FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST CLASS IV - HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR (HAA) CASE SUPERVISOR COURSE - PART 12/14 ************************************************** This is the Class IV Case Supervisor Course (HAA) Course Pack as issued and delivered in the 1975 - 1976 time frame. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. NOTE: With the following exceptions, all documents are reproduced exactly as issued. All italicized or bold characters and underlines have been omitted from this reproduction. Only minor spelling errors have been corrected. If you have questions about the content of an individual issue please refer to the Tech or OEC Volumes (which were posted previously) for clarification. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association - Unit 21 ************************************************** ===================== 071. HCOB 20 Feb 1970 Floating Needles and End Phenomena HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 FEBRUARY 1970 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIII Che cksheet FLOATING NEEDLES AND END PHENOMENA Now and then You will get a protest from preclears about "floating needles". The preclear feels there is more to be done yet the auditor says "Your needle is floating" This is sometimes so bad that in Scientology Reviews one has to Prepcheck the subject of "Floating Needles". A lot of by-passed charge can be stirred up which ARC Breaks (upsets) the preclear. The reason this subject of floating needles gets into trouble is that the auditor has not understood a subject called END PHENOMENA. END PHENOMENA is defined as "those indicators in the pc and meter which show that a chain or process is ended". It shows in Dianetics that basic on that chain and flow has been erased and in Scientology that the pc has been released on that process being run. A new flow or a new process can be embarked upon, of course, when the END PHENOMENA of the previous process is attained. DIANETICS Floating needles are only ONE FOURTH OF THE END PHENOMENA in all Dianetic auditing. Any Dianetic auditing below Power has FOUR DEFINITE REACTIONS IN THE PC WHICH SHOW THE PROCESS IS ENDED. 1. Floating needle. 2. Cognition. 3. Very good indicators (pc happy). 4. Erasure of the final picture audited. Auditors get panicky about overrun. If you go past the End Phenomena the F/N will pack up (cease) and the TA will rise. BUT that's if you go past all four parts of the end phenomena, not past a floating needle. If you watch a needle with care and say nothing but your R3R commands, as it begins to float you will find: 1. It starts to float narrowly. 2. The pc cognites (What do you know-so that's....) and the float widens. 3. Very good indicators come in. And the float Sets almost full dial, and 4. The picture, if you inquired, has erased and the needle goes full dial. That is the full End Phenomena of Dianetics. HCOB 20 February 1970 - 2 - If the auditor sees a float start, as in 1 and says, "I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating," he can upset the pc's bank. There is still charge. The pc has not been permitted to cognite. VGIs surely won't appear and a piece of the picture is left. By being impetuous and fearful of overrun, or just being in a hurry, the auditor's premature (too soon) indication to the pc suppresses three quarters of the pc's end phenomena. SCIENTOLOGY All this also applies to Scientology auditing. And all Scientology processes below Power have the same end phenomena. The 0 to IV Scientology end phenomena are: A. Floating needle. B. Cognition. C. Very good indicators. D. Release. The pc goes through these four steps without fail IF PERMITTED TO DO SO. As Scientology auditing is more delicate than Dianetic auditing, an overrun (F/N vanished and TA rising, requiring "rehab") can occur more rapidly. Thus the auditor has to be more alert. But this is no excuse to chop off three of the steps of end phenomena. The same cycle of F/N will occur if the pc is given a chance. On A you get a beginning F/N, on B slightly wider, on C wider still and on D the needle really is floating and widely. "I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating" can be a chop. Also it's a false report if it isn't widely floating and will keep floating. Pcs who leave session F/N and arrive at Examiner without F/N, or who eventually do not come to session with an F/N have been misaudited. The least visible way is the F/N chop, as described in this session. The most obvious way is to overrun the process. (Running a pc after he has exteriorized will also give a high TA at Examiner.) In Dianetics, one more pass through is often required to get 1, 2, 3, 4 End Phenomena above. I know it said in the Auditor's Code not to by-pass an F/N. Perhaps it should be changed to read "A real wide F/N". Here it's a question of how wide is an F/N? However, the problem is NOT difficult. I follow this rule - I never jolt or interrupt a pc who is still looking inward. In other words, I don't ever yank his attention over to the auditor. After all, it's his case we are handling, not my actions as an auditor. When I see an F/N begin I listen for the pc's cognition. If it isn't there, I give the next command due. If it still isn't there, I give the 2nd command, etc. Then I get the cognition and shut up. The needle floats more widely, VGIs come in, the F/N goes dial wide. The real skill is involved in knowing when to say nothing more. Then with the pc, all bright, all end phenomena in sight (F/N, cog, VGIs, erasure or Release, depending on whether it's Dn or Scn) I say, as though agreeing with the pc, "Your needle is floating." HCOB 20 February 1970 - 3 - DIANETIC ODDITY Did you know that you could go through a picture half a dozen times, the F/N getting wider and wider without the pc cogniting? This is rare but it can happen once in a hundred. The picture hasn't been erased yet. Bits of it seem to keep popping in. Then it erases fully and wow, 2, 3 and 4 occur. This isn't grinding. It's waiting for the F/N to broaden to cognition. The pc who complains about F/Ns is really stating the wrong problem. The actual problem was the auditor distracting the pc from cognition by calling attention to himself and the meter a moment too soon. The pc who is still looking inward gets upset when his attention is jerked outward. Charge is then left in the area. A pc who his been denied his full end phenomena too often will begin to refuse auditing. Despite all this, one still must not overrun and get the TA up. But in Dianetics an erasure leaves nothing to get the TA up with! The Scientology auditor has a harder problem with this, as he can overrun more easily. There is a chance of pulling the bank back in. So the problem is more applicable to Scientology as a problem than to Dianetics. But ALL auditors must realize that the END PHENOMENA of successful auditing is not just an F/N but has 3 more requisites. And an auditor can chop these off. The mark of the real VIRTUOSO (master) in auditing is his skilled handling of the floating needle. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright ($) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 072. HCOB 5 Dec 1971 Important - End Phenomena HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 5 DECEMBER 1971 Class VII REISSUED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 Auditors (Only change is signature) All Auditors Class VII Course C/Ses Class IV Checksheet IMPORTANT END PHENOMENAS Feeding the pc the End Phenomena of a process or action is illegal and very out-Tech. Example: Auditor asks pc "Since the last session did (stating the E/P)." Or "In this session did (stating the E/P)." This is evaluation for the pc. The pc has to make it himself then he truly makes it. The correct ,way to check to see if a pc has made an E/P (rare as pcs usually tell their auditor their cogs etc) would be to ask "Did anything occur?" or "Since your last session did anything occur?" If the pc then states the E/P or words to that effect, with F/N and VGIs, the process can be terminated or if necessary, rehabbed and terminated. If the pc does not state the E/P the auditor then knows to continue the process. These actions apply very definitely to Power Processing - where earlier HCOBs state the auditor can check to find out if the EP occurred between sessions. Usually sessions aren't ended before F/N, VGIs and E/P on a process. It's easier on the C/S, Auditor and pc to complete a cycle of action in the one session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALLRIGHTS RESERVED This is reproduced and issued to you by The Publications Organization, U. S. ===================== 073. HCOB 21 Mar 1974 End Phenomena HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 MARCH 1974 Remimeo Attn AO Auditors Class VIII END PHENOMENA (Ref: HCO B 20 Feb 1970, Floating Needles and End Phenomena) Different types of auditing call for different handlings of End Phenomena. End phenomena will also vary depending on what you're running. The definition of END PHENOMENA is "those indicators in the pc and meter which show that a chain or process is ended." Misapplication of this definition can result in underrun and overrun processes or actions and the pc snarled up with BPC. TYPES OF EPS In Power Processing the auditor waits for a EP and does not indicate an F/N until he has gotten the specific EP for the process. To miss on this in Power is disastrous, thus Power auditors are drilled and drilled on the handling of Power EPs. In Dianetics, the EP of a chain is erasure, accompanied by an F/N, cognition and good indicators. You wouldn't necessarily expect rave indicators on a pc in the middle of an assist, under emotional or Physical stress until the full assist was completed though. What you would expect is the chain blown with an F/N. Those two things them- selves are good indicators. The cognition could simply be "the chain blew." In Scientology, End Phenomena vary with what you're auditing, An ARC Broken pc on an L-1C will peel off charge and come uptone gradually as each reading line is handled. Sometimes it comes in a spectacular huge cog and VVGIs