Date: 4 Jul 1999 03:08:34 -0000 Subject: FZ Bible 1/19 CLASS 8 TAPES Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <0c1d64e78d60afb8ec704ebff0e019c2@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 1169 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:801654 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST CLASS VIII TAPE TRANSCRIPTS 1/19 ************************************************** CLASS VIII TAPE TRANSCRIPTS - CONTENTS 01 SEP 24, 1969 WELCOME TO THE CLASS VIII COURSE 02 SEP 25, 1969 WHAT STANDARD TECH DOES 03 SEP 26, 1969 THE LAWS OF CASE SUPERVISION 04 SEP 27, 1969 STANDARD TECH DEFINED 05 SEP 28, 1969 THE STANDARD GREEN FORM AND RUDIMENTS 06 SEP 29, 1969 MECHANICS OF TECHNIQUES AND SUBJECT MATTER 07 SEP 30, 1969 CASE SUPERVISOR DO'S AND DONT'S: 08 OCT 1, 1969 CERTAINTY OF STANDARD TECH 09 OCT 2, 1969 THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING 10 OCT 3, 1969 ASSISTS 11 OCT 7, 1969 ASSESSMENT AND LISTING BASICS 12 OCT 8, 1969 MORE ON BASICS 13 OCT 9, 1969 ETHICS AND CASE SUPERVISION 14 OCT 10, 1969 AUDITOR ATTITUDE AND THE BANK 15 OCT 11, 1969 AUDITORS ADDITIVES, LISTS AND CASE SUPERVISION 16 OCT 12, 1969 STANDARD TECH 17 OCT 13, 1969 THE BASICS AND SIMPLICITY OF STANDARD TECH 18 OCT 14, 1969 THE NEW AUDITOR'S CODE 19 OCT 15, 1969 AN EVALUATION OF EXAMINATION ANSWERS ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 6809C24 Class VIII TAPE 1 WELCOME TO THE CLASS VIII COURSE: AN INTRODUCTION TO STANDARD TECH Thank you. Sit down. Thank you very much. Thank you. I wish to announce the opening of the Class VIII course. Now, you're the lucky ones, actually. And I'm very happy to see you well turned out. I'm sorry the stage isn't high enough; a bit higher, so that I could see all of your faces. I like to look through an audience and see the misunderstoods. This is a very...this is a very stellar day, actually, in Scientology. And all of these years have piled up and have made the thing called Standard Tech. Now to celebrate this, we have certain congratulations here. Here is one from the...all the staff at WW, Ron, Class VIII Students. Dear Ron, Sir. Our congratulations and best wishes for the universes' first Class VIII course. Your gift of tech and now most wonderful of all, standard tech, cannot be measured in terms of mans' freedom and sanity. The students you are training will bring back a priceless commodity. Our thanks to all who made it possible, and to the students, but most of all thank you Ron. From Roger and all staff of your Office of LRH, WW. And this next one. Here's our very best wishes and congratulations on the first Level VIII course. You've done it again. Much love, from LRH Comm, London, Executive Council London, and all staff from London. Our love, good wishes and abundance's of Class VIII auditors for the world. The commanding officer of the Pubs Org and all staff. And here's one from, relayed, from Cape Town. Dear Ron, congratulations on first Class VIII course. All the best. Love, E. C. Cape Town and LRH Comm Cape Town. Now, what is Class VIII? Why Class VIII? Well, I wish to welcome you all here to a series of revelations. A series of very, very interesting revelations known as Standard Tech. You are about to get wins. And about to guide through wins that you have never heard of before. Technology was actually not summated until 1966. Individuals follow what is called the hidden data line, mostly. Um...Didn't get a laugh. You don't even know what it is. But a student on the Saint Sill Briefing Course is given all the research materials, now of eighteen years, so that he'll have a good background and a good rounding out on which he can operate. and then he goes into power and his lessons in simplicity begin to occur. Only an expert can be simple. A one-ace trained individual, "Uh, no, ah, ah, where - where's the tone arm?" Much less where's the PC? "I, I, it looks awfully blank, and uh I think that blankness,...and see, I think blankness, I don't remember calling anything...I'd better develop some technology. Let's see. I've got a new process now. "Who's blank?" Yeah, that ought to crack his case, yeah. "Who's blank?" They don't even know there's any technology there, boy. In other words it takes a total expert to be totally simple. And you just gonna be surprised studying this Class VIII course to find out how totally expert you have to be to be totally simple. It is a fantastic revolution. It's a revolution, it's a revelation. And then there's this other thing called a hidden data line. This thing called a hidden data line is one of the most fascinating things I ever heard of. Now, Captain Joe Von Stodden, Captain of the Flag Ship, has given some thought to this as an old, old, old time auditor, as well as a very good captain. He sort of racked this around for a while, and he finally found out how a hidden data line occurs. Or how a hidden command line occurs. And I'll just read his dispatch in full here as I received it this morning. It's very, very good. "Regarding the subject of a hidden data line, I have observed the basis of the hidden data line, and it is simply this: The hidden command line. This is the only way command intentions can get alter-ised apart from outright non-compliance, which I feel, if looked at closely, is also due to a hidden command line." "For example, a level 3 auditor does a green form without an E-meter. A level 6 asks him, "What the hell are you doing?" And the level 3 auditor says, "I have just come back from the AO and they do it like that." And the level 3 auditor gives a big explanation of why it goes that way. And the level 6 auditor pursues the issue and finds other auditors from AO doing a green form this way, and therefore it must be OK. So the level 6 auditor starts doing a green form in this way. This is an extreme example, but the point is the level 6 started backing off when the AO was mentioned." "The higher up the command line, the level 6 wouldn't have just taken it from the level 3, but the 3, being just...having just had close contact with a body higher on a command line than the 6, starts off the level 6's doubt. And the higher on a command line the power is drawn from, the wider area the alter-is covers. Like it seems someone figured this out and just put god there." "You know, somebody just heard from god, so that's the right thing to do." "Religion is a pretty good example of a