****************************************************************** 11. HCOB 27 May 1963 Cause of ARC Breaks HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1963 CenOCon Franchise ALL AUDITING STAR-RATING HCO BULLETIN FOR ACADEMIES AND SHSBC CAUSE OF ARC BREAKS LUCKY IS THE PC WHOSE AUDITOR HAS UNDERSTOOD THIS HCO BULLETIN. AND LUCKY IS THE AUDITOR, MAY HIS OWN CASE RUN WELL. I have just narrowed the reason for ARC breaks in auditing actions down to only one source. RULE: ALL ARC BREAKS ARE CAUSED BY BYPASSED CHARGE. RULE: TO TURN OFF AN ARC BREAK FIND AND INDICATE THE CORRECT BYPASSED CHARGE. Charge can be bypassed by 1. Going later than basic on any chain without further search for basic. Example: Looking for the pc's first automobile accident, finding the fifth instead and trying to run the fifth accident as the first accident, which it isn't. The bypassed charge here is the first accident and all succeeding accidents up to the one selected by the auditor as the first one or the one to run. To a greater or lesser degree depending on the amount the earlier material was restimulated, the pc will then ARC break (or feel low or in "low morale"). One can run a later incident on a chain briefly but only to unburden earlier incidents, and the pc must know this. 2. Unknowingly ignoring the possibility of a more basic or earlier incident of the same nature as that being run after the pc has been restimulated on it. Or bluntly refusing to admit the existence of or let the pc "at" an earlier incident. 3. Cleanly missing a GPM, as one between two goals run consecutively in the belief they are consecutive. 4. Missing an earlier GPM and settling down to the assertion there are no earlier ones. 5. Cleanly missing one or more RIs, not even calling them. 6. Failing to discharge an RI and going on past it. 7. Accidentally missing a whole block of RIs, as in resuming session and not noticing pc has skipped (commoner than you'd think). 8. Accepting a wrong goal, missing the right one similarly worded. 9. Accepting a wrong RI, not getting the plot RI to fire. 10. Misinterpreting or not understanding data given to you by the pc and/or acting on wrong data. 11. Misinforming the pc as to what has or has not fired and discharged. 12. Locating the wrong bypassed charge and saying it is the source of the ARC break. 13. Failing to follow the cycle of communication in auditing. These and any other way charge can be restimulated and left prior to where the auditor is working can cause an ARC break. Charge left after (later) (nearer PT) than where the auditor is working hardly ever causes an ARC break. The burden of skilled auditing, then, is to get RIs (and GPMs and incidents) discharged as close to basic (first incident) as possible. And always be prowling for something earlier. In contradiction of this is that any GPM fairly well discharged by RRs unburdens the case, ARC break or no ARC breaks. And any incident partially discharged lets one go earlier. The pc never knows why the ARC break. He may think he does and disclaim about it. But the moment the actual reason is spotted (the real missed area) the ARC break ceases. If you know you've missed a goal or RI, just saying so prevents any ARC break. An ARC breaky pc can always be told what has been missed and will almost always settle down at once. Example: Pc refuses to come to session. Auditor on telephone says there's a more basic incident or RI or GPM. Pc comes to session. The auditor who is most likely to develop ARC breaks in the pc will have greater difficulty putting this HCO Bulletin into practice. Perhaps I can help this. Such an auditor Q-and-As by action responses, not acknowledgments after understanding. Action can be on an automaticity in the session. So this HCO Bulletin may erroneously be interpreted to mean "If the pc ARC breaks DO something earlier." If this were true, then the only thing left to run would be basic-basic -- without the pc being unburdened enough to have any reality on it. A drill (and many drills can be compiled on this) would be to have a lineal picture of a time track. The coach indicates a late incident on it with a pointer and says, "Pc ARC break." The student must give a competent and informative statement that indicates the earlier charge without pointing (since you can't point inside the reactive bank of a pc with a pointer). Drawn time tracks showing a GPM, a series of engrams along free track, a series of GPMs, all plotted against time, would serve the purpose of the drill and give the student graphic ARC break experience. The trick is TO FIND AND INDICATE the RIGHT bypassed charge to the pc and to handle it when possible but never fail to indicate it. It is not DO that heals the ARC break but pointing toward the correct charge. RULE: FINDING AND INDICATING AN INCORRECT BYPASSED CHARGE WILL NOT TURN OFF AN ARC BREAK. An automaticity (as covered later in this HCO Bulletin) is rendered discharged by indicating the area of charge only. This is an elementary example: Pc says, "I suppressed that." Auditor says, "On this incident has anything been suppressed?" Pc ARC breaks. Auditor indicates charge by saying, "I'm sorry. A moment ago I didn't acknowledge your suppression." ARC break ceases. Why? Because the source of its charge that triggered an automaticity of above the pc's tone, was itself discharged by being indicated. Example: Auditor asks for a Joburg overt. Pc gives it. Auditor consults meter at once asking question again, which is protested giving a new read. Pc ARC breaks. Auditor says, "I did not acknowledge the overt you gave me. I acknowledge it." ARC break ceases. Example: Auditor asks for RI No. 173 on First Series Line Plot. Pc ARC breaks, giving various reasons why, such as auditor's personality. Auditor asks meter, "Have I missed an item on you?" Gets read. Says to