The text is colour-coded into three colours. (For those without a coloured-text-recognising browser, don't worry; the bullets alongside each claim are similarly colour-coded.)
Red means that the claim is disputable and / or contradicted by written and verbal evidence.
Orange means that the claim is dubious and / or cannot, as yet, be independently verified or refuted.
Green means that the claim is verifiable and can be treated as factual.
L.R. Hubbard attended Swaveley Prep. School, Manassas, Virginia and Woodward Prep. School, Washington DC, USA and Columbia College, George Washington University, Washington DC in 1932.
Source: 'A Report to Members of Parliament on Scientology' (Church of Scientology, 1969)A (rare) undisputed statement of fact.
Corroboration: Hubbard college records
Bare-Faced Messiah (Russell Miller, 1987)
Enrolled in one of USA's first ever nuclear physics courses.
Source: 'What Is Scientology?' (Church of Scientology, 1978, 1992)
Corroboration: Hubbard college records
Bare-Faced Messiah (Russell Miller, 1987)
Attended Princeton University.
Source: 'A Report to Members of Parliament on Scientology' (Church of Scientology, 1969)Again, not true: for four months from October 1944, Hubbard attended a course on 'Military Government' given by the US Navy on the Princeton campus - a very different thing from attending the university itself.
Corroboration: Hubbard US Navy record
Bare-Faced Messiah (Russell Miller, 1987)