CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 13/16 CLASS VIII COURSE PACK CONTENTS: Part 13 171. HCOB 12 AUG 69 r. 20 May 75 CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONS (confidential) 172. HCOB 16 AUG 71 r. 5 Jul 78 TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED ************************************************** CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 13/16 ************** CONFIDENTIAL C/Sing MATERIAL ****** 171. HCOB 12 AUG 69 r. 20 May 75 CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 AUGUST 1969RB REVISED 20 MAY 1975 Confidential Class VIII Only CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONS The following are basic Case Supervisor Actions. It is to be noted Symptoms are double lettered (AA, BB) and the Directions to Auditors are numbered (1, 2, 3.) When more than one Direction applies to a symptom, a letter is added (1A, 1B). In the future if a related Symptom is added, it will go to a triple letter for the same Class (BBB, JJJ). In the future, for a triple letter, a Direction will be numbered as hundreds, (BBB 200, BBB 200 A). Thus to have a system which can expand and be refined which can be charted and boxed. A chart can be drawn up of Symptoms. This chart gives the numbers for Directions. To save himself from writing, the Case Supervisor can get the slips run off separately in quantity. These slips can be packaged in envelopes. Or go into a covered wooden box with 80/100 pigeon holes. The door closes over the holes, the chart is on the inside of the door, the whole thing can be padlocked. The pattern is that of a flag locker in which signal flags are kept. Each pigeon hole is numbered. The C/S then simply looks on his chart, deals out of the C/S locker a number of slips, staples them, puts on auditor and PC, uses a time and date stamp and he is very much in business. The C/S does not issue the Symptoms in folders. Only the Directions. His comments to the Auditor can be made on a blank sheet stapled in front of the separate slips. He then has his locker, he has an independent copy of this HCOB for separate reference. He will have his chart. His only real problem is how to keep himself supplied with slips of directions. It is probably best to cut these all of a piece on mimeo stencils and get them run off in batches. Standard Grades are not part of this set-up as it is understood that the Auditor knows these. Directions to do Standard Grades are written on the blank sheet. The Standard Dianetic Case Supervisor actions and Dianetic Remedies have been added as a separate Section. Dianetic Symptom and C/S instuction numbers are preceded by "(D)" to distinguish them from the Class VIII instructions. Good Luck. L. RON HUBBARD =============================================== page 2 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR AA CLASS VIII Rudiments, light use of Symptoms PC in session easily. Gets case gains. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 1 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly the Ruds to F/N. Run the Rudiments, ARC Break, PTP and/or M W/H to first F/N. Use Suppress and False if PC edgy about Ruds. Do not fly any Ruds if PC has F/N at session start. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR BB CLASS VIII Rudiments, Fly All Symptoms PC or Pre OT not in session. Tends to take over session. Hard to handle in session. Ends session with bad indicators. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 2 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly each Rudiment to a Floating Needle. ARC Break Present Time Problem Missed Withholds Use Suppress on a "Clean" read. Use False read:" Has anybody said you had a ______ when you didn't ? " ------------------- page 3 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR CC CLASS VIII Rudiments or Green Form Symptom Case not audited for some time. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 3 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly rud or do GF, Method 3. ( If there is no F/N on Rudiments, then do a Green Form omitting the standard ARC Break, PTP and M W/H which have just been done anyway. ) Use Itsa earlier Itsa. NO Lists. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR CCC CLASS VIII Green Form Symptom PC requesting review. PC has not been audited for some time. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 300 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Asses GF+40 once through, marking lengths of reads. 2. Return Folder to C/S ( who should also have FES info on the case available to do a proper C/S. ) ------------------- page 4 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR CCC CLASS VIII Green form Symptom All Black reads. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 300A CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. List what it was to an Item or Date it. Running it is too heavy a Green Form action. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR CCC CLASS VIII Green form Symptom Misunderstood Case Condition reads. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 300B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Handle Misunderstood Case Condition if it reads. Get in Suppress and invalidated. Do a Remedy B on "Who or What haven't you understood about your case?". Test if it's "case or cases". Do a Remedy B on the question that reads. 2. Verify and Rehab all Grades and Sections (if Clear omit Power) 3. Return Folder to C/S for further action if (2) hangs up. ------------------- page 5 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR DD CLASS VIII Rudiments, high TA on Symptom TA goes high when Rudiments are used. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 4 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Per C/S series 1, check Protest or Overrun. If TA remains High, do a C/S 53 and handle. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR DDD CLASS VIII High TA, chronic Symptom TA is at 3.5 or above. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 400 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Assess Short Hi-Lo TA List (C/S series 53) and handle to F/Ning List. ( Note: Also handle any errors found in FES which the PC may not be aware of, like processes run twice etc. ) =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR DDD CLASS VIII Out Rudiments Symptoms Audited over ARC Breaks of long duration and M/W/H. Too many GF, Remedy B's, and S&D's. PC was OK now reported in grief after too much over correction and errors. He's had too many repairs that were badly done. ------------------- page 6 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII 400A PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly each Rud to F/N. Be alert for ARC Breaks of Long Duration. Chase back to basic. 2. Assess: Auditing Treatment Healing Scientology Sessions Auditors Reviews Correction 3. Prepcheck each item that reads, in order of size of read. 4. Back to C/S ( for a C/S based on what was found in FES ). =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR EE CLASS VIII Complains about F/Ns Symptom PC or Pre OT claims he F/Ns too quickly when he has not had any gains. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 5 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Check for cut communications ( itsa earlier itsa to F/N ). 2. Prepcheck Floating needles " On Floating Needles has anything been_____? " to F/N. Be sure to clear the command well with a green PC. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR FF CLASS VIII Previous bad Auditing Symptoms PC reluctant, has aches or pains. ------------------- page 7 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 6 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Assess: Auditors Auditing Scientology Dianetics Engrams Secondaries Locks Reviews Sessions Cases Case gain Results 2. Prepcheck result. Beware on the assessment the PC doesn't " get an Item " just because he doesn't understand it. If so, clear Item and reassess. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR GG CLASS VIII Nattery or critical PC Symptoms PC is highly critical. Natters. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 7 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Prepcheck " Withholds ?" " On withholds has_____?". Clear command well. 2. Pull W/Hs earlier similar to F/N. ------------------- page 8 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR HH CLASS VIII Crossed Rudiments Symptoms PC or Pre OT answers PTPs with ARC Breaks, ARC Breaks with PTPs, W/Hs with PTPs, etc. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 8 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Clear each Rud thoroughly with PC before running it and Fly each Rud to F/N. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR HHH CLASS VIII Rudiments Symptoms PC or PRE OT shows signs of protesting in session. Lots of false assertions by auditors. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 800 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Get in Ruds with Suppress and False with Prefix " In auditing has there been an/a____ ?" ARC Break, problem, withhold (not missed withhold). If the PC or Pre OT can't think of it, after he looks for it, you test false read with various questions. "Who said you had an/a reading when you didn't have one ?". or "Has somebody pulled that had been pulled before ?". etc. ------------------- page 9 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR HHH CLASS VIII Out Rudiments Symptoms Audited over ARC Break needles that were called F/Ns Also Missed Withholds, Overts and ignored originations. Pre OT had a consideration he was Clear before doing Dianetics or Clearing course. (by Folder inspection) ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 80OA CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Prepcheck Missed Withholds, include False reads. 2. Prepcheck Floating needles. 3. Prepcheck Clear. 4. Do GF+40. Assess to 1 Item. 5. Folder back to C/S. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR HHH CLASS VIII PTP Symptom PC has repeating PTP ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 800B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Pick up ARC Breaks. ARCU CDEINR. Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. 2. Handle PTPs. If it reads well, Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. Make a Remedy B out of if it requires handling in any way. Use the PTP as stated in the question:" In your past who or what was similar to ?". Make it make sense. Handle per Laws of L&N. ------------------- page 10 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR II CLASS VIII Bad session last time Symptom From Folder PC was mishandled. Wound up at Examiner caved in. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 9 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Note: Study the Folder and correct THE error. If out ruds: 1. Run Ruds with the questions: In your last session did you have an ARC Break ? In your last session did you have a Problem ? In your last session did you have a Withhold ? 2. If no F/N yet, do L1C " In your last session____?". =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR III CLASS VIII Incomplete actions Symptoms PC either overrun or underrun as session did not end on F/N. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 900 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. C/S is to handle as per C/S series 34 "Non F/N Cases". ------------------- page 11 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR III CLASS VIII Rock slam Symptoms R/S on M W/H. Hard to clean. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 900A CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Prepcheck missed withholds. " On missed withholds has anything been _____?" 2. Pull Overts. (Be sure to get the CRIME back of the R/S.) Use method of magnifying or exaggerating the overts if needed. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR III CLASS VIII Rock slam Symptoms PC or Pre OT, R/S at Examiner. A R/S, the PC came out of session which means the F/N was an ARC Break needle or false report. A Rock slam can be caused by either a crime or an invalidation. It can cool on invalidation but would come back as a crime. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 900B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Clean up invalidation of last session. 2. Handle any continuous PT overts and see if it continues to read as invalidation or as a real read. If it is even vaguely hard to clean, the correct action is to list. 3. "What are you trying to prevent?" List & Null to one Item. ------------------- page 12 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR III CLASS VIII Assist Symptoms Ruds Overrun. By Examiner statement still had PTP after last session. Delicate PC. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII 900C PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Indicate to the PC overrun and By-passed F/Ns. 2. Assess GF Method 5. 3. Return Folder back to C/S. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII 900D AUDITOR GOOFING PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. GF to F/N. 2. GF +40 Handle Method 3. 3. 3 way failed help. 3 way help. Each of the six legs to F/N. Who have you failed to help ? Who has failed to help you ? Who has failed to help another ? Who have you helped ? Who has helped you ? Who has helped another ? ------------------- page 13 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR JJ CLASS VIII Lists, errors in Symptoms Listing trouble. PC nattery. Ethics trouble after listing S&D, Rem B. Prevent, VA, Ill after being Listed on something. Heavy session ARC Breaks without explanation. Actions (1) Recent List. (2) Old Lists. (3) Old earlier Lists not available. (4) The earlier list (recent) not available. (5) List not Listing and Nulling to F/N. (6) VA possible Listing errors. (7) Power restimulated after Clear. (8) Overlist of VA. (9) S&D, error in Listing. (10) Valence Lists, no item. (11) Persisting Item. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 10A CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (1) Recent possible incorrect List. 1. Find the List. Do L4BRA Method 5 on it. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 10B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (2) Lots of earlier Lists available. 1. Find the earliest S&D. Do L4BRA to correct Item per Laws of Listing and Nulling. Give Item to PC as his first S&D Item. Correct no further. 2. Find the earliest Remedy B. Do L4BRA to correct as in (1). 3. Find the earliest List ever done on the case and do L4BRA as in (1). ------------------- page 14 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR l0C CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (3) Old earlier Lists not available. 1. Assess review, auditors, auditing, lists, old lists, Items. 2. Do L4BRA with " On item found in (1) " Method 5. Handle each Item as it reads with Itsa and indicate the BPC. or 1. L4BRA on every List PC can recall ( Method 5 ). ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 10D CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (4) The earlier List (recent) not available. 1. Do L4BRA"On that list (specify) " Method 5. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 100E CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (5) List item that didn't F/N per Laws of L&N. 1. Do L4BRA on that list (specify) Method 5. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 10F CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (6) VA Listing errors. 1. Correct or verify 1B, 1C & 1D. ------------------- page 15 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 100F CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (7) Wrong assessment of 7 Resistive Cases. Power restimulated after Clear. ARC Breaky condition. F/N with no GI's on W/S. 1. Verify if there was a wrong Item. Check if invalidated or incorrect. If it's Grades or Ruds, find out which. 2. Pre OT also restimulated or had Power restimulated. Indicate any BPC. Don't try to rehab it. If it doesn't cool off, do L1C on VA: "On VA Items____?" DON'T CALL THEM OFF. DON'T TOUCH IT IF PC FINE ON (1). 3. Send Folder back to C/S. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 100G CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (8) Overlist of VA. 1B Overlisted causes PC to struggle on 1C & 1D. l. Fly Ruds to F/N. 2. Rehab 1B. Items must be Nulled per Laws of L&N. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 100H CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (9) List error, 3 SPs found on one List. Difficulty on the job. 1. Find and correct this incomplete List. Renull to one Item. 2. Do L4BRA, Method 5. ------------------- page 16 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 100I CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (10) Valence Lists, no Item. List listed to no item, F/N on Cog. A model valence List went to no Item but to a Cognition. Which was the Item? Perfectly OK if indicated to the PC. 1. Indicate to the PC: "It released on Cognition. Thank you." ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR l00J CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Lists (11) A persistent Item which doesn't Blow. Wrong Item. 1. Find which list it came from. 2. Correct the list by L4BRA, Method 5. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR KK CLASS VIII Alcohol Symptoms Delusions. Can't leave alcohol alone. Dishonesty. Physical deterioration. Deception. Religious fixations. Sexual perversions or promiscuity. Alcohol produces it's effect by rapidly burning up the vitamin B1 and foods in the body. This pulls a Thetan into the resulting low area. The delusions of alcohol are almost entirely from R6. Animals, Religion, God, Sex, Perversion. The R6 bank was implanted while the Thetan was caught in a compound of frozen Alcohol and Glycol. Use of Alchohol restimulates the R6 Bank. ------------------- page 17 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR ll CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Give PC Vitamin B1 before session. 1. Fly Ruds or GF to F/N. 2. Rehab any and all releases through drinking. Get number of times by counting. 3. 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another giving you Alcohol. F2. Recall giving Alcohol to another. F3. Recall another giving Alcohol to another or others. F0. Recall giving yourself Alcohol. 4. 3 Way or Quad Engrams: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving you Alcohol. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving Alcohol to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving Alcohol to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving yourself Alcohol. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR LL CLASS VIII Drugs Symptoms Registers on the meter as having taken drugs. High TA. Seems unauditable on ARC Straightwire or above or hangs up in doing Grades. Talks randomly. Compares auditing sessions to former Drug trips. Looking for same euphoria from auditing as received during Drug trips. Dub-in Engram. Drugs and also Biochemical substances used in "treatment" or in tranquilizing the person produce delusion. This is done by making a reduced creation in the body so that the Thetan is dragged into heavy creating. Makes a plus and minus. If a person is heavily the effect of something, then he has done it as an Overt. A PC who has recently been on drugs should not be audited untill off them for six weeks. ------------------- page 18 ------------------- Vitamin B1 in heavy doesage has been known to alleviate the no-create body drag and so stop the obsessive create by the Thetan. Auditing someone during a drug delusion state heavily hangs up a case and must not be done. Vitamins are not drugs. Drugs include a long category of substances and even some poisons. Anything that produced a release of a Thetan from the body can be Rehabbed. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 12 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: The CLASS VIII Drug Rundown: 1. Fly Rud or GF to F/N by itsa E/S itsa. No Lists. 2. Rehab former releases for each type of drug taken, get number of times released on each.(each should F/N). 3. 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another giving you drugs. F2. Recall giving drugs to another. F3. Recall another giving drugs to another or others. F0. Recall giving yourself drugs. 4. 3 Way or Quad Secondaries: F1. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving you drugs. F2. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving drugs to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of giving yourself drugs. 5. 3 Way or Quad Engrams: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving you drugs. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving drugs to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconeiousness of another giving drugs to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving yourself drugs. RUN THE ENGRAMS EXACTLY BY THE BOOK. ------------------- page 19 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR MM CLASS VIII Tiredness Symptoms Tired continually. Sleeps too much. Tiredness is technically BLUNTED PURPOSE. The most effective way to handle this is by the Overt - Motivator Engram. However tiredness is also to be found in some basic incident like Inc 1, which cannot be run before OT III. Therefore the Engram Overt-Motivator approach is best. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 13 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Tiredness 1. Find and run an engram or chain of the PCs purpose being blunted to F/N. 2. Find and run an engram or chain of blunting the purpose of another or others to F/N. 3. Find and run an engram or chain of another blunting the purpose of another or others to F/N. 4. Find and run the engram or chain of the PC blunting his own purpose. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR NN CLASS VIII Exteriorisation, By passed Symptoms PC or Pre OT went Exterior and the auditor kept on auditing when he should have stopped right there, PC went back in or got upset about it. ------------------- page 20 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 14 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Int R/D if PC hasn't had any yet. If Pre OT do End of Endless Int R/D. If this already done then: l. Date/Locate the point of Exteriorisation. 2. Acknowledge PCs release in last session. NOTE: If PC is still upset, the Int R/D needs to be repaired. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR OO CLASS VIII F/Ns By passed in session Symptoms Auditor continued past F/Ns on the same subject. TA was low, PC Cognited. TA then went up on same subject. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 15 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Rehab the F/N by asking "On the process (described) how many times were you released?" 2. Indicate the Overrun. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR PP CLASS VIII F/N packed up Symptoms Case has ceased to F/N. ------------------- page 21 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 16 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Handle as per C/S series 34 "Non F/N Cases". =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR QQ CLASS VIII Exteriorisation, Case cannot Symptoms Case doesn't exteriorise at level it should. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 17 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Assess: Exteriorisation Death Release Fear Havingness Nothing Going off Responsibility Dizziness 2. Prepcheck what assessed out. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR QQQ CLASS VIII Exteriorisation Symptoms By passed in this or former session. ------------------- page 22 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 170 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. C/S inspects folder and orders an Int R/D. If all ready Clear or Pre OT, do End of Endless Int R/D. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR RR CLASS VIII Money, has troubles with Symptoms Cannot buy training or processing. Has money troubles. Wastes money. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 18 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: LM-1 1. Assess: Beggarized Pauperized Poor Rich Broke Money Power Buying Poverty Capital Accounts Embezzelment Waste 2. Prepcheck the items that read in order of size of read. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR SS CLASS VIII Solid, bank gone solid Symptoms Engrams, masses feel too solid to PC. ------------------- page 23 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 19 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. L3RF, Method 3 and handle. 2. Then to Dn C/S to handle any pictures or masses. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR TT CLASS VIII Process split by a break Symptoms A break was taken or a session ended without a major action completed. OR TA went up the moment the session was resumed or the process in next session was started again. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 20 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Check to see if the process went release out of session. If so, Rehab the F/N. If no F/N to be had, then run Ruds : " Between sessions____." to F/N and finish the process. If TA high, do not do Ruds. Assess Short Hi/Lo TA List (C/S series 53) and handle. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR UU CLASS VIII Gains Invalidated Symptoms PC rollercoasters after apparently good session. ------------------- page 24 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 21 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Check for invalidation "Since last session has anything been invalidated ?" 2. If no F/N run "Since last session has anything been suppressed ?" 3. If no F/N do Green Form. No Lists. Itsa E/S itsa only. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR VV CLASS VIII Resistive Case (Can be used more than once so long as same item does not get used again after being handled.) Symptoms Thick review folder Roller coasters Complains Blows courses or Orgs Long sessions Hard to get F/Ns Doesn't want auditing Makes trouble for auditors Does not respond to auditing ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 22 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Assess 7 Cases. Separate RUDS & GRADES. (a) Does not want auditing____ (b) Pretending training or Grades not attained____ (c) Has not had auditing____ (d) Seeking same thrill attained from drugs____ (e) Has taken drugs____ (f) Former Therapy before Scientology____ (g) Has been part of earlier practices____ (h) Out of Valence____ (i) Continually commiting Overts____ (j) Audited with prior Grades out____ (k) Audited with Rudiments out____ ARC Break____ PTPs____ Withholds Overts____ (l) Has engram exactly matching PT Dangers ____ (m) Seriously ill PC____ OR assess Expanded GF 40 Method 5 and fully handle per instructions. The following C/Ss are to be refered to when using Exp GF 40. ------------------- page 25 ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 22A (a) Discuss in session start why he/she doesn't want auditing and identify the cause as it arises. ARC Break, PTP or Missed Withhold and handle. Don't fail to pull M W/H if PC natters. Don't call it ARCX. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 22B (b) 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another pretending to you. F2. Recall you pretending to another. F3. Recall another pretending to another or others. F0. Recall pretending to yourself. F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another pretending to you. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you pretending to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another pretending to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you pretending to yourself. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASE 22C (c) List and Null " Who or What would prevent auditing ?" To one Item. ------------------- page 26 ------------------- RESISTIVE CASE 220D OR E (d) or (e) 1. Rehab drugs. Get how many times released for each type to F/N. 2. 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another giving you drugs. F2. Recall giving drugs to another or others. F3. Recall another giving drugs to another or others. F0. Recall giving yourself drugs. 3. 3 Way or Quad Secondaries per C/S 12 Commands. 4. 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3RA: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving you drugs. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving drugs to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving drugs to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving yourself drugs. Run engrams by the book. Then to Dn auditor for NED Drug R/D. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220E(1) Drugs Symptoms Registers on the meter as having taken drugs. No F/N on having taken drugs. Has overts on drugs if won't Rehab. 1. Get in Ruds with attention to Missed Withhold and Overts. Look for R/S. Clean to basic. 2. Rehab any and all drugs per Scn Drug R/D. ------------------- page 27 ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220F (f) 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another giving a Former Therapy to you. F2. Recall you giving a Former Therapy to another or others. F3. Recall another giving a Former Therapy to another or others. F0. Recall giving a Former Therapy to yourself. 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3RA by the Book. F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving a Former Therapy to you. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving a Former Therapy to another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another giving a Former Therapy to another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you giving a Former Therapy to yourself. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220G (g) 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another forcing an earlier practice on you. F2. Recall you forcing an earlier practice on another or others. F3. Recall another forcing an earlier practice on another or others. F0. Recall forcing an earlier practice on yourself. 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3RA by the Book: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another forcing an earlier practice on you. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you forcing an earlier practice on another or others. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another forcing an earlier practice on another or others. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you forcing an earlier practice on yourself. ------------------- page 28 ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220H OUT OF VALENCE ( For section K of Expanded GF 40 ) 1. Assess LX3. 2. Handle all significantly reading Items in order of read by 3 Way or Quad recall, 3 Way or Quad Engrams on each Item. 3. Continue as above with LX2 then LX1. End off when PC has a marked change in Valence. 4. 3 Way or Quad Recall each leg to F/N: F1. Recall another causing you to be someone else. F2. Recall you causing another to be someone else. F3. Recall another causing another to be someone else. F0. Recall causing yourself to be someone else. 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3RA by the Book: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing you to be someone else. F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing another to be someone else. F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing another to be someone else. F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing yourself to be someone else. ------------------- C/S 220H(1) 3 Way or Quad recall: F1. Recall another causing you to take the attitude of ( LX 3 Item ). F2. Recall you causing another to take the attitude of ( LX 3 Item ). F3. Recall another causing another to take the attitude of ( LX 3 Item ). F0. Recall causing yourself to take the attitude of ( LX 3 Item ). 3 Way or Quad Engrams, R3RA by the Book: F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing you to take the attitude of (LX 3 Item). F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing another to take the attitude of (LX 3 Item). F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing another to take the attitude of (LX 3 Item). F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing yourself to take the attitude of (LX 3 Item). ------------------- page 29 ------------------- C/S 220H(2) 1. Fly Rudiment to F/N. 2. Assess LX 2 (or use existing list if done previously). Handle in order of read. 3 Way or Quad Recall: F1. Recall another causing you to feel (LX 2 Item). F2. Recall you causing another to feel (LX 2 Item). F3. Recall another causing another to feel (LX 2 Item). F0. Recall you causing yourself to feel (LX 2 Item). 3 Way or Quad Secondaries: F1. Locate an incident of another causing you to feel (LX 2 Item). F2. Locate an incident of you causing another to feel (LX 2 Item). F3. Locate an incident of another causing another to feel (LX 2 Item). F0. Locate an incident of you causing yourself to feel (LX 2 Item). ------------------- C/S 220H(3) 1. Fly Rudiment to F/N. 2. Assess LX 1 (omit any Item run earlier) 3 Way or Quad Recall and Engrams: F1. Recall another causing you to be (LX 1 Item). F2. Recall you causing another to be (LX 1 Item). F3. Recall another causing another to be (LX 1 Item). F0. Recall you causing yourself to be (LX 1 Item). F1. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing you to be (LX 1 Item). F2. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing another to be (LX 1 Item). F3. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of another causing another to be (LX 1 Item). F0. Locate an incident containing pain and unconciousness of you causing yourself to be (LX 1 Item). ------------------- page 30 ------------------- C/S 220H(4) LX 1 assessed to grief or loss l. Fly Rudiments to F/N, check for any protest. 2. Run "Recall grief" to F/N. 3. Find and run a secondary or chain of grief and loss to PC. 4. Find and run overt secondary or chain of causing grief and loss. 5. Find and run a secondary or chain of another causing grief and loss to another. 6. Find and run a secondary or chain of PC causing grief and loss to him/her self. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 22I CONTINUOUS OVERTS. l. List and Null "What are you trying to prevent?" per Laws of Listing and Nulling. If 2 or more read on 1st Nulling, extend the List untill only 1 reads when all are called. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 22K AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT. 1. Check sub-zeros, Grades up to IV and run those not previously run. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220K(1) AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT. Run each to F/N: 1. In auditing have you been audited with an/a_____?" ARC Break, PTP, Withhold. On ARC Break use ARCU CDEINR itsa E/S itsa to F/N. On PTP handle with Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. On Withholds ask who nearly found out itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 2. Then "Have you audited someone over an____?" ARC Break, PTP, Withhold each to F/N. ------------------- page 31 ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220K(l) AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT Run each to F/N: 1. In auditing have you been audited with an/a _____?" ARC Break, PTP, Withhold. On ARC Break use itsa ARCU CDEINR itsa E/S itsa to F/N. On PTP use itsa E/S itsa to F/N. On Withholds, use who nearly found out itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 2. Then "Have you audited someone over an_____ ?" ARC Break, PTP, Withhold each to F/N. ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220K(2) AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT Assessed to ARC Breaks Prepcheck ARC Breaks. If no good indicators at end, trace back breaks by ARCU CDEINR itsa E/S itsa. ------------------- RESISIVE CASES 22L ENGRAM MATCHING PT DANGERS 1. Use LRH C/S YYY, C/S 250C, "Environmental Menace". ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 22M SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL Get a competent Medical analysis. When well or if no improvement, find and audit any engrams or chain to F/N. R3RA Triple or Quad. (Ruds do not have to be flown. Be careful in auditing a person running a fever, audit lightly. Do not force them into anything.) ------------------- RESISTIVE CASES 220M(1) Had been previously ill Protesting the Item l. Fly the Ruds to F/N, check for protest on illness item. Ifso, handle protest fully (itsa E/S itsa). If item still reads, find and run an illness engram chain to F/N. NOTE: You can't run a recall process on illness engrams. It is too much. If it doesn't read on illness reassess and send back to C/S. ------------------- page 32 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR WW CLASS VIII OT IV RUNDOWN Symptoms Has completed OT III OT IV Warning: This is in fact a Grade. Therefore to run it with out first setting the case up fully is to waste it. Often the case has to (1) Be discharged with lots of corrective actions and (2) OT III must be run on the Pre OT by the auditor or at least cleaned up. It might not be uncommon to have to do half or more of the C/S's in the book before doing the OT IV rundown. If one holds off and really flys the case, then the person ends up at OT Exterior very nicely when one does OT IV. If you do OT IV and he is still in his head, all is not lost. You have other actions you can take eg: Clusters, Prepchecks, failed to exteriorise directions. OT V and VI are designed for someone all ready exterior. If a person doesn't go exterior after OT IV Rundown, you set him up for OT V by seeing he jolly well does go exterior before going on to V. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: OT IV RUNDOWN Done only by an auditor on a case fully set up by various directions. 1. Ruds or GF to F/N. 2. Rehab drugs. 3. Valence shifter "What valence would be safe?" 4. Rehab ARC Straightwire to Grade IV. 5. Rehab R6EW to OT II. 6. Prepcheck OT III. 7. Rehab OT V and VI. 8. Run "What has been overrun ?" 9. Run "What can you confront ?" IF THE PRE OT DOESN'T EXTERIORISE, WE WILL DO 7 CASES NEXT SESSION UNTILL HE DOES GO EXTERIOR which is really the end phenomena of OT IV audited only by a class VIII. ------------------- page 33 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR WWW CLASS VIII Low TA action after Power Out of valence Symptoms Been misaudited Indicates out of valence and stuck in Body Thetans Invalidation, Overwhelm No TA action on Sec checks, anybody has a few ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 230 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Do GF to F/N. 2. Rehab drug trips, alcohol. 3. Do valence shifter. 4. Rehab or run ARC Straightwire to Grade IV (omit Power & VA). 5. Rehab R6EW, CC, OT 1 (if Old OT 1 run, indicate any overrun), OT II. 6. Run "What can you confront ?" Then in the Ethics sphere, find out where and who let Pre OT this far with no TA action. Assign a low condition without disturbing the Pre OT. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR WWW CLASS VIII Drug rehab Symptoms Has completed OT III Drug rehab not ended on F/N, so it's overrun or incomplete Next process didn't run well ------------------- page 34 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 230A CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly each Rud to F/N. 2. Assess 7 cases to an item C/S can use. Don't itsa it. Last action (2) is because Pre OT is still hung up after a major case action. 3. Find and run Inc I's untill none available. 4. Find and run an Inc II. Capture to pilot only. Don't scan through the 36 days. ( Rudiments: You always check the question on a rudiment ) before asking earlier similar. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR WWW CLASS VIII Valence Shifter and Confront Symptoms Valence Shifter didn't wholly bite. TA went low after. Been shoved into an Inc I by Pre OT and went out of valence. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 230B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly Ruds to F/N. 2. Find an engram chain and run to F/N and then Inc I. Beware of overrun on Body Thetans on Inc I. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR XXX CLASS VIII SECTION III Symptoms Low TA Not Exterior Long time on Section III ------------------- page 35 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 240 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly Ruds to F/N. 2. Find an Inc II. Date it. Capture to pilot only. Don't ever scan anyone through the 36 days. 3. Find Inc I's and run them as available. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR XXX CLASS VIII SECTION III Symptoms Pre OT complains that head clogged up and real pressure in it, in session. Cold turned on. Another C/S should have been sent for. It's a cluster in his head. Remedy is a Millazo. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 240B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly the Ruds. 2. Find the mutual Incident of the cluster. Run it. 3. Run Inc II, capture to pilot, if available. 4. Run Inc I's. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR XXX CLASS VIII SECTION III, FALSE Symptoms TA High Pre OT putting a mass there, Overrun and ARC Broken BT. Complains of Somatics. He's squashing his own body. Originates still has Body Thetans. ------------------- page 36 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 240C CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. It's a cluster with a mutual engram. 2. Find the date of it and run it, then Inc I's on the BT's. 3. Handle any overruns and ARC Breaks on BT's. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR XXX CLASS VIII SOLO AUDITING Symptoms Out Ruds during solo auditing Dope off Sickness ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 240D CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Put in his Rudiments on Solo auditing. 1. What ARC Break did you have during your Solo auditing ? ARCU CDEINR. 2. What Present Time Problem did you have during Solo auditing ? Itsa E/S Itsa. 3. What Withhold was missed during your Solo auditing ? Who nearly found out ? All to F/N. Pre OT may spot he has ARC Broken a Body Thetan. 4. Send auditor to cramming to correct outness as a Solo Auditor. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR XXX CLASS VIII SECTION III Symptoms Pre OT can't run Cluster. Pre OT not complete on OT III but can't find any more. Doesn't want to attest. ------------------- page 37 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 24OE CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly a Rud if no F/N. 2. List what impact or experience would cause a Cluster. 3. Take largest reading Item. Run by Date/Locate to Blow. 4. Run Inc I's on any remaining BT's. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR YYY CLASS VIII S & D WSU Symptoms Reads on Green Form as PTS. Has been ill. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 250 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. PTS Interview per C/S series 79 or HCO B 10 Aug 73. 2. 3 S&Ds, if necessary. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR YYY CLASS VIII FLUBBED S & D Symptoms Singular Item has been represented. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 250A CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Renull the list, not the represent list. Indicate the Item to the PC. Indicate error of represent. Handle any PTPs & M W/Hs. 2. Continue with Grade or Section. ------------------- page 38 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR YYY CLASS VIII ILLNESS Symptom PC PTS. Unskilled L&N auditor. PC has had S&D, WSU in the past which were correct. (S&D's being a Limited process.) ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 250B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly a Rud. 2. Assess: Difficulties Being suppressed Attacks Enemies Suppressing Incomplete cycles Unmocking Defence Protest Make nothing of Withdrawing from 3. Prepcheck each reading item in order of size of read to F/N. Be careful to handle any ARC Breaks. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR YYY CLASS VIII ENVIRONMENTAL MENACE Symptoms PC or Pre OT PTS. ------------------- page 39 ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 250C CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Fly each Rud to F/N. 2. Find the environmental menace by discussion. It's the obvious one. It's a situation that is wanted. Not an Item. 3. Find an engram containing a situation that exactly matches the Present Time situation found in (2). 4. Run subject of engram 3 Ways or Quad: F1. Locate an engram that exactly matches PT Dangers. (use as command 1, then 2,3,4, etc.) R3RA. F2. A time when you gave another such an engram. R3RA. F3. A time when another gave another such an engram. R3RA. F0. A time when you gave yourself such an engram. R3RA. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR ZZZ CLASS VIII ASSISTS Symptoms Had a severe injury ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 260 CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: Handle as per HCO B 23 Jul 71 "Assists. Section "Injury R/D." 1. Touch assist. 2. Contact assist. 3. L1C on injured member. 4. R3RA on the injury incident. Usual Dianetic actions would follow as necessary. ------------------- page 40 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR ZZZ CLASS VIII ILLNESS Symptoms Cold turned on after starting the next session. Not set up well enough to have done the next session. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 26OA CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Handle GF to F/N. 2. Check to if last Section F/N at any time.Rehab it. 3. Pre OT to next Section or one already on. =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR ZZZ CLASS VIII HIGH TA Symptoms Audited a PC who was physically ill. Violation of Standard Tech re: TA High. Ruds flown on a sick PC. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 260B CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Do C/S (D) 1. Physically ill PC. ------------------- page 41 =============================================== CASE SUPERVISOR ZZZ CLASS VIII UNWARRANTED SEC CHECKS Symptoms No green Form done to indicate PC should have a Joburg. Run past many free needles. ------------------- CASE SUPERVISOR 260D CLASS VIII PC or Pre OT: Date: Auditor: Time: 1. Do a prepcheck on Joburg or Sec Checks, whichever reads. 2. Clean up evaluation and needless action and indicate to the PC or Pre OT that it was needless. 3. LCRD. 4. PC or Pre OT to next Grade or action. =============================================== Compiled from LRH C/S Folders for L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER =============================================== CLASS VIII CASE SUPERVISOR CHART Symptom Symptom Page Direction Pigeon No. No. No. Hole Alcohol KK 16 11 35 All Black CCC 4 300A 23 ARC Break, Resistive Case VVV 31 220K(2) 65 ARC Break, Body Thetans XXX 36 240C 72 Assist III 12 900C 23 Assist, Had a severe injury ZZ 39 260 78 Assist, Touch assist ZZZ 39 260B 80 Bad Session II 10 9 19 Bad Indicators BB 2 2 2 Bad Auditing, previous FF 7 6 13 Blows, Org or Course VV 24 22 47 Breaks in Session TT 23 20 45 Cold, turns on ZZZ 40 260A 68 Confront, Valence Shifter WWW 34 230B 69 Critical PC GG 7 7 12 Crossed Rudiments HH 8 8 15 Date, Wrong date Inc II XXX 35 240B 72 Dope Off XXX 36 240D 73 Drugs LL 18 12 36 Drugs, poor ethics history VVV 26 220E(1) 5 Drugs, No F/N on Rehabs VVV 26 220E(1) 5 Drug Rehab WWW 34 230A 6 Engram LX1 VVV 29 220H(3) 5 Ethics, Poor History VVV 26 220E(1) 5 Exteriorisation, Case cannot QQ 21 17 4 Exteriorisation By-Passed NN 20 14 3 Exteriorisation, Overrun QQQ 22 170 42 F/N, By-passed in Session OO 20 15 39 F/N, Complaints about EE 6 5 12 F/N, Hard to get VV 25 22A 49 F/N, No Good Indicators JJJ 15 100F 30 F/N, Packed up PP 21 16 40 F/N, Pretending to F/N VV 25 22B 49 Former Therapy, Engram or Chain VVV 27 220F 54 Gains Invalidated UU 24 21 46 Grades,Resistive Case VV 30 22K 60 Green Form CCC 3 300 4 Green Form or Ruds CC 3 3 3 High TA, Chronic DDD 5 400 8 High TA, Dope Off XXX 36 240D 72 High TA, Ruds DD 5 4 7 Illness ZZZ 40 260A 79 Ill, Physically Ill ZZZ 40 260B 80 Incomplete actions III 10 900 20 Injury, Severe injury ZZZ 39 260 78 Invalidation of gains UU 24 21 46 ------------------- Symptom Symptom Page Direction Pigeon No. No. No. Hole List Errors List, Errors in JJ 13 10A 24 1. Lists Recent JJ 13 10A 25 2. Earlier List Available JJ 13 10B 26 3. Old Earlier List Not Available JJ 14 10C 27 4. Recent Lists Not Available JJ 14 10D 28 5. Item but No F/N JJJ 14 100E 29 6. VA Possible Errors JJ 14 10F 24 7. Wrong Assessment JJJ 15 100G 31 8. Overrun VA JJJ 15 100G 31 9. S&D, List Error JJJ 15 100H 32 10. Valence List JJJ 16 100I 27 11. L4BRA JJJ 16 100I 33 12. Persistent Item JJJ 16 100J 34 LX Lists, Assessment Engram VVV 28 220H(1) 57 LX Lists, Assessment Secondary VVV 29 220H(2) 58 Long session VV 24 22 47 Low TA XXX 35 240 70 Money, Has trouble with RR 22 18 43 OT IV Rundown WW 32 23 66 Out-Ruds DDD 6 400A 9 Out-Ruds, ARC Break Needle HHH 9 800B 18 Overlist VA JJJ 15 100G 31 Overts, Resistive Case VV 25 22C 59 Overrun ARC Breaks on BTs XXX 36 240C 72 Physically Ill, Resistive Case VV 31 22L 63 Physically Ill, had been VVV 31 220M 64 Physically Ill, High TA ZZZ 