CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 2/16 11. HCOB 15 MAY 63 THE TIME TRACK 1 ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 MAY AD13 Central Orgs Franchise THE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 1 It has been so many years since engram running was a familiar tool of the auditor that it is hard to know where to begin to teach this skill all over again. Actually, millions of words have been written or spoken on the subject of running engrams. However, oddly enough there was not one condensed, summary HCO Bulletin on the subject. Engram running, developed, was never then summated. I will therefore attempt to remedy the matter. ENGRAM RUNNING SIMPLIFIED No recapitulation or summation of materials was ever done on engram running. Therefore while all lectures and books on it are true, not one contains a final survey of engram running including everything vital to this skill and the laws which govern it. The material in books and tapes should be reviewed. But the material in these HCO Bulletins should be learned thoroughly as it takes precedence over all earlier material. WHY PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE RUNNING ENGRAMS I have gotten very impatient with the constant plea for a rote set of commands to run engrams. The need for such commands is a testimony to the Auditor's lack of knowledge of the mechanics of the Time Track and the pc's behavior during an engram running session. An auditor must know the basic laws and mechanics of the Time Track in order to run engrams. There is no rote procedure and never will be that will be successful on all cases in absence of a knowledge of what a Time Track is. There is no substitute for knowing what engrams are and what they do. Knowing that, you can run engrams. Not knowing that, there is nothing that will take the place of such knowledge. You have to know the behavior of and data about engrams. There is no royal road that avoids such knowledge. If you know all about engrams you can run them. If you don't, you'll make a mess regardless of the commands given for use. Therefore the essence of engram running is a knowledge of the character and behavior of engrams. This is not a vast subject. However, these three things stand in the way of learning about engrams: 1. Engrams contain pain and unconsciousness; fear of pain or inflicting pain causes the auditor not to confront the pc's engrams and unconsciousness is after all a not knowing condition; and 2. The auditor is so accustomed to projectionists reeling off movies and TV programs for him or her that the auditor tends to just sit while the action rolls forward, acting like a spectator, not the projectionist. 3. Failure to handle Time in Incidents. On (1) you can remedy this just by knowing about it and realizing it and surmounting it, and on (2) you can remedy the attitude by realizing that the auditor, not the pc (or some installed movie projectionist), is operating the pc's bank. (3) is covered later. Take a pocket movie projector and any bit of a reel of film and wind it back and forth for a while and you'll see you are moving it. Then give a command and move the film and you'll have what you're doing as an auditor. Many drills can be developed using such equipment and (2) will be overcome. (1) requires just understanding and the will to rise superior to it. THE TIME TRACK The endless record, called the TIME TRACK, complete with 52 perceptions, of the pc's entire past, is available to the auditor and his or her auditing commands. The rules are: THE TIME TRACK OBEYS THE AUDITOR; THE TIME TRACK DOES NOT OBEY A PRECLEAR (early in auditing). The Time Track is a very accurate record of the pc's past, very accurately timed, very obedient to the auditor. If motion picture film were 3D, had 52 perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the Time Track could be called a motion picture film. It is at least 350,000,000,000,000 years long, probably much longer, with a scene about every 1/25 of a second. DEFINITIONS That part of the Time Track that is free of pain and misadventure is called simply the Free Track, in that the pc doesn't freeze up on it. Any mental picture that is unknowingly created and part of the Time Track is called a FACSIMILE, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. Any knowingly created mental picture that is not part of a Time Track is called a MOCK-UP. Any unknowingly created mental picture that appears to have been a record of the physical universe but is in fact only an altered copy of the Time Track is called a DUB-IN. Those parts of the Time Track that contain moments of pain and unconsciousness are called ENGRAMS. Those parts of the Time Track which contain misemotion based on earlier engramic experience are called SECONDARIES. Those parts of the Time Track which contain the first moment an earlier engram is restimulated are called KEY-INS. Those parts of the Time Track which contain moments the pc associates with Key-ins are called LOCKS. A series of similar engrams, or of similar locks, are called CHAINS. A BASIC is the first incident (engram, lock, overt act) on any chain. BASIC BASIC is the first engram on the whole Time Track. Incidents are not in piles or files. They are simply a part of the consecutive Time Track. By INCIDENT is meant the recording of an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location or people, understood to take place in a short and finite time period such as minutes or hours or days. A CHAIN OF INCIDENTS makes up a whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a long time period, weeks, months, years or even billions or trillions of years. An incident can be an engram, secondary, key-in or lock. A chain of incidents can therefore be a chain of experiences which are engrams, secondaries, key-ins and locks. A chain of incidents has only one BASIC. Its BASIC is the earliest engram received from or overt act committed against the subject, location or beings which make it a chain. THE INFLUENCE OF THE TIME TRACK Shakespeare said all life was a play. He was right in so far as the Time Track is a 3D, 52 perception movie which is a whole series of plays concerning the preclear. But the influence of it upon the preclear removes it from the class of pretense and play. It is not only very real, it is what contains whatever it is that depresses the pc to what he is today. Its savageness relieved, the preclear can recover, and only then. There is no other valid workable road. There are valences, circuits and machinery in the reactive mind, as well as Reliable Items and Goals. But these all have their place on the Time Track and are part of the Time Track. The preclear, as a thetan, is the effect of all this recorded experience. Almost all of it is unknown to him. There are no other influencing agencies for the preclear than the Time Track and Present Time. And Present Time, a moment later, is part of the Time Track. THE CREATION OF THE TIME TRACK The preclear makes the Time Track as time rolls forward. He does this as an obsessive create on a sub-awareness level. It is done by an INVOLUNTARY INTENTION, not under the pc's awareness or control. The road to clear by making the preclear take over the creating of the Time Track was long explored and proved completely valueless and chancy. The road to clear by making the preclear leave the Time Track (exteriorization) lasts only for minutes, hours or days and has proven valueless. The road to clear, proven over 13 years of intense research and vast numbers of auditing hours and cases, lies only in an auditor handling the Time Track and removing from it, by means governed by the Auditor's Code, the material, both motivators and overts, which, recorded on it, is out of the control of the pc and holds the pc at effect. Listing for goals and reliable items, engram running, Prepchecking, Sec Checking, recall processes and assists all handle the Time Track successfully and are therefore the basis of all modern processing. APPARENT FAULTS IN THE TIME TRACK There are no faults in the recording of the Time Track. There are only snarls caused by groupers, and unavailability and lack of perception of the Time Track. A Grouper is anything which pulls the Time Track into a bunch at one or more points. When the grouper is gone the Time Track is perceived to be straight. Unavailability is caused by the pc's inability to confront or BOUNCERS and DENYERS. A BOUNCER throws the pc backward, forward, up or down from the track and so makes it apparently unavailable. A DENYER obscures a part of track by implying it is not there or elsewhere (a mis-director) or should not be viewed. Groupers, bouncers and denyers are material (matter, energy, space and time in the form of effort, force, mass, delusion, etc) or command phrases (statements that group, bounce or deny). When a grouper, bouncer or denyer are enforced by both material and command phrases they become most effective, making the Time Track unavailable to the pc. Unless the Time Track is made available it cannot be as-ised by the pc and so remains aberrative. The Time Track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space and time as well as thought. Those who cannot confront Mest think it is composed only of thought. A grouper can make a pc fat and a bouncer thin if the pc is chronically stuck in them or if the track is grouped or made unavailable through bad auditing. THE ORIGIN OF THE TIME TRACK Through a great deal of study, not entirely complete, the following surmises can be made about the Time Track, the physical universe and the pc. The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and solidification. At least this is the effect produced on the thetan. Continued dwelling in it without rehabilitation causes the thetan to become less reaching ("smaller") and more solid. A thetan, being a static, may become convinced he cannot duplicate matter, energy, space, or time or certain intentions and so succumbs to the influence of this universe. This influence in itself would be negligible unless recorded by the thetan, stored and made reactive upon the thetan as a Time Track, and then maliciously used to trap the thetan. Recent researches I have done in the field of aesthetics tend to indicate that rhythm is the source of present time. The thetan is carried along both by his own desire to have, do or be and by having been overwhelmed in the distant past by a continuous minute rhythm. This is a possible explanation of a thetan's continuous presence in Present Time. Present Time, then, can be defined as a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness. In response to this rhythm, undoubtedly assisted by overts and implants and convictions of the need of recording, the thetan began to respond to the physical universe in his creations and eventually obsessively created (by means of restimulatable involuntary intentions) the passing moments of the physical universe. But only when he began to consider these pictures important could they be used to aberrate him. These are only partly permanently created. Other moments of the past become re-created only when the thetan's intention is directed to them, on which these parts spontaneously appear, the thetan not voluntarily creating them. This forms the Time Track. Some parts of it, then, are "permanently" in a state of creation and the majority of it becoming created when the thetan's attention is directed to them. The "permanently created" portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the thetan's own will and awareness. Such parts are found in implants and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation. The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains "timeless" . Such phenomena as the overt act-motivator sequence, the problem (postulate counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the Time Track in "permanent creation" and cause them to continue to exist in present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances. The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a thetan solid, immobile and decisionless. The fight of the thetan is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision. This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and it itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap. The mechanism of the Time Track can then be said to be the primary action in making a thetan solid, immobile and decisionless. For without a record of the past accumulating and forming a gradient of solidification of the thetan, the entrapment potential of the physical universe would be negligible and the havingness which it offers might be quite therapeutic. It probably requires more than just living in the physical universe to become aberrated. The main method of causing aberration and entrapment is therefore found in actions which create or confuse the Time Track. A thetan has things beyond Matter, Energy, Space and Time which can deteriorate. His power of choice, his ability to keep two locations separate, his belief in self and his ethical standards are independent of material things. But these can be recorded in the Time Track as well and one sees them recover when no longer influenced by the Time Track. As the thetan himself makes his own Time Track, even if under compulsion, and commits his own overts, even on provocation, it can be said, then, that the thetan aberrates himself. But he is assisted by mammoth betrayals and his necessity to combat them. And he is guilty of aberrating his fellows. It is doubtful if another type of being built the physical universe and still lurks within it to trap further. But older beings, already degraded, have continuously been about to help newer beings to go downhill. Each Thetan had his own "Home Universe" and these colliding or made to collide, probably are the physical universe. But of this origin and these intentions we are not at this time certain. It is enough for us to resolve the problem of the aberrative nature of this universe and provide a technology which assuages that aberration and keeps one abreast of it. This is practical and we can already do it. Further insight into the problem will be a further bonus. And further data is already in view. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: dr.rd Copyright © 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 12. HCOB 8 JUN 63 THE TIME TRACK 2 HANDLING THE TIME TRACK HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 JUNE AD13 Central Orgs Franchise THE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 2 HANDLING THE TIME TRACK Although finding and curtailing the development of the Time Track at genus is not improbable, the ability of the preclear to attain it early on is questionable without reducing the charge on the existing track. Therefore, any system which reduces the charged condition of the Time Track without reducing but increasing the awareness and decisionability of the preclear is valid processing. Any system which seeks to handle the charge but reduces the preclear's awareness and decisionability is not valid processing but is degrading. According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is Time. Therefore any system which further confuses or overwhelms the preclear's sense of time will not be beneficial. Thus the first task of the student of engram running is to master the handling of Time on the preclear's Time Track. It must be handled without question, uncertainty or confusion. Failing to handle the Time in the pc's Time Track with confidence, certainty and without error will result in grouping or denying the Time Track to the pc. The prime source of ARC break in engram running sessions is by-passing charge by Time mishandling by the auditor. As a subhead under this, taking and trying to run incidents which are not basic on a chain constitute an error in Time and react on the pc like By-Passed RIs or GPMs. An ARC break-less session requires gentle accurate time scouting, the selection of the earliest Timed incident available and the accurate Time handling of the incident as it is run. There are only a few reasons why some cannot run engrams on pcs. These are: 1. Q and A with the pain and unconsciousness of incidents; 2. Failing to handle the Time Track of the pc for the pc; 3. Failure to understand and handle Time. 2 and 3 are much the same. However, there are three ways to move a Time Track about: (a) By Significance (the moment something was considered); (b) By Location (the moment the pc was located somewhere); (c) By Time alone (the date or years before an event or years ago). You will see all three have time in common. "The moment when you thought _____" "The moment you were on the cliff______" "Two years before you put your foot on the bottom step of the scaffold" are all dependent on Time. Each designates an instant on the Time Track of which there can be no mistake by either auditor or pc. The whole handling of the Time Track can be done by any one of these three methods, Significance, Location, Time. Therefore all projectionist work is done by the Time of Significance, the Time of Location or Time alone. The track responds. Those auditors who have trouble cannot grasp the totality and accuracy and speed of that response. The idiotic and wonderful precision of the Time Track defeats the sloppy and careless. They wonder if it went. They question the pc's being there. They fumble about until they destroy their command over the Time Track. "Go to 47,983,678,283,736 years 2 months, 4 days 1 hour and six minutes ago." Well, a clear statement of it, unfumbled, will cause just that to happen. The tiniest quiver of doubt, a fumble over the millions and nothing happens. Fumbled dating gets no dates. One must date boldly with no throat catches or hesitations. "More than 40,000? Less than 40,000?" Get it the first read. Don't go on peering myopically at the meter asking the same question the rest of the session. Accurate, Bold, Rapid. Those are the watchwords of dating and Time Track handling. In moving a Time Track about, move only the track. Don't mix it and also move the pc. You can say "Move to ." You don't have to say (but you can) "The somatic strip will move to ." But never say "You will move to ." And this also applies to Present Time. The pc won't come to Present Time. He's here. But the Time Track will move to the date of present time unless the pc is really stuck. In getting a pc to Present Time (unimportant in modern engram running) say "Move to (date month and year of PT)." In scouting you always use To. "Move To_____." In running an engram or whatever, you always use THROUGH. "Move through the incident_____." If an auditor hasn't a ruddy clue about the Time Track and its composition, he or she won't ever be able to run engrams. So, obviously, the first thing to teach and have passed in engram running is Time Track Composition. When the auditor learns that, he or she will be able to run engrams. If the auditor does not know the subject of the Time Track well, then he or she can't be taught to run engrams, for no rote commands that cover all cases can exist. You couldn't teach the handling of a motion picture projector by rote commands if the operator had never imagined the existence of film. An auditor sitting there thinking the pc is doing this or that and being in a general fuddle about it will soon have film all over the floor and wrapped about his ears. His plea for a rote command will just tangle up more film so long as he doesn't know it is film and that he, not the preclear, is handling it. If an auditor can learn this, he will then be able to learn to run those small parts of the Time Track called engrams. If an auditor can't run a pc through some pleasant Time Track flawlessly, he or she sure can't run a pc through the living lightning parts of that Track called Engrams. An auditor who cannot handle the Time Track smoothly can scarcely call himself an auditor as that's all there is to audit besides postulates, no matter what process you are using, no matter what process you invent and even if you tried what is laughingly called a "biochemical approach" to the mind. There's only a Time Track for the bios to affect. There's a thetan, there's a Time Track. The thetan gets caught in the Time Track. The job of the auditor is to free the thetan by digging him out of his Time Track. So if you can't handle what you're digging a thetan out of, you're going to have an awful lot of landslides and a lot of auditing loses for both you and preclears. Invent games, devices, charts and training aids galore and teach with them and you'll have auditors who can handle the Time Track and run engrams. CHARGE AND THE TIME TRACK Charge, the stored quantities of energy in the Time Track, is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the Time Track. When this charge is present in huge amounts the Time Track overwhelms the pc and the pc is thrust below observation of the actual Track. This is the State of Case Scale. (All levels given are major levels. Minor levels exist between them.) Level (1) NO TRACK - No Charge. Level (2) FULL VISIBLE TIME TRACK - Some Charge. Level (3) SPORADIC VISIBILITY OF TRACK - Some heavily charged areas. Level (4) INVISIBLE TRACK - Very heavily charged areas (Black or Invisible Field) exist. Level (5) DUB-IN - Some areas of Track so heavily charged pc is below consciousness in them. Level (6) DUB-IN OF DUB-IN - Many areas of Track so heavily charged, the Dub-in is submerged. Level (7) ONLY AWARE OF OWN - Track too heavily charged EVALUATIONS to be viewed at all. Level (8) UNAWARE - Pc dull, often in a coma. On this new scale the very good, easy to run cases are at Level (3). Skilled engram running can handle down to Level (4). Engram running is useless from Level (4) down. Level (4) is questionable. Level ( 1 ) is of course an OT. Level (2) is the clearest clear anybody ever heard of. Level (3) can run engrams. Level (4) can run early track engrams if the running is skilled. (Level (4) includes the Black V case.) Level (5) has to be run on general ARC processes. Level (6) has to be run carefully on special ARC processes with lots of havingness. Level (7) responds to the CCHs. Level (8) responds only to reach and withdraw CCHs. Pre-Dianetic and Pre-Scientology mental studies were observations from Level (7) which considered Levels (5) and (6) and (8) the only states of case and oddly enough overlooked Level (7) entirely, all states of case were considered either neurotic or insane, with sanity either slightly glimpsed or decried. In actuality on some portion of every Time Track in every case you will find each of the Levels except (l ) momentarily expressed. The above scale is devoted to chronic case level and is useful in Programming a case. But any case for brief moments or longer will hit these levels in being processed. This is the Temporary Case Level found only in sessions on chronically higher level cases when they go through a tough bit. Thus engram running can be seen to be limited to higher level cases. Other processing, notably modern ARC processes, moves the case up to engram running. Now what makes these levels of case? It is entirely charge. The more heavily charged the case, the lower it falls on the above scale. It is charge that prevents the pc from confronting the Time Track and submerges the Time Track from view. Charge is stored energy or stored or recreatable potentials of energy. The E-Meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a sticky or dirty needle, all are registrations of this charge. The "chronic meter of a case" is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the pc's Time Track. More valuably the meter registers released charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The disintegrating RR, the blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released. The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by DN, by a climbing TA or a TA going far below the clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to "blow". Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to "charge up", in that charge already on the Time Track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When prior charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get "ARC Breaks". The State of Case, the Chronic Level, as given on the above scale, is the totality of charge on the case. Level (I) has no charge on it. Level (8) is total charge. The day to day condition of a case, its temper, reaction to things, brightness, depends upon two factors, (a) the totality of charge on the case and (b) the amount of charge in restimulation. Thus a case being processed varies in tone by (a) the totality of charge remaining on the case (b) the amount of charge in restimulation and (c) the amount of charge blown by processing. Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as "grinding out" an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released. Later than basic incidents are run either (a) to uncover more basic (earlier) incidents or (b) to clean up the chain after basic has been found and erased. No full erasure of incidents later than basic is possible, but charge can be removed from them providing they are not ground out but only run lightly a time or two and then an earlier incident on the chain found and similarly run. When the basic is found it is erased by many passes over it. Basic is the only one which can be run many times. The later the incident is (the further from basic) the more lightly it is run. There is no difference in the technology required to run a basic or a later incident. It is only the number of times THROUGH that differs. Basic is run through many times. A somewhat later engram is run through a couple of times. An engram very late on the chain is gone through once. Otherwise all engrams whether basic or not are run exactly the same. Engrams are run to release Charge from a case. Charge is not released to cure the body or to cure anything physical and the meter cures nothing. Charge is released entirely to return to a thetan his causation over the Time Track, to restore his power of choice, and to free him of his most intimate trap, his own Time Track. You cannot have decent, honest or capable beings as long as they are trapped and overwhelmed. While this philosophy may be contrary to the intentions of a slavemaster or a degrader it is nevertheless demonstrably true. The universe is not itself a trap capable only of degradation. But beings exist who, beaten and overwhelmed themselves, can utilize this universe to degrade others. The mission of engram running is to free the charge which has accumulated in a being and so restore that being to appreciated life. All cases, sooner or later, have to be run on engrams, no matter what else has to be done. For it is in engrams that the bulk of the charge on the Time Track lies. And it is therefore those parts of the Time Track called engrams which overwhelm the thetan. These contain pain and unconsciousness and are therefore the record of moments when a thetan was most at effect and least at cause. In these moments then the thetan is least able to confront or to be causative. The engram also contains moments when it was necessary to have moved and most degrading to have held a position in space. And the engram contains the heaviest ARC Break with a thetan's environment and other beings. And all these things add up to charge, an impulse to withdraw from that which can't be withdrawn from or to approach that which can't be approached, and this, like a two pole battery, generates current. This constantly generated current is chronic charge. The principal actions are: (a) When the attention of the thetan is directed broadly in the direction of such a track record the current increases. (b) When the attention is more closely (but not forcefully) and accurately directed, the current is discharged. (c) When the basic on the chain is found and erased, that which composes the poles themselves is erased and later incidents eased, for no further generation is possible by that chain and it becomes incapable of producing further charge to be restimulated. The above are the actions which occur during auditing. If these actions do not occur despite auditing, then there is no case betterment, so it is the auditor's responsibility to make sure they do occur. As the Time Track is created by an involuntary response of the thetan, it is and exists as a real thing, composed of space, matter, energy, time and significance. On a Level (8) Case the Time Track is completely submerged by charge even down to a total unawareness of thought itself. At Level (7) awareness of the track is confined by extant charge to opinions about it. At Level (6) charge on the track is such that pictures of pictures of the track are gratuitously furnished, causing delusive copies of inaccurate copies of the track. At Level (5) charge is sufficient to cause only inaccurate copies of the track to be viewable. At Level (4) charge is sufficient to obscure the track. At Level (3) charge is sufficient to wipe out portions of the track. At Level (2) there is only enough charge to maintain the existence of the track. At Level (1) there is no charge and no track to create it. All charge from Level (1) and up into higher states that is generated is knowingly generated by the thetan, whose ability to hold locations in space and poles apart results in charge as needful. This would degenerate again as he put such matters on automatic or began once more to make a Time Track, but these actions alone are not capable of aberrating a thetan until he encounters further violent degradation and entrapment in the form of implants. Aberration itself must be calculated to occur. The existence of a Time Track only makes it possible for it to occur and be retained. Thus a thetan's first real mistake is to consider his own pictures and their recorded events important, and his second mistake is in not obliterating entrapment activities in such a way as not to become entrapped or aberrated in doing so, all of which can be done and should be. Engram running is a step necessary to get at the more fundamental causes of a Time Track and handle them. So it is a skill which must be done and done well. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: dr jh Copyright © 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 13. HCOB 26 JUN 78 r. 15 SEP 78 R3RA ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 JUNE 1978RA Issue II REVISED 4 SEPTEMBER 1978 RE-REVISED 15 SEPTEMBER 1978 Remimeo All Auditors (Revisions in this type style) (Ellipsis indicates deletion) CANCELS HCOB 26 MAY 1978 Issue II BTB 6 MAY 1969RA Issue II New Era Dianetics Series 6RA IMPORTANT: Included in the vital revisions of this bulletin are a change in the order of R3RA commands and additional data on Dianetic EPs and postulates. ROUTINE 3RA ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS Ref: HCOB 23 Apr 69RII DIANETIC ERASURE & HOW TO ATTAIN HCOB 2 Dec 69R RISING TA HCOB 28 May 69R HOW NOT TO ERASE HCOB 23 May 69R AUDITING OUT SESSIONS NARRATIVE VERSUS SOMATIC CHAINS HCOB 2 Apr 69RA DIANETIC ASSISTS HCOB t3 Sep 78 R3RA ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS AND NARRATIVE R3RA-AN ADDITIONAL DIFFERENCE HCOB 16 Sep 78 POSTULATE OFF EQUALS ERASURE The search to unravel the mystery of the human mind was so long and so complex that it had many turnings. Methods were changed so as to be perfected as understanding increased in the research line. Unfortunately this was taken advantage of by some of questionable intent. Because there had been changes and perfecting actions they could introduce unworkable changes that would go relatively undetected. Probably this is the fate of all subjects and why Man is in a state of high material cultural achievement yet does not have really workable equipment and is in a terrible mess, surrounded on every hand by a failing material culture. Probably the heaviest hat I've worn in recent years is the recovery of lost Dianetic and Scientology tech and eradicating and correcting alterations introduced into the subject by others. Given a knowledge of the composition and behavior of the time track, engram running by chains is so simple that any auditor begins by overcomplication. You almost can't get uncomplicated enough in engram running. In teaching people to run engrams in 1949, my chief despair was summed up in one sentence to the group I was instructing: "All auditors talk too much." And that's the first lesson. The second lesson is: "All auditors acknowledge too little." Instead of cheerily acking what the pc said and saying "Continue," auditors are always asking for more data and usually for more data than the pc could ever give. Example: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. How big is it?" That's not engram running, that's just lousy "Q and A." The proper action is: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. Continue." The exceptions to this rule are non-existent. This isn't a special brand of engram running. It is modern engram running. It was the first engram running and is the latest and you can put aside any complications in between. The rule is ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT THE PC SAYS AND TELL HIM TO CONTINUE. Then there's the matter of being doubtful of control. Wrong example: Auditor: "Move to yesterday. Are you there? How do you know it's yesterday? What do you see that makes you think...." FLUNK, FLUNK, FLUNK. Right example: Auditor: "Move to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there." (Pc answers.) "What do you see? . . . . . . . . . . Good." Another error is a failure to take the pc's data. You take the pc's data. Never take his orders. EARLY ENGRAM RUNNING No auditor who knew earlier than June 1978 engram running should consider he or she knows how to run engrams. Routine 3RA is itself. It has no dependence on earlier methods of running engrams. Failure to study and learn R3RA "because one knows about engram running" will cause a lot of case failure. If you know old-time engram running there is no attempt here to invalidate you or that knowledge or make you wrong in any way. Those are all ways to run engrams and gave you a better grasp on it. I only wish to call to your attention that R3RA is not old-time engram running. ROUTINE 3RA Engram running by chains is designated "Routine 3RA." It is a new triumph of simplicity. It does not demand visio, sonic or other perception at once by the pc. It develops them. R3RA REVISED BY STEPS The first thing the auditor does is to make sure the room and session are set up. This means, in other words, that the room is as comfortable as possible and free from interruptions and distractions; that the auditor's meter is fully charged and set up and that the auditor has all the administrative supplies he will need for the session. Prepared correction lists for Dianetics must also be included. He has the C/S for that session. The pc is seated in the chair furthest from the door and is asked to pick up the cans. The auditor checks that the pc has had enough to eat by doing the metabolism test and also checks that the pc has the correct sensitivity setting by having the pc squeeze the cans and adjusting the sensitivity knob so that the needle registers one third of a dial fall when squeezing the cans. The auditor then starts the session by saying, "This is the session" (Tone 40). The auditor then puts in the R (reality) factor with the pc by telling the pc briefly what he is going to do in the session. PRELIMINARY STEP: Establish the type of chain the pc is to run by assessment. Ref: HCOB 18 June 78 New Era Dianetics Series 4, ASSESSMENT AND HOW TO GET THE ITEM. R3RA COMMANDS FLOW 1: STEP ONE: Locate the first incident by the command "Locate a time when you had_____." STEP TWO: "When was it?" You accept any time or date or approximation the pc gives you. Do not attempt any dating drill. STEP THREE: Move the pc to the incident with the exact command, "Move to that incident." (This step is omitted if the pc keeps telling you he is there already.) STEP FOUR: "What is the duration of that incident?" Accept any duration the pc gives you or any statement he makes about it. Do not attempt to meter him a more accurate duration. STEP FIVE: Move the pc to the beginning of the incident with the exact command: "Move to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there." STEP SIX: Ask pc what he or she is looking at with the exact command: "What do you see?" (If the pc's eyes are open, tell the pc first, "Close your eyes," acknowledge him quietly for doing so and then give him the command.) STEP SEVEN: "Move through that incident to a point (duration pc said) later." STEP EIGHT: Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe the meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If pc comments before reaching the end say "OK, continue." STEP NINE: When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only: "What happened?" Take whatever pc says, acknowledge only as needful. Say nothing else, ask nothing else. When pc has told little or much and has finished talking, give him a final acknowledgement . If the TA has risen (from its position at Step 1) the auditor immediately checks for an earlier incident (Step G). If no earlier incident, he asks for an earlier beginning to the incident (Step H). If the TA is the same or lower, he runs the incident through again (Step A). In going through an incident the second or successive times one DOES NOT ask for date and duration or any description. A. (When the pc has told what happened and the auditor has acknowledged) "Move to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there." B. "Move through to the end of that incident." C. (When the pc has done so) "Tell me what happened." Ca. "Is that incident erasing or going more solid?" (TA rising means the incident has gone more solid so the question is unnecessary if TA is higher.) If the incident is erasing, go through it again (Step D). If it has gone more solid, ask for an earlier incident (Step G) and if no earlier incident, ask for an earlier beginning (Step H). D. "Return to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there." E. "Move through to the end of that incident." F. "Tell me what happened." Fa. "Is that incident erasing or going more solid?" (TA rising means the incident has gone more solid so the question is unnecessary if TA is higher.) If the incident is erasing, go through it again (Step D). If it has gone more solid, ask for an earlier incident (Step G) and if no earlier incident, ask for an earlier beginning (Step H). G. "Is there an earlier incident when you had a (exact same somatic)?" Continue on down the chain of the SAME somatic using Steps 2-9, A, B. C, D, E, F. G. H. and EYE. H. "Is there an earlier beginning to this incident?" or "Does the one we are running start earlier?" or "Does there seem to be an earlier starting point to this incident?" (If not, give command D and put the pc through the incident again. If there is an earlier beginning, give command EYE.) EYE. "Go to the new beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there." (Followed by B. C.) POSTULATE OFF EQUALS ERASURE When it appears that you have reached the basic incident of the chain and that it is erasing, after each pass through, ask: "Has it erased?" The pc sometimes thinks the incident is erasing but it's not erasing, so you have to go back to your G. H. EYE followed by 2-9, A-EYE. In some cases this can happen several times in one chain. The postulate coming off is the EP of the chain and means that you have obtained an erasure. This will be accompanied by F/N and VGIs. Getting the postulate is the important thing. Even if you get an F/N you don't call the F/N UNTIL you've gotten the postulate, at which time you have reached the EP and end off on that chain. If the pc says the chain has erased, but the postulate made during the time of the incident has not been volunteered by the pa ask: "Did you make a postulate at the time of that incident?" Only when the postulate has come off to F/N and VGIs can one consider that the full EP of a Dianetic incident or chain has been reached. You must recognize what the postulate is when it comes up. If you overrun past the postulate you can really mess a pc up and he may need extensive repair. All you're trying to get off the line is the postulate. That is what is keeping the chain there. If the pc has given the postulate to F/N and VGIs, that is it. You have the EP of that chain. GOING EARLIER Ordinarily one runs an incident through twice, (Steps 1-9 then A-C), to unburden it and allow the pa to locate earlier incidents on the chain. However, the TA rising on Step 9 is an indication that there is something earlier. If the auditor observes the TA rising, he should ask the pc if there is an earlier incident, using in the command the exact same somatic or feeling used in Step One. If there is no earlier incident he asks if there is an earlier beginning. An auditor should never solidify a pays bank by putting him through an incident TWICE, when by observation of the TA it is c/ear that the incident has gone more solid by the end of the FIRST run through. Checking for an earlier incident after the first run through (if the TA has risen) is the solution to this. If, after the second pass through, when you have asked the pc "Is the incident erasing or going more solid?" and the pc doesn't know or isn't sure, ask for an earlier incident. Never ask erasing/solid in the middle of an incident. BOUNCERS If the pc is out of the session, out of the incident, bounces from the incident, etc., you would have to have him or her RETURN to the beginning of the incident and move through the incident, returning the pc to the incident as necessary. The pc who bounces out of an incident on a "bouncer" has to be put back into the incident and continue running it. The commands to do this are: As soon as you have seen that the pc has bounced give him command D ("Return to the beginning of that incident and tell me when you are there."), followed with E, F. Fa. FLOWS 2, 3 AND 0 Step One and Step G (going earlier) commands for Flows 2, 3 and 0 are: FLOW 2: STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of your causing another_____ (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)." STEP G: "Is there an earlier incident of your causing another_____ (the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?" FLOW 3: STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of others causing others_____ (plural of the somatic or feeling used in Flow 1). " STEP G: "Is there an earlier incident of others causing others_____(plural of the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?" FLOW 0: STEP ONE: "Locate an incident of you causing yourself_____(the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)." STEP G: "Is there an earlier incident of you causing yourself_____(the exact somatic or feeling used in Flow 1)?" Each of these Step One and Step G commands are run on the full verbatim 1-9, A-EYE steps as given herein. NARRATIVE R3RA A narrative item is often run to run out the physical experiences the person has just undergone. This could be for example an accident, illness, an operation or emotional shock. However, a condition or circumstance without an incident is NOT narrative. It's just an incorrect item. An example of this would be trying to run the item, "Obstruction of justice." It would not run as there is no exact incident there. Narratives are too often just run through once or twice and abandoned. This, unfortunately, leaves the incident still charged and affecting the pc. A narrative needs to be run and run and run on that one incident. What you are doing is running the incident narrative to erasure and only going earlier similar if it starts to grind very badly. Most narratives will run out by themselves without going earlier even though it takes a very long time but if you want to change somebody's life, that's how you can do it. When you are running a narrative you always add the known incident to the command. Using the earlier beginning command in running narratives is essential. For example: If the pc is running out a death of somebody closely related to him you will find that the incident actually started when he heard the phone ring, then, going back earlier to when somebody looked at him peculiarly, etc. So using the earlier beginning command in narrative running is VITAL. The commands for Narrative are: FLOW 1: STEP ONE: "Return to the time you______(specific incident) and tell me when you are there." Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, "Return to the time...."). Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pa to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C. If there is no earlier beginning, return the pa to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use steps D, E, F making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pa is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" FLOW 2: STEP ONE: "Return to the time you caused another to/a (specific incident) and tell me when you are there." Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, "Return to the time . . ."). Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C. If there is no earlier beginning, return the pa to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use Steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pa is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, "Is there an earner similar incident?" FLOW 3: STEP ONE: "Return to the time others caused others to/a (specific incident) and tell me when you are there." Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, "Return to the time...."). Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pc to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C. If there is no earlier beginning, return the pa to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" FLOW 0: STEP ONE: "Return to the time you caused yourself to/a (specific incident) and tell me when you are there." Steps 2-9 are followed (3 is omitted as you have already got the pc to the incident by giving him the first command, "Return to the time...."). Earlier beginning (Step H) is checked after each run through the incident. If there is one, send the pa to the new beginning of the incident (Step EYE) then follow with Steps B and C. If there is no earlier beginning, return the pc to the incident with Step A, followed by B and C, again checking earlier beginning (Step H) at the end of each run through the incident. On third and subsequent runs through the incident use steps D, E, F. making certain to check for earlier beginning after each pass through, and only when the pc is obviously starting to grind and gets no place does one then use the command, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" SECONDARIES Secondaries are run with the same commands as R3RA. If they are narrative secondaries they are run with the same commands as Narrative R3RA engrams. The earlier similar command is "Is there an earlier similar incident?" ALWAYS RUN NARRATIVE INCIDENTS TRIPLE OR QUAD FLOW AS ABOVE. AUDITOR KNOWLEDGE OF COMMANDS These commands and procedures as given above must be thoroughly drilled with TR 101, 102, 103 and 104 before any Dianetic auditing may be done on a pc. Pcs can be messed up by incorrect and sloppy commands. SPEED OF COMMANDS Some pcs run fast and some run slow. An auditor must never rush a pc or hold him up when he is ready to go on with the next command. The auditor must never keep a pc waiting for him while he handles his admin or comm lags before giving the next command. Timing and speed are especially crucial when the auditor gives the command to move through the incident after having told the pc to move to the beginning of the incident. With a slow command, the pc would wind up halfway through the incident before he receives the command to move through it. The better an auditor knows his TRs, his process commands, his meter and admin the faster and more accurately he can operate. Speed is very important, especially when auditing fast pcs. PC INTEREST In doing R3RA it is necessary that (a) one chooses things the pc is interested in and (b) one does not force a pc to run things he is protesting being run on. LAST INCIDENT FOUND If you ask if there is an earlier beginning and you have already checked for an earlier incident and the pc says there is no earlier beginning, you do not just walk off from the one he was just running. You send the pc through it again and it will erase with full end phenomena or the pc will then be able to see an earlier incident and continue with the chain. COMPLETING CHAINS If you do sloppy R3RA and do one thing after another without getting the full EP of: 1) the actual postulate WHICH WILL BE THE ERASURE, 2) F/N, 3) VGIs, you will get the pc stuck up on the track. You complete each chain to full EP as above, remembering that when the postulate comes off, THAT is your EP. The chain will have blown. F/Ns In running Dianetics you do not stop at the first sign of an F/N, you do not call F/Ns during the running. Dianetics runs only by asking the pc if it is erasing. You ignore F/Ns until the postulate has come off to F/N and VGIs. THEN you call the F/N and that's it for that chain. BLOWING BY INSPECTION An auditor may occasionally encounter a pc who erases chains before he can even tell about them. Along about Step 3 of R3RA, the TA blows down, the needle F/Ns, the pc says, "It's gone," and VGIs come in. This is called blowing by inspection and occurs once in a while with a fast running pc on a light chain. If it was basic for that chain and the auditor fails to recognize and handle it, the pc will go into another chain or a heavy protest. ENDING SESSION An R3RA session can be safely ended on a completed chain that ended with the full Dianetic EP as above stated.... This doesn't mean the end of all Dianetic auditing. In the next session another assessment will turn up more unwanted feelings, etc. ENDING DIANETICS Dianetics is ended off only when a pc has become well and happy and remains that way. And there you have it, engram running superior to any engram running ever done and giving superior and faster results. SPECIAL NEW ERA DIANETICS RUNDOWN FOR OTs New Era Dianetics or any Dianetics is NOT to be run on Clears or above or on Dianetic Clears. Clears and OTs are to be audited on the Special New Era Dianetics Rundown for OTs, which is available at Advanced Orgs and Flag. (Ref: HCOB 12 Sep 78 Dianetics Forbidden on Clears and OTs.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lfg.mdf Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 14. HCOB 19 JAN 67 MANIFESTATIONS OF ENGRAMS AND SECONDARIES FURTHER DEFINED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1967 Dianetic Course Students (Star Rated) Qual Execs Tech Execs MANIFESTATIONS OF ENGRAMS AND SECONDARIES FURTHER DEFINED In order to provide a more accurate differentiation between the manifestations of an engram and a secondary, below are listed detailed definitions of Pain and Sensation. Pain (in its various forms) is the indication of an Engram. Sensation (in its various forms) is the indication of a Secondary, which precedes the actual Engram. DEFINITIONS SOMATICS = This is a general word for uncomfortable physical perceptions coming from the reactive mind. Its genus is early Dianetics and it is a general, common package word, used by Scientologists to denote "pain" or "sensation" with no difference made between them. To understand the source of these feelings, one should have a knowledge of engrams, ridges and other parts of the reactive bank. To the Scientologist anything is a SOMATIC if it emanates from the various parts of the reactive mind and produces an awareness of reactivity. Symbol SOM. PAIN = PAIN is composed of heat, cold, electrical, and the combined effect of sharp hurting. If one stuck a fork in his arm, he would experience pain. When one uses PAIN in connection with clearing one means awareness of heat, cold, electrical or hurting stemming from the reactive mind. According to experiments done at Harvard, if one were to make a grid with heated tubes going vertically and chilled tubes going horizontally and were to place a small current of electricity through the lot, the device, touched to a body, would produce the feeling of PAIN. It need not be composed of anything very hot or cold or of any high voltage to produce a very intense feeling of pain. Therefore what we call PAIN is itself heat, cold and electrical. If a pc experiences one or more of these from his reactive mind, we say he is experiencing PAIN. "Electrical" is the bridge between sensation and PAIN and is difficult to classify as either PAIN or sensation when it exists alone. Symbol PN. SENSATION = All other uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind are called SENSATION. These are basically "pressure", "motion", "dizziness", "sexual sensation", and "emotion and misemotion". There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took the fork in the pain definition above and pressed it against the arm, that would be "pressure". "Motion" is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space", a feeling of being blown upon especially from in front of the face. "Dizziness" is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of-balance feeling. "Sexual sensation" means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. "Emotion and Misemotion" include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to "motion", being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of "pressure", and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say "the bank is beefing up". All these are classified as SENSATION. Symbol SEN. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright © 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 15. HCOB 20 SEP 66 MINUS SCALE RELEASES HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1966 Remimeo MINUS SCALE RELEASES: ARC STRAIGHT WIRE DIANETIC There are several grades of Release below Zero, in the minus scale of the original complete Gradation Chart. Many of the minus scale can be attained by simple assessment. (And ceasing to assess the moment the release occurs is vital-don't keep on assessing as the same session auditing action.) There are three specific grades of Release below Zero and above the lower minus scale. These are, from lowest: Straight Wire Release Dianetic Secondary Release Dianetic Engram Release Old ARC Straight Wire is not at Grade Zero or Grade III but way down below the Dianetic Releases. The original purpose still holds-to make a person able to run secondaries and engrams. (Our Tech is still valid, you know, despite the 1950 origin of ARC Straight Wire.) ARC Straight Wire was fantastically effective in moving a person from "neurotic" to "normal" . But in running ARC Straight Wire one must use a meter and cease to audit the pc the moment the needle goes free. Don't keep making the blunder of the '50s and early '60s. The pc released by ARC Straight Wire can now have secondaries run. When a needle goes free on a secondary, one again must cease to audit secondaries. The Dianetic Secondary Release can be run on engrams. When the needle goes free while running engrams, one ceases to audit the pc at once. Declares for these lower release grades can be confirmed by Qual and even declared by Certs and Awards by a small note from the Director of Certs and Awards. Thus you can possibly get a Release on the minus scale by assessment of the minus scale, a higher Release by running ARC Straight Wire, an even higher one by running Dianetic Secondaries, and yet a higher one by running Dianetic Engrams. And then, by good TRs and standard tech as usual, get a Grade 0. As many people go Grade 0 Release easily, these lower bands get overlooked. But those who don't go Grade 0 Release easily (unless it is overrun as the reason for "no Release") they can be begun by a Minus Scale assessment, then ARC Straight Wire, etc, back up to Zero for another try there. All pcs could be started on the minus scale with no harm. QUAL NOTE Remember, there are several overruns that can require repair. These are: Life (overrun in a past life on some subject). Straight Wire (including Self Analysis). Earlier Repetitive Processing (Locational, etc). Dianetic Secondaries. Dianetic Engrams. Some cases hang and won't go Release at Grade 0 unless the above are rehabbed or (if never run) actually audited on the pc. ARC Breaks can cause a failure to go Release on Grade Zero or any other level and can prevent rehabs. And poor TRs can block the lot. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lb-r.rd Copyright © 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED **************