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HCOB 31 Dec. 1978RA II Outline of PTS Handling HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 DECEMBER 1978RA Issue II RE-REVISED 26 JULY 1986 Remimeo HCO Tech/Qual C/Ses Auditors Ethics Officers De-PTSers PTS/SP Checksheet OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING Refs: HCOB 31 Dec. 78R III EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL Rev. 26.7.86 TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 10.9.83 HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I C/S Series 79 Expanded Dianetics Series 5 PTS INTERVIEWS HCO PL 30 Jan. 83 YOUR POST AND LIFE HCOB 20 Oct. 76 II PTS HANDLING HCO PL 20 Oct. 76RA PTS DATA Rev. 25.8.87 HCOB 17 Apr. 72R C/S Series 76R Rev. 20.12.83 C/Sing A PTS RUNDOWN HCOB 23 Dec. 71RA C/S Series 73RA Re-rev. 1.7.85 THE NO-INTERFERENCE AREA CLARIFIED AND RE-ENFORCED HCOB 27 July 76 PTS RUNDOWN AND VITAL INFO RUNDOWN POSITION CORRECTED Book: The Problems of Work Chapter 6, "Affinity, Reality and Communication" HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 8 Mar. 83 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCOB 16 Apr. 82 MORE ON PTS HANDLING HCOB 10 Sept.83 PTSness AND DISCONNECTION HCOB 24 Nov. 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY HCOB 9 Dec. 71RC PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 20 Jan. 72R PTS RUNDOWN ADDITION Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 3 June 72RA PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 29 Dec. 78R THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN Rev. 20.12.83 A MAGICAL NEW RUNDOWN HCOB 30 Dec. 78R SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN Rev. 6.1.79 PROBLEMS PROCESSES HCOB 21 May 85 C/S Series 121 FPRD Series 11 TWO TYPES OF PTSes PTS situations can arise at any time during a person's Scientology auditing or training and must be handled speedily and well to get the person back on his course of auditing or training. Many preclears new to Scientology require PTS handling as one of their first actions. Auditing or training must not be continued over an unhandled PTS situation, as processing or study under the duress of suppression may not produce results. You do not go on hoping or ignore it or call it something else or do any other action except handle. Handling PTSness is too easy to allow for any justification or excuse for not doing so, and the steps given below lay out the many handlings which can be used to bring about a full resolution of all PTSness in all pcs. EDUCATION A person who is PTS is often the last person to suspect it. He may have become temporarily or momentarily so. And he may have become so very slightly. Or he may be very PTS and have been so for a long time. But he is nevertheless PTS and we must educate him on the subject. The PTS C/S-1, given in HCOB 31 Dec. 78R III, Rev. 26.7.86, EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1, must be done before any other PTS handling is begun. This action sets a person up to understand his PTS sit and the mechanics of it. A thorough PTS C/S-1 is the basis of all successful PTS handling. PTS INTERVIEW A metered PTS interview per HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I, C/S Series 79, PTS INTERVIEWS, or a "10 August handling" per HCOB 10 Aug. 73, PTS HANDLING, done by an auditor in session or an MAA, De-PTSer, D of P or SSO will, in most cases, assist the person to spot the antagonistic or SP element. Once spotted, the potential trouble source must be assisted in working out a handling for that terminal. (Or more rarely, the PTS may need to disconnect from that person.) (If any difficulty is encountered on this step or if the SP cannot easily be found, the preclear or student is probably not PTS Type I and should be turned over to an auditor qualified to handle Type II PTS situations with more advanced PTS tech.) HANDLING Once the antagonistic terminal has been located, a handling is done to move the PTS person from effect to slight gentle cause over his situation. This handling is done per a program which will include whatever is needed to accomplish the result, and will, of course, vary depending on the person and his circumstances. When the antagonistic person exists in present time, in the physical universe (as opposed to a past-life SP item), a good- roads, good-weather approach to the antagonistic terminal is usually what is needed. The handling must be agreed upon by the potential trouble source and the person assisting him and must be tailored to put the person at cause over his particular situation. Handling may include coaching him along to see how he himself actually precipitated the PTS condition in the first place by not applying or by misapplying Scientology basics to his life and relationship with the now antagonistic terminal. (Additional references: HCOB 10 Aug. 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 24 Apr. 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 24 Nov. 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY Book: The Problems of Work Chapter 6, "Affinity, Reality and Communication" HCOB 8 Mar. 83 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCOB 10 Sept.83 PTSness AND DISCONNECTION HCO PL 20 Oct. 81R PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 10.9.83 WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? It quite often happens that the persons antagonistic to the preclear have no real concept of what Scientology is. This can also be true of a very new Scientologist who then misinforms others. The book What Is Scientology? is a very useful tool. The preclear can send a copy of it to persons antagonistic to him and it will give them hope that the person will respond better to life or if they are antagonistic to Scientology can show them what they're being antagonistic to. Recommendations that the PTS person obtain and use this book (or anyone else who wants to inform his friends or get them on the right road, as the book was not written for the purpose of de- PTSing people) should be made by the interviewing officer. The book was specially priced so it would be more generally available despite the high cost of publishing. It is a large and imposing book and contains the true answers to all the questions people might ask and so saves the PTS person or any other person a great deal of explanation time. It is quite a formidable weapon when used in that fashion besides being a good book that Scientologists should own in its own right. BOOKS, TAPES AND FILMS Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought, and other basic books, tapes and films (particularly the film Introduction to Scientology) are very useful tools. The preclear can send a copy of a book or tape to the antagonistic person. Or he can bring the person in to the local org to listen to a tape play or see a film. HOW TO HANDLE FALSE DATA AND LIES In some cases antagonism stems from false data or outright lies that the antagonistic person has heard or read. The handling for this is based on the datum that truth must exist before lies, and truth blows the lie away as it is later on the chain. The handling for a person who has false data on Scientology is to fill in any vacuum of missing data with factual data about Scientology and to prove any lies, rumors and false data encountered to be false. Any lies are disproven by documenting the truth. For example, if the lie is that "Scientology is not a religion," this can be proven to be false with court decisions or documents clearly stating that Scientology is a religion. (The tech of handling such is covered in HCO PL 11 May 71 III, PR Series 7, BLACK PR, and HCO PL 21 Nov. 72 I, PR Series 18, HOW TO HANDLE BLACK PROPAGANDA.) Packs of such current materials can be obtained through one's local Ethics Officer or the Director of Special Affairs in your org. The truth blows the lie away. And the source of the lie is rendered unbelievable and any other utterances by that source will then be discarded. CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS? Extraordinary successes in handling PTS situations with "Can We Ever Be Friends?" cassette and booklet occur when these are used. Many parents, friends, relatives of Scientologists, who, due to misunderstoods or misinformation, thought they were opposed to Scientology and its aims have discovered, after listening to this cassette, that they are in full agreement with it and now give Scientology their support. The results available with this cassette cannot be underestimated. It can be used by itself when communication has really broken down between the two terminals or in conjunction with other PTS handling. DISCONNECTION In the rare cases where disconnection is validly indicated in order to handle the person's PTSness, it should be done exactly per HCOB 10 Sept. 83, PTSness AND DISCONNECTION. PROGRAM As a result of interview and the various actions connected with it as given above and in the referenced issues, the interviewer must give the person a program to be done by the person. If the person does not do the program or report his actions on it or the program results in no real change in the situation, the interviewing officer must require the person to have auditing on the subject. Ruds can be flown and/or a PTS RD must be given by a qualified auditor in the HGC. Clears and OTs can have ruds flown and can do all the PTS RD except engram handling. This is usually followed by a Suppressed Person RD. RUDIMENTS Flying ruds and overts triple or quad flow on the antagonistic terminal is often done to "get ruds in" and enable the PTS Type A person to better confront the PTS situation he is faced with. With a better confront of the situation, he is, obviously, better prepared to carry out the handling steps of his program successfully. This would, of course, be done only in session by a qualified auditor when so ordered by the Case Supervisor. The above describes the use of rudiments in handling PTS Type A situations. Note that in cases where a PTS Rundown is needed rudiments alone are never used as a substitute for the full rundown. PTS/SP COURSE A full and complete PTS handling would consist of getting the person through his PTSness and then getting him through the PTS/SP Course. This must be included as part of the handling, as otherwise the person will never learn the full mechanics that had been wrecking his life. With the knowledge of PTS/SP technical data under his belt, a person can be at cause over suppressives and is far less likely to become PTS to anyone in the future. THE PTS RUNDOWN The PTS Rundown is done when preclears who have had standard, successful PTS handlings roller-coaster at a later date, become ill, slump after making gains or continue to find additional terminals they are PTS to. Or it is done when the person doesn't brighten up with standard PTS A handling or when he isn't sure of the SP or can't name any SP at all. The exceptions are: 1. that the R3RA steps of the PTS RD would not be run on Clears and OTs (though they may be given the remaining steps of the PTS RD), and 2. audited actions to handle PTSness would not be done on those in the No-Interference Area. Note: Although the PTS RD contains R3RA steps and New Era Dianetics has been repositioned above Grades 0-IV on the new Grade Chart, this does NOT limit the PTS RD to those at the level of NED in their processing. When a person has a PTS condition to be handled, it is not a matter of whether the person is up to the level of NED on the Grade Chart but a matter of handling the condition terminatedly, as the person may not be otherwise audited or trained over PTSness. This does not preclude the fact that proper setup for the action must be done, per the four points of breakdown of the PTS Rundown. The PTS Rundown is run to the end phenomena of a pc who is getting and keeping case gains and never again roller-coasters. SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN If after the PTS Rundown, the person feels fine but the persons suppressing him are still making trouble, then the PTS person must have a Suppressed Person Rundown. The Suppressed Person Rundown can produce the wondrous result of changing the disposition of an antagonistic terminal at a distance, by auditing the PTS preclear. Where this terminal was antagonistic, invalidative, hostile or downright suppressive, he can suddenly have a change of heart and seek to make peace with the PTS pc. The end phenomena of this handling is a miraculous restoration of communication between the estranged terminals originated by the formerly antagonistic person. The Suppressed Person Rundown is done after a PTS C/S-1 has been done, the antagonistic terminal has been located and handlings have been done on that terminal, and after the PTS Rundown has been done. It is not done in the No-Interference Area. Note that this rundown is for USE, even after the pc himself has been handled as a case, as this rundown handles the other person, the SP or antagonistic person, and the pc's relationship to him in the real physical universe. Where the SP or antagonistic person exists in present time, this rundown is done on a one-for- one basis. In such cases, you use it no matter how successful the PTS handling was. SUMMARY Thus, any full and complete PTS handling consists of. 1. Education (PTS C/S-1) 2. PTS Interview (discovering to what or whom he is PTS) 3. Handling (or in rare cases disconnection, if warranted) 4. PTS/SP Course (can be started earlier) 5. PTS Rundown (if needed) 6. Suppressed Person Rundown (if needed). These are powerful and precision tools. With them we can handle our PTS students, preclears and staffs and get resounding one- for-one successes. I am counting on you to do this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations LRH:RTRC:pm.fa.sep.ja