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Secrets HCO's (2/3) 18-06-1997 Choose Background Color ===> |
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© were sent to prison in the early 1980s for infiltrating, burglarizing and wiretapping more than 100 private and government agencies in attempts to block their investigations. |
3. Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins (2/3).HCO bulletins were produced almost every day when Hubbard was alive. So there are a lot of them. Here I just placed some of the more striking ones. In the Advanced section (#7) you'll find some more.
The creation of a 'Hubbard Communication Office'-letters/bulletins/etc. database should be considered.
HCOB's are aimed at the 'tech' (red text).
HCOPL's are 'Policy Letters' (green text).
- Integrity of Source (July, 07, 1982)
The only occasion for any revision of an LRH issue is if a typographical error was found in the original.
- Introspection Rundown (Jan 23, 1973)
Hubbard: "I have made a technical breakthrough which possibly ranks with the major discoveries of the Twentieth Century." (About psychosis)
- Keeping Scientology Working (Febr 07, 1965)
"What I say in these pages has always been true, it holds true today, it will still hold true in the year 2000 and it will continue to hold true from there on out."
- Manual of Justice (1959) [Added June 18, 1997; seperate file]
"Hire them [private detectives] and damn the cost when you need to." - "Suits are basically best as threats."
- On Control and Lying (from the Fishman Affidavit)
"The only way you can control people is to lie to them."
- Project Quaker (July 8, 1977)
It may be deemed necessary for all the DC Staff who could be pulled in for questioning 'to suddenly leave. This must be done in such a way So that they never can be accused of "fleeing prosecution".
- Pain and Sex (Aug 26, 1982)
"There are two items in this universe that cause more trouble than many others combined. One is PAIN. The other is SEX."
- Routine 3N, Line Plots (Juli 14, 1963)
This is rather boring Science Fiction, but nevertheless the TRUTH for Scientologists: "From about 390 trillion trillion years to 370 trillion trillion years ago, the Black Thetan goals were given."S C I E N T O L O G Y P O L I C Y D I R E C T I V E SCN POLICY DIRECTIVE 19
 It is hereafter firm Church policy that LRH ISSUES ARE TO BE LEFT INTACT AS ISSUED.
No one except LRH may cancel his issues.
No one except LRH can revise his issues whereby changes are incorporated into the text and then reissued. Any valid revisions must hereafter be made in a separate issue stating the change and how the revision is to be read. It must also state why the change is being effected, for example, if there has been an ecclesiastical change or a technical development.
Changes in Church policy become valid Church policy by being adopted by the Board per his request in HCO PL 1 Sep 66 FOUNDER that "I.Policy Letters are hereafter to be accepted or nullified by Boards of Directors in their regular meetings".
However, the original LRH issue (regardless of type) shall remain intact so that the original wording is kept. In this way, his writings retain their integrity and there is no mystery as to what he wrote and what the revision stated and why.
The only occasion for any revision of an LRH issue is if a typographical error was found in the original.
Already existing issues stand intact and valid. Any further changes will be dealt with on an issue-by-issue basis.
This policy will allow the integrity of Source to be reinstated.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 23 JANUARY 1974RA
(Changes HCO B 23 Jan 1974,
"The Introspection RD".)
I have made a technical breakthrough which possibly ranks with the major discoveries of the Twentieth Century. It is certainly the greatest advancement of 1973 and is now being released after a final wrap-up of research. It is called the Introspection Rundown.
The purpose of the Introspection RD is to locate and correct those things which cause a person to fixate his attention inwardly, on himself or his bank. This RD extroverts the person so that he can see his environment and therefore handle and control it.
RESEARCH In 1970 the actual cause of PSYCHOSIS was isolated (as given in HCO B C/S Series 22, "Psychosis", 28 November 1970). In the ensuing years this has been proven beyond doubt to be totally correct.
But what is a psychotic break?
Man has never been able to solve the psychotic break. In fact, human beings are actually afraid of a person in a psychotic break and in desperation turn to psychiatry to handle.
Psychiatry, desperate in its turn, without effective tech, resorts to barbarities such as heavy drugs, ice picks, electric and insulin shock which half kill the person and only suppress him. The fact remains there has never been a cure for the psychotic break UNTIL NOW.
The breakthrough was made on a person who, after a series of wrong indications, went into a full-blown psychotic break -- violence, destruction and all.
The psychiatrist at this point would have sharpened up his ice pick, filled his syringes with the most powerful (and deadly) drugs he could find and turned up the volts. His "handling" would have been a final destruction of the individual.
What was done was an auditor went into the room, sat the person down and corrected the last severe point of wrong indication. Subsequent times of wrong indications in his life were cleared up, the person came out of the psychotic break and into p.t.
The psychotic break, the last of the "unsolvable" conditions that can trap a person, has been solved.
And it's quite simple, really.
THEORY Def. INTROSPECTION: "(L. from introspicere, to look within) a looking into one's own mind, feelings, reactions, etc.; observation and analysis of oneself." Websters New World Dictionary.
Def. INTROVERSION: "(from intro- + L. vertere, ,to turn) 2. ... a tendancy to direct one's interest upon oneself rather than upon external objects or events." Websters New World Dictionary
The essence of the Introspection RD is looking for and correcting all those things which CAUSED the person to look inward worriedly and wrestle with the mystery of some incorrectly designated error. The result is continual inward looking or self-auditing without relief or end.
In a normal person this becomes a diminished activity, unhappiness or illness. In an R/Ser this becomes insanity and a psychotic break occurs at the last severe point of wrong indication.
The pc who originates to the Examiner about his case or writes notes to the C/S or auditor is introverted and should have this RD.
AUDITOR TRAINING Auditors selected to do this RD must have recently done a HARD TRs Course and the Anti-Q&A materials.
They must be able to recognize a ROCK SLAM, which is a particular E-Meter phenomenon. They must be Class IV Expanded Dianetics auditors of proven skill on routine cases. They must not themselves be R/Sers. (The last requisite is waived in a self-salvage co-audit group where all R/S.)
They need flawless TRs, no Q&A. This Rundown is very simple but cannot be flubbed, as that will compound the errors and cause further introspection in the pc. It is better not to deliver this RD than to flub any part of it. C/Ses take not. It is an Ethics Offense to attempt this Rundown without the auditor having doen the pre-requisite training and a further offense for an auditor to flub on it.
STEPS OF THE RD (Steps 0 and 00 are for a person
in a psychotic break, not a
normal person.)Put this checklist on inside front cover of folder as a pgm.
0. On a person in a psychotic break isolate the person ______ wholly with all attendants completely muzzled (no speech).
00. Give Vitamins (B complex, including niacinamide) and ______ minerals (calcium and magnesium) to build the person up.
* * *
[REMOVED a long list to keep this readable. The list is available here [light html-ized]. Jeta
An HC List could be added here if the pc's "think" is still weird.
Frequent D of P Interview is vital whenever the case looks like it is not rapidly progressing. Also a quick assessment may be needed as a separate action to isolate possible charged areas of introspection.
At any time after Step 2 Objective Havingness should be done at session end. If one of the items in steps 3-20 turns out to be false the pc will introvert further. In such a case indicate the fact of it having been unnecessary and get an F/N. Then run Objective Havingness.
If the TA goes high (or low) and won't come into range, assess a C/S 53 RH and handle.
In the case of a pc in a psychotic break, the C/S would have to locate the last severe wrong indication, indicate the fact to the pc and get it corrected (as with a wrong item) as the first action.
EXTROVERSION Def: EXTROVERSION: "... Means nothing more than being able to look out ward ...." "An extroverted personality is one who is capable of looking around the environment ...." "A person who is capable of looking at the world around him and seeing it quite real and quite bright is of course in a state of extroversion." (Problems Of Work)
The end phenomena of the Introspection RD is the person extroverted, no longer looking inward worriedly in a continuous self-audit without end.
The EP on a person in a psychotic break is the end of the psychotic break.
The RD is very simple and its results are magical in effectiveness. Flubs can wreck it so don't permit them.
You have in your hands the tool to take over mental health therapy in full. You need not fear the insane or the psychotic break any longer.
Here also is the cure for the continual self-auditing pc who is dug into his bank. It works on all pcs in fact with rave results.
Do it flawlessly and we all win.
Sthil Students
Assoc/Org Sec
HCO Sec Hat
Case Sup Hat
Ds of P Hat
Ds of T Hat
Staff Member
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Keeping Scientology Working SeriesI
Note: Neglect of this PL has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out, international effort to restore basic Scientology over the world, Within 5 years after the issue of this PL, with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. "Quickie grades" entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions which neglect or violate this policy letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not "entirely a tech matter," as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2-year slump. IT IS THE BUSINESS OF EVERY STAFF MEMBER to enforce it.
HCO Sec or Communicator hat check
on all personnel and all new personnel
as taken on.We have some time since passed the point of achieving uniformly workable technology.
The only thing now is getting the technology applied.
If you can't get the technology applied, then you can't deliver what's promised. It's as simple as that. If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised.
The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is "no results." Trouble spots occur only where there are "no results." Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are "no results" or "bad results."
Therefore the road before Scientology is clear and its ultimate success is assured if the technology is applied.
So it is the task of the Assoc or Org Sec, the HCO Sec, the Case Supervisor, the D of P, the D of T and all staff members to get the correct technology applied.
Getting the correct technology applied consists ofOne: Having the correct technology.
Two: Knowing the technology.
Three: Knowing it is correct.
Four: Teaching correctly the correct technology.
Five: Applying the technology.
Six: Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
Eight: Knocking out incorrect applications.
Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
Ten: Closing the door on incorrect application.
One above has been done.
Two has been achieved by many.
Three is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.
Four is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.
Five is consistently accomplished daily.
Six is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.
Seven is done by a few but is a weak point.
Eight is not worked on hard enough.
Nine is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.
Ten is seldom done with enough ferocity.
Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are the only places Scientology can bog down in any area.
The reasons for this are not hard to find. (a) A weak certainty that it works in Three above can lead to weakness in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. (b) Further, the not-too-bright have a bad point on the button Self-Importance. (c) The lower the IQ, the more the individual is shut off from the fruits of observation. (d) The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. (e) The bank seeks to knock out the good and perpetuate the bad.
Thus, we as Scientologists and as an organization must be very alert to Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.
In all the years I have been engaged in research I have kept my comm lines wide open for research data. I once had the idea that a group could evolve truth. A third of a century has thoroughly disabused me of that idea. Willing as I was to accept suggestions and data, only a handful of suggestions (less than twenty) had long-run value and none were major or basic; and when I did accept major or basic suggestions and used them, we went astray and I repented and eventually had to "eat crow,"
On the other hand there have been thousands and thousands of suggestions and writings which, if accepted and acted upon, would have resulted in the complete destruction of all our work as well as the sanity of pcs. So I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go in accepting unworkable "technology." By actual record the percentages are about twenty to 100,000 that a group of human beings will dream up bad technology to destroy good technology. As we could have gotten along without suggestions, then, we had better steel ourselves to continue to do so now that we have made it. This point will, of course, be attacked as "unpopular," "egotistical" and "undemocratic." It very well may be. But it is also a survival point. And I don't see that popular measures, self-abnegation and democracy have done anything for Man but push him further into the mud. Currently, popularity endorses degraded novels, self-abnegation has filled the Southeast Asian jungles with stone idols and corpses, and democracy has given us inflation and income tax.
Our technology has not been discovered by a group. True, if the group had not supported me in many ways, I could not have discovered it either. But it remains that if in its formative stages it was not discovered by a group, then group efforts, one can safely assume, will not add to it or successfully alter it in the future. I can only say this now that it is done. There remains, of course, group tabulation or coordination of what has been done, which will be valuable -- only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications.
The contributions that were worthwhile in this period of forming the technology were help in the form of friendship, of defense, of organization, of dissemination, of application, of advices on results and of finance. These were great contributions and were, and are, appreciated. Many thousands contributed in this way and made us what we are. Discovery contribution was not however part of the broad picture.
We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank. We are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact -- the group left to its own devices would not have evolved Scientology but with wild dramatizations of the bank called "new ideas" would have wiped it out. Supporting this is the fact that Man has never before evolved workable mental technology and emphasizing it is the vicious technology he did evolve -- psychiatry, psychology, surgery, shock treatment, whips, duress, punishment, etc., ad infinitum.
So realize that we have climbed out of the mud by whatever good luck and good sense, and refuse to sink back into it again. See that Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten above are ruthlessly followed and we will never be stopped. Relax them, get reasonable about it and we will perish.
So far, while keeping myself in complete communication with all suggestions, I have not failed on Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten in areas I could supervise closely. But it's not good enough for just myself and a few others to work at this.
Whenever this control as per Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten has been relaxed, the whole organizational area has failed, Witness Elizabeth, N.J.; Wichita; the early organizations and groups. They crashed only because I no longer did Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. Then, when they were all messed up, you saw the obvious "reasons" for failure. But ahead of that they ceased to deliver and that involved them in other reasons.
The common denominator of a group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad agreement in a human group. An individual must rise above an avid craving for agreement from a humanoid group to get anything decent done. The bank-agreement has been what has made Earth a Hell -- and if you were looking for Hell and found Earth, it would certainly serve. War, famine, agony and disease has been the lot of Man. Right now the great governments of Earth have developed the means of frying every Man, Woman and Child on the planet. That is bank. That is the result of Collective-thought Agreement. The decent, pleasant things on this planet come from individual actions and ideas that have somehow gotten by the Group Idea. For that matter, look how we ourselves are attacked by "public opinion" media. Yet there is no more ethical group on this planet than ourselves.
Thus each one of us can rise above the domination of the bank and then, as a group of freed beings, achieve freedom and reason. It is only the aberrated group, the mob, that is destructive.
When you don't do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten actively, you are working for the bank-dominated mob. For it will surely, surely (a) introduce incorrect technology and swear by it, (b) apply technology as incorrectly as possible, (c) open the door to any destructive idea, and (d) encourage incorrect application.
It's the bank that says the group is all and the individual nothing. It's the bank that says we must fail.
So just don't play that game. Do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten and you will knock out of your road all the future thorns.
Here's an actual example in which a senior executive had to interfere because of a pc spin: A Case Supervisor told Instructor A to have Auditor B run Process X on Preclear C. Auditor B afterwards told Instructor A that "It didn't work." Instructor A was weak on Three above and didn't really believe in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. So Instructor A told the Case Supervisor, "Process X didn't work on Preclear C." Now this strikes directly at each of One to Six above in Preclear C, Auditor B, Instructor A and the Case Supervisor. It opens the door to the introduction of "new technology" and to failure.
What happened here? Instructor A didn't jump down Auditor B's throat, that's all that happened. This is what he should have done: Grabbed the Auditor's Report and looked it over. When a higher executive on this case did so, she found what the Case Supervisor and the rest missed: that Process X increased Preclear C's TA to 25 TA divisions for the session but that near session end Auditor B Q-and-Aed with a cognition and abandoned Process X while it still gave high TA and went off running one of Auditor B's own manufacture, which nearly spun Preclear C. Auditor B's IQ on examination turned out to be about 75. Instructor A was found to have huge ideas of how you must never invalidate anyone, even a lunatic. The Case Supervisor was found to be "too busy with admin to have any time for actual cases."
All right, there's an all-too-typical example. The Instructor should have done Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. This would have begun this way. Auditor B: "That Process X didn't work." Instructor A; "What exactly did you do wrong?" Instant attack. "Where's your Auditor's Report for the session? Good. Look here, you were getting a lot of TA when you stopped Process X, What did you do?" Then the pc wouldn't have come close to a spin and all four of these would have retained their certainty.
In a year, I had four instances in one small group where the correct process recommended was reported not to have worked. But on review found that each one had (a) increased the TA, (b) had been abandoned, and (c) had been falsely reported as unworkable. Also, despite this abuse, in each of these four cases the recommended, correct process cracked the case. Yet they were reported as not having worked!
Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the auditor, is perpetuated on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. So Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are even more important in a course than in supervision of cases.
Here's an example: A rave recommendation is given a graduating student "because he gets more TA on pcs than any other student on the course!" Figures of 435 TA divisions a session are reported. "Of course his Model Session is poor but it's just a knack he has" is also included in the recommendation. A careful review is undertaken because nobody at Levels 0 to IV is going to get that much TA on pcs. It is found that this student was never taught to read an E-Meter TA dial! And no Instructor observed his handling of a meter and it was not discovered that he "overcompensated" nervously, swinging the TA 2 or 3 divisions beyond where it needed to go to place the needle at "set." So everyone was about to throw away standard processes and Model Session because this one student "got such remarkable TA." They only read the reports and listened to the brags and never looked at this student. The pcs in actual fact were making slightly less than average gain, impeded by a rough Model Session and misworded processes. Thus, what was making the pcs win (actual Scientology) was hidden under a lot of departures and errors.
I recall one student who was squirreling on an Academy course and running a lot of offbeat whole track on other students after course hours. The Academy students were in a state of electrification on all these new experiences and weren't quickly brought under control, and the student himself never was given the works on Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten so they stuck. Subsequently, this student prevented another squirrel from being straightened out and his wife died of cancer resulting from physical abuse. A hard, tough instructor at that moment could have salvaged two squirrels and saved the life of a girl. But no, students had a right to do whatever they pleased.
Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from noncomprehension. Usually the noncomprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an offbeat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood.
When people can't get results from what they think is standard practice, they can be counted upon to squirrel to some degree. The most trouble in the past two years came from orgs where an executive in each could not assimilate straight Scientology. Under instruction in Scientology, they were unable to define terms or demonstrate examples of principles. And the orgs where they were got into plenty of trouble. And worse, it could not be straightened out easily because neither one of these people could or would duplicate instructions. Hence, a debacle resulted in two places, directly traced to failures of instruction earlier. So proper instruction is vital. The D of T and his Instructors and all Scientology Instructors must be merciless in getting Four, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten into effective action. That one student, dumb and impossible though he may seem and of no use to anyone, may yet someday be the cause of untold upset because nobody was interested enough to make sure Scientology got home to him.
With what we know now, there is no student we enroll who cannot be properly trained. As an Instructor, one should be very alert to slow progress and should turn the sluggards inside out personally. No system will do it, only you or me with our sleeves rolled up can crack the back of bad studenting and we can only do it on an individual student, never on a whole class only. He's slow = something is awful wrong. Take fast action to correct it. Don't wait until next week. By then he's got other messes stuck to him. If you can't graduate them with their good sense appealed to and wisdom shining, graduate them in such a state of shock they'll have nightmares if they contemplate squirreling. Then experience will gradually bring about Three in them and they'll know better than to chase butterflies when they should be auditing.
When somebody enrolls, consider he or she has joined up for the duration of the universe -- never permit an "open-minded" approach. If they're going to quit let them quit fast. If they enrolled, they're aboard; and if they're aboard, they're here on the same terms as the rest of us -- win or die in the attempt. Never let them be half-minded about being Scientologists. The finest organizations in history have been tough, dedicated organizations. Not one namby-pamby bunch of panty-waist dilettantes have ever made anything. It's a tough universe. The social veneer makes it seem mild. But only the tigers survive -- and even they have a hard time. We'll survive because we are tough and are dedicated. When we do instruct somebody properly, he becomes more and more tiger. When we instruct half-mindedly and are afraid to offend, scared to enforce, we don't make students into good Scientologists and that lets everybody down. When Mrs. Pattycake comes to us to be taught, turn that wandering doubt in her eye into a fixed, dedicated glare and she'll win and we'll all win. Humor her and we all die a little. The proper instruction attitude is "You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens, We'd rather have you dead than incapable."
Fit that into the economics of the situation and lack of adequate time and you see the cross we have to bear.
But we won't have to bear it forever. The bigger we get, the more economics and time we will have to do our job. And the only things which can prevent us from getting that big fast are areas in from One to Ten. Keep those in mind and we'll be able to grow. Fast. And as we grow, our shackles will be less and less. Failing to keep One to Ten will make us grow less.
So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the High Priests. It's our possible failure to retain and practice our technology.
An Instructor or Supervisor or Executive must challenge with ferocity instances of "unworkability." They must uncover what did happen, what was run and what was done or not done.
If you have One and Two, you can only acquire Three for all by making sure of all the rest.
We're not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn't cute or something to do for lack of something better.
The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.
This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance.
Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless trillions of years of the past. Don't muff it now because it seems unpleasant or unsocial to do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.
Do them and we'll win.
Adopted as official
Church policy by
On Control and Lying
(From the Fishman Affidavit)By L. Ron Hubbard
(Technique 88)
THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. One way or another this individual is trying to control you. That is the mechanism of control. This individual is lying to you because he is trying to control you - because if they give you enough misinformation they will pull you down the tone scale so that they can control you. Conversely, if you see an impulse on the part of a human being to control you, you know very well that that human being is lying to you.
Not "is going to", but "is" lying to you.Check these facts, you will find they are always true. That person who is trying to control you is lying to you. He's got to tell you lies in order to continue control, because the second you start telling anybody close to the truth, you start releasing him and he gets tougher and tougher to control. So, you cant control somebody without telling them a bunch of lies. You will find that very often Command has this as its greatest weakness. It will try to control instead of leading. The next thing you know, it is lying to the [illegible]. Lie, lie, lie, and it gets worse and worse, and all of a sudden the thing blows up. Well, religion has done this. Organized religion tries to control, so therefore must be lying. After a while it figures out (even itself) that it is lying, and then it starts down tone scale further and further, and all of a sudden people get down along this spring-like bottom (heresy) and say, "Are we going into apathy and die, or are we going to revolt?" and they revolt, because you can only lie to people so long. Unfortunately there is always a new cycle of lying.
L. Ron Hubbard
Technique 88
(July 8, 1977)
Duke, Here is plan discussed,
love Bryce(Refer to the persons concerned as "the friends")
It may be deemed necessary for all the DC Staff who could be pulled in for questioning 'to suddenly leave. This must be done in such a way So that they never can be accused of "fleeing prosecution".
To ensure that all those DC staff concerned are not available for questioning by Scales yet cannot be prosecuted for fleeing.
- US B1 SEUS SEC is responsible for seeing that this project gets speedily done. He is to work closely with DC INFQ US and DG US on this project.
- The purpose of this project is to protect the Church from Scales actions.
- D/NAT'L SEC is responsible for the overall planning of those actions and their debugging as necessary.
- To ensure that extremely tight security is maintained on this project.
- To ensure that it gets done speedily.
- To ensure that each aaction is smoothly worked out so that if evaluation is necessary it will be done without a 'hitch' or mistake.
- To get finances quickly for this project.
- To get approval up lines on this project "super fast" so that it can be got done really fast.
(written in bottom corner '#37 (illegible initials)
- Each person to whom this project pertains must immediately get his/her passport. This must be done withing security's framework, meaning the person doesn't mention CofS on the passport. For occupation list Researcher - Public Relations Consultant - etc. or houswife for girls that are married. Production target 2 weeks on this. As assigned.
- US D1 SEUS SEC is to work up an ED or some such official type proclamation entitled "Sabbatical Leaves."
This can be worked out with both D/NAT'L SEC US B1 and DDG US. The above shall basically state that about 10 GO personnel shall be chosen for Sabbatical leaves. This shall start with the Founding Church in Washington DC. This is being done as an award for upstats who consistently produce well, and as an experiment to see what an energetic staff member will do on his own if given 3 to 6 months to travel and study and use scn tech. The rules are
the persons are to:
- To observe coventry and to not communicate to a fellow Scientist during this time
- They are to spend at least some of this time in "retreat" where they are to study their choice of topics.
- They may travel anywhere in the world to do this.
- They are to produce at the end of this time a product of use to Scn.
- They may prepare ahead of time but must start from scratch.
This project is called "Ten Talents" after the biblical tale. A quote should be gotten from the bible and put into the ED. US B1 SEUS SEC
- When the above Ed is completed, it should be sent to all GO DC staff wherever needed. It should appear real to those whom it does not affect. US B1 SEUS SEC
- US B1 SEUS SEC is to work out the comm the pertinent persons are to give on this to thier relatives or fellow staff. This should be done ahead of time A.S .A.P so that when and if persons have "to go" it will not cause any flaps or PTS situations. "All" should be ready to leave at any time. US B1 SEC
- US B1 SEC is to ensure that all concerned are ready to leave at any time and that all personal cycles finances, 2D, bills, are completely up to PT and there are no PTPs or stops to immeduate departure. US B1 SEUS SEC.
- US B1 SEUS SEC is to see AG DC keeps all staff actions written up to PT and that machinery exists, to as best as possible, take over, for each person (including the AG) if this action were needed to be done. This should be worked out in liason with DDG US and DG US. US B1 SEUS SEC.
- US B1 SEUS SEC is to immediately do up a confidential CS-W for "set-aside" finances for this project. This is for seven or eight people so the amount should be about $10,000 for starters. Any help needed on this can come from DDG US or DG US. These finances should be given to AG DC to hold in case this actions is implimented. US SEUS SEC B1
- SEUS SEC B1 is to ensure that the "need to know" is strictly followed on this project. No communicators are to know. The Need to Know is limited to DG US; DDG US; DG I US, DDG I US; US b1 NAT'L SEC, D/NAT'L SEC US; any US DG's that must know are told by DG US; and those DG staff that this concerns.
- SEUS SEC US B1 is to set up an "early warning" system whereby he or DG US can be notified immediately with any info needed to decide to put 'Failsafe' into action. SEUS SEC US B1
- A "safehouse" or "safehouse area" should be chosen in an out of the way place, like a ski resort - Dude ranch - farm - Canada - Mexico - etc., This "place" ahould be investigated to ensure it can be used anytime of the year by people just "showing up". This "safe house" is for Sabbaticals to go til it is shown one way or another that they must stay away or come back. SEUS SEC US B1
- A cover story as to why "they" all went there; without the Church knowing it, must be worked out - as this breaks Sabbatical rules. SEUS SEC US B1
- Seven safe different places (or as many as needed) must be worked out, where the Sabbaticals will go if they must extend extend their leave. One for each person. SEUS SEC US B1
- Secure comm lines, codes, etc., must be worked out for this "safe house" are in #10, and each different plave in #12 above. This must be done before any Sabbaticals are taken. SEUS SEC US B1
- The entire DC Org should be alerted in some way to this Sabbatical "cover story". And if needed to be implimented the DC Org should be informed of this "award for" those concerned. (The one, two - 10 Talent analogy should be used). This is to take all the mystery off the line and make it no surprise as well as handling any testimony in court by any staff. SEUS SEC US B1
- When all of the above actions are worked out to the DG I/DG US's satisfaction, a chock list, code words, etc., are to be worked out so that if deemed necessary the Sabbaticals will go off like clockwork. SEUS SEC US B1
- Upon completion of targets 1-15, D/NAT'L SEC is to fly to DC on mission. His MO's will be the briefing and any necessary drilling to be done to prepare the "persons" for thier "Sabbaticals" if necessary to impliment. MOs to be written by SEUS SEC US B1 and approved by DG I US and DG US. SEUS SEC US B1.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1982
(Note: This HCOB probably won't increase my
popularity but I would be very remiss if I did
not pass on an important discovery.)
There are two items in this universe that cause more trouble than many others combined.
One is PAIN.
The other is SEX.
One should know more about these things.
They may have applications but they are used by destructive beings in great volume to cave others in.
Despite the false data of Freud, psychologists, psychiatrists and other criminals, they are not native to a being. They are only artificial wavelengths. They have exact frequencies that can be manufactured. A being or a machine can synthesize either one.
Pain becomes a lock on a being's abhorrence for misalignment of his own electrical flows. It is a lock upon unconsciousness which shuts off knowingness.
Sex is a lock on and perversion of the "joy of creation" which involves a whole being and expands him, but by using just one wavelength, sex, this can be perverted and he contracts.
When pain enters a scene, a being withdraws, contracts and can go unconscious.
When sex enters the scene, a being fixates and loses power.
Destructive creatures who do not want people big or reaching -- since they are terrified of punishment due to their crimes -- invented pain and sex to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach.
Thus, you see people who are "experiencing" either pain or sex introverting and not producing much.
Pain and sex were the INVENTED tools of degradation.
Believe it or not, a being can be so overwhelmed by either that he or she becomes an addict of it. Priests become flagellants and cut themselves to pieces with self-whipping. Torturers drool over pain. Lovers are very seldom happy. People do the most irrational things when overcharged with sex, and prostitutes use it as a knowing stock-in-trade. Combined, pain and sex make up the insane Jack-the-Rippers (who killed only prostitutes) and the whole strange body of sex-murder freaks, including Hinckley*, and the devotees of late-night horror movies. Under the false data of the psychs (who have been on the track a long time and are the sole cause of decline in this universe) both pain and sex are gaining ground in this society and, coupled with robbery which is a hooded companion of both, may very soon make the land a true jungle of crime.
Go into an asylum or a prison and look at the increasing institutional population and know what you are looking at. In the main, these are pain and sex addicts, decadent and degraded and no longer capable. They were sent on that route down through the ages by the psychs and here they are still in the psychs' hands! And do they get well or go straight? Oh no. Whether in prisons or insane asylums they just get worse. And the psychs in both places rub their bloodied hands as they turn their products loose again upon the remaining population! It's no accident. And the stocks-in-trade of psychs are PAIN and SEX. They will even tell you it's "natural" to steal!
To compound their felony -- if that is possible -- they tell you it's the body doing it. Another crashing big false datum on top of all their other lies.
These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This is not theory or some strange opinion. It is provable electronic fact. The waves are just synthesized.
They are the most-used tools in the campaign against beings in furthering the general goal of those creatures whose sole ambition is destruction. The universe does not happen to be either destructive or chaotic except as such obsessed creeps make it. Statements it is otherwise are just more false data from the same suspect "authorities." It fits their purposes to make seem natural what they make artificially. The universeonly seems that way to a being because such loathsome psychotics make it seem so. They destroyed every great civilization to date and are hard at work on this one. The one thing they can't stand is the light of truth, so despite their objections, one must turn it on them. Only in its glare do their lies wither. It is the potent weapon they can't fend off.
These facts may not be very palatable. But they could clear up some mysteries for you.
For wherever there is a mystery (and both pain and sex have been these for man) there are answers. As both pain and sex could have messed up your life, the above may be some answers you've been looking for.
Founder*Hinckley: John Hinckley, an American who, after receiving psychiatric treatment, attempted to assassinate US president Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Central Orgs
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY AD 13
[AD means: After Dianetics - 1950]
Attach to this HCOB, HCOB 17 April AD 13 A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN.
Correct HCOB 17 April 1963 as follows:
Omit introductory paragraphs and Points of Interest. Substitute the text of this HCO Bulletin.
In the pattern, change "Beings (People) (Those) who never goal" to BEINGS WHO NEVER GOAL.
Change "A Being (someone) who never goals." to A BEING WHO IS NEVER GOALING.
Omit "(Someone)" wherever it appears in the pattern.
Change "Fervent Believers in Goaling" to ANY FERVENT BELIEVERS IN GOALING.
Change "No Goalishness" to NO BEING GOALISHNESS for the BE form of goal.
Change "Some Bad Condition Dependent on next goal" to THE NEXT GOAL PLUS NO or NOT PLUS THIS GOAL.
In the example "To Create" change oppterm "Creationishness" to CREATINGISHNESS and make other pattern changes as indicated above.
THE AIRCRAFT DOOR GOALSThis goal pattern (HCO Bulletin of 17 April 1963 as changed) was in use in an aircraft-type set between 315 trillion years ago and 216 trillion years ago and less, and is the pattern which precedes the Helatrobus Implants in this galaxy. It remains to be seen if all preclears have it.
The goals were given with one or more goals in a series, usually one, and that goal was To Create. The preclear possibly has this goal several times during this period.
It was given in the mocked-up fuselage of an aircraft with the thetan fixed before an aircraft door. (There are also two or more aircraft fuselages used in the Helatrobus Implants, but the preclear moved through them, was not fixed in them.) The date is the way to tell the pattern. The Helatrobus Implants existed only between 52 trillion and 38 trillion years ago, the total life span of the Helatrobus government. If the goal is found to lie earlier, between 315 trillion and 216 trillion or later, up to 52 trillion years ago, then it is probably this pattern.
The goal items were laid in with explosions.
THE GORILLA GOALS This same pattern, but given in an amusement park with a single tunnel, a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel, was used between about 319 trillion years ago to about 256 trillion trillion years ago, a long span.
The symbol of a Gorilla was always present in the place the goal was given. Sometimes a large gorilla, black, was seen elsewhere than the park. A mechanical or a live gorilla was always seen in the park.
This activity was conducted by the Hoipolloi, a group of operators in meat body societies. They were typical carnival people. They let out concessions for these implant "Amusement Parks." A pink-striped white shirt with sleeve garters was the uniform of the Hoipolloi. Such a figure often rode on the roller coaster cars. Monkeys were also used on the cars. Elephants sometimes formed part of the equipment.
The Hoipolloi or Gorilla goals were laid in with fantastic motion. Blasts of raw electricity and explosions were both used to lay the items in.
The series is always five goals. These are very simple goals, no long words. To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, To be Solid, To Create, To Find, To be Visible, To be Sexual (not To have Sex as some pcs give it), To be Invisible, To Postulate and a very few more were used, always five goals in a series. The series usually started with To be Dead, but To End, To Sleep and To be Asleep must also be investigated as the first goal of each series.
The pattern in HCOB 17 Apr. AD 13 is correct for all of these goals, as changed in this HCO Bulletin.
THE BEAR GOALS From about 256 trillion trillion years ago to about 370 trillion trillion years ago the GPMs are the Bear Goals.
These use the same pattern, similar amusement park arrangements, the same type of goals as the Gorilla Goals.
The only real difference is that instead of a mechanical gorilla a mechanical or live bear was used, and the motion was even more violent.
There is, however, a change of pattern in the Bear Goals in that TWO RIs were added. These come as a pair just below "The Vast Value of Goaling." They are oppterm "Any worries about being _________ or goaling" opposed by terminal "A worried goaler." Aside from this addition, the pattern is the same as the Gorilla Goals.
Mostly raw electric sprays are used in the Bear Goals to drive in the items.
The Bear Goals were handled by a group called, I think, "The Brothers of the Bear" and were the ancestors of the Hoipolloi.
THE BLACK THETAN GOALS From about 390 trillion trillion years to 370 trillion trillion years ago, the Black Thetan goals were given.
These were given in a glade surrounded by the stone heads of "black thetans" who spat white energy at the trapped thetan. The trapped thetan was motionless.
The pattern is the earliest "To" form of GPM now known.
There were six RIs per goal, consisting of:
- Accomplished
- Not Accomplished
- Action (ing)
- Never Action (ing)
- Goal
- Not Goal
There were from 15 to 18 goals in the series, all of a simple nature such as To End, To be Dead, To be Asleep, etc.
The full series will be published at a later date hut is easily reconstructed, always following the same pattern of six.
THE INVISIBLE PICTURE GOALS From somewhere around 110,000 trillion trillion years ago or earlier to 390 trillion trillion years ago, the most difficult GPMs on the track were given. These contain four RIs per set, positive-negative in dichotomy, (example: Wake, Never Wake, Sleep, Never Sleep), the four given five times for every one picture shown. This makes 20 firings per picture.
But the first picture is invisible and the thetan afterwards is not expected to find then the first twenty firings of RIs (four in a row, repeated five times). This makes a "vacuum" for a picture and groups the bank. This type of implant is probably the source of vacuums in the reactive mind.
The remaining pictures vary during different periods of the sequence, but consist usually of a scene of a cave, a railway, an airplane, a view of a sun and planets. The first "picture" making the total number of five is invisible and is no picture.
The pictures have a moving object in each (except the invisible one) which backs up halfway through the series.
The trick is to get the RIs out of the invisible picture, particularly the basic first four.
The RIs also fire right left, then left right so that the "Never" RI the next time has swapped sides. They go positive, negative, then, with swapped sides, positive negative.
They are simple aberrative words. Start, Never Start, End, Never End are always the first firings, followed by Begin, Never Begin, Stop, Never Stop for the second whole series of firings. The same four run through all five pictures. Then the next four go through all five, etc.
There are many words used.
Early in the series 3-dimensional sets were used, late in the series only 2-dimensional pictures were employed.
There may be earlier GPM-type implants but the Goal idea does not go back earlier evidently than 390 trillion trillion years -- in the "Black Thetan" Implants. Earlier material is only positive, negative and dichotomies according to present data. But the earlier ones are more aberrative to the pc.
_____________ PROGRAMMING
The trick is to run a full series through on any of these as found, no matter how late it is in the period, then find the first time the series was given the pc and run the complete series. Then get the next earlier type of series and do the same thing.
Your pc may not have been in the areas where these patterns were used and may have different types of implants. If so, make sure first that the implant you have found does not contain one of these patterns before going to the hard labor of trying to make one up with the pc.
LATER DAY IMPLANTS Between 38 trillion years ago and present time a lot of off-beat implants can be found. They sometimes have only pictures, sometimes only items, sometimes items and pictures both. They are usually short, often have no goal in them, only positive -- negative commands, and are not hard to work out. The pc can usually get them easily if they're on his assessed R3R chain.
_____________ WARNING
In a complex GPM pattern almost anything can be made to fire until the exact RI is found. Then no RR is left.
Wrong RIs leave white mass and eventually crumple up the engram. Missed RIs leave black strips or patches. Partially discharged RIs leave gray patches. Restimulated but not run RIs turn everything black in the picture.
Scan a pc through RIs you don't suspect and it all goes black.
Get a wrong date or wrong duration and the pc has no visio or pictures that don't belong there.
_____________ SUMMARY
This is a rapid resume of principal GPMs on the track. Where the pattern applies it must be done exactly as given.
(Note: All trillions used are US trillions which are 1,000 million.)
To: | |||||
Email: jeta@xs4all.nl. WebSite: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jeta