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 06-06-1997      Choose Background Color ===> 


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L. Ron Hubbard® (founder), HCOPL 16 February 1969, issue IV;
vital targets of Scientology:

© "
Depopularising the enemy to a point of total obliteration.

Taking over the control or allegiance of the heads or proprietors of all news media.

Taking over the control or allegiance of key political figures.

Taking over the control or allegiance of those who monitor international finance".

          1. General (File 1 of 4)
The price-list of the major Scientology courses
The Personality Test (OCA) with the correct answers
Glossary Scientology Slang







Prices up to OT8 and beyond
by Martin Ottmann [?]

Winter 94/95

The current (conservative) total cost for the whole bridge to OT9 readiness is estimated at $365,000 - $380,000.

Auditing hours are calculated on the basis of an average case. It could cost a lot more. Read on for the full price breakdown.

These prices are taken directly from the latest Flag price list and, in the case of OT8, the Freewinds donation rate list.

Wherever there was missing data on the list, I have estimated the cost based on current prices at Saint Hill organization, England, and indicated this with an asterisk symbol (*). Saint Hill prices come from an insert that accompanies "The Auditor" monthly journal.

Processing is sold by the Church of Scientology in blocks of 12.5 hours at a time. A block of 12.5 hours is known as an "intensive." The second column in the following price table gives a broad but realistic estimate of the number of intensives required to complete each Processing step, for Joe Average. No estimate can be perfect, but it should add up to a good idea of the overall amount of time and money required. It gets more difficult to estimate the time required for the upper OT levels, as this appears to be quite variable. I know several OTVIIs who have been on that level for many years.

Note that these prices are for the "Processing Route" up the "Bridge." Most people get interested in Scientology because they want to attain the results promised - problems handled, greater abilities, OT powers etc etc. And they don't really want to wait for ages to attain these. This requires them to receive Processing. However, as you will see, the price of CoS Processing is astronomically prohibitive.

So what is the alternative? The alternative is to opt for the "Training Route." The idea is that you study how to become an "Auditor" (practitioner), and, working with another student you process each other up the Bridge. This is called "co-auditing" and takes a VERY much longer time to reach eg Clear - you could be talking 7-10 years studying flat out every weekend. The irony of it is that it is still incredibly expensive to do it this way ! It's not until you actually set foot on this route that you begin to see the costs mounting up - you are obliged to buy book after book, tape set after tape set, an "E-meter" costing up to $3,780, (some registrars will try to sell you two - seriously! There is an LRH policy which specifies that a student must have a back up meter in case the first one develops a fault), a full set of "Technical Volumes" ($2,025), Review Auditing - by the intensive - when you and your fellow student run into difficulties, etc etc. For the new recruit, the Training Route cost to Clear is likely to be around a minimum of $50,000. And that's for essential purchases only!

So you couldn't afford the Processing Route, and you soon discover that you can't afford the Training Route either. Anyway, you can't wait that long to go "Clear", and your weekends have all but disappeared. So what can you do now ?

Well, it finally comes down to this. You'll be offered a job working for the organization as a staff member. Wages are virtually non-existent, you work almost ceaselessly morning 'til night with half a day off a week if you meet your 'targets', but you get the offer of free processing (assuming you are somehow able to make the time to get it.) If you bail out before the end of your (2.5 to 5 year) contract, you'll have to pay for any such free auditing received. I know people who were stuck on staff for 10 years who NEVER MOVED on the Bridge, they were too busy working working working. Having said that, some orgs are now pushing to get new people signed up onto the "Tech Training Corps" in an effort to create more auditors. Same conditions as above I'm afraid, but you should *eventually* get trained on the Training Route up to the lower OT levels. It SHOULD work a bit like the co-audit mentioned above, but expect to have your new found auditing abilities FULLY exploited by your new bosses in auditing the public. Your PCs will be paying a fortune, but you won't be seeing any of the money!

So really, in the end, there is only one conclusion to be drawn. There is something seriously flawed in the way Scientology is administered by the Church, when it creates these structures that prohibit the majority from attaining what they sought and were promised. On average, the Church creates "hopeless hopefuls", always trying to find more credit for that elusive next step on the Bridge. At worst, it creates worn out working machines with great chunks of their lives missing. People eventually give up. If you're not a celebrity or a very rich businessman, you'll be in for a few surprises.

However, all is not lost! The benefits of Scientology processing are still there to be had, at sensible prices and from experienced clearing practitioners, many of whom worked directly with LRH for years. You'll find them all around the globe, and they will help you achieve your goals, using both traditional techniques and new advances in technology. Welcome to the Free Zone. To find out more, your best bet is to subscribe to the Free Zone's own USENET NewsGroup - - and introduce yourself when you feel ready.

Okay. Here is the long awaited CoS (Flag) processing price list, from "Raw Meat" to OT8, with a glimpse beyond even that.

Processing            Intensives    Cost per     Total
Step                  Required      Intensive    Cost
                                    or Course    (IAS)
==========            ===========   =========   =======

Life Repair           2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Purification RD       -----------    $2,560      $2,560
TRs & Objectives      2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Scn Drug Rundown      2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
ARC Straightwire      2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Grade 0               3 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $16,800
Grade 1               2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Grade 2               2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Grade 3               2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
Grade 4               2 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $11,200
New Era Dianetics     3 x 12.5 hr    $5,600     $16,800
Clear Certainty RD    1 x 5 hr       $2,800      $2,800

                           SUB-TOTAL TO CLEAR  $128,560

*Solo Course Part 1   -----------    $3,200      $3,200
*OT Preparations      2 x 12.5 hr    $3,300      $6,600
*Solo Course Part 2   -----------    $1,900      $1,900
*OT Eligibility       2 x 12.5 hr    $3,300      $6,600
*OT I                 -----------    $2,000      $2,000
*OT II                -----------    $3,800      $3,800
*OT III               -----------    $6,500      $6,500
OT IV                 ?2 x 12.5 hr   $6,500     $13,000
OT V                  4 x 12.5 hr    $7,400     $29,600
OT VI set-ups         2 x 12.5 hr    $9,250     $18,500
OT VI                 -----------   $12,800     $12,800
Pledge Intensive      1 x 12.5 hr    $9,250      $9,250
OT VII                -----------    $3,500      $3,500
(per year)            > 2 years      $3,200      $6,400
OT VIII               -----------   $10,000     $10,000
OT VIII auditing      ?2 x 12.5 hr   $7,400     $14,800


Now that assumes you don't run into any significant trouble along the way. Better round it up to at least $290,000 to allow for review auditing when things go wrong.

These prices have already had the IAS (International Association of Scientologists) discount deducted. Of course, there are other discounts to consider, usually given for buying up as much as you can in advance. Let's be very generous and knock it down to $250,000 (16% discount over the whole bridge)

While you have been progressing up the OT levels, you have increasingly been expected to "disemminate" - ie get other people interested and signed up for CoS services.

This reached a peak when you hit OT VIII - here's the catch: OT IX and X will not be released until all organizations wordwide have reached the size of "Old Saint Hill" (Saint Hill organization, England, which did very well during the time LRH was there in the 1960s.) You are expected to get very active in the field of dissemination to try to make the release of these next OT levels a reality. I have to say that I don't see it happening, given the poor state that many organizations are currently in, coupled with the prohibitive CoS management policies!

Further, all of a sudden the Processing and Training Routes have merged at the (current CoS) "top" of the Bridge. Before you can qualify for OT IX, you will have to take the mammoth "Saint Hill Special Briefing Course" - training to become an Auditor - and buy its associated course materials. Alternatively, you must take all the lower-level training courses from Level 0 to Level V Graduate plus five other "specialist" courses.

Chances are high that, on your way from Clear to OT8, you will have succumbed to the temptation to do the three most expensive and "prestigious" rundowns in the CoS arsenal - the "L Rundowns" (there are plenty of extra rundowns for you to take that are not specifically "on the Bridge".) You will very probably have done the "Key to Life" and "Life Orientation Course" too.