and dial F/N, but that's usually after charge has been taken off on a gradient. What's expected is an F/N as that charge being handled moves off. In Ruds it's the same idea. When you've got your F/N and that charge has moved off, indicate it. Don't push the pc on and on for some "EP." You've got it. Now a major grade process will run to F/N, cog, VGIs and release. You'll have an ability regained. But that's a grade process on a set up flying pc. HCO B 21.3.74 - 2 - Mistakenly applying the Power EP rule to Ruds will have the pc messed up by overrun. It invalidates the pc's wins and keys the charge back in. The pc will start thinking he hasn't blown the charge and can't do anything about it. In 1970 I had to write the HCO B F/Ns and End Phenomena to cure auditors of chopping pc EPs on major actions by indicating F/Ns too soon. This is one type of F/N abuse which has largely been handled. That bulletin and Power EP handling have been in some instances misapplied in the direction of overrun. "The pc isn't getting EP on these chains as there's no cognition, just 'it erased'" is one example. Obviously the C/S didn't understand the definition of cognition or what an EP is. Another example is the pc spots what it is and F/Ns and the auditor carries on, expecting an "EP." OTs AND EPs An OT is particularly subject to F/N abuse as he can blow things quite rapidly. If the auditor misses the F/N due to too high a sensitivity setting or doesn't call it as he's waiting for an "EP," overrun occurs. It invalidates an OT's ability to as-is and causes severe upsets. This error can also stem from auditor speed. The auditor, used to auditing lower level pc's or never trained to audit OTs, can't keep up with the OT and misses his F/Ns or reads. Thus overruns occur and charged areas are bypassed. This could account for those cases who were flying then fell on their heads with the same problems that blew back again. REMEDY The remedy of this problem begins with thoroughly clearing all terms connected with EPs. This is basically Word Clearing Method 6, Key Words. The next action is to get my HCO Bs on the subject of EPs and also related metering HCO Bs fully understood and starrated. This would be followed by clay demos of various EPs of processes and actions showing the mechanics of the bank and what happens with the pc and meter. TRs and meter drills on spotting F/Ns would follow, including any needed obnosis drills and correction of meter position so that the auditor could see the pc, meter and his admin at a glance. HCO B 21.3.74 - 3 - Then, the auditor would be gradiently drilled on handling the pc, meter and admin at increasing rates of speed including recognizing and indicating EPs when they occurred. When the auditor could do all of this smoothly at the high rate of speed of an OT blowing things by inspection without fumbling, the last action would be bullbaited drills like TRs 103 and 104, on a gradient to a level of competence whereby the auditor could handle anything that came up at speed and do so smoothly. Then you'd really have an OT auditor. And that's what you'll have to do to make them. SUMMARY Overrun and underrun alike mess up cases. Both stem from an auditor inability to recognize and handle different types of EPs and inexpertness in handling the tools of auditing at speed. Don't overrun pc's and have to repair them. Let the pc have his wins. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:ams Copyright ($) 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This is Reproduced and issued to you by The Publications Organization, U. S. ===================== 074. HCOB 12 Feb 1966 The Dangerous Auditor HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo Franchise Staff Auditors Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats Exec Sec Hats THE "DANGEROUS AUDITOR" We long have had a term for an auditor who consistently did things that were upsetting to a pc's case. We call this a "dangerous auditor". There are certain exact specific actions or omissions that make such an auditor dangerous. These are: 1. Breaks the Auditor's Code or ignores it as "only applying in certain cases." 2. Audits past floating needles or directs additional auditing on that process when a floating needle has occurred. 3. Ceases to audit a process before the needle has gone free. 4. Starts a new grade of release without rehabilitation or making sure at least by record that an earlier grade has been rehabbed and was not overrun. 5. Does not locate the right SP on S & D but over or under lists or misses while assessing. 6. Goes on auditing the pc after an ARC Break without caring for the ARC Break (and believes it possible or usual to continue past one). 