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Secrets HCO's (added file nr. 1) July 14, 1997. Choose Background Color ===> |
Added HCO-file nr. 1
© " intelligence we get with a whisper. Investigation we do with a yell. Always. Hire them [private detectives] and damn the cost when you need to. Suits are basically best as threats."
3. Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins.
(added file nr. 1)HCO bulletins were produced almost every day when Hubbard was alive. So there are a lot of them. Here I just placed some of the more striking ones. In the Advanced section (#7) you'll find some more.
The creation of a 'Hubbard Communication Office'-letters/bulletins/etc. database should be considered.
HCOB's are aimed at the 'tech' (red text).
HCOPL's are 'Policy Letters' (green text).
- Crime, Cause of (May 6, 1982)
"There's only one remedy for crime -- get rid of the psychs! They are causing it!"
- Ethics, Design of (Dec 7, 1969)
"With this "superior tech" under my belt I searched out and found alone the youngest O'Connell kid, a year older than I, and pulverized him."
- Leaving and Leaves (Dec 7, 1976)
"All persons whose contracts expire without renewal and all persons who wish to leave are to be security checked"
- Manual of Justice (1959)
"Hire them [private detectives] and damn the cost when you need to."
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 6 MAY 1982
They say poverty makes crime. They say if one improved education there would be less crime. They say if one cured the lot of the underprivileged one would have solved crime.All these "remedies" have proven blatantly false.
In very poor countries there is little crime. The "improving" education, it was tailored to "social reform," not teaching skills. And it is a total failure. The fact that rewarding the underprivileged has simply wrecked schools and neighborhoods and cost billions is missing.
So who is "they"? The psychologist and psychiatrist of course. These were their crackpot remedies for crime. And it's wrecked a civilization.
So what IS the cause of crime? The treatment of course! Electric shocks, behavior modification, abuse of the soul. These are the causes of crime. There would be no criminals at all if the psychs had not begun to oppress beings into vengeance against society.
There's only one remedy for crime -- get rid of the psychs! They are causing it!
Ah yes, it's true on cases and cases of research on criminals. And what's it all go back to? The psychs!
Their brutality and heartlessness is renowned.
The data is rolling in. Any more you pick up off a criminal or anyone, send it in.
On crime we have an epidemic running on this planet. The wrong causes psychs assign for crime plus their own "treatments" make them a deadly virus.
The psychs should not be let to get away with "treatment" which amounts to criminal acts, mayhem and murder. They are not above the law. In fact there are no laws at all which protect them for what sane society would sanction crime against its itizens even as science? They should be handled like any other criminals. They are at best dramatizing psychotics and dangerous, but more dangerous to society at large than the psychotics they keep in their offices and looney bins because they lie and are treacherous. Why the government funds them I do not know. They are the last ones that should be let loose to handle children.
All Exec Hats
HCO Area Hat
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 DECEMBER 1969
It is very easy for a staff member and even an Ethics Officer to completely misunderstand Ethics and its functions. In a society run by SPs [Suppressive Persons] and controlled by incompetent police the citizen almost engramically identifies any justice action or symbol with oppression.Yet in the absence of true Ethics no one can live with others and stats go down inevitably. So a justice function must exist to protect producers and decent people.
To give you an example, when a little boy this life, the neighborhood a block around and the road from home to school were unusable. A bully about five years older than I named Leon Brown exerted a very bad influence over other children. With extortion by violence and blackmail and with corruption he made the area very dangerous. The road to school was blocked by the 5 O'Connell kids, ranging from 7 to 15 who stopped and beat up any smaller child. One couldn't go to school safely and was hounded by the truant officer, a hulking brute complete with star, if one didn't go to school.
When I was about six I got very tired of a bloody nose and spankings because my clothes were torn and avidly learned "lumberjack fighting" a crude form of judo from my grandfather.
With this "superior tech" under my belt I searched out and found alone the youngest O'Connell kid, a year older than I, and pulverized him. Then I found alone and took on the next in size and pulverized him. After that the O'Connell kids, all 5, fled each time I showed up and the road to school was open and I convoyed other little kids so it was safe.
