Subject: FZ Bible - Level 4 Coursepack [3/7] Repost [x2] Date: 26 Nov 1999 23:16:53 -0000 From: (The Tech Lion) Organization: FreeZone Bible Association Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST Academy Level IV Coursepack: Part 3 of 7 *************************************** Thanksgiving time is here. We at FZ Bible Association would like to give thanks to Ron for leaving us a bounty of Tech. And celebrate by disseminating it freely to all. In that spirit we bring you the Level 4 coursepack, from the late 80's. Happy Turkey Day, -Tech Lion ******************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heretics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judaism form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************ PART 3 6. HCO PL 27 Oct. 1964R Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Sources of Trouble 7. HCO PL 7 Aug. 1965 Suppressive Persons, Main Characteristics Of 8. HCO PL 5 Apr. 1965 Handling the Suppressive Person, The Basis of Insanity 9. HCOB 27 Sept 1966 The Antisocial Personality, the Anti-Scientologist ****************************************************************** 6. HCO PL 27 Oct. 1964R Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Sources of Trouble HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 27 OCTOBER 1964R REVISED 15 NOVEMBER 1987 Remimeo All Staff Missions Academy Students Field Auditors FSMs POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, INSANITY AND SOURCES OF TROUBLE Cancels and replaces: HCO PL 27 Oct. 64 POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, INSANITY AND "TROUBLESOME SOURCES" HCO PL 27 Oct. 64 POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, Reiss. 23.6.67 INSANITY AND POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES HCO PL 21 Feb. 69 CANCELLATION OF "CORRECTIONS TO HCO POLICY LETTERS," POL LTR OF NOVEMBER 5,1964 HCO PL 7 May 69 POLICIES ON "SOURCES OF TROUBLE" It has been the long-standing policy of Central Organizations to handle physical illness and insanity in the following manner. HEALING Any process labeled "healing," old or new, refers to healing by mental and spiritual means and should therefore be looked upon as the relief of difficulties arising from mental and spiritual causes. The proper procedure in being requested to heal some complained- of physical disability Is as follows: 1. Require a physical examination from whatever practitioners of the physical healing arts may be competent and available; 2. Clearly establish that the disability does not stem from immediately physical causes; 3. If the disability is pronounced to be curable within the skill of the physical practitioner and is in actual fact a disease or illness which surrenders to contemporary physical treatment, to require the person to be so treated before Scientology processing may be undertaken; 4. If, however, the physical practitioner's recommendation includes surgery or treatment of an unproven nature or the illness or disease cannot be accurately diagnosed as a specific physical illness or disease with a known cure, the person may be accepted for processing on the reasonable assumption that no purely physical illness is proven to exist, and that it is probably mental or spiritual in origin. POLICIES REGARDING THE INSANE With insane persons or persons with a proven record of insanity, do the following: 1. Establish to the best of your ability within reasonable administrative limits and known tests that any HGC pc accepted for processing does not have a history of deserved institutionalization in an insane asylum or similar place; 2. Process only those persons who have no such history; 3. Do not recommend any other treatment by practitioners in the field of insanity where there exists any evidence that such practitioners injure, disable or maltreat patients by violently reacting drugs, by painful shocks, surgery or other barbaric and outdated means of "mental treatment"; 4. If no recommendation is possible under (3) above, recommend only rest and a change of environment, but not in a professional capacity. SOURCES OF TROUBLE Policies similar to those regarding physical illness and insanity exist for types of persons who have caused us considerable trouble. These persons can be grouped under "sources of trouble." They include: a. Persons intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology. In practice such persons,' even when they approach Scientology in a friendly fashion, have such pressure continually brought to bear upon them by persons with undue influence over them that they make very poor gains in processing, and their interest is solely devoted to proving the antagonistic element wrong. They, by experience, produce a great deal of trouble in the long run as their own condition does not improve adequately under such stresses to effectively combat the antagonism. Their present time problem cannot be reached as it is continuous, and so long as it remains so, they should not be accepted for auditing by any organization or auditor. b. Criminals with proven criminal records often continue to commit so many undetected harmful acts between sessions that they do not make adequate case gains and therefore should not be accepted for processing by organizations or auditors. c. Persons who have ever threatened to sue or embarrass or attack or who have publicly attacked Scientology or been a party to an attack and all their immediate families should never be accepted for processing by a Central Organization or an auditor. They have a history of only serving other ends than case gain and commonly again turn on the organization or auditor. They have already barred themselves out by their own overts against Scientology and are thereafter too difficult to help, since they cannot openly accept help from those they have tried to injure. d. Responsible-for-condition cases have been traced back to other causes for their condition too often to be acceptable. By responsible-for-condition cases is meant the person who insists a book or some auditor is "wholly responsible for the terrible condition I am in." Such cases demand unusual favors, free auditing, tremendous effort on the part of auditors. Review of these cases shows that they were in the same or worse condition long before auditing, that they are using a planned campaign to obtain auditing for nothing, that they are not as bad off as they claim, and that their antagonism extends to anyone who seeks to help them, even their own families. Establish the rights of the matter and decide accordingly. e. Persons who are not being audited on their own determinism are a liability as they are forced into being processed by some other person and have no personal desire to become better. Quite on the contrary, they usually want only to prove the person who wants them audited wrong and so do not get better. Until a personally determined goal to be processed occurs, the person will not benefit. f. Persons who "want to be processed to see if Scientology works" as their only reason for being audited have never been known to make gains as they do not participate. News reporters fall into this category. They should not be audited. g. Persons who claim that "if you help such and such a case" (at great and your expense) because somebody is rich or influential or the neighbors would be electrified should be ignored. Processing is designed for bettering individuals, not progressing by stunts or giving cases undue importance. Process only at convenience and usual arrangements. Make no extraordinary effort at the expense of other persons who do want processing for normal reasons. Not one of these arrangements has ever come off successfully as it has the unworthy goal of notoriety, not betterment. h. Persons who "have an open mind" but no personal hopes or desires for auditing or knowingness should be ignored, as they really don't have an open mind