Scientology Secrets - Index
Dutch BodyThetan Association®



 July 14, 1997.     Choose Background Color ===> 


33 files total

According to Scientology officials you will die of pneumonia if you read (part of) the upper levels without being a 'Clear'.

      So... be on the safe side and get your Clear-certificate first. This will cost you only $128,560 for the 'Processing Route' or $50,000 for the 'Training Route' (begin 1995 prices, see the pricelist). The Training Route will take 10 years of harsh studying if you are lucky..., but it saves a LOT of money. Right?

      For the upper levels themselves you have to pay an additional $250,000 (this is with mass discounts) but.. you can read them here before you buy. Fair enough?

Index SS-Pack

0. Index Release 3 (this file).

About this Pack

1. General

The price-list of the Scientology courses
The Personality Test with the correct answers
Glossary Scientology Slang

A History of Man Part 1 - by L. Ron Hubbard
A History of Man Part 2
A History of Man Part 3

2. Lectures

Introduction by The Very Reverend Kenneth Swindle D.D.
The Helatrobus Implants (May 21, 1963)
Between Lives Implants (July 23, 1963)
The 'No Christ' Lecture (XENU-lecture) (Oct 03, 1968)
This lecture was given by L. Ron Hubbard to the students of the first Class VIII course on the ship Apollo, October 3, 1968. It's on tape. In it he states:
"The man on the Cross. There was no Christ." Click here if you want to hear him say it (WAV-file, 119K, playtime 29 seconds). Scientology hates this one... (Can cost them 50% of their customers)

3. HCO's

Clear, State of (Sept 24, 1978)
Crime, Cause of (May 6, 1982) [Added July 14, 1997]
Dissemnation of Material (from the Fishman Affidavit)
Ethics, Design of (Dec 7, 1969) [Added July 14, 1997]
Heaven - Routine 3 (May 11, 1963)
Hostile Contacts / Dead Agenting (May 30, 1974)
Integrity of Source (July, 07, 1982)
Introspection Rundown (Jan 23, 1973)
Keeping Scientology Working (Febr 07, 1965)
Leaving and Leaves (Dec 7, 1976) [Added July 14, 1997]
Manual of Justice (1959) [Added July 14, 1997]
On Control and Lying (from the Fishman Affidavit)
Project Quaker (July 8, 1977)
Pain and Sex (Aug 26, 1982)
Routine 3N, Line Plots (Juli 14, 1963)
Routine 3N, Train GPM's, Marcab Between Lives Implants (Aug 24, 1963)
Security Check Children (Sept 21, 1961)
Security Check Employment, 7A and 7B (Sept 28, 1961)
Security Check Whole Track (June 19, 1961)
Scientology Ethics, part 1 (1967) [Added July 14, 1997]
Scientology Ethics part 2
Scientology Ethics part 3
Suppressive Person, Handling the (April 5, 1965) [Added July 14, 1997]

4. OT-levels

Operating Thetan Summary and Analysis

OT-1: Spot a person

OT-2: Goals, Problems, Mass

  1. Instructions
  2. Whole Track Table
  3. The Electrical GPM
  4. Tocky GPM
  5. Big Being GPM
  6. The House GPM
  7. O.T. Course, part one
  8. The Arrow
  9. Woman
  10. White Black Sphere
  11. Hot - Cold
  12. Laughter - Calm
  13. Dance Mob
  14. "Double Rod"
  15. The BB GPM'S
  16. Foreign language caution
  17. The Lower Bank

OT-3: Body Thetans

  1. Character of Body Thetans
  2. The Basic on BT's
  3. Instructions
  4. Cross Auditing
  5. Overrun on III
  6. Running OT III
  7. Cluster Formation - Cumulative
  8. Further III remedies:
  9. Rudiments Going Out On BT's
  10. OT III Auditing

OT-4: Exterior

  1. List of Volcanos
  2. Incident II
  3. Incident I
  6. Attest to OT IV

OT-5: Cause over MEST [Matter, Energy, Space, Time]

OT-6: Be three feet in back of your head

OT-7: Rundown June 1979 Revision

  1. Basic Processes Set-up
  2. L & N Intention Process
  3. Placing thoughts and intentions (inside Auditing room)
  4. Outside Processes with an Auditor (objects)
  5. Outside Processes with an Auditor (people)
  6. Inside Processes Solo
  7. Outside Processes Solo (Off the Meter)


  1. Why Thetans Mock-up
  2. Student Briefing
  3. Top Secret Debrief, 1991

5. NOT's

  1. 15-09-78 NED for OTs RD, Theory of
  2. 15-09-78 Why you can't run engrams after Clear
  3. 15-09-78 Assists
  4. 26-09-78 Word Clearing and info fot Pre-OTs
  5. 22-09-78 Misconceptions
  6. 17-09-78 Blowing BTs and Clusters
  7. 17-09-78 Valences
  8. 30-09-78 Basic Principles
  9. 15-09-78 Cluster, Cumulative Cluster handling etc
  10. 16-09-78 OT III and Dormant BTs OT III Attest
  11. 30-09-78 The first step of NED for OTs
  12. 16-09-78 Repairing and Blowing BTs & Clusters etc
  13. 30-09-78 Fesing of Folders and Full Flow Tables
  14. 17-09-78 Out-Int, "Went In", "Went On"
  15. 21-09-78 The "Solidity" of the Body
  16. 17-09-78 "Exterior" Vision, BT Perception
  17. 23-09-78 Prediction Factors on Length and Progress
  18. 23-09-78 Session Factors
  19. 23-09-78 TA and Needle Behavior
  20. 28-09-78 How you operate a Meter
  21. 26-09-78 Revivification
  22. 26-09-78 Anaten
  23. .............. Not available
  24. 27-09-78 NED for OTs - Repair List
  25. 29-09-78 Resistance to Change
  26. 01-11-78 Checklist - Pre-OT advance PGM
  27. 01-11-78 Checklist
  28. 04-10-78 Stuck Flows, the Genus of a BT
  29. 05-10-78 Rest Points
  30. 26-09-78 Program Departures
  31. 16-09-78 The Thetan Hand Technique
  32. 29-10-78 Chronic Somatics, Missed BTs
  33. 11-11-78 Perimeter Masses
  34. 14-11-78 Seq. for Handling a Physical Condition
  35. 29-10-78 Notes on PTS
  36. 22-09-78 Rockslams
  37. 27-10-78 Collective Identities
  38. 07-11-78 Basic Fear
  39. 29-10-78 More on Dianetic Chain Errors
  40. 15-11-78 Auditor Role
  41. 11-12-78 Handling BTs messed up on OT III
  42. 11-12-78 Repair List for errors in OT III
  43. 31-01-79 (Additional Action - Amends NOTs 27)
  44. 09-02-79 Wrong Items
  45. 10-02-79 Partially Blow BTs
  46. 22-02-79 BTs with Misunderstood Words
  47. 27-10-79 Valence Technique Addition
  48. 20-12-79 Auditing under Constant PT Stress
  49. 01-12-80 Acknowledging the "ME" Answer
  50. 30-01-80 NOTs OT Drug Rundown
  51. 31-01-80 Audit BTs conceptually
  52. 24-05-80 Urgent - Important NOTs what/who L + N
  53. .............. Not available
  54. 14-02-81 Clarification Valence Tecnique
  55. 15-01-82 Varying the Areas

26-09-78 Attachment #1 - Dictionary
15-11-78 Checksheet. R-1, Add. Oct 15, 1981 etc.
04-07-79 Handling Correction Lists on OTs
11-01-80 Qual Corr. Actions on OTs 3 etc.
10-11-81 OT III and OT III attest
23-12-79 Qual Corr. Actions on OTs 2 etc.

6. L's (Lists)

General introduction

L9S Continue List Assessment

L10 Flow 0 List
L10 Flow 3 List
L10 2D List 1
L10 2D List 2
L10 G-0
L10 G-1
L10 G-2
L10 G-3
L10 Considerations
RE: Method six assessment & nouns
Mest & Life
L10 Motivator List
L10 Program notes
L10 Omissions
L10 Overt List
L10 Program Assessment
L10 Program
L10 - RA

L11 Intro
L11 Theory
L11 New Viewpoint program
L11 R-Factor
L11 Result
L11 New Viewpoint Rundown

L12 Intro
Step six: Identity Assessment List
L12 Identities Assessment
Extroversion -- Step three, Definition of Beams
Repair Assessment for Date/Locates
L12 Steps

7. Advanced HCO's & Courses

Advanced Level 1 - Drills
Clearing Course Instruction Booklet
Grade V, Power Processes, All Flows

HCOB-641208 : Solo Auditing and R6 RW
HCOB-650104 : R6 EW, R6 EWS, R6 EWP
HCOB-650124 : R6 - EW
HCOB-650511 : The Power Processes
HCOB-650513 : List 6 EW
HCOB-680911 : Data on PR PRs
HCOB-680922 : Rehab of VA
HCOB-700221 : End Phenomena and F/NS in Power
HCOB-700921 : LP-1
HCOB-740123 : The Introspection RD
HCOB-741202 : Dynamic Sort Out Assessment (HCOB)
PROCESS 1AA: Power Plus Release - 5A Processes

About this Pack

Dear reader,
  • This file is part of the 'SS-pack' which contains all the major upper-level Scientology Secrets known so far. Of course the choise of the letters 'SS' is accidental. ;-)

  • The pack is designed in such a way that it can be read off-line with almost all the links working. A sort of htm-database. The main-page of this site (see bottom) is not included.

  • You can get the whole pack all at once: click here. This is a so-called ZIP-file, size 681K.
    Unzip it in one directory and there you go. Start-file: ss.htm .
    Feel free to put the files on your own site. As a matter of fact... I would appreciate it.

    The Secrets-Zipfile always includes the files in the update-zip. To keep your Secrets up-to-date just download the update-zip and unzip it in the directory with the Secrets-files, no matter the version number.

  • Because of the quantity of material (1.73 Mb) the pack is split into 29 parts, a separate index (this file) and 3 not-htm files. The sequence of the parts is based on readableness and 'logic' units. As a rule of thumb you can say: the higher the part-number the less understandable the texts (to not-Scientologists).

  • The 'HCO'-sections (3 & 7) are small, I expect them to grow in time. The creation of a 'Hubbard Communication Office'- letters / bulletins / etc. database should be considered. Here I just placed some of the more striking ones.

    To get a nice read / lay-out:

  • Choose a background color by clicking a 'radio' button (at the top of the documents). - This feature is only tested with Netscape 3 under Windows 95.
  • Set 'Auto Load Images' to ON; there are a few very small 'image'-files which are necessary for a nice lay-out.
  • I've used as less as possible 'high htm-features' BUT:
    Your browser must be able to handle tables.

    To the 'Church' of Scientology / Dianetics:

    Exposing your Hubbard Creations Of Death (HCO-D's) maybe prevends some suicides and/or pshychotic 'cases'.
    That's why I do this.

    I will not remove the files, unless a Dutch Judge tells me to do so.

    By the way: thanks Helena Kobrin! (main Attorney of Law of the Scientology / Dianetics movement) I'm so happy you proved the stuff here is the real thing - by sending me that threatening letter.
    Love you too honey.


Hubbard copied the back of
Crowley's Tarot-cards,
 a distinctively marked cross, 
which he used for his
main Scientology church
cross and symbol.

Information is the water that fertilizes
Scientology's own seed of destruction

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