HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MARCH 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 25 Auditor Admin Series 10 THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE (A marvelous new C/S Auditor line has just been piloted in for HGCs.) In the new C/S line the Auditor, in his Admin time at the end of the day, or when he has no preclears, does Folder Error Summaries or Progress and Advance Programs for his pcs and does the C/S form for the Tech C/S as well as adds the day's process and the length of the session and amount of Admin time on that folder to the inside front cover of the folder, with the process run and result. If his programs and C/Ses are acceptable to the Tech C/S, the Auditor gets full Well Done Auditing Hour credit on his stat. The Auditor logs his sessions for the day in the general HGC Auditor's log and his Admin time is also logged. This Admin time is subtracted from the bought hours of the pc where auditing is sold by the hour. Where Auditors are so engaged and the new folder routing line is in use, this C/S form is used: Full blank page. Pc's Name (Red) Date Auditor's Name (Red) Class of Auditor required next session (Session Grade) left blank Auditor's comment (Red) or think about the case if he wishes. The next C/S 1. ___________________________ Blue 2. ___________________________ Blue 3. ___________________________ Blue 4. ___________________________ Blue Auditor Signature (Red) The Auditor does not grade his own session. He leaves this blank. The correctly Admined folder is then given to Tech Services which routes it (usually with the Auditor's other folders for the day) to the C/S. The C/S looks it over (it is HIS final responsibility for the case being run right). The C/S looks to see if the Examiner form taken by the Examiner at session end F/Ned. If it did not he leaves the grade line blank as it is a No Grade session (see F/N and well done hours) as the Auditor gets no hour credit for the session. If the C/S and other Admin is ok he writes OK with his initial in the session grade space. If none of it is okay he leaves it blank and does the C/S form or programs completely new. In this last case he enters a subtract figure in his log for the auditing time for the week against that Auditor's name. If the Exam form F/Ned, but the Admin is not okay and the session actions were not okay the C/S writes "Well Done by Exam" on his own new C/S in its proper place and ignores the form and subtracts the Admin time in his book to subtract the Admin from the Auditor's week's stat. If the session was not okay with no F/N at Exams yet the Admin and next C/S are ok, the Auditor loses the session time in the C/S but gets the Admin time credited to his week's stat. The C/S subtracts the session time in his book, not the Admin time. Of course, as we hope is usually the case, if the Auditor did the C/S, did a correct session, got an F/N at Exam and did the Admin and next C/S is correct, then the C/S marks "Very well done" in the blank space for session grade with his initial. After inspection, this would be the sole action of the C/S regarding that folder. By the C/S writing in the session grade (Very well done, well done, okay, flunk, to cramming) the Auditor is receiving acknowledgement for his work and is not just acking himself. THE NEW LINE The ideal Folder-C/S line can shift the number of well done hours from a ceiling of 250-300 to 600-800 with one C/S. No matter how many Auditors an org has, older lines put a 250-300 top ceiling on the org's well done hours. When hours could go above 600 due to the available Auditors (20 or 30), a new parallel line has to be manned by a new C/S, new D of P and another Examiner and more Tech Services personnel. Despite how hard the C/S and anyone else in tech works, a line not so run will ceiling at about 250 hours, no matter how many Auditors are hired. A C/S using the old lines can C/S for about 5 working Auditors only with the line running any old way. And even so will work himself half to death. In trying to get pcs handled, Auditors will be added. The C/S will not be able to handle his job. The line, being faulty, gets pegged at about 250 hours no matter how hard the C/S and Admin people work. With the same C/S and Tech Services people, and a correct new line, 24 to 30 Auditors will be kept busy at their 5 hours a day (given auditing rooms) and the stat will be able to rise to 600 to 800. NEW SEQUENCE 1. Auditor picks up his pc folders and his pc schedule list at Tech Services at the start of his day from the LEAVING rack. 2. Tech Services (having a duplicate list) begins sending pcs to him (using Tech Pages). 3. The Auditor gives the session. 4. The Auditor leaves the folder in the Auditing room at session end and takes the pc to the Examiner. 5. The Examiner simply does the Exam form on a meter with no folder. He sends the Exam form (hand route) to Tech Services. 6. The Auditor returns at once to his auditing room and a Tech Page has a pc there waiting for him. 7. Having done all his pcs for the day, the Auditor carries his folders to the Auditor Admin Room. 8. Tech Services has placed the Exam forms in the Auditor Admin Room and sees they get into the Auditor's basket and the folder. 9. The Auditor does the complete Admin of the session. 10. The Auditor does any program needed for future sessions. 11. The Auditor C/Ses the folder for the next session. 12. The Auditor marks in a box (2 columns) on a sheet stapled to the inside front cover the process, the Exam result, the session time and the Admin time he has just put in. 13. The Auditor hands his completed folders in to Tech Services. 14. Tech Services gets the folders to the C/S using a Folder Page who comes on late and works the C/S's hours. 15. Fed the folders rapidly by the Folder Page who is standing in the C/S area, the C/S does his C/S work. If the Folder Page is fast, removing folders and putting the new one in, chasing up data and other bits for the C/S, the time of C/Sing even when done very carefully will be found to average 3 to 5 minutes a folder even when some require full programming (but not FESing). This makes a ceiling of about 100 folders (sessions) a day for the C/S, an output of 30 Auditors. Needless to say the C/S and the Auditors have to know their business and Qual Cramming is used extensively both for new material and for flubs both in auditing and C/Sing by Auditors. 16. The Folder Page gets the folders over to the D of P office preserving the piles per Auditor as much as possible. The C/S posts the data he wants Auditors to know or do on the AUDITORS' BOARD of the Auditors' Admin Room. He turns in his Cramming Orders into the D of P basket. This finishes his actions. Where there is a senior Review C/S there is a hot spur line from the C/S to the senior C/S and back to the C/S. This is not necessarily an instant line. It can be a 12 hour lag line. In orgs where a C/O or Exec Dir or Product Officer or Org Officer is also a very skilled C/S this hot line would probably be in. New tech in use, fantastic completions and utter dog cases nobody can make anything out of go on this senior C/S hot spur line. There are very few of these, only two or three a day in a very busy org. The senior C/S "does" these and sends them back to the C/S. They are then sent on as usual to the D of P. 17. The Director of Processing comes on duty very early. The C/Sed folders will all be there. The D of P has assignment master sheets that are kept up by the D of P. The D of P does the day's schedules, a list for each Auditor. The lists preferably have a few too many pcs on them. The D of P can tell what Class of Auditor is required for the next session because the Auditor has marked it in in the upper right-hand corner of the C/S for the next session. When the D of P has the lists done the folders are placed in the "leaving" rack of Tech Services and Tech Services, now up and about, is given the lists and gets to work on the scheduling board, moving the names about to agree with the lists. Tech Services does any room shifts or handlings at this time. 18. The D of P now goes to the Auditor Admin Room and begins to muster Auditors from her muster list as they come in and gets them over to Tech Services. 19. A Cramming personnel will be in there trying to get any crammings scheduled. 20. Tech Services hands out folders (which are in neat piles for each Auditor) and schedules to the Auditors as they turn up and handles any arguments or shifts in sequence. 21. Tech Pages are on phones or running to round up pcs and get them going to sessions, which work continues all day. 22. The D of P interviews any hung-up or curious pcs or as requested by the C/S or gets new Auditors or keeps up Admin. This goes on until the C/S comes in when the D of P is off. 23. The Auditor picking up his folders begins the cycle all over again at (1) above. ABOVE 600 When the well done hours go above 600 a week, A WHOLE NEW HGC is put in duplicating the first, with its own C/S, D of P, T/S, auditing rooms and Auditor Admin Room. It would be HGC Section Two or HGC2 with the original being HGC1. A special second Cramming would have to be provided in Qual for it. At first they would share new hours and build up independently. More HGCs are added to the Department at each multiple 600 WD hours. SENIORS The two chief seniors in the area are the C/S (for tech) and the D of P (for Auditors and bodies). It is the D of P who must see that Auditors exist and are on post. It is Tech Services who sees pcs are rounded up and audited. The D of T/S is actually in charge of pcs and all folder files and all board keep-up work. The D of P should have some tech training. The D of T/S need not have any. The C/S of course is the Tech Expert and should be an HSST. If there are no Auditors it is the D of P's neck. If there are no C/Ses it is the C/S's neck. If there are no folders it is the D of T/S's neck. And if there are no auditing rooms it is the D of T/S's neck. If signed-up scheduled pcs don't get to session it is the D of T/S's neck. If there are no NEW pcs it is the D of P's neck who should begin to shoot Dissem Secs and Registrars and procure new pcs on a by-pass for the org. From this a table of seniors and duties can be made. CRAMMING You will notice no pcs are sent to Review on this new line. Review actions are done in Tech as a patch-up in Tech. The Qual Sec is responsible for overall tech quality BUT DOES IT BY CRAMMING C/Ses or Auditors. Thus Cramming is a busy street. Cramming must be good, checkouts excellent. If an Auditor doesn't grasp a C/S he has received he gets help from Cramming. Auditors new to the HGC are given a fast hard grooving in in Cramming or a Qual Interne Course. (New Auditors never audit until grooved in.) Tech will be as good as the Cramming Officer can cram. This line is grooved in by the HAS and kept in by Qual. Or if there is no Qual, it is kept in by the HAS who will find no Qual very embarrassing. DUMMY RUN The line should be dummy run by folders, "pcs" and Auditors until they understand it. People are often totally unaware of lines and get very sloppy. Thus this line has to be drilled hard on old and new tech personnel. All must know this exact line. It is a good line. Fully in, it raises the well done hours stat from 250 per week maximum at total overload to an easy 600 to 800. Auditors must audit five hours a day, 25 minimum per week of well done hours for any bonus to be paid at all. In the SO they get no pay at all much less bonuses if short on their 25. Tech Services and an unenergetic D of P or a bad Dissem Sec and Registrar set-up can cause a no pc situation. And often do unless pushed. But counting FESes and Admin in on an Auditor's wd time helps slack periods to even out. And one Auditor can FES and program folders for others or from files if he is left adrift and short-timed by the D of P or D of T/S or until the Tech Division forces the Dissem Div and Distribution Div to really get on the ball and wear their hats on pc flow. PROCUREMENT The D of P has always had new pc procurement responsibility when all else failed or even when it didn't. Old folders, for example, are a marvelous source of new auditing repairs and intensives. An FES done on an old folder and a letter to "come in and get audited before you fall apart" is excellent pc procurement, usually neglected by Registrars. Any procurement by a D of P is legitimate. Auditors who have no pcs can write procurement letters and have for 20 years. SUMMARY This is a beautiful line. It has been piloted hard. It will serve as well as it is checked out, drilled in and used. This line is the key to affluence from pcs alone. (But if the org isn't training Auditors heavily, you'll soon have no Auditors to be on it and the org will not gain its high income low cost cushion from training.) This line is the answer to really getting auditing done in an area. L.RON HUBBARD Founder