at all, but a lack of ability to decide about things and are seldom found to be very responsible and waste anyone's efforts "to convince them." i. Persons who do not believe anything or anyone can get better. They have a purpose for being audited entirely contrary to the auditor's and so, in this conflict, do not benefit. When such persons are trained, they use their training to degrade others. Thus, they should not be accepted for training or auditing. j. Persons attempting to sit in judgment on Scientology in hearings or attempting to investigate Scientology should be given no undue importance. One should not seek to instruct or assist them in any way. This includes judges, boards, newspaper reporters, magazine writers, etc. All efforts to be helpful or instructive have done nothing beneficial, as their first idea is a firm "I don't know" and this usually ends with an equally firm "I don't know." If a person can't see for himself or judge from the obvious, then he does not have sufficient powers of observation even to sort out actual evidence. In legal matters, only take the obvious effective steps -- carry on no crusades in court. In the matter of reporters, etc., it is not worthwhile to give them any time, contrary to popular belief. They are given their story before they leave their editorial rooms and you only strengthen what they have to say by saying anything. They are no public communication line that sways much. Policy is very definite. Ignore. To summarize sources of trouble, the policy in general is to cut communication, as the longer it is extended, the more trouble they are. I know of no case where the types of persons listed above were handled by auditing or instruction. I know of many cases where they were handled by firm legal stands, by ignoring them until they changed their minds, or just turning one's back. In applying such a policy of cut communication, one must also use judgment as there are exceptions in all things, and to fail to handle a person's momentary upset in life or with us can be quite fatal. So these policies refer to non-Scientology persons in the main or persons who appear on the outer fringes and push toward us. When such a person bears any of the above designations, we and the many are better off to ignore them. Scientology works. You don't have to prove it to everyone. People don't deserve to have Scientology as a divine right, you know. They have to earn it. This has been true in every philosophy that sought to better man. And the less enturbulence you put on your lines, the better, and the more people you will eventually help. THE STRESS OF POLICY All the above "sources of trouble" are also forbidden training, and when a person being trained or audited is detected to belong under the above headings (a) to (j), he or she should be advised to terminate and accept refund which must be paid at once and the full explanation should be given them at that time. Thus, the few may not, in their own turmoil, impede service to and the advance of the many. Scientology is an applied philosophy designed and developed to make the able more able. In this sphere it is tremendously successful. Efforts to involve philosophy with medical imperialism, psychiatric sadism, the bigoted churchman, bring about a slowing of our progress. These people are sick spiritually because of their own continuous harmful actions against patients and the society and are beyond our normal means to help. These policies will continue in existence until such time as those interested care to invest the time and treasure necessary to build the institutions and reeducate the professions which now practice medical and physical mental healing, and this is definitely not within our time, but would belong to some remote future when more men are sane. However, such a program would depend upon the continued existence of the medical imperialist and the psychiatrist, and as their more reprehensible activities are rather new and very radical, they may be abandoned by public and government long before Scientology could help them. This is probably the more likely occurrence as even in Russia the communist has now forsworn all violent treatments of the insane according to their delegates to the London Medical Conference of this year, and Russian practitioners look with contempt and scorn upon the Western psychiatrist. The medical doctor of England, taken over by socialism, has lost his ambition for medical imperialism and has no contest with Scientology. In the United States the American Medical Association has become locked in mortal combat with the government and probably will be socialized entirely in a few years due to fee abuses and lack of gains. The medical doctor remains strong only in more backward small nations such as Australia where world trends are late in arriving. Even the Church in Rome is considering a surrender of principles and amalgamation with other faiths in an effort to save a dwindling religious membership. Thus, there may be no medical practitioner as we know him left in a few decades. Membership in the psychiatric profession is declining. In the place of these institutions, if we ever get around to them, we may find ourselves dealing with completely different practices in the fields of physical healing and the treatment of the insane. All we ask of them is that they are competent in their treatments and less greedy for monopoly than their predecessors. And if this is so, then our policies will then remain fully in force, but in a spirit of cooperation, not with the desire to protect ourselves and the public from them and the products of their bungling. Ours are the powerful communication lines. They are powerful because they are theta lines. Entheta (enturbulated theta) obtains all its apparent power by being parasitic on theta lines. Only when you add the power of our lines to the weakness of entheta lines can they then have strength. Example: It was the FCDC communication to its own field about that government raid that (a) cost the most in cash and (b) did the most damage. You can actually ignore an entheta line in almost all cases without the faintest consequence. It only has power when we let it have power by answering it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL  ****************************************************************** 7. HCO PL 7 Aug. 1965 Suppressive Persons, Main Characteristics Of HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 AUGUST 1965 Remimeo Ethics Hats Executive Hats SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS, MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF It is interesting in the detection of suppressive persons that they use "policy" to prevent purpose. In one org which went into a serious decline a suppressive person was in a high position. Every time org personnel returned from Saint Hill and proposed that the org get going, they were told by this SP that their proposals were "against policy." Not one of these people, hearing this, ever alerted to a glaring fact. The SP in this case was renowned for never being able to pass a bulletin, tape or policy letter! So how would that person have known WHAT was against policy for that person NEVER was known to pass a hat check! So that person's statement that "It's against policy" was obviously false since the person was incapable of passing hat checks or bulletins and wouldn't ever have known what any policy was, for or against anything. Thus, we see one of the characteristics of an SP is 1. THE NEGATION OF POLICY WITHOUT KNOWING IT AND THE USE OF "POLICY" TO PREVENT SUCCESS IN SCIENTOLOGY IS THE PRIMARY TOOL OF THE SP AGAINST ORGS. ---------- Dissemination is a prime target of the SP. Magazines ordinarily have half a dozen SPs on their lines. These people write in and complain about ads. If you don't watch it, these half dozen become "everybody" and the mag is beaten down into not advertising. "Soft sell" is another recommendation of the SP And "build it quietly" and "get only decent people" are all part of this. When somebody is demanding less reach, that person is an SP. Therefore, we have another characteristic: 2. SPs RECOMMEND INEFFECTIVE DISSEMINATION AND FIND FAULT WITH ANY BEING DONE. ---------- A suppressive will try to sell off the property or buildings of an org, and in one case tried to give them away when temporarily in charge. 3. A SUPPRESSIVE WILL TRY TO GET RID OF AN ORG. ---------- Good staff members are a prime target for SPs. In one org where an SP got a foothold, 60% of the staff was gotten rid of and the org almost crashed. They do it by making people too dissatisfied to produce and so make it impossible for the org to earn. 4. AN SP WILL SEEK TO UPSET AND GET RID OF THE BEST STAFF MEMBERS. ---------- Bad news, particularly if false, is the only comm line of the SP. The executive who is getting bad news as a steady diet on his lines has SPs about. 5. ENTHETA IS THE SOLE STOCK IN TRADE OF THE SP. ---------- The triumph an SP feels in not getting rid of things the auditor has tried to ease is quite malevolent. 6. AN SP IS SATISFIED WITH AUDITING ONLY WHEN HE GETS WORSE. ---------- 7. SPs are happy when their pcs get worse and sad when their pcs get better. ---------- 8. AN SP IN AN EXAMINER POST WILL ONLY DECLARE RELEASED THE BAD RESULT CASES AND WILL NOT PASS ACTUAL RELEASES BUT WILL ARC BREAK THEM. ---------- 9. Covert invalidation is the level of an SP's social intercourse. ---------- An SP can only restimulate another, he has no power of his own. 10. An SP deals only in restimulation, never easing or erasing. ---------- 11. The persons around an SP get so restimulated they can't detect the real SP. ---------- The whole rationale of the SP is built on the belief that if anyone got better, the SP would be for it as the others could overcome him then. He is fighting a battle he once fought and never stopped fighting. He is in an incident. Present time people are mistaken by him for past, long-gone enemies. Therefore, he never really knows what he is fighting in present time, so just fights. 12. The SP is sure everyone is against him personally and if others became more powerful they would dispose of him. ---------- The SP usually commits continuing overts. These are hidden. I have had two or three SPs blow up and shout or snarl at me. When I investigated, I found, in these cases, they were committing daily crimes of some magnitude. 13. An SP commits hidden overts continuously. ---------- 14. Back of a crime you will find SP characteristics. ---------- 15. Because an SP uses generalities in his speech, "everybody," "they," etc., the SP is hard to detect. ---------- SPs have an experiential track that is poor. SPs know how to needle and commit overts and hold others back. When released, the SP has so little decent background experience that he or she has a very hard time. 16. Releasing an SP does not make a worthwhile person. It only makes a person who can now learn to get along in life. "A cleared cannibal is a cleared cannibal." ---------- SPs don't get case gains. Sometimes they pretend them. They are held back by their continuing overts. If we were found by them to be decent, their past conduct would swell up and engulf them. They are in a continual PTP of their fight with mankind. And they follow the rule that pcs with PTPs get no case gains. ---------- Real SPs comprise about 2 1/2 percent of the population. By restimulating others, they make another 17 1/2 percent into potential trouble sources. Therefore, about 20% of the population is Ethics type. We must not allow this 20% to prevent the 80% from crossing the Bridge. We are no enemy of the SP. But he can't have friends, can he? So we handle the SP and his PTSes and carry on with our job. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL  ****************************************************************** 8. HCO PL 5 Apr. 1965 Handling the Suppressive Person, The Basis of Insanity HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 5 APRIL 1965 Gen. Non-Remimeo HCO Sec Hat Tech Sec Hat D of P flat D of T Hat HCO JUSTICE DATA RE ACADEMY AND HGC HANDLING THE SUPPRESSIVE PERSON THE BASIS OF INSANITY The suppressive person (whom we've called a Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant and which we can now technically call the suppressive person) can't stand the idea of Scientology. If people became better, the suppressive person would have lost. The suppressive person answers this by attacking covertly or overtly Scientology. This thing is, he thinks, his mortal enemy since it undoes his (or her) "good work" in putting people down where they should be. There are three "operations" such a case seeks to engage upon regarding Scientology: (a) to disperse it, (b) to try to crush it and (c) to pretend it didn't exist. Dispersal would consist of several things such as attributing its source to others and altering its processes or structure. If you feel a bit dispersed reading this policy letter, then realize it is about a being whose whole "protective coloration" is to disperse others and so remain invisible. Such people generalize all entheta and create ARC breaks madly. The second (b) is done by covert or overt means. Covertly, a suppressive person leaves the org door locked, loses the E- Meters, runs up fantastic bills, and energetically and unseen seeks to pull out the plug and get Scientology poured down the drain. We, poor fools, consider all this just "human error" or "stupidity." We rarely realize that such actions, far from being accidents, are carefully thought out. The proof that this is so is simple. If we run down the source of these errors, we wind up with only one or two people in the whole group. Now isn't it odd that the majority of errors that kept the group enturbulated were attributable to a minority of persons present? Even a very "reasonable" person could not make anything else out of that except that it was very odd and indicated that the minority mentioned were interested in smashing the group and that the behavior was not common to the whole group -- meaning it isn't "normal" behavior. These people aren't communists or fascists or any other ists. They are just very sick people. They easily become parts of suppressive groups such as communists or fascists because these groups, like criminals, are suppressive. The suppressive person is hard to spot because of the dispersal factor mentioned above. One looks at them and has his attention dispersed by their "everybody is bad." The suppressive person who is visibly seeking to knock out people or Scientology is easy to see. He or she is making such a fuss about it. The attacks are quite vicious and full of lies. But even here when the suppressive person exists on the "other side" of a potential trouble source, visibility is not good. One sees a case going up and down. On the other side of that case, out of the auditor's view, is the suppressive person. The whole trick they use is to generalize entheta. "Everybody is bad." "The Russians are all bad." "Everybody hates you." "The People versus John Doe" on warrants. "The masses." "The secret police will get you." Suppressive groups use the ARC break mechanisms of generalizing entheta so it seems "everywhere." The suppressive person is a specialist in making others ARC break with generalized entheta that is mostly lies. He or she is also a no-gain case. So avid are such for the smashing of others by covert or overt means that their case is bogged and won't move under routine processing. The technical fact is that they have a huge problem, long gone and no longer known even to themselves, which they use hidden or forthright vicious acts continually to "handle." They do not act to solve the environment they are in. They are solving one environment, yesterday's, in which