pc, "I've missed an item." ARC break ceases. Whether the missing item is looked for or not is immaterial to this HCO Bulletin which concerns handling ARC breaks. If an auditor always does in response to an ARC break, such as instantly looking for specific earlier items, that auditor has missed the point of this HCO Bulletin and will just pile up more ARC breaks, not heal them. Don't be driven by ARC breaks into unwise actions, as all you have to do is find and indicate the missing charge that was bypassed. That is what takes care of an ARC break, not taking the pc's orders. If the ARC break does not cease, the wrong bypassed charge has been indicated. The sweetest running pc in the world can be turned into a tiger by an auditor who always Q-and-As, never indicates charge and goes on with the session plan. Some Q and As would be a source of laughter if not so deadly. Here is a Q-and-A artist at work (and an ARC breaky pc will soon develop) (and this auditor will soon cease to audit because it's "so unpleasant"). Example: Auditor: "Have you ever shot anyone?" Pc: "Yes, I shot a dog." Auditor: "What about a dog?" Pc: "It was my mother's." Auditor: "What about your mother?" Pc: "I hated her." Auditor: "What about hating people?" Pc: "I think I'm aberrated." Auditor: "Have you worried about being aberrated?" Pc: @!!*?!!. Why did the pc ARC break? Because the charge has never been permitted to come off shooting a dog, his mother, hating people, and being aberrated and that's enough bypassed charge to blow a house apart. This pc will become, as this keeps up, unauditable by reason of charge missed in sessions and his resulting session dramatizations as overts. Find and indicate the actual charge bypassed. Sometimes you can't miss it, it has just happened. Sometimes you need a simple meter question since what you are doing is obvious. Sometimes you need a dress parade assessment from a list. But however you get it, find out the exact bypassed charge and then INDICATE IT TO THE PC. The violence of an ARC break makes it seem incredible that a simple statement will vanquish it, but it will. You don't have to run another earlier engram to cure an ARC break. You merely have to say it is there-and if it is the bypassed charge, that ARC break will vanish. Example: Pc: "I think there's an incident earlier that turned off my emotion." Auditor: "We'd better run this one again." Pc ARC breaks. Auditor: (Consults meter) "Is there an earlier incident that turns off emotion?" (Gets read) "Say, what you just said is correct. Thank you. There is an earlier incident that turns off emotion. Thank you. Now let's run this one a few more times." Pc's ARC break ends at once. Don't go around shivering in terror of ARC breaks. That's like the modern systems of government which tear up their whole constitution and honor just because some hired demonstrators howl. Soon they won't be a government at all. They bend to every ARC break. ARC breaks are inevitable. They will happen. The crime is not, to have a pc ARC break. The crime is, not to be able to handle one fast when it happens. You must be able to handle an ARC break since they are inevitable. Which means you must know the mechanism of one as given here, how to find bypassed charge and how to smoothly indicate it. To leave a pc in an ARC break more than two or three minutes, is just inept. And be well-drilled enough that your own responding rancor and surprise doesn't take charge. And you'll have pleasant auditing. ARC BREAK PROCESSES We had several ARC break processes. These were repetitive processes. The most effective ARC break process is locating and indicating the bypassed charge. That really cures ARC breaks. A repetitive command ARC break process based on this discovery I just made would possibly be "What communication was not received?" Expanding this we get a new ARC Straightwire: "What attitude was not received?" "What reality was not perceived (seen)?" "What communication was not acknowledged?" This process IS NOT USED to handle SESSION ARC BREAKS but only to clean up auditing or the track. If the pc ARC breaks, don't use a process, find the missed charge. Indeed, this process may be more valuable than at first believed, as one could put "In auditing ______" on the front of each one and straighten up sessions. And perhaps you could even run an engram with it. (The last has not been tested. "In auditing" + the three questions was wonderful on test. Two div TA in each 10 mins on a very high TA case.) "ARC Break Straightwire" of 1958 laid open implants like a band saw, which is what attracted my attention to it again. Many routine prefixes such as "In an organization" or "On engrams" or "On past lives" could be used to clear up past attitudes and overts. We need some repetitive processes today. Cases too queasy to face the past, cases messed up by offbeat processes. Cases who have overts on auditing or Scientology or orgs. Cases pinned by session overts. The big mid ruds run inside an engram tend to make it go mushy. And Class I Auditors are without an effective repetitive process on modern technology. This is it. A repetitive process, even though not looking for basic, implies that the process will be run until the charge is off and therefore creates no ARC breaks unless left unflat. Therefore, the process is safe if flattened. RUDIMENTS Nothing is more detested by some pcs than rudiments on a session or GPM or RI. Why? The same rule about ARC breaks applies. The charge has been bypassed. How? Consider the session is later than the incident (naturally). Ask for the suppress in the session. You miss the suppress in the incident (earlier by far). Result: Pc ARC breaks. That's all there is to ARC breaks caused by session big mid ruds or mid ruds. Example: "Scrambleable Eggs" won't RR. Auditor says, "On this item has