CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 15/16 CLASS VIII COURSE PACK CONTENTS: Part 15 188. Hand ?? FEB 68 OPERATING THETAN SECTION THREE 189. Hand 15 FEB 68 SECTION THREE Additional Tech Data 190. HCOB 5 FEB 79 DEFINITIONS, SECT III 191. HCOB 4 MAY 68 CHARACTER OF BODY THETANS 192. Hand 28 OCT 68 2nd Note INCIDENT 2 193. Hand 28 OCT 68 1st Note INCIDENT 1 194. HCOB 5 FEB 70 r. 16 Aug 83 THE BASIC ON BTs 195. HCOB 5 FEB 70 (original text) 196. Hand 12 AUG 69 INSTRUCTIONS 197. Hand ?? ??? 68 NOTES ON RUNNING 198. Hand 28 OCT 68 3rd Note RUNNING INCIDENT 2 199. HCOB 14 SEP 78 DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS 200. HCOB 7 NOV 78 r. 10 Dec 78 DIANETICS DELETED FROM OT III MATERIALS 201. HCOB 4 MAY 68 DIANETIC COURSES, STUCK PICTURES 202. HCOB 9 JUL 71 SECTION III RUNNING 203. HCOB 20 MAY 68 r. 5 Mar 74 OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE 204. HCOB 4 MAY 68 CROSS AUDITING 205. HCOB 2 OCT 68 OT III 206. HCOB 4 MAY 68 OVERRUN ON III 207. HCOB 12 APR 70 RUNNING OT III 208. HCOB 13 OCT 69 OT III ERRORS 209. HCOB 10 DEC 78 ADDITION TO OTIII PACK 210. HCOB 25 OCT 69 r. 16 Aug 83 CLUSTER FORMATION CUMULATIVE 211. HCOB 25 OCT 69 (original text) 212. HCOB 26 AUG 69 r. 16 Aug 83 OT III CASE SUPERVISION 213. HCOB 26 AUG 69 (original text) ************************************************** CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 15/16 ************************************************** INSERT CLASS 8 LECTURE TRANSCRIPTS HERE ************** CONFIDENTIAL OT 3 MATERIALS 188. Hand ?? FEB 68 OPERATING THETAN SECTION THREE OPERATING THETAN SECTION THREE [Handwritten marked "Data", Circa. '68 per Cl8 course checksheet. 3 pages long. Possibly written at the same time as the 15 Feb 68 handwritten Additional Tech Data.] [Ed. notes are in brackets like this] [CAPS used in place of underline] [The name Xenu could also be Xemu or Xenn] Data (1) The bead of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible from here) (founded 95,OOO,OOO years ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet - 178 billion on average) by mass implanting. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the principal volcanos (Incident II) and THEN the Pacific area ones were taken in boxes to HAWAII and the Atlantic area ones to LAS PALMAS and there "packaged". His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of circuits etc was placed in the unplants. When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. [second page - marked Data (Cont) -2-] The length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never recovered. The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development. One can FREE WHEEL through the implant and die unless it is approached as precisely outlined. The "free wheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long, denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents 1 and 2 as given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time. ["plow around" in the above could also be "play around"] In December 67 I know someone had to take the plunge. I did and emerged very knocked out, but alive. Probably the only one ever to do so in 75,000,000 years. I have ALL the data now, but only that given here is needful. [beginning of page 3, marked Tech Data (3), occurs in the middle of the above paragraph, just before the words "but alive"] One's body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body. One has to clean them off by running Incident One then Incident Two. It is a long job, requiring care, patience and good auditing. You are running beings. They respond like any preclear. Some large, some small. Thetans believed they were ONE. This is the primary error. Good luck. # # # [Some typewritten versions change "by running Incident One then Incident Two" to "by running incident 2 and incident 1" because the tech changed later] ************** 189. Hand 15 FEB 68 SECTION THREE Additional Tech Data [Handwritten - 7 pages] [CSing data, not included in OT 3 solo pack] SECTION THREE 15/2/68 Additional Tech Data There are NO Body Thetans who cannot be audited and exteriorized. 1. There are Suppressive Body Thetans who require Power Processes. 2. There are difficult Body Thetans who require 0 to VI processes before they can run engrams (Inc 1 & Inc 2). 3. There are PreOTs who are insufficiently trained and who cannot audit and who ARC brk or overrun Body Thetans or who cannot do Academy Level 0 - IV auditing much less Level VI auditing. 4. There are Clusters of body thetans who think they are ONE Body Thetan and so can't run Inc 1 or Inc 2 as a group as they have differences. [second page - marked -2-] 1. SP Body Thetans An SP by definition is ONE WHO IS OUT OF VALENCE IN R6. Some are just plain psychotic and SP as well. PrPr 6 handles any SP, pc or body thetan. This can best be done, by actual Test, by the OT being an SH or AO Class VII. It can possibly be done (no test ever made) by having a Class VII audit the OT who relays the commands to and answers of the body thetan to the auditor, the OT being on a Meter; The meter will respond to the body thetan if the OT is putting attention on the body thetan. This HAS been done with ordinary body Thetans. It simply handles The Body Thetan on a via. When PrPr VI has been run on the body thetan to its end phenomena, the body thetan can then be handled as an ordinary pc body thetan as in 2. below. [page 3 marked -3- Sect III Add Tech Data, begins in the middle of the above paragraph] 2. Difficult Body Thetans Some body thetans are difficult cases. They are pschotic, or They have fixed ideas or service facs. To handle, one really should be a Class VII. However, an OT on Sect III can be used as a relay to and from the body thetan and audited by a Class VII. There is no substitute for being an SHSBC graduate & a Class VII Interne. Only standard Scn Tech is used, no Tricks needed. The auditing is fast. The needle seldom floats on the body thetan and the TA tends to start high and come down. When the Body Thetan has been pushed up to IV (grade Four) he can usually run engrams and can be run on Incidents 1 and 2 and will blow. [page 4, marked -4- Sect III Add Tech Data, begins in the middle of the above paragraph] The trouble with a difficult body thetan is that he (or she) usually has some fixed idea which inhibits his recovery. This responds to ordinary tech, taking him up through the grades. 