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************ PART 4 10. HCOB 31 Dec. 1978R III Educating the Potential Trouble Source, The First Step Toward Handling: PTS C/S-1 11. HCO PL 20 Oct. 1981R PTS Type A Handling 12. HCOB 24 Apr. 1972 I PTS Interviews C/S Series 79 Expanded Dianetics Series 5 13. HCOB 10 Aug. 1973 PTS Handling 14. HCOB 8 Mar. 1983 Handling PTS Situations 15. HCOB 16 Apr. 1982 More on PTS Handling 16. HCOB 10 Sept 1983 PTSness and Disconnection ****************************************************************** 10. HCOB 31 Dec. 1978R III Educating the Potential Trouble Source, The First Step Toward Handling: PTS C/S-1 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 DECEMBER 1978R Issue III REVISED 26 JULY 1986 Remimeo HCO Tech/Qual Auditors Word Clearers C/Ses Ethics Officers EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 Refs: HCO PL 30 Jan. 83 KSW Series 28 Esto Series 55 YOUR POST AND LIFE HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 10.9.83 HCOB 8 Mar. 83 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I C/S Series 79 Expanded Dianetics Series 5 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 27 Sept 66 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST HCOB 28 Nov. 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS HCOB 24 Nov. 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY HCOB 12 Mar. 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF HCOB 31 Dec. 78RA II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING Rev. 26.7.86 HCOB 28 Feb. 84 C/S Series 118 PRETENDED PTS HCOB 21 May 85 C/S Series 121 False Purpose Rundown Series 11 TWO TYPES OF PTSes The very first step in handling a potential trouble source is educating him in the fundamentals of PTS/SP tech with a PTS C/S-1. In the absence of this education, the PTS person may not understand what is being asked of him, may not understand his condition, may not spot the correct SP and he may not recover. You may get people asserting they are not PTS, who yet do not even know what the letters "PTS" stand for. The PTS C/S-1 is a very short action for most pcs. Its purpose is to educate the PTS person in the basics of PTS/SP tech so that he understands what PTSness is. Once he is educated, you can do a PTS interview (per HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I, C/S Series 79, PTS INTERVIEWS) or a PTS handling (per HCOB 10 Aug. 73, PTS HANDLING). The steps of the PTS C/S-1 as given in this HCOB must be completed on all PTS persons before any sort of PTS interview or handling or any PTS auditing is undertaken. QUALIFICATIONS Anyone delivering the PTS C/S-1 must have a Qual okay to do Word Clearing, must have high crime checked out on this issue and must be familiar enough with the PTS/SP materials so that he can quickly find the source references to answer any pc questions. WHERE DELIVERED The PTS C/S-1 is normally done in session by the pc's auditor as part of the pc's auditing intensive, or by the De-PTSer or Ethics Officer who is working with the PTS person. In cases where the person who needs the PTS C/S-1 is not on auditing lines and whose De-PTSer or Ethics Officer is not yet qualified to do the Word Clearing actions then the person should be routed by Qual I&I to the Qual Word Clearer who can deliver the PTS C/S-1. FURTHER HATTING After the person has discovered to what or to whom he is PTS, it is necessary to educate him on any further specific actions or handlings you will be doing with him. For example, if he were to decide to disconnect from an actual SP in his environment, you would have him study HCOB 10 Sept. 83, PTSness AND DISCONNECTION, ensuring that he fully understands it (using Word Clearing as necessary). The full PTS/SP Course checksheet, which is studied in a course room, must be part of the PTS person's PTS handling program. This course is designed to give him the full mechanics of the condition that has doubtless been playing havoc with his life. But the PTS C/S-1 will give him sufficient data and understanding to be able to receive a PTS interview or handling. MATERIALS Have the following materials available before beginning the PTS C/S-1: Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary Modern Management Technology Defined Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology A good English dictionary For a foreign-language case, a good dictionary in the pc's native language and a dual dictionary (English to foreign language and foreign language to English) PTS/SP Course Pack (as reference material) Demo kit. PTS C/S-1 PROCEDURE I. Word Clearing With the pc on the meter, word clear Method 5 each of the following terms (Ref: HCOB 21 June 72 I, Word Clearing Series 38, METHOD 5). Definitions for each of these words can be found in the attachment to this HCOB. Hostile Antagonistic Invalidate Suppress Suppression Suppressive Acts Suppressive Persons Suppressive Groups Problem Roller-coaster Potential Trouble Source (PTS) 1. Ask "What is the definition of ________?" 2. Have him demo the definition to ensure he has a good understanding of it (not glib). 3. Have him make up sentences using the term correctly until you are sure he knows it. 4. Have him give you examples of how the term could apply in life. Cover by exact definition all terms used and take each word cleared to an F/N. Check for any questions (or misunderstoods) as you go along and ensure any such get handled so the pc winds up with a full conceptual understanding of each word. (Ref: HCOB 7 Sept. 74, Word Clearing Series 54, SUPERLITERACY AND THE CLEARED WORD) II. Study of Basic Data on SPs and PTSness Have the pc read each of the issues listed below. Pcs with little or no prior training in Scientology should read The Volunteer Minister's Handbook chapter listed in parentheses after the issue's title. Ensure the pc understands what he is reading. Check for any questions or misunderstoods as you go along and ensure any such get handled so the pc winds up with a clear understanding of the material. Have him demo and give examples of the main ideas of each issue to ensure he has a thorough grasp of each, including how it applies to life and livingness. Consult his understanding and ensure he really has the data. If the pc says he has studied the issue before and knows it, then simply check him out on the issue and have him demo the main points to ensure that he does in fact know it. If the checkout shows that he doesn't have the data, word clear him on the issue and check him out again until he has it. 1. HCOB 27 Sept. 66 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI- SCIENTOLOGIST (Untrained pcs should read the chapter entitled "The Antisocial Personality -- the Anti-Scientologist" on page 239 of The Volunteer Minister's Handbook.) 2. HCOB 12 Mar. 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF (Untrained pcs should read the chapter entitled "Mistakes, Anatomy of" on page 261 of The Volunteer Minister's Handbook.) 3. HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING (Untrained pcs should read the chapter "PTS Handling" on page 261 of The Volunteer Minister's Handbook.) 4. HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING, section entitled "Don't Create Antagonism" (Untrained pcs should read "Don't Create Antagonism" on page 266 of The Volunteer Minister's Handbook.) ---------- Educating a PTS is the first step in putting him at cause over his PTS situation. He must then be gotten to discover to whom or what he is PTS and then coached through the PTS handling. (Ref: HCOB 10 Aug. 73, PTS HANDLING, and HCOB 8 Mar. 83, HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS) Full PTS handling includes having the person do the PTS/SP Course in a standard Scientology course room. If all these steps are done thoroughly, that may well be the end of PTSness for that person. It can surely spell the end of the situation at hand. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations LRH:RTRC:fa.ahg.ja ****************** HCOB 31.12.78R III Rev. 26.7.86 ATTACHMENT PTS C/S-1 DEFINITIONS SHEET Hostile: Unfriendly, showing dislike. Antagonistic: Showing or feeling opposition or hostility. Invalidate: To refute or degrade or discredit or deny something someone else considers to be fact. Suppress: To squash, to sit on, to make smaller, to refuse to let reach, to make uncertain about his reaching, to render less powerful or lessen in any way possible by any means possible, to the harm of the individual and for the fancied protection of a suppressive person. Suppression: Suppression is "a harmful intention or action against which one cannot fight back." Thus, when one can do anything about it, it is less suppressive. Suppressive Acts: Actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologists. Suppressive Person (SP): A person with certain behavior characteristics who suppresses other people in his vicinity. Suppressive Group: A group which seeks to destroy Scientology or which specializes in injuring or killing persons or damaging their cases or which advocates suppression of mankind. Problem: An intention-counter-intention that worries the person. Intention: wanting to do something, purpose. Counter: against or opposing. Counter-Intention: an opposing intention. Example: Joe wants to become a musician (intention). His father wants him to become a doctor (counter-intention). This worries Joe and it is a problem. Roller-coaster: Gets better, gets worse, gets better, gets worse. A person who is roller-coastering is always connected to a suppressive person and will not get steady gain until the suppressive is found. Potential Trouble Source (PTS): a. Somebody who is connected with an SP who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life. b. Someone connected to a person or a group opposed to Scientology. It is a technical thing. It results in illness and roller coaster and is the cause of illness and roller coaster. Because the case doesn't get well, he or she is a potential trouble source to us, to others and to himself, c. Persons intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology. In practice such persons, even when they approach Scientology in a friendly fashion, have such pressure continually brought to bear upon them by persons with undue influence over them that they make very poor gains in processing, and their interest is solely devoted to proving the antagonistic element wrong. PTS Type One: A PTS condition whereby the SP on the case is right in present time, actively suppressing the person. This type of situation is normally handled by an Ethics Officer. PTS Type Two: A PTS condition in which the apparent SP in present time is only a restimulator for the actual suppressive. This type of PTS condition is handled by an auditor, in session. PTS Type Three: A condition whereby the Type Two PTS person's apparent SP is spread all over the world and is often more than all the people there are. Such a person sometimes has "ghosts" or "demons" about him and they are just more apparent SPs, but imaginary as beings as well. The handling for such a condition is to provide a relatively safe environment and quiet and rest, until such time as the person is able to effectively be audited. END OF ATTACHMENT  ****************************************************************** 11. HCO PL 20 Oct. 1981R PTS Type A Handling HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 20 OCTOBER 1981R REVISED 10 SEPTEMBER 1983 Remimeo HCO Area Sec Hat Dir I&R Hat E/O Hat PTS/SP Checksheet Tech/Qual PTS TYPE A HANDLING Refs: HCO PL 7 May 69 POLICIES ON "SOURCES OF TROUBLE" HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 24 Nov. 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY The Problems of Work Chapter 6: "Affinity, Reality and Communication" HCOB 31 Dec. 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING HCOB 31 Dec. 78 III EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 HCOB 10 Sept 83 PTSness AND DISCONNECTION HCOB 8 Mar. 83 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCO PL 23 Dec. 65RA SUPPRESSIVE ACTS, SUPPRESSION OF Re-rev. 10 Sept 83 SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS THIS HANDLING IS DONE BY THE ETHICS OFFICER OF AN ORG OR THE HAS OR IN THEIR ABSENCE BY THE QUAL SEC. It is actually an interview with the suspected PTS person. It is often done on an E-Meter to assist the verification of data. If a PTS situation actually exists, the interview must result in a written program agreed upon by the person, with copies to the person and to his ethics file. As the person does the steps of the program, he reports their accomplishment to the org officer who interviewed him. If the person fails to do the program or the program results in no real change in the situation, the interviewing officer must investigate thoroughly to find out what the person is doing instead of the program and check for any communication he may have sent which continued the upset, and get this corrected at once. He must also ensure the PTS A person is handling the correct antagonistic person. (Example: PTS person Jones may have thought the antagonism was coming from Smith, whereas Smith's upset is being kept alive by Smith's associate, Doakes, who has disagreements with and/or misunderstoods on Scientology.) If the handling program is drawn up standardly and yet the person is sour on it or "doesn't want to do the handling" or never seems to quite get around to doing the program, then the Ethics Officer would suspect that either a. a wrong item had been found, which would require an L4BRA done by an auditor in session to handle (Refs: HCOB 24 Nov. 65, SEARCH AND DISCOVERY, and tape 6510C14, SH68, "Briefing to Review Auditors") b. the program had been misimplemented (the pc didn't really understand what he was to do, was miscoached on the steps of the handling, or he "did the handling" in such a way as to create further antagonism rather than ease it, requiring a thorough review of the situation and handling of whatever is found). (Refs: HCOB 8 Mar. 83, HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS; HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I, C/S Series 79, PTS INTERVIEWS; HCOB 24 Nov. 65, SEARCH AND DISCOVERY) If (a) and (b) above have been thoroughly checked into by the Ethics Officer to ensure that any nonstandard application has been corrected and there is still no change in the situation (i.e., the antagonism and upset continue), the PTS person would then disconnect. And if the person does need to disconnect, the HCOB 10 Sept. 83, PTSness AND DISCONNECTION, must be followed exactly. Fortunately, standard PTS Type A handling does handle the majority of these situations. When disconnection is required, very often that is enough to handle the PTSness. Should the condition persist, however, then the interviewing officer must require the person to have auditing on the subject (a PTS Rundown given by a qualified auditor in the HGC). If, after a PTS Rundown, the person feels fine but the persons suppressing him are still making trouble, then the Ethics Officer must require the person to have a SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN. The first step of any interview must be the balance of this policy letter, clearing up any misunderstood words or definitions in it and making certain the person knows what "PTS" really means. Part of any handling may include the person being required to take a course that is usually called "The PTS/SP Checksheet." But in any case and in any handling, one cannot permit the person to go on being PTS, as it can ruin his life. DEFINITION Per HCO PL of 7 May 69, a PTS (meaning a potential trouble source) Type A is a person "...intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology. In practice such persons, even when they approach Scientology in a friendly fashion, have such pressure continually brought to bear upon them by persons with undue influence over them that they make very poor gains in processing, and their interest is solely devoted to proving the antagonistic element wrong." A SOURCE OF TROUBLE Such persons with antagonistic family members are a source of trouble to Scientology because their family members are not inactive. In fact, from direct experience with inquiry after inquiry into Scientology, it has been found that those who have created the conditions which brought about the inquiry in the first place and those who testified before same have been the wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters or grandparents of some Scientologist. Their testimony has been full of such statements as "My son completely changed after he went into Scientology -- he no longer was respectful to me." "My daughter gave up a wonderful career as a hairdresser to go into Scientology." "My sister got these funny staring eyes the way all Scientologists have." Their testimony was illogical and their descriptions of what occurred were untrue, but the point of the matter is that such persons DID cause Scientology, Scientology orgs and fellow Scientologists a great deal of trouble and difficulty. DON'T CREATE ANTAGONISM Many Scientologists in their misunderstanding and misapplication of Scientology create the conditions that bring about the antagonism in the first place. A few illustrations of how this is done are as follows: Scientologist to mother: "I now know where you are on the Tone Scale -- 1.1. Boy, are you sneaky!" (Evaluation and invalidation) Father to Scientologist: "Now, I don't want you to borrow the car again without my permission. I have told you time and time..." Scientologist to father: "OKAY! FINE! OKAY! GOOD! THANK YOU! I GOT THAT!" (Not an acknowledgment but an effort to shut up the father.) Scientologist to older brother: "You murdered me in a past life, you dirty dog!" (Evaluation and invalidation) Mother to Scientologist: "Whatever are you doing?" Scientologist to mother: "I'm trying to confront your dreadful bank." (Invalidation) There are so many ways to misuse tech and to invalidate and evaluate for others in a destructive fashion to bring about bypassed charge, ARC breaks and upset that they cannot all be possibly listed. The idea is NOT to do so. Why create trouble for yourself and for your fellow Scientologists, as nothing will have been gained but ill-will? THE WHY Per HCO PL of 7 Mar. 65R III it is a CRIME to be or become a PTS without reporting it or taking action or to receive processing while PTS. Further, as per HCO PL of 7 May 69, a PTS may not be trained. This means that a person who is PTS may not receive processing or training while PTS and it also means that they had better do something to handle their condition. In the original (now reinstated) policy, the PTS individual was required to handle or disconnect before he or she could continue with training or processing. Many took the easy course and merely disconnected "temporarily" for the time of their training or processing and so they did not in actual fact handle the condition in their lives which was upsetting them as Scientologists. In some cases, there was a misapplication of the tech, as their situations were totally handleable with the use of simple Scientology basics. Now a very workable system for handling PTS Type A situations has been developed, as covered in this policy letter, in HCOB 10 Aug. 73, PTS HANDLING; HCOB 8 Mar. 83, HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS; and in HCOB 31 Dec. 78 II, OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING. Following the steps given in these issues and making full use of all bulletins and policies on the subject of PTS handling will ensure situations get terminatedly handled. Each PTS individual should, as one step of his handling, report to Ethics and, with the assistance of Ethics, find a Why as to his familial antagonism and then set about actually handling the situation. The Why could be that his parents wanted him to be a lawyer and so blame Scientology that he is not one, rather than the fact that he flunked out of law school and couldn't stand the thought of being a lawyer! Or perhaps the Why is that the Scientologist keeps writing her parents for money or the Why could be that the mother has just read an entheta newspaper article. In any case, the Why should be found and the PTS individual should then do whatever is necessary to handle. HANDLING The person who is PTS should be declared as such by Ethics and should not receive Scientology training or processing until the situation has been handled. (The exception to this is a full PTS Rundown done in the HGC.) The handling could be as simple as writing to one's father and saying, "I do not complain that you are a janitor, please do not complain that I am a Scientologist. The important thing is that I am your son and that I love and respect you. I know you love me, but please learn to respect me as an adult individual who knows what he wants in life." Or it could be as follows: "I am writing to you, Daddy, because Mother keeps sending me these dreadful newspaper clippings and they are upsetting to me because I know they are not true. You do not do this and so it is easier for me to write to you." Again there are as many ways of handling as there are Whys found. Each case is individual. Remember, too, there is always the possibility of a NO situation. And if the person thinks he's PTS and isn't, he can get sick. Or if he insists he isn't and is, he can also get upset. So find if there IS a situation first. It is the purpose of Ethics to ensure that the situation is handled. Nothing in this policy letter shall ever or under any circumstances justify any violations of the laws of the land or intentional legal or moral wrongs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL  ****************************************************************** 12. HCOB 24 Apr. 1972 I PTS Interviews C/S Series 79 Expanded Dianetics Series 5 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 APRIL 1972 Issue I Remimeo D of P Auditors PTS Pack Ethics Officers C/S Series 79 Expanded Dianetics Series 5 PTS INTERVIEWS Ref: HCOB 17 Apr. 72 C/S Series 76 C/Sing A PTS RUNDOWN Interviews to discover a PTS condition are done on a meter with all reads marked. The interview asks (a) about persons who are hostile or antagonistic to the pc, (b) about groups that are anti- Scientology, (c) about people who have harmed the pc, (d) about things that the pc thinks are suppressive to the pc, (e) about locations that are suppressive to the pc and about past life things and beings suppressive to the pc. In doing the interview, the interviewer must realize that a sick person is PTS. There are no sick people who are not PTS to someone or a group or something somewhere. A somewhat suppressive pc will find the good hats suppressive. This does not relieve his condition. He is PTS to SP people, groups, things or locations, no matter how SP he is. He can have been audited by someone he knew in an earlier life and who goofed the session. A few auditors have since been declared. Not because they goofed but because they were SP. However, some PTS pc will make trouble for good people because that is what PTS means (potential trouble source). So do not buy all the good people he is PTS to. Further, when you do get the person or group or thing or location, the PTS person will F/N VGI and begin to get well. The PTS condition is actually a problem and a mystery and a withdrawal, so it is sometimes hard to find and has to be specially processed (3 S&Ds) to locate it. Usually it is quite visible. Don't have a sick, roller-coaster pc appear for interview and then say "not PTS." It's a false report. It only means the interviewer did not find it. The pc sometimes begins to list in such an interview, and such an interview where a wrong item is found has to be audited to complete the list or find the right item. (See C/S Series 78, HCOB 20 Apr. 72 II.) So interview worksheets are VITAL. The interview should end on an F/N. The interview is followed by the ethics action of HCO PL 5 Apr. 72 or other ethics actions such as handling or disconnection and posting as called for in policy. An interviewer has to use good TRs and operate his meter properly and know 2-way comm and PTS tech. Some interviewers are extremely successful. Such interviews and handling count as auditing hours. When properly done, plus good auditing on the PTS RD, well people result. L. RON HUBBARD Founder  ****************************************************************** 13. HCOB 10 Aug. 1973 PTS Handling HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 AUGUST 1973 Remimeo A/Guardians HCO Secs E/Os MAAs Tech Secs Ds of P PTS Pack PTS HANDLING (PTS = Potential Trouble Source) There are two stable data which anyone has to have, understand and KNOW ARE TRUE in order to obtain results in handling the person connected to suppressives. These data are: 1. That all illness in greater or lesser degree and all foul-ups stem directly and only from a PTS condition. 2. That getting rid of the condition requires three basic actions: (A) Discover; (B) Handle or disconnect. Persons called upon to handle PTS people can do so very easily, far more easily than they believe. Their basic stumbling block is thinking that there are exceptions or that there is other tech or that the two above data have modifiers or are not sweeping. The moment a person who is trying to handle PTSes gets persuaded there are other conditions or reasons or tech, he is at once lost and will lose the game and not obtain results. And this is very too bad because it is not difficult and the results are there to be obtained. To turn someone who may be PTS over to an auditor just to have him mechanically audited may not be enough. In the first place this person may not have a clue what is meant by PTS and may be missing all manner of technical data on life and may be so overwhelmed by a suppressive person or group that he is quite incoherent. Thus, Just mechanically doing a process may miss the whole show as it misses the person's understanding of why it is being done. A PTS person is rarely psychotic. But all psychotics are PTS if only to themselves. A PTS person may be in a state of deficiency or pathology which prevents a ready recovery, but at the same time he will not fully recover unless the PTS condition is also handled. For he became prone to deficiency or pathological illness because he was PTS. And unless the condition is relieved, no matter what medication or nutrition he may be given, he might not recover and certainly will not recover permanently. This seems to indicate that there are "other illnesses or reasons for illness besides being PTS." To be sure there are deficiencies and illnesses just as there are accidents and injuries. But strangely enough, the person himself precipitates them because being PTS predisposes him to them. In a more garbled way, the medicos and nutritionists are always talking about "stress" causing illness. Lacking full tech, they yet have an inkling that this is so because they see it is somehow true. They cannot handle it. Yet they recognize it, and they state that it is a senior situation to various illnesses and accidents. Well, we have the tech of this in more ways than one. What is this thing called "stress"? It is more than the medico defines it -- he usually says it comes from operational or physical shock and in this he has too limited a view. A person under stress is actually under a suppression on one or more dynamics. If that suppression is located and the person handles or disconnects, the condition diminishes. If he also has all the engrams and ARC breaks, problems, overts and withholds audited out Triple Flow and if ALL such areas of suppression are thus handled, the person would recover from anything caused by "stress." Usually, the person has insufficient understanding of life or any dynamic to grasp his own situation. He is confused. He believes all his illnesses are true because they occur in such heavy books! At some time he was predisposed to illness or accidents. When a serious suppression then occurred, he suffered a precipitation or occurrence of the accident or illness, and then with repeated similar suppressions on the same chain, the illness or tendency to accidents became prolonged or chronic. To say then that a person is PTS to his current environment would be very limited as a diagnosis. If he continues to do or be something to which the suppressive person or group objected, he may become or continue to be ill or have accidents. Actually, the problem of PTS is not very complicated. Once you have grasped the two data first given, the rest of it becomes simply an analysis of how they apply to this particular person. A PTS person can be markedly helped in three ways: a. Gaining an understanding of the tech of the condition b. Discovering to what or to whom he is PTS c. Handling or disconnecting. Someone with the wish or duty to find and handle PTSes has an additional prior step: He must know how to recognize a PTS and how to handle them when recognized. Thus, it is rather a waste of time to engage in this hunt unless one has been checked out on all the material on suppressives and PTSes and grasps it without misunderstoods. In other words, the first step of the person is to get a grasp of the subject and its tech. This is not difficult to do; it may be a bit more difficult to learn to run an E-Meter and considerably more difficult to learn how to list for items, but there again this is possible and is much easier than trying to grope around guessing. With this step done, a person has no real trouble recognizing PTS people and can have success in handling them which is very gratifying and rewarding. Let us consider the easiest level of approach: i. Give the person the simpler HCOBs on the subject and let him study them so that he knows the elements like "PTS" and "suppressive." He may just cognite right there and be much better. It has happened. ii. Have him discuss the illness or accident or condition, without much prodding or probing, that he thinks now may be the result of suppression. He will usually tell you it is right here and now or was a short time ago and will be all set to explain it (without any relief) as stemming from his current environment or a recent one. If you let it go at that, he would simply be a bit unhappy and not get well as he is discussing usually a late lock that has a lot of earlier material below it. iii. Ask when he recalls first having that illness or having such accidents. He will at once begin to roll this back and realize that it has happened before. You don't have to be auditing him as he is all too willing to talk about this in a most informal manner. He will get back to some early this-lifetime point usually. iv. Now ask him who it was. He will usually tell you promptly. And, as you are not really auditing him and he isn't going backtrack and you are not trying to do more than key him out, you don't probe any further. v. You will usually find that he has named a person to whom he is still connected! So you ask him whether he wants to handle or disconnect. Now, as the sparks will really fly in his life if he dramatically disconnects and if he can't see how he can, you persuade him to begin to handle on a gradient scale. This may consist of imposing some slight discipline on him, such as requiring him to actually answer his mail or write the person a pleasant good roads, good weather note or to realistically look at how he estranged them. In short, what is required in the handling is a low gradient. All you are trying to do is MOVE THE PTS PERSON FROM EFFECT OVER TO SLIGHT GENTLE CAUSE. vi. Check with the person again, if he is handling, and coach him along, always at a gentle good-roads-and-good-weather level and no H E and R (Human Emotion and Reaction), if you please. That is a simple handling. You can get complexities such as a person being PTS to an unknown person in his immediate vicinity that he may have to find before he can handle or disconnect. You can find people who can't remember more than a few years back. You can find anything you can find in a case. But simple handling ends when it looks pretty complex. And that's when you call in the auditor. But this simple handling will get you quite a few stars in your crown. You will be amazed to find that while some of them don't instantly recover, medication, vitamins, minerals will now work when before they wouldn't. You may also get some instant recovers but realize that if they don't you have not failed. The auditor can do "3 S&Ds" after this with much more effect as he isn't working with a completely uninformed person. "3 S&Ds" only fail because of wrong items or because the auditor did not then put in triple rudiments on the items and then audit them out as engrams Triple Flow. A being is rather complex. He may have a lot of sources of suppression. And it may take a lot of very light auditing to get him up to where he can do work on suppressives since these were, after all, the source of his overwhelm. And what he did to THEM might be more important than what they did to HIM but unless you unburden HIM he may not get around to realizing that. You can run into a person who can only be handled by Expanded Dianetics. But you have made an entrance and you have stirred things up and gotten him more aware and just that way you will find he is more at cause. His illness or proneness to accidents may not be slight. You may succeed only to the point where he now has a chance, by nutrition, vitamins, minerals, medication, treatment, and above all, auditing, of getting well. Unless you jogged this condition, he had no chance at all: for becoming PTS is the first thing that happened to him on the subject of illness or accidents. Further, if the person has had a lot of auditing and yet isn't progressing too well, your simple handling may all of a sudden cause him to line up his case. So do not underestimate what you or an auditor can do for a PTS. And don't sell PTS tech short or neglect it. And don't continue to transfer or push off or even worse tolerate PTS conditions in people. You CAN do something about it. And so can they. L. RON HUBBARD Founder  ****************************************************************** 14. HCOB 8 Mar. 1983 Handling PTS Situations HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 MARCH 1983 Remimeo PTS/SP Checksheets All Staff HCOs Tech/Qual C/Ses Auditors HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS Refs: HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 10.9.83 HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING The following was taken from one of my taped lectures (7511C20) and is hereby issued in HCOB form: I coached a pc one time as to how to talk to his parents. I coached him very, very carefully. This is a sort of MAA job, not a C/S job. I made him repeat everything after me, very carefully: "And when your mother says to you so and so and so and so, what are you going to say?" It was simply good roads and good weather. I forced him, at pain of being squashed, to follow that exact patter with the parents. It was just good roads and good weather. "Hello Mamma, how are you? How's Papa?" you know. And she says, "Yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow, yeow and you whawha whawha." Just say, "Well, all right, all right." Don't answer back and don't engage in any argument of any kind whatsoever, Give it an ack. I said, "You're calling them up just because you're passing through and you were interested in how they were, and that is your whole story." And he did, and that was the end of the whole situation. Pc came back to battery. Relationships with the parents went totally normal. In other words, he was keeping it going -- his worry, his upset, his letters, trying to answer their questions, his conversation with them. Whereas I cut it all into just a pattern of something on the order of about a tone 3.5 straight across the boards. That was the end of the PTS condition. A PTS condition also has outside handling steps. But you as an auditor or you as a C/S are possibly limited by the fact that you don't have an MAA, or you do not have somebody who is sufficiently skilled in order to do this job for you. And it winds up blowing everybody's head off. In such an instance, just get hold of the guy and coach him in exactly what he's going to say. "Oh, but no, she'd never listen, she won't, she hasn't talked to me for seven years! She won't talk to me in any way, shape or form!" "Well, all right, all right, all right. That's fine, good." You get a little bit inventive and you say, "Well, when is her birthday?" or something like that. The pc says, "Well, as a matter of fact, it was a month or two ago." And you say, "Well, all right, why don't you send her a birthday card and tell her it's a belated birthday card and that you remembered her birthday and always had kind thoughts of her?" Now, the incoming comm may blow his head off. You just cool him off. Don't engage in any corner of this; this is not the game you're playing. You simply acknowledge any nice parts you can find. "Papa went hunting and you're a dirty dog and I've never seen the like of you and you're an ungrateful brat and so on, and why don't you be like your Great-Uncle Oscar who is now doing time in Sing Sing and'll be executed next week?" And you say, "I hope Daddy had a fine hunting trip." It's the only part of it you answer. You coach him into two-way comm that is well above 2.0 on the Tone Scale, that mostly consists of acks and mild interest in what's going on. You'll find out these conditions will evaporate, if you can prevent the backflash from being responded to by the PTS person. In other words, there are ways to handle this in real life. You will find a great many people who are "PTS" are antagonizing the people. They are antagonizing them beyond belief, and they're telling them what's wrong with them and they're telling them this and they're telling them that and the person eventually gets very resentful. Well, even that can be patched up. You are not doing anything at the other end of the line. You cool off the PT scene sufficiently one way or the other so that the person can sit in the auditing chair. L. RON HUBBARD Founder  ****************************************************************** 15. HCOB 16 Apr. 1982 More on PTS Handling HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 APRIL 1982 Remimeo HCO Area Sec Hat Dir I&R Hat E/O Hat MAA Hat Tech/Qual Ds of P PTS Pack (Excerpted from an LRH dispatch of 10 Aug. 73. Also note there are additional tools developed since this dispatch was written for handling PTSes, e.g., Can We Ever Be Friends cassette, Suppressed Person Rundown, etc.) MORE ON PTS HANDLING Refs: HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 20 Oct. 76 PTS DATA HCOB 31 Dec. 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING BPL 31 May 71RG PTS AND SP DETECTION, ROUTING Re-rev. 13.11.77 AND HANDLING CHECKSHEET PTS is a connection to an SP. That is true. But what may be overlooked is that persons of the middle class (which is a culture, not an income bracket, to which belong all the puritan hypocritical mores of the cop and the get-a-job-be-a-moderate- plugging-success) frown very terribly on anything that the least bit tries to make a better world. The middle class wants the world of a job and order and even hypocrisy and cops because they are AFRAID. They hold their narrow views because any other views may disturb their twenty-year house mortgage, the store, the job. So when someone decides to make a better world, they look on him as a direct menace even though the dull middle-class world is a sort of slavery and suicide. It is the middle class that tries the hardest to keep the down-and-outer out and down, who go along with a cop America and hate support of anything not their class. And nearly every PTS you have will be found one way or another to be PTS to the middle class. As a group, not as individuals, the middle-class-parent world suppresses anything different. So you have PTSes. The bulk of your PTSes may very well be PTS to a class, the middle class of which their particular SP is simply a member. Few of them realize this or even that the middle class (bourgeoisie) ARE very suppressive to anyone who tries to do something in the world besides support the system. My attitude in this is that both the capitalist and communist are alike old hat and a bore, that they've made a ruddy mess of things, exhausted the planet and, with their senseless wars, smashed up mankind. I have sometimes heard that less PTSes are found than are found people with the question "Do you have problems in your environment?" reading on a meter. I began to wonder about it. Then I heard of PTSes being simply transferred or demoted. Now listen, these people are PTS and there must be a total grasp on that tech. It IS a tech. It is definitely out-tech to either (1) transfer someone who is PTS to another area yet still keep the person on one's lines or (2) to put someone who is PTS on a lower post, AS A MEANS OF HANDLING, as it is not handling at all. The person has to handle. If he does so, he will begin to get well and cease to have problems. The reasons he cannot handle are because he tries to do it in the heroic fashion that is required in a disconnect. Handling can be very, very gradient. I have seen a case where the person was simply coached to give his parents good roads and good weather and not take up any entheta and have seen the person pull right out of it and get well. It doesn't have to be an explosive handling. It can be very gentle. All you want is the person at cause and that is attained on a gradient toward the SP. The whole crux of PTSes is HANDLE. And the misunderstood on it is how gently one can handle. Many of them are caught up in the mystery of why they are snarled at and have no conception of the middle class as a formidable and jealous force that goes psychotic when it feels anyone may get away from the treadmill and threaten their uneasy and doomed lives. One tries to find what it is and then persuades them into handling. That's the tech. EVERY ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE CAN BE STRAIGHTENED OUT. EVERY ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE. Every one who reads on "problems in your environment" is to some degree PTS. Most of them don't even know what the letters PTS stand for. So there is an educational step, the PTS/SP Checksheet. It does not mean they have been connected to ogres. It means they are suppressed by someone or something, OFTEN FAR EXTERIOR TO THEIR PRESENT POSITION OR AREA. So there is an educational step. The tech is in HCO PLs and HCOBs. It is perhaps given more directly herein, as it applies to that exact scene. So go to it. Really get a grip on it. And handle the hell out of them yourselves. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by Mission Issues Revision  ****************************************************************** 16. HCOB 10 Sept 1983 PTSness and Disconnection HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 SEPTEMBER 1983 Remimeo HCOs EO Hats MAA Hats Tech/Qual All Staff PTS/SP Course PTSness AND DISCONNECTION Refs: Tape: 6505C18 ORGANIZATION AND ETHICS SH Spec 61 Tape: 6506C08 HANDLING THE PTS SH Spec 63 HCO PL 23 Dec. 65RA SUPPRESSIVE ACTS, Re-rev. 10.9.83 SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS Tape: 6608C02 SUPPRESSIVES AND GAEs SH Spec 73 Tape: 6608C25 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY SH Spec 78 HCOB 27 Sept 66 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCO PL 3 May 72R Exec Series 12 Re-rev. 18.12.77 ETHICS AND EXECUTIVES HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 29 Dec. 78 THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN HCOB 31 Dec. 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING HCOB 31 Dec. 78 III EDUCATING THE PTS, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 10.9.83 HCOB 8 Mar. 83 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS THEORY Perhaps the most fundamental right of any being is the right to communicate. Without this freedom, other rights deteriorate. Communication, however, is a two-way flow. If one has the right to communicate, then one must also have the right to not receive communication from another. It is this latter corollary of the right to communicate that gives us our right to privacy. These rights are so basic that governments have written them into laws-witness the American Bill of Rights. However, groups have always regulated these rights to one degree or another. For with the freedom to communicate come certain agreements and responsibilities. An example of this is a marriage: In a monogamous society, the agreement is that one will be married to only one person at one time. That agreement extends to having second-dynamic relations with one's spouse and no one else. Thus, should wife Shirley establish a 2D-type of communication line with someone other than her husband Pete, it is a violation of the agreement and postulates of the marriage. Pete has the right to insist that either this communication cease or that the marriage will cease. HANDLE OR DISCONNECT In the HCOBs on PTS tech you'll see the phrase "handle or disconnect." It means simply that. The term "handle" most commonly means, when used in relation to PTS tech, to smooth out a situation with another person by applying the tech of communication. The term "disconnection" is defined as a self-determined decision made by an individual that he is not going to be connected to another. It is a severing of a communication line. The basic principle of handle or disconnect exists in any group and ours is no different. It is much like trying to deal with a criminal. If he will not handle, the society resorts to the only other solution: It "disconnects" the criminal from the society. In other words, they remove the guy from society and put him in a prison because he won't HANDLE his problem or otherwise cease to commit criminal acts against others. It's the same sort of situation that husband Pete is faced with in the example mentioned above. The optimum solution is to handle the situation with wife Shirley and her violations of their group (marriage) agreements. But if Pete cannot handle the situation, he is left with no other choice but to disconnect (sever the marriage communication lines if only by separation). To do otherwise would be disastrous, for he is connected to someone antagonistic to the original agreements, postulates and responsibilities of the group (the marriage). A Scientologist can become PTS by reason of being connected to someone that is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets. In order to resolve the PTS condition, he either HANDLES the other person's antagonism (as covered in the materials on PTS handling) or, as a last resort when all attempts to handle have failed, he disconnects from the person. He is simply exercising his right to communicate or not to communicate with a particular person. With our tech of handle or disconnect, we are, in actual fact, doing nothing different than any society or group or marriage down through thousands of years. LOST TECH Earlier, disconnection as a condition was canceled. It had been abused by a few individuals who'd failed to handle situations which could have been handled and who lazily or criminally disconnected, thereby creating situations even worse than the original because it was the wrong action. Secondly, there were those who could survive only by living on our lines -- they wanted to continue to be connected to Scientologists (see the HCOBs on the characteristics of an SP). Thus, they screamed to high heaven if anyone dared to apply the tech of "handle or disconnect." This put Scientologists at a disadvantage. We cannot afford to deny Scientologists that basic freedom that is granted to everyone else: the right to choose whom one wishes to communicate with or not communicate with. It's bad enough that there are governments trying, through the use of force, to prevent people from disconnecting from them (witness those who want to leave Russia but can't!). The bare fact is that disconnection is a vital tool in handling PTSness and can be very effective when used correctly. Therefore, the tech of disconnection is hereby restored to use, in the hands of those persons thoroughly and standardly trained in PTS/SP tech. HANDLING ANTAGONISTIC SOURCES In the great majority of cases, where a person has some family member or close associate who appears antagonistic to his getting better through Scientology, it is not really a matter of the antagonistic source wanting the PTS to not get better. It is most commonly a lack of correct information about Scientology that causes the problem or upset. In such a case, simply having the PTS disconnect would not help matters and would actually be a nonconfront of the situation. It is quite common that the PTS has a low confront on the terminal and situation. This isn't hard to understand when one looks at these facts: a. To be PTS in the first place, the PTS must have committed overts against the antagonistic source; and b. When one has committed overts, his confront and responsibility drop. When an Ethics Officer finds that a Scientologist is PTS to a family member, he does not recommend that the person disconnect from the antagonistic source. The EO's advice to the Scientologist is to handle. The handling for such a situation is to educate him in the tech of PTSness and suppression, and then skillfully and firmly guide the PTS through the steps needed to restore good communication with the antagonistic source. This eventually dissolves the situation by bringing about an understanding on the part of the antagonistic source as to what Scientology is and why the PTS person is interested and involved in it. Of course, when this is accomplished you no longer have a PTS at all -- and you may very well find a new Scientologist on your hands! The actual steps and procedure of this sort of handling are well covered in the materials listed at the beginning of this HCOB. WHEN DISCONNECTION IS USED An Ethics Officer can encounter a situation where someone is factually connected to a suppressive person, in present time. This is a person whose normal operating basis is one of making others smaller, less able, less powerful. He does not want anyone to get better, at all. In truth, an SP is absolutely, completely terrified of anyone becoming more powerful. In such an instance the PTS isn't going to get anywhere trying to "handle" the person. The answer is to sever the connection. HOW TO DISCONNECT How a disconnection is done depends on the circumstances. Example: The pc lives next door to, say, a psychiatric clinic and feels PTS due to this environment. The remedy is simple -- the pc can move to another apartment in another location. He need not write any sort of "disconnection letter" to the psychiatric clinic. He simply changes his environment -- which is, in effect, a disconnection from the suppressive environment. Example: A pc is connected to a person or group that has been declared suppressive by HCO in a published Ethics Order. He should disconnect and, if he wants to inform the SP of the fact, he may write a letter of disconnection. Such a letter would be very straightforward. It would state the fact of the disconnection and the reason for it. It would not be misemotional or accusative, since this would only serve to stir up further antagonism. The letter would be inspected by the Ethics Officer before it was sent and copies kept for the PTS person's own ethics file and pc folder. No attempt would be made to establish communication with the declared SP "to clear matters up" or to seek to reform the SP. The SP's reform is strictly in the hands of HCO. The PTS simply disconnects. Example: One discovers that an employee at his place of business is an SP -- he steals money, drives away customers, wipes out other employees and will not correct no matter what you do. The handling is very simple -- the PTS fires him and that's the end of it right there! To fail or refuse to disconnect from a suppressive person not only denies the PTS case gain, it is also supportive of the suppressive -- in itself a Suppressive Act. And it must be so labeled. (Ref: HCO PL 23 Dec. 65RA, SUPPRESSIVE ACTS, SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS) SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN There is of course another technical way to handle PTSes and that is to get them through all problems they have had with the terminal involved and the PTSness will disappear (Ref: HCOB 29 Dec. 78, THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN). But it still requires that during the handling the person disconnects. SUMMARY The technology of disconnection is essential in the handling of PTSes. It can and has saved lives and untold trouble and upset. It must be preserved and used correctly. Nothing in this HCOB shall ever or under any circumstances justify any violations of the laws of the land. Any such offense shall subject the offender to penalties described by law as well as to ethics and justice actions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder