CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 8/16 CLASS VIII COURSE PACK CONTENTS: Part 8 83. HCOB 15 NOV 78 DATING AND LOCATING 84. HCOB 22 JUL 63 YOU CAN BE RIGHT 85. HCOB 5 SEP 78 ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE 86. HCOB 30 NOV 66 ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES 87. HCOB 6 SEP 78 R3 SC - A FULL SERV FAC HANDLING UPDATED WITH NED 88. HCOB 6 SEP 78 SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS 89. HCOB 7 JUL 64 JUSTIFICATIONS 90. HCOPL 1 JUL 65 ETHICS CHITS 91. HCOB 8 NOV 65 SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDS ************************************************** CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 8/16 ************************************************** 83. HCOB 15 NOV 78 DATING AND LOCATING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 NOVEMBER 1978 C/Ses Tech/Qual Auditors Class IV DATING AND LOCATING (Reference: Book: AXIOMS AND LOGICS Book: THE BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS EM DRILL 22, E-METER HIDDEN DATE;, THIS LIFE EM DRILL 25 TRACK DATING HCOB 4 Aug 63 ALL ROUTINES, E-METER ERRORS, COMMUNICATION CYCLE ERROR.) Axiom 30: "The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish." -The Axioms of Scientology Excerpt from Axiom 38: "... Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.... Thus we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an As-is-ness by actual experiment." -The Axioms of Scientology A thetan knows that if he could remember the exact place a thing had been generated, the exact time and the exact conditions, and the exact person who did it, he would then get a disappearance of the thing. Dating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact time something happened. Locating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact place something happened. By dating and locating, getting the exact time and place a specific thing happened, the pc is able to blow the mass and energy connected with the occurrence which has hung him up at that point. Date/Locate, as called for in the various prepared correction lists, is a very effective tool for the handling of certain items found to be out on such a list. These could be points of overrun, wins that have been bypassed or invalidated in some way, moments of loss, trauma, painful emotion, or any of various stuck points of this nature. It is also used in the correction of wrong dates or wrong locations given the pc in previous auditing. In any of these cases the pc will be somewhat stuck at these points, or at the very least will have some attention units hung up at these points, and getting the exact "when" and "where" will unstick him. That which is viewed in its own time, place, form and event can be as-ised. WHY YOU DATE AND LOCATE A person can have a wrong date for an incident, or he might have a date totally occluded. He might have a confusion on two incidents, thinking one happened before the other when it is actually vice versa. He could have two incidents collapsed into one, time-wise. Or, more severely, he can be stuck in the time of an incident which acts as present time for him. In other words, that time is still in existence for him in PT. He is seeing things from that point in time. By dating it exactly you blow the stuck viewpoint in time. You see it as a blowdown on the meter and the pc will feel the sudden dissipation of mass. The question might then arise: If you have dated an incident to a "blow" what is there left to blow on the Locate step? The answer is that, in addition to a stuck viewpoint in time, a person can have a stuck viewpoint of location. Since he had the wrong time, he could, as well, have the wrong location, or an occluded location, or a confusion between two or more locations. He could be quite stuck in a past location. That past location is still in existence for him. The point of view from that location is still there for him. So you date and locate. Finding when it was and where it was blows both the time of the incident and the place of the incident. If he's still hung up in either of these he's out of present time and out of present location. Getting the precise date and location blows him out of these into present time. Sometimes during dating the pc spots the correct past location simultaneously with getting the correct date, and it (the location) then blows at the same time. The auditor must know that this can occur and recognize when it does as he would not then rotely try to put the pc through the Locate steps. DATE/LOCATE NOT A ROTE PROCEDURE While Date/Locate is a precise action, it is by no means a rote procedure. The auditor must know the theory of the action if he is to Date/Locate successfully. He must understand that he takes the pc's data and he works with the pc. Robotic application of the steps will not only not produce the desired result but can result in messing up a case badly. BLOW Definition of blow: The sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief. (Technical Dictionary.) This definition must be understood by both auditor and pc. It is cleared with the pc before beginning the Date/Locate steps. Have the pc demo it, using a demo kit, if necessary, so he has no confusion on it. A blow is a definite manifestation. Vital data for the auditor is that the pc must say "Something blew" or "It disappeared" or "It's gone" or "It vanished," not simply "I feel lighter." METERING During Dating/Locating the pc is on the meter but the auditor is consulting the pc and getting the pc's answers, while also keeping an eye on the meter. He does not resort to meter dating or meter locating unless the pc himself gives up on one or the other of these steps. A pc can be made more dependent on the meter or can be made more independent of the meter, depending upon the way the meter is used by the auditor. If the pc's case is improving he becomes more independent of the meter. That is the direction you want to go. "RULE: Use the meter to date and verify date correctness by all means but only after the pc has been unable to come up with the date." (HCOB 4 Aug 63, ALL ROUTINES, E-METER ERRORS, COMM CYCLE ERROR.) The same rule would apply to using the meter on the Locate steps. TIME When dating anything you are using a system of measurement of time. There are various systems for measuring time and as time is basically a postulate or consideration there is no absolute system for measuring time. Time can be measured in terms of years ago. It can be measured by year, month and day (1918 AD, January 1st). These two systems are applicable to this planet, as the term "year" is the time it takes this planet to complete an orbit around the sun. In larger whole track dates different systems were used. The whole point is to use the system the pc is using, because the whole point of dating is to blow a past time that the pc is stuck in. And the pc will very often use the dating system of the time period he is stuck in. It doesn't matter what system of time measurement the pc uses. It is important that the auditor accepts and uses the system the pc is using and doesn't try to change it. You're first going to ask the pc, "When was it?". He may tell you in terms of "years ago" or "weeks ago." Or he may say "It was 1890" or "It was the 24th of August 1672." Or he may use an earlier track system of dating. Either way, you take it, and if he has said "High noon on May 2nd, 1912" you don't then ask "How many years ago?" as he has just told you, and your question would be altering the dating system the pc is using. YOU CAN USE ANY SYSTEM OF TIME MEASUREMENT IN DATING; THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU USE THE SYSTEM THE PC IS USING. It is remarkable that a pc can date something that happened earlier than this planet in terms of years ago. He can by some sort of mental computer, but the auditor mustn't require that the pc convert a date to some other system. And when the pc has it, the auditor doesn't then alter-is it in sequence. Found by years- months-weeks-days-hours-minutes-seconds and fractions of a second, one doesn't then call it back by day, year, month, as it tangles the pc. It is called back in the same order. WHEN CALLING BACK A DATE AS AN INDICATION, ALWAYS CALL IT BACK IN THE SAME SEQUENCE THAT THE DATE WAS FOUND OR GIVEN. IMPLANT DATES/ACTUAL DATES Implant dates usually only give small reads whereas actual dates read well. If you suspect that you are getting false dates out of an implant, you meter check "Implant date?" and you'll get a read on that question, and the false implant date will no longer read. The actual date will read well. Meter check if it is: a) a false date from an implant? b) an actual date? and the meter read will tell. DATING THE PURPOSE OF DATING IS TO GET A BLOW OF THE PAST TIME THE PC IS STUCK IN. Whether the pc gives the date, or whether the auditor has to meter date it, you must remember that all you are going for is a blow. Sometimes you will get a blow as easily as the pc saying "It was a long time ago." A blow is accompanied by a BD and F/N. So be alert when dating for a sudden or BD and F/N. And if the pc doesn't originate that it blew, ask him so you won't go on trying to date to blow, something that has already blown! Very often a date has to be dated precisely down to the fraction of a second in order to get a blow. If there is no blow on pc giving the date, or on auditor meter dating it, you then call the date back as an indication and it will blow. If it doesn't it is because there is an error in the date, or the auditor altered the date or its sequence in calling it back, or there already was a blow on dating that wasn't noticed and was overrun. Usually a pc will need help from the auditor to start with and the auditor might need to do the whole dating drill on the meter establishing the order of magnitude and every part of the date on the meter. Then the pc's ability improves and the pc starts to become more able to find dates himself. The auditor must be alert for this and accept the pc's data and never challenge, meter check or invalidate the pc's data. Sometimes the pc will blurt the whole date out at once, and the auditor must be ready to write this down accurately and call it back accurately. LOCATIONS AND DISTANCE When locating something you are using direction and a system of measurement of distance. Just as time is basically a consideration, so is distance. And there are many systems of measuring distance, both on this planet and earlier on the track. Distance can be measured in miles, kilometers, light-years, to name a few. In one whole track space opera civilization, intergalactic distances were measured in terms of how long it took a particular spaceship, called a Hylan and intergalactic distances were measured by the number of "days of Hylan spaceflight." You will probably find that the pc will tend to use the system of measurement of distance that was used at the time of the past location that he is stuck in. Just as a pc can use a sort of mental computer to convert whole track dates into "years ago," he can also mentally convert some distances into "miles." But the auditor never expects him to do so, and never asks him to. YOU CAN USE ANY SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCE IN LOCATING, THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU USE THE SYSTEM THE PC IS USING. And when you have the distance you must call it back accurately, and not alter-is it in sequence either. WHEN CALLING BACK A DISTANCE AS AN INDICATION, ALWAYS CALL IT BACK ACCURATELY, AND IN THE SAME SEQUENCE THAT IT WAS GIVEN OR FOUND. LOCATING THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING IS TO GET A BLOW OF THE PAST LOCATION THE PC IS STUCK IN. As in dating the auditor may have to help the pc with the meter but usually the pc will be able to find and give the data, and the auditor never resorts to the meter if the pc can get it. And you may get a blow on direction step alone or on the pc realizing it happened somewhere else, or "not here" or "Greece" or whatever. The auditor must be alert for the or BD and F/N and ask the pc if it blew, so as not to go on trying to get a blow of a location that has already blown! Usually if you don't get a blow on finding the direction and distance, you will get a blow on calling the location back to the pc as an indication. If not there is an error in the direction or distance or the auditor altered it in calling it back. In locating, the auditor is getting the past physical location. E.g. the auditor gets the direction, distance, what galaxy, star, planet, country, etc., pinpointing it down to the exact location in space where it happened. But these items are not taken up rotely; one uses the questions that apply. For example, if it occurred "next door" one would not ask "What planet?". Or if the pc has said it's "two years ago" when dating, in locating one doesn't then ask "What galaxy?" as, of course, it's this one. Or what star, either. If you start asking "What galaxy?" on an incident on Earth the pc is thrown backtrack. And if it happened outside a town in the open you wouldn't ask what city, house, or street or room, either. You must use the questions that apply. The pc is of course IN the auditing room. One doesn't ask where he is. And it's never "Who else was there?" or "What else is there?" as these things put the pc down the track. One does not try to run engrams at the same time one is doing the Locate step. It is simply location. Where? What? How far? Location. AND in locating, if there is no instant blow when the location is fully spotted and it seems correct, the location is called back to the pc. It usually blows when it is called back to the pc after it is known. TWO SEPARATE DRILLS There are two separate drills for dating and locating, and which is used depends upon pc ability to find and give the data. The first drill given is where the pc volunteers or gives the data. The second drill is where the auditor establishes all the data by metering. As with all processing, the pc's ability increases as you go along, and the auditor must be alert for this and change from meter dating and meter locating to accepting and taking the pc's data. It can also happen that a pc who was able to find and give the data may run into something particularly heavy and now need assistance from the auditor. The rule is: NEVER RESORT TO THE METER IF THE PC CAN FIND AND GIVE THE DATA, AND NEVER LET A PC STRUGGLE IF HE CAN'T FIND THE DATA. AND NEVER, NEVER USE THE METER TO CHALLENGE, 'CORRECT' OR INVALIDATE THE PC'S DATA. PRELIMINARY STEP Before dating and locating on a pc for the first time you must clear what you will be doing and the words and terms used, so that he understands these and knows what is expected of him. 1. Give the pc an R-Factor that you will be dating the past time of the incident (i.e. when it happened), until that blows. 2. Clear the word "blow" with the pc per the Tech Dictionary definitions No. 1 and No. 2. 3. Clear any misunderstoods the pc has on dates and dating or words used in measurement of time, or numbers (e.g. "billions," etc.). 4. Give the pc an R-Factor that you will be establishing the direction and distance in order to find the past location of the incident (i.e. where it happened), until that blows. 5. Clear the term "direction" and the concept of pointing. Clear the term "distance" and any misunderstoods the pc has on measurement of distance (e.g. miles, lightyears, etc.). 6. Let the pc know you will be getting answers from him, not the meter, unless it is necessary to help him with the meter. And that if the pc should suddenly get the date or location he should tell you. Also let the pc know that you are dating and locating to get a blow and that when a blow occurs to tell you, as the purpose of this procedure is to get the mass to blow. DATING TO BLOW/LOCATING TO BLOW PROCEDURE BY STEPS PROCEDURE ONE, PC GIVING THE DATA DATING DRILL No. 1 1. R-Factor: "We're going to date the past time when that (________) happened precisely, until the mass blows." 2. Ask the pc when it happened. (If the pc doesn't know, go to meter dating, per Dating Drill No. 2.) 3. Write down the pc's answer. 4. If not already given, have the pc give the rest of the date right on down to the fraction of a second. 5. Call the date back to the pc accurately and in the same sequence in which it was given, and it will blow. (Caution: The blow may occur earlier in the dating steps and the auditor must not go on past a blow. If you suspect a blow and pc hasn't volunteered this, ask him if it blew.) LOCATING DRILL No. 1 1. R-Factor: "We're going to find the past location where ( ) happened precisely, until the mass blows." 2. Get the pc to point to where it happened. (Points with finger in the direction to the past location.) 3. Ask the pc the distance to that location. (This is the distance from where the pc is now to that past location.) 4. If not already given have the pc give the rest of the distance right on down to fractions, until you have a precise distance. 5. Call the distance back to the pc accurately and in the same sequence in which it was given, and it will blow. NB. If the pc starts giving you the location in some other terms such as "On the corner of Times Square, New York," you would of course accept the pc's data, and not ask him to convert that into miles away, or anything else. (Caution: The blow may occur earlier in the locating steps and the auditor must not go on past the blow. Sometimes the blow will occur on asking the pc to point. Sometimes the pc while dating will also get the location and blow it too. If you suspect a blow due to a BD and F/N and the pc hasn't volunteered this, ask him if it blew . ) PROCEDURE TWO, AUDITOR FINDING THE DATA BY METERING DATING DRILL No. 2 If the pc didn't know when it happened (on step 2 of Dating Drill No. 1), you go to meter dating. 1. Establish what system of dating or time measurement this date is measured in. Such as "years ago," or by year (i.e. 1918 AD), or some entirely different system. Do not do this if you already know it is a this lifetime date, or a this planet date, as that would be robotic. 2. Establish the order of magnitude. 