anything been suppressed?" Pc eventually gets anxious or ARC breaks. Why? Suppress read. Yes, but where was the suppress? It was in the incident containing the RI, the pc looked for it in the session and thereby missed the suppress charge in the incident of the RI which, being bypassed charge unseen by pc and auditor, caused the ARC break. Remedy? Get the suppress in the incident, not the session. The RI RRs. Also, the more ruds you use, the more you restimulate when doing Routine 3, because the suppress in the incident is not basic on Suppress, and if you clean just one clean, even to test, bang, there goes the charge being missed on Suppress and bang, bang, ARC break. Lightly, auditor, lightly. Q AND A ARC BREAKS Q and A causes ARC breaks by BYPASSING CHARGE. How? The pc says something. The auditor does not understand or acknowledge. Therefore, the pc's utterance becomes a bypassed charge generated by whatever he or she is trying to release. As the auditor ignores it and the pc reasserts it, the original utterance's charge is built up and up. Finally, the pc will start issuing orders in a frantic effort to get rid of the missed charge. This is the source of pc orders to the auditor. Understand and acknowledge the pc. Take the pc's data. Don't pester the pc for more data when the pc is offering data. When the pc goes to where the auditor commands, don't say, "Are you there now?" as his going is thereby not acknowledged and the going built up charge. Always assume the pc obeyed until it's obvious the pc did not. ECHO METERING The pc says, "You missed a suppress. It's ______" and the auditor reconsults the meter asking for a Suppress. That leaves the pc's offering an undischarged charge. NEVER ASK THE METER AFTER A PC VOLUNTEERS A BUTTON. Example: You've declared Suppress clean, pc gives you another suppress. Take it and don't ask Suppress again. That's Echo Metering. If a pc puts his own ruds in, don't at once jump to the meter to put his ruds in. That makes all his offerings missed charge. Echo Metering is miserable auditing. MISSED WITHHOLDS Needless to say, this matter of bypassed charge is the explanation for the violence of missed withholds. The auditor is capable of finding out. So the pc's undisclosed overts react solely because the auditor doesn't ask for them. This doesn't wipe out all technology about missed withholds. It explains why they exist and how they operate. Indication is almost as good as disclosure. Have you ever had somebody calm down when you said "You've got missed withholds"? Well, it's crude but it has worked. Better is "Some auditor failed to locate some charge on your case." Or "We must have missed your goal." But only a meter assessment and a statement of what has been found would operate short of actually pulling the missed withholds. APPARENT BAD MORALE There is one other factor on "Bad Morale" that should be remarked. We know so much we often discard what we know in Scientology. But way back in Book One and several times after, notably 8-80, we had a Tone Scale up which the pc climbed as he was processed. We meet up with this again running the Helatrobus Implants as a whole-track fact. The pc rises in tone up to the lower levels of the Tone Scale. He or she comes up to degradation, up to apathy. And it often feels horrible and, unlike an ARC break and the sad effect, is not cured except by more of the same processing. People complain of their emotionlessness. Well, they come up a long ways before they even reach emotion. Then suddenly they realize that they have come up to being able to feel bad. They even come up to feeling pain. And all that is a gain. They don't confuse this too much with ARC breaks but they blame processing. And then one day they realize that they can feel apathy! And it's a win amongst wins. Before it was just wood. And this has an important bearing on ARC breaks. Everything on the whole Know to Mystery Scale that still lies above the pc finds the pc at effect. These are all on automatic. Therefore, the pc in an ARC break is in the grip of the reaction which was in the incident, now fully on automatic. The pc's anger in the incident is not even seen or felt by the pc. But the moment something slips, the pc is in the grip of that emotion as an automaticity and becomes furious or apathetic or whatever toward the auditor. None is more amazed at himself or herself than the pc in the grip of the ARC break emotion. The pc is a helpless rag, being shaken furiously by the emotions he or she felt in the incident. Therefore, never discipline or Q-and-A with an ARC broken pc. Don't join hands with his bank to punish him. Just find the bypassed charge and the automaticity will shut off at once to everyone's relief. ---------- Running Routine 3 is only unpleasant and unhappy to the degree that the auditor fails to quickly spot and announce bypassed charge. If he fails to understand this and recognize this, his pcs will ARC break as surely as a ball falls when dropped. If an auditor has ARC breaky pcs, only one thing is basically wrong -- that auditor consistently misses charge or consistently fails to anticipate missed charge. One doesn't always have to run the earliest. But one had better not ignore the consequences of not pointing it out. One doesn't have to discharge every erg from an RI always but one had better not hide the fact from the pc. The adroit auditor is one who can spot earlier charge or anticipate ARC breaks by seeing where charge is getting missed and taking it up with the pc. That auditor's pcs have only the discomfort of the gradually rising tone and not the mess of ARC breaks. It is possible to run almost wholly without ARC breaks and possible to stop them in seconds, all by following the rule: DON'T BYPASS CHARGE UNKNOWN TO THE PC. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jw.rd.gm