Subject: Re: OT material stolen from LRH? From: (David Mayo) Date: 1996/04/18 Message-Id: <4l5r9p$> Sender: Organization: Art Matrix - Lightlink Electra Gateway v2.4 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Dick Cleek wrote: >Debra Milner wrote: > >> > 7. Any Sea Org member contacting any of them is to use Auditing Process >> > R2-45. >> >> What is "reverse process" and "Auditing Process R2-45"? And what >> would it have done to those listed? > >The R2-45 process has never been published openly to my knowlege. It has >been reported by ex-scienos to refer to the use of a .45 automatic pistol >to remove "suppressive persons". In answer to your second question, it >would have left a hole about xxxx this big, going in. > >____________ >Dick Cleek Dick Cleek's answer regarding R2-45 is correct. "Reverse processes" means running Scientology processes, backwards. The idea is that if these processes run correctly, improve a person, then running those processes "backwards" would make that person worse. In that "Ethics Order" you were questioning, Hubbard was stating that these persons should have his techniques "used backwards" on them so as to make them worse. You may think it strange that ordering R2-45 and "reverse processes" would appear on an order called an "ethics" order; is that not an UNETHICAL Order? Yes, I think so, too. I was accused of having "run processes backwards" before [they kicked me out | I escaped after six months of captivity] -- depending on who is telling the story. Who did you say wrote that "Ethics Order"? You ask very good questions. You should also ask the same questions of the Scientologists, to be fair. Be sure to tell them I sent you and that I know a few of the guys at the top, like Miscavige, Starkey, Spurlock -- a little name dropping -- then post what the response was, here on ars, please. Rev. David Mayo (finger for key) PGP ID: 1024/4D5EE559 1996/01/04 David Mayo PGP Fingerprint: 0D 69 92 87 79 2F 38 72 FE 03 CE 51 31 D5 6D E9 "So many have fallen, yet so far left to go." *******************************************************************************