hidden command line. There is policy on 'If it's not written it's not true', and 'The only standard tech is found in HCOBs, tapes and books', yet tech gets alter-ised in Orgs, and the form of the Org is difficult at times to keep. I conclude from this that command lines are misused and not understood always." "The Class VIII course is handling the tech line, and I really feel will get the data line in from source, and kept in by Sea Org Class VIIIs doing a patrol of tech. To handle the design won't it be a good idea to run the Org Exec course based on some principles, the same principles as the Class VIII auditors course here? To put in the command lines with a thud, then, we will be able to turn out cracker jack auditors and a cracker jack org to back them up would be a great help. So it undoubtedly occurs organizationally as well as technically." And those are very, very important considerations. The laws of listing. They were all on tape, they were in bulletins. And somebody has removed both tapes and bulletins from the training line of the Class VI course. Now, do you realize that the morale of an organization is proportional to the accuracy of the technology? If they haven't got accurate technology that works, works, works, I will tell you what. Their morale goes to pieces because they haven't got anything left to work for. Now I don't mean to appear violent. But when you have talked your lungs out hour after hour, day after day to drive one point home and it doesn't drive, and it evaporates, it demonstrates that the subject can be wrecked by deleting from the subject line a piece of key data. As well as somebody who just came in saying, "The Advanced Org. That's the way they're doing it at the Advanced Org. They run the PC standing on his head and the E-meter plugged into the light socket." Do you realize that Scientology very remarkably well stays together in spite of the absence of standard tech? It's remarkable. It's the only hope man's got. But when it's done wrongly, when that is done wrong, man is being betrayed. And he's being very, very badly betrayed. Now there isn't in actual fact much of a trick to auditing. There isn't much of a trick. I'm not saying how bad it all is every place. I'm just saying, my gods! If it hangs together on the crappy jobs of god - just - auditing you see around, what would it do if it went up to 100%? And guess what? It's running on this ship right now at one, zero, zero per cent. Three provisional Class VIIIs. Some of them are a little resistive, some of them more resistive than others, but they're all the same case. And they're just rolling along. And the morale went up and everything went up, and bongety, bongety, bongety, bong! But if tech was even slightly out on the Flagship, what do you think it is in the outer Orgs? Pretty grim. Pretty grim. Now. I don't want to give you the idea that I'm angry at anybody. I'm not. I'm not even ARC broken about having talked so long and often on certain points and find them violated. In fact I'm very calm about the whole thing, and it will be completely dispassionately that we hang from the yard arm any auditor who does other than standard tech. We'll pat him on the back as we send him into the sky. 'Cause everything we're fighting for is attainable on a standard technical basis which doesn't alter a hair line! There is not one case in this whole stinking MEST universe who is one millionth of a millimeter sideways from standard tech. And that's the first thing you have to know about standard tech. There are no variable cases. None. But let me show you what people think is a variable case. PC comes into session, his TA is high, and the auditor's trying to run the right thing, they've been trying to run some things on him lately, and, the TA is high; and they haven't gone anyplace, and so they try to dream up something like, "What principles of psychoanalysis would apply to your case?", you know? They go rushing in to the case supervisor or the D of T and say, "I can't get him on there, uhuhuh, he's still...ahahah, god damn him! Here, get me a process!" Your class supervisor goes through and he thinks of something, and gives it to this fellow. Doesn't even look at the folder. And the guy goes tearing back to session and runs some bunk, and the TA goes a little bit higher. Now this is actually, this is actual fact. I get hold of such a folder, and this case is so, so standard that it's pathetic. Except for the last three months anybody who did a GF or rudiments on him got an R/S on missed withholds as connected to a suppressive person. (Laughing) They R/S! They don't read, they R/S! And no auditor has resorted it to ethics, has done anything about it, has tried to pull the missed withhold, or anything, so of course we have a very peculiar case. So a case that isn't run by standard tech becomes a very peculiar case. And that's just about the first law of standard tech. All peculiar cases were cases that weren't run by standard tech, and guess what? Still can be. So that doesn't make peculiar cases at all. Now the degree of precision which I have talked about on the Saint Hill course is so many miles wide of what we now call standard tech, as to be completely fantastic. There're literally miles of widths in 1965 which don't exist now. The width of tolerance on standard tech probably couldn't be measured with an engineering micrometer. It is absolutely exactly hair line. Now what do you have to do? What do you have to be, in order to run tech that close? You have to be the god damnedest most screaming expert you've ever heard of. You have to know all of the width and body of the Saint Hill course, the research line, all the books, because that enough was a pathway. That was a roadway. And then knowing all that you know the total boundaries. You know the total boundaries the tech can reach. Now, in through that data there is an absolutely hair line, little, tiny, knife edge pass. And you have to know all of that to have a grip on where the path is. And exactly what you do. Honest to Pete, standard tech is so standard that it's practically drop a nickel in the auditor and he runs off the session. But what does it take to make that kind of an auditor? Look at the grip he's got to have on it. Smokey Joe sits down, and he sits down in the auditing session, and he's in really bad shape, and he was audited out in Keokuk, and didn't do any good. And his TA is at .9, and the needle is terribly stuck. And what do we do? We do Ruds or green form to F/N and next grade. (Laughs) And then there's this fellow comes in, and he's been in New York, and he's been down on Harley Street in New York he says. And he's a member of the British government so he's pretty confused. And most of their wives are in psychiatrists' beds, I mean care. I didn't mean to malign them or anything. Anyway, so he sits down and says his psychiatrist has just told him something or other. And he's just had umpteen electric shocks and he actually has been boozle-bozzled, and etcetera. And he's been given an implant that Scientology doesn't work. And uh, it's, it's, it's all pretty, pretty grim. And what do you do with this guy? What, what do you do with this guy? "Oh Christ, that is a hell of a god damned thing to figure out. What will we do with this fellow? Oh dear! Let's run in to see the case supervisor without even showing him the folder and get the solution, you know? That's the way it is." Well in standard tech you don't even know whether or not he's a resistive type case, so you do the Ruds or green form to F/N, and the next grade. Now, you'll have to be pretty, pretty good. You have to be pretty good. Because look at the bait that's thrown to you all the time. Now all you do is consider these wildly different cases as just bait on a hook trying to get you to bite. Everybody is so different. And boy, they're just about as different as the same spot of ink sitting on the same spot of ink. Now, by George, it is pretty, pretty doggone interesting, the session control and the self control which an auditor requires to actually go down that highway. All invitations refused yet ARC isn't broken, and so forth, and yet he just runs him. Now there, there's the way it is. Now if the case proves to be a very resistive case, and we don't seem to be able to do anything with him, you will find out that we can't do anything with him only if he has already been subjected to the unusual. So standard tech has to include cases which have been run very non-standardly. You know, been audited in D.C. No, I won't malign D.C. All Orgs are just as sour as all Orgs, and by the time this course is being taught they will all be snapped up to battery again. And they will be running fine. I am embittered by the folder I just got in from that quarter, that's all. It's pretty god damn grim. The earliest folder, the earliest session, has about a three page list in it as the first list made, followed by a second list which is about a three page list, and the first list hasn't been nulled, and no item was given the PC, and the second one has several reading items on it. What the hell were they trying to do? But the last one, the last auditing report is the real panic in that one folder. It is a real panic. I mean it's something to sit down and cry about or laugh uproariously about. The TA is high, so she was probably overrun on OT1. After doing two unnecessary S and Ds, which had, each of them, at least three items on the list reading. TA was higher at the end of session. See how the, see how the rules are avoided? Now there's only one item reading on the list. It's just about the damnedest thing anybody ever heard of. Do you know, do you know in actual sober, sober, sober, sober fact, that this can be interpreted, that you have three items which read on the first nulling, and then you nulled it again in such a way to submerge two of them and leave only one reading, and then that fulfills the requirement of one item reading on the list. Now whatever jackass figured that one out, and whoever copied him, ought to be sad. Because it's completely bonkers. It's completely bonkers. Now there've been people on the line who have put out re-written bulletins and things like that, and there is a re-written bulletin which shows just that happening. But that is bonkers! So we can assume that people who are a bit inclined to malign, knock apart and shoot the human race, and have that as their only goal, can get into Scientology and can remove things from the technical line, or pervert or alter things in the technical line, which then makes Scientology unworkable. Therefore, we have entered in upon a program. And this program simply is that you, called in from your various Orgs, are being taught rapid-fire as hard and as clear and as bold as we can teach you. Standard tech. The auditing of it and the case supervision of it. And we will send you back as Class VIII provisionals. Do you know that absolutely standard tech, complete, proper, hair line standard tech, used in organizations throughout the world will at least triple the stats of each within 90 days? Couldn't help it. And if it was really applied in a business like fashion, and nobody messed it up in any way, shape or form, one of our Division 5 people said we might even be able to take the planet within a year. It is hot. Scientology is so much hotter than anybody thinks it is that it is fantastic! You don't have to take my say so. You'll find it out as you go along the line. You'll find it out. You're about to have, as an auditor, some very exciting adventures. Cases start falling apart in your hands, without any unusual solutions at all. It's only when you goof it up that you have trouble. Now there are two actual spheres of instruction in this. One is auditing of it, and two, case supervision of it. And the case supervision of auditors is a more difficult subject because the auditors, they're not going to follow the case supervisors' instruction. I know on some folders in which we were teaching this I have seen one student auditor fail to follow for three consecutive sessions the case supervisors' instructions, winding the case around seven assorted telegraph poles, and driving the case supervisor straight up the wall, so that the case supervisor then started to offer very unusual solutions trying to rescue this PC before it was too late. And the PC came out right, I think, by just going back and doing the case supervisors' instructions in the first place. There are various sins on this line. But if you think the auditor has to have, if you think the auditor has to have it, a grip on tech, what does the case supervisor have to have? He's the crystal ball boy. He's got his job, to pick 'em up after they've fallen on their heads. Now of course all cases are case supervised. There aren't any cases that go through any org, there must not be any cases going through any org, there must not be any cases audited any place, that are not case supervised by a Class VIII. The next session may not be given until case supervision. Now the auditor, if he is a very well trained auditor, can refuse to do the case supervisors' instructions, because it's the auditor who is going to be hanged. But he can only refuse to do them and not audit at all. Be may not ever vary or alter a case supervisors' instructions. He opens up the folder, and he sees a case supervisors instructions, and he himself perhaps trained to Class VIII disagrees with these completely. Now he must take it up with the case supervisor. He has a right not to audit them, but he has no right whatsoever to audit anything else. You see how it's sewn up? You say, "Yes, but this PC could sit there for a month without any auditing." It's god damn well better he did. If there're two people who have entirely different opinions on what ought to be done with this case, then either one or the other of those two different people do not know standard tech, because if they knew standard tech they would not have any divergence of opinion. Now there are certain things that get wrong with cases. There are certain cases more resistive than other cases. There are certain cases that do not appear to be standard. They're standard enough. There's a little 7 line assesment which is longer if you want to ask more particulars on each one but there's only about 7 things that prevent a case from running - easily - these are the resistive cases. And they're something, they're something on the order of being audited with ruds out - different cases, with different items. There's cases that have had experiences of release quote unquote on biochemical preparations of one kind or another. And these cases have a comparison level, they also have one hell of a screaming awful ridge. One such case at the AOUK I heard of - he wrote me a petition. He said he'd been 800 hours on class 3 and he never could get back of an LSD release that he had in 1966. Oh I don't know how he was managing it man but for sure nobody had ever rehabbed that LSD release. Now you get invariables - you are dealing basically in invariable things, highly invariable such as "A high tone arm is an overrun". See - it's not a rump and a dump and probably an overrun. It is an overrun of some kind or type. A low TA is an unflat "3". The state of this character. One item is reading on a list. If 2 items are reading then the list is incomplete and must be completed by adding items to it. I'd better be more specific you know - Simple Simon idiocy - this .. its this kind of stuff see - its rat a tat tat a tat tat - see. It is the point "A" , it is the point "A", it always will be the point "A" and so forth. And anybody can count on an AO saying they now run Green Forms without a E-meter at the AO and anybody trained on this line can pick up this little violin and play a little tune: It may be so, We do not know, You story sounds so clear, We hate to doubt your word, But - doesn't go here. (laughter) Standardization. Now, the whole body of technology, as far as lower grades are concerned and Power, was not completed until 1966. And it was completed on a hairline precision by 1966 at the lower levels. It has now moved up to complete, now, it is absolutely complete straight through to OT section VI, complete and released and that is it. IV, a new I has been released, and IV has become a review action of highly precise, of a highly precise nature, uhh, that puts it all together and gives the guy back all of his gains after he's goofed it up as a solo auditor. Anyhow.... And then, what they do, they do. They goof it up. I guess the latest method of running III is putting the empty chair across from your auditing table and asking the chair if it, if it has any engrams and then the chair doesn't speak. So one then attests III. I don't approve of that. That's not standard tech. (Laughs) And having a body thetan give you his name, rank, serial number and so forth, auditing him with Dianetic audible commands, "Go to the beginning (mumbling the commands of R3R) mmemblemm mm and, are you there and so on wmm dmmtm thmmm wmmmbl... " Yeah, for chrissakes! , didn't you ever hear of telepathy? We do it all telepathically. Jzzztl Bump. Toot zee! Zzzzmmmmnl Phew! (Laughs) And as far as 7 is concerned, and 8, all the materials of 7 and 8 are sitting there. I haven't written them up. There's no reason to write up 7 and 8 without standard tech in up to 6. And, the other thing is I'm so far into 8 that 7 has gotten awfully dim. I'm just being lazy. And besides this, people haven't been nice to me lately. They haven't been nice to me. They here and there, here and there, why, there have been non-compliances with standard technology, and although people say, "Yes, we're doing just as you said", and so forth, the review folders don't follow. So, I, I think I won't release 7 until auditing is standard through the world. Actually 7 is one of these little jolly old go-carts. 3 goes zig and 7 goes zag. And if a guy can't audit at 7 he may as well quit. And you can talk all you want to about uh, the guys start getting into trouble, do you understand? They start getting into plenty, plenty, plenty, of trouble, if they can't audit well at 3. Well, if they can't audit well at 3, boy they're going to go down for the third count if they can't audit well at 7. 'Cause 7 is much tougher to audit than 3, merely because it's just more or less straight auditing job, but it's got zig zags in it. You have to know your business. And as far as 8 is concerned, well 8 is very airy-fairy, and uh, well I'll give you some kind of a notion of it. The lower grades are dominant C, communication. They're dominant C. Somewhere in the vicinity of Power, one passes into the band of R. And R runs on up to, pretty close I suppose, I haven't made a graph of it, but somewhere around 3. And then from 3 on up it is pure A. That is the dominant. It's affinity that runs on up from there. And when you get up into 8, why the three start to harmonic, one after the other. You get R and you get A and so on. Your dominant stress. It is only because a person is out of dominant communication, or C, that you can have solo auditing at R6EW. He doesn't any longer need a communication cycle. But he needs R. man and what he does is get heavy increases in R. And these increases in R move up, and if he has done all of his grades like a good boy, he will arrive at 3 with sufficient R to be able to flip over into A. And it's uh, at 3 where it starts going into heavy affinity. Affinity is the dominant. You get into all sorts of conditions. You, when you get 3 you start finding yourself loving everybody, and so forth. So these, these are just some of the considerations as they go up along the line. Now, it's actually just interesting. It doesn't change anything. It's where the person is progressing. But, if a person has neglected his grades, lower grades, and neglected C, and hasn't picked his C up as he comes up through the grades, why when he gets into solo his reality is inadequate, and it is not possible for him to, in actual fact have any R on 3. No reality on 3. Well that means he's out somewhere along the line, don't you see? He hasn't made it in that way. And then if you find him hating everybody when he gets to, when he gets to 5, or something like this, well you know very well that he actually hasn't made it there either. These'd just be tests of whether or not the guy has gone up. You will find out, oddly enough, that the trouble with cases is a failure to make the grade. (Laughs) Not to make a horrible pun out of it, but if you were to hand Clearing Course materials to Joe Blow of Hoboken, if you were to hand the Clearing Course materials to Joe Blow of Hoboken you would find out that he would be in a completely unreal state. He doesn't even restimulate. Most remarkable thing you ever heard in your life. He doesn't even restimulate. What wall? Now the E-meter reads just above the level of the individual R. Pardon me, it reads just a tiny bit deeper than his extant R. So a fellow could be there, sick as a pup, his leg broke and everything else. Maybe he didn't have any reality on anything that was wrong with him at all, and he doesn't think anything is wrong with him. So you ask him, "Is anything wrong with you?" And he'll, "No, feel fine." Baffling. You'll say he has no subjective reality. Well I don't know why you're using the word subjective. He just doesn't have any reality, period. That's all. (Laughs) So anyway, the E-meter will read just a little bit deeper than the guys' R. Now that it happens to be a basic law. That happens to be a basic law. So you ask this bird for an ARC break. And he's just been knocked in the head some way or another and anybody would have an ARC break. Anybody. He doesn't have any ARC break, he doesn't know what happened. So you as an auditor know what is wrong with the person, usually far better than the person does. And as a result you know far better than the person what is wrong with the person, but this little law gets in your road. The E-meter reads just a tiny bit deeper than the guys' R level. And the meter didn't read on it, so it is either suppressed, or it is below his R. So if you try to do anything more about it at that moment than that, you've had it. So Class VIII takes what it sees on the meter. And a Class VIII auditor knows the meter has read, or knows that it hasn't read. He really doesn't even know what it has read on. He can suppose that it read on the question he asked, but it also might have read on a fly that just bit the guy in the ankle. So if he gets an unusual reaction in response to his question, along with the read, then he always checks for a false read. Did it read or didn't it read? See, he doesn't go on the slavish academy level action that the meter read, and therefore it was. Now he not only cleans up the false read he got, but he feels that if this thing is falsely reading it must have falsely read for somebody else too. So he cleans up the false reads on this subject. I'll give you a little kind of a, of a total loss of gain. An individual had gotten off a terrible second dynamic withhold. And he had gotten this off in London to an auditor in the London HGC. And he felt great, he felt wonderful, he got someplace else and some auditor was auditing him, and got a read on a withhold and he immediately assumed that it hadn't blown. So he went on for the next two or three years giving up this withhold to every auditor because it always read, and he knew he couldn't blow it, so therefore Scientology had failed. I myself was the review auditor in this particular instance, so I, of course, immediately checked for false reads when he came up. "Ah" he says, "You know." I could read it, you know. He said, "That again, well it's just like this." And I said, 'Wait a minute. Uh, you've gotten this, some withhold off before." Yeah, he told me all about how he'd gotten it off before. I just checked it for false reads, traced it back to the first false read we could get, cleaned it up, the needle flew like a bomb, he had his gains back all in a batch. Pongo! About a two minute operation. So, there's something to this. Now, if auditing is working as it is, as has been done prior to 24 September 1968 A.D. 18, if auditing is working prior to this date when we are launching standard tech, it is a terrific testimony to the subject, because the subject has been being applied in a very sloppy, knockely wackely fashion. So it's a great testimony to the fact. It's a great testimony to auditors. Now from this point on we have a very narrow track. And having an extremely narrow track that we can follow we have to have, one: Confidence that it will give us the gain and that confidence is borne out of experience. And it will give you the gains. And, we have to have an application of it in uniformity, and we have to be able to patch up every non-standard run case there is. And that sounds like a tall order, but standard tech patches them up very easily. It's only - certain laws, certain rules, and so forth in this subject. You can only repair so many repairs, and then you'd better take the guy who has been fixing it up so that repairing repairs had to be done, and you'd better get him grooved up so that when he is put to repairing something with a perfectly valid C/S, case supervision, he actually does it, and doesn't produce something else that has to be repaired. Do you follow? So it is a very bad thing to begin to repair repairs, because you can start repairing the repairs of repairs, and then repair the repairs of those repairs which fail to repair. And the folder gets thicker, and thicker and thicker. Right now, Quals through the world prior to this date of 24 September 68 are mainly engaged in making up errors to be repaired. And the folders are very fat indeed. Now, Quals' stat used to be volume of money paid, but if a person can't get out of Qual, if he's held a prisoner until he does pay, which I understand is being done here and there - that, if that is the case, then, then, then the statistic itself doesn't tell anything. You could actually just fix a case up so that it had to be repaired and Qual would make a fortune. You see? Now your good case supervisor that's runnin' 'em along in the HGC and over in Qual, and he's runnin' 'em along - Then Qual folders are very thin, and then HGC folders are damn thin too. Now the thing that is most neglected is just this. Is cases are set up to fly. Standard tech goes this way. You take a case, take the bugs out of the case, you know, the missed withholds and the rudiments that have been out, and the guy has been on gasoline for several years, but you get this guy set up and you just take the bugs out of the case. And then you set him up and you point and fire him. And you don't give a standard tech session unless your PC is flying. That's who you see those huge letters F-L-U-N-K exclamation point, exclamation point, in my C/S folders. It is a real flunk to run any major action without the case already flying. He says, "But what the hell, what are you talking about? The guy's PTS, the guy's PTS. His wife's in review. His wife's in review. That is why he's having a review, because he's all caved in, he's all caved in, and he's...and he's...he's PTS. And he's all caved in and that's why he's having a review...uh, and what do you mean he's got to be set up and flying before you do a major action?" And then you say an S & D's a major action. "Oh, what the hell? What... what's this?" "Well the S & D's supposed to set him up." And you say, "No, boy. No. No. Down dog, down Rover. No, no, no. A major listing action. You set him up to run it." "Well, how do you set him up to run?" You get the Ruds in. "Yeah, what if it ah, ah..." "You get the Ruds in." "Oh, I see. You just make sure they are. Uh, just pull an ARC break" and so on. "No, no, no. You get the Ruds in to F/N." "Get the Ruds in to F/N?" Yeah, well, of course. "Course. Uh, and then what happens if he doesn't..." "Well, you do a green form 'till you get an F/N." "Yeah but wait a minute, wait a minute. If you're doing a green form and so forth you can't do this S and D. You won't do it ..he won't do an S and D unless he's..." "It says he needs it on a green form anyhow." "Oh I see. What if the guy didn't need it?" "Oh yeah, yeah, undoubtedly the guy needed it, but you might have gotten an F/N on the green form before you got to PTS and then you wouldn't do it." Well, what's this? You consider it a major action. You say major action is an S and D. That's right, remedy B is a major action, S and D is a major action. You set up the case to F/N. "Now, what, what if we don't... what are you, what are you talking about? You mean we're not going to run any more S and Ds?" "No, no, we're not going to...we're going to run S and Ds when the guy needs some S and D. Why, you get him an F/N before you run it." "Oh. Well golly, if we didn't have S and Ds we just couldn't keep Qual solvent at all" he'd say. And you'd say "Good. Go broke for all I care." I like broke Quals. I'd just be as happy as a clam with an org that never ever had anybody ever walk through the door of Qual. And spider webs and cobwebs accumulating around the desk. That'd be just great. Because right now Qual is being used for case gain. But that isn't where you get case gain. You don't get case gain in repair. You've just got it backward. You get case gain with grades and major actions. You put the case up to fly. You never audit the case unless he's flying. So you always fly a case before you audit it. Now you begin to understand what it's all about. You don't try to heal the case with grades, you try to give him advances and gains. Big, major gains with these grades. And they get 'em, boy, they get 'em. They'll fly. Standard tech isn't what I say it is. It's what works. And what works has already been established. So it isn't for me to say it's different. And it isn't for anybody else to say it's different either, because we fought for it, and we won it the hard way. Now let's consolidate it. Now let's get it practiced. The history of standard tech is a very long history. It is a very hard fought for history. There is a tremendous quantity of technology in Scientology and Dianetics. It is one of the largest, broadest bodies of information on the subject of human behavior that has ever appeared in the universe. And now I can say without fear of challenge because I know what's appeared on the back track, and it is so god damned, stupidly feeble that it consists of no more than crass superstition. Now, the triumph is that out of this large body of material which embraces everything known to man or beast; there's hardly anything unexplored in that whole subject. Out of that whole, mad, wide ocean of material there's this hair line that goes right straight through the middle of the material. So you have to know where the ocean is in order to get on the hair line. Now that's quite an achievement. Now I'll tell you how the hair line was chosen. And why it became that terribly narrow path which we now call standard tech. It is composed of those things, which if they are out, inhibit and prohibit all case gain. It's a negative assessment. If the points of standard tech are present, unresolved, the case will not gain. So obviously the resolution of these points in their proper sequence is standard tech. If a fellow has an ARC break he cannot be audited. If he is audited without the ARC break being handled he will go immediately into a sad effect. And months later will be found just sadder and sadder and sadder. Well, it's a fact. Nothing you argue with. It's a fact. So obviously there's the ARC break. If the fellow has a present time problem, you try to audit the individual with a present time problem you'll get no case change of any kind whatsoever. It just parks itself right there. It doesn't become sadder, but the case doesn't change. If you try to audit a person over a missed withhold an individual will just plow in, and plow in, and plow in. And he'll natter and get mad, and get mad at himself, and on the various dynamics and so forth he'll have a hell of a time. If you try to audit a case that has committed some tremendous overt, that he considers a tremendous overt, without ever touching on or letting him discuss or handle the overt, he'll just go into degradation. Now, if the overt happens to be on Dianetics and Scientology I actually guarantee it'll go straight into degradation. There's a horrible trick you can play on to somebody who has just been cutting Scientology to ribbons. If you were to audit one of these, one of these nuts, one of these screaming painted blue monkey-tailed idiots that have been howling around about Scientology, and so forth, standard tech would actually give him a gain. But every time he hits the overt line he would try to do himself in. So, because you improve his reality, and the improvement of reality would bring him to a recognition of the wickedness of his own acts. And you've actually audited him successfully into degradation. The more successful you were with your auditing the more he would become degraded. Do you follow? He would degrade himself. You aren't degrading him. He has been... now he realizes, since man is basically good... man, he realizes that he had been attacking something he shouldn't have attacked and therefore he is just a filthy pig. And the more it works on him the more he gets to be a filthy pig. You could actually handle it by handling overts, if you found the actual overts. But you'd probably have to couple it with motivators and overts, and you'd have to handle it very slippery indeed. It's buttons of this type, buttons of this type. Now there are more esoteric lines of action, that's various actions of power, and those are all points on the ladder. Of course, you don't have to go that far, you get to this thing called a service facsimile. Every one of these guys is using some kind of a combination to make people wrong and himself right. And you walk up into the various strata of power, and you walk up into power plus which is a reorientation step, you go up to R6EW which blows whatever he's got hanging around from GPMs, you move into the CCs, you've gone down to death, and you move into what is now OT 1, you put him back in the human race, and then you get some more bank off the line, and OT 2. And you get rid of the body thetans at 3, and you review him all out straight and make him in beautiful shape, put him in his own valence and fix him up so he can confront things at 4, and then you turn him into an extrovert at 5 and 6, and then in 7 you let him examine what a horrible dog he has always been. (Laughter) He usually, eventually comes to this conclusion. Normally starts out on the basis that he is the only thetan in the universe who has never committed an overt. (Laughter) Anyway, if we go on up the line we get to the old one, "Know thyself." The first dynamic versus the physical universe. The individual and life versus this universe. 7 is actually life vis a vis with life. And 8 is, of course, life vis a vis with the physical universe. And the first three great philosophers that Greece produced took as their opening saga the relationship of life to the physical universe. They were starting in to the Empire State building on the top floor. You get to know yourself on 7 and 8. Mostly on 8. And then begin to find your relationship, your real relationship with the physical universe. And the ancient Greek philosopher didn't get any place because he didn't have any highway to get there. No highway at all. So standard tech is the highway. And it is built out of those points which, if they are present, no advance can occur. And there aren't any more points. Awful adventurous statement but it's true. There aren't any more points. There's another trick or two, perhaps, something like that. Blaaaah. Couple of ways to do one or two of these things. But the variability, even on those, is weighted in favor of just one thing to do. So, as you come curving down the line with standard tech, it goes right straight where we're supposed to go, and you can hold a case in to that groove, and it is a groove, boy. It is very terrible. Now I can see you now, trying to get an academy auditor to see the light. And you've just case supervised this case and Archibald Swangolen is the auditor. And at the moment he goes in he finds the case supervision cannot work, because the PC actually, as it says make sure that you get the ARC break because the PC is very sad; he goes in there and he's just sure it's because the PC... just sure it's because the PC has a missed withhold. So that is why he ran Grade 4 before he ran... And you say, "Wait a minute boy, what are you doing?" "Oh well, you see, it's just... and somebody came from the AO the other day and they said it was always best to get off the service facsimile as soon as possible because then you could get the overts." You will be in the optimum position to be able to say, "We do not care who came from the AO the other day. There is only one standard tech. And there is only one way to do standard tech. And there is only one way it is done. And there is only one PC, and that is a standard PC. And you ain't got a standard PC now. Let's go into this quietly and back into this folder, and where the hell did you miss the ARC break to begin with? And do it the right way, shall we?" You, in case supervision, must first know that standard tech will solve the case. And that your direction of standard tech to be done will solve the case if the auditor will follow your C/S, and if he will keep his TRs in and finish the cycle of action on the case as it rolls along. And your confidence must be such that Aloicious Q. Squashbottom, himself in person, can emerge as the world's most unstandard piece of balderdash. He spends hours bragging to everybody how he's very different. And you still go in against this case and you order and your enforce the running of standard tech. And Mr. Squashbottoms' case will fall apart. See, the, the attitude of an auditor handling standard tech is that of total confidence. And that confidence is something that is gained. That is won. If, by doing these actions you obtain an exactly predictable result, confidence is borne. And it's a very funny thing at this stage of the game to be talking about anything as positive as Scientology, as something in which you have to have confidence. The funny part of it is people have run into many cases that have been misaudited, that the cases appear different. Until you look back and find out that the guy has been talking to his first six auditors tried to tell him the PTP to those first six auditors and none of them ever handled it. And then you realize that you'd better handle the PTP. So therefore it's a rather simple, simple world that you're dealing with. But you cannot adventure into this world of standard tech without a total, total grip on the technology itself. You have to know technology so that... well you just don't avoid these major points. Like the twelve laws of listing. Well, hmf. That you don't have to thinkety about these things, they just are. You see the PC sitting in front of you, you know the Auditors' Code to a point where you see that PC sitting in front of you, and he appears just a little bit dirty as he sits down to session and you've got sense enough to ask, "Have you had any sleep?" And his skin tone doesn't look good. "Have you had any sleep? Have you had something to eat? Very good. Alright. We'll have a session." You don't ask the classic I saw in a folder yesterday. "I don't know, I haven't had any sleep for six nights," the PC says. And the auditor said, "Shame, shame." The auditor said, "Tell me an earlier time when you've had no sleep." That will become a classic. Because it's a violation of the Auditors' Code. So you know the Auditors' Code to a point where you don't have to think about it. And so, the standardness of standard tech is knowing standard tech so well that you don't have to think about standard tech in order to do standard tech. It simply is. Now one of the parts of standard tech is the tremendous wealth we have here of folders and information. And the wealth consists of the fact that I have done five hundred separate supervisions on cases in the last five weeks. Now that's quite a few. I do them in my part time while I'm attending to other things. And of these lines the only cases that aren't flying are the cases that haven't had their auditing finished yet. We had one very, very famous case. This case was made unstandard by being very unstandardly approached. The case staggered aboard, terrible condition. The case was audited. Oddly enough, actually did achieve ARC Straightwire. And then the person who was on that line at that time said, "It's a dead thetan needle, so run him more. And ran him two days as an overrun of ARC Straightwire. And then I said to the next auditor, "Rehab the ARC Straightwire and run secondaries." The next auditor went into session, the PC was running a secondary. Just like that the PC was running the secondary. The very next step to come up. It was happening. And the auditor was trying to rehab during that whole session. Sad day. Time marched on, and then we finally found out that his TA was so high, and his case was so unapproachable that nobody could do anything with it, and he got to be known sort of as the black dog of Carnak. The black dog of Carnak was somebody who got on peoples' back and never got off. Because it was a sure assignment of doubt to even touch this case, because he sort of got it fixed so that you did something wrong. In other words, he blew the auditors' cool. (Laughter) In doing such an action the case was bad luck. So, this case then became very non-standard. It was an unsolvable case, and he was un-superviseable, and he was un-auditable, and nobody was willing to audit him. And, uh, I looked back along the lines and I found out that the case had R/Sed on missed withholds and connected to suppressive groups, and later on had blowdowns on missed withholds and wronging a Scientologist. And in all cases the auditor hadn't paid any attention to this. So I just sent it back into session, we pulled the missed withholds, we got what he was really connected to, and well, all we did was rehab his former release on the track on drugs. And the case flew, straightened out marvelous. Bingo, bango, nothing to it. I don't know how long really it took to straighten the case out. I don't know how long the session was. I don't imagine it was more than about 50 minutes. All I had to find was where standard tech had been violated. And where it had been violated it went to hell. But anyway, it doesn't mean that you won't run into totally unauditable cases. There are totally unauditable cases. There's Callahans, Robinsons, and by the time these tapes are released and heard they probably have been buried long since in infamy. Uh, but uh, they become unauditable simply because they never come near an organization or present themselves to be audited. And that is the only unauditable case there is. So you're here to learn this magic road. And you think at the moment it's very easy to grasp this, that's all there is to it, why did I come here? You haven't heard anything yet. It took me five weeks to make three Class VIII auditors. Five weeks. They are cracker jacks. They are marvelous. You've got to do it in three weeks. And the way your going to do it in 3 weeks is you're going to study the materials and then you're going to study the folders then you're going to study the materials and study the folders and study the materials and study the folders and your going to read all the well done sessions as well as the C/S in the folders and study them until you see how this thing looks and then you're going to study the bulletins some more until you see what technique is necessary in order to do it that way. And that is how its done - and its done by hard study and it is done by hard practice. At the end of the course just to make sure you know your business we have a 202 question examination and we expect you to whip this totally precise - there is only one answer to the thing and the passing grade is 85. So we mean business - we haven't got any time at all - you've got to learn this, you've got to get back to your orgs - you've got to get this stuff in .. in order to save the bacon and save the day. Because it is needed far worse than its ever been needed before. So that's what class 8 is all about. I hope my information will be useful to you in the next few coming days. Thank you very much. **************************************************