HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 AUGUST 1959 All HCO Franchise Holders All Staffs Central Orgs All HCOs THE HANDLING OF COMMUNICATION PROCESSES SOME RAPID DATA The most important research development of recent times is the "Communication Process." It has gradually been evolved for nine years, beginning in July of 1950 when I isolated Communication as one of the three important pivots on which all mental association turned, the other two being Affinity and Reality. Much could be said about this evolution and the search, but the important gain remains that today I have evolved finally a single-command-type process that answers all requirements of all levels of clearing and violates no rules of auditing. An auditor today could audit with just three packages: 1. The CCHs; 2. SCS and Connectedness; and 3. The Communication Processes. Using these, he would certainly achieve Releases and Clears on all cases he could keep on the auditing roster. I must call your attention to the facts of this: We have achieved our finite goals in auditing, and clearing can be done easily and broadly without kickbacks. Therefore, all programs should be geared with these steps: 1. Make a Clear or two. 2. Use Communication Processes in co-audit toward clearing. 3. Groove in administratively to clear your area. I will shortly write a small book on Communication Processes which will give all. Meantime, the essentials of use are as follows: 1. By Communication Process is meant any process which places the preclear at cause and uses communication as the principal command phrase. A typical wording, now standard, is, "From where could you communicate to a _________?" 2. The terminals to which Communication Processes are addressed must be real terminals, never significances only. Right "From, etc., to a 'husband.'" Wrong "From, etc., to a 'thought.'" Right "From, etc., to a 'dog.'" Wrong "From, etc., to a 'mistake.'" 3. All terminals employed in the command should be generalized. Don't peg pc to one lifetime with a proper name. Always use a generalized name, since Communication Processes span lives too fast to be limited too much. Right "From, etc., to a 'husband."' Wrong "From, etc., to 'Bill."' Wrong "From, etc., to 'your husband."' If you isolate Bill as the terminal that needs running, find out what Bill is to the pc. Use what the pc describes Bill to be or what rises on the meter. Bill will turn out to be "a husband" or "a friend" or "a mechanic" or some generalized terminal. He is never run as "Bill," as that pegs pc to one life and rarely clears Bill whereas the general terminal does clear Bill. 4. Run a Communication Process more or less muzzled. The smoother, the more confident, the more experienced the auditor, the less muzzle is needed. The process wins totally muzzled so err in the direction of more muzzle, not less. 5. A Communication Process is flat when none of that class of terminal produces change or a comm lag or a cyclic aspect on the time track. If the pc no longer goes into past on a continuous long run, the process is flat. 6. Use a meter. This alone tells you when a terminal is really flat. This alone diagnoses a terminal properly. A good electrometer can save you three hours in every five. Lack of meters means lack of Clears. Only a meter keeps the auditor from clearing the auditor's buttons out of the preclear. Only a meter keeps processes from being left unflat. Only a meter can show when a terminal is clear or a preclear is Clear. Use a meter if you want to clear people. Insist on your auditor using a meter if you want to get Clear. 7. Know meter behavior. There's lots of data on this. But I've recently found a new one. A terminal needs to be run if it drops, and then when ignored, any further questioning causes a needle to rise only. The right terminal found again sticks the needle and stops the rise. If a terminal is left unflat (if it is run and then dropped before it is flat), the needle in future sessions will only rise. A steadily rising needle is by definition, then, the symptom of an abandoned terminal. That terminal must be found again. If found it will stop the rise of the needle. It must then be run and flattened. This is why some cases bog down and this is how it is remedied. A further discovery is that a terminal clears on the meter just like a pc clears on a meter. Example-an unclear person doesn't read steadily at male or female Clear reading, but goes above or below that reading and the reading changes. Similarly, a terminal found on a pc reads above or below male or female Clear reading. If the terminal is run by a Communication Process, it makes the tone arm read higher or lower than male or female Clear. The running of the terminal changes the tone arm position, making it rise and fall, rise and fall. The rises of the tone arm get easier, the falls more rapid until at last the tone arm does not rise or fall but sits at male or female Clear, depending on the sex of the pc (not the terminal). The more flexible the tone arm, the looser the needle. If that's Greek to you, better grab plane or train to a Central Org and study the E-Meter because you won't make any Clears until you do. 8. A preclear is Mest Clear when no terminal selected is, when run by a Communication Process, productive of variation of the tone arm from male or female Clear reading. A preclear is Theta Clear when he can handle engrams without producing a change from Clear reading. 9. Cases do not improve if they are in a victim valence, as they self-invalidate between sessions. Communication Process S2 or S22 must be run to remedy this. 10. If an assist is done by a Communication Process, the terminal chosen (usually a body part) must be flattened fully (see 7 above) before the case can be expected to move again on a new terminal. 11. When an auditor finds a steadily climbing needle on a pc new to him but not auditing, he must suspect that a terminal has been run but isn't flat. He should query past auditing or living until he finds a terminal that stops the rise. He then runs this flat before he goes on. 12. Old pcs benefit from a Communication Process using "an auditor" as a terminal to clean off the case. This is done when the auditor fails with (11) above. 13. Old auditors can be smoothed out as cases by running a Communication Process on "an auditor" and "a preclear." Run each flat. 14. In general, run any terminal selected back down until the tone arm reads male or female Clear stably for many commands and pc is no longer cycling on track with that terminal. 15. Process illnesses with Communication Processes if the illness is in the way of the session. Assess by finding out what part of body pc considers ill. Run what he says. Run it in one or several sessions until that part reads Clear on the tone arm. ---------- These are some of the rules above of Communication Processes. A few cautions, however, should be emphasized. Don't self-audit with a Communication Process. Use a Touch Assist on body or room instead. Don't clip a terminal into action on a case and leave it unflat. Flatten it in one or many sessions instead or make sure you tell the next auditor that it is unflat. Communication Processes are so simple. They are apparently innocent and charming. They are in actuality strong enough to move a whole bank. So they should be handled with accuracy and the same respect you'd give 90% dynamite. ---------- Note to HCO Secs, Ds of P and Assoc Secs and heads of organizations: It would be well worth your while to study this bulletin thoroughly, then have your people study it and take an examination on it. Those who can't pass it eventually shouldn't be handling paying preclears until well audited and retrained, for we have no passing fancy here in Communication Processes and we use in them the cream of everything in technique and procedure we have learned in nine years. L. RON HUBBARD Founder