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3. HCO's ('Ethics' - 3/3)

 July 14, 1997      Choose Background Color ===> 


Added HCO-file nr. 4

L. Ron Hubbard® (founder) in 'Scientology Ethics':

© "
[Suppressive Persons & Groups] cannot be granted the
rights and beingness ordinarily accorded rational beings."

           3. Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins
     (Added HCO-file nr. 4)

The texts here are presented in a different lay-out as those of the 'normal' HCO's. That's because I've received them as a sort of (secret) booklet.

These materials are the base of the Scientology / Dianetics Juridical System. A system with its own Courts (Committees of Evidence), Legislation and Punishments. To dedicated Scientologists it is prior to the Laws of the Countries in which Scientology operates...

Keep in mind that Hubbard teaches in the 'Fair Game Law':

"An enemy / critic ...

... may be deprived of property or injured by any means".

... may be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed".

Introduction to Scientology Ethics, 1967 (3 files)



Due to the extreme urgency of our mission I have worked to remove some of the fundamental barriers from our progress.
The chief stumbling block, huge above all others, is the upset we have with POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES and their relationship to Suppressive Persons or Groups.

A POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is defined as a person who while active in Scientology or a pc yet remains connected to a person or group that is a Suppressive Person or Group.

A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON or GROUP is one that actively seeks to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts.

SUPPRESSIVE ACTS are acts calculated to impede or destroy Scientology or a Scientologist and which are listed at length in this policy letter.

A Scientologist caught in the situation of being in Scientology while still connected with a Suppressive Person or Group is given a present time problem of sufficient magnitude to prevent case gain, as only a PTP can halt progress of a case. Only ARC breaks worsen it. To the PTP is added ARC breaks with the Suppressive Person or Group. The result is no-gain or deterioration of a case by reason of the suppressive connection in the environment. Any Scientologist, in his own experience, can probably recall some such cases and their subsequent upset.

Until the environment is handled, nothing beneficial can happen. Quite the contrary. In the most flagrant of such cases the Scientologist's case worsened and the Suppressive Person or Group sent endless reports to press, police, authorities and the public in general.

Unless the Potential Trouble Source, the preclear caught up in this, can be made to take action of an environmental nature to end the situation one has a pc or Scientologist who may cave in or squirrel because of no case gain and also a hostile environment for Scientology.

This policy letter gives the means and provides the policy for getting the above situation handled. A Potential Trouble Source may receive no processing until the situation is handled.

A Suppressive Person or Group may not be further protected by the Codes and disciplines of Scientology or the rights of a Scientologist.

The families and adherents of Suppressive Persons or Groups may not receive processing. It does not matter whether they are or are not Scientologists. If the families or adherents of Suppressive Persons or Groups are processed, any auditor doing so is guilty of a Misdemeanor.

A Potential Trouble Source knowingly permitting himself or herself or the Suppressive Person to be processed without advising the auditor or Scientology authorities is guilty of a Crime.


Suppressive Acts are defined as actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologists.

Such Suppressive Acts include :

  • Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology organizations;
  • Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened;
  • Proposing, advising or voting for legislation or ordinances, rules or laws directed toward the suppression of Scientology;
  • Pronouncing Scientologists guilty of the practice of standard Scientology;
  • Testifying hostilely before state or public inquiries into Scientology to suppress it;
  • Reporting or threatening to report Scientology or Scientologists to civil authorities in an effort to suppress Scientology or Scientologists from practicing or receiving standard Scientology;
  • Bringing civil suit against any Scientology organization or Scientologist including the nonpayment of bills or failure to refund without first calling the matter to the attention of the Chairman at Saint Hill and receiving a reply;
  • Demanding the return of any or all fees paid for standard training or processing actually received or received in part and still available but undelivered only because of departure of the person demanding (the fees must be refunded but this policy letter applies);
  • Writing anti-Scientology letters to the press or giving anti-Scientology or anti-Scientologist evidence to the press;
  • Testifying as a hostile witness against Scientology in public;
  • Continued membership in a divergent group;
  • Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO;
  • Failure to handle a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts;
  • Being at the hire of anti-Scientology groups or persons;
  • Organizing a splinter group to use Scientology data or any part of it to distract people from standard Scientology;
  • Organizing splinter groups to diverge from Scientology practices, still calling it Scientology or calling it something else;
  • Calling meetings of staffs or field auditors or the public to deliver Scientology into the hands of unauthorized persons or (persons) who will suppress it or alter it or who have no reputation for following standard lines and procedures;
  • Infiltrating a Scientology group or organization or staff to stir up discontent or protest at the instigation of hostile forces;
  • First degree murder, arson, disintegration of persons or belongings;
  • Mutiny;
  • Seeking to splinter off an area of Scientology and deny it properly constituted authority for personal profit, personal power or "to save the organization from the higher officers of Scientology";
  • Engaging in malicious rumor-mongering to destroy the authority or repute of higher officers or the leading names of Scientology or to "safeguard" a position;
  • Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without defense or protest to the demands of civil or criminal law;
  • Falsifying records that then imperil the liberty or safety of a Scientologist;
  • Knowingly giving false testimony to imperil a Scientologist;
  • Receiving money, favors or encouragement to suppress Scientology or Scientologists;
  • Sexual or sexually perverted conduct contrary to the well-being or good state of mind of a Scientologist in good standing or under the charge of Scientology such as a student, a preclear, a ward or a patient;
  • Blackmail of Scientologists or Scientology organizations threatened or accomplished - in which case the crime being used for blackmail purposes becomes fully outside the reach of Ethics and is absolved by the fact of blackmail unless repeated.
Suppressive Acts are clearly those covert or overt acts knowingly calculated to reduce or destroy the influence or activities of Scientology or prevent case gains or continued Scientology success and activity on the part of a Scientologist. As persons or groups that would do such a thing act out of self-interest only to the detriment of all others, they cannot be granted the rights and beingness ordinarily accorded rational beings.

If a person or a group that has committed a Suppressive Act comes to his, her or their senses and recants, the HCO Secretary:

  1. Tells the person or group to stop committing present-time overts and to cease all attacks and suppressions so he, she or they can get a case gain;
  2. Requires a public announcement to the effect that they realize their actions were ignorant and unfounded and stating where possible the influences or motivations which caused them to attempt to suppress or attack Scientology; gets it signed before witnesses and published broadly, particularly to persons directly influenced or formerly associated with the former offender or offenders. The letter should be calculated to expose any conspiracy to suppress Scientology or the preclear or Scientologist if such existed;

    B(1). Requires that all debts owed to Scientology organizations are paid off;

  3. Requires training beginning at the lowest level at their expense if the executives in charge of training will have the person or the group members;
  4. Makes a note of the matter with copies of the statement and files in the Ethics files;
  5. Informs the Chairman at Saint Hill and forwards a duplicate of the original copy which shows signatures.
Any Potential Trouble Source owing money to any Scientology organization is handled the same as any other Scientologist. Failure to discharge a financial obligation becomes a civil ethics matter after normal, within-org avenues of collection have been exhausted.

Any PTS who fails to handle the SP who is making him or her a PTS is, by failing to do so, guilty of a Suppressive Act.

Civil court action against SPs to effect collection of monies owed may be resorted to. Until a Suppressive Person or Group is absolved, but not during the period when the person requests and has a Committee of Evidence, or an amnesty occurs, no Scientology ethics other than this HCO Policy Letter applies to such persons.

Such persons are in the same category as those whose certificates have been canceled, and persons whose certificates, classifications and awards have been canceled are also in this category.
The imagination must not be stretched to place this label on a person. Errors, Misdemeanors and Crimes do not label a person as a Suppressive Person or Group. Only High Crimes do so.

A Committee of Evidence may be called by any Convening Authority who wishes more concrete evidence of efforts to suppress Scientology or Scientologists, but if such a Committee's findings, passed on, establish beyond reasonable doubt Suppressive Acts, this policy letter applies.

Outright or covert acts knowingly designed to impede or destroy Scientology or Scientologists is what is meant by acts suppressive of Scientology or Scientologists.

The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics requires that actions destructive of the advance of the many by Scientology means, overtly or covertly undertaken with the direct target of destroying Scientology as a whole or a Scientologist in particular, be summarily handled due to the character of the reactive mind and the consequent impulses of the insane or near insane to ruin every chance of Mankind via Scientology.


A Scientologist connected by familial or other ties to a person who is guilty of Suppressive Acts is known as a Potential Trouble Source or Trouble Source. The history of Dianetics and Scientology is strewn with these. Confused by emotional ties, dogged in refusing to give up Scientology, yet invalidated by a Suppressive Person at every turn, they cannot, having a PTP, make case gains.

If they would act with determination - reform the Suppressive Person or otherwise handle - they could then make gains and recover their potential. If they make no determined move, they eventually succumb.

Therefore this policy letter extends to suppressive non-Scientology wives and husbands and parents, or other family members or hostile groups or even close friends. So long as a wife or husband, father or mother or other family connection, who is attempting to suppress the Scientology spouse or child, or hostile group remains continuingly acknowledged or in communication with the Scientology spouse or child or member, then that Scientologist or preclear comes under the family or adherent clause and may not be processed or further trained until he or she has taken appropriate action to cease to be a Potential Trouble Source.

The validity of this policy is borne out by the fact that the US Government raids and other troubles were instigated by wives, husbands or parents who were actively suppressing a Scientologist, or Scientology. The suppressed Scientologist did not act in good time to avert the trouble by handling the antagonistic family member as a suppressive source.

Where any injustice is deemed to have occurred in the handlings of or by a Potential Trouble Source, recourse is available by requesting a Committee of Evidence from the nearest Convening Authority (or HCO) and producing any evidence of actual material assistance to Scientology without reservation or bad intent. The Committee must be convened if requested.

In handling suppression, the Scientologist would be well advised to avail himself of the technology available in all Scientology churches, to resolve such situations. While he remains a Potential Trouble Source, he may not receive any training or auditing except that which is specifically designed to handle PTS conditions.

The real motives of Suppressive Persons have been traced to quite sordid hidden desires - in one case the wife wanted her husband's death so she could get his money, and fought Scientology because it was making the husband well. Without handling the wife or the suppression with the woman the Scientologist, as family, drifted on with the situation and the wife was able to cause a near destruction of Scientology in that area by false testimony to the police and government and press.

Therefore this is a serious thing - to tolerate or leave unhandled a source of active suppression of a Scientologist or Scientology without legally handling the relationship or acting to expose the true motives behind the hostility and reform the person. No money particularly may be accepted as fee or loan from a person who is "family" to a Suppressive Person and therefore a Potential Trouble Source. There is no source of trouble in Scientology's history greater than this one for frequency and lack of attention.

Anyone absolved of Suppressive Acts by an amnesty or a Committee of Evidence ceases to be declared Suppressive. Anyone found guilty of Suppressive Acts by a Committee of Evidence and its Convening Authorities remains declared unless saved by an amnesty.

This policy letter is calculated to prevent future distractions of this nature as time goes on.


Truly Suppressive Persons or Groups have no rights of any kind as Scientologists and legal actions taken against them are not punishable under Scientology Ethics Codes.

However a person or group may be falsely labeled a Suppressive Person or Group. Should the person or group claim the label to be false, he, she or they may request a Committee of Evidence via their nearest HCO. The executive with the power to convene a Committee of Evidence must do so if one is requested for recourse or redress of wrongs.

The person or representative of the group labeled suppressive is named as an Interested Party to the Committee. They attend it where it convenes. The Committee must pay attention to any actual evidences that the person or group that is accused of being suppressive may produce particularly to the effect of having helped Scientology or Scientologists or a Scientologist and if this is seen to outweigh the accusations, proof or lack of it, the person is absolved.

Any knowingly false testimony, forgeries or false witnesses introduced by the person or group accused of being suppressive can result in an immediate finding against the person or group.

Any effort to use copies of the testimony or findings of a Committee of Evidence called for this purpose or holding it to scorn in a civil court immediately reverses any favorable finding and automatically labels the person or group suppressive.

Failing to prove guilt of Suppressive Acts, the Committee must absolve the person or group publicly. If the findings, as passed upon by the Convening Authority, demonstrate guilt, the person or group is so labeled as a Suppressive Person or Group.


A person labeled a Potential Trouble Source and so barred from receiving auditing may request a Committee of Evidence of the nearest HCO as recourse if he or she contests the allegation. The Committee of Evidence requested must be convened by the nearest Convening Authority with approval from the International Justice Chief Flag where this is required by policy.

If evidences of handling are given or if the alleged Suppressive Person or Group is clearly and beyond reasonable doubt shown not to be guilty of Suppressive Acts or is shown clearly to have reformed, the Committee of Evidence findings and the Convening Authority must remove the label of Potential Trouble Source from the Scientologist and the label Suppressive Person or Group from the suspected person or group.

But should the former Potential Trouble Source's state of case show no gain after reasonable time in processing, any executive of Division 4 (Training and Processing) may request a new Committee of Evidence in the matter and if it and its Convening Authority reverse the former findings, the labels are applied. But no auditor may be disciplined for auditing either during the period between the two findings.


An auditor disciplined for processing a Potential Trouble Source or a Suppressive Person or a member of a Suppressive Group may request a Committee of evidence if he can persuade the Potential Trouble Source and the Suppressive Person or a representative of the Suppressive Group to appear before it.
The auditor so requesting may also have named as an Interested Party or Parties with himself the person or persons who supplied the information or misinformation concerning his actions.

No damages or costs may be borne by or ordered by a Committee of Evidence in cases involving Potential Trouble Sources or Suppressive Persons or Groups. When the Potential Trouble Source or Suppressive Person or Group representative fails to appear before a Committee of Evidence on a Bill of Particulars labeling persons as Potential Trouble Sources or Suppressive Persons or Groups at the published time of its convening, the Bill of Particulars stands as proven and the Convening Authority is bound so to declare.


Any HCO Area Secretary or Ethics Officer may receive evidence of handling suppression including signed statements, valid documents, testimonies duly signed and witnessed, etc., and finding them to be bona fide, may publicly announce by Ethics Order that the handling is completed.

The HCO Area Secretary or Ethics Officer must place copies of such evidence in the Ethics file and in CF folders of all persons named in them. The person who has completed the handling then ceases to be a Potential Trouble Source. The procedure for a recanting Suppressive Person or Group is oulined above.


It is wise for any Scientologist, HCO Secretary or Committee of Evidence in matters concerning Suppressive Acts to obtain valid documents, letters, testimonies duly signed and witnessed, affidavits duly sworn to and other matters and evidences which would have weight in a court of law. Momentary spite, slander suits, charges of Scientology separating families, etc., are then guarded against.

If matters concerning Suppressive Acts are given good and alert attention, properly enforced, they will greatly accelerate the growth of Scientology and bring a new calmness to its people and organizations and far better case gains where they have not heretofore been easy to achieve.

Preclears with present time problems, ARC broken with asociated but Suppressive Persons will not obtain case gains but on the contrary may experience great difficulty. Observance of these facts and disciplines can help us all.


The right to petition must not be denied. It is the oldest form of seeking justice and a redress of wrongs and it may well be that when it vanishes a civilization deteriorates thereby.