So to bring you right up to date, let's add these on to the $250,000 which you have spent so far:

==========            ===========   =========   =======
Step/Course/          Intensives    Cost per     Total
Materials              Required     Intensive    Cost
required                            or Course    (IAS)
==========            ===========   =========   =======

To OT VIII (with mass discounts)               $250,000

Saint Hill Special
Briefing Course       -----------    $25,600             

*Briefing Course 
materials (including
30% discount when 
all bought at once
- if you can afford to)----------    $18,390             

                                    SHSBC Total $43,990

[ALTERNATIVE: Lower "Levels" and Specialist Training Courses. (see below for price breakdown): $56,000 =======
Key to Life and Life Orientation Courses ----------- $11,500 $11,500 L10 min. 2 x 12.5 hrs $10,000 $20,000 L11 min. 2 x 12.5 hrs $10,000 $20,000 L12 min. 2 x 12.5 hrs $10,000 $20,000 REVISED TOTAL - NOW READY FOR OT IX (if/when): $364,490 - $376,500 =================== Let's just say $365K - 380K ============ ======================================================= Lower Bridge "Levels" and "Specialist" training if taken instead of Saint Hill Special Briefing Course ======================================================= Yearly IAS membership, say seven years at $300 per annum (or Lifetime membership) $2,100 Mark Super VII E-meter $3,780 Student Hat Course $960 * The Study Tapes $425 New Hubbard Professional TR Course $2,400 * Clay Table Processing Picture Book $100 * Dianetics 55! Book $40 * Technical Dictionary $90 * PRO TR Course Lectures (on cassette) $240 Hubbard Professional Upper Indoc TR Course $1,000 * Freedom Congress Lectures (on cassette) $590 Academy Level 0 Course $2,400 * Level 0 Lectures (on cassette) $240 * Self Analysis Book $18 [Full Set of Tech Volumes] $2,025 Academyy Level I Course $2,400 * Level I Lectures (on cassette) $375 * Problems of Work Book $18 Academy Level II Course $2,400 * Level II Lectures (on cassette) $590 * Fundamentals of Thought Book $18 Academy Level III Course $2,400 * Level III Lectures (on cassette) $240 * Scientology 0-8 Book $18 Academy Level IV Course $2,400 * Level IV Lectures (on cassette) $240 * Handbook for Pre-Clears Book $40 * Advance Procedures & Axioms Book $40 Academy Level IV Internship $1,600 Class V Hubbard New Era Dianetics Course $3,600 * NED Lectures (on cassette) $180 * Dianetics Book $21 Class V NED Auditor Internship $1,600 Hubbard Class V Graduate Auditor Course $3,600 * Class V Graduate Auditor Lectures $300 * Science of Survival Book $52 * Case Remedies Book $40 * The Troubleshooter $700 Class V Graduate Auditor Internship $1,600 Sub Total $40,880 =======
(Special note: Those taking the co-audit Training Route to Clear to avoid the prohibitive processing costs, note that in addition to the above you will have to purchase 1) Purification Rundown, 2) Method One Co-audit, 3) E-meter Course, 4) TRs and Objectives, 5) Scientology Drug Rundown Co-audit Course, and all associated materials. You will also need to fork out for expensive Review Auditing to correct any mistakes made in your co-audit. Approximate total additional cost = $10,000)







The Personality Test
a.k.a. Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA)

by Keith Bennett

$cientology recruits their new members largely from the street, by offering a free personality test. Two hundred private questions that they will evaluate for you. Of course, you will be offered $cientology courses as a remedy for all your problems; no matter how you fill out this test, they will always find problems with your personality (the problem is you are not a $cientologist yet!)

The $cientology personality test is not anonymous, and your name and address will be stored in the $cientology files.

Hereafter you will find all the 200 questions (and the correct answers), as these were distributed on the streets somewhere in the USA, during the summer of 1996.

Chris Owen has written an excellent analysis of this test.
Click here (original) or here (full mirror). These are links to webpages which are not in the SS-pack.

and discover things about yourself that can help you gain a happier life.
  • What are your strong points?
  • What are the problem areas that are denying you achieving your goals?

Answer each question as to how you feel RIGHT NOW.

  1. Indicate your answers to the right in the spaces provided for each question. Please use pencil.
  2. Make sure you understand each question: read it as many times as necessary. Please answer every question. You can give your opinion if you are uncertain about the answers.
  3. Do not stay too long with one question. Answer it as soon as you understand it and go on to the next question.
  4. When an answer would be different if one considered in the past rather than in the present, answer as if in the present.
  5. You have the choice of three columns in which to mark your answer: see the example box at left on how to answer each question.
  6. Your answer to the question is indicated by making a heavy mark within one of the spaces provided. If you should erase, be sure it is completely erased and the other answer is heavy enough so that there will be no difficulty in distinguishing your answer.
  7. Enter your name, address, etc., in the spaces provided. Now start with question number one and proceed to indicate your answers.


If under 18, please, have parent or guardian sign: I hereby consent for my son/daughter to take this personality test and receive an evaluation of the results. I understand that this test is free and places him/her under no obligation.

Parent/Guardian Signature


[each question has a Yes/Maybe/No-box]

  1. Do you make thoughtless remarks or accusations which later you regret?
  2. When others are getting rallied, do you remain fairly composed?
  3. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories, or dictionaries just for pleasure?
  4. When asked to make a decision, would you be swayed by your like or dislike of the personality involved?
  5. Do you intend two or less children in your family even though your health and income will permit more?
  6. Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles, when there is no logical reason for it?
  7. Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions?
  8. Are your actions considered unpredictable by other people?
  9. Do you consider more money should be spent on social security?
  10. Do other people interest you very much?
  11. Is your voice monotonous, rather than varied in pitch?
  12. Do you normally let the other person start the conversation?
  13. Are you readily interested in other people's conversations?
  14. Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing?
  15. Are you often impulsive in your behavior?
  16. Do you speak slowly?
  17. Are you usually concerned about the need to protect your health?
  18. Does an unexpected action cause your muscles to twitch?
  19. Are you normally considerate in your demands on your employees, relatives, or pupils?
  20. Do you consider that you could give a valid 'snao judgment ?
  21. Do your past failures still worry you?
  22. Do you find yourself being extra-active for periods lasting several days?
  23. Do you resent the efforts of others to tell you what to do?
  24. Is it normaly hard for you to 'own up and take the blame'?
  25. Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends, speaking acquantances?
  26. Is your life a constant struggle for survival?
  27. Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?
  28. Are you considered warm-hearted by your friends?
  29. Would you rather give orders than take them?
  30. Do you enjoy telling people the latest scandal about your associates?
  31. Could you agree, to strict discipline ?
  32. Would the idea of making a complete new start cause you much concern?
  33. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile?
  34. Do you find it easy to express your emotions?
  35. Do you refrain from complaining when the other person is late for an appointment?
  36. Are you sometimes considered by others a "spoilsport"?
  37. Do you consider there are other people who are definitely unfriendly toward you and work against you?
  38. Would you admit you were wrong just to "keep the peace"?
  39. Do you have only a few people of whom you are really tend
  40. Are you rarely happy, unless you have a special reason?
  41. Do you "circulate around" at a social gathering?
  42. Do you take reasonable precaution to prevent accidents?
  43. Does the idea of talking in front of people make you nervous?
  44. If you saw an article in a shop obviously mistakenly marked lower than its correct price, would you try to get it at that price?
  45. Do you often feel that people are looking at you or talking about you behind your back?
  46. Are you 'always getting into trouble'?
  47. Have you any particular hate or fear?
  48. Do you prefer to be an onlooker rather than participate in any active sport?
  49. Do you find it easy to be impartial?
  50. Have you a definitely set standard of courteous behavior in front of other members of your family?
  51. Can you start the "ball rolling" at a social gathering?
  52. Would you "buy on credit" with the hope that you can keep up the payments?
  53. Do you get an after-reaction when something unexpected such as an accident or other disturbing incident takes place?
  54. Do you consider the good of all concerned rather than your own personal advantages?
  55. When hearing a lecturer, do you sometimes experience the idea that the speaker is referring entirely to you?
  56. Does 'external noise' rarely intertere with your concentration?
  57. Are you usually "up-to-date" on everyday affairs?
  58. Can you confidently plan and work towards carrying out an event in six months time?
  59. Do you consider the modern "prisons without bars" system doomed to failure?
  60. Do you tend to be careless?
  61. Do you ever get a 'dreamlike feeling toward life when it all seems unreal?
  62. Do you speedily recover from the effects of bad news?
  63. When you criticize - do you at the same time try to encourage?
  64. Are you normally considered "cold"?
  65. Are your opinions insufficiently important to tell other people?
  66. Are you so self-assured that it sometimes annoys others?
  67. Do you keep "close contact" on articles of yours which you have loaned to friends?
  68. Do you enjoy activities of your own choosing?
  69. Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?
  70. Do you completely condemn a person because he is a rival or opponent in some aspect of your relations with him?
  71. Do you often "sit and think" about death, sickness, pain and sorrow?
  72. Are you perturbed at the idea of loss of dignity?
  73. Are you always collecting things which "might be useful"?
  74. Would you criticize faults and point out the bad points on someone else's character or handiwork?
  75. Are you openly appreciative of beautiful things?
  76. Do you sometimes give away articles which strictly speaking do not belong to you?
  77. Do you greet people effusively?
  78. Do you often ponder on previous misfortunes?
  79. Are you sometimes considered forceful in your actions or opinions?
  80. Do you accept criticism easily and without resentment?
  81. Are you usually undisturbed by "noises off" when you are trying to rest?
  82. Are you likely to be jealous?
  83. Do you tend to put off doing things and then discover it is too late?
  84. Do you prefer to abide by the wishes of others rather than seek to have your own way?
  85. Do you find it easy to get yourself started on a project?
  86. Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil?
  87. Do you "turn up the volume" of your emotions just to create an effect?
  88. If we were invading another country, would you feel sympathetic towards conscientious objectors in this country?
  89. Are there some things about yourself on which you are touchy?
  90. Do you have few interests and activities that are your own choice?
  91. Do you ever get a single thought which hangs around for days?
  92. Are you a slow eater?
  93. Can you be a stabilizing influence when others get panicky?
  94. Would you stop and find out whether a person needed help even though they had not directly asked you for it?
  95. Are you prejudiced in favor of your own school, college, club or team, etc,?
  96. Do you pay your debts and keep your promises when it is possible?
  97. Do you sleep well?
  98. Would you use corporal punishment on a child aged ten if it refused to obey you?
  99. Do you prefer to take a passive role in any club or organization to which you belong?
  100. Are you logical and scientific in your thinking?
  101. Does the youth of today have more opportunity than that of a generation ago?
  102. Do you throw things away only to discover that you need them later?
  103. Would you give up easily on a given course if it were causing you a considerable amount of inconvenience?
  104. Do you "wax enthusiastic' about only a few subjects?
  105. Do you rarely suspect the actions of others?
  106. Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you?
  107. Do you turn down responsibility because you doubt your fitness to cope?
  108. Do you sometimes feel compelled to repeat some interesting item or tidbit?
  109. Do you tend to exaggerate a justifiable grievance?
  110. Is your facial expression varied rather than set?
  111. Do you usually need to justify or back up an opinion once stated?
  112. Do you openly and sincerely admire beauty in other people?
  113. Would it take a definite effort on your part to consider the subject of suicide?
  114. Would you consider yourself energetic in your attitude toward life?
  115. Would a disagreement affect your general relationship with another person?
  116. Does a minor failure on your part rarely trouble you?
  117. Do you sometimes feel that you talk too much?
  118. Do you smile much?
  119. Are you easily pleased?
  120. When met with direct opposition would you still seek to have your own way rather than give in?
  121. Provided the distance were not too great, would you still prefer to ride rather than walk?
  122. Do you ever get disturbed by the noise of the wind or a "house settling down"?
  123. Is your opinion influenced by looking at things from the standpoint of your experiences, occupation or training?
  124. Do you often make tactless blunders?
  125. Are you suspicious of people who ask to borrow money from you?
  126. Are your decisions swayed by personal interests?
  127. Can you get quite enthusiastic over "some simple little thing"?
  128. Do you frequently take action even though you know your own good judgment would indicate otherwise?
  129. Are you in favor of color bar and class distinction?
  130. Are you aware of any habitual physical mannerisms such as pulling your hair, nose, ears, or such like?
  131. Can you quickly adapt and make use of new conditions and situations even though they may be difficult?
  132. Do some noises "set your teeth on edge"?
  133. Can you see the other fellow's point of view when you wish to?
  134. Do you go to bed when you want to, rather than "by the clock"?
  135. Do the "petty foibles" of others make you impatient?
  136. Do children irritate you?
  137. Are you less talkative than your associates?
  138. Do you usually carry out assignments promptly and systematically?
  139. Would you assist a fellow traveler rather than leave it to the officials?
  140. When voting, do you vote the same party ticket straight rather than studying the candidates and issues?
  141. Do you frequently dwell on your past illnesses or painful experiences?
  142. Do you get very ill at ease in disordered surroundings?
  143. Do you usually criticize a film or show that you see or a book that you read?
  144. When recounting some amusing incident can you easily imitate the mannerisms or the dialect in the original incident?
  145. In subjects about which you are not expert, are your own ideas of sufficient importance as to tell others?
  146. Do you have a tendency to tidy up a disorder of somebody else's household?
  147. Can you accept defeat easily without the necessity of "swallowing your disappointment"?
  148. Do you often feel depressed?
  149. Are you ever ill at ease in the company of children?
  150. Do you get frustrated at not being able to do something rather than finding a substitute activity or system?
  151. Are you sometimes completely unable to enter the spirit of things?
  152. Do you rarely express your grievances?
  153. Do you work in "spurts" being relatively inactive and then furiously active for a day or two?
  154. Does the number of uncompleted jobs you have on hand bother you?
  155. Do people enjoy being in your company?
  156. Could you allow someone to finish those "final two words'in a crossword puzzle without interfering?
  157. Do you consider the best points of most people and only rarely speak slightingly of them?
  158. Do you laugh or smile quite readily?
  159. Are you detinite and emphatic in voice and manner?
  160. Are you effusive only to close friends if at all?
  161. Are your interests and tields of knowledge so important as to give little time for anything else?
  162. Would you like to 'start a new activity' in the area in which you live?
  163. Would you make the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain?
  164. Is it easy for you to relax?
  165. Do you have little regret on past misfortunes and failures?
  166. Does the idea of fear or apprehension give you a physical reaction?
  167. Can you trust the decision of your judgment in an emotional situation in which you are involved?
  168. Could someone else consider that you were really active?
  169. Do you find it hard to get started on a task that needs to be done?
  170. Are you opposed to the "probation system" for criminals"
  171. Do you spend much time on needless worries?
  172. In a disagreement do you find it hard to understand how the other person fails to see your side, and thus agree with you?
  173. Do you cope with everyday problems of living quite well?
  174. Are you usually truthful to others?
  175. Would you rather "wait for something to happen" as opposed to you causing it?
  176. Do you spend too freely in relation to your income?
  177. Can you take a "calculated risk" without too much worry?
  178. If you were involved in a slight car accident, would you really take the trouble to see that any damage you did was made good?
  179. Do others push you around?
  180. Do you make allowances for your friends where with others you might judge more severely?
  181. Do you often ponder over your own inferiority?
  182. Do people criticize you to others?
  183. Are you embarrassed by a hearty greeting such as a kiss, hug, or pat on the back, if done in public?
  184. Do you frequently not do something you want to do because of other people's desires?
  185. Are you sometimes convinced of the correctness of your opinions about a subject even though you are not an expert?
  186. Do you often find yourself "going off in all directions at once"?
  187. Do your acquaintances seem to think more of your abilities than you do?
  188. Is the idea of death or even reminders of death abhorrent to you?
  189. Having settled an argument out do you continue to feel disgruntled for a while?
  190. Are you friendly in voice, attitude, and expression?
  191. Does life seem rather vague and unreal to you?
  192. Do you often feel upset about the state of war victims and political refugees?
  193. Do "mere acquaintances" appeal to you for aid or advice in their personal difficulties?
  194. If you lose an article, do you get the idea that "someone must have stolen or mislaid it?"
  195. It you thought that someone was suspicious of you and your actions, would you tackle them on the subject rather than leaving them to work it out?
  196. Do you sometimes feel that your age is against you (too young or too old)?
  197. Do you have spells of being sad and depressed for no apparent reason?
  198. Do you do much grumbling about conditions you have to face in life?
  199. Do you tend to hide your feelings?
  200. Do you consider you have many warm friends?
© 1991 L.Ron Hubbard Library. All Rights Reserved. Artwork © 1988 CSI. SCIENTOLOGY is a trademark and service mark owned by RTC and is used with its rpirmesnios. SCIENTOLOGY is an applied religious piplhysoho. Printed in U.S.A. Item#1181

The next is from a posting of Ted Mayett . He and his friend tested the questions and answers in real life (12-12-1996)... Thanks Ted and friend. Jeta.

My picketing "game" here has stepped up another notch.

A critic, nameless for now, on vacation here in Las Vegas went into the big org with an OCA filled out. I had drove "him" over and we had rehearsed what he would do once inside. I was waiting a distance from the org and was going to start another picket about the time he should have been finished with the test and the evaluation.

Things did not work out as planned.
First off the OCA cheat sheet is accurate. It scored a line right near the top with 2 small dips down. But close enough to being perfect to not need any more work.

The staff member who graded the test did not push for a sale.
He allowed the critic to just get up and leave.

While the answers are not perfect this will give you a line across the top of the chart.

Legend: Y=yes, M=maybe, N=no.

  1 N
  2 Y
  3 Y
  4 N
  5 N
  6 N
  7 N
  8 N
  9 Y
10 Y
11 N
12 N
13 Y
14 N
15 N
16 N
17 Y
18 N
19 Y
20 Y
21 N
22 N
23 N
24 N
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Glossary Scientology Slang

NOTE: these are just a small part of the total of Scientology abbriviations. It's estimated that there are around 3000 $-words, probably more. If you click here [external link] you get a 138K file with a lot more of this language-rape.

7s - A set of supposed "implants", part of the OT 3 incident.
ARC - Affinity, Reality and Communication.
ARC break - upset.
Assist - A Scientology processing action that is directed toward an individual who is suffering an acute physical or emotional problem. Its intent is to reduce the suffering to a manageable level.
Auditing - Dianetic or Scientology "counselling".
Bank - A mental mechanism that captures and records painful experiences that continue to have a hidden negative effect on the individual after the experience(s) is over.
Basic basic - The earliest traumatic incident.
Blow - Leave.
Blowdown - A sudden change in electrical resistance, shown by downward movement of the Tone Arm on the E-meter. Held to mean release of emotional "charge".
Body thetan - "A thetan who is stuck to another thetan or body but is not in control".
As a result of the incident described in this transcript, many Thetans (see) became so confused that they were unable to find a body to inhabit. Their activities were to then attach themselves, apparently in great numbers, onto other bodies. The subject matter of most of the OT Levels (see) is to rid one's body of the unwanted Body Thetans. The processing of Body Thetans begins on OT III.
BPC - Bypassed charge, q.v.
BT - Body thetan.
Bypassed charge - Upset stirred up during auditing but unhandled.
Case - Personal difficulties, the "reactive mind" and the "implants" and "body thetans" of OT levels.
C.C.- Clearing Course.
Chain - A string of similar traumata arranged according to time.
Charge - Harmful energy stored in the reactive mind.
Circuit - Post hypnotic suggestion.
Clear - An individual without a "reactive mind".
Clearing Course - The course where Pre-Clears (PCs) undergo processes so that they undo from their minds the mechanisms that keep the Bank (see) operating. Upon completion of this course, the individual becomes a Pre-OT (Pre-Operating Thetan). (See "OT")
Cluster - A group of fused body thetans.
Apparently Hubbard felt that as a result of some particularly devastating incidents, Thetans (see) that shared that particular incident sometimes became a single, almost indistinguishable, entity called a Cluster.
Cognite - Realize.
Comm laggy - (Comm - communication) hesitant.
C/Sing - Case supervising, overseeing auditing sessions.
Earlier similar - Earlier similar incident or trauma.
Exterior - Out of the body.
Exterior with full perception - Out of the body and able to perceive fully (this is the goal of Scientology).
Flat - Finished.
F/N - Floating needle, an E-meter reaction supposed to show that "charge" has been released from the topic being addressed.
GF 40 - "Green Form 40", an auditing repair list.
Grades - Preparatory auditing.
Grades IV & V - Preparatory auditing.
Grind - Keep on going over a traumatic incident without change.
HDG - "Hubbard Dianetic Graduate", Dianetic auditor.
Implant - Implantation of post-hypnotic suggestion.
Hubbard claimed that the Thetan was susceptible to being programmed by being force-fed sensory input like a post-hypnotic suggestion. A complete programming was called an Implant. It produces compulsive behavior in individuals.
Incident One - The first incident on the Whole Track (see) for each Thetan (see). It consisted of an Angel blowing a trumpet and some noises. Hubbard explained that this was so powerful that from then on the Thetan compulsively continued recording every incident that happened over 4 quadrillion years until now.
Incident Two - The second major incident on the Whole Track (see). This transcript is Hubbard's explanation of Incident Two.
Interiorization processesG> - designed to return an "exterior" being into his body.
Item - something that bothers the individual psychologically.
Itsa earlier itsa - itsa "it is a", to find earlier realizations.
LIC - "list one 0", an auditing repair list.
Low TA - Unable to face life.
Meter - E-meter (Hubbard Electropsychometer). The psychogalvonometer adopted by Hubbard. A simple lie detector.
Milazzo - An auditing technique used on OT 3.
None on OT 3 - No body thetans found.
One-hand electrode - Soup can used as an electrode. The "solo auditor" uses two soup can divided by a piece of plastic connected to an E-meter.
O/R - Overrun, q.v.
OT - "Operating Thetan", a being who can operate independently of his physical body; who can supposedly cause events through intention (or will-power).
OT Level (I through VIII) - OT stands for Operating Thetan. This is the phase of Scientology processing where the Thetan (see) gets empowered with abilities that have been long lost. Each OT Level (or Section), I through VIII, gives the Thetan more and more powers and thus enables the Thetan's ability to operate as an unencumbered Thetan supposedly can.
Out of valence - Behaving as if he were someone else (see "valence").
Overrun - Taken beyond the end of an auditing process.
PC - Preclear, person receiving auditing.
PC - Stands for Pre-Clear. A person who undergoes Scientology processing, but who has not yet taken and finished the Clearing Course (see).
Picture - Mental image picture.
Process - Auditing procedure.
R-Factor - Reality Factor. This is simply telling someone what the situation is.
R3R - "Routine 3 revised", the procedure of Dianetic auditing.
R6 - The "reactive mind", supposedly created by the "OT 3 implant" or "incident 2".
This term comes from "Routine 6" which was devised by Hubbard as a process for use on the Clearing Course (see). Apparently Hubbard began to use the term "R6" as a shorthand to indicate the overall incident that is the subject of this tape.
Review - Review auditing which seeks to "repair" earlier auditing errors.
Rudiments - Upsets, problems or "withholds" that prevent the individual from being attentive to an auditing procedure.
Ruds - See "rudiments".
Running - Going over a memory or following an auditing procedure.
S & D - "Search and Discovery", procedure for finding who is supposedly suppressing the individual receiving auditing.
Sea Org - Short for the Sea Organization. This organization was created by Hubbard, when he fled England, to man and run the fleet of ships that he purchased and used for his base of operations. Eventually the ships were unloaded, but in the meantime the Sea Org became a permanent part of Scientology's organizational arsenal. Their motto is "We Come Back".
Second Dynamic - The area of existence concerned with family and procreation. There were 8 Dynamics in total, starting with the survival of the individual (with a body) and ending with survival through eternity as a spirit which is the 8th Dynamic.
Soaring TA - Increased electrical resistance, supposed to indicate an inability to face a memory.
Solo auditing - on OT 3 the subject audits himself.
Auditing is the undergoing of Scientology processing. Clearing Course PCs and Pre-OTs do most of their auditing by themselves by asking themselves pre-arranged questions and noting the response. They were also auditing their Body Thetans.
SP - Suppressive Person. A critic of Scientology. Anyone who thinks that OT 3 is nonsense.
Space opera - Science fiction.
TA - Tone Arm action - change of electrical resistance, supposed to show relief of emotional "charge".
Teegeeack - Earth.
Theta bop - E-meter reaction, supposed to indicate that the thetan or spirit is going in and out of the body.
Thetan - "An individual being ... not a body".
This is Scientology's name for the soul or spirit. Hubbard's definition differs from mainstream Christianity in that Hubbard claimed that the Thetan is the animating factor of life. "The unit that is aware of being aware."
TR - Training Routine. Role play drill (which can be practiced to hypnotic excess, leading hallucination, euphoria, heightening of colour and sound and a feeling of floating). The most famous of these is TR 8 where scientologists shout "stand up" and "sit down" at an ashtray.
TR 1 - A drill to make sure you can be heard (and induce obedience, but that isn't the point here).
TR 4 - Getting questions answered (in the role-play drill the scientologist repeats either the question "do fish swim" or "do birds fly" sometimes for hours on end).
Rim knob - An E-meter control.
Triple flows - What was done to the individual, what was done by the individual and what the individual saw others doing.
Unflat - Not finished.
Valence - An adopted personality.
Hubbard's term for personality. Thetans can shift personalities (or Valences).
Whole Track - The mental recording of all of the experience of the Thetan (see). Hubbard said that the Whole Track was 4 quadrillion years long. Eventually Thetans became the victims of their recordings and became entrapped (via the mechanism of the "Bank"). Hubbard claimed that only through Scientology could this compulsive recording of incidents stop.
Withhold - An undisclosed moral transgression.

Information is the water that fertilizes
Scientology's own seed of destruction

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