3. Meter date the date right on down precisely, even to fractions of a second, until you get a blow-F/N. 4. If no blow-F/N when the full date is found, call it back to the pc accurately and in the same order it was found and you should get a blow. 5. If you haven't got a blow, there is either an error in the date or some part of the date, or it is not precise enough, or it blew earlier and wasn't noticed. Meter check: Wrong date? Incompletely dated? Implant date? Some part of the date was incorrect? Already blown? and handle what reads, and you will get a blow-F/N. LOCATING DRILL No. 2 It is rare that a pc can't get the direction and distance, or otherwise pinpoint the exact past location. Should you encounter this, do the same drill as given in Locating Drill No. 1, with the auditor establishing each step by metering. 1. Get pc to point to the location to get direction. 2. Establish what system of measurement of distance (i.e. miles, or light-years, or whatever). 3. Get the distance. 4. Get any remaining increments of distance on down to fractions or decimal points. 5. Call back the distance or location as an indication, and you should get a blow- F/N. 6. If no blow there has been an error and you should meter check: Is some part of the location wrong? Wrong direction? Wrong distance? Incompletely located? Already blown? and handle what comes up, and you will get a blow-F/N. CAUTION: In Date/Locate, if it bogs and the auditor can't easily correct the error in dating or in locating, do not continue messing up the pc with wrong dates or wrong locations, as these can be very upsetting to a case. INDICATE TO THE PC THAT THERE IS AN ERROR IN DATING OR LOCATING AND END OFF FOR C/S INSTRUCTIONS . A drill that can be used in locating when applicable is given below. This must not however be done rotely when it doesn't apply. If you knew the incident occurred in the recent past or this lifetime, you would not ask "What galaxy?" as the question wouldn't make sense, and would throw the pc backtrack. Point (pc points with finger) Distance? (including increments of distance to get the exact distance) What galaxy? What star? What planet? What country? What city? What street? What house? Position on street? What room? Distance from front of house? Where in the room? How far from each wall? How far off the floor? How far from the ceiling? continuing with questions which will narrow it down to the precise location, to a blow-F/N . NOTE: The above steps, particularly, cannot be rote. Listen to the pc and work with him, realistically, to get the location spotted exactly, but do not evaluate for him in any way. If at some point on these steps the location turns out to be in the middle of the ocean or in a field, etc., the auditor uses available landmarks or reference points to get the location (i.e., distance from the nearest point of land? or, distance from the big rock?) down to a blow-F/N. If, while locating, the pc starts running the incident or gives too much "scene" the auditor has the pc point again, then continues from where he left off on the Locate steps. LIABILITY In dating and locating there is a possible source of BPC, peculiar to dating and locating. A correct date for one incident or mass can act as a wrong date for another incident or mass, as it is a wrong date for it. A correct location for one incident or mass can act as a wrong location for other incidents or masses, as it is wrong for the others. It is peculiar to dating and locating that a right date or a right location can cause BPC by also being a wrong date or wrong location for other incidents or masses. This does not always occur, but is noted here should an auditor or C/S encounter it. Manifestations of this are: a) pc getting upset inexplicably b) getting a read on both "Correct date?" and "Wrong date?" c) TA going up d) increase of mass or pressure. It will relieve on the indication that the date found is a wrong date for other incidents or masses, and on the indication that the location found is a wrong location for other incidents or masses. SUMMARY A CORRECT DATE, ESPECIALLY IF TAKEN DOWN TO SECONDS AND FRACTIONS OF A SECOND, WILL BLOW. A CORRECT LOCATION, ESPECIALLY IF TAKEN DOWN TO MINUTE INCREMENTS OF DISTANCE, WILL BLOW. Date/Locate, when done correctly, quickly and smoothly, works well and is successful. The longer it takes the more it will restimulate all sorts of other things which have nothing to do with the course of action. The Date/Locate steps must NOT be done robotically. One has to understand the mechanics of how it's done and why. The essence of Date/Locate is to bring the pc to PT by erasing the date by spotting and the location by spotting, as the pc is out of PT fixed by both date and location. If the theory is understood nobody would do it rotely. This is a highly precise action to be done smoothly with good TRs. Its results are phenomenal. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 84. HCOB 22 JUL 63 YOU CAN BE RIGHT HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1963 MA Franchise BPI YOU CAN BE RIGHT Rightness and wrongness form a common source of argument and struggle. The concept of rightness reaches very high and very low on the Tone Scale. And the effort to be right is the last conscious striving of an individual on the way out. I-am- right-and-they-are-wrong is the lowest concept that can be formulated by an unaware case. What is right and what is wrong are not necessarily definable for everyone. These vary according to existing moral codes and disciplines and, before Scientology, despite their use in law as a test of "sanity", had no basis in fact but only in opinion. In Dianetics and Scientology a more precise definition arose. And the definition became as well the true definition of an overt act. An overt act is not just injuring someone or something: an overt act is an act of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics. (See the Eight Dynamics.) Thus a wrong action is wrong to the degree that it harms the greatest number of dynamics. And a right action is right to the degree that it benefits the greatest number of dynamics. Many people think that an action is an overt simply because it is destructive. To them all destructive actions or omissions are overt acts. This is not true. For an act of commission or omission to be an overt act it must harm the greater number of dynamics. A failure to destroy can be, therefore, an overt act. Assistance to something that would harm a greater number of dynamics can also be an overt act. An overt act is something that harms broadly. A beneficial act is something that helps broadly. It can be a beneficial act to harm something that would be harmful to the greater number of dynamics. Harming everything and helping everything alike can be overt acts. Helping certain things and harming certain things alike can be beneficial acts. The idea of not harming anything and helping everything are alike rather mad. It is doubtful if you would think helping enslaves was a beneficial action and equally doubtful if you would consider the destruction of a disease an overt act. In the matter of being right or being wrong, a lot of muddy thinking can develop. There are no absolute rights or absolute wrongs. And being right does not consist of being unwilling to harm and being wrong does not consist only of not harming. There is an irrationality about "being right" which not only throws out the validity of the legal test of sanity but also explains why some people do very wrong things and insist they are doing right. The answer lies in an impulse, inborn in everyone, to try to be right. This is an insistence which rapidly becomes divorced from right action. And it is accompanied by an effort to make others wrong, as we see in hypercritical cases. A being who is apparently unconscious is still being right and making others wrong. It is the last criticism. We have seen a "defensive person" explaining away the most flagrant wrongnesses. This is "justification" as well. Most explanations of conduct, no matter how far-fetched, seem perfectly right to the person making them since he or she is only asserting self-rightness and other-wrongness. We have long said that that which is not admired tends to persist. If no one admires a person for being right, then that person's "brand of being right" will persist, no matter how mad it sounds. Scientists who are aberrated cannot seem to get many theories. They do not because they are more interested in insisting on their own odd rightnesses than they are in finding truth. Thus we get strange "scientific truths" from men who should know better, including the late Einstein. Truth is built by those who have the breadth and balance to see also where they're wrong. You have heard some very absurd arguments out among the crowd. Realize that the speaker was more interested in asserting his or her own rightness than in being right. A thetan tries to be right and fights being wrong. This is without regard to being right about something or to do actual right. It is an insistence which has no concern with a rightness of conduct. One tries to be right always, right down to the last spark. How then, is one ever wrong? It is this way: One does a wrong action, accidentally or through oversight. The wrongness of the action or inaction is then in conflict with one's necessity to be right. So one then may continue and repeat the wrong action to prove it is right. This is a fundamental of aberration. All wrong actions are the result of an error followed by an insistence on having been right. Instead of righting the error (which would involve being wrong) one insists the error was a right action and so repeats it. As a being goes down scale it is harder and harder to admit having been wrong. Nay, such an admission could well be disastrous to any remaining ability or sanity. For rightness is the stuff of which survival is made. And as one approaches the last ebb of survival one can only insist on having been right, for to believe for a moment one has been wrong is to court oblivion. The last defense of any being is "I was right". That applies to anyone. When that defense crumbles, the lights go out. So we are faced with the unlovely picture of asserted rightness in the face of flagrant wrongness. And any success in making the being realize their wrongness results in an immediate degradation, unconsciousness, or at best a loss of personality. Pavlov, Freud, psychiatry alike never grasped the delicacy of these facts and so evaluated and punished the criminal and insane into further criminality and insanity. All justice today contains in it this hidden error-that the last defense is a belief in personal rightness regardless of charges and evidence alike, and that the effort to make another wrong results only in degradation. But all this would be a hopeless impasse leading to highly chaotic social conditions were it not for one saving fact: All repeated and "incurable" wrongnesses stem from the exercise of a last defence: "trying to be right". Therefore the compulsive wrongness can be cured no matter how mad it may seem or how thoroughly its rightness is insisted upon. Getting the offender to admit his or her wrongness is to court further degradation and even unconsciousness or the destruction of a being. Therefore the purpose of punishment is defeated and punishment has minimal workability. But by getting the offender off the compulsive repetition of the wrongness, one then cures it. But how? By rehabilitating the ability to be right! This has limitless application-in training, in social skills, in marriage, in law, in life. Example: A wife is always burning dinner. Despite scolding, threats of divorce, anything, the compulsion continues. One can wipe this wrongness out by getting her to explain what is right about her cooking. This may well evoke a raging tirade in some extreme cases, but if one flattens the question, that all dies away and she happily ceases to burn dinners. Carried to classic proportions but not entirely necessary to end the compulsion, a moment in the past will be recovered when she accidentally burned a dinner and could not face up to having done a wrong action. To be right she thereafter had to burn dinners. Go into a prison and find one sane prisoner who says he did wrong. You won't find one. Only the broken wrecks will say so out of terror of being hurt. But even they don't believe they did wrong. A judge on a bench, sentencing criminals, would be given pause to realize that not one malefactor sentenced really thought he had done wrong and will never believe it in fact, though he may seek to avert wrath by saying so. The do-gooder crashes into this continually and is given his loses by it. But marriage, law and crime do not constitute all the spheres of living where this applies. These facts embrace all of life. The student who can't learn, the worker who can't work, the boss who can't boss are all caught on one side of the right-wrong question. They are being completely one-sided. They are being "last-ditch-right". And opposing them, those who would teach them are fixed on the other side "admit-you are-wrong". And out of this we get not only no-change but actual degradation where it "wins". But there are no wins in this imbalance, only loses for both. Thetans on the way down don't believe they are wrong because they don't dare believe it. And so they do not change. Many a preclear in processing is only trying to prove himself right and the auditor wrong, particularly the lower case levels, and so we sometimes get no-change sessions. And those who won't be audited at all are totally fixed on asserted rightness and are so close to gone that any question of their past rightness would, they feel, destroy them. I get my share of this when a being, close to extinction, and holding contrary views, grasps for a moment the rightness of Scientology and then in sudden defence asserts his own "rightnesses", sometimes close to terror. It would be a grave error to go on letting an abuser of Scientology abuse. The route is to get him or her to explain how right he or she is without explaining how wrong Scientology is, for to do the last is to let them commit a serious overt. "What is right about your mind" would produce more case change and win more friends than any amount of evaluation or punishment to make them wrong. You can be right. How? By getting another to explain how he or she is right-until he or she, being less defensive now, can take a less compulsive point of view. You don't have to agree with what they think. You only have to acknowledge what they say. And suddenly they can be right. A lot of things can be done by understanding and using this mechanism. It will take, however, some study of this article before it can be gracefully applied-for all of us are reactive to some degree on this subject. And those who sought to enslave us did not neglect to install a right-wrong pair of items on the far back track. But these won't really get in your way. As Scientologists, we are faced by a frightened society who think they would be wrong if we were found to be right. We need a weapon to correct this. We have one here. And you can be right, you know. I was probably the first to believe you were, mechanism or no mechanism. The road to rightness is the road to survival. And every person is somewhere on that scale. You can make yourself right, amongst other ways, by making others right enough to afford to change their minds. Then a lot more of us will arrive. L. RON HUBBARD LRH :gl.Jh.cden Copyright © 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 85. HCOB 5 SEP 78 ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 SEPTEMBER 1978 Remimeo Level IV Checksheets Class IV Auditors Supervisors C/Ses ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE Ref: HCOB 22 Jul 63 YOU CAN BE RIGHT HCOB 1 Sep 63 SCIENTOLOGY THREE CLEARING, CLEARING, CLEARING, R3SC HCOB 23 Aug 66 SERVICE FACSIMILE HCOB 30 Nov 66 ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES TAPE: 6308C27 SH SPEC 299 RIGHTNESS AND WRONGNESS TAPE: 6309C04 SH SPEC 302 HOW TO FIND A SERVICE FACSIMILE TAPE: 6309C03 SH SPEC 302A R3SC TAPE: 6309C05 SH SPEC 303 SERVICE FACSIMILE ASSESSMENT TAPE: 6309C18 SH SPEC 308 ST HILL SERVICE FAC HANDLING FACSIMILE: A mental picture unknowingly created; a copy of the physical universe environment, complete with all the perceptions, at some time in the past. SERVICE: A method of providing a person with the use of something; the action or result of giving assistance or advantage; work done; duty performed. COMPUTATION: That aberrated evaluation and postulate that one must be in a certain state in order to succeed. SERVICE FACSIMILE: THE SERVICE FACSIMILE IS THAT COMPUTATION GENERATED BY THE PRECLEAR (NOT THE BANK) TO MAKE SELF RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG: TO DOMINATE OR ESCAPE DOMINATION AND ENHANCE OWN SURVIVAL AND INJURE THAT OF OTHERS. Note that it is a computation, not a doingness, beingness or havingness. We could call this a "service computation" but we will maintain the term we have used to describe this phenomenon throughout the technology: "service facsimile." It is a computation that the pc adopted when, in an extreme situation, he felt endangered by something but could not itsa it. It is called a service facsimile because he uses it; it is "of service" to him. Aberration, anybody's aberration on any subject, has been of some use to them at some time or other. You can trace it back. It's been of some use, otherwise they wouldn't keep mocking it up. But now, if you put it up against survival standards, you'd find it very non-survival. The pc adopted this because he couldn't stand the confusion in a situation. So he adopted a safe solution. A safe solution is always adopted as a retreat from the environmental restimulation. He adopted a safe solution in that instance and he survived. His safe solution became his stable datum. He has hung onto it ever since. It is the computation, the fixed idea, he uses to handle life, his service facsimile. HOW THE SERVICE FACSIMILE BECOMES FIXED An idea is the thing most easily substituted for a thetan. An idea doesn't have any mass connected with it basically. And it appears to have some wisdom in it so it's very easily substituted for a thetan. Thus the idea, the stable datum he has adopted, is substituted for the thetan. How does this stable datum become so fixed? It gets fixed, and more and more firmly as time goes on, by the confusion it is supposed to handle but doesn't. The stable datum was adopted in lieu of inspection. The person ceased to inspect, he fell back from inspecting, he fell back from living. He put the datum there to substitute for his own observation and his own coping with life, and at that moment he started an accumulation of confusion. That which is not confronted and inspected tends to persist. Thus in the absence of his own confronting mass collects. The stable datum forbids inspection. It's an automatic solution. It's "safe." It solves everything. He no longer has to inspect to solve, so he never anises the mass. He gets caught in the middle of the mass. And it collects more and more confusion and his ability to inspect becomes less and less. The more he isn't confronting, the less he can confront. This becomes a dwindling spiral. So the thing he has adopted to handle his environment for him is the thing which reduces his ability to handle his environment. Those things which do not respond to routine auditing, that routine auditing won't change, are rooted in this mechanism. Therefore, it is important to find the idea on which he is so fixed. Pull the fixed idea and you free the individual for a broader perimeter of inspection. In service fac handling the reason you get tone arm action when the fixed idea has been pulled is that the confusion which has been amassed and dammed up for so long is now running off. RIGHT/WRONG, DOMINATE AND SURVIVE Right and wrong are the tools of survival. In order to survive you have to be right. There is a level at which true rightness is analytical, and there is a level at which rightness and wrongness cease to be analytical or comprehensible. When it drops below that point it's aberration. The point you degenerate from survive to succumb is the point you recognize you are wrong. That is the beginning of succumb. The moment one becomes worried about his own survival he enters into the necessity to dominate in order to survive. It goes: the insistence upon survival, followed by the necessity to dominate, followed then by the necessity to be right. These postulates go downhill. So you get an aberrated rightness or wrongness. The game of domination consists of making the other fellow wrong in order to be right. That is the essence of the service facsimile. The reason the service facsimile isn't rational is because you have A=A=As along the whole line. Coming down the line it works itself back and forth in an aberrated A=A=A. If the individual is surviving he must be right. And people will defend the most fantastic wrongnesses on the basis they are being right. In PT and at any point along the track, the fellow is trying to be right, trying to be right, trying to be right. Whatever he's doing he's trying to be right. In order to survive you have to be right more than you're wrong, so you get the obsession to be right in order to survive. The lie is that he can't do anything else except survive. It isn't that trying to be right is wrong-it's obsessively being right about something that's obviously wrong. That's when the individual is no longer able to select his own course of behaviour. When he is obsessively following courses of behaviour which are uninspected in order to be right. There is nothing sane about a service facsimile, there is no rationality to it. The computation does not fit the incident or event occurring. It simply enforces, exaggerates and destroys freedom of choice over the exercise of ability to be happy or powerful or normal or active. It destroys power, destroys freedom of choice. Wherever that zone or area is you'll see the individual worsening. He is on a dwindling spiral. But he himself is generating it. The intention to be right is the strongest intention in the universe. Above it you have the effort to dominate and above that you have the effort to survive. These things are strong. But we're talking here about a mental activity. A thinking activity. An intentional activity. Survival-that just happens. Domination-that just happens. Those are not intended things. But you get down along the level of intended and it's right or wrong. The strongest intention in the universe. It is always an aberrated solution. It always exists in PT and is part of the environment of the pc. He's generating it. It's his solution. Overwhelmed as he is by it, he is still generating it. It's aberrated because it's an uninspected solution. And it is something that everyone unintentionally or otherwise is telling the pc is wrong and causing him to assert that it is right. The perfect solution when he first got hold of it. But now it monitors his life; it's living his life for him. And it doesn't even vaguely begin to take care of his life. That is the anatomy of the service facsimile. You are going to find these on any pc you audit. A service facsimile is the clue, the key to a pc's case. The route to succumb which he blindly asserts is his route to survival. And every pc has more than one of these. Fortunately, we have the tech to salvage him. We are the only ones who do. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 86. HCOB 30 NOV 66 ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 NOVEMBER 1966 Tech Hats Auditors Level IV Students ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES The location of service facsimiles requires a proper listing question, the absence of which can lead to missing the actual service fac or overrunning a lower release grade. Of the assessment methods, the following should probably be ruled out as an overrun of earlier grades or on the basis of getting a free needle on a previous grade: 1. Slow assessment with ITSA (overrun Grade 0) 2. Assessment by problems (overrun Grade 1) 3. Assessment by parts of existence (overrun Grade 0) This leaves as acceptable methods: 1. "In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?" 2. "In this lifetime, what do you think your service facsimile is?" (for a Scientologist trained to Level IV) 3. "In this lifetime, what would be a safe solution to ....?" (the blank having been obtained by questions given on the tapes to find either a hidden standard or hidden problem). 4. Assessment of a prepared list, using level found, in "In this lifetime, what have you .....(prehav level)?" The point being not to start out at the beginning by listing a question which OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT RESULT IN FINDING A SERVICE FAC, in which instance the rule of declaring the grade on a floating needle obtained on the list could not possibly apply. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright © 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 87. HCOB 6 SEP 78 R3 SC - A FULL SERV FAC HANDLING UPDATED WITH NED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1978 Issue III Remimeo Level IV Checksheets Class IV Auditors Supervisors C/Ses URGENT-IMPORTANT ROUTINE THREE SC - A FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING UPDATED WITH NEW ERA DIANETICS Ref: HCOB 22 Jul 63 YOU CAN BE RIGHT HCOB I Sep 63 SCIENTOLOGY THREE CLEARING, CLEARING, CLEARING, R3 SC HCOB 23 Aug 66 SERVICE FACSIMILE HCOB 30 Nov 66 ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES TAPE: 6309C04 SH SPEC 302 HOW TO FIND A SERVICE FACSIMILE TAPE: 6309C05 SH SPEC 303 SERVICE FACSIMILE ASSESSMENT TAPE: 6308C28 SH SPEC 300 THE TA AND SERVICE FAC TAPE: 6309C12 SH SPEC 305 SERVICE FACS HCOB 26 Jun 78 11 NED Series 6 ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HCOB 18 Jun 78 NED Series 4 ASSESSMENT AND HOW TO GET THE ITEM HCOB 5 Sep 78 ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE HCOB 6 Sep 78 11 SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS ________ NOTE: Dianetic Clears may be run on service facs but only with any Dianetics steps deleted, as they are not to be run on Dianetics. ________ We are into a new echelon of service facsimile running. At Saint Hill in the mid-60s many, many service facs were found on each pc and the earliest service fac running included the use of Dianetics. This was later omitted from service fac procedure and service facs were handled solely with Scientology tech by running off the automaticities on the computation to cognition, F/N and VGIs in the pc. Phenomenal gains and case changes were made on pcs with that tech alone-all of them valid. That tech has been retained as a vital action to service fac handling. Now, with the advent of New Era Dianetics, service fac handling has been restored to its full technology. New Era Dianetics has opened the door to a more complete and finite handling of a service fac, with precision and exactness, than we have had heretofore. We no longer just find a service fac, audit off the automaticities, key it out and forget it. We audit it out fully and terminatedly, using New Era Dianetics to take it down to its basics and erase those. This in no way contradicts the fact that there were many pcs who, with a service fac found and the automaticities taken off, were able to actually then blow the service fac computation upon inspection. What it does make possible is the actual erasure of a service fac and its residuals on every pc, one for one. And not just one service facsimile per pc, but many. An auditor who has been trained on service fac running prior to this bulletin will need the tech he already has plus an excellent command of New Era Dianetics tech. If he has not done the New Era Dianetics Course it will be required before attempting to run Routine 3SC-A. A Class IV auditor who has already done the New Era Dianetics Course need only review it in order to be able to handle all the steps of the new, full service fac procedure. SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING REVISED BY STEPS Before you can run flows on a service facsimile you must first find it. You want the pc's service facsimile. You don't find a service facsimile by listing for it on flows. You find the pc's service facsimile and run it on the flows. The sequence is: You list for the pc's service fac, find it, run the automaticities off it; then you run the service fac itself on R3RA, engram running by chains. It is run to basic and full Dianetic end phenomena. You don't leave a service fac until you have taken it apart and blown it at its very roots. Then you list for another service fac, using a different listing question, and handle it fully. And another, and another. A pc can have many, many service facsimiles. You peel them off until you find the main service fac at the core of the case. And you handle that one fully, as you do the others, per the steps above. Needless to say, you are going to see some remarkable results. FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY STEPS: 0a. Put in the R (Reality) Factor with the pc, telling him briefly what is going to be done in the session. 0b. Clear "computation" very thoroughly with the pc. Use the Tech Dictionary, HCOB 23 Aug 66, SERVICE FACSIMILE, and any other reference you feel the pc may need. Have him demo it until you are certain he fully understands it. 0c. Clear the bracket commands (right/wrong, dominate, survival)first, using "Birds fly" as a sample service facsimile. Clearing the bracket commands is done at this point so you will be able to use these questions immediately when the service fac is found without putting stops on the pc's first rush of automaticities coming off. 0d. Then, clear the listing question. STEPS OF THE PROCEDURE: A. List and null for the pc's service fac, using the question: "In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?" You want a BD F/N item that is a computation (not a doingness, beingness or havingness). When you get it, indicate the item. Then indicate the F/N. Then, despite the BD F/N, go on to the next step of the handling. B. Run the service fac found in 1 on the brackets: 1. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make you right? 2. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make others wrong? 3. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you escape domination? 4. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you to dominate others? 5. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) aid your survival? 6. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) hinder the survival of others? These are run as follows: Give the pc the first question, "In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make you right?" and let him run with it. He will have a rush of answers, answers coming too fast to be said easily, at this stage. Don't repeat the question unless the pc needs it. Just let him answer 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (he may give you as many as 50 answers) until he comes to a cognition or runs out of answers or inadvertently answers Question 2. Then switch to Question 2: "In this lifetime how would (service fac) make others wrong?" Treat this the same way, i.e. let him answer 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 until he cognites or runs out of answers or starts to answer Question 1. Then switch back to Question 1, same handling, back to Question 2, same handling, as long as pc has answers coming easily. Upon cognition and F/N, acknowledge, indicate the F/N and end off on 1 and 2. Now give him Question 3: "In this lifetime how would (service fac) help you escape domination?" and let it run by the same method as above. When this seems cooled off, use Question 4: "In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you to dominate others?" Use Questions 3 and 4 as above, as long as pc has answers coming easily. Upon cognition and F/N, acknowledge, indicate the F/N and go on to the next bracket. Using the same method as above, give him Question 5: "In this lifetime, how would (service fac) aid your survival?" When he's run out on 5-5-5-5-5-5, switch to Question 6: "In this lifetime, how would (service fac) hinder the survival of others?" Use Questions 5 and 6 as above as long as pc has answers coming easily. Let him get off all the automaticities and come to a cognition and F/N. Acknowledge and indicate the F/N. At this point it is safe to end off on running the brackets. The idea is not to beat the process to death. The pc will have automaticities coming off thick and fast early in the run. These must be gone and the pc bright, F/Ning and VGIs when you end off. You are only trying to end the compulsive character of the service facsimile found and get it off automatic and get the pc to see it better at this stage, not to bleed the process of every bit of TA action. Running the service fac in the brackets will result in a major cognition, which could occur at any point during this running. When it does occur it is the EP of this step of the service fac handling. End off and go onto the R3RA step. NOTE: In running a Dianetic Clear on service facs, you would end off running this service fac at this point, when the pc had reached a good cognition, F/N and VGIs. Do NOT run the Dianetic actions of service fac handling on a Dianetic Clear, as these pcs are not to be run on Dianetics. When you have completed one service fac on Steps A and B. you can then list for another service fac and repeat the procedure. (NOTE: If the service fac found on any pc did not run on the brackets, it would need to be prepchecked. See sections "When Running Off The Automaticity" and "When To Prepcheck" below.) C. Run the service fac R3RA Quad, each flow to EP. It is not run narrative and it is not preassessed; otherwise full New Era Dianetics tech is used, per HCOB 26 June 78R II, New Era Dianetics Series 6, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS. The service fac phrase itself is used as the running item. The commands for running a service fac on R3RA Quad Flows are: FLOW 1: "Locate a time when you used (service fac)." (Example: "Locate a time when you used all horses sleep in beds. ") FLOW 2: "Locate an incident of your causing another to use (service fac)." FLOW 3: "Locate an incident of others causing others to use (service fac)." FLOW 0: "Locate an incident of you causing yourself to use (service fac)." Take each flow down its chain of incidents to the basic and full Dianetic EP: F/N, postulate (postulate off = erasure), and VGIs. That will be the end of all vestiges of that service fac. D. List for another service fac on the pc, using the listing question: "In this lifetime, what do you use to dominate others?" When you have the service fac, repeat Steps B and C above. E. Find another service fac on the pc with the listing question: "In this lifetime, what do you use to aid your own survival?" Handle the service fac per Steps B and C above. F. Continue to find and handle service facs on the pc, using, in order, the following listing questions: 1. "In this lifetime, what do you use to make yourself right?" 2. "In this lifetime, what do you use to escape domination?" 3. "In this lifetime, what do you use to hinder the survival of others?" Further listing questions which can be used are given on HCOB 30 Nov 66, ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES. You will need to find and handle several service facsimiles on the pc which will then add up to the big one. WHEN LISTING FOR THE SERVICE FACSIMILE You are listing for a BD F/N item. Write down each computation the pc gives you exactly as he states it, VERBATIM, with its read, no matter how improbable, non sequitur or inane it may sound. The service fac operates like a magnet as you're listing. You've given the pc the question and as the question is in the vicinity of the service fac you've already ticked it. It draws the pc's attention to it. He's listing along and suddenly he'll put a non sequitur item on the list. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't even answer the question, but there it is. Because his attention is being pulled to this inevitably. You're asking him for answers and he gives you the rightest answer he knows-"People always jump off the Empire State Building." That's the solution. That solves everything. It blows the TA down. That's the service fac. Indicate the item to the pc; then indicate the F/N. You're now ready to run it in the brackets. WHEN RUNNING OFF THE AUTOMATICITY If you've found a service fac the pc won't be able to stay out of it, I guarantee you. The first question is always how would it make him right. (Never how would it make him wrong. Never, never, never.) The automaticities should start with the first question. If not, ask him how it would make others wrong. You almost always enter it at the level of right/wrong. But don't make the blunder of thinking it can't be a service fac if it doesn't enter at that level. Try it on the other levels. It can enter at the level of dominate; it might enter at the level of survival. But if-on one of those-the pc doesn't immediately jump in and swim into the whirlpool, it's not it. If he tells you, "Well, let's see . . . make me right, no, hmmmm...." or "... escape domination ... no, doesn't make sense," that's not it. If he says that isn't it, then that isn't it. Don't hang him with a wrong service fac because it's too easy to find a right one. They abound. If he hasn't jumped in and swum madly to the center of the whirlpool and gotten embroiled in this thing, it's not it. Because that's the first thing they want to do with a service fac-drown. When you have the right one you'll get the automaticities coming off thick and fast. Don't stop the avalanche with acknowledgements. Don't stop it with a new question. Let it run out. It's not one auditing question for one answer. It's one auditing question for one waterfall. WHEN TO PREPCHECK When the item found as a service fac won't run on any of the brackets you prepcheck it to EP (F/N, cog, VGIs). Ref: HCOB 14 March 71R, F/N EVERYTHING. A rightness/wrongness computation doesn't surrender to normal auditing because it is a service fac. The pc has a vested interest in holding onto it. He won't be able to itsa it on a Prepcheck. Thus, a service fac, if present, will turn on mass on a Prepcheck. The Prepcheck is a series of types of decisions thetans make about things. So if it doesn't prepcheck the Prepcheck must be in conflict with the rightness and wrongness. Reversely, if it's not a service fac it will prepcheck, and you polish it off by that method to EP. Then go back to the list and find a service fac that will run. COMPLETING SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING WITH R3RA Even when the pc has gotten off the automaticities, has cognited and is comparatively free of the compulsive character of the service facsimile, there is more to be handled. Running the service fac using R3RA enables him to run out what he has done with it to make others wrong, etc. These will be the actual most charged incidents in which he's used it, which will have accumulated in his wake as he went along substituting the service fac for himself and never inspecting the consequences. He will now be free to inspect those parts of the track as himself, and to inspect as well the effects of the service fac on the other flows. Finally, the use of R3RA, engram running by chains, enables him to fully erase the somatics and engram chains which have their roots in the service fac, or vice versa -as well as the postulates underlying them. ENDING SERVICE FAC RUNNING Service fac running can be ended off when you have fully run many service facs (which will lead to the main service fac). When the main service fac has been run to full EP, service fac handling is complete. NOTE: It might happen (rarely) that you get the main service fac on the pc on your first listing and nulling. It will be rare because the main one does not usually come to view until the others have been taken off. You run it, of course. Any service fac, run, produces change, but on this one you will see the pc changing character before your eyes. The results are quite astounding. But realize that he does have other, lesser service facs which do not simply dissolve because the main core service fac is now gone, even though they have been leaning upon it. You will need to L&N for these and completely clean the pc of service facs. The main core service facsimile will be the one the pc has used as a solution to all of life. When found and run it will be unmistakable to both the pc and the auditor. When this one has been completed on all the steps above, as well as the lesser service facs surrounding it, you will have attained the EP on service fac running. You will have brought about a complete character change in the individual, returned his freedom of choice and his freedom to inspect and enabled him to be truly right. And that is the stuff of which sanity is made. This level is actually the sanity level. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 88. HCOB 6 SEP 78 SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1978 Issue II Remimeo Level IV Checksheets Class IV Auditors Supervisors C/Ses SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS Reference: HCOB 5 Sep 78 Anatomy Of A Service Facsimile HCOB 1 Sep 63 Scientology Three Clearing, Clearing, Clearing, R3 SC HCOB 6 Sep 78 Urgent, Important, R3 Issue III SC-A, Full Ser Fac Handling TAPE: 6308C27 SH SPEC 299 Rightness & Wrongness TAPE: 6309C04 SH SPEC 302 How To Find a Service Facsimile TAPE: 6309C03 SH SPEC 302A R3SC TAPE: 6309C05 SH SPEC 303 Service Facsimile Assessment TAPE: 6309C18 SH SPEC 308 St. Hill Service Fac Handling HCOB 3 Sep 78 Definition Of A Rock Slam HCOB 10 Aug 76R R/Ses, What They Mean __________ A service facsimile is a brother to R/Ses and evil intentions. This is easily seen when one understands the anatomy of the service fac and the right/wrong, dominate and survive computations that enter into it. And when one understands that an R/S always means a hidden, evil intention and that the total reason for an R/S is to make wrong. In order to get someone to succumb they have to be wrong. Way back up there the idea preceding the service fac was right, really right. Then it came down a bit and was a method of survival and then it was a method of dominating and then it was a method of being right in order to make others wrong. And in that contest one got enough overts so that the communication line took a switcheroo. What was right about it is now wrong about it and what was once wrong is now right. A=A=A enters into the situation where rightness becomes wrongness. All of his overts get piled up on one of these fixed ideas, or what we call a service facsimile. It isn't actually a facsimile at all. It's the guy himself keeping facsimiles in restimulation because he "knows" what's best. The person himself is generating the fixed idea; it is not the bank. It isn't what aberration the individual is dramatizing. It's what aberration does the individual dredge up in order to make somebody wrong. It isn't the accidental thing you think it is. It's intended. The intention is to be right and make others wrong, to dominate others and escape domination oneself, to aid own survival and hinder the survival of others. That is the service fac-blood brother to the hidden, evil intention that is behind the rock slam. This does not mean you will necessarily see R/Ses on every service fac you run. It does mean that WHERE A PC IS R/SING IN AN AREA YOU HAVE AN AREA OF A HEAVY, A SEVERE, SERVICE FAC. Know when you see an R/S that the individual is in the grip of an evil intention which he himself is generating. He intends that area or subject on which he is R/Sing nothing but harm. Calculatingly, covertly, he will go to great lengths to carry his intentions out, at all times carefully concealing the fact. The evil intention is not limited to terminals. He's not R/Sing on a terminal; he's R/Sing on the evil intention. The evil intention can associate with many terminals. The R/S dominates the individual; it is the person. He has been overwhelmed by it. In that area he has no ability to reason; he has no freedom to choose. The evil intention is substituted for livingness. It is his safe solution to life, his service facsimile. The service fac does not respond to ordinary auditing because in the course of ordinary auditing it does not get inspected. It, by its nature, forbids inspection. But when addressed at the right/wrong level the pc gives it up easily because in that area he has no power of choice. MORE THAN ONE SERVICE FAC PER PC We have had, for many years, service fac processing with which to handle these obsessions, and thus to handle the person who R/Ses. But it is not just finding one service facsimile. You find many service facs which then add up to the big one. At Saint Hill in the mid-60s this was commonly associated with R/Ses. It was what the pc had done with the service fac to make others wrong which was important, not just finding it. Early on, the tech included auditing them out with Dianetics. And you found many, many more than one on each pc. We used to get complete character changes with this. The full tech on this has been submerged over the past several years. It is probably this omission of requiring several service facs to be run and then auditing them out with Dianetics that has resulted in so many R/Sers going on up undetected. As of this writing the full tech has been exhumed and we have now New Era Dianetics tech to help strip these packages down and take them apart at their basics. So we not only have a more thorough means of handling service facs than ever before- we also have a more reliable route to the handling of an R/Ser. BUT IT'S MORE THAN ONE SERVICE FAC PER PC. You may audit off one, two or three apparent service facsimiles that all answer up to the complete description of a service fac. And they will run. But all are actually leaning on the central service fac that is in restimulation in PT. As you take these lesser service facs off the central one comes to view. On the first ones you find, the most you can hope for is you found something that blew the TA down and moved you closer to finding the main service fac. So you take them. If you've found a service fac the needle will be looser and the TA in reasonable range. And it will run on the right/wrong, etc. brackets and the pc will get off automaticities. When you've finally found several and walked it all the way through to the service fac it's as if all the other service facs you've been peeling off are like the bands of trees and sod that lie up against the mountain peak. So you take the service facsimiles and run them as you find them. You unburden the cliffs before you pull the mountain out by the roots. As you're running out the first service facs you're reversing the dwindling spiral, you're restoring the individual's ability to handle his environment because he's now seeing it, he's now beginning to confront it. And by the time you've pulled the main one-the mountain-out by its roots you've returned him to sanity. He is now able to inspect; he no longer needs a "safe solution." It is the most dangerous thing in the world to have a safe solution, because that is the hole out of which sanity drains. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mf Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 89. HCOB 7 JUL 64 JUSTIFICATIONS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 JULY 1964 Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students SCIENTOLOGY III & IV JUSTIFICATIONS The reasons overts are overts to people is JUSTIFICATIONS. If you ask a pc what overt he has committed, and then ask him why it wasn't an overt, you will find that it wasn't an overt and therefore didn't relieve as an answer because it was all justified. One of the powerful new overt processes (as given by me on recent tapes) is: 1. In this lifetime what overt have you committed? 2. How have you justified it? 2. is run flat until the overt given in 1. is knocked out. Then a new overt is found and 2. is done thoroughly and repetitively on it. This is not a new form of process but these are very new commands. Note it is not an alternate command. Note that a cycle of action is completed with question 2. or 1. before you leave off processing this particular overt. Only when you have all the justifications and cognitions possible on 1. do you ask for a new overt from the pc. This cracks the general irresponsibility the auditor is met with in trying to get O/W to benefit the irresponsible case. "In this lifetime" is added because the pc who can't face his overts not only justifies them but goes way back into his past lives to find overts instead of getting off the simple this lifetime ones. This is not the same process as plain "What have you done?" in which any action done by the pc is accepted as the answer. However in simple general O/W you will find the pc is not answering the auditing question but is answering "What have I done that caused my trouble?" The pc is running "What action that I have done explains what has happened to me? " Therefore running justifications off is a further south process than any earlier version of O/W and is very effective in raising the Cause Level of the pc. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:nb.rd Copyright ©1964 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 90. HCOPL 1 JUL 65 ETHICS CHITS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 1 JULY 1965 Remimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Ethics Hats Executive Hats TECH DIVISION QUAL DIVISION ETHICS CHITS This is a VERY important policy. When it is neglected the org will soon experience a technical dropped statistic and lose income and personnel. The most attacked area of an org is its Tech and Qual personnel as these produce the effective results which make Scientology seem deadly to Suppressives. The Suppressive is TERRIFIED of anyone getting better or more powerful as he is dramatizing some long gone (but to him it is right now) combat or vengeance. He or she confuses the old enemies with anyone about and looks on anyone who tries to help as an insidious villain who will strengthen these "enemies". Thus Tech and Qual personnel are peculiarly liable to covert, off line, off policy annoyances which in time turn them into PTSs. Their cases will Roller Coaster and they begin to go off line, off policy and off origin (see Dev-T Pol Ltrs) themselves. This results in a technical break down and an apparency of busyness in these divisions which does not in fact produce anything, being Dev-T. The policy then is: NO TECH OR QUAL PERSONNEL MAY OMIT GIVING ETHICS CHITS TO ETHICS ON ANY INCIDENT OR ACTION COVERED IN THE DEV-T POLICY LETTERS OR WHICH INDICATE SP OR PTS ACTIVITY. This means they may not "be decent about it" or "reasonable" and so refrain. This means they must know their Ethics and Dev-T Pol Ltrs. This means they may not themselves act like Ethics Officers or steal the Ethics hat. It means that they must chit students who bring a body and ask for unusual solutions; they must chit all discourteous conduct; they must chit all Roller Coaster cases; they must chit all Suppressive actions observed; they must chit snide comments; they must chit alter-is and entheta, they must chit derogatory remarks; they must chit all Dev-T. Anything in violation of Ethics or Dev-T Pol Ltrs must be reported. Ethics will find then that only two or three people in those areas are causing all the upset. This fact routinely stuns Tech and Qual personnel when it is called to their attention-that only two or three are making their lives miserable. Ethics, seeing tech statistics drop, must investigate all this and WHEN ETHICS FINDS the Qual and Tech personnel have not been handing in Ethics chits, the Ethics Officer must report them to the HCO Exec Sec for disciplinary action. NON ENTURBULATION ORDER What to do with the 2 or 3 students or pcs causing trouble? Ethics issues a Non Enturbulation Order. This states that those named in it (the SPs and PTSs who are students or preclears) are forbidden to enturbulate others and if one more report is received of their enturbulating anyone, an SP order will be issued forthwith. This will hold them in line until tech can be gotten in on them and takes them off the back of Tech and Qual personnel. NOT THEORETICAL This is not a theoretical situation or policy. It is issued directly after seeing tech results go down, Tech and Qual cases Roller Coaster and results drop. Ethics found that the entire situation came about through no chits from Tech and Qual personnel about troublesome people which resulted in no restraint and a collapse of Divisions 4 and 5 Comm lines and results. When Tech and Qual personnel try to take the law into their own hands, or ignore issuing Ethics chits, chaos results, not case gains. Keep Tech Results UP. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.cden Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 91. HCOB 8 NOV 65 SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Tech Personnel Tech Div Qual Personnel Qual Div SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDS If you find a Suppressive on a case you will also find a chronic problem. A problem is postulate-counter-postulate. When a person is faced with suppression he is facing a counter-postulate. A hidden standard is a problem a person thinks must be resolved before auditing can be seen to have worked. It's a standard by which to judge Scientology or auditing or the auditor. This hidden standard is always an old problem of long duration. It is a postulate-counter-postulate situation-the source of the counter-postulate was suppressive to the pc. Therefore you can always find a Suppressive by finding a pc's hidden standard and following it back to when it began. You will find there a Suppressive to the pc. Similarly if you trace back the persons and groups who have been suppressive of the pc you will find a hidden standard popping into view. The datum is-a case that betters then worsens (a "Roller Coaster Case" or a "Roller Coaster") is always connected to a suppressive person. The Roller Coaster is caused by the hidden standard going into action. "My eyesight didn't get better." Locate a present time Suppressive on the case and trace that suppressive back to others earlier and you suddenly see the pc brighten up and (apparently for no reason) state his eyesight suddenly improved. A case that betters and worsens (a Roller Coaster) is always connected to a suppressive person and will not get steady gain until the Suppressive is found on the case or the basic suppressive person earlier. Because the case doesn't get well he or she is a Potential Trouble Source. To us, to others, to himself. You can't successfully audit that pc because there is a hidden standard. It makes the pc think he is no better. Suppressives also suppress the pc just like that so long as a hidden standard is present. Find the Suppressive, make the pc handle or disconnect. Then audit the pc up to Problems Release by getting rid of the hidden standard and the basic suppressive. Never audit a pc who is a Potential Trouble Source other than on the infallible, never varied datum, a Roller Coaster is always a PTS connected to an SP. Note also that a person going clear is now a thetan with a new view of life and has new hidden standards (requiring the location of suppressives) which he had no reality on as a Man or later as a Release. L. RON HUBBARD LRH :ml.cden Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED **************