****************************************************************** 21. HCOB 6 Dec. 1973 The Primary Failure C/S Series 90 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 DECEMBER 1973 Remimeo C/S Series 90 THE PRIMARY FAILURE Refs: HCOB 28 Feb. 71 C/S Series 24 METERING READING ITEMS HCOB 15 Oct. 73 C/S Series 87 NULLING AND F/Ning PREPARED LISTS A C/S who cannot get a result on his pcs will find the most usual, biggest improvement by getting the offending auditors' ASSESSING handled. We used to say that "the auditor's TRs were out" as the most fundamental reason for no results. This is not specific enough. THE MOST COMMON REASON FOR FAILED SESSIONS IS THE INABILITY OF THE AUDITOR TO GET READS ON LISTS. Time after time I have checked this back as the real reason. It became evident when one could take almost any "null" (no read) list in a pc's folder, give it and the pc to an auditor who COULD assess and get nice reads on it with consequent gain. Example: Pc has a high TA. C/S orders a C/S 53RF. List is null. Pc goes on having a high TA. C/S gets inventive, case crashes. Another C/S and another auditor takes the same pc and the same list, gets good reads, handles. Case flies again. What was wrong was a. The auditor's TR 1 was terrible. b. The auditor couldn't meter. REMEDY One takes the above two reference HCOBs and gets their points fully checked on the flunking auditor. The C/S gets the auditor's TR 1 corrected. In doing the latter, one may find a Why for the out-TR 1 like a notion one must be soft-spoken to stay in ARC or the auditor is imitating some other auditor whose TR 1 is faulty. QUAL CRAMMING It can happen that these actions are reported done in Qual and the auditor still flubs. In this case the C/S has to straighten out Qual Cramming by doing the above reference HCOBs on the Cramming Officer and getting the Cramming Officer's TR 1 ideas unscrewed and straight. REQUIREMENTS It takes correct metering and IMPINGEMENT to make a list read. If the auditor does not have these, then drug lists, Dianetic lists, correction lists, will all go for nothing. As the prepared list is the C/S's main tool for discovery and correction, an auditor failure to get a list to respond or note it then defeats the C/S completely. SUMMARY THE ERROR OF AN AUDITOR BEING UNABLE TO GET A LIST TO READ ON A METER IS A PRIMARY CAUSE OF C/S FAILURE. To win, correct it! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh.gm