40 260B 80 Power, Restim after Clear JJJ 15 100F 30 Power, Overlisted VA JJJ 15 100G 31 Practices, Former - Engram or Chain VVV 27 220G(1) 64 Process split by break TT 23 20 45 PTP, Repeating HHH 9 800B 18 Resistive Case Assessment 7 Cases VV 24 22 47 Doesn't Want Auditing VV 25 22A 48 Recall, Pretending to F/N VV 25 22B 49 Prevent Auditing VV 25 22C 50 Drugs VVV 26 220D 51 Drugs, Poor Ethics VVV 26 220E(1) 52 Drugs, Overts VVV 26 220E(1) 53 Former Therapy VVV 27 220F 54 Earlier Practices VVV 27 220G 55 Out Valence VV 28 220H 56 LX Lists VVV 28-29 220H(1-3) 57 LX Lists, Assessment to Grief or Loss VVV 30 220H(4) 58 Overts VV 30 221 59 Grades VV 30 22K 60 Rudiments VVV 31 220K(2) 62 ------------------- Symptom Symptom Page Direction Pigeon No. No. No. Hole Physically Ill VVV 31 22L 63 Physically Ill, Had been VVV 32 220M(1) 64 ARC Breaks VVV 31 22OK(2) 65 Rock Slam, Hard to Clean III 11 900A 21 Rock Slam, At the Examiner III 11 900B 22 Roller Coaster VV 24 22 47 Rudiments, Resistive Case VV 30 221 59 To F/N AA 2 1 1 or Green Form CC 5 3 3 Fly all BB 2 2 2 Out Ruds during Solo XXX 36 240D 74 Protesting in Session HHH 8 800 18 PT Dangers, Engram matching VVV 31 22L 64 S & D Singular Item YYY 37 250A 76 W S U YYY 37 250 76 Flubbed YYY 37 250 76 Unskilled Auditor YYY 38 250B 77 OT 3, Cluster S&D YYY 37 250 75 Sec Checks ZZZ 41 260D 81 Secondary LX Lists, Grief or Loss VVV 30 220M(4) 53 Section III Cold turned on XXX 35 240B 71 False Section III XXX 36 240C 72 High TA XXX 36 240C 73 Long Time On XXX 36 240C 70 Solo Auditing XXX 36 240D 74 Solid, Bank gone SS 23 19 44 TA Action, Lower after Power WWW 33 230 67 TA High, Complains of somatics XXX 36 240C 69 TA High, Physically ill ZZZ 40 260B 80 TA Low XXX 35 240 70 Thick Folder VV 24 22 47 Tiredness MM 19 13 37 Unwarranted Sec Check ZZZ 41 260D 81 Valence Lists JJJ 16 100I 33 Valence Recall, Person, Engram, Chain VVV 28 220H 56 Valence, Out of WWW 33 230 67 Valence, Shifter and Confront WWW 34 230B 69 [end of HCOB] ************** 172. HCOB 16 AUG 71 r. 5 Jul 78 TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1971R Issue II REVISED 5 JULY 1978 (Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Courses Checksheets TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED (Revises 17 APRIL 1961. This HCOB cancels the following: Original HCOB 17 April 1961 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED Revised HCOB 5 Jan 71 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED Revised HCOB 21 June 71 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED Issue III HCOB 25 May 71 THE TR COURSE This HCOB is to replace all other issues of TRs 0-4 in all packs and checksheets.) Due to the following factors, I have modernized TRs 0 to 4. 1. The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs. 2. Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit. 3. If the TRs are not well learned early in Scientology training courses, THE BALANCE OF THE COURSE WILL FAIL AND SUPERVISORS AT UPPER LEVELS WILL BE TEACHING NOT THEIR SUBJECTS BUT TRs. 4. Almost all confusions on meter, Model Sessions and Scientology or Dianetic processes stem directly from inability to do the TRs. 5. A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further. 6. Scientology or Dianetic processes will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks. Academies were tough on TRs up to 1958 and have since tended to soften. Comm Courses are not a tea party. These TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, in Academy and HGC and in the future should never be relaxed. Public courses on TRs are NOT "softened" because they are for the public. Absolutely no standards are lowered. THE PUBLIC ARE GIVEN REAL TRs- ROUGH, TOUGH AND HARD. To do otherwise is to lose 90% of the results. There is nothing pale and patty-cake about TRs. THIS HCOB MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. IT DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING ELSE. IT DOES NOT IMPLY ANOTHER MEANING. IT IS NOT OPEN TO INTERPRETATION FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. THESE TRs ARE DONE EXACTLY PER THIS HCOB WITHOUT ADDED ACTIONS OR CHANGE. NUMBER: OT TR 0 1971 NAME: Operating Thetan Confronting. COMMANDS: None. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed, a comfortable distance apart-about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to be there comfortably and confront another person. The idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed. There is no conversation. This is a silent drill. There is NO twitching, moving, confronting with a body part, "system" or vias used to confront or anything else added to BE there. One will usually see blackness or an area of the room when one's eyes are closed. BE THERE, COMFORTABLY AND CONFRONT. When a student can BE there comfortably and confront and has reached a major stable win. the drill is passed. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in June 71 to give an additional gradient to confronting and eliminate students confronting with their eyes, blinking, etc. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. NUMBER: TR 0 CONFRONTING REVISED 1961 NAME: Confronting Preclear. COMMANDS: None. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart- about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of a preclear. to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, blink, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. The drill is misnamed if confronting means to DO something to the pc. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front of a preclear without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. Confronting with a body part can cause somatics in that body part being used to confront. The solution is just to confront and BE there. Student passes when he can just BE there and confront and he has reached a major stable win. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting." Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. NUMBER: TR 0 BULLBAIT REVISED 1961 NAME: Confronting Bullbaited. COMMANDS: Coach: "Start" "That's it" "Flunk ." POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart- about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of the preclear without being thrown off, distracted or reacting in any way to what the preclear says or does. TRAINING STRESS: After the student has passed TR 0 and he can just BE there comfortably, "Bullbaiting" can begin. Anything added to BEING THERE is sharply flunked by the coach. Twitches, blinks, sighs, fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly flunked, with the reason why. PATTER: Student coughs. Coach: "Flunk! You coughed. Start." This is the whole of the coach's patter as a coach. PATTER AS A CONFRONTED SUBJECT: The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The student's "buttons" can be found and tromped on hard. Any words not coaching words may receive no response from the student. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above). Student passes when he can BE there comfortably without being thrown off or distracted or react in any way to anything the coach says or does and has reached a major stable win. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting." Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. NUMBER: TR 1 REVISED 1961 NAME: Dear Alice. PURPOSE: To train the student to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via. COMMANDS: A phrase (with the "he saids" omitted) is picked out of the book Alice in Wonderland and read to the coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have. The coach must have received the command (or question) clearly and have understood it before he says "Good." PATTER: The coach says "Start," says "Good" without a new start if the command is received or says "Flunk" if the command is not received. "Start" is not used again. "That's it" is used to terminate for a discussion or to end the activity. If session is terminated for a discussion, coach must say "Start" again before it resumes. This drill is passed only when the student can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the student can do it easily and relaxedly. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard 1961 to increase auditing ability. NUMBER: TR 2 REVISED 1978 NAME: Acknowledgements. PURPOSE: To teach the student that an acknowledgement is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgement is a full stop. The student must UNDERSTAND and APPROPRIATELY acknowledge the comm and in such a way that it does not continue the comm. COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from Alice in Wonderland omitting the "he saids" and the student thoroughly acknowledges them. The student says "Good," "Fine," "Okay," "I heard that," ANYTHING only so long as it is appropriate to the pc's comm-in such a way as actually to convince the person who is sitting there as the preclear that he has heard it. The coach repeats any line he feels was not truly acknowledged. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: Teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. Ask student from time to time what was said. Curb over and under acknowledgement. Let student do anything at first to get acknowledgement across, then even him out. Teach him that an acknowledgement is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on and that an acknowledgement must be appropriate for the pays comm. The student must be broken of the habit of robotically using "Good," "Thank you" as the only acks. To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgement across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgement or can take a pc's head off with an acknowledgement. PATTER: The coach says "Start," reads a line and says "Flunk" every time the coach feels there has been an improper acknowledgement. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says "Flunk." "That's it" may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. "Start" must be used to begin a new coaching after a "That's it." HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach new students that an acknowledgement ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new command begins a new period of time. Revised 1961 and again in 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard. NUMBER: TR2 1/2 1978 NAME: Half Acks. PURPOSE: To teach the student that a half acknowledgement is a method of encouraging a pc to communicate. COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from "Alice in Wonderland" omitting "he saids" and the student half asks the coach. The coach repeats any line he feels was not half asked. POSITION: The student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: Teach student that a half acknowledgement is an encouragement to the pa to CONTINUE talking. Curb over-acknowledgement that stops a pc from talking. Teach him further that a half ask is a way of keeping a pc talking by giving the pc the feeling that he is being heard. PATTER: The coach says "Start," reads a line and says "Flunk" every time the coach feels there has been an improper half ask. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says "Flunk." "That's it" may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. If the session is terminated for discussion, the coach must say "Start" again before it resumes. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in July 1978 to train auditors in how to get a pa to continue talking as in R3RA. NUMBER: TR 3 REVISED 1961 NAME: Duplicative Question. PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked. COMMANDS: "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgement of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before. The student must learn to give a command and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time. The student is flunked if he or she fails to get an answer to the question asked, if he or she fails to repeat the exact questions, if he or she Q and As with excursions taken by the coach. PATTER: The coach uses "Start" and "That's it," as in earlier TRs. The coach is not bound after starting to answer the student's question but may comm lag or give a commenting type answer to throw the student off. Often the coach should answer. Somewhat less often the coach attempts to pull the student into a Q and A or upset the student. Example: Student: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Yes" Student: "Good" Student: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Aren't you hungry?" Student: "Yes" Coach: "Flunk." When the question is not answered, the student must say, gently, "I'll repeat the auditing question," and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgement and as needed, the repeat statement is flunked. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is flunked. A poor command is flunked. A poor acknowledgement is flunked. A Q and A is flunked (as in example). Student misemotion or confusion is flunked. Student failure to utter the next command without a long comm lag is flunked. A choppy or premature acknowledgement is flunked. Lack of an acknowledgement (or with a distinct comm lag) is flunked. Any words from the coach except an answer to the question, "Start," "Flunk," "Good" or "That's it" should have no influence on the student except to get him to give a repeat statement and the command again. By repeat statement is meant, "I'll repeat the auditing command." "Start," "Flunk," "Good" and "That's it" may not be used to fluster or trap the student. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is a flunk. The coach should not use introverted statements such as "I just had a cognition." 'Coach divertive' statements should all concern the student, and should be designed to throw the student off and cause the student to lose session control or track of what the student is doing. The student's job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgement. The student may use his or her hands to prevent a 'blow' (leaving) of the coach. If the student does anything else than the above, it is a flunk and the coach must say so. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. The old TR has a comm bridge as part of its training but this is now part of and is taught in Model Session and is no longer needed at this level. Auditors have been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was redesigned to improve that frailty. NUMBER: TR 4 REVISED 1961 NAME: Preclear Originations. PURPOSE: To teach the student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout an origination. COMMANDS: The student runs "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from a prepared list given by supervisor. Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear origination and do three things. 1. Understand it; 2. Acknowledge it; and 3. Return preclear to session. If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the student into better handling. PATTER: All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the patter is the same as in earlier TRs. The student's patter is governed by: 1. Clarifying and understanding the origin. 2. Acknowledging the origin. 3. Giving the repeat statement "I'll repeat the auditing command," and then giving it. Anything else is a flunk. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session. (TR 3 Revised.) Flunks are given if the student does more than 1. Understand; 2. Acknowledge; 3. Return pc to session. Coach may throw in remarks personal to student as on TR 3. Student's failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and coach's remarks about self as "pc" is a flunk. Student's failure to persist is always a flunk in any TR but here more so. Coach should not always read from list to originate, and not always look at student when about to comment. By originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case. By comment is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, comments are disregarded by the student. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1961 to teach an auditor more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks. As TR 5 is also part of the CCHs it can be disregarded in the Comm Course TRs despite its appearance on earlier lists for students and staff auditors. TRAINING NOTE It is better to go through these TRs several times getting tougher each time than to hang on one TR forever or to be so tough at start student goes into a decline. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 196t, 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED **************