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OT-Levels (2/2)

 06-06-1997      Choose Background Color ===> 


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Jon Atack, Hubbard and the Occult:

... the white circle on a red square of
 Scientology's International Management Organization 
can be readily compared to the Nazi flag.

The four lightning flashes or "sig runes"
are also common to Nazism.

           4. The OT-levels (File 2 of 2)

The Operating Thetan Levels are (were :-) ) very secret. Scientologists have to study many years, and pay a lot of money (see the pricelist) to arrive at this point.

Most of the OT texts are boring, however there are some funny parts: The OT-3 and OT-8 levels.

OT-3: Body Thetans
  1. Character of Body Thetans
  2. The Basic on BT's
  3. Instructions
  4. Cross Auditing
  5. Overrun on III
  6. Running OT III
  7. Cluster Formation - Cumulative
  8. Further III remedies:
  9. Rudiments Going Out On BT's
  10. OT III Auditing

OT-4: Exterior

  1. List of Volcanos
  2. Incident II
  3. Incident I
  6. Attest to OT IV

OT-5: Cause over MEST [Matter, Energy, Space, Time]

OT-6: Be three feet in back of your head.

OT-7: Rundown June 1979 Revision

  1. Basic Processes Set-up.
  2. L & N Intention Process.
  3. Placing thoughts and intentions (inside Auditing room).
  4. Outside Processes with an Auditor (objects).
  5. Outside Processes with an Auditor (people).
  6. Inside Processes Solo
  7. Outside Processes Solo (Off the Meter)


  1. Why Thetans Mock-up
  2. Student Briefing
  3. Top Secret Debrief, 1991



Body Thetans



The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible from here) (founded 95,OOO,OOO years ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet - 178 billion on average) by mass implanting.. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the principal volcanos incident II) and then the Pacific area ones were taken -in boxes to Hawaii and the Atlantic area ones to Las Palmas and there "packaged". His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of circuits etc was placed in the unplants. When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. The length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never recovered. The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development. One can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as precisely outlined. The "freewheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long, denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time.

In December 1967 1 know someone had to take the plunge. I did and emerged very knocked out, but alive. Probably the only one ever to do so in 75,000,000 years. I have all the data now, but only that given here is needful.

One's body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body.

One has to clean them off by running incident II and Incident I. It is a long job, requiring care, patience and good auditing.

You are running beings. They respond like any preclear. Some large, some small.

Thetans believed they were one. This is the primary error.

Good luck.
* * *

For the purpose of clarity, by BODY THETAN is meant a thetan who is stuck to another thetan or body but is not in control.

A THETAN is, of course, a Scientology word using the Greek theta which was the Greek symbol for thought or life. An individual being such as a man is a thetan, he is not a body and he does not think because he has a brain.

A CLUSTER is a group of body thetans crushed or hold together by some mutual bad experience.


Character of Body Thetans

Body Thetans are just Thetans. When you get rid of one he goes off and possibly squares around, picks up a body or admires daisies. He is in fact a sort of cleared Being. He cannot fail to eventually, if not at once, regain many abilities. Many have been asleep for the last 75,000,000 years. A body Thetan responds to any process any Thetan responds to.

Some body Thetans are suppressive. A suppressive is out of valence in R6. He is in valence in Incident I almost always.

One can't run a human being on these two incidents since human beings are composites and would not be able to run the lot. Aside from that, non-clears are way below awareness required to even find these Incidents.

Huge amounts of charge have already been removed from the case and the body thetans by Clearing and OT I and OT II to say nothing of engrams and lower grades.

Awareness is proportional to the charge removed from the case.

Although a human is a composite being there is only one I (that is you) who runs things.

Body thetans just hold one back.

You will continue to be you. You, inside, can of course separate out body thetans and so solo auditing is the answer. How good do you have to be to run body thetans off? Well, if you didn't skip your grades, Clearing and OT II particularly, you. should be able to'command body thetans easily.
* * *

Incident II is over 36 days long. Capture on other planets was weeks or months before the implant. Those on Teegeeack (Earth) were just blown up except for Loyal officers who were (shortly before the explosion on Earth) rounded up.

Do not scan through the duration of 36 days. The volcanic explosion on Earth to the point where "the pilot" says he is mocking it up is only a few days.

Sequence of Incident II for thetans on another planet -

  1. Capture (being shot),
  2. freezing,
  3. transport to Teegeeack (sometimes via a relay point),
  4. being placed near a volcano,
  5. beginning implant up to "the pilot",
  6. various picture sequences,,
  7. the 7s and C.C. and OT II materials,
  8. 36 days of picture implants which give a vast array of materials and three explanations for the bombing,
  9. transport to Hawaii or Las Palmas for packaging up into clusters.

The pictures contain God, the Devil, angels, space opera, theaters, helicopters, a constant spinning, a spinning dancer, trains and various scenes very like modern England. You name it, it's in this implant we call in its entirely "R6"- if one was a Loyal Officer on Teegeeack, the sequence was (1) capture (2) number 5 above on. If one was a citizen of Teegeeack there was only number 5 on.

The material given at the various "volcanos' was longer or shorter, but dovetailed into the same sequence of pictures. We have the whole text but it is needless.

People who feel dizzy have gotten into the spinning part.

Incident I occurred about 4 quadrillion years ago plus or minus. it is very much earlier than Incident II which occurred only 75 million years ago (a bit less).

Incident II is only peculiar and general on this planet and nearby stars, whereas Incident I is to be found on all thetans.


The Basic on BT's

I've isolated a way a thetan comes to be stuck to another thetan. This gives the basis of clusters and having BT's. A thetan collides with another. That one makes a picture of being collided with. Other BT's get stuck to the picture.

The moment of actual contact of thetans was brief but the picture (containing a stop or withdraw) tends to be permanent.

Thetans then get the idea they can be permanently stuck as they see pictures of it happening.

Thus we get the concept of a "black theta body". This would be actual BT's stuck to a thetan plus pictures of BT's stuck to a thetan.

An answer to all this is to find the first picture a thetan made of contacting another thetan.

If not at once available the earliest instance of a thetan contacting (colliding, running into, attacking) another thetan could be achieved by R3R on being suddenly hit with clusters or strange beings.

The idea is to find and run the "first picture" one made of another thetan.

This opens another way to "blow off" BT'S - run R3R on a BT to the first picture the BT ever made of another thetan.



Locate by meter read or an area of pressure, a body thetan or group (cluster). Run Incident II. If the BT does not blow off or 'the group break up and blow, then run Incident I on individual BT's. Each will blow off with an FIN.

When you can find no more on which to run Incident I's, once wore locate a pressure area or by meter read on looking over body run another Incident II. Then Incident 1's on any.

Incident II made clusters of BT's. Severe impacts and experiences ALSO make clusters. (See the data called "Milazzo" in this pack.) Those who do not leave on running the impact or its chain will leave when Incident I Is run on them.

Incident II sometimes forms gigantic clusters. In such there is a leader, an alternate leader and several (eight to eighteen) more. These were all implanted in different volcanic areas with fractions of the nain 36 day implant and then "packaged" in Las Palmas or Hawaii. Thus if you run Incident II as far as "the pilot" it blows up or loosens up and those who don't go away can be run on Incident I's.

Do not speak your commands. Just "intend" them. A BT controls easily. BT's can be ARC broken by rough or careless auditing. You can also run an incident II on a BT and he doesn't blow, but you accidentally run in Incident I on another one and leave the first still there. The remedy is to run Incident I's on anything you find.

A very SP BT can be run on grades and Power and should then respond to Incident II and Incident I.

After a BT leaves, some other BT may copy him or the incident just run.

If you have found a cluster (pressure area) that does not respond or disintegrate to Incident II running, get Dianetic auditing, listing "What impact or incident would cause a cluster?" and R3R on the items found. Then do more Incident I's to clean up the strays with solo. This is a refined "Milazzo".

There are hundreds of BT's you will find.

If you find none, get audited on Dianetics in general and as above (impact list), and if you still find none, get a Review GF40 and handle all items, then go back to solo.

If you find only one or two, get the Dianetic impact list. done. All "none on OT III" cases were later found loaded.

Do Incident II and Incident I's on what you can find to begin with. You will do fine. Good hunting.

Certain "buttons" have to be gotten in where running a thetan through incidents. The EFFORT TO STOP the motion hangs up the action and gives a stuck picture. One gets the EFFORT TO STOP off and the scene races through.

The EFFORT TO WITHDRAW is important also and hangs up the action and creates a vacuum.

RUSH, PROTEST* NOT-IS, SUPPRESS are also present. These were actions - thoughts - the thetan had during the Incident and are picked up only when the incident doesn't run well. Sometimes two "buttons" such as STOP and WITHDRAW are in combination.

Thetans in the body may obsessively copy the pictures of other thetans. Therefore you can find it seems that the thetan who just left is still there because there is a picture left. Spot the fact that someone else copied it and it usually goes.

If you do an S & D on a body thetan be sure you give the right item to the right thetan.


Cross Auditing

When one runs Incident I out of one thetan and then Incident 11 out of another (thinking it was the first one) one can get a partially run body thetan who won't blow, but who may start to go on through the whole of R6 automatically (since the basic-basic Incident I is not run, yet Incident II is). One can get quite ill doing this as the illness in R6 can turn on.

One can also "feel no wish to audit". All "no desire to audit" is some large blunder on a case. The way you can run Incident I out of one thetan and Incident 11 out of another is rather easy. one fails to notice the first one blow on having Incident I run and runs Incident 11 on another.

As a matter of data, the only trouble in a III OT run is running an Incident I on one thetan and an Incident II on another, thinking it was the first one. A pre-OT can freewheel into R6 if you run only an incident II. You can stop a freewheel at once by running Incident I off the same thetan you ran the Incident II on that started a freewheel. Freewheel means that the PC goes on automatic continuous run. Incident II is R6 75,000,000 years ago. Incident I is about 4 quadrillion years ago. Both, all thetans on this planet and 21 nearby stars have in common. All thetans in the universe have incident I. Only those in this old Confederation have Incident II and R6. All C.C. and OT II materials are in R6 75,000,000 years ago. These are followed by 36 days worth of motion pictures - God, Devil, space opera, trains, cars, helicopters, crashes, stage etc. This R6 is 75,000,000 years ago and this planet and Confederation.

If the volcano bit is run as per III directions but the Incident I Is not run on the same thetan, R6 begins to run off on automatic, the Being can't sleep for days, the body dies. That's the way it was designed.


Overrun on III

The only way you can get a read on "Overrun on III" is to have accidentally run Incident I out, and then later run it out again on the same thetan or make a similar blunder. Example: One flattens Incident I by several passes on a body thetan. This body thetan for some reason (mostly because Incident 11 was then not run) does not fly off. Then, not noticing, one again finds the same thetan and once more seeks to run Incident 1. One then gets, in answer to the question "Overrun on III?" a lot of reads and overrun phenomena. The remedy is to find out WHO was overrun and get the charge off by that action. One then runs Incident 11 on that thetan or in any event, by getting off the charge of "overrun", letting the thetan depart. Just because one's meter reads "Overrun an III" is no reason to attest. Find out who was. lt's almost always a body thetan.

A BT can be overrun past erasure. This fact sometimes causes a solo auditor to believe OT Ill is overrun. If he asks "Is OT III overrun?" he may get a read and blowdown. This is actually usually just one BT or cluster that is overrun. The remedy is discovering and indicating the point of overrun. And carry on with OT III.


Running OT III

When running OT III the solo auditor handles body thetans as he would any other PC, for the general idea is to run them standardly and not ARC Break them. He does not scan through anything in order to find body thetans.

When a solo auditor can find no more body thetans he can attest, or run a pressure area down and handle as per his running Instructions.

The pre-OT could be exterior and the Interiorization processes can be run in Review to help him through.

Here are three reasons why a pre-OT might have trouble whilst running BT's on Incident II -

(1) It is the wrong area;
(2) it is not the volcano of the BT being run;
(3) it is not an Incident II, but another incident of a different date.

Check (1) and (2) If you are having any difficulty in running Incident 11 and handle by locating the correct area or finding the volcano of the BT being run. if it is not a II, simply check for t-he date and if different run it-.


OT III Errors

Amongst OT III errors are "a BT run on Incident I fails to blow". There are three reasons:

  1. Auditor is trying to run a cluster with an Incident I. The right thing to do is date and get the character of the incident that made it a cluster and then run Incident Its on those left when it breaks up. Or get Dianetic auditing.
  2. There is an earlier Incident I on the same BT. Find it and run it. The BT has a chain of them all by himself.
  3. Another BT is copying the Incident I just run so it looks like it didn't blow. Failure to ever run Incident I can also cause a bog. Routine Dianetic auditing by a Dianetic HDC who is also on or above OT III using triple flows and LDN OT III also handles bogged OT III pre- OT's.


Cluster Formation - Cumulative

In doing a cluster one is likely to find it is made up of other earlier clusters. This looks like this. 1898 impact horse accident. When engram 1898 run on R3R, that part blows. No F/N occurs, TA remains up. Remainder will grind after the blow. Earlier portion dates as 93,000,000 years ago, electric shock. When run on R3R, that part blows, no FIN. TA remains up, will grind if run further. Earliest portion dares as 72 trillion implant. When run on R3R, all blow, FIN.

A cluster or engram which is a cluster can repeatedly FIN as BT's blow. Dates as 778 million explosion. After run once or twice an FIN occurs as one BT blows. Run again to second FIN as two more BT's blow. Remainder blow with a wider FIN. The cluster has gone. This happens (repeating FIN) when picture persists and noter check reveals it is not a copy. It will be more BT's in same cluster. So above repeating FIN occurs when pre-OT is moved through it. Clusters are found by meter dating, listing for type of incident and run as an engram. Clusters can occur at Incident .II and Incident I. They can also occur at 1 quadrillion, which is the Clearing course materials. They also occur at random dates for different reasons.
* * *

I have lately been C/Sing a number of failed OT cases and have found them all running well on solo now. The errors are made as follows:

  1. The solo auditor cannot audit, needs more training.
  2. Cases are not well prepared with Dianetics.

    The remedy for all of these is to:

    (a) Run the PC for at least a score or two of Dianetic items by R3R, done of course by a good HDC,
    (b) then do a GF 40.

    And then repeat it until necessary auditing is complete. These two actions take care of the majority of difficult cases on OT

    The real End Phenomena of OT III and OT IV is exterior with full perception. You can and should accomplish full stable exteriorization on doing the materials of III.


    Further III remedies:

  3. High TA. This comes from not completing the Incidents I and II on body thetans.
  4. The solo auditor puts too wide an intention on the BT and runs two or three when he is intending to run only one.
  5. A cluster just won't break up. The remedy is a Dianetic session listing for impacts or incidents that would cause a cluster and doing R3R. The principle of earlier similar holds good. When this is completed, the solo auditor is sent back to solo to clean up the BT's shaken loose and to continue with OT III.
  6. Rudiments go out on BT's. The remedy of course is to locate BT's who have out-ruds, put in the ruds and run Incident 1, at which the ST should leave.
  7. A theta-bopping meter sometimes puzzles a solo auditor -on OT Ill. This means a BT is trying to exteriorize and can't. The remedy is to complete the partially run Incident 11 or Incident I or in extreme cages put the ruds in on the hung up BT.
  8. One-hand electrode giving wrong TA read baffling the solo auditor with floating needles with a high TA. The remedy is to have two-hand electrodes handy and trim the trim knob so the one-hand electrode reads the same as two-hand electrodes.
  9. A suppressive body thetan sometimes isn't auditable. The remedy is to run Grades IV or V on him.
  10. By far and large the corniest error and which has been very prevalent is not knowing the materials of OT III or the content of Incident II or Incident I.
OT III is a vital grade. One fronts up to it and does it. When he is really done, the rewards of OT III and IV exceed his wildest dreams.


Rudiments Going Out On BT's

When the ruds go out on BT's during the session the solo auditor recognizes the following:

BT critical - withhold from auditor
BT antagonistic - bypassed charge in session
No TA problem
BT sad ARC Break
Soaring TA - Overrun or protest (also more than one BT being run in error or it's a cluster)
Auditor tired - no sleep or incomplete Incident I's
Auditor dope-off - bypassed FIN or not enough sleep
Auditor no-interest - out ruds on BT's

A solo auditor who isn't sure what it is, but runs into trouble with a BT is smart to end off the session quickly, write down the full observation and get it to the C/S. The solo auditor who knows what he is looking at as per the above scale (and the C/S the C/S would give), handles it promptly.

BT critical = w/h = pull the withhold
BT antagonistic = BPC assess proper list (such as LlC) and handle
No TA (or case gain) problem = locate the problem and handle
BT sad = ARC Break - locate and handle itsa E/S itsa
Soaring Ta = C/R or protest (also more than one BT being run in error or it's a cluster) - find which and handle (running more than the one intended comes from too wide an intention)
Auditor tired = no sleep or incomplete Incident I's = check which it is and handle
Auditor dope-off = lack of sleep or bypassed F/N = check On sleep or rehabilitate F/N
Auditor no-interest = out-ruds on BT's = put in ruds.


OT III Auditing

OT III pre-OT's got a reputation of being hard to run on Dianetics early on in Dianetic re-development. Only five reasons exist for this.

  1. A person that high on OT grades audits fast and a comm- laggy Dianetic auditor can drive him up the wall.
  2. Too quiet or too blurred TR 1.
  3. A tendency to evaluate instead of using TR 4.
  4. The numerousness of BT chains on the same item (the BT's being separated now) making several chains on the same item, which if not all run separately leave the PC ARC Broken with the bypassed charge of unrun BT's.
  5. The OT II who is still on OT III and has been on it a while probably himself has no pictures and all the pictures he has are BT pictures.
The lower grades PC (before Clear) reacts as a composite Being, all on one chain, so to speak. He is separated into himself and the individual BT's and clusters of them when he gets to OT II, and so audits differently. He easily misowns the pictures thinking they are his. The big blowdowns you get on such a PC's item indicates several BT's have it in common. A solo III however will be found to have the same item on more than one BT in many cases.
* * *

The reason for low TA is unflat OT III phenomena. If a person has had a low TA in lower grades the keynote is to take it easy as auditor and COS. This applies also to any auditing given on upper OT levels.

That a PC's TA goes below 2.0 is a certain indicator of unflat OT III. He's still got some. When a person cannot handle OT III he is too much at effect. He cannot project his intention. And so can't run OT III. The new OT I and OT II, particularly OT II, are designed to increase a PC's ability to project his intention to others. If he can't, they overwhelm him and you get low TA or "none on III". Harsh, overbearing auditing or life. incidents have to occur, apparently, to drive the TA down.

Overts, disagreements expressed as obsessive agreement and other lower level matters are at the bottom of this in any Being.

But any case of low TA I have ever found has been:

  1. overwhelmed in life;
  2. unable to project intention;
  3. physically inactive;
  4. loaded with BT's;
  5. tends to go out of valence easily.

in all this number (4) is the important point.

Endless OT III and low TA are alike - inability to project Intention, PC at effect. Remedy by lightly causing PC to come to cause, to be able to project his intention and thus flatten OT III. That will complete and finish off low TA.
* * *

It does not matter whether or not you ran Incident I and II on self. The End Phenomena of III is getting rid of all body thetans. This does not necessarily include self. If you overrun Ill it will be by trying to get rid of tore body thetans than there were or by then, having gotten rid of the others, starting In on self. So Ill is complete for purposes of overrun as above. If you have not done Incident I and II on self when above is achieved, attest completion and then do I and 11 on self.

EP's No BT's left - OT III





List of Volcanos

There were two zones of assembly after the thetan was implanted. Thetans of volcanos in Asia and the Pacific were taken to Hawaii. Thetans of Atlantic areas were taken to Las Palmas.

Asia and Pacific
North JapanMt. Shasta
South JapanSan Gorgornio
Mount WashingtonPhilippines
Mount RanierHimalayas
Mount Hood(Hawaii)

Tangier(Las Palmas)
St. HelenaCanada

(Spelling not guaranteed)
(List may be incomplete)


Incident II

75,000,000 years ago on this planet. Sometimes capture was on another planet and explosion on this planet, then called Teegeeack. -Locate area of explosion. Pictures of explosion follow it. Get original explosion. Effort to stop usually present.


(R6 materials follow, then days of pictures of God, Devil, etc.)
(Thetan usually cognites on pilot or before (or on first incident) and leaves.)


Incident I

Occurs at start of track (4 quadrillion years ago).


Effort to stop must be gotten off (sometimes to hurry). Run as an engram.





Has completed OT III


OT IV Warning.

This is in fact a grade. Therefore to run it without setting the case up fully is to waste it.

Often the case has to:

  1. Be discharged with a lot of corrective actions and
  2. OT ill must be run on the PC by the auditor or at least cleaned up. It might not be uncommon to have to do half or more of the C/Ses in the book before doing the OT IV Rundown.

If one holds off and really flies the case, then the person winds up at OT Exterior very nicely when one does OT IV.

If you do OT IV and he's still in his head, all is not lost, you have other actions you can take. Clusters, Prep-Checks, failed to exteriorise directions.

OT V and VI are designed for someone already exterior. If a person doesn't go exterior after OT IV Rundown you set him up for V by then seeing he jolly well does go exterior before going on to V.


OT IV Rundown

Done only by an Auditor on a Case fully set up by various Directions.

2 April 1978



The end phenomenon of OT IV is "Certainty of Self as a Being". The thing that would make a Being uncertain is the possibility of future implants. OT IV Solo is designed to "proof up a Being" against any possibility of being re-implanted now that he/she has finished running implants with the completion of OT.

The main idea on OT IV Solo is to mock-up (create) each line of the Clearing Course (7's, The Basic End Words, The Confusion GPM, Objects-Hollow, Objects-Solid) with all the perceptics, force, impact, and unconsciousness of the original implant (as much as you are able). When the line is mocked up (created or recreated), then unmock it, cease creating it, and blow the charge you have recreated or mocked up. Do this repetitively with each line of the Clearing Course (including lights) to a floating needle on each line. Continue until you feel totally free with and at cause over this implant sequence; (you may or may not need to complete all 5 parts). Do it until you can freely and easily mock-up and blow this implant and can confront implants.

Lastly, scan out all of your auditing early to late adding up all the hours in session as you go along.

Come up with a total number of auditing hours for yourself.

Find and run a havingness process.


Attest to OT IV

  1. Rudiments or GF (Green Form) to FIN.
  2. Rehab Drugs.
  3. Valence Shifter. "What valence would be safe?"
  4. Rehab ARC Straight Wire to Grade IV.
  5. Rehab R6EW - OT II.
  6. Prepcheck OT Ill.
  7. Rehab OT V &.VI.
  8. Run "What has been Overrun?"
  9. Run "What can you confront?"



Cause over MEST
[Matter, Energy, Space, Time]


Gain Freedom from Fixated

Introversion into MEST

For eons, man has speculated and guessed about the nature of the Physical Universe. There have been many opinions and much discussion. Even the modern physicist, with his many names and labels, is still in the dark when it comes to how it got here and why. Before Scientology, the exact truth about the MEST Universe was lost, and the way out of the trap unknown. Lies and misinformation had taken the place of the truth.

In 1967, L. Ron Hubbard released Section V of the Operating Thetan Course, the most powerful level released up to that time. On OT V you learn the truth about the Physical Universe, not the laws of physical scientists, but the basic considerations about Matter, Energy, Space and Time.

The tremendous power that this universe -seems to have over thetans resulting in entrapment, degradation and death, is traced to its source. As you exteriorize from the Physical Universe at Section V. you discover exactly what MEST is, and become free of its laws.

At OT V, a Being is re-familiarized as a thetan exterior with the Physical Universe. OT drills are done to remarkably increase a Being's ability to communicate with his environment. He is now able to do so, totally free of the mind and body, and free from a fixated introversion into MEST.

Solo auditing on this level serves as an introduction to the rehabilitation of his total abilities as a thetan. He learns to use his new abilities Is a thetan with wisdom and judgment.

Pre OT is to lie down in a comfortable position with eyes shut.

  1. Spot a spot in the room.
  2. Spot a spot in your body.

    Alternate 1 and 2 until commands are flat then,

  3. Spot two spots in your body.
  4. Spot two spots outside.

    Alternate 3 and 4 until flat then,

  5. Spot a spot outside.
  6. Spot a spot on the sun.

    (Notice the distance between.)

  7. Spot two spots outside.
  8. Spot two spots on the sun.

    (Notice what happens.)

    The pre OT may exteriorize during these drills but doesn't necessarily have to.

    While still inside with eyes shut in a comfortable position the pre-OT is to follow the following commands and write down any major cognitions.

  9. Spot an object in the-room.
  10. Spot an object outside.
  11. Locate a moving object.
  12. Locate a spot in your body.
  13. Spot a motion.
  14. Locate a space.
  15. Spot a Thetan.

Continue the above steps until major cognition, very good indicators or exteriorization occurs.

The following steps are done outside. The pre OT takes a paper and pencil with him to take notes.

  1. The pre-OT is to put his attention on an object that is ahead of him like a parked car, lamp post, etc. and walk towards it noticing the distance between him and it. He is to continue to do this until cognition.
  2. Next the pre-OT is to again pick out an object ahead of him and wrap in energy beam around it and himself and pull himself toward the object with shortening of the beam.

    Notice what happens.

  3. Locate an object, draw energy from it into you. Repeat at least ten times.

    Note any cognitions.

  4. Locate an object as above and walk toward it. Notice what is holding you to it.
  5. Notice a cloud and notice the space between you and it.
  6. Notice your body.
  7. Notice the motion of the earth and your relationship to it.
  8. Notice something about 10 people.
Do all the above steps to a cognition.

Note: Originally it was not necessary to be exteriorized in order to do OT V or VI 6. Recently however, it has been changed and the state of exteriorization is supposed to be achieved by OT 4 thereby leaving OT V and VI to be done while exterior.


Be three feet in back of your head


Each of the following processes are run to a

(1) Floating needle
(2) Major cognition
(3) Regained ability.

(Preferably all three together as the ideal end. End Phenomena.)

  • Be three feet in back of your head.
  • Whatever you are looking at, copy it a dozen times, put it into you.
  • Find the two back corners of the room and hold onto them without thinking for two minutes.
  • Find two corners of the planet Earth, hold onto them for two minutes.
  • Find a place where you are not.
  • Spot three spots in your body.
  • Spot three spots in the room.
  • Be in the following places: The room, the sky, the moon, the sun.
  • Locate an animal .. postulate him moving from one spot to another. Observe him doing this.
  • Find a walking man ... postulate his walking faster. Do this with 20 people.
  • Find a walking person .. postulate that he will stop, then continue walking. Do this 20 times.
  • Find a person in a distant land. Notice the time of day. Notice the terrain. Notice the general environment. Smell the air.
  • Locate a thought that is his.
  • Locate a thought that is yours.

    Continue until flat.
    'Notice differences between you and your body.

  • Create in your body a feeling of calmness.
  • Create in your body sexual desire and turn it off. Continue that step until you feel you have control over the sexual drives.
  • Create in the body a feeling of pain.
  • Create in the body a feeling of serenity.

    Do the above until flat.

  • Create in the body a feeling of hunger and turn it off. Continue this step until you are in control of hunger drives.
The end result of these particular drills is the regained ability to control the body and its sensations.

Now: Postulate Anger, boredom, grief, cheerfulness and serenity - -- in that order. This is continued until you are sure that you can create any emotion.

Finally, exteriorized visit a friend who lives in another state. Greet him and flow affinity to him. Ask him to communicate to you by letter.


OT VII Rundown
June 1979 Revision

Easily place an intention into or on
a Being and/or a Body


I - Basic Processes Set-up.

  1. What are you willing to cause?
    What are you willing to be the effect of?
  2. Decide something.
  3. Clear intention. (Very thoroughly.)
    Have client use word in at least six sentences. (If needed.)

    *CDP/MCP "Intention"

  4. 1. What is a clear intention.
    2. Give me an example.
    3. What isn't a clear intention.
    4. Give me an example.
  5. 2 W/C .. the subject of intention.
  6. Recall an intention.
  7. invent (mock-up) some intentions.

    CDP - Creative Definition Procedure
    MCP - Meaning Control Procedure
    These are both Eductivism procedures for clearing words.

  8. F-1. Tell me a thought/intention you would be willing to receive from another.. (Whichever reads.)
    F-2. Tell me a thought/intention another would be willing to receive from you.
    F-3. Tell me a thought/intention others would be willing to receive from others.
    F-0. Tell me a thought/intention you'd be willing to receive from yourself.
  9. F-1. What intention of yours has another helped?
    What intention of yours has another not helped?
    F-2. What intention of another's have you helped?
    What intention of another's have you not helped?
    F-3. What intention of another's have others helped?
    What intention of another's have others not helped?
    F-0. What intention of yours have you helped?
    What intention of yours have you not helped?
  10. F-1. What intention of another's could you confront?
    What intention of another's would you rather not confront?
    F-2. What intention of yours could another confront?
    What intention of yours would another rather not confront?
    F-3. What intention of another's could others confront?
    What intention of another's would others rather not confront?
    F-0. What intention of yours could you confront?
    What intention of yours would you rather not confront?
  11. F-1. What intention of yours could another be responsible for?
    F-2. What intention of another's could you be responsible for?
    F-3. What intention of another's could others be responsible for?
    F-0. What intention of yours could you be responsible for?
  12. [This one has been blown off?? Jeta]
  13. Give me an unknown datum.
  14. (PAB 69)
    Tell me some orders you wouldn't mind receiving.
    Tell me something that would obey you.
  15. Get the idea I can place an intention.
    Get the idea I cannot place an intention.

    II. L & N Intention Process

  16. Has an intention been....
    Suppressed Forgotten
    Invalidated Hidden
    Blunted Avoided
    Abandoned Altered
    Denied Twisted
    Enforced Changed
    Desired Completed
    Decided Made Wrong
    on biggest reading item L & N ...
    What intention has been?
    R3R Quad if evil intention.

    III. Placing thoughts and intentions (inside Auditing room).

  17. A. Spot an object.
    B. Locate an object from which you are separate.
  18. Think a thought.
    Creatively place that thought in/on that. (Indicated object.)
    Row creatively get that (indicated object) thinking that thought.
    Creatively have that (indicated object) continue thinking that 'thought.
    Creatively have that (indicated object) cease thinking that thought.
  19. Clear intention.
    Mock up (invent) an intention.
    Get the idea of placing (or place) that intention in that (indicated object).
  20. From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects).
  21. Putting the decision on (in) that (indicted object) make a decision about it.
  22. Decide something.

    IV. Outside Processes with an Auditor (objects).

  23. Spot an object.
  24. Locate an object from which you are separate.
    Locate an object which is separate from you.
  25. Think a thought in (on) that (object or position)
    Do you see that (object)?
    Think a thought in (on) it.
    Did the thought appear where it is?
  26. From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects).
  27. Putting the decision on (in) that (indicated object) make a decision about it.

    V. Outside Processes with an Auditor (people).

  28. Spot an acceptable energy source.
  29. Spot a person.
  30. Locate a person from whom you are separate.
    Locate a person who is separate from you.
  31. Point out a difference between that person's body and yours.
  32. Tell me something you really know about that person.
    What would you permit that person to know about you?
  33. Postulate perfection into that person.
    Now postulate perfection into that one.
  34. Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing about that person.
    Tell me something you wouldn't mind that person not-knowing about you.
  35. Think a Thought in (on) that person
    Do you see that person?

    'Think a thought in (on) him/her?
    Did the thought appear where it is?

  36. From that person make a choice between (indicated positions or objects).
  37. Putting the decision on (in) that person, make a decision about bin/her.
  38. Decide something.


    VI Inside Processes Solo

    (On the Meter)

  39. Spot an object.
  40. Mock-up a confusion.
    Unmock it;
    What confusion could you create?
  41. Mock-up a communication terminal.
    Mock-up another communication terminal.
    Dispose of these mock-ups.
  42. What wouldn't you mind communicating with.
  43. Mock-up your (father, wife, mother, husband).
    Mock him (her) up again.
    Dispose of these mock-ups.
  44. How could you appreciate another as a human Being.
    How could another appreciate you as a human Being.
    How could you appreciate yourself as a human Being.
    How could another appreciate themselves as a human Being.
    How could another appreciate another as a human Being.
  45. Find and run a havingness process on yourself.

    VIII Outside Processes Solo (Off the Meter)

  46. Spot a person
    Spot a Thetan.

  47. 1. Go to a place with lots of people.
    2. Spot them one at a time.
    3. As you spot each person, do the following:

      A. Perceive the individual as a Life Source (Thetan).
      B. Know something about that person.
      C. Be willing to not-know something about that person.
      D. Grant beingness to that person (by cognizing the way they are).
      E. Having that person grant beingness to you.

    1. Find some plants, trees, etc., and communicate to them individually until you know they received your communication.
    2. Go to a zoo or a place with many types of life and communicate with each of them until you know the communication is received and, if possible, returned.

  48. Go out to a park, train station or other busy area. Practice placing an intention into individuals until you can successfully and easily place an intention into or on a Being and/or a body.


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex





This question has been the most plaguing one in Dianetics and Scientology.

The ONLY way a thetan ever gets in trouble, the ONLY way he can get trapped or become part of a cluster is by mocking-up and inaking pictures of bad experiences.

And why record all bad experiences? This too is not good sense. One can explain it by a yearning for eventi by havingness and other ways, but these do not factually lead to a total solution. The real reason stems from a characteristic of a thetan. He never totally gives up.

There is, seemingly, a streak of resistance or resentment that makes a thetan wish to persist in the same place. If he cannot, he will do so covertly.

All power comes from the ability to occupy a point. The base that separates two terminals must be firm or there will be no exchange of energy.

The effort to weaken a thetan is to make him relinquish his point In space. covertly or overtly a thetan seeks to assert his position in space.

If he cannot do so overtly he does so covertly.

When a thetan is moved unwillingly from a point or position, he even then refuses to give up that point, but MOCKS IT UP. He also mocks up the events of his departure as a part of the action of mocking up the point he is leaving. This, unwittingly, gives him a picture, an engram.

Now let us see if this theory holds true in practice.

  1. Just ahead of any engram there must be an effort to retain a position and there must be a point or location being mocked up. This is true. You can blow an engram without running it by spotting its first point in space and time. In a secondary, "Where did you first hear of the loss" is a vital question.
  2. In a Contact Assist getting a person to touch again the point where he was hurt with what was hurt will blow the engram.
  3. Getting a person to locate areas (locations) that are not safe produces blows of engrams without running them.
  4. Exact and accurate dating sometimes blows an engram. Those times when it does not, it should blow when the location is exactly spotted.
  5. Implants and traps were done mainly to keep thetans out of an area. The thetan, resenting and resisting mocks up the place anyway and so implants himself.

A thetan too easily substitutes a mock-up for a point in the real universe. One could also say that a thetan, by mocking up, warns himself against certain points in space or areas in the Physical Universe. Anxiety is solely not being able to be in certain places and not where one is either. Making people leave is the most unpopular action unless one also frees them to be anywhere.

Transferring people is a degrading thing to do to them.

Jail denies a thetan all spaces except where he has been placed and note that thetans are made very miserable in Jail. Jailing is a sure way to confirm criminals and also to make them crazy as well.

Any thetan, stuck in an engram, is asserting the effort to be at the point where he was hit at the beginning of that engram.

An engram therefore is a refusal to leave a place at which force was exerted to drive one away.

Reversely, one can refuse to be held at a place where one does not wish to bt, but this is a negation of a place, a not-is of it and its time. Power of choice over where one is and where one is not is thus a key to engrams.

Finally - a thetan mocks up because he covertly refuses to abandon a location under duress and not-ises the place where he does not wish to be but must.

Using these facts one can blow engrams without running them.

Some sample questions:

  • What point (location) is unsafe?
  • What location could you have held absolutely?
  • Where did you first get an intimation of danger?
  • What place would you rather not be in?
  • What effort would it take to hold (that) (a) locatation?
Working with this you will see a door open to a higher level than Dianetic R3R. But realize that it is only for a high level thetan.

This is the road to returned personal power in the Physical Universe.


Copyright (c) 1969
By L. Ron Hubbard


OT VIII Course Students
OT VIII Auditors
AO Review Auditors
AO C/Ses

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



OT VIII Series I



By the time you read this I will no longer be occupying the body and identity that you have known as Ron. That identity continues to live in the hearts and minds of many as well as in on-Source tech and admin centers around the planet, and will inspire for years to come Scientologists and lovers of truth every-where.

What follows is a story that has been withheld, for reasons which will soon be obvious, until such time as there were enough OTs that something could be done about it. That time Is now. It is not a nice or a pretty story. but I trust that having arrived on the OT VIII Course you are ready to hear it.

You have undoubtedly heard pieces of data over the years that hinted at the greater untold reality of my mission here on Earth. But the story was never written, nor spoken in its entirety due to security problems that have unfortunately always plagued the organization. It is only now that I feel it safe to release the information, although the time is rapidly approaching when I will have no choice in the matter, the hour draws that near.

I an not going to delve too deeply into specifics as people have a tendency to bog themselves down in significance. which would only serve to delay the immediacy of the task at hand. Therefore I will be brief.

Some eighty-odd million years ago Earth time (it actually dates at 78,395,042 but dates are & bit superfluous with this material) plans were drawn by a group outside the MEST universe for the eventual takeover of a good portion of this universe. Not a particularly large nor imaginative crew, their exterior perspective, however, gives them considerable advantage over tho time-bound beings of the MEST universe. Borrowing from earlier operations such as Helotrobus, they conceived an ongoing implant, some portions of which have been fairly faithfully rendered in parts of the Bible.

This implant, laid in by carefully controlled genetic mutation at Incident Two of OT III and periodically reinforced by controlled historic events since then, makes it effectively impossible for beings on the more heavily affected planets such as Earth to become free. It causes progressive genetic "evolution" that gives the subject population greater and greater susceptibility to the telepathic impingement and direction of the controllers. In its final stage the progression becomes almost geometric, and it is this final stage that we are rapidly approaching.

Another aspect of this GE-line implant is that the body becomes in effect a sort of thats trap that kicks in heavily on the being should he attempt to expand his horizons beyond that of pure physical universe reality. There can be temporary key-outs which we have all experienced in varying degrees, but until this area is handled it can honestly be said that there is no hope for continued expansion. The good news is that once this is run out, expansion becomes rather effortless and almost automatic.

No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, refered to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the "light bearers" or "light bringer"), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy.

My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period. During this period there is a fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which would make it impossible for the mass Marcabian landing (Second Coming) to take place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid series of destructive events.

With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike, have been instruments to speed the progress of this "evolution of consciousness" and bring about the eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.

For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on. let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings inspired to see where it all inevitably leads.

It is historic fact and yet man still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting. It Is a good joke that the Calactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the "Prince of Darkness". Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible.

So it really is a race against time and one that we happen to be losing at the moment, as the implant drama inexorably plays itself out in spite of the breakneck pace I've managed to keep up these last thirty-five years.

I had an inkling, but only that, of the insidiousness of this material as far back as 1945. Later, in charcteristic over-optimism, I thought that R6 would be the end of it. But that was followed by NOTs and the Purification Rundown and still the string continued to unwind with the ball at the end of it just out of sight. It makes ons wonder about such things as fate and destiny, suchs was the resolve with which I managed to cling to that string, not often knowing how close I was to falling into the abyss myself, but destiny it merely the rationalization of feeble minds. Things don't just happen, they are caused. And causative beings can undo the plans of madmen and would-be enslavers, no matter how long those plans may have been in the making.

I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission with another Identity. Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy. It appears that is one dream that will have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma. The job ahead is far too tough to even contemplate doing with your standard -- courtesy of certain other-dimensional players and their Marcab pieces, many of whom are right here in the general populace -- genetically altered body.

Without the biogenetic meddling of those who stand outside time (who cannot yet directly influence our world and must work through others) the dwindling spiral is not nearly as automatic and self-perpetuating as it appears. There are regions even in isolated parts of the Milky Way where poets are free to poet and magicians can paint reality with their magic wands and exteriorize without body kickback. But these areas unfortunately are fewer and fewer.

I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.

So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these years. Now you too are part of this secret and I no longer have to shoulder the burden alone or live with the possibility of body death before all the data could be released. And with this briefing I entrust to each of you the responsibility for this material until such time as I am able to return. For we have no help from any other quarter in this matter. The handful of secret societies throughout history that have caught on to this game have long since fallen by the wayside or been taken over and become instruments of the very menace they were set up to combat.

The rundown is long and can be arduous, but it must be done thoroughly if there is to be any effect not only on the body of the pre-OT but the body of his or her progeny as wall. There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete it is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous combustion".


But the area is well charted, the rundown many years in secret development, and by the time you read this undoubtedly completed on myself. The wins awaiting you are like none that you have ever experienced, not just for you. but for your children, your children's children and the whole of mankind, if we succeed. And we will. If we had time we should pity the many poor souls, from 1950 to PT, who chose such an exactly inopportune moment to drop off the road to truth and disconnect from reality, the full burst and glory of OT practically within their grasp. But we haven't the time to "wax philosophic" or ponder might have beens.

The rundown follows. Again I say, do it thoroughly and completely, for it is your ticket to the stars. And beyond!


Copyright (c) 1980
by L. Ron Hubbard

OT VIII Study, Top Secret Debrief, 1991

From recall this is a record of the full OT VIII procedure of the Church of Scientology given on the Free Winds ship as delivered in 1991. Security there is very tight with detectors at the doors so that no original data can be removed.

This debrief is something the Independent Field/Free Zone Scientology has been waiting many years to see. It is not the original nor is it a perfect record but it is accurate and will get the result if followed by a competent solo auditor who is flat on all earlier levels with all overts off.

The wording of the processes are exact to the best of my recall and the procedures are exact for sure. Any differences are extremely minor (if at all). I spent several weeks reconstructing all this from memory (needless to say I have an excellent memory as a result of the rundown).

I am breaking security as I disagree that this should only be released to an elite in Scientology. I do, however, ask it not be released to psyches or "squirrels" or anyone who will break the Independent Security Network and allow it to get back to the Church of Scientology. It would be best if they do not find out that we have it. Please treat this data responsibly. It is the key to the only truth possible.

The whole secret involves what truly is the relationship of the Supreme Being to each individual thetan. To simply say it's `me" is oversimplified to tears but has some truth to it. The real key is the perception and ability to have full certainty and, therefore, perception on all confusions and distortions of MEST (matter, energy, space, and time) and form and life units as well as the ability to perceive exact identity and its full relationship to its true source and history from its origin as the theta body, the true 8th Dynamic In order to truly view this as a present time beingness one has to Clean up, once and for all, his own confusions regarding these points. The key is being flat on all earlier levels and being honest with self as to the truth on each step of the rundown.

In doing this procedure one has to acknowledge the lie of time and persistence and the lie of the illusion that MEST is solid and unchangeable. Another key given is the fact that a being can exist independent of time and present time and can chose any point on the track as his present time. The PT (present time) body can confuse this, as attention to some degree is always hung up on the PT body. This fixes the thetan into one present time and one time stream, when in fact there are many as you will discover.

Do not attempt this rundown if you are incomplete on any earlier level, incomplete on or in need of "sec checks," (security checks) involved in any out ethics, PTS or involved in any pressing PT situations that call your attention back to this present time. If you are in need of review on any point above, get it before starting the rundown or it will miss and be meaningless or wasted.

If your attention is in any way governed by OT 7 (NOTs) or earlier materials on OT levels, this rundown will miss and be wasted. This also goes for out int. If interiorization/exteriorization is a concern at all, get reviewed and flattened on OT I to VII before attempting this rundown.

The techniques involve simple spotting techniques as in R2 processes or straightwire references.

Step One: Read and word clear Handbook for Preclears cover to cover.

Step Two: Do all steps and exercises in the above book and note reads on any terminals or items [presumably these are used in review or higher levels later]. Keep the ruds in.

Step Three: Listen to the History of Man tapes and star rate M4 the concepts in them (The Time Track of Theta).

Step Four: Clear the definition of `truth" and clay demo it [Tech Dictionary].

Step Five: Clay demo the concept of the theta line branching out toward PT from the "theta body" and how this inhibits exteriorization, ability, power and perception of truth. Clay demo what will happen if someone did OT VIII procedure who was not fully completed on OT VII (NOTs). Sort this out from the above data.

Step Six: Define "know-point" in the Tech Dictionary.

Step Seven: Study the early Dianetic Auditor Bulletin on straightwire in Tech Volume One. Study Creation of Human Ability references regarding spotting objectively and subjectively. Demo "recall," `spotting" and "return" and how these differ.

Step Eight: This is the processing section which is done solo. Do not fall into running pictures or incidents. In others words, do not use "recall" or "return," use spot" only.

  1. Fly the ruds.

  2. Clear and false data strip "truth," identity, time," place," "form" and event," each to EP. Restudy the definitions in the Tech Dictionary.

  3. Clear and False Data Strip the 8th Dynamic," God," "Infinity," 'self," anyone you have identified as a god and any other wording you may have for the 8th dynamic.

  4. Valence split (Similarity/Difference process) each answer on the reading questions below by alternately spotting differences and similarities between self and the terminal to a blow accompanied by a small blowdown F/N or larger.

  1. Spot a person or object in this L/T [lifetime] or on the backtrack you have identified as or who represented the 8th Dynamic to you. Valence split to EP and then recheck to an F/Ning question on call or thought. End the session for the day and recheck to ensure it's F/Ning the next day before continuing.

  2. Spot a person who looked/looks like you. Handle as above.

  3. Spot a person who looked/looks dissimilar to you. Handle as above.

  4. Spot a person who is how you wanted/want to be. Handle as above.

  5. Spot a person who is how you didn't want to be. Handle as above.

  6. Spot a person who you'd never want to be. Handle as above.

  7. Spot a person who you want to be. Handle as above.

  8. Spot a person who you identify as self [me]. Handle as above. End on major stable win on the subject of identity.
Step Nine:

Run as above with Valence Splitting, etc.

  1. Ruds as needed

  2. Spot a being who is close in true identity to you.

  3. Spot a being who has the same experiences as you.

  4. Spot a being who solves things as you have.

  5. Spot a being you are or have been junior or subordinate to as a thetan or in life.

  6. Spot a being who you are/have been senior to in life or as a thetan.

  7. Spot a person who postulates as you do.

  8. Spot a person who you postulate for.

  9. Spot a person who may have postulated for you.

  10. Spot the situation or problem each of the above beings has solved for you. Get prior confusion to the first time ever and spot the first moment of the first prior confusion.
End on major stable win on the subject audited; however, do Step 10 before proceeding.

Step Ten:

Use alternate repetitive straightwire.

End on wins. End section when nothing reads anymore and you have a major stable win.

  1. Spot a truth in self. Spot a truth in others.

  2. Have another spot a truth in you.
    Have another spot a truth in himself/herself.

  3. Spot a reality you have solved with a lie.
    Spot a reality you have not solved with a lie.

  4. Spot a reality you have substituted for a truth.
    Spot a reality you have substituted for a lie.

  5. Spot a reality another has substituted for a truth.
    Spot a reality another has substituted for a lie.

  6. Spot a reality you postulated for another.
    What did it solve for you?
    What did it solve for him/her?

  7. Spot a reality another has postulated for you.
    What did it solve for him/her?
    What did it solve for you?

  8. Have another spot a reality another has postulated in himself/herself.
    What did it solve for him/her?
    What did it solve for you?

  9. Locate a reality you found safe.
    Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blowdown F/N or larger)

  10. Locate a reality another found safe.
    Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blowdown F/N or larger)

  11. Locate a reality another found safe for you.
    Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down F/N or larger)
    Have the other person spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down F/N or larger)

  12. Locate a reality you have found safe for another.
    Spot the truth about it. (to a blow small blow down F/N or larger)
    Have the other person spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down F/N or larger)

  13. Spot a reality you can create for yourself.
    Postulate a truth for it.

  14. Spot a reality you can create for another.
    Postulate a truth for it.

  15. Spot a reality you can have another create for you.
    Postulate a truth for it.

    Note: Steps [16] to [19] are a bracket. Each set should blow down on the let go step. End on a win, cog or big change and then do the next step.

  16. Create a future for someone.
    Place them in it.
    Postulate some truth about it.
    Now let go of it

  17. Create a future for yourself.
    Place yourself in it.
    Place another in it.
    Postulate some truth about it.
    Now let go of it.

  18. Recall a truth you agreed didn't happen.
    Spot the exact truth in it.
    Spot any lie in it.
    Now let go of it.

  19. Spot present time moving forward.
    Notice thetans agreeing with it.
    Spot any agreements you have with it.
    Now let go of it.

    Spot a different present time.
    Notice thetans agreeing with it.
    Spot any agreements you have with it.
    Now let go of it.

    Spot a different present time.
    Notice thetans agreeing with it.
    Spot any agreements you have with it.
    Now let go of it.

    (Repeat to a small blowdown F/N, big win)

Step Eleven:

Do all steps to full EP. End on all wins until persistent F/N dies down.

  1. Spot each portion of your theta that was abandoned.

  2. Spot each portion of your theta you asserted was not yours.

  3. Spot each portion of theta you asserted was yours that wasn't.

  4. Spot your PT creations in this MEST universe.

  5. Spot PT creations that were not yours in this MEST universe.

  6. Spot any old creations that are hung up.
    Spot the truth about these to a blow.
    Note: Don't concentrate on the untruths, just the truths.

  7. Spot yourself as a source for various things in this and other universes to full certainty.

  8. Spot another 8th Dynamic creation as independent from yourself.
    Spot where it is.

  9. Spot points where you have experienced joy or ecstasy in creating in this lifetime and on the back track.

  10. Spot other beings you feel high ARC or love for.
    Spot the truths in these beings. (each to a read F/N)

  11. Spot some theta you have created.

  12. Create some theta. Uncreate it. (to a read as it blows off however small it is)
Redo A to L above until, the TA floats or a true unkillable persistent F/N appears and you have had a revelation regarding truth or 8th Dynamic creation. This is the end of OT VIII.

Note: I wasn't privy to any C/Sing or review techniques or other EP data. Beyond this there is no confidential EP to my knowledge.

Information is the water that fertilizes
Scientology's own seed of destruction

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