3. Insufficiently trained OTs Some students try to run engrams like Clearing Course materials or make other errors because they are just not well trained. Such should knock off III and do a Dianetic Course at least or even the SHSBC. IF they still have trouble they should Interne as Class VIIs. THE MAIN SOURCE OF FAILURE IN SECTION THREE IS NOT STRANGE THETANS OR HIDDEN SPs BUT STUDENTS WHO CAN'T AUDIT. [page 5 - marked -5- Sect III Add Tech Data] It is easy to blame the "difficult body thetan" when the truth is that one should be a better auditor. Sect III can be left incomplete while the student is trained better - PROVIDING he does not fool about with his own case while being trained but, now trained, recommences Section III. One has to be able to do S & Ds on Body Thetans, has to find ARC Breaks, etc, the lot, where one has trouble with Sect III. The number of body thetans a case has varies widely. The answer with consistant trouble with III is not UNUSUAL solutions for body thetans but just a better trained student. Body thetans are just thetans. [page 6 marked -6- Sect III Add Tech Data] 4. Clusters Of Body Thetans. THE ONLY KNOWN DIFFERENCE between auditing body thetans and auditing pcs (and it is not a real difference as some pcs are a total cluster) is that body thetans can come in clusters. Then Inc 1 won't run on the cluster as each individual thetan in the cluster has a different viewpoint and received Inc 1 as an individual, not as a cluster. A CLUSTER HAS A MORE RECENT MUTUAL EXPERIENCE WHICH HAPPENED TO THE WHOLE CLUSTER. The error they make is the basic error of thetans. They think we are all ONE, whereas we are individuals. [page 7 marked -7- Sect III Add Tech Data] To detect a cluster (a) There is a force or pressure or heavy somatic in an area (b) or there is "a thetan" who can't erase Inc 1 or 2. This means there are several thetans who think they are one thetan. To remedy this situation (1) DATE a mutual incident for the cluster to find the point they "became one". Usually one gets this easily. (2) LOCATE where it occurred in terms of planet and star (or even planet, star, town, and place in the town. (3) LIST for a type of incident and find what it was (lightning, pschiatric shock etc) (4) RUN the incident as a single engram. ************** 190. HCOB 5 FEB 79 DEFINITIONS, SECT III HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 1970 AOs Section III Pack ISSUE II SECRET DEFINITIONS, SECT III For the purpose of clarity, by BODY THETAN is meant a thetan who is stuck to another thetan or body but is not in control. A THETAN is, of course, a Scientology word using the Greek "Theta" which was the Greek symbol for thought or life. An individual being such as a man is a thetan, he is not a body and he does not think because he has no brain. A CLUSTER is a group of body thetans crushed or held together by some mutual bad experience. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: jz:dr Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 191. HCOB 4 MAY 68 CHARACTER OF BODY THETANS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MAY 1968 CONFIDENTIAL AO ONLY III Packets CHARACTER OF BODY THETANS Body thetans are just thetans. When you get rid of one he goes off and possibly squares around, picks up a body or admires daisies. He is in fact a sort of cleared being. He cannot fail to eventually, if not at once, regain many abilities. Many have been asleep for the last 75 million years. A body thetan responds to any process any thetan responds to. Some body thetans are suppressive. A suppressive is Out of Valence in R6. He is IN valence in Inc I almost always. One can't run a human being on these two incidents since human beings are composites and would not be able to run the lot. Aside from that non-clears are away below an awareness required to even find these incidents. Huge amounts of charge have already been removed from the case and the body thetans by Clearing and OT 1 and OT 2 to say nothing of engrams and lower grades. Awareness is proportional to the charge removed from the case. All though a human being is a composite being there is only one I ( that is you ) who runs things. Body thetans just hold one back. You will continue to be you. You, inside, can of course separate out body thetans and so solo auditing is the answer. How good do you have to be to run body thetans off ? Well, if you didn't skimp your grades, clearing and OT 2 particularly, you should be able to command body thetans easily. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: lw Copyright (c) 1968 by L.Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 192. Hand 28 OCT 68 2nd Note INCIDENT 2 [Handwritten - marked: 2nd Note 28 Oct 68] Incident 2 This incident is over 36 days long. Capture on other planets was weeks or months before the implant. Those on Teegeeack (Earth) were just blown up except for Loyal officers who were (shortly before the explosion on Earth) rounded up. Do not scan through the duration of 36 days. The volcanic explosion on Earth to the point where "The Pilot" says he is mocking it up is only a few days. [page 2 marked 2nd Note -2- begins near the end of the above paragraph] Sequence of Inc 2 for thetans on ANOTHER planet - 1. Capture (being shot), 2. Freezing, 3. Transport to Teegeeack (sometimes via a relay point), 4. Being placed near a volcano, 5. Hydrogen bomb explosion in or on the volcano. 6. beginning implant up to "the pilot", [2nd Note -3-] 7. Various picture sequences, 8. The 7s and C.C. & OT II materials, 9. 36 days of picture implants which give a vast array of materials and three explanations for the bombing, 10. Transport to Hawaii or Las Palmas for packaging up into clusters. The pictures contain God, the Devil, Angels, space opera, theaters, helicopters, a constant spinning, a spinning dancer, trains and various scenes very like modern England. You name it, it's in this implant we call in its entirely "R6". [2nd Note -4- , the page begins right after the word Angels, in the above paragraph] If one was a Loyal Officer on Teegeeack, the sequence was (1) capture (2) # 5 above on. [2nd Note -5-] If one was a citizen of Teegeeack there was only # 5 on. The material given at the various "volcanos" was longer or shorter, but dove-tailed into the same sequence of pictures. We have the whole text but it is needless. People who feel dizzy have gotten into the spinning part. [LRH initials] ************** 193. Hand 28 OCT 68 1st Note INCIDENT 1 [Handwritten] 1st Note Inc 1 28 Oct 68 Incident 1 occurred about 4 quadrillion years ago plus or minus. It is very much earlier than Incident II which occurred only 75,000,000 years ago (a bit less). Incident 2 is only peculiar and general on this planet and nearby stars, whereas Incident 1 is to be found on all thetans. [LRH initials] ************** 194. HCOB 5 FEB 70 r. 16 Aug 83 THE BASIC ON BTs HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 1970R REVISED 16 AUGUST 1983 AOs Class VIIIs Solo OT III Course Solo C/Ses (Revised to delete references to running R3R on an OT, per HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS.) ( Revisions in Script ) SECRET THE BASIC ON BTs I've isolated a way a thetan comes to be stuck to another thetan. This gives the basis of clusters and having BTs. The cycle is this : A thetan collides with another. That one makes a picture of being collided with. Other BTs get stuck to the picture. The moment of actual contact of thetans was brief but the picture ( containing a stop or withdraw ) tends to be permanent. Thetans then get the idea they can be permanently stuck as they see pictures of it happening. Thus we get the concept of a "black theta body". This would be actual BTs stuck to a thetan plus pictures of BTs stuck to a thetan. An answer to all this is to find the first picture a thetan made of contacting another thetan. If not at once available the earliest instance of a thetan contacting ( colliding, running into, attacking ) another thetan could be acheived by Date/Locating times when one was being suddenly hit with clusters, or strange pains. ( Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. ) The idea is to find and blow the first picture one made of another thetan. This opens another way to "blow off" BTs - Date /Locate on a BT the first picture the BT ever made of another thetan. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: kjm Copyright © 1970, 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 195. HCOB 5 FEB 70 (original text) [The original version of 5 FEB 70 has the following paragraph in place of the above paragraph on Date/Locate. The text is otherwise identical to the above.] If not at once available the earliest instance of a thetan contacting (colliding, running into, attacking) another thetan could be achieved by R3R on being suddenly hit with clusters or strange beings.] ************** 196. Hand 12 AUG 69 INSTRUCTIONS [HANDWRITTEN - 4 pages] Instructions (Revised 12 Aug 1969) Locate by meter read or an area of pressure, a body thetan or group (cluster). Run Incident 2. If the BT does not blow off or the group break up and blow, then run Incident 1 on individual BT's. Each will blow off with an FN. When you can find no more on which to run Incident 1's, once wore locate a pressure area or by meter read on looking over body run another Incident 2. Then Incident 1's on any. Incident 2 made clusters of BT's. Severe impacts and experiences ALSO make Clusters. (See the data called "Milazzo" in this pack.) Those who do not leave on running the impact or its chain will leave when Incident 1 Is run on them. [Next page of handwritten, marked "Instructions (cont) 5a"] Inc 2 sometimes forms gigantic clusters. In such there is a Leader, an Alternate Leader and several (8 to 18) more. These were all implanted in different volcanic areas with fractions of the nain 36 day implant and then "packaged" in Las Palmas or Hawaii. Thus if you run Inc 2 as far as "The Pilot" it blows up or loosens up and those who don't go away can be run on Inc 1s. Do not speak your commands. Just "Intend" them. A BT controls easily. BT's can be ARC broken by rough or careless auditing. You can also run an Inc 2 on a BT and he doesn't blow, but you accidentally run an Inc 1 on another one and leave the first still there. The remedy is to run Inc 1s on anything you find. [Next page of handwritten, marked "Instructions (cont) 5b", actual page break is in middle of the above paragraph] A very SP BT can be run on grades and Power and should then respond to Inc 2 and Inc 1. After a BT leaves, some other BT may copy him or the incident just run. If you have found a cluster (pressure area) that does not respond or disintegrate to Inc 2 running, get Dianetic auditing, listing "What impact or incident would make a cluster?" and R3R on the items found. Then do more Inc 1s to clean up strays with solo. This is a refined "Milazzo". [Next page of handwritten, marked "Instructions (cont) 5c", actual page break is in middle of the above paragraph] There are hundreds of BT's you will find. If you find none, get audited on Dianetics in general and as above (impact list), and if you still find none, get a Review GF#40 and handle all items, then go back to solo. If you find only one or two, get the Dianetic impact list done. All "none on OT III" cases were later found loaded. Do Inc 2 and Inc 1s on what you can find to begin with. You will do fine. Good hunting. [handwritten has the LRH initial (big H with a bit of an L blended into it) at the bottom] ************** 197. Hand ?? ??? 68 NOTES ON RUNNING [HANDWRITTEN - 2 pages] [Circa. '68 per Cl 8 checksheet] Additional Sheet Notes On Running Certain "buttons" have to be gotten in where running a thetan through incidents. The EFFORT TO STOP the motion hangs up the action and gives a stuck picture. One gets the Effort To Stop off and the scene races through. The EFFORT TO WITHDRAW is important also and hangs up the action and creates a vacuum. [double underline instead of capitals in the handwritten of the above two paragraphs, remaining capitals were written as capitals] RUSH, PROTEST, NOT-IS, SUPPRESS are also present. These were actions - thoughts - the thetan had during the Incident and are picked up only when the incident doesn't run well. [Handwritten, next page, labled " - 2 Sect III OT" "add sheet - Notes on Running] Sometimes two "buttons" such as STOP and WITHDRAW are in combination. Thetans in the body may obsessively copy the pictures of other thetans. Therefore you can find it seems that the thetan who just left is still there because there is a picture left. Spot the fact that someone else copied it and it usually goes. If you do an S & D on a body thetan be sure you give the right item to the right thetan. [handwritten has the LRH initial (big H with a bit of an L blended into it) at the bottom] ************** 198. Hand 28 OCT 68 3rd Note RUNNING INCIDENT 2 [Handwritten - 2 pages - CSing data not in OT 3 solo pack] 3rd Note 28 Oct Running Incident 2 Anything a pre OT gets into on Inc 2 is destimulated by (a) Running "Capture to Pilot" or "Explosion to Pilot". (b) Their running the Inc 1s of the beings who had Inc 2 in restimulation. Also, a Class VIII in Review can find and run the OVERT Sequence [ 3rd Note -2-] of engrams that makes the motivat (Inc 2 & Inc 1 are motivators) key-in so hard. Either of these ( (a) & (b) or finding the overt sequence of implanting someone) will stop any serious "spin" a pre OT gets into in doing Incidents 1 & 2 in OT III. [LRH initials] ************** 199. HCOB 14 SEP 78 DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1978 AOs - OT III Only Solo C/S Courses Adv. Crse Review Auditors Crse OT III Course C O N F I D E N T I A L DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS New Era Dianetics or any Dianetics is NOT to be run on Clears or above or on Dianetic Clears. This applies even when they say they can see some pictures. Anyone who has purchased NED auditing who is Clear or above must be routed to an AO or Flag to receive the special NED Rundown for OTs. Thcy are NOT to be run on regular New Era Dianetics. Any one who is Clear but not OT III is to get through OT III immediately so he can receive this special Rundown. He had better be pushed through to OT III fast because he is at risk. Tho EP of this Rundown is: CAUSE OVER LIFE. No Dianetics means no Dianetic Assists, no Secondary running, no Engram running, no Narrative nunning. The reason you don't run Clears and above on any form of Dianetics is because they have erased the bank and have no pictures. If you try to run NED or any Dianetics on a Clear or above (or a Dianetic Clear) you are simply running BT's picture. If you ask a pre-OT to run a Dianetic chain he will give you a BTs incident and that's whose chain will be run. The pre-OT ends up stirring up BTs and clusters and misowning their chains, as they are not the pre-OTs chains. If there are any Clears or OTs who are R/Sing they are not R/Sers. It's an entirely different handling. It's OTIII. There's a BT who is R/Sing and the handling of this is included in the New Era Dianetic Rundown for OTs. (Note: If a pre-OT staff member is R/Sing and dramatizing the R/Ses and has therefore been put on an RPF, he is required to receive full handling per thc special NED Rundown for OTs before graduating that RPF.) Full data on these subjects is included in issues on the special NED Rundown for OTs. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: nc Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 200. HCOB 7 NOV 78 r. 10 Dec 78 DIANETICS DELETED FROM OT III MATERIALS HUBRARD COMMUNICATlONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1978 REVISED 10 DECEMBER 1978 AOs - OT III Only Solo C/S Courses Adv. Crs Review Auditors Course CONFIDENTIAL Urgent Important OT III Course DIANETICS DELETED FROM OT III MATERIALS (Ref: HCOB 14 Sept 1978, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs.) PER HCOB 14 Sep 78 Clear Dianetic Clears and OTs are not to be run on any form of Dianetics. No Dianetics moans no Dianetic Assists, No R3R or R3RA, no secondary running, no engram running, no narrative running. Thus, where Dianetics or R3R action is referred to in the existing OTIII materials, this handling step is CANCELLED. One does run BTs through incident Is and IIs, per the materials, one can also Date and Locate. The instruction to run ones own incident 2 and Incident I is cancelled, as one cannot run engrams on a clear or above. Should a Pre-OT on OT III run into difficulty he cannot sort out who is given a Review session by an AO Review Auditor . L. RON HUBBARD LRH: nc Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 201. HCOB 4 MAY 68 DIANETIC COURSES, STUCK PICTURES HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MAY 1968 Remimeo DIANETIC COURSES STUCK PICTURES A picture is stuck because of - : a) An effort to withdraw from it or something in it. (b) An effort to stop or stop something in it. (c) A stop-withdraw combination. (d) An effort to suppress the picture or something in it. (e) An effort to invalidate the picture or something in it. (f) A protest against the picture or its content. (g) An effort to hold on to the picture. (h) An ARC Break about the picture. (i) A Present Time Problem about the picture. (J) An overt picture of which the stuck one is the motivator. (k) Too late on the chain of similar pictures. Long before one gets to (k) it should have blown. One should have had good luck running engrams himself before being very expert on others. The above also applies to secondaries. Engrams which go solid when you try to run them are too late on the chain, really. If you run too far back you get a preclear into masses he can't easily handle. A pc should never be forced into or through engrams. If he has a struggle he should be running locks. Reality on engrams increases in ratio to the charge taken off the case. In handling the above (a) to (k) you use (a) to run through until the needle doesn't react, then (b) through. Then (c) through. And so on. One at a time. Although I say stuck picture, you can use the above on any engram, particularly if one "hangs up" in some portion. Good running. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:jc:pw:rd Copyright © 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 202. HCOB 9 JUL 71 SECTION III RUNNING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JULY, 1971 Class VIII Adv Course C/S Hat OT III Pack CONFIDENTIAL SECTION III RUNNING (Replaces HCO 8 24 Sept 1968 of the same name) Section III is not run with sitting the B/T in the chair, etc. It is run telephthically marking falls, long falls, etc. It is not run calling the B/T by his name or saying Go to the beginning of the incident, etc., or out loud. Some students try to run engrams like Clearing Course materials or make other errors. When OTIII is run, the contents of the incidents are given on the platens are run on B/Ts. R3R steps are not run. The B/T is "intended" to the Date and through the incidents as given. OT III Expanded would now be an OT III after OT VII. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: dz Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 203. HCOB 20 MAY 68 r. 5 Mar 74 OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 MAY 1968 CORRECTED & REISSUED 5 MARCH 1974 (Only change is in this type style) Remimeo OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE DIANETICS COURSES LEVEL TWO SOLO AUDIT OT SECTIONS There was an important discovery made in 1952 on the subject of engrams which did not get included in "Book One", Dianetics. The Modern Science of Mental Health. This was the "Overt-Motivator sequence of ENGRAMS". AN OVERT, in Dianetics and Scientology, is an aggressive or destructive ACT by the individual against one or another of the 8 dynamics (self, family, group, Mankind, animals or plants, MEST, Life or the Infinite). A MOTIVATOR is an aggressive or destructive act received by the person or one of the dynamics. The viewpoint from which the act is viewed resolves whether the act is an overt or a motivator. The reason it is called a "Motivator" is because it tends to prompt that one pays it