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Secrets HCO's (1/3) 06-06-1997 Choose Background Color ===> |
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© [ An Enemy / Critic ] : injured by any means
...may be tricked, sued or lied to or |
3. Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins (1/3).HCO bulletins were produced almost every day when Hubbard was alive. So there are a lot of them. Here I just placed some of the more striking ones. In the Advanced section (#7) you'll find some more.
The creation of a 'Hubbard Communication Office'-letters/bulletins/etc. database should be considered.
HCOB's are aimed at the 'tech' (red text).
HCOPL's are 'Policy Letters' (green text).
- Clear, State of (Sept 24, 1978)
"Definition of a Clear: A Thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental Matter, Energy, Space and Time." (MEST) [This is a rather 'technical' bulletin, don't worry if you don't 'get the point'.
- Dissemnation of Material (Fishman Affidavit)
"The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than win. The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly. "
- Heaven - Routine 3 (May 11, 1963)
Hubbard: "Well, I have been to Heaven. And I've found that Scientologists have been to Heaven."
- Hostile Contacts, Handling / Dead Agenting (May 30, 1974)
"If there will be a long-term threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person's repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they will be ostracized."
Class IV orgs
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 IV
NOTE: The distribution of this Confidential data is limited to AOs and C/Ses in Class IV Orgs who are Clear or above, with the following stipulations:Field auditors or Missions must send the pc folders of any pc believed to have gone Dianetic Clear to their closest org which has a C/S who is Clear, for adjudication and declare of the state.
- A C/S, Clear or above, in a Class IV Org is held fully responsible for maintaining the security of this, and the material it contains.
- This is to be kept securely under lock and key as Confidential Advance Course material.
- The confidential data herein is not to be divulged, verbally or otherwise to anyone not yet Clear.
- Feeding the Clear cognition to any individual, or violation of any of the above is a Comm-Evable offense.
A Clear Class IV C/S must handle such submissions promptly (and without any invalidation or any unnecessary eval, should the state not have been attained) so there is no delay put on any individual's progress up the Bridge.
In Clearing you move the being up to where he is at Cause over mental MEST. A clear has erased the matter, energy, space and time connected to the thing called MIND. He has been cleared of the MASS, PICTURES, etc. It is a negative gain.
Clear occurs when one stops mocking up bank, or realizes he is doing it.
A Clear has perhaps not entirely lost the automaticity of mocking up mass. But at least he knows he's putting it there and practice increases his general reality.
The State of Clear, when the person has erased his own pictures or bank, can occur prior to doing the Clearing Course. It can occur on Dianetic auditing, especially New Era Dianetics. Sometimes it has occurred on Goals Processing, and even on Objective Processes.
It must be recognized and declared when attained.
A Dianetic Clear can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Clears and OTs), and NED for OTs once he is OT III, but not a Dianetic auditing assist nor any Dianetic auditing.
The Dianetic Clear would then, on achieving this state, be audited on Scientology Grades 0-IV. He would not be run on the R3RA section of Service Facs, however, nor any R3R or R3RA. You don't run Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course on a Dianetic Clear. They go onto OT I, after doing the Solo Course.
This is issued to Org C/Ses who are themselves Clear or above, as the Clear cognition cannot be issued broadly and must not be fed to a pc, which is a Comm-Evable offense. Clears are made through auditing, not feeding EPs or cognitions to pcs.
This is important as someone who has not made clear, will not make it on the OT Levels.
Org C/Ses who are Clear or above, however, will need to be able to recognise the State of Clear when it occurs on Dianetics or otherwise, to ensure the state is real and to declare any such pc Dianetic Clear when the state is truly attained.
Once declared, the pc folders must be clearly marked "DIANETIC CLEAR". The pc may then be C/Sed for Scientology auditing, per the above. He is not, however, given further Dianetic Auditing.
- 24.9.78 Issue 111. DIANETIC CLEAR.
- 25.6.70RA, Issue 11. C/S Series 12RA, Glossary of C/S Terms.
Dissemnation of Material
The dissemination of materials of Scientology is a problem of com- arable stature to the use of techniques on a preclear in an audting session. Just as you would not process a preclear with heavy pro- cesses when all he could take might be ARC Straight Wire, thus you would not issue Scientology materials of considerable weight to people incapable of assimilating them.The immediate result of the issuance of materials not intended for that audience is to produce a state of confusion in the minds of that audience regarding Scientology. Here we have no question of talk- ing down to people. Here we have no question of 'watering'our material, but we do have a question of dissemnating Scientology. If we do it properly, then Scientology will be very broadly known. If we do it improperly it will stop in its tracks, and be known, if at all, as a confusion.
When materials are issued above the acceptance level of an audience, a confusion results. A confusion in the antithesis of a flow. Any communication resulting in a confusion then brings about an eddy of confusion. The employment of Scientology to the greatest good of the greatest number of Dynamics does not include using it knowingly or unknowingly to confuse hearers.
An outline of the communication lines of Scientology follows:
- The General public to the general public.
- Scientologists to the general public
- Member HASI to member HASI.
- Trained Scientologist to a member of the HASI.
- Member of HASI to a preclear.
- Trained Scientologist to a preclear.
- Trained Scientologist to a trained Scientologist.
- HASI to membership
- HASI to trained Scientologist.
- HASI to the general public
There are several things we would like the general public to say to the general public about Scientology. The first of these is that we would like the general public, when it sees an individual or group problem, to be quite certain the proper thing to do is for that individual or group to consult a Scientologist. For instance, if some- body is having headaches, we would his friends to come to the obvious solution that this person should see a Scientologist or should join a group undergoing processing.
The meat on this communication line is that Scientology does not pose any threat, that Scientologists are good citizens, and that they can be trusted with problems of a private and confidential nature, or with problems dangerous to other people such as the problem of criminality. Another frame of mind we would like to see the public and register is that people attacking Scientologists have something wrong with them ( and if you could meet any such people per- sonally you would see that this is no more than truth). As a sub- division of this, the actual substance of communication about what Scientology is, from the general public to the general public, should be that Scientology says that good health and immortality are attain- able. That it is something compounded out of all Man knows of the subject of Man, and that people are living units operating bodies, rather than bodies, and that this living unit is the human soul. Given this much communication line, the general public can embroider enormously, and unless a person in the general public can express his own opinions, and so let HIM be interestING, he will not talk about the subject. Thus the data in the general public should give individuals a chance to be interesting, by knowing no more and no less that the above. We are not interested in sensationalism per- sonalities, or the complexity of Scientology methodology being discussed by the general public. At a subdivision of this, we do not want Scientology to be reported in the press, anywhere else than on the religious page of newspapers. It is destructive of word of mouth to permit the public presses to express their biased and badly reported sensationalism. Therefore we should be very alert to sue for slander at the slightest chance so as to discourage the public presses from mentioning Scientology. What the newspapers say is not word of mouth. As an example of this, how many minutes today have you spent discussing current events?
NEWSPAPER REPORTERS WRITING ARTICLES ON SCIENTOLOGY DO NOT EXPRESS SCIENTOLOGY. Scientologists should never let themselves be interviewed by the press. That's experience talking!
As a subdivision of general public to general public we have the problem of the professionals which might consider Scientology to be antipathetic to them, amongst these would be psychologists and medical doctors as well as psychiatrists. These persons are entirely in error when they express the opinion that Scientologists are against
(5 or 6 words illegible) ..... -or system will produce in 22 percent, of the public, benefit. Therefore, any practice or art can always achieve 22 per cent recovery in thier patients. It is when we better this 22 percent, that we are being efficient. We have no more quarrel with a psychologist that we would have with an Austra- lian witch-doctor. We have no quarrel with a pychiatrist any more that we would quarrel with a barbarian because he has never heard of nuclear physics. As to the medical doctor, we know very well that modern medical practice, having lately outgrown phlebotomy, has come of age to point where is can regulate structure in a most remarkable and admirable way. In Scientology we believe a medical doctore definitely has his role in a society just as an engineer has his role in civil government. We believe that a medical doctor should perform emergency operations such as those made necessary by accidents; that he should perform orthopeadics; that he should deliver babies; that he should have charge of the administration of drugs; that his use of antibiotics is beneficial; and that wherever he immediately and curatively addresses structure his is of use in a community. The only place we would limit a medical doctor is in the field of treatment of psychosomatic medicine, where he has ad- mittedly and continously failed, and the only thing we would ask a medical doctor to change about his practice is to stop taking money for things he knows he cannot cure, i.e., spiritual, mental, psycho- somatic, and social ills.
With regard to psychologists, medical doctors, and psychiatrists, then, what would one say in talking to them? But again we have section 10 of the Code of the Scientologist. You wouldn't expect this psychologist, or phychiatrist, or medical doctor to get into an argu- ment with you on how to get rats to find their way through mazes, how you would set a tibia, or what voltage you would put on an electric shock machine. Therefore, and equally, do not permit your- self to be put in the situation where you are discussing privately or in public, the methodologies of your wisdom. The attitude of a Scientologist toward people in these professions should be: "I have my techniques. It took me a long time to learn them just as it took you a long time to learn yours, and I am not going to try to make a minster out of you, and you are not going to try to make a medical doctor (psychiatrist, psychologist) out of me. I am an expert instructor only where it is intimately involved with the human spirit. I can produce my effects. You can produce yours. In view of the fact that you do not pretend to operate in the field of the human spirit, and I do not operate in the field of structure, I do not see how there can be any discussion. But things that I can't handle in structure when called upon I will be very happy to refer to you, and I shall expect that when matters of the spirit come into question you will have enough understanding of life, where we are all specialists, to refer them to me" A quiet explanation of this character will do a great deal to place you as a professional man in thier realm of understanding of professional men.
In a hospital or an institution from some ????? malady which balked the efforts of the professional men in charge of it, and should you ever be "called upon the carpet" for having "interfered" with the pro- gress of a cse, you should be extremely dismayed, and act it, to find yourself in the prescence of barbarians who do not believe in the power of prayer, in the will of God, or in the promises of Jesus Christ. And you should point out that, whereas the body was in thier keep- ing, they did not at any time care to take purview of the human soul. And if anything has occurred because the soul, in your pro- vince, then reacted upon the body, you believe that they are unwilling to admit the will of God in their treatment of human beings, and if this is the case you now, while you are being addressed by such people, discover yourself to be in a strange place where men pretending to be Christians doubt God, the Son of God, and the power of prayer. Your entire address to such people, in such a situation, publically or privately, should be entirely overt, accusative, and not at any time apologetic. And you should immediately make it your buss- iness to place this matter before the proper authorities, that people are in charge of an institution here, are not Christians, and do not believe in God, and you should inform your accusers that you are going to do so.
Should you ever be arrested for practicing Scientology, treating people, make very sure, long before the time somes, that you have never used drugs or surgery, and that you have never prescibed a diet, or vitamins, and when that time might come, make very sure that you immediately and instantly, within two or three hours after your receipt of the warrant, have served upon the signer of the warrant, a personal civil suit for $100,000.00 damages for having caused the arrest of a Man of God going about his business in his proper profession, and for having brought about embarrasing pub- licity and molestation. place the suit and WIRE THE HASI IMMEDIATELY. Make the whole interest during the entire time of such an unfortunate occurance the fact that the signer of such a warrant, who would ordinarily be a medical doctor in charge of the medical department of some city, had dared fly in the teth of religion. And we use what is necessary of the earlier passage above to drive the point home. DO NOT simply fall back out of comm- munication if you are attacked, but attack, much more forcefully and artfully and arduosly. And if you are foolish enough to have an attorney who tells you not to sue, immediately dismiss him and get an attorney who will sue. Or, if no attorney will sue, simply have an HASI suit form filled out and present it yourself to the county clerk in the court of the area in which your case has come up.
BEEN FILED WHEN THE HASI ATTORNEY ARRIVES.In other words, do not, at any moment leave this act unpunished, for, if you do you are harming all other Scientologists in the area. When you are attacked it is your responsiblity then to secure from further attack not only yourself but all those who work with you. Cause blue flame to dance over the court house roof until everybody has apologized profusely for having dared to become so adventurous as to arrest a Scientologist who, as a minsietr of the church, was going about his regular duties. As far as the advances of attorneys go that you should not sue, that you should not attack, be aware of the fact that I, myself, in Whichita, Kansas, had the rather interesting experience of discovering that my attorney employed by me and paid by me, had been for some three months in the employ of the people who were attacking me, and that this attorney has collected some insignificant sum of money after I hired him, by going over to the enemy and acting upon their advices. This actually occurred, so beware of attorneys that tell you not to sue. And I call to you attention the situation of any besieged fortress. If that fortress does not make allies, does not send forth patrols to attack and harrass, and does not utilize itself to make the beseiging of it a highly danger- ous occupation, that fortress may, and most often does, fall.
The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that, then you will lose every battle you are ever engaged in, whether it is in terms of personal conversation, public debate or court of law.
NEVER BE INTERESTED IN CHARGES. DO, yourself, much MORE CHARGING, and you will WIN. And the public, seeing that you won, will then have a communication line to the effect that Scientologists WIN. Don't ever let them have any other though that Scientology takes all its objectives.
Another point directly in the interest of keeping the general public to the general public communiaction line is good odor: it is vitally importnat that a Scientologist put into action and overtly keep in action Article 4 of the Code: "I pledge myself to punish to the fullest extent of my power anyone misusing or degrading Scientology to harmful ends." The only way you can gaurantee that Scientology will not be degraded or misued is to make sure that only those who are trained in it practice it. If you find somebody practicing Scientology who is not qualified, you should give them the oppor- tunity to be formally trained, at their expense, so that they will not abuse and degrade the subject. And you would not take as any substutute for formal training any amount of study.
You would therefore delegate to members of the HASI who are not otherwise certified only those processes mentioned below, and would discourage them from using any other processes. More par- ticularly, if you discovered that some group calling itself "precept processing" had set up and established a series of mettings in your area, that you would do all you could to make things interesting for them. In view of the fact that the HASI holds copyrights for all such material, and that a scientific organization of materials can be copyrighted and therefore owned. The least that could be done to such an area is the placement of a suit against them for using materials of Scientology without authority. Only a member of the HASI or a member of one of the churches affiliated with the HASI has the authority to use this information.
The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than win.
The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.
A D.Scn. has the power to revoke a certificate below the level of D.Scn but not a D.Scn. However, he can even recammend to the *CECS of the HASI that D Scns be revoked, and so any sincere Scientologist is capable of policing Scientology. This is again all in the interest of keeping the public with good opinion of Scientology, since bad group processing and bad auditing are worse than bad publicity and are the worst thing that can happen to the general public to general public communication line.
The best thing that can happen to it is good auditing, good public presentation, and a sincere approach on the subject of Scientology itself. Remember, we are interested in ALL treatment being beneficial, whether it is Scientology or not. For bad treatment in any line lowers the public opinion of all treatment.
In addressing persons professionally interested in the ministry, we we have another intersting problem in public presentation. We should not engage in religious discussions. In the first place, as Scientologists, we are gnostics, which is to say we know what we know. People in the ministry ordinarily suppose that knowingness and knowledge are elsewhere resident that in themselves. They believe in belief and substitute belief for wisdome. This makes Scientology no less a religion, but makes it a religion with an older tradition and puts it on an intellectual plane.
Religious philosphy, then as presented by Scientology, would be opposed in such discussion to religious practice. We are all- denominational rather than non-demoninational, and we should be perefectly willing to include in our ranks a Moslem, or a Taoist, as well as any Protestant or Catholic, while people of the ministry in Western civilization, unless they are evangelists, are usually dedicated severely to some faction which in itself is in violent argument with many other simliar factions. Thus these people are ready to argue and are practiced in argument, and there are more interpretations of one line of scripture than there are sunbeams in a day. Beyond explaining one's all-denominatinal character, explaining that one holds the Bible as a holy work, one should recognize that the clergy of Western Protestant churches defines minister or standing....
*Committe for Examination, Certification and Services
Central Orgs,
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF MAY 11, AD13
[AD means: After Dianetics - 1950]
Well, I have been to Heaven.And I've found that Scientologists have been to Heaven.
And that everybody has evidently been to Heaven.
The Goals Problem Mass implants, which are the apparent basic source of aberration and human travail, which begin with the goal To Forget, were cynically done "in Heaven".
For a long time, people have been cross with me for my lack of co-operation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. I have never said I didn't disbelieve in a Big Thetan but there was certainly something very corny about Heaven et al. Now I have to apologize. There was a Heaven. Not too unlike, in cruel betrayal, the heaven of the Assassins in the 12th Century who, like everyone else, dramatized the whole track implants - if a bit more so.
Yes, I've been to Heaven. And so have you. And you have the pattern of its implants in the HCO Bulletin Line Plots. It was complete with gates, angels and plaster saints - and electronic implantation equipment. So there was a Heaven after all - which is why you are on this planet and were condemned never to be free again - until Scientology.
Before you went to Heaven you were not really very bad or very good, but you didn't think you had lived only once and you had a good memory and knew who you were and enjoyed life. Afterwards ---
The symbol of the crucified Christ is very apt indeed. It's the symbol of a thetan betrayed.
DATA Additional work and possible corrections need to be done but this is the gist of the matter:
The implants are electronic in nature and follow the pattern of the G.P.M.
The implant station existed on the order of magnitude of 43,000,000,000,000 years ago. (The dates may be part of the implants but do not appear so at this stage. However, a possibility of correction of dates is reserved).
Some have been through it once, some more than once.
The first time I arrived and the moment of the implant To Forget was dated at 43,891,832,611,177 years, 344 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds from 10:02½ PM Daylight Greenwich Time May 9, 1963. The second series was dated to the moment of the implant To Forget as 42,681,459,477,315 years, 132 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes and 15 seconds from 11:02½ PM Daylight Greenwich Time May 9, 1963.
There are no earlier such implants. There are no later such implants.
I evidentally have a goal of my own at 305 Trillion (U.S.) years and an actual GPM, all of which pulled into this 43 Trillion year implant.
ADDITIONAL E-METER DATA Five goals in all may be common to both sequences. The first 3 of the 5 are the same. There are no implants as to time according to the meter. There are numbers in any implants, but dates rocket read. Implanting was done on a non-visible thetan, but arrival was in a ship in a doll body accoding to the meter. Star of Bethlehem, Pearly Gates, The Way out of the Universe, all of which RR on the meter, give a clue to recruitment actions.
There was no purpose in giving a particular thetan a particular goal. Planning had no individualization.
A preclear's overts should be scouted as to why these implants keyed in, Fac 1, hypnotism, etc. But doubtful if any preclear did this type of implanting.
The mood is set that thetans are evil, treacherous and bad but this is all part of the implant, not factual.
The earliest point of the series is not known at this writing but possibly contains a recruitment through advertising. The departure point from the series is not fully known yet but probably just abandonment.
The implants were not done in a box or in some trick manner of projection. The scenery is actually there, common Mest Universe, space and matter and in the Mest Universe.
The first (43 Trillion) series consists of 29 implanted goals.
The second (42 Trillion) series consists of 21 implanted goals.
The first three goals in both series are the same, To Forget, To Remember and To Go Away. The last goal and one other in both series are the same. The remaining goals are not the same for the two implants.
PERSONALLY PERCEIVED DATA The pattern of RIs is different for the two series, consisting in the second series of added RIs below the To Have a Goal-ivity and with a different dwindling of adjectives and adverbs, but are otherwise similar.
Both series have the Gates of Heaven visible. The last implant of both consists of "entering" Heaven. The last goal of both is To Be In Heaven.
The gates of the first series are well done, well built. An avenue of statues of saints leads up to them. The gate pillars are surmounted by marble angels. The entering grounds are very well kept, laid out like Bush Gardens in Pasadena, so often seen in the movies. Aside from the implant boxes which lie across from each other on the walk there are other noises and sounds as though the saints are defending and berating. These are unimportant to the incident.
The second series, probably in the same place, shows what a trillion years of overt acts does (or is an additional trickery to collapse one's time). The place is shabby. The vegatation is gone. The pillars are scruffy. The saints have vanished. So have the Angels. A sign on one (the left as you "enter") says "This is Heaven". The right has a sign "Hell" with an arrow and inside the grounds one can see the excavations like archaeological diggings with raw terraces, that lead to "Hell". Plain wire fencing encloses the place. There is a sentry box beside and outside the right pillar. The road "leading up" to the gates is deeply eroded. An effigy of Joseph, complete with desert clothing, is seen approaching the gates (but not moving) leading a donkey which "carries" the original Madonna and child from "Bethlehem". The implanting boxes lie on either side of this "entering" path at path level.
These are the actual ends of the two series. One backs out the gates, of course, from top oppterm down, as this is the end. The last two RIs after this last goal say "it is the beginning", "Not the end".
The place, by implant and inference, was supposed to be in the sky like a floating island. Actually it was simply a high place in the mountains of a planet and the gates pathway falls away into a gorge, very eroded and bare by the time of the second implant, but heavily forested and rolling at the time of the first.
The beginnings have not at this writing been so well explored by myself. I have not viewed the second beginning (which says it is the end). However I do know that the second series was done in long square tunnels with the implant boxes, not unlike small P.A. speakers with fretwork fronts, on either side.
The first series actually begins with arrival in a "town" (as everything is backwards to upset the time sense). This "town" consisted of a trolley bus, some building fronts, sidewalks, train tracks, a boarding house, a bistro in a basement where there is a "bulletin board" well lighted, and a BANK BUILDING.
The bank is the key point of interest. It is interesting that we use the work "bank" (taken actually from computerology) to indicate the reactive mind.
This bank building was the on-the-corner old-fashioned granite-like construction, two or three stories high, with the door in the rounded front - even a revolving type door. Inside to the left of the entrance door is a rounded counter. Directly across the room are THE stairs.
The top oppterm and terminal of To Forget are at the top of these stairs. The implant then proceeds on down the stairs, step by step, terminals on one side (the left if one were coming up the stairs) the oppterms on the other. The first series (43 Trillion) has all its implant impulses at step level. In the second series the boxes are ear high to a man. By the time the gates are arrived at in the first series, the terminals are on the left as you approach the gates, the oppterms on the right, having been reversed at some point.
The first (43 Trillion) series had very fine marble stairs. The same stairs can be seen in any big well kept railway station. They were complete with a white ball held in a wrought iron stand.
The thetan was taken along apparently on a pole trap to which he was stuck. It does not proceed step by step throughout the whole of the implant series, but after the first flight of stairs, goes a ways, stops while several pairs of RIs fire then goes to a new location.
The place seemed to have people in it. But they are all effigies. These seem radioactive. Contact with them hurts. No living beings. But effigies that look like humans are performing sudden, repetitive actions with long halts between. In the "basement" such dummies are seen operating machinery.
The boarding house at the actual beginning has a dummy guest and a landlady in kimono and wrappers, reading a newspaper.
There are no devils or satans that I saw.
There is a passenger getting on the trolley bus, a "workman" halfway down the first stairs of To Forget "eating lunch" and in To Be in Heaven a gardener or electrician adjusting an implant box behind a hedge and periodically leaping up and screaming.
The place, so long as the implants remain only partially discharged, seems to swim in while and black electronic masses, but these dissipate as the implants are run out by pattern.
One actually "enters" the "town" as the first action. The implants, however, were rigged to make the gates seem the entrance to the incident. One backs through from the town, into the bank, down the steps and eventually out the Pearly Gates, down the hillside and is there let off and abandoned. One might have had a body or its remains at the town but has none when abandoned.
"TO BE IN HEAVEN" is the last goal implanted in both series. The goal may be slightly differently worded in the second series.
This is not a body building implant, though running it gives somatics to chest.
This is not a GE implant. It is the person's own. Running it, particularly badly, brings it down on the body. There are body somatics on it, however, particularly eyes, face, chest, bones.
It apparently only can be run by 3M listing and Rocket Reads. One must have the goal to get the RIs.
CONCLUSIONS The place is so full of lies by implant that the preclear becomes quite confused and this review of the actual data is necessary to a successful navigation. However, it is very easy to read more treachery into it than there is in it - which is enough.
However, as the place existed so long it was in a varying state of repair and some change. (This data on time is subject to review). But in 1.2 Trillion years only some of the implant pattern and mock up had shifted. However, there may have been other stations. Only time and research will really tell that.
One must date the preclear's first (earliest) goal to forget, find out how many times the preclear went through it, or some such implant station, date the other times and be careful to run only the first of the first series. As this is basic, as in Prepchecking, Sec Checking and old engram running, it tends to ease up the remainder of the implants. But running the implants later than basic is very much harder on the pc even though it can be done. Wherever one misses an RI in an early implant, that repeated RI when found in a later one tends to be very much more heavily charged.
Re-running any implant that has only been partially run tends to rough up the whole implant and make it hard to run.
LUCK I think we are lucky. It could have been much worse. This Heavenly dream of destruction could have been current, not so long ago. It could have happened often, not just once or twice or three times per pc. But apparently it didn't and is unique in itself.
This is the core of the Reactive Mind. It is all the way South. For here, just once on the whole track, somebody discovered the mechanism of purposes and RIs and utilized them to install religious mania and pin thetans down to "one life" and planets.
The thing was done so well that it has hung up ever since. There are other implants, there are other goals and GPMs, but these are minor and easily found and listed once this key implant series is out of the way.
We were in a position of having an infinite number of pieces to the puzzle. Now we have a finite number which even though very tough are still finite in number. Further, every processing step taken, every RI discharged is a positive gain toward a definite finite result in processing.
Further, we have our hands on an apalling piece of technology where the world is concerned. With rapidity and a Mater it can be shown that Heaven is a false dream and that the old religion was based on a very painful lie, a cynical betrayal.
What does this do to any religious nature of Scientology? It strengthens it. New religions always overthrow the false gods of the old, they do something to strengthen man. We can improve man. We can show the old gods false. And we can open up the universe as a happier place in which a spirit may dwell. What more can you expect? This actually places us far beyond any other beings that are about. It puts us, through increased beingness and a restoration of life, in control of much destiny.
We have now only a few unsolved problems about life, huge though they may be, such as the construction of bodies and how does one establish the character of and communicate, if feasible, with beings who are making trees and insects. There are a few things like these. But I imagine when we finally manage to communicate with beetle under rocks and free them, we'll no doubt find the Creator of Heaven who 43 + Trillion years ago designed and built the Pearly Gates and entrapped us all.
Good Lord, I'd hate to be guilty of that overt. But never mind - you aren't either. That guy is GONE (I hope!)
(Note: This HCO Bulletin is based on over a thousand hours of research auditing, analyzing the facsimiles of the reactive mind, and with the help of a Mark V Electrometer. It is scientific research and is not in any way based upon the mere opinion of the researcher. This HCO Bulletin is not the result of the belief or beliefs of anyone. Scientology data reflects long, arduous and painstaking research over a period of some thirty years into the nature of Man, the mind, the human spirit and its relationship to the physical universe. The data and phenomena discovered in Scientology is common to all minds and all men and can be demonstrated on anyone. Truth does not require belief to be truth any more than water requires anyone's permission to run down hill. The data is itself and can be duplicated by any honest researcher or practitioner. We in Scientology seek freedom, the betterment of Man, and the happiness of the individual and this comprises our attitude towards the data found. The data, however, is simply itself, and exists whatever the opinion of anyone may be. The contents of this HCO Bulletin discover the apparent underlying impulses of religious zealotism and the source of the religious mania and insanity which terrorized Earth over the ages and has given religion the appearance of insanity. As the paper is written for my friends it has, of course, a semblane of irreverence).
(Note: All our data on the whole track remains factual and is not taken from any implant. The only data released earlier was the time factors involved in GPMs).
Copyright © 1963
by L. Ron Hubbard
General Non-Remimeo
PR Posts
Dist Secs
Port CaptainsB O A R D P O L I C Y L E T T E R May 30, 1974
It is a not too infrequent part of the job of a PRO to encounter hostile contacts. To handle such, one has to be fast and effective at dead agenting.
Every successful PRO knows how to dead agent and wins.
As the tech on dead agenting and handling hostile contacts is scattered in various P/Ls and write-ups, it is issued collectively now as policy for use. Learn these techniques well. Use them with success!
Passages taken directly from L. Ron Hubbard's writings or from transcripts of his verbal briefings are in italics [indented]. Other passages are from D/G PRO WW write-ups reproduced by courtesy of the Guardian's Office.
These materials relate directly to
- PR Series 23 The Press Book
- PR Series 22 Press Conferences, Preparation for
----- It is my specific intention that by the use of professional PR tactics any opposition be not only dulled but permanently eradicated. This takes data and planning before positive action can occur. (LRH)
Never let entheta pass unhandled. Prevention is better than cure. Handle fast, handle with live communication, handle with documentation, use PR technology including tone scale evaluation. Liaise with your senior and the other divisions/bureaux. Maintain ethics presence and see the matter through to a completion including the discrediting of the attacker.
Experience has shown that defence is only effective when one sorties or attacks.
The errors we have made have been:
- Defending only.
- Defending on Scientology ground.
- Being reasonable and assigning mild motives to the enemy.
- Failing to attack early and hard.
- Undervaluing the broad social value of Scientology.
- Individuating from other similar organizations.
- Not learning enemy tactics and using and bettering them.
- Failing to heavily contest for public opinion and public media.
- Failing to identify the enemy early and hit him hard. (LRH)
----- The technique of proving utterances false is called "DEAD AGENTING".
It's in the first book of Chinese espionage. When the enemy agent gives false data, those who believed him but now find it false kill him - or at least cease to believe him.
So the PR slang for it is "Dead Agenting."
This consists of disproving utterly the false statement with documents or demonstration or display.
One has to have a kit (a collection of documents) or the ability to demonstrate or something to display.
STATEMENT: "I've been told you are in trouble with Income Tax people." REBUTTAL: "Here's a document of fully paid taxes and a letter of commendation from the tax authorities." Displays same. Result? Whoever told him that is now dead with him as an accurate informer.
The best way to dead agent is when the person makes some disprovable statement, find WHO to fix his mind on it and then produce the rebuttal.
STATEMENT: "I hear you aren't married to the man you're living with." REBUTTAL: "WHO told you that?" STATER: "I forget." REBUTTER: "Well, you remember and I'll show you some proof." STATER: "Well, it was a man..." REBUTTER: "WHO?" STATER: "Joe Schmo." REBUTTER: "Okay. Here's my marriage certificate. Who's the Joe Schmo nut anyway?" Now it's Joe Schmo who's the mystery. How come he lies? What's in it for him?
When one hasn't got the document but can get it one can say "You tell me the name of whoever said that and next time I see you I'll show you something very interesting about it."
And be sure to get the document and see him again.
Dead agenting has a billion variations. "It won't fly." Fly it. "Place is empty." Show him it's full.
The subject matter of Dead Agenting is PROOF in whatever form.
You only challenge statements you can prove are false and in any conversation let the rest slide.
----- In defending against hostile PR, once more it is in the R that counts. Sun Tzu in his book about warfare gives several types of agent. One of these is the "dead agent" because he tells lies to the enemy and when they find out they will kill him.
Hostile (or counter-PR) is usually the usual fabric of lies.
If one finds out the lies being told and documents just one as being false, he has made counter-PR recoil. His hearer will never believe him again. He's 'dead'.
In the war between psychiatric hostile PR and the truth of Scientology, the "dead agent" caper has a field day. Psychiatric PR has been lying for 20 years. Documented, the fact of these lies are lies is killing off psychiatry.
You understand, it's not one PR's word against another's. It's one PR's documents against the other PR's lies! That is correct defensive PR. (LRH)
----- The quality of the documentation is a major factor. The PRO should have the right to chit and demand better quality documentation if it's not up to standard. One should be very inventive and very creative in the presentation of his pack. As the false reports on us are generally repeated over and over and over again in different ways one can have in stock, so to speak, false report correction packs and booklets. One of these could be the Background and Ceremonies of the Church, a WW publication. There are various bona fide publications for different countries. There is Scientology 20th Century Religion, there is the publication Viewpoint from the US and we now have Omar Garrison's Hidden Story of Scientology. Then there are things like the quote from the Encyclopedia Britannica Year Book, etc.
----- This is correct procedure:
- Spot who is attacking us.
- Start investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse using our own professionals, not outside agencies.
- Double curve our reply by saying we welcome an investigation of them.
- Start feeding lurid, blood sex crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press.
----- Also press releases should always contain some factor of endurance. This gives the public the idea that we endure. Examples:
- "For many years now we have stated..."
- "We have stood up to such attacks many times and are still surviving and expanding."
- "Since 1950 we have..."
- "Eighteen years ago..."
ALWAYS ATTACK in a press release. Never Defend or Deny. (LRH)
----- Reporters are a kiss of death unless one really is an expert PR man himself. Reporters have to be handled and well. If truly friendly, they have to be wooed. If not they have to be handled.
The routine is:
It consists of photostats of good stories and authentic documents that state the truth and thus wreck any lies and the liar. "Dead agent" means when they find out the guy lied (proven by documents) he's dead. The kit of the PRO MUST contain a full set of such documents, adequate to cancel out any lies told.
- Whisper of a bad story
- Get a lawyer
- Threaten suit
- Totally discredit using the technique of the Dead Agent caper which MUST be understood in full.
And it must be fast. It must come to an immediate confrontation. (LRH)
----- The actual handling is very swift. You can make the offending person the butt of your wit, handle seriously, take him over the hills and far away conversationally, but it has to be swift and smooth with one person in control.
As soon as you get some entheta about us, you immediately jump on the person and ask who else has he been saying that to, getting all the names. Ask for the person's credentials, where he comes from, who sent him - give him a hard time of it. (LRH)
----- We endeavor to hit from as many directions as possible. For example, a reporter was conducting a one-man crusade against Scientology in his newspaper. PR handled by having formal complaints made on the conduct of the reporter to his newspaper, the Press Council and the police with full documentation as to the lies he told and actions which he had taken, including threats and attempted blackmail by him. A full submission was presented giving six or seven pounds weight of PR data from the Church of Scientology on itself, its social reforms, its view on psychiatry, etc.
This data was indexed and bound so that it looked something of value. The pack was left with a high official and other officials were informed that full submissions had been left there and if they needed information he would be able to supply it. The Press Council ended up investigating the reporter and the stomach has gone out of his crusade.
----- False reports are corrected by true facts. You do whatever you have to do to get the true facts communicated and published. Documentation is the biggest aid in doing this. Communicating corrections obtained from other media helps build ethics presence and makes for a careful press and media.
----- When an entheta story with false reports has been published it must be handled fast by telephone call, by personal visit, and always by letter confirming. The PR needs documentation which refutes and he needs it available to show or to give to the media. It is an obliteration tactic.
For example, a newspaper publishes its third entheta article. Legal plays a hard line and PR plays the part of the peacemaker until a retraction and legal settlement is made. Documentation is then sent to all press, the Press Council and journalists and individual reporters. The documentation has a plea for reform and clean up of ethical standards. The result: the reporter in question will no longer be on staff.
----- Every correction you obtain comes as something you can use. It is "beans"; there is an exchange now because you can use that in your prevention.
A common error in the actual tech of false report correction is contained in repeating the original entheta in our published correction of it. By that we give the enemy two cracks. This is very easily avoided by simply doing an item fact correction sheet and making it clear that it is not for publication, accompanying it with the thing which is for publication or promising the thing for publication to follow.
Time is always of the essence. The longer an entheta piece is permitted to persist the more difficult the correction becomes, the more damage is done by it and the more likely it is to be quoted by another.
----- Research and experience has shown that there are various factors which contribute to successfully obtaining equal space in the media. The major factors are:
- Speed of handling.
- Duplication of the nature of the media or person(s) one isapproaching.
- Personal, live communication.
- Full documentation and correction of facts in previous article.
- Correct tone level evaluation and handling of media terminals.
- Previous theta articles on Scientology.
- Intention.
----- Yes, one says, but how about the violent opposition? How about that fellow?
Well, he's a problem. But he is an opinion leader.
One has to decide how much of an opinion leader he is.
If you don't handle a would-be opinion leader who is anti but who is NOT an opinion leader, people get cross.
The decision here stems from
In either case one has certain courses of action. If the abuses are actual, work to remedy them. If he is just lying, lay out the truth.
- Is he talking about actual abuses? or
- Is he just lying?
If he really isn't an opinion leader, ignore him.
But one can only interfere with him or remove him if many, many are getting cross because you don't. But that's a risky business.
As a rule, only that dissident person should be removed who is speaking in your name and on your lines and using your power to do you down. And then he can only be removed off your lines as you are under no obligation to finance or empower your own opposition. That's suicide.
He is not an opinion leader but a traitor for he owes his power to you.
Usually anti-opinion leaders are made by neglect.
PR-wise one has to catch them early and handle. (LRH)
----- One propagandizes the enemy population or one's own or neutrals.
In popular interpretation it is a parade of lies or half-truths or exaggerations.
PR and advertising technology and mass news media are employed as well as word-of-mouth and posters.
The trouble with it is that it can often be disproven, discrediting the utterers of it.
It may serve the moment but after a war it leaves a very bad taste.
If one is engaging on a campaign of this nature, its success depends on sticking to the truth and being able to document it.
The entire black propaganda campaign conducted for 21 years against Scientology began to fold up in its 18th year because never at any time did its instigators (a) have any factual adverse data or (b) tell the truth.
The Scientology movement continued if only by heroic means and much sacrifice.
But at last nobody of any note believed the propaganda.
The attackers pulled in on themselves a counterattack based on penetrating horrible documented truth.
It required intelligence-like tactics to discover who it was exactly.
The "dead agent caper" was used to disprove the lies. This consisted of counter-documenting any area where the lies were circulated. The lie "they were ___" is countered by a document showing "they were not". This causes the source of the lie and any other statements from that source to be discarded. (LRH)
----- The technique is:
In the meanwhile the "dead agent caper" is the best tool to counter it. (LRH)
- A hidden source injects lies and derogatory data into public view.
- Since it is a hidden source, it requires an intelligence approach to successfully end it.
----- A good policy when faced with a Black Propaganda campaign is to defend as best you can (dead agent and legal restraints) while you find out (intelligence) WHO is doing it. Then, confrontation can occur. Finding and suing false whos can make things much more involved. (LRH)
----- When one is not fighting a battle against Black Propaganda, public relations is easy.
One hires a reporter who gets to work thinking up ideas and turning out releases. That's why reporters are often thought of as Public Relations people which they are not.
In the face of a Black Propaganda Campaign, such releases are twisted, refused and that is the end of it.
There is far more to the art than this.
These are some of the rules that apply:
Each one of these points could well take a book. But understanding them and using one's initiative one can fill in a lot of the tech himself.
- Fill the vacuum of omitted data with factual data.
- Prove all false utterances heard are lies.
- Discredit every rumor encountered.
- Handle the interest level with any utterance.
- Carefully study out the scene until the exact source is located.
- Use the knowledge of source to impede or destroy the source of Black Propaganda by non-criminal means.
- Continue to fill the vacuum of no data with good data using any channels available.
The variations of each one are endless. (LRH)
----- If there will be a long-term threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate a black PR campaign to destroy the person's repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they will be ostracized. (LRH)
----- In other words, handle the hell out of it. (LRH)
----- PR isn't "being nice." It is a dynamic subject. (LRH)
Alethiea C. Taylor
Acting LRH Pers Sec
LRH Pers Comm
as ordered by
Copyright (c) 1974
by L. Ron Hubbard
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Email: jeta@xs4all.nl. WebSite: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jeta