they are stuck. The only reason the insane were hard to understand is that they are handling situations which no longer exist. The situation probably existed at one time. They think they have to hold their own, with overts against a nonexistent enemy to solve a nonexistent problem. Because their overts are continuous they have withholds. Since such a person has withholds, he or she can't communicate freely to as-is the block on the track that keeps them in some yesterday. Hence, a "no-gain case." That alone is the way to locate a suppressive person. By viewing the case. Never judge such a person by their conduct. That is too difficult. Judge by no case gains. Don't even use tests. One asks these questions: 1. Will the person permit auditing at all? or 2. Does their history of routine auditing reveal any gains? If (1) is present, one is safe to treat the person as suppressive. It is not always correct, but it is always safe. Some errors will be made, but it is better to make them than to take a chance on it. When people refuse auditing, they are (a) a potential trouble source (connected to a suppressive person); (b) a person with a big discreditable withhold; (c) a suppressive person or (d) have had the bad luck to be "audited" too often by a suppressive person or (e) have been audited by an untrained auditor or one "trained" by a suppressive person. The last category (e) (untrained auditor) is rather slight but (d) (audited by a suppressive person) can have been pretty serious, resulting in continual ARC breaks during which auditing was pressed on without regard to the ARC break. Thus, there are several possibilities when somebody refuses auditing. One has to sort them out in an HGC and handle the right one. But HCO by policy simply treats the person with the same admin policy procedure as that used on a suppressive person and lets HGC sort it out. Get that difference -- it's "with the same admin policy procedure as" not "the same as." For treating a person "the same as" a suppressive person when he or she is not only adds to the confusion. One treats a real suppressive person pretty rough. One has to handle the bank. As to (2) here is the real test and the only valid test: Does their history of routine auditing reveal any gains? If the answer is NO then there is your suppressive person, loud and very unclear! That is the test. There are several ways of detecting. When fair auditors or good ones have had to vary routine procedure or do unusual things on this case in an effort to make it gain, when there are lots of notes from Ds of P in the folder saying do this -- do that -- you know that this case was trouble. This means it was one of three things: (1) a potential trouble source, (2) a person with a big withhold or (3) a suppressive person. If, despite all that trouble and care the case did not gain -- or if the case simply didn't gain despite auditing, no matter how many years or intensives -- then you've caught your suppressive person. That's the boy. Or the girl. This case performs continual calculating, covert, hostile acts damaging to others. This case puts the enturbulence and upset into the environment, breaks the chairs, messes up the rugs and spoils the traffic flow with "goofs" done intentionally. One should lock criminals out of the environment if one wants security. But one first has to locate the criminal. Don't lock everybody out because you can't find the criminal. The cyclic case (gains and collapses routinely) is connected to a suppressive person. We have policy on that. The case that continually pleads "hold my hand, I am so ARC broken" is just somebody with a big withhold, not an ARC break. The suppressive person just gets no case gain on routine student auditing. This person is actively suppressing Scientology. If such will sit still and pretend to be audited, the suppression is by hidden hostile acts which include: 1. Chopping up auditors; 2. Pretending withholds which are actually criticisms; 3. Giving out "data" about their past lives and/or whole track that really hold such subjects up to scorn and makes people who do remember, wince; 4. Chopping up orgs; 5. Alter-ising technology to mess it up; 6. Spreading rumors about prominent persons in Scientology; 7. Attributing Scientology to other sources; 8. Criticizing auditors as a group; 9. Rolling up dev-t -- off-policy, off-origin, off-line; 10. Giving fragmentary or generalized reports about entheta that cave people in-and isn't actual; 11. Refusing to repair ARC breaks; 12. Engaging in discreditable sexual acts (also true of potential trouble sources); 13. Reporting a session good when the pc went bad; 14. Reporting a session bad when the pc went up in tone; 15. Snapping terminals with lecturers and executives to make critical remarks or spread ARC break-type "news" to them; 16. Failing to relay comm or report; 17. Making an org go to pieces (note, one uses "making" not "letting"); 18. Committing small criminal acts around the org; 19. Making "mistakes" which get their seniors in trouble; 20. Refusing to abide by policy; 21. Noncompliance with instructions; 22. Alter-is of instructions or orders so that the program fouls up; 23. Hiding data that is vital to prevent upsets; 24. Altering orders to make a senior look bad; 25. Organizing revolts or mass protest meetings; 26. Snarling about justice. And so on. One does not use the catalog, however; one only uses this one fact -- no case gain by routine auditing over a longish period. This is the fellow that makes life miserable for the rest of us. This is the one who overworks executives. This is the auditor killer. This is the course enturbulator or pc killer. There's the cancer. Burn it out. ---------- In short, you begin to see that it's this one who is the only one who makes harsh discipline seem necessary. The rest of the staff suffers when one or two of these is present. One hears a whine about "process didn't work" or sees an alter-is of tech. Go look. You'll find it now and then leads to a suppressive person inside or outside the org. Now that one knows who it is, one can handle it. But more than that, I can now crack this case! The technology is useful on all cases, of course. But only this cracks the "no-gain case." The person is in a mad, howling situation of some yesteryear and is "handling it" by committing overt acts today. I say condition of yesteryear but the case thinks it's today. Yes, you're right. They are nuts. The spinbins are full of either them or their victims. There's no other real psycho in a spinbin! What? That means we've cracked insanity itself? That's right. And it's given us the key to the suppressive person and his or her effect on the environment. This is the multitude of "types" of insanity of the nineteenth-century psychiatrist. All in one. Schizophrenia, paranoia, fancy names galore. Only one other type exists -- the person the suppressive person got "at." This is the "manic-depressive" a type who is up one day and down the next. This is the potential trouble source gone mad. But these are in a minority in the spinbin, usually put there by suppressive persons and not crazy at all! The real mad ones are the suppressive persons. They are the only psychos. Oversimplification? No indeed. I can prove it! We could empty the spinbins now. If we want to. But we have better uses for technology than saving a lot of suppressive persons who themselves act only to scuttle the rest of us. You see, when they get down to no-case-gain where a routine process won't bite, they can no longer as-is their daily life so it all starts to stack up into a horror. They "solve" this horror by continuous covert acts against their surroundings and associates. After a while the covert ones don't seem to hold off the fancied "horror" and they commit some senseless violence in broad daylight-or collapse-and so they get identified as insane and are lugged off to the spinbin. Anybody can "get mad" and bust a few chairs when a suppressive person goes too far. But there's traceable sense to it. Getting mad doesn't make a madman. It's damaging actions that have no sensible detectable reason that's the trait of madness. Any thetan can get angry. Only a madman damages without reason. All actions have their lower-scale, discreditable mockery. The difference is, does one get over his anger? The no-case-gain of course can't. He or she stays misemotional and adds each new burst t o the fire. It never gets less. It grows. And a long way from all suppressive persons are violent. They are more likely to look resentful. A suppressive person can get to one solid dispassionate state of damaging things. Here is the accident prone, the home wrecker, the group wrecker. Now here one must realize something. The suppressive person finds outlet for his or her unexpressed rage by carefully needling those they are connected with into howling anger. You see the people around them get dragged into this long-gone incident by mistaken identity. And it is a maddening situation to be continually misidentified, accused, worked on, double-crossed. For one is not the being the suppressive person supposes. The suppressive person's world is pretty hard to live around. And even ordinarily cheerful people often blow up under the strain. So be careful who you call the suppressive person. The person connected with a suppressive person is liable to be the only visible rage in sight! You have some experience of this -- the mousey little woman, who rarely changes expression and is so righteous, connected to somebody who now and then goes into a frenzy. How to tell them apart? Easy! Just ask this question-Which gets a case gain easily? Well, it's even simpler than that! Put the two on an E-Meter. Don't do anything but read the dial and needle. The suppressive one has the high, stuck TA. The other has a lower TA. Simple? Not all suppressive persons have high TA. The TA can be anywhere, especially very low (1.0). But the needle is weird. It is stuck tight or it R/Ses without reason (the pc wearing no rings to cause an R/S). Suppressive persons also can have the "dead"-thetan Clear read! You see people around a suppressive person Q-and-A and disperse. They seek to "get even" with the suppressive person and often exhibit the same symptoms temporarily. Sometimes two suppressive persons are found together. So one can't always say which is the suppressive person in a pair. The usual combination is the suppressive person and the potential trouble source. However, you don't need to guess about it or observe their conduct. It's really no case gain by routine processing that is the only valid test. For this poor soul can no longer as-is easily. Too many overts. Too many withholds. Stuck in an incident that they call "present time." Handling a problem that does not exist. Supposing those around are the personnel in their own delirium. They look all right. They sound reasonable. They are often clever. But they are solid poison. They can't as-is anything. Day by day their pile grows. Day by day their new overts and withholds pin them down tighter. They aren't here. But they sure can wreck the place. There is the true psycho. And he or she is dying before your very eyes. Kind of horrible. The resolution of the case is a clever application of Problems Processes, never O/W. What was the condition? How did you handle it? is the key type of process. I don't know what the percentage of these are in a society. I know only that they made up about ten percent of any group so far observed. The data is obscured by the fact that they ARC break others and make them misemotional -- thus, one of them seems to be, by contagion, half-a-dozen such. Therefore, simple inspection of conduct does not reveal the suppressive person. Only a case folder puts the seal on it. No case gain by routine processes. However, this test too may soon become untrustworthy for now we can crack them by a special approach. However, we will also generally use the same approach on routine cases as it makes cases go upward fast, and we may catch the suppressive person accidentally and cure him or her before we are aware of it. And that would be wonderful. But still we'll have such on our lines in justice matters from now on. So it's good to know all about them, how they are identified, how to handle. HCO must handle such cases as per the HCO Justice Codes on suppressive acts when they blow Scientology or seek to suppress Scientologists or orgs. One should study up on these. The Academy should be careful of this and report them to HCO promptly (as they would potential trouble sources or withholds that won't be delivered). The Academy must not fool about with suppressive persons. It's a sure way to deteriorate a course and cave in students. POLICY When an Academy finds it has a potential trouble source, a "withholdy case that ARC breaks easily" or a suppressive person enrolled on a course or a blow, the Academy must call for HCO Department of Inspections and Reports, justice section. This can be any HCO personnel available, even the HCO Sec. The HCO representative must wear some readily identified HCO symbol and must take a report sheet with a carbon copy on a clipboard. HCO must have present other staff adequate to handle possible physical violence. The student, if still present, must be taken to a place where an interview will not stop or enturbulate a class, by Tech Division personnel. This can be any Tech Division office, empty auditing room or empty classroom. The point is to localize the commotion and not stir up the whole Tech Division. If Tech Division personnel are not available, HCO can recruit "other staff" anywhere by simply saying "HCO requires you" and taking them into the interview place. HCO has a report sheet for such matters, original and one copy for justice file. The HCO representative calls for the student's folder and looks it over quickly for TA action. If there is none (less than 10 divisions/session), that's it. It is marked on the report sheet "No TA action in auditing" or "Little TA." HCO is not interested in what processes were run. Or why there is no TA. If the course requires no meters, the folder is inspected for alter-is (which denotes a rough pc) or no case changes. If there are no TA notations in the folder, HCO should put the person on a meter making sure the person is not wearing a ring. One asks no questions, merely reads the TA position and notes the needle and marks these in the report sheet. The tone arm will be very high (5 or above) or very low (2 or less) or dead thetan (2 or 3), and the needle would be an occasional R / S or stuck or sticky if the person is a suppressive person. This is noted in the report sheet. If the folder or the student in question says he has had no case gain, this is again confirming of a suppressive person. If two of these three points (folder, meter, statement) indicate a suppressive person, HCO is looking for two possible students when so called in-the one who caused the upset and that student's coach or student auditor. There very likely may be a suppressive person on the course that is not this student. Therefore, one looks for that one too, the second one. If a bit of questioning seems to reveal that the student's auditor was responsible, test that student too and enter it on a second HCO report form. And order the other one to auditing at the student's own expense. In short, be alert. There's been an upset. There may be other persons about who caused it. Don't just concentrate on the student. There is a condition on the course that causes upsets. That is really all one knows when one walks in on it. Find out why and what. If the HCO tests indicate some doubt about either student being a suppressive person, HCO asks about a possible withhold and enters any result on the sheet and sends the student and sheet separately to the Tech Division, Dept of Estimations. The procedure is the same for a suppressive person but is "a withholdy pc who ARC breaks easily" or simply "a withholdy pc" if no ARC breaks are noted. "Auditing recommended." But there is a third category for which HCO is very alert in this interview. And that is the POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE. For this person may only be audited further if he or she disconnects or handles the suppressive person or group to which he or she is connected and can't be sent to the HGC or back to the course either until the status is cleared up. If this seems the case, there is no point in continuing the person in the Tech Division and HCO takes over fully, applying the policy related to potential trouble sources. This type of case will probably not be dangerous but quite cooperative and probably dazed by having to do something about his situation. He or she has been hammered with invalidation by a suppressive person and may be rather wobbly, but if the justice steps are taken exactly on policy, there should be no trouble. HCO can take a potential trouble source (but never a suppressive person) out of the Tech Division premises and back to HCO to complete such briefing. Remember, it is all one to us if the potential trouble source handles it or not. Until it's handled or disconnected we don't want it around as it's just more trouble, and the person will cave in if audited under those conditions (connected to a suppressive person or group). A suppressive person found in an Academy is ordered to HGC processing always. And always at his or her own expense. If the suppressive person won't buy auditing or cooperate, HCO follows steps A to E in policy on suppressive persons in the Justice Codes; HCO may be assisted in this by Tech personnel. The point is, the situation must be handled fully there and then. The student buys his auditing or gets A to E. There is no "We'll put you on probation in the course and if..." because I've not found it to work. Auditing or suppressive person A to E. Or both. THE BLOWN STUDENT The student, however, may have blown off the premises or be gone entirely. On a minor, momentary blow, where all it took was the student's auditor and a few words to get the student back, the matter is not a real blow. But where the student leaves the premises in a blow or doesn't turn up for class, the Tech Division must send an Instructor and the student's auditor over to HCO Department of Inspections and Reports. An HCO representative should go with them at once to pick up the student. The student is brought back with as little public commotion as possible, and the procedure of HCO checkout, etc., is followed as above. THE GONE STUDENT Where the student can't be gotten back (or in all such cases), the real cause may be a suppressive person in the course itself, not the blown student or the upset student. If the suppressive person is on the course (and is not the blown student), HCO will want to know this. In all such cases the one who caused the commotion may not be the culprit. The HCO representative calls for the blown student's case folder and looks for TA. If there is none or for some reason the student wasn't audited or if no meters were used on that course, HCO seeks to find out what the case's responses were to processing. If the case seemed to change or improve yet the student is gone, HCO looks over the blown student's ex-auditor for suppressive characteristics such as satisfaction the pc blew, critical statements about tech or Instructors, case rough or difficult, lies about the circumstances, etc., and if such signs are present, HCO orders the blown student's ex-auditor to the HGC at the student's own expense. If this interview with the blown student's auditor seems to indicate a suppressive person beyond any doubt, HCO orders the student to the HGC at the student's own expense. The blown student's course auditor will not be found usually to be a potential trouble source as these are seldom bad or rough auditors, so questions about this possibility don't really apply. But if this student (the blown student's auditor) is suppressive, it's HGC or A to E. If the student gives on A to E, he or she may be returned to course or sent to the HGC as HCO deems best. ---------- In all such cases where a suppressive person is found, watch out for legal repercussions by having reliable witnesses present during such negotiations or upsets and take liberal notes for possible Comm Ev. This is why there also must be an HCO representative handling it. If there is no agreement to be audited and the student who is found to be a suppressive person will not respond to A to E (because student has blown and can't be found or because the student flatly refuses), the student is considered terminated. A waiver or quit claim is given or sent the student stating Date ____________________________ Place ___________________________ I, _______________________ having refused to abide by the Codes of (name and place of org) do hereby waive any further rights I may have as a Scientologist, and in return for my course fee of __________, I do hereby quit any claim I may have on (name of org) or any Scientologist personnel or any person or group or organization of Scientology. Signed ________________________________________ 2 Witnesses ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Only when this is signed the student may have his course fee returned, but no other fees as he accepted that service. The ex-student should realize this makes him Fair Game and outside our Justice Codes. He may not have recourse of any kind beyond refund. And after signing can only return to Scientology as per policy on Fair Game. The HGC audits such a suppressive person sent to it on special processes specially issued by HCOB for suppressive persons. It will be found that adherence to these policies will make things in Academies very calm. Note: Nothing in this policy letter waives or sets aside any policy concerning the auditing of known institutional cases in an HGC. Persons with histories of institutionalized insanity may not be audited in HGC. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL P.S. If you've wondered if you are a suppressive person while reading this -- you aren't! A suppressive person never does wonder, not for a moment! They KNOW they're sane!  ****************************************************************** 9. HCOB 27 Sept 1966 The Antisocial Personality, the Anti-Scientologist HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1966 Remimeo THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20% of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Such people are known to have antisocial tendencies. When the legal or political structure of a country becomes such as to favor such personalities in positions of trust, then all the civilizing organizations of the country become suppressed and a barbarism of criminality and economic duress ensues. Crime and criminal acts are perpetrated by antisocial personalities. Inmates of institutions commonly trace their state back to contact with such personalities. Thus, in the fields of government, police activities and mental health, to name a few, we see that it is important to be able to detect and isolate this personality type so as to protect society and individuals from the destructive consequences attendant upon letting such have free rein to injure others. As they only comprise 20% of the population and as only 2 1/2 % are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society. Well-known, even stellar, examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler. Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well-known examples of the antisocial personality. But with such a cast of characters in history we neglect the less stellar examples and do not perceive that such personalities exist in current life, very common, often undetected. When we trace the cause of a failing business, we will inevitably discover somewhere in its ranks the antisocial personality hard at work. In families which are breaking up, we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality. Where life has become rough and is failing, a careful review of the area by a trained observer will detect one or more such personalities at work. As there are 80% of us trying to get along and only 20% trying to prevent us, our lives would be much easier to live were we well- informed as to the exact manifestations of such a personality. Thus, we could detect it and save ourselves much failure and heartbreak. It is important then to examine and list the attributes of the antisocial personality. Influencing as it does the daily lives of so many, it well behooves decent people to become better informed on this subject. ATTRIBUTES The antisocial personality has the following attributes: 1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. "They say..." "Everybody thinks..." "Everyone knows..." and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor. When asked, "Who is everybody..." it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the antisocial person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society. This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the antisocial in particular. 2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression. "Gossip" or "harbinger of evil tidings" or "rumormonger" once described such persons. It is notable that there is no good news or complimentary remark passed on by such a person. 3. The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along. Such a person also pretends to pass on "bad news" which is in actual fact invented. 4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform or psychotherapy. 5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. Such people make trouble for others. When treated or educated, the near associate of the antisocial personality has no stability of gain but promptly relapses or loses his advantages of knowledge, being under the suppressive influence of the other. Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescences. It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons so long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial connection. The largest number of insane are insane because of such antisocial connections and do not recover easily for the same reason. Unjustly we seldom see the antisocial personality actually in an institution. Only his "friends" and family are there. 6. The antisocial personality selects habitually the wrong target. If a tire is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a noncausative source of the trouble. If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat. If A is the obvious cause, the antisocial personality inevitably blames B, or C or D. 7. The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action. Such become surrounded with incomplete projects. 8. Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them. Their actions have little or nothing to do with their own volition. Things "just happened." They have no sense of correct causation and particularly cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame therefore. 9. The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group. 10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. The artist in particular is often found as a magnet for persons with antisocial personalities who see in his art something which must be destroyed and covertly, "as a friend," proceed to try. 11. Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are closely supported. 12. The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense, made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned. THE BASIC REASON The basic reason the antisocial personality behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others. To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed. The fixation is that survival itself depends on "keeping others down" or "keeping people ignorant." If anyone were to promise to make others stronger or brighter, the antisocial personality suffers the utmost agony of personal danger. They reason that if they are in this much trouble with people around them weak or stupid, they would perish should anyone become strong or bright. Such a person has no trust to a point of terror. This is usually masked and unrevealed. When such a personality goes insane, the world is full of Martians or the FBI and each person met is really a Martian or FBI agent. But the bulk of such people exhibit no outward signs of insanity. They appear quite rational. They can be very convincing. However, the list given above consists of things which such a personality cannot detect in himself or herself. This I s so true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the above, you most certainly are not antisocial. Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford. They must be RIGHT because they are in continual danger in their own estimation. If you proved one WRONG, you might even send him or her into a severe illness. Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct. RELIEF If you were to weed out of your past by proper search and discovery those antisocial persons you have known and if you then disconnected, you might experience great relief. Similarly, if society were to recognize this personality type as a sick being as they now isolate people with smallpox, both social and economic recoveries could occur. Things are not likely to get much better so long as 20% of the population is permitted to dominate and injure the lives and enterprise of the remaining 80%. As majority rule is the political manner of the day, so should majority sanity express itself in our daily lives without the interference and destruction of the socially unwell. The pity of it is, they will not permit themselves to be helped and would not respond to treatment if help were attempted. An understanding and ability to recognize such personalities could bring a major change in society and our lives. THE SOCIAL PERSONALITY Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has to do is designate "people wearing black caps" as the villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black caps. This characteristic makes it very easy for the antisocial personality to bring about a chaotic or dangerous environment. Man is not naturally brave or calm in his human state. And he is not necessarily villainous. Even the antisocial personality, in his warped way, is quite certain that he is acting for the best and commonly sees himself as the only good person around, doing all for the good of everyone -- the only flaw in his reasoning being that if one kills everyone else, none are left to be protected from the imagined evils. His conduct in his environment and toward his fellows is the only method of detecting either the antisocial or the social personalities. Their motives for self are similar -- self-preservation and survival. They simply go about achieving these in different ways. Thus, as Man is naturally neither calm nor brave, anyone to some degree tends to be alert to dangerous persons and, hence, witch hunts can begin. It is therefore even more important to identify the social personality than the antisocial personality. One then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct. The social personality can be defined most easily by comparison with his opposite, the antisocial personality. This differentiation is easily done and no test should ever be constructed which isolates only the antisocial. On the same test must appear the upper as well as lower ranges of Man's actions. A test that declares only antisocial personalities without also being able to identify the social personality would be itself a suppressive test. It would be like answering "Yes" or "No" to the question "Do you still beat your wife?" Anyone who took it could be found guilty. While this mechanism might have suited the times of the Inquisition, it would not suit modern needs. As the society runs, prospers and lives solely through the efforts of social personalities, one must know them as they, not the antisocial, are the worthwhile people. These are the people who must have rights and freedom. Attention is given to the antisocial solely to protect and assist the social personalities in the society. All majority rules, civilizing intentions and even the human race will fail unless one can identify and thwart the antisocial personalities and help and forward the social personalities in the society. For the very word "society" implies social conduct and without it there is no society at all, only a barbarism with all men, good or bad, at risk. The frailty of showing how the harmful people can be known is that these then apply the characteristics to decent people to get them hunted down and eradicated. The swan song of every great civilization is the tune played by arrows, axes or bullets used by the antisocial to slay the last decent men. Government is only dangerous when it can be employed by and for antisocial personalities. The end result is the eradication of all social personalities and the resultant collapse of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Russia or the West. You will note in the characteristics of the antisocial personality that intelligence is not a clue to the antisocial. They are bright or stupid or average. Thus, those who are extremely intelligent can rise to considerable, even head-of- state heights. Importance and ability or wish to rise above others are likewise not indexes to the antisocial. When they do become important or rise, they are, however, rather visible by the broad consequences of their acts. But they are as likely to be unimportant people or hold very lowly stations and wish for nothing better. Thus, it is the twelve given characteristics alone which identify the antisocial personality. And these same twelve reversed are the sole criteria of the social personality if one wishes to be truthful about them. The identification or labeling of an antisocial personality cannot be done honestly and accurately unless one also, in the same examination of the person, reviews the positive side of his life. All persons under stress can react with momentary flashes of antisocial conduct. This does not make them antisocial personalities. The true antisocial person has a majority of antisocial characteristics. The social personality has a majority of social characteristics. Thus, one must examine the good with the bad before one can truly label the antisocial or the social. In reviewing such matters, very broad testimony and evidence are best. One or two isolated instances determine nothing. One should search all twelve social and all twelve antisocial characteristics and decide on the basis of actual evidence, not opinion. The twelve primary characteristics of the social personality are as follows: 1. The social personality is specific in relating circumstances. "Joe Jones said..." "The Star Newspaper reported..." and gives sources of data where important or possible. He may use the generality of "they" or "people" but seldom in connection with attributing statements or opinions of an alarming nature. 2. The social personality is eager to relay good news and reluctant to relay bad. He may not even bother to pass along criticism when it doesn't matter. He is more interested in making another feel liked or wanted than disliked by others and tends to err toward reassurance rather than toward criticism. 3. A social personality passes communication without much alteration and if deleting anything tends to delete injurious matters. He does not like to hurt people's feelings. He sometimes errs in holding back bad news or orders which seem critical or harsh. 4. Treatment, reform and psychotherapy particularly of a mild nature work very well on the social personality. Whereas antisocial people sometimes promise to reform, they do not. Only the social personality can change or improve easily. It is often enough to point out unwanted conduct to a social personality to completely alter it for the better. Criminal codes and violent punishment are not needed to regulate social personalities. 5. The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale. A truly social personality quite often produces betterment in health or fortune by his mere presence on the scene. At the very least he does not reduce the existing levels of health or morale in his associates. When ill, the social personality heals or recovers in an expected manner, and is found open to successful treatment. 6. The social personality tends to select correct targets for correction. He fixes the tire that is flat rather than attack the windscreen. In the mechanical arts he can therefore repair things and make them work. 7. Cycles of action begun are ordinarily completed by the social personality, if possible. 8. The social personality is ashamed of his misdeeds and reluctant to confess them. He takes responsibility for his errors. 9. The social personality supports constructive groups and tends to protest or resist destructive groups. 10. Destructive actions are protested by the social personality. He assists constructive or helpful actions. 11. The social personality helps others and actively resists acts which harm others. 12. Property is property of someone to the social personality and its theft or misuse is prevented or frowned upon. THE BASIC MOTIVATION The social personality naturally operates on the basis of the greatest good. He is not haunted by imagined enemies but he does recognize real enemies when they exist. The social personality wants to survive and wants others to survive, whereas the antisocial personality really and covertly wants others to succumb. Basically, the social personality wants others to be happy and do well, whereas the antisocial personality is very clever in making others do very badly indeed. A basic clue to the social personality is not really his successes but his motivations. The social personality when successful is often a target for the antisocial and by this reason he may fail. But his intentions included others in his success, whereas the antisocial only appreciate the doom of others. Unless we can detect the social personality and hold him safe from undue restraint and detect also the antisocial and restrain him, our society will go on suffering from insanity, criminality and war, and Man and civilization will not endure. Of all our technical skills, such differentiation ranks the highest since, failing, no other skill can continue, as the base on which it operates -- civilization -- will not be here to continue it. Do not smash the social personality -- and do not fail to render powerless the antisocial in their efforts to harm the rest of us. Just because a man rises above his fellows or takes an important part does not make him an antisocial personality. Just because a man can control or dominate others does not make him an antisocial personality. It is his motives in doing so and the consequences of his acts which distinguish the antisocial from the social. Unless we realize and apply the true characteristics of the two types of personality, we will continue to live in a quandary of who our enemies are and, in doing so, victimize our friends. All men have committed acts of violence or omission for which they could be censured. In all mankind there is not one single perfect human being. But there are those who try to do right and those who specialize in wrong and upon these facts and characteristics you can know them. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lb-r.rd.jh.ahg.ja