[newspaper article, Women's Wear Daily, Wednesday, Vol. 117, No. 26, New
York, N.Y., August 7, 1968; xerox in poor condition]
Scientology ... Lend-Lease Racket
NEW YORK--A new, and quite apparently phony "religion" called Scientology
is beginning to emerge from the lower depths.
For many weeks it has been a frontpage story in Great Britain where the
government has been moved to act against the new cult.
In the United States, it is still basically unknown except to cultists and
a few curiosity seekers. But in recent days, subway posters have appeared
in New York urging everyone: "Step into the world of the totally free."
However, a WWD report by Denis Sheahan indicates there is nothing "totally
free" about Scientology. His WWD report follows:
Its bible is a compilation of mawkish platitudes offering instant
happiness for $5, or a six-months course in understanding for $1,500.
Scientology is a racket with offices in key cities throughout the United
States and England. Its main teaching is "total freedom" and it worships
no god but its
see SCIENTOLOGY, 1, 16, This Sec.
[next page]
[photograph, spanning three columns, subject cannot be made out due to
poor quality of the xerox]
photograph caption: WELL ORGANIZED: Church of Scientology's founder L. Ron
Hubbard, center, controls a cult that is a[?]tly increasing in numbers
from it[?] ta[?] of [?]ganization chart, left. Attractive Hermin[?]
Nichols is behind stacks of books and pamphlets on sale at cult's
headquarters in New York City's Hotel Martinique.
Scientology--Racket Spreads To U.S. From British Isles
Continued from Page 1, This Sec.
founder, L. Ron Hubbard a sort of Western guru with an unholy smile.
It is a cult of smooth-talking "ministers" who don't know the difference
between a Ph.D. and a Doctor of Divinity.
ITS SERVICES are conducted Sundays at 2 p.m. in Central Park behind the
Metropolitan Museum of Art with flower children, hippies, high school
dropouts and disillusioned adults.
And one of the principal "dynamics" or commandments for the cult's
worshippers is the sex act for itself, pure and simple.
For the last few weeks Scientology has dominated the pages of British
newspapers, including the staid Times of London, citing the Home Secretary
and the Minister of Health's declarations that the cult is "socially
Debates have raged in the House of Commons over whether British government
bans on entry of persons connected with Scientology are really attacks on
freedom of religion.
The debates boil down to the issue of whether Scientology is, or is not, a
religion. It isn't.
IT'S A high-priced confidence game.
However, as a movement, Scientology continues to grow at an astounding
rate here in the United States and abroad. In New York City its
membership reportedly has increased more than 500 per cent in two years.
At the Martinique Hotel on 3[?]d Street, headquarters of one of its
thriving branches, followers of Hubbard include mini-skirted girls,
bearded youths, part-time advisors and "ministers." There are also the
curiosity seekers pondering whether to take the initial step called
"processing" . . . at a cost of $15.
One "convert" who was processed told WWD that "one thing led to another,
and before I knew what happened, I spent $1,000."
ANOTHER UPSTATE New York youth said money for the courses presented no
problem because the cult schools you on how to obtain the fees for the
"If money is a barrier," the youth said, "Scientology teaches you how to
overcome it."
According to E[?]e Barnes, one of its so-called seminarian ministers, the
cult has grown in [illegible words] by word of mouth and has attracted
followers of almost races and creeds except Negroes.
"We only have a few blacks," Barnes said.
THE RECEPTION room of the Hotel Martinique is filled with only a
smathering of founder Hubbard's writings which include pocket books,
paperbacks technical manuals, major texts and reference works. The prices
range from 50 cents to $7. A life-size poster of Hubbard sells for $5.
According to Barnes, teaching is done on three floors of the premises.
And it is through Hubbard's books that the "thetans," or converts, are
taught. And taught they are.
It's almost a bargain basement sale, one follower said.
No one under 13 years of age is admitted simply because they don't have
Adults are permitted to work part-time to pay for the processing and
Discounts are also provided. And if a "thetan" doesn't like a course, he
can get his money bakc. So far, no one has asked for it.