7. Consistently has hostile and derogatory opinions about his pcs. These are the really dangerous points that make an auditor who does them dangerous. (This list is composed by tracing back upset cases to the errors which made the upset.) An auditor who merely makes the five Gross Auditing Errors is just a bad auditor. (See HCO B 21 Sept 65 "Out Tech".) A dangerous auditor often seems to be quite accomplished, but does the above. On some pcs he seems to get away with it and so will argue the virtue of his approach or violations. But on the next pc he doesn't and has a mess on his hands. A "careful" auditor is not necessarily not dangerous. One doesn't audit carefully. One audits with a relaxed competence that follows the, rules and avoids the errors listed above. There is no compromise for knowing one's business. Most auditors, when they are trained and no longer make the 5 Gross Auditing Errors become very excellent auditors and do a fine job and I am proud of them. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright ($) 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 075. HCOB 10 Nov 1970 C/S Series 21 - C/S Responsibility for Training HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1970 Remimeo All Class VIIIs IMPORTANT Class VIII Checksheet C/S checksheet URGENT ADD T0 CKSHTS C/S Series 21 C/S RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING The C/S is fully and entirely responsible for the ability of his auditors to audit. This has been true for 20 years but it gets neglected. This neglect gives us (a) Flubby Auditing (b) Fad tech. If auditing is flubby it is the C/S who is responsible. In the first place he permitted bad course training without screaming. In the second place he does not persuade or force auditors to correct their tech in cramming after flubs. Since Flubby auditing is the primary reason for no results, an area where tech is bad tends to ride fads or grab "the newest and latest" and hope it will crack cases whereas doing the usual without flubs is what cracks the cases. If I find an auditor whose sessions I am C/Sing has failed to flatten a chain, I assume not that the pc is difficult but that the auditor does not know about (1) only running items that read (2) Multiple Somatics (3) Narrative chains and that his TRs are bad. I spot what it is from the session work sheet and say what it is and order the auditor to cramming (or to be crammed if there is no cramming) on the materials and on TRs always. I cannot C/S with flubby auditors. The pile of C/S folders grows. Any review has to be reviewed and my C/Ses just aren't getting done. If auditors I am C/Sing for are green I can count on a 4+ times increase in my C/Sing time. If my auditors are flubby C/Sing that should require 1 1/2 hours takes 6 1/2 hours. This is by actual timing. I have no objection to working with green or newly trained auditors. BUT IF I DO I TETRAIN THEM. The C/S who accepts an auditor from any course as a trained auditor is an optimist. There are three training stages. A. Course Study, theory and practical. B. Student Auditing. C. Professional Auditing. The C/S has to do with C. When A and B are very poor the job at C is much harder so the C/S Should call it forcefully to attention of Course Supervisors. And then get a fast retrain going under himself. Retraining is an inevitable part of a C/Ses job. No matter how good the course may have been the actual practice of auditing gives the new auditor different importance values. Also his hat has changed from a student hat to a real auditor's hat. As a C/S works with an auditor he trains him. He also may order the new auditor audited. Essentially the C/S has to start the new auditors hat from a "What's it say?" to a "Now I do." HCOB 10.11.70 - 2 - With a whole green crew of auditors I give as a C/S a daily auditors' conference. I make sure my Tech Services is on the ball so auditors get in 5 or 6 hours in 5 or 6 hours, not in 10 or 12 hours while they wait for pcs or go find them. That gives them auditor admin and study time. Then I can have a conference. This conference does not violate any ivory tower as I don't C/S on their data of pcs. I find their questions and get them answered and I give them the reasons behind certain C/Ses. Then daily daily daily I meet any flub with an order to cramming on the material flubbed and on TRs. And I keep their overts pulled. A green auditor with me as a C/S has a very arduous time of it. There is no invalidation. Quite the contrary. The message is YOU CAN AUDIT. YOU CAN GET RESULTS. GET WISED UP AND GET ON WITH IT. One flub, one retrain in cramming. A lot of auditors are around who learned to audit with me as a C/S after their training. In the majority of cases they became fantastic auditors. In some few cases they went elsewhere before they could be fully trained. The magic of it all is simply: 1 flub, 1 retrain in cramming on that point. Mostly I didn't even pull them off the pc. The fuzzy muzzy state of most graduated students needs handing. It is handled by the C/S. The object of a C/S is to handle and improve cases. He can't do that with flubby auditors. So he has to make auditors out of students. If he does he can then achieve his object. If the C/S wears this part of his hat he really wins. He seldom has to unravel anything tough. He just C/Ses and the auditors audit EVENTUALLY. But every new auditor he gets is certain to lengthen the C/Ses working day and lessen his results unless the C/S realizes that there is ON THE JOB TRAINING and gets it done. Training includes the auditors staff hat and his knowledge of tech and qual divisions. This would be true even in a Franchise or the field. They might not have the divisions but they have all the functions! Recently a C/S had to get about 60 people audited fast. She had seven auditors assigned. She did not assure that these auditors were knowledgeable or the courses they had had and she did not wear the training hat of a C/S. She wound up with herself and one auditor doing the whole 60. The excuse was, the other auditors "couldn't audit". It would have been far faster in terms of audited pc-hours to have rapidly crash programmed the seven auditors through a refresher, cleaned up their misunderstoods and overts in a co audit and then, using them, to shove them into cramming on the materials of any flub and TRs for each goof. She would have made seven auditors into stars and she would have gotten the 60 pcs fully audited completely and rapidly with minimal flubs. She would have had 60 Dianetic and Expanded Grade completions, 60 terrific beings AND IN LESS TIME. Morale goes to pot only when auditors do not get results. Her basic error was assuming auditors should be able to audit. This isn't true of any auditor who has not served an apprenticeship under a competent C/S. An auditor who has been auditing 10 years, when he starts to audit for me the first time, I put on my C/S training hat and no matter how good or how poor he was when he began I make him a better auditor, HCOB 10.11.70 - 3 - A C/S who doesn't do this is letting the team down and badly. A C/S who doesn't do this will spend hours daily trying to puzzle out the solution to messes made. A C/S who doesn't do this fills up a field with flubbed cases regardless of his own skill in C/Sing. He is liable to sink into doubt, then treason and blow. The C/S who wears his training hat and does do this leads a smooth life, is respected by his auditors and is valuable beyond gold. To do this a C/S must himself be able to audit and to know his materials well enough to state which ones have to be crammed and never introduce strange ideas. Such a C/S will never have a revolt and will never have to dream something up or ride new fads because he is getting excellent results straight along for a happy org and public. I trust a C/S to do this. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:sb Copyright (C) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 076. HCOB 28 Feb 1971 C/S Series 24 - Metering Reading Items HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 28 FEBUARY 1971 HGC Auditor Cheeksheet Academy Level 0 Checksheet Dn Cse Checksheet FOR LRH COMM COMPLIANCE C/S Series 24 IMPORTANT (NOTE: 0bservation I have recently done while handling a C/S line has resulted in a necessary clarification of the subject of "a reading item or question" which improves order definitions and saves some Cases.) It can occasionally happen that an auditor misses a read on an item or question and does not run it as it "has not read." This can hang up a pc badly if the item was in fact a reading item or question. It does not get handled and exists in records as "No read" when in fact it DID read. THEREFORE ALL DIANETIC AUDITORS WHOSE ITEMS OCCASIONALLY "DON'T READ" AND ALL SCIENTOLOGY AUDITORS WHO GET LIST QUESTIONS THAT DON'T READ MUST BE CHECKED OUT ON THIS HCO B IN QUAL OR BY THE C/S OR SUPERVISOR. These errors come under the heading of Gross Auditing Errors as they affect metering. 1. An Item or Question is said to "Read" When the needle falls. Not when it stops or slows on a rise. A tick is always noted and in some cases becomes a wide read. 2. The read is taken when the pc first says it or when the question is cleared. THIS is the valid time of read. It is duly marked (plus any blow down). THIS reading defines what is a reading item or question. CALLING IT BACK TO SEE IF IT READ IS NOT A VALID TEST as the surface charge may be gone but the item or question will still run or list. 3. Regardless of any earlier statements or material on READING ITEMS, an item does not have to read when the auditor calls it to be a valid item for running engrams or listing. The test is did it read when the pc first said it on originating HCOB 28.2.71 - 2 - it or in Clearing it? 4. That an item or question is marked as having read is sufficient reason to run it or use it or list it. Pc interest, in Dianetics, is also necessary to run it, but that it did not read again is no reason to not use it. 5. When listing items the auditor must have an eye on the meter NOT necessarily the pc and must note on the list he is making the extent of read and any BD and how much. THIS is enough to make it a "reading item" or' "reading question". 6. In Clearing a listing Question the auditor watches the meter NOT necessarily the pc and notes any read while clearing the question. 7. An additional calling of the item or question to see if it read is unnecessary and not a valid action if the item or question read on origination or Clearing. 8. That an item is marked as having read on an earlier Dianetic list is enough (also checking interest) to run it with no further read test. 9. To miss seeing a read on an origin or clearing is a Gross Auditing Error. 10. Failing to mark on the list or worksheet the read and any BD seen during pc origination or clearing the question is a Gross Auditing Error. EYESIGHT Auditors who miss reads or have poor eyesight should be tested and should wear the proper glasses while auditing. GLASSES The rims of some glasses could obstruct seeing the meter while the auditor is looking at the worksheet or pc. If this is the case the glasses should be changed to another type with broader vision. WIDE VISION A good auditor is expected to see his meter, pc and worksheet all at one time. No matter what he is doing he should always notice any meter movement if the meter needle moves . If he cannot do this he should use an Azimuth meter and not put paper over its glass but should do his worksheet looking through the glass at his pen and the paper - the HCOB 28.2.71 - 3 - original design purpose of the Azimuth Meter. Then even while writing he sees the meter needle move as it is in his line of vision. CONFUSIONS Any and all confusions as to what is a "reading item" or "treading question" should be fully cleaned up on any auditor as such omissions or confusions can be responsible for case hang ups and needless repairs. NO READ Any comment that an item or question "did not read" should be at once suspected by a C/S and checked with this HCO B on the auditor. Actually non-Reads, a non-reading item or question means one that did not read when originated or cleared and also did not read when called. One can still call an item or question to get a read. That it now reads is fine. But if it has never read at all, the item will not run and such a list will produce no item on it. It is not forbidden to call an item or question to test it for read. But it is a useless action if the item or question read on origination by the pc or clearing it with him. IMPORTANT The data in this HCO B, if not known, can cost case failures. Thus it must be checked out on auditors. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 077. HCOB 5 Mar 1971 C/S Series 25 - The New Fantastic HGC Line HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS 0FFICE Saint Rill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HC0 BULLETIN OF 5 MARCH 197 THE NEW FANTASTIC HGC LINE (A marvelous new C/S Auditor line has just been Piloted in for HGC's.) In the new C/S line the Auditor, in his Admin time at the end of the day, or when he has no preclears, does Folder Error Summaries or Progress and Advance Programs for his pcs and does the C/S form for the Tech C/S as well as adds the day's process and the length of the session and amount of Admin time on that folder to the inside front cover of the folder, with the process run and result. If his programs and C/Ses are acceptable to the Tech C/S, the auditor gets full Well Done Auditing Hour credit on his stat. The Auditor logs his sessions for the day in the general HGC Auditor's log and his Admin time is also logged. This Admin time is subtracted from the bought hours of the pc where auditing is sold by the hour. Where auditors are so engaged and the new folder routing line is in use, this C/S form is used: Full blank page. Pc's Name (Red) Date Auditor's Name (Red) Class of Auditor required next Sess. (Session Grade) left blank Auditor's comments (Red) or think about the case if he wishess. The next C/S 1. ____________________ Blue ____________________ Blue ____________________ Blue ____________________ Blue Auditor Signature (Red) The auditor does not grade his own session. He leaves this blank. HCOB 5.3.71 - 2 - The correctly admined folder is then given to Tech Services which routes it (usually with the auditors other folders for the day) to the C/S. The C/S looks it over (it is HIS final responsibility for the case being run right). The C/S looks to see if the Examiner form taken by the Examiner at session end F/Ned. If it did not he leaves the grade line blank as it is a no Grade session (see F/N and well done hours) as the auditor gets no hour credit for the session. If the C/S and other admin is ok he OK with his initial in the session grade space. If none of it is okay he leaves it blank and does the C/S form or program completely new. In this last case he enters a subtract figure in his log for the auditing time for the week against that auditors name. If the Exam form F/Ned but the Admin is not okay and the session actions were not okay the C/S writes "Well Done by Exam" on his own new C/S in its proper place and ignores the form and subtracts the Admin time in his book to subtract the Admin from the auditors weeks stat. If the session was not okay with no F/N at Exams yet the Admin and next C/S are ok, the auditor loses the session time in the C/S but gets the Admin time credited to his weeks stat. The C/S subtracts the session time in his book, not the Admin time. Of course, as we hope is usually the case, if the auditor did the C/S, did a correct session got an F/N at Exam and did the Admin and next C/S is correct, then the C/S marks "Very well done" in the blank space for session grade with his initial. After inspection, this would be the sole action of the C/S regarding that folder. By the C/S writing in the session grade (Very well done, well done, okay, flunk, to cramming.) the auditor is receiving acknowledgement for his work and is not just acking himself. THE NEW LINE The Ideal Folder - C/S line can shift the number of well done hours from a ceiling of 250-300 to 600-800 with one C/S. No matter how many auditors an org has, older lines put a 250-300 top ceiling on the org's well done hours. When hours could go above 600 due to the available auditors, (20-30) a new parallel line has to be manned by a new C/S, new D of P and another Examiner and more Tech Services personnel. Despite how hard the C/S and anyone else in tech works, a line not so run will ceiling at about 250 hours, no matter how many auditors are hired. HCOB 5.3.71 - 3 - A C/S using the old lines can C/S for about 5 working auditors only with the line running any old way. And even so will work himself half to desth. In trying to get pcs handled, auditors will be added. The C/S will not be able to handle his job. The line, being faulty, gets pegged at about 250 hours no matter how hard the C/S and Admin people work. With the same C/S and Tech Services people, and a correct new line 24 to 30 Auditors will be kept busy at their 5 hours a day {given auditing rooms) and the stat will be able to rise to 600 to 800. NEW SEQUENCE 1. Auditor picks up his pc folders and his pc schedule list at Tech Services at the start of his day from the LEAVING rack. 2. Tech Services (having a duplicate list) begins sending pcs to him (using Tech Pages). 3. The Auditor gives the session. 4. The auditor leaves the folder in the Auditing room at session end and takes the pc to the Examiner. 5. The Examiner simply does the Exam form on a meter with no folder. He sends the Exam form (hand route) to Tech Services. 6. The Auditor returns at once to his auditing room and a Tech Page has a pc there waiting for him. 7. Having done all his pcs for the day, the Auditor carries his folders to the Auditor Admin Room. 8. Tech Services has placed the Exam forms in the Auditor Admin Room and sees they get into the auditors basket and the folder. 9. The Auditor does the complete Admin of the session. 10. The Auditor does any program needed for future sessions. 11. The Auditor C/Ses the folder for the next session. 12. The auditor marks in a box (2 columns) on a sheet stapled to the inside front cover the process, the Exam result, the session time and the Admin time he has just put in. 13. The Auditor hands his completed folders in to Tech Services. HCOB 5.3.71 - 4 - 14. Tech Services gets the folders to the C/S using a Folder Page who comes on late and works the C/Ses hours. 15. Fed the folders rapidly by the Folder Page who is standing in the C/S area, the C/S does his C/S work. If the Folder Page is fast, removing folders and putting the new one in, chasing up data and other bits for the C/S, the time of C/Sing even when done very carefully will be found to average 3 to 5 minutes a folder even when some require full programming, (but not FESing). This makes a ceiling of about 100 folders (sessions) a day for the C/S, an output of 30 auditors. Needless to say the C/S and the auditors have to know their business and Qual Cramming is used extensively both for new material and for flubs both in auditing and C/Sing by Auditors. 16. The Folder Page gets the folders over to the D of P office preserving the piles per auditor as much as possible The C/S posts the data he wants auditors to know or do on the AUDITORS BOARD of the Auditing Admin Room. He turns in his Cramming Orders into the D of P basket. This finishes his action s. Where there is a senior Review C/S there is a hot spur line from the C/S to the senior C/S and back to the C/S. This is not necessarily an instant line. It can be a 12 hour lag line. In orgs where a C/O or Exec Dir or Product Officer or Org Officer is also a very skilled C/S this hot line would probably be in. New tech in use, fantastic completions and utter dog cases nobody can make anything out of go on this senior C/S hot spur line. There are very few of these, only two or three a day in a very busy org. The senior C/S "does" these and sends them back to the C/S. They are then sent on as usual to the D of P. 17. The Director of Processing comes on duty very early. The C/Sed folders will all be there. The D of P has assignment master sheets that are kept up by the D of P. The D of P does the day's schedules, a list for each auditor. The lists preferably have a few too many pcs on them. The D of P can tell what Class of Auditor is required for the next session because the auditor has marked it in in the upper right hand corner of the C/S for the next session. When the D of P has the lists done the folders are placed in the "leaving" rack of Tech Services and Tech Services, now up and about, is given the lists and gets to work on the scheduling board, moving the names about to agree with the lists. HCOB 5.3.71 - 5 - Tech Services does any room shifts or handlings at this time. 18. The D of P now goes to the Auditor Admin Room and begins to muster auditors from her muster list as they come in and gets them over to Tech Services. 19. A Cramming personnel Will be in there trying to get any crammings scheduled. 20. Tech Services hands out folders (which are in neat piles for each auditor) and schedules to the auditors as they turn up and handling any arguments or shifts in sequence. 21. Tech Pages are on phones or running to round up pcs and get them going to sessions, which work continues all day. 22. The D of P interviews any hung up or curious pcs or as requested by the C/S or gets new auditors or keeps up Admin. This goes on until the C/S comes in when the D of P Is off. 23. The auditor picking up his folders begins the cycle all over again at (1) above. ABOVE 600 When the well done hours go above 600 a week, A WHOLE NEW HGC is put in duplicating the first, with its own C/S, D of P, T/S, auditing rooms and Auditor Admin Room. It would be HGC Section Two or HGC 2 with the original being HGC1. A special second cramming would have to be provided in Qual for it. At first they would share new hours and build up independently. More HGCs are added to the Department at each multiple 600 wd hours. SENIORS The two chief Seniors in the area are the C/S (for tech) and the D Of P (for auditors and bodies). It is the D of P who must see that auditors exist and are on post. It is Tech Services who sees pcs are rounded up and audited. The D of T/S is actually in charge of pcs and all folder files and all board keep up work. The D of P should have some tech training. The D of T/S need not have any. The C/S of course is the Tech Expert and should be an HSST. HCOB 5.3.71 - 6 - If there are no auditors it is the D of Ps neck. If there are no C/See it is the C/Ses neck. If there are no folders it is the D of T/Ses neck. And if there are no auditing rooms it is the D of T/SOS neck. If signed up scheduled pcs don't get to session it Is the D of T/Ses neck. If there are no NEW pcs it is the D of Ps neck who should begin to shoot Dissem Secs and registars and procure new pcs on a by-pass for the org. From this a table of seniors and duties can be made. CRAMMING You will notice no pcs are Sent to Review on this new line. Review actions are done in Tech as a patch up in Tech. The Qual Sec is responsible for overall tech quality BUT DOES IT BY CRAMMING C/Ses or Auditors. Thus Cramming is a busy street. Cramming must be good, cheek outs excellent. If an auditor doesn't grasp a C/S he has received he gets help from Cramming. Auditors new to the HGC are given a fast hard grooving in in Cramming or a Qual Interne Course (New Auditors never audit until grooved in.) Tech will be as good as the Cramming Officer can cram. This line is grooved in by the HAS and kept in by Qual. Or if there is no Qual, it is kept in by the HAS who will find no Qual very embarrassing. DUMMY RUN The line should be dummy run by folders, "pcs" and auditors until they understand it. People are often totally unaware of lines and get very sloppy. Thus this line has to be drilled hard on old and new tech personnel. All must know this exact line. It is a good line. HCOB 5.3.71 - 7 - Fully in, it raises the well done hours stat from 250 per week maximum at total overload to an easy 600 to 800. Auditors must audit, five hours a day, 25 minimum per week of well done hours for any bonus to be paid at all. In the SO they get no pay at all much less bonuses if short on their 25. Tech Services and an unenergetic D of P or a bad Dissem Sec end Registrar set up can cause a no pc situation. And often do unless pushed. But counting FESes and Admin in on an auditors wd time helps slack periods to even out. And one auditor can FES and program folders for others or from files if he is left adrift and short-timed by the D of P or D of T/S or until the Tech force the Dissem Div and Distribution Div to really get on the ball and wear their hats on pc flow. PROCUREMENT The D of P has always had new pc procurement responsibility when all else failed or even when it didn't. Old folders for example, are a marvelous source of new auditing repairs and Intensives. An FES done on an old folder and a letter to "come in and get audited before you fall apart" is excellent pc procurement, usually neglected by Registrars. Any procurement by a D of P is legitimate. Auditors who have no pcs can write procurement letters and have for 20 years. SUMMARY This is a beautiful line. It has been piloted hard. It will serve as well as it is checked out, drilled in and used. This line is the key to affluence from pcs alone. {But if the org isn't training auditors heavily, you'll soon have no auditors to be on it and the org will not gain its high income low cost cushion from training.) This line is the answer to really getting auditing done in an area. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHT RESERVED =====================