back-it "motivates" a new overt. When one has done something bad to someone or something one tends to believe it must have been "motivated". When one has received something bad, he also may tend to feel he must have done something to deserve it. The above points are true. The actions and reactions of people on the subject are often very falsified. People go about believing they were in an auto accident when in actual fact they caused one. Also people may believe they caused an accident when they were only in one. Some people, on hearing of a death, at once believe they must have killed the person even though they were far away. Police in large cities have people turn up and confess to almost every murder as a routine. One doesn't have to be crazy to be subject to the Overt-Motivator sequence. It is not only used on him continually by others, it also is a basic part of his OWN "case". There are two extreme stages of Overt-Motivator phenomena. One is a person who gives up only motivators (always done to him) and the other is the person who "has done only overts" (done to others). In running engrams you will find: 1. All overt engrams that hang up (won't audit easily) have also a motivator engram as the same or different incident. 2. All motivator engrams that hang up have an overt engram in the same or different incident. The two types of engrams then are OVERT Engrams and MOTIVATOR Engrams. Example of Overt Engram- SHOOTING A DOG. Example of Motivator Engram-BEING BITTEN BY A DOG. The rule is that the SUBJECT MATTER MUST BE SIMILAR. They can be in different points in time. When you can't run out (erase) a dog bite engram, why then you find the "shoot dog" engram. PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLS OR ABERRATIONS THAT DO NOT RESOLVE BY RUNNING ONE SIDE, USUALLY RESOLVE BY FINDING AND RUNNING THE OTHER. When you can't erase an engram about shooting a dog, why then there's a bitten by dog. It's all very simple really. There are always two sides to the coin. If one won't run, you try the other. BASICS Finding the basic engram on a chain also applys to finding the basic overt or basic motivator engram. Engrams then hang up (won't run out) when (a) The other type needs to be run and (b) The one found has earlier engrams on it. NON-EXTANT ENGRAMS An "engram" sometimes didn't exist. A pc can be trying to run being run over by a car when he never was. What needs to be done, when the incident won't run, is get the pc's incident of running over somebody. It also works in reverse. A pc can be trying to recall an engram of running over somebody when he was in fact only run over himself and never did run over anyone. So BOTH engrams can exist and be run or only one side exists and can be run or with a heavy foul-up on overts and motivators, one side can be non-factual and won't run because only the other side exists. It is easy to visualize this as a matter of flows. An overt of course is an Outflow and a motivator is an Inflow. SECONDARIES It may never have been said that secondaries always sit squarely on incidents of actual pain and unconsciousness. Also secondaries can exist on the overt-motivator sequence pattern just as in engrams. This is the cause of frozen emotions or "unemotional" people. Also some people complain they can't feel anymore. This works out by overt-motivator sequence. A person in grief over loss (grief is always loss) who then can't run it has caused grief and that overt-secondary can be run. Also a person misemotional over causing grief has been caused grief. It works both ways with ALL POINTS ON THE TONE SCALE. The last is a newer discovery and wasn't known to early Dianeticists. The Overt-Motivator Engram phenomena did not receive adequate dissemination. The principle applied to secondaries has not before been released. It is basically Dianetic Engram running that resolves all cases in the end so one had better be pretty good at auditing Engrams and Secondaries, Motivator and Overt both. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: jp:nt:cden:jh Copyright © 1968, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 204. HCOB 4 MAY 68 CROSS AUDITING HUBBARD COMMUNICATlONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MAY 1968 Confidential AO Only III Packets CROSS AUDITING When one runs Incident I out of one thetan and then Incident 2 out of another (thinking it was the first one) one can get a partially run body thetan who won't blow but who may start to go on through the whole of R6 automatically (since the basic basic Incident I is not run yet Incident 2 is.) One can get quite ill doing this as the illness in R6 can turn on. One can also "feel no wish to audit". All "no desire to audit" is some large blunder on a case. The way you can run Inc I out of one thetan ond Inc II out of anothor is rather easy. One fails to notice the first one blew on having Inc I run and runs Inc 2 on another. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: lw Copyright (c) 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 205. HCOB 2 OCT 68 OT III HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 OCTOBER 1968 OT III CLASS VIII OT III As a matter of data, the only trouble really in a III OT run is running an Inc I on one thetan and an incident II on another, thinking it was thc first one. A preOT can free wheel into R6 if you run only an INC 2. You can stop the free wheel at once by running Inc I off the same thetan you ran the Inc 2 on that started a free wheel. Free wheel means that the pc goes on automatic continuous run. Inc 2 is R6 75 million years ago. Inc I is about 4 quadrillion yoars ago. Both, all thetans on this planet and 21 nearby stars have in common. All thetans in the Universe have Inc. 1. Only those in this Old Confederation have Inc 2 and R6. All CC and OTII materials are in R6 75 million years ago. These are followed by 36 days worth of motion pictures - god devil, space opera, trains, cars, helicopters, crashes, stage etc. This R6 is 75 million years ago and this planet and confederation. If the vocano bit is run as per III directions but the Inc I is not run on same thetan, R6 begins to run off on automatic, the being can't sleep for days, the body dies. That's the way it was designed. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nd:sp Copyright (c) 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 206. HCOB 4 MAY 68 OVERRUN ON III HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MAY 1968 Issue II AO Only III Packs C O N F I D E N T I A L OVERRUN ON III The only way you can get a read on "overrun on III" is to have accidentally run Inc I out and then later "run it out again" on the same thetan or make a similar blunder. Example: On e flattens Inc I by several passes on a body thetan. This body thetan for some reason, mostly because Inc II was then not run, does not fly off. Then, not noticing, one again finds the same thetan and once more seeks to run Incident I. One then gets, in answer to the question "overrun on III?" a lot of reads and other overrun phenomena. The remedy is to find out who was overrun and get the charge off by that action. One then runs Incident II on that thetan or in any event by getting off the charge of "overrun", letting the thetan depart. Just because one's meter reads "overrun on III" is no reason to attest. Find out WHO was. It's almost always a body thetan. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: lw:de Copyright (c) 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 207. HCOB 12 APR 70 RUNNING OT III HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 APRIL 1970 AO Only III Packs SECRET RUNNING OT III When running OT III the Solo Auditor handles Body Theteans as he would any other pc, for the general idea is to run them standardly and not to ARC Break them. He does not scan through anything in order to find body thetans. When a Solo Auditor can find no more BTs, he can attest or run a pressure area down and handle as per his running instructions. The pre OT could be exterior and the interiorization process can be run in Review to help him through. Here are three reasons why a pre OT might have trouble whilst running BTs on Incident II: 1. It is the wrong area. 2. It is not the volcano of the BT being run. 3. It is not an Incident II but another incident of a different date. Check 1 and 2 if you are having any difficulty in running Incident II and handle by locating the correct area or finding the volcano of the BT being run. If it is not a II simply check for the date and if different, run it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: dz Copyright (c) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 208. HCOB 13 OCT 69 OT III ERRORS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 OCTOBER 1969 ISSUE II OT III CLASS VIII Secret OT III ERRORS Among OT III errors are: A BT run on Inc I fails to blow. There are three reasons: (a) Auditor is trying to run a cluster with an Incident 1. The right thing to do is date and get the character of the incident that made it a cluster and then run Inc Is on those left when it breaks up. Or get Dn auditing. (b) There is an earlier Incident I on the same BT. Find it and run it. The BT has a chain of them all by himself. (c) Another BT is copying the Inc I just run so it looks like it didn't blow. Failure to ever run Inc II can also cause a bog. Routine Dianetic Auditing by a Dianetic HDC who is also on or above OT III using triple flows and LDN OT III also handles bogged OTIII Pre OTs. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH Copyright (c) 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 209. HCOB 10 DEC 78 ADDITION TO OTIII PACK HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCOB OF 10 DECEMBER 1978 CONFIDENTIAL AOs only OTIII Pack ADDITION TO OTIII PACK The following is added to the OTIII pack as Pre OTs on Solo OTIII need this data. EARLIER INCIDENT I The most common difficulty you get into with a BT that doesn't blow is there was an earlier Incident 1, some have several earlier Incident I's. The question "An earlier Incident l?" will read if there is. When you get down to the first incident I you are liable to jump from one BT to another, if you keep asking for an earlier. EARLIER UNIVERSE There were several universes earlier than this one. If "earlier incident l?" doesn't work, then its "earlier universe?" - the BT recognizes there was an earlier universe - the BT will spot this and blow. It is unnecessary to run the incident that occurred in the earlier universe, because it will blow without it. (caution: There is an implant which miscounts the number of earlier universes, making it seem there were far more than there were ). L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: dm: kjm Copyright (c) 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 210. HCOB 25 OCT 69 r. 16 Aug 83 CLUSTER FORMATION CUMULATIVE HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 OCTOBER 1969RA REVISED 20 SEPTEMBER 1978 REVISED 16 AUGUST 1983 AOs Solo OT III Course Solo C/Ses OT III Review Auditors ( This HCOB has been re-revised to eliminate all references to R3R or the use of Dianetics, per HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS, and to further clarify the procedure for handling cumulative clusters. ) ( Revisions not in italics. ) SECRET CLUSTER FORMATION CUMULATIVE ( Refererence: HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING. ) In doing "a cluster " one is likely to find it is made up of other earlier clusters. This is called a "cumulative cluster ". A CLUSTER is a group of body thetans crushed or held together by some mutual bad experience. A CUMULATIVE CLUSTER is a group of two or more clusters crushed or held together by some mutual bad experience. A cumulative cluster looks like this: ( the shapes are for illustration only ) [Ed Note: this hcob contrains some simple drawings of circles and squares packed together and then moving off, illustrating each of the following steps] A. 3 clusters impacted together ( driven or wedged tightly together ) by: 1898 - Impact Horse Accident. B. The type of mutual incident is first established ( in this case, an impact ) . When the 1898 incident is then Date/Located, one cluster ( the square part ) blows. (On the meter you get a LF or BD and F/N when the incident is dated to blow, and a LF or BD and F/N when located to blow.) C. The remainder consists of 2 clusters, held together by an earlier cluster making incident. D. Type of earlier mutual incident is established, by meter read, as Electric shock. When the incident is Date/Located ( 93 million years ago on Planet X - or more exact location ) another clusterr blows. E. One cluster, the earliest portion of the cumulative cluster, now remains. F. The type of mutual incident is established as an implant. This is Date/Located ( 72 Trillion years ago, in area Y of Planet Z ) and the final cluster blows. Note:In Date/Locating you get an F/N on Dating ( blow ) and an F/N on Locating (blow ). Each F/Ns. HANDLING ANY SINGLE BTs REMAINING FROM A CLUSTER AA. Single BTs remaining from a cumulutive cluster. BB. You must check by meter read for any BT remaining from a cluster. If there is one, locate the BT and handle him to blow with Inc II and Inc I. The needle will F/N as he blows off. IMPORTANT NOTE: If one of the incidents you ran on the cumulative cluster happened to be an Inc II, you would now run Inc I on any remaining BTs to avoid overrunning Inc II. CC. Check to see if another BT remains from the cluster and if so handle the BT to blow per step BB above. When any remaining BTs have been handled to blow, you can check for and handle copies, as needed. ______________ Clusters or cumulative clusters are handled by finding the type of incident which made the cluster ( the correct type will read on the meter ); then meter dating to blow and locating to blow. Clusters can occur at Inc II and Inc I, so either could be on a cumulative chain. They can also occur at 1 to 1 1/2 Quadrillion which is the date ( this can be dated exactly ) of the Clearing Course materials. ( Ref: HCOB 14 August 1983, C.C IMPLANT. ) Clusters can occur at random dates for different reasons. _______________ The correct procedure for Date/Locating a cluster or cumulative cluster is : (a) Find by meter read the type of incident that made it into a cluster. (b) Date the point when it became a cluster to blow. ( Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. ) (c) Locate the place where it became a cluster to blow. ( Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. ) (d) Handle any remaining single BTs to blow. (e) Handle copies. A cumulative cluster is handled by Date/Locating the latest mutual incident first, then the next earlier mutual incident, and so on down to the basic ( earliest ) mutual incident for that cluster. (Blows will occur as you go down the cumulative cluster chain, as shown in the diagrams. ) Then handle any remaining single BTs. Handle copies. Clusters and cumulative clusters are not difficult to handle provided you follow the method and steps for handling given above. With spot on metering and the tech of Date/Locating correctly applied you will have no problem with it. Good luck ! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH: rs: kjm: sk Copyright © 1969, 1978, 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 211. HCOB 25 OCT 69 (original text) [Original text of the 25 OCT 69 version] Cluster Formation - Cumulative In doing a cluster one is likely to find it is made up of other earlier clusters. This looks like this. 1898 impact horse accident. When engram 1898 run on R3R, that part blows. No F/N occurs, TA remains up. Remainder will grind after the blow. Earlier portion dates as 93,000,000 years ago, electric shock. When run on R3R, that part blows, no F/N. TA remains up, will grind if run further. Earliest portion dares as 72 trillion implant. When run on R3R, all blow, F/N. A cluster or engram which is a cluster can repeatedly F/N as BT's blow. Dates as 778 million explosion. After run once or twice an F/N occurs as one BT blows. Run again to second F/N as two more BT's blow. Remainder blow with a wider F/N. The cluster has gone. This happens (repeating F/N) when picture persists and meter check reveals it is not a copy. It will be more BT's in same cluster. So above repeating F/N occurs when pre-OT is moved through it. Clusters are found by meter dating, listing for type of incident and run as an engram. Clusters can occur at Incident II and Incident I. They can also occur at 1 quadrillion, which is the Clearing course materials. They also occur at random dates for different reasons. ************** 212. HCOB 26 AUG 69 r. 16 Aug 83 OT III CASE SUPERVISION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST AD 19R REVISED 16 AUGUST 1983 AOs Class VIII Course Class VIII C/Ss Solo C/Ss Solo OT III Course ( This issue has been revised to delete references to the use of Dianetics on OT III, per HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FOR-BIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTS, and to include on the list of OT III errors Item No. 11 regarding overrun which was formerly given in a bulletin additional to this one, HCOB 26 Aug 69, Issue II, "Add OT III C/S". ) ( Revisions not in script ) SECRET OT III CASE SUPERVISION I have lately been Case Supervising a number of temporarily "failed" OT III cases and have them all running well on Solo now. The errors made are more or less as follows: 1. The Solo auditor cannot audit - has not absorbed his training or at least isn't putting it into practice. He/she cannot put ruds in or do other elementary auditing actions. The remedy is to get the Solo auditor better trained. This may be a matter of cramming or it may be a matter of the Pre OT retreading his Solo course. If the person then still has trouble on this level, he would need a thorough retread of his Solo auditor course Part Two. The best idea by far is to be at least a Class VI auditor. Those who make fastest progress on III are Class VIIIs, of course. 2. The case has not been well prepared due to earlier quickied or incomplete Grades or Rundowns. The case is so overcharged that the Solo auditor cannot "front up" to auditing at OT III. Out of this you get the pathetic case that declares "none on OT III" and tries to attest. Or the one who runs five or six, says "that's all" and tries to attest. There have been cases that took one look at OT III materials, "rabbit"(which is to say run away) and "attest" hurriedly. The remedy for all these is to (a) get ruds well in and use the correction lists appropriate to the Solo level they have done, including an LDN, (b) get the person more training as in 1 above, and (c) get the person through the level standardly, using Review as needed, to an OT III attest. These two actions take care of the majority of "difficult" cases on OT III. These two points have been pretty prevalent, poor auditing and finding none or few on OT III. So much so that I have found few true completion's on OT III and an awful lot of "OT VIs" who were really only "OT II". All such should be brought in and remedied as per 1 and 2 above. It is a poor thing to have them stumbling around with a false Grade. OT III is NOT a fast Grade. FURTHER III REMEDIES The common garden varieties used by a Case Supervisor in day to day OT III session C/Sing - or the troubles an OT II Solo auditor runs into on OT III now and then in sessions follows: 3. High TA. This comes from not completing the Incidents II and I on Body Thetans (BTs). 4. The Solo auditor puts too WIDE an attention span on the BT and runs two or three when he is intending to run only one. 5. A cluster just won't break up. The remedy is to check for "Cumulative cluster" or "Mutual incident of another Date". With a mutual incident of another date, the type of incident would first be established and the incident then Date/Located per HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. A cumulative cluster would be handled per HCOB 25 Oct 69RA, Rev. 16 Aug 83, SECRET, CLUSTER FORMATION CUMULATIVE, until the cluster was completely blown. When these actions are done in Review and completed, the Solo auditor is sent back to Solo to continue with OT III. There is another action which may be done in Review when a cluster won't break up. The Review lists for impacts or incidents that would cause a cluster and handles the item obtained from the list with Date/Locate. When the Review action is complete, the Pre OT goes back to Solo auditing OT III. 6. Ruds go out on BTs. This is the usual reason a Solo auditor suddenly feels he doesn't want to audit or "needs" a Review. The Solo auditor doesn't realize, sometimes, he is dealing with living individuals and roughs them up, putting the ruds out on them. The remedy of course is to locate BTs who have out ruds, put the ruds in and run Incident I, at which the BT should leave. 7. A "theta bopping" meter sometimes puzzles a Solo auditor on OT III. This means a BT is trying to exteriorize and can't. The remedy is to complete the partially run Incident II or Incident I or in extreme cases, put the ruds in on the hung up BT. 8. One hand electrode giving a wrong TA read, baffling the Solo auditor with Floating needles with a "High TA". The remedy is to have two hand electrodes handy and trim the trim knob so the 1 hand electrode reads the same as the two hand electrodes to check the real TA on occasion. 9. A suppressive body thetan sometimes isn't auditable. The remedy is to run Grade IV, then Inc. II and Inc. I. If this doesn't do it, get power run on the SP BT. The greatest error is to get upset with one of these, put the ruds out, and make him submerge. In this case, the suppress button is put in or he is prepchecked and then run on Grade IV, Power, Inc. II and Inc. I. These SP BTs are far less common than is supposed. Solo auditors with faults as in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, or who miss other matters blame every fault on SP BTs. They do however exist. 10. By far and large the corniest error and which has been very prevalent is not knowing the materials of OT III or the content of Inc II or Inc I. This can get pretty bad. I've seen people running Inc II with the date of I! But the funniest error under not knowing the materials is reading wild adventures alleged to be Inc II and Inc 1. Inc I and Inc II are very precise indeed. The remedy is to send the Solo auditor back to starrate his OT III pack. 11. A BT can be overrun. This fact sometimes causes a Solo auditor to believe OT III is overrun. If he asks "Is OT III overrun?" he may get a read and a blowdown. This is actually just one BT or cluster that is overrun. The way such an overrun can occur is covered in HCOB 4 May 68R, Rev. 16 Aug 83, Issue II, OVERRUN ON III. The remedy is finding out who was overrun, discovering and indicating the point of overrun and getting the charge off in that way. The BT or cluster may then just depart. If not, one then runs Inc I on the BT (or handles the cluster) to a blow. Then one carries on with OT III. Running with a discharged meter, with cans not plugged in or with no meter at all - in short any of the errors you find in auditing can also occur in Solo auditing. However, the faults or troubles 1 to 11 above cover any and all the errors I have found specifically applying to OT III. This Grade, OT III, is a long and very valuable Grade. IT determines whether or not the Solo auditor will eventually be a real OT. But the carelessness and casualness with which some Solo auditors often approach OT III and a Solo auditors willingness to run one BT and say "well the rest don't bother me", is simply an indication of weakness or Treason on the 1st Dynamic. There is no status value to having "none on III" or in only finding a few or who "blew them all in Dianetics". These indicate a Solo auditor who is weak and cannot affect others and who needs the handlings in 1 and 2 above. OT III is a vital Grade. One fronts up to it and does it. When he is really done, the rewards of OT III exceed his wildest dreams. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER RTCU:LRH:rw:iw Copyright ( c ) 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 213. HCOB 26 AUG 69 (original text) [Original text of the 26 AUG 69 version] I have lately been C/Sing a number of failed OT cases and have found them all running well on solo now. The errors are made as follows: (1) The solo auditor cannot audit, needs more training. (2) Cases are not well prepared with Dianetics. The remedy for all of these is to: (a) Run the PC for at least a score or two of Dianetic items by R3R, done of course by a good HDC, (b) then do a GF 40. And then repeat it until necessary auditing is complete. These two actions take care of the majority of difficult cases on OT The real End Phenomena of OT III and OT IV is exterior with full perception. You can and should accomplish full stable exteriorization on doing the materials of III. Further III remedies: (3) high TA. This comes from not completing the Incidents I and II on body thetans. (4) The solo auditor puts too wide an intention on the BT and runs two or three when he is intending to run only one. (5) A cluster just won't break up. The remedy is a Dianetic session listing for impacts or incidents that would cause a cluster and doing R3R. The principle of earlier similar holds good. When this is completed, the solo auditor is sent back to solo to clean up the BT's shaken loose and to continue with OT III. (6) Rudiments go out on BT's. The remedy of course is to locate BT's who have out-ruds, put in the ruds and run Incident 1, at which the BT should leave. (7) A theta-bopping meter sometimes puzzles a solo auditor on OT Ill. This means a BT is trying to exteriorize and can't. The remedy is to complete the partially run Incident II or Incident I or in extreme cages put the ruds in on the hung up BT. (8) one-hand electrode giving wrong TA read baffling the solo auditor with floating needles with a high TA. The remedy is to have two-hand electrodes handy and trim the trim knob so the one-hand electrode reads the same as two-hand electrodes. (9) A suppressive body thetan sometimes isn't auditable. The remedy is to run Grades IV or V on him. (10) By far and large the corniest error and which has been very prevalent is not knowing the materials of OT III or the content of Incident II or Incident I. OT III is a vital grade. One fronts up to it and does it. When he is really done, the rewards of OT III and IV exceed his wildest dreams. **************