Therefore these policies apply:

  1. Any one individual has the right to petition in writing any senior or official no matter how high and no matter by what routing.
  2. No person may be punished for submitting a petition.
  3. No two persons or more may simultaneously petition on the same matter and if so the petition must at once be refused by the person petitioned.
    Collective petition is a crime under Ethics as it is an effort to hide the actual petitioner and as there may be no punishment for a petition collective petition has therefore no excuse of' safety and is to be interpreted as an effort to overwhelm and may not be regarded as a petition.
  4. No generality may be used in a petition such as a report of collective opinion unspecified as to identities. This is to be interpreted as an effort to ARC Break (ARC Break: To cause an upset, or sudden drop in ARC - Affinity, Reality and Communication. ARC com- poses understanding) a superior and the petition must be refused.
  5. Only one person may petition on one matter or the petition must be refused.
  6. Threat included in a request for justice, a favor or redress deprives it of the status of "petition" and it must be refused.
  7. Discourtesy or malice in a request for justice, a favor or redress deprives it of the status of "petition" and it must be refused.
  8. If a "petition" contains no request it is not a petition.
  9. There may be no special form for a petition beyond these policies.
  10. A petition which cannot be deciphered or understood should be returned to the sender with a request that it be made legible or comprehensible, but this should not be interpreted as a refusal or acceptance of the petition.
  11. A copy of a petition seeking justice against another person or group must be sent that person or group to qualify the request as a petition. No action may be taken by the person or group but he or they should append the copy to their own statement of the matter and send it at once to the executive being petitioned.
  12. Petitions are normally directed to the heads of activities such as the head of a portion of an organization (Hubbard Communications Office or the Organization in the persons of the HCO Executive Secretary and the Organization Executive Secretary) or the Continental heads of organizations or to Mary Sue Hubbard or L. Ron Hubbard.
  13. Petitions may not demand Committees of Evidence or punishment for executives but may only state what has happened and request the matter be righted.
  14. A petition is itself and is not a form of recourse and making a petition does not use up one's right to recourse.
  15. All petitions delivered in person verbally or in person with a note, particularly when this restricts a senior's freedom of motion, must be refused.
  16. HCO Secretaries or Communicators receiving petitions directed to be forwarded to higher executives which do not comply with these policies should append a copy of HCO Policy Letter of 29 April 1965, Issue II, Petition to the petition and return it to sender.

    The sender should then reform the petition into acceptable form and return it on the same channels. When receiving his petition back with this policy letter attached to it, the sender must not assume it has been refused and become apathetic. He or she should realize that a favor has been done for a petition in violation of these policies would have to be refused by the person to whom the petitioner addressed it and that by rewording or complying with these policies the petition now has a chance and will undoubtedly be given courteous attention.

    A petitioner should consider himself fortunate if a discourteous or collective or threatening petition is returned as it would not be regarded as a petition by the executive to whom it is addressed and might color his or her opinion of the petitioner, perhaps obscuring some real wrong which might well have received attention.

No person under sentence or awaiting a Committee of Evidence may validly petition the Office of LRH. A petition may only be submitted before or after the full course of Scientology Ethics has been taken. As all ethics actions such as a Committee of Evidence are reviewed, in effect a line already exists due to the ethics action and the facts will be on it.

Therefore a communication from a person under legal sentence from Ethics Officers or a person named in a Comm Ev may not petition. Ethics actions must be permitted to take their course. A protest from ethics actions worded as a petition routinely causes further investigation as the "petitioner" is actually only protesting ethics actions and is handled as such.


The whole decay of Western government is explained in this seemingly obvious law:
If you reward non-production you get non-production.
When you penalize production you get non-production.

The Welfare State can be defined as that state which rewards non-production at the expense of production. Let us not then be surprised that we all turn up at last slaves in a starved society.

Russia cannot even feed herself but depends on conquest to eke out an existence - and don't think they don't strip the conquered! They have to. Oddly enough one of the best ways to detect a Suppressive Person is that he or she stamps on up statistics and condones or rewards down statistics. It makes a Suppressive Person very happy for everyone to starve to death, for the good worker to be shattered and the bad worker patted on the back.

Draw your own conclusions as to whether or not Western Governments (or Welfare States) became at last Suppressives. For they used the law used by Suppressives: if you reward non-production you get non-production. Although all this is very obvious to us, it seems to have been unknown, overlooked or ignored by 20th Century governments.

In the conduct of Scientology in all matters of rewards and penalties we pay sharp heed to the basic laws as above and use this policy:
We award production and up statistics and penalize non-production and down statistics. Always.
Also we do it all by statistics - not rumor or personality or who knows who. And we make sure everyone has a statistic of some sort. We promote by statistic only. We penalize down statistics only.

The whole of Government as government was only a small bit of a real organization - it was an Ethics function Plus a Tax function Plus a Disbursement function. This is about 3/100ths of an organization. A 20th Century government was just these three functions gone mad. Yet they made the whole population wear the hat (Wear The Hat: Colloquialism for "assume the duties or do the job") of government.

We must learn and profit from what they did wrong. And what they mainly did wrong was reward the down statistic and penalize the up statistic. The hardworker-earner was heavily taxed and the money was used to support the indigent. This was not humanitarian. It was only given "humanitarian" reasons.

The robbed person was investigated exclusively, rarely the robber.
The head of government who got into the most debt became a hero.
War rulers were deified and peacetime rulers forgotten no matter how many wars they prevented.
Thus went Ancient Greece, Rome, France, the British Empire and the U.S. This was the decline and fall of every great civilization on this planet: they eventually rewarded the down statistic and penalized the up statistic. That's all that caused their decline. They came at last into the hands of Suppressives and had no technology to detect them or escape their inevitable disasters.

Any duress leveled by Ethics should be reserved for down statistics. If we reverse the conduct of declining governments and businesses we will of course grow. And that makes for coffee and cakes, promotion, higher pay, better working quarters and tools for all those who earned them. And who else should have them?
If you do it any other way, everyone starves. We are peculiar in believing there is a virtue in prosperity. You cannot give more to the indigent than the society produces. When the society, by penalizing production, at last produces very little and yet has to feed very many, revolutions, confusion, political unrest and Dark Ages ensue.

In a very prosperous society where production is amply rewarded, there is always more left over than is needed. I well recall in prosperous farm communities that charity was ample and people didn't die in the ditch. That only happens where production is already low and commodity or commerce already scarce (scarcity of commercial means of distribution is also a factor in depressions).

The cause of the great depression of the 1920s and 1930s in the U.S. and England has never been pointed out by Welfare "statesmen". The cause was Income Tax and government interference with companies and, all during the 1800s, a gradual rise of nationalism and size of governments and their budgets, and no commercial development to distribute goods to the common people, catering to royal governments or only a leisure class still being the focus of production.

Income tax so penalized management, making it unrewarded, and company law so hampered financing that it ceased to be really worthwhile to run companies and management quit. In Russia management went into politics in desperation. Kings were always decreeing the commoner couldn't have this or that (it put the commoner's statistic up!) and not until 1930 did anyone really begin to sell to the people with heavy advertising. It was Madison Avenue, radio, TV and Bing Crosby, not the Gre-e-eat Roosevelt who got the U.S. out of the depression.

England, not permitting wide radio coverage never has come out of it and her empire is dust. England still too firmly held the "aristocratic" tradition that the commoner mustn't possess to truly use her population as a market. But the reason they let it go this way and the reason the great depression occurred and the reason for the decline of the West is this one simple truth:
If you reward non-production you get it.

It is not humanitarian to let a whole population go to pieces just because a few refuse to work. And some people just won't. And when work no longer has reward none will. It is far more humane to have enough so everyone can eat. So specialize in production and everybody wins. Reward it.

There is nothing really wrong with socialism helping the needy. Sometimes it is vital. But the reasons for that are more or less over. It is a temporary solution, easily overdone and like Communism is simply old-fashioned today. If carried to extremes like drinking coffee or absinthe or even eating, it becomes quite uncomfortable and oppressive. And today Socialism and Communism have been carried far too far and now only oppress up statistics and reward down ones.

No good worker owes his work. That's slavery. We don't owe because we do hetter. One would owe only if one did worse.
Not everyone realizes how Socialism penalizes an up statistic. Take health taxes. If an average man adds up what he pays the government he will find his visits to medicos are very expensive. The one who benefits is only the chronically ill, whose way is paid by the healthy. So the chronically ill (down statistic) are rewarded with care paid for by penalties on the healthy (up statistic).

In income tax, the more a worker makes the more hours of his work week are taxed away from him. Eventually he is no longer working for his reward. He is working for no pay. It he got up to 50 pounds a week the proportion of his pay (penalty) might go as high as half. Therefore people tend to refuse higher pay (up statistics) as it has a penalty that is too great. On the other hand a totally indigent non-working person is paid well just to loaf. The up statistic person cannot hire any small services to help his own prosperity as he is already paying it via tlute government to somebody who doesn't work.

Socialisms pay people not to grow crops no matter how many are starving. Get it?
So the law holds.

Charity is charity. It benefits the donor, giving him a sense of superiority and status. It is a liability to the receiver but he accepts it as he must and vows (if he has any pride) to cease being poor and get to work. Charity cannot be enforced by law and arrest for then it is extortion and not charity.

And get no idea that I beat any drum for capitalism. That too is old-old-old hat. Capitalism is the economics of living by nonproduction. It by exact definition is the economics of living off interest from loans. Which is an extreme of rewarding non-production. Imperialism and Colonialism are also bad as they exist by enslaving the population of less strong countries like Russia does, and that too is getting a reward for non-production like they did in Victorian England from all the colonies.

Parasitism is Parasitism. Whether high or low it is unlovely. All these isms are almost equally nutty and their inheritors, if not their originators, were all of a stamp - suppressive. All I beat the drum for is that the working worker deserves a break and the working manager deserves his pay and the successful company deserves the fruits of its success. Only when success is bought by enslavement or rewards are given to bums or thieves will you find me objecting. This is a new look. It is an honest look. Reward the up statistic and damn the down and we'll all make out.


Scientology is a workable system. This does not mean it is the best possible system or a perfect system. Remember and use that definition. Scientology is a workable system. In fifty thousand years of history on this planet alone, Man never evolved a workable system. It is doubtful if, in foreseeable history, he will ever evolve another.

Man is caught in a huge and complex labyrinth. To get out of it requires that he follow the closely taped path of Scientology.
Scientology will take him out of the labyrinth. But only if he follows the exact markings in the tunnels. It has taken me a third of a century in this lifetime to tape this route out. It has been proven that efforts by Man to find different routes came to nothing. It is also a clear fact that the route called Scientology does lead out of the labyrinth. Therefore it is a workable system, a route that can be travelled.

What would you think of a guide who, because his party said it was dark and the road rough and who said another tunnel looked better, abandoned the route he knew would lead out and led his party to a lost nowhere in the dark? You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy guide. What would you think of a supervisor who let a strident depart from procedure the supervisor knew worked? You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy supervisor. What would happen in a labyrinth if the guide let some girl stop in a pretty canyon and left her there forever to contemplate the rocks? You'd think he was a pretty heartless guide. You'd expect him to say at least, "Miss, those rocks may be pretty, but the road out doesn't go that way."

People have following the route mixed up with "the right to have their own ideas". Anyone is certainly entitled to have opinions and ideas and cognitions -- so long as these do not bar the route out for self and others.

Scientology is a workable system. It white tapes the road out of the labyrinth. If there were no white tapes marking the right tunnels, Man would just go on wandering around and around the way he has for cons, darting off on wrong roads, going in circles, ending up in the sticky dark, alone.
Scientology, exactly and correctly followed, takes the person up and out of the mess.
Scientology is a new thing - it is a road out. There has not been one. Not all the salesmanship in the world can make a bad route a proper route. And an awful lot of bad routes are being sold. Their end product is further slavery, more darkness, more misery.
Scientology is the only workable system Man has. It has already taken people toward higher I.Q., better lives and all that. No other system has. So realize that it has no competitor.
Scientology is a workable system. It has the route taped. The search is done. Now the route only needs to be walked.

So put the feet of students and preclears on that route. Don't let them off of it no matter how fascinating the side roads seem to them. And move them on up and out. Don't let your party down. By whatever means, keep them on the route. And they'll be free. If you don't, they won't.

L. Ron Hubbard

Information is the water that fertilizes
Scientology's own seed of destruction

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