Then one day I got up on a 9 foot high board fence and waited until the 12 year old bully passed by and leaped off on him boots and all and after the dust settled that neighborhood was safe for every kid in it.
So I learned about justice, Kids would come from blocks away to get help in their neighborhood. Finally for a mile around it was a safe environment for kids.
From this I learned two lessons:
On further living I found that only those who sought only peace were ever butchered. The thousands of years of Jewish passivity earned them nothing but slaughter.
- Strength is nothing without skill and tech and reversely, without skill and tech the strength of brutes is a matter of contempt.
- Strength has two sides, one for good and one for evil. It is the intention that makes the difference.
So things do not run right because one is holy or good. Things run right because one makes them run right.
Justice is a necessary action to any successful society. Without it the brute attacks the weak, the decent and the productive.
There are people who suppress. They are few. They often rise up to being in charge and then all things decay. They are essentially psychopathic personalities. Such want position in order to kill. Such as Ghenghiz Khan, Hitler, psychiatrists [...], psychopathic criminals, want power only to destroy. Covertly or overtly they pay only with death. They arrived where they arrived, in charge of things, because nobody when they were on their way up said "No". They are monuments to the cowards, the reasonable people who didn't put period to them while they were still only small bullies and still vulnerable.
Ethics has to get there before tech can occur. So when it doesn't exist or goes out then tech doesn't occur and suppression sets in and death follows.
So if someone doesn't hold the line, all become victims of oppression.
TWO SECTIONS The Ethics Section is in Department 3. This department is called Inspection and Reports.
In small orgs there is only one person in that department.
Primarily his duties consist of Inspecting and Reporting to his divisional head and the Executive Council.
That is the first section's function.
WHEN inspection reveals outness and reports (such as graphs or direct nfo to the EC) do not result in correction THEN it is a matter for the second section.
The second section of Department 3 is Ethics.
Now it is an Ethics matter. If correctly reported outnesses that threaten the org are NOT corrected then one assumes that suppression exists.
Because he has files of damage reports and chits and because he can see and investigate, the Ethics Officer locates WHO is causing outnesses and suppressing the org. By condition assignments, publication and Comm Evs [Committees of Evidence, the cult courts] he gets in Ethics.
It occasionally happens that it is someone high up in the org. It sometimes happens his seniors or the EC scold him for daring to report on things or to them. Then he knows the suppression is high up and he is delinquent in duty if he does not report it to the next highest org and if no action there right on up to the Sea Org. Anyone removing him for daring to report the factual results of his inspections can be severely handled by upper organizations. The Ethics Officer can only be in trouble if he fails to do his job and keep in Ethics.
Hitting people with conditions is such a small part of Ethics that it is almost an abandonment of post. Letting people be hit with wrong conditions is a Comm Ev offense.
Letting an SP collapse stats or an org is a shooting offense.
An Ethics Officer uses Ethics to protect Ethics upstats and keep the stats up and to smoke out crimes that push people and stats down. It is a simple function.
The basic duties of Dept 3 are what it says. Inspection and Reports. These alone usually work. When they don't and stats fall or people fall off the org board, one goes into Ethics actions.
You don't let incompetent and suppressive people on staff in the first place and you crowd Ethics in on them if they're found to be there.
You DON'T confuse an executive's effort to get the stats up with suppression.
The E/0 is making the environment safe so that production can occur and service can be given. He is making it unsafe for those who by neglect or continual errors or suppression push stats down and get good staff members to leave.
If none of this is well understood and yet someone is making it impossible to work, find a 9 foot high board fence...... The E/0 must know his Ethics policy. He must understand why he is there. And the rest of the people in the org should understand it too.
LRH Comm
Ethics Officer
Qual Sec
Staff Section Officer
Staff Chaplain
Staff Status and
Product Zero
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 DECEMBER 1976
It has occasionally happened in the past that a staff or crew member has used the fact that he or she was leaving an org to spread upset.It is a common make-wrong in children to threaten to run away. And it is a common action of suppressives to spread upset and dissatisfaction by saying they are leaving.
There are some people who leave wherever they are obsessively and the most casual check reveals they have seldom remained anywhere; committing continual overts, they are routinely running away from any job, any post, any group and from themselves and life.
As the actual reason behind blows is overts and withholds, the excuses for leaving are usually simply justifications and are actually a third-party action of associates, usually false reports.
Therefore, informing fellow staff members and others that one is leaving is hereby properly labeled a suppressive act.
Where it is found that this is occurring and if the person concerned does not report it to the proper terminals, HAS and Staff Chaplain, departure will be followed by a declare.
If one is going to leave an org, the proper action is to report it only to the HAS and Staff Chaplain and not to fellow staff members.
Where a person is secretly planning to leave and making private preparations to do so without informing the proper terminals in an org and does leave (blow) and does not return within a reasonable length of time, an automatic declare is to be issued. Should any monies or organizational property be found to be missing in consequence, action is to be taken on criminal charges.
All persons whose contracts expire without renewal and all persons who wish to leave are to be security checked by an auditor who is qualified in Qual to make prepared lists read. This will remove the overts and withholds inevitably connected and so relieve the person and the org of the usual justifications and false reports.
LEAVES All persons before going on leave must be given a Security Check by an auditor qualified to make prepared lists read. Final pay before departure is to be withheld until this action has been done.
All persons returning from missions or leave must be security checked.
Any staff or crew member falsifying the reasons why a leave is needed or requesting a leave when in fact blowing is to be the subject of an automatic declare,
There is no intention of holding on to people who do not want to be where they are.
There is every intention to use our tech to prevent false reports and suppressive actions from occurring, both to the detriment of the person himself and to an organization.
There are enough lies in the world without generating more as to the "reasons" one is leaving or seeking to use the fact to damage an org or its staff.
The vast majority of staff want to be there and are NOT leaving and they don't need third-partying SPs around. The vast majority are good guys.
FounderAdopted as official
Church policy by
INTERNATIONALThanks to Mike Gormez for sending me this manual.
M A N U A L O F J U S T I C E 1959
This is a confidential HCO Manual. Give one copy to each HCO personnel you have - but only if they are full time HCO personnel.
As your HCO expands and you acquire more personnel on full time HCO posts you may request additional copies from HCO WW in London.
Rhona Swinburne
HCO Exec. Sec. WWHCO ASSISTS ME EVERYWHERE in wearing any of my own hats. One of those hats (whether we like it or not it is forced on us) is Justice.
People come to me with ethical problems with their auditors, their husband, their wives, their bosses. I always try to listen - always try to help.
People get in trouble with the law - without aiding crime, I try to help these people to get processed or got to jail.
People attack Scientology; I never forget it, always even the score.
People attack auditors, or staff, or organisations, or me. I never forget until the slate is clear.
All these things add up to a Justice Hat. Whether I would or no, I wear it.
HCO Secretaries therefore are often faced with "Justice Problems". They should recognise them as such and handle them as far as they can.
"Bring Order" also means Bring Justice. There's precious little real justice in the world today. So we ourselves should make a start.
But always I try to adjudicate on the basis of the Optimum Solution, "The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics."
But to do these things one should have some understanding of Justice itself.
Most executive failures are (1) failure to help staff and (2) failure to understand and use the principles of justice. We should not fail in these matters.
The whole subject of justice subdivides for a Scientologist into four phases. These are
- Intelligence Activities
- Investigation of Evidence
- Judgment or Punishment
- Rehabilitation.
Intelligence is mostly the collection of data on people which may add up to a summary of right or wrong actions on their part.
It is basically a listening and filing action. It is done all the time about everything and everybody. Then one day some random data make a summation that can be used. "It all adds up. " But if one never collected data, there would be nothing to add up. Hence, intelligence consists of noting data about the activities of people from all kinds of sources. Joe is now working for the Daily Worker. The State Department won't grant Pete a passport. Isabel left Texas owing money. It's all grist to the mill of intelligence. Carefully remembered or filed and cross-indexed, such data tells its own story some day. lf we had a folder for Joe, we'd scribble on a slip of paper, "Works now (1959) for Daily Worker - a Communist paper". A few weeks later, another scrap of paper is dropped in: "Taking B.Scn. Course Feb. 59". A few months later: "Joe moved in to live with Pete". We look up Pete. Obviously, Pete is a Commie as he can't get a U. S. passport. September 1959 we learn that Joe is asking for a job in the Seattle Office. We promptly tell Seattle, "Rat-poison. Forget Joe."
If we kept files like that we'd keep them like that. Some day we may have to. Today we do it by memory. So we listen. We add up associations of people with people. When a push against Scientology starts somewhere, we go over the people involved and weed them out. Push vanishes.
Using intelligence to tell our friends from our enemies and acting fast is why we have stable organisations now where we had shambles before. It isn't better organization so much as more peace bought by more alert intelligence. We know our enemies before they hit. We keep them out of important positions. When we accidentally put one into a key post and he starts to flub, we shoot quick and get judiclal afterwards. Adn we then add up who his friends and associates were.
Intelligence alertness, even when we have no files, pays off in peace, growth, and progress.
APA and OCA graphs tell their stories on people. Only the ones whose graphs don't change under processing have been found to be real menaces to Dianetics and Scientology. They have overt acts and bad intentions against us and they can't talk to the auditor about them, they feel. So they're hanged. Every one of twenty known cases who were evidently paid money to smash Dianetics or Scientology organizations, including Hart, Purcell, and van Vogt, had hung graphs. No change occurred in any of these cases for five or more years of known activity, despite all processing! So an unchanging profile over years of processing almost adds up to "dangerous person -has bad intentions toward Dianetics and Scientology".
Conversely, people who benefit from processing or auditors who get consistently good results on preclears never get snarled up enough to attack us. Therefore intelligence has its bright side. By facts heard plus profiles seen, we know our friends.
Intelligence is therefore that activity which collects data and keeps it adding up so that we know our foes from our friends and so that we can act to separate out the sources of trouble in any given situation.
Organizations with bad consciences usually look on HCO personnel as intelligence people. So HCO personnel might as well realize it, too. One small HCO hat is Intelligence - know our friends and our enemies and what they are doing.
When things go wrong and we don't know why already by intelligence, we resort to investigation.
When we need somebody haunted we investigate.
Investigation is the careful discovery and sorting of facts. Without good investigation we don't have justice, we have random vengeance.
When we investigate we do so noisily always. And usually mere investigation damps out the trouble even when we discover no really pertinent facts. Remember that - by investigation alone we can curb pushes and crush wildcat people and unethical "Dianetics and Scientology" organizations.
It's almost funny. We sometimes learn nothing useful and yet because people heard we were investigating their consciences sent them into headlong flight or sudden collapse. There's power in the question alone!
Here is an example. There's bad morale in a central organization. We don't know why. We try everything we can to up units and ease difficulties and yet there's bad moralle. So we investigate noisily. Remember, intelligence we get with a whisper. Investigation we do with a yell. Always. Modern cops don't really know this. They investigate with whispers. Doesn't pay. Why sneak up when pouncing is the only thing that serves us? After all, if it hasn't been whispered to us already and we have to investigate why keep whlspering?
In the low morale matter, we think over the most likely suspects and summon them to see us. We ask them why they're talking the way they are. What's wrong anyway? We call them in one at a time. We use the E-meter. "What have you been doing to us?" And you sort it out.
Investigation to us in Scientology is a fine art. It's like auditing. It they won't take a meter test, you know they're guilty. If they do, you can watch that needle dip a "Yes" every tirne you're right even when the suspect won't say anything verbally. You generally find that Joe is hoping to start a clinic in the town and thinks of the organization as a rival - if the central organization got knocked out, this knucklehead thinks, he'd be all set. So he's been diacouraging staff and starting rumours in the town.
Did you ever realize that any local viciousness against Scientology organizations is started by somebody for a purpose? Well, it is. Look at what we do. Look how dedicated staff is. How hard they work. And yet somebody feels we're evil? No, rumours aren't "natural". When you run them down you find a Commie or a millionaire who wants us dead anl his own clinic up or a group member who is also a member of the R.C.
You don't rest when bad rumours are about. You investigate, you run them down. You find amongst ail our decent peopie some low worm who has been promised high position and pay if we fail. Don't discount this. In one instance $500, 000 was paid in cash to a man to wreck Dianetics. He almost made it. Wichita Kansas, Spring 1952. (But by intelligence and investigation we cost him his shirt and his spare vest as well.)
In cross questioning people, it is as valuable to know what they've been told as what they've said. "What bad things have you heard about the HASI?" and 'What have you said?" are the usual questions. When you get on a line of data follow it right through.
Get the names. Write them down as you get them. Sort them out with what you aiready know about them.
Also, when in daily actlons, remember this: never let anybody EVER say to you "Everybody says" or "Everybody thinks'' or "The field thinks '. Demand it once who, when, where, and what. "Everybody" turns out to be some nut most people would laugh at and "the field" becomes one sour grape that flunked his HPA two years ago.
In the first place. the mail even as a whole does not reflect field opinion ever. It's only the opinion of people who write in - and that's only a small part of the field.
Never permit a source of entheta to be generalized. If it's entheta, you want who, what, where, when, and you write it down and file it.
The whole field less one man could be wildly for you but staff can believe this silly fool is PUBLlC OPINION.
Public opinion isn't newspapers or magazines or letters. It is attendance, balance sheets, book sales.
Therefore investigation must always be aimed at the specific person, the time and the place. Else you'll sink in a morass of generality and get nowhere.
When you have found your culprit, go to the next step, Judgement and Punishment.
Overt investigation of someone or something attacking us by an outside detective agency should be done more often and hang the expense. It's very effective. Often investigation by a private detective has alone closed up an entheta source or a squirrel organisation. In fact at this writing I can't remember a time when it hasn't!
The reason for this is simple. Of twenty-one persons found attacking Dianetics and Scientology with rumours and entheta, eighteen of them under investigation were found to be members of the Communist Party or criminals, usually both. The smell of police or private detectives caused them to fly, to close down, to confess.
Hire them and damn the cost when you need to.
In the case of a bad magazine article which is signed, use the following procedure:
- Tell them by letter to retract at once in the next issue.
- Hire a private detective of a national-type firm to investigate the writer, not the magazine, and get any criminal or Communist background the man has. (Because all subversive activities foolishly use criminals they "have something on" and men who have been paid to attack attack us, you'll have data incoming from the detective agency if they do their work well.
- Have your lawyers or solicitors write the magazine threatening suit. (Hardly ever permit a real suit - they're more of a nuisance to you than they're worth.)
- Use the data you got from the detective at long last to write the author of the article a very tantalizing letter. Don't give him your data on him. Just tell him we know something very interesting about him and wouldn't he like to come in and talk about it. (If he comes, ask him to sign a confession of collusion and slander - people at that level often will, just to commit suicide - and publish it in a paid ad in the paper if you get it.) Chances are he won't arrive. But he'll sure shudder into silence.
- Give any new data you have from the detective to your attorneys for their use against the magazine.
- Don't let the whole matter disrupt you, take much time, or upset the central organization.
A person or an organisation using Dianetics or Scientology wrongly or without rights, or a wildcat magazine, is best shut down or shut up by hiring a private detective. Tell the detective "We don't care if they know you're investigating them for us. In fact, the louder the better."
Detectives cost dozens of dollars or pounds. They save thousands.
When you get their data, give it to your attorneys for any action they want. Or post it.
Never if you can help it. It consumes time, means little but trouble for you. Suits are basically best as threats.
lf you are being investigated or if the Central Organization is - sit tight, don't co-operate.
Be legal according to the laws of the land in the first place. After that kick investigators or reporters downstairs.
Press interviews usually end up as entheta or they are cover-ups for an investigation. Never co-operate. Be indifferent. Don't let the central organization co-operate with "press" ever. That's a lesson hard to learn. Press people are so persuasive. They are going to "help" so much. Look at a newspaper. Is it helping anybody?
Press and other queries are counter-investigation.
Never spook if investigated. And don't co-operate. Sit tight. Be silent. Make the investigator talk. Gradually put him into session if you can. Put him in birth or get him three feet back of his head. But don't co-operate or volunteer data. lt's not that you've anything to hide. It's just that investigators can't duplicate. They pervert things they "hear".
Your whole answer to anyone is "This is an institution that has a definite high standing throughout the world, Why don't you see our attorneys?" This kills press and cops alike.
l've seen an outside investigation of a guiltless organization put the whole place in a flap and cost it two days' work or more. I've seen an org anization fall apart by suspending operation for ten days while it permitted itself to be investigated. So don't co-operate. If you don't scare or cringe, the menace fades away.
People feel when they're investigated they must have done something wrong even when they haven't. If it's wrong to honestly help people then we're wrong-not otherwise. So never spook.
None of us like to judge or to punish. Yes we may be the only people on Earth with a right to punish-since we can undo the damage we do in most cases. Therefore never punish beyond our easy ability to remedy by auditing and restoration.
Judging must be done on the basis of clear-cut evidence and the person to be guilty must be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Only then, punish.
Guilt is established by a person's actions and statements, by witnesses and written evidence and by an expertly run E-meter. A person can be guilty without realizing he did wrong. What criminal ever does realize how wrong his actions are?
- Whas is the crime? This must be established first. It must be something that can be phrased in - a sentence or two. It must be unacceptable to the general good of all. lt must contain actual injury to someone or something. And the criminal is usually rewarded in some fashion by someone or even by perverted satisfaction.
- Who is guilty of the crime? Is it the person himself or an associate he aided? An associate or even a silent non-participant who knew but didn't warn the victim can be judged guilty of the crime.
- Who are the accusers? In this case it is usually us. But you'll get ethics cases where it is another. What do they accuse the person of?
- Who are the witnesses? Crimes don't always have witnesses but when they do, it helps to question them. Witnesses are no whole answer to anything, They lie, they don't observe well, they have prejudices. But some weight can be given to their testimony. They can almost be safely omitted if you're in a hurry and have an E-meter.
- What happened? This is so important that most trials spend much of their time on it. It is ridiculous sometimes how prejudice and vengeance and plain lack of the ability to confront confuse the story. "Getting the facts" is a police idea of investigation. They seem more interested in the script than in what crime and who did it. To speed evidence, be a good auditor - question closely and rapidly. What did he or they do or say and where?
- Weigh the evidence and decide if the crime was actually committed and by whom.
- Establish the importance of the crime in terms of damage done or threatened.
Our punishment is not as unlimited as you might think. Dianetics and Scientology are self protecting sciences. It one attacks them one attacks all the know-how of the mind. In caves the bank. It's gruesome to see sometimes.
At this instance there are men hiding in terror on Earth because they found out what they were attacking. There are men dead because they attacked us - for instance Dr. Joe Winter. He simply realised what he did and died. There are men bankrupt because they attacked us - Purcell, Ridgeway, Ceppos.
So punishment almost takes care of itself. However. there is an immediacy necessary at times in some matters which makes punishment necessary.
Where a certified auditor attacks the central organization or flagrantly breaks the code, punishment is simple: suspend his certificates. Any HCO Secretary has authority to do so.
Where an employee acts in a corrupt or bad fashion, fire him or suspend him or her.
When a squirrel organization sets up, suspend the certificate of everyone who joined it. Cancel the certificate of the person who started it.
Use civil authorities when absolutely necessary, as in embezzlement or mayhem, but try to operate without calling in local law. We always do better ourselves or with private detectives. Local law today means reporters aud cases tried in the press. Keep our name good.
And always punish quietly but publicly. Post it on the Public Board for a day. Never put it in a magazine or write the field letters about it.
Remember this: we are a theta line. Leave the entheta to others. Act on entheta but don't add to it. Remember, orderly justice as described in this booklet also brings order. Be as happy if they're innocent as if they're guilty. But don't neglect rumours, squirrel organizations and publications or Commie or criminal personnel. Be just. Don't ordinarily put a head on a pike unless it's the right head. But remember that there are times when it's vitally necessary to put some head, any head, on a pike to quell rising disorder. Just remember that justice is an action to deter disorder aud secure the public safety. But if you do put the wrong head on a pike, be sure to put it back on the body again as soon as the need for its being on a pike is over. Justice is not always the matter of an individual. It is a short-term method of bringing order and it is needed for all dynamics.
Rome destroyed herself by failing to follow (or know) the necessity of rehabilitation. Russia is caving in for the same lack. Every modern nation at this time of writing makes more criminals than it captures - hence Hitler's criminal rise to power.
When you punish a man you punish also his family and friends. Even it you slayed the man you would then still have his friends and family as your enemies. If you slay everyone he knew- why, they have friends and families, too-and at last you've got a whole populace against you.
You punish a man. He goes away to join the ranks of the squirrels.
You swell the opposition. Don't do it.
Shoot the offender for the public good and then patch him up quietly.
That isn't even mercy. It's good sense.
You have to know this about offenders against Scientology, its organizations and people. ARC Breaks can be caused by an overt act against us. If a person does something bad to us (even when we did nothing tohim) he now has an ARC break with us, without our knowing it, he is a little bit of an enemy of ours.
So he now, having an ARC Break, again offends against us. He is more our enemy. And so he goes until at last he can't rest until he kills us dead.
That is the route of crime and criminals. They rob, they hurt. The more they do, the more reason then think they should have to do so. They dream up motivators madly, seeking to justify their acts. This in the field we see as entheta. We do precious little to hurt people. Therefore when they do something against us they have to lie and scream to justify it.
Factually when they start this they're on their way out. Offenders against us get ill because they can never truly justify it.
It is mercy to put the padlock on such a person's activities. Every word he says or writes against us, every plot he enters into, alike push him further and further down.
How bad can it get? We have evidence in a book Dr Winter wrote. He knew it consisted of stolen ideas and entheta lies. Every copy it sold killed him a little more. And one day he died. He couldn't even be audited since he had tried to damn the thing that had almout saved him, his marriage, his children.
So it is mercy, not revenge, to prompts our justice. (1) We must not neglect it and (2) we must not fail to rehabilitate.
Put the culprit on the E-meter. Ask him as a repetitive command "What have you done to us?" Cover the HASI, the staff people, HCO, myself, anything you can think of, rephrasing the question each time the last version is flat.
Only when all this is off will what we have done to the culprit free.
If the case is a true criminal case - totally hardened down to no-guilt for anything - you would have to run "Recall a time you have done something" for a long long time before you could release the specific overts against Dianetics and Scientology.
When he's turned loose again he will not try to wreck you. He will have regained his ethic level - providing you balanced the case out with motivators "What has been done to you?"
It's a relief to a bad case to be punished. Sometimes they choose us for their executioners - worse luck. More often than not you as my representative get selected as the person to wield the axe and a criminal-type will try and try to get you to use an axe on him. It would feel so good to be punished after lives of crime. Axe him - but rehabilitate him too.
Suspect people who have the following:
It you simply swept all these out of every central organization you'd be a real winner. (Never consent to a post being filled with a bad person because the post is empty. An empty post is better than one badly filled always.)
- Criminal connections or background.
- Communist membership or leanings (they attack all source).
- Low OCA/APA graphs.
- Auditors who get bad results on preclears.
- People low on the tone scale particularly physiologically (physiology not always reliable).
- People who don't pay their bills and who want it all free.
- People who tell you you could reach so many people if only you'd help them or their friends.
- Press.
- People who can't work.
- People who break up machinery or Mest. [Matter, Energy, Space, Time]
Trust the following:
- Auditors whose good results you have actually seen on graphs (never by repute the best auditor in town - this is press agentry not results).
- People who are able to work.
- People who get a job done easily.
- People whose Mest is in good shape.
- People who are routinely in good health.
- People whose cases run easily.
- People with high OCA or APA graphs.
- People in general.
To: | |||||
Email: jeta@xs4all.